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The Clans of the Burning Continent: The clans of the burning continent are many and all vie for control of it using all they have at their disposal. Each has an animal as it's representation, a personification of what traits they value.
The North people: The native inhabitants of the northern islands beyond the tip of the burning continent have long been lorded over by their fire continent neighbors. They largely resent this rule and try desperately to retain what little remains of their ancient culture.
The Desert people: Much of the western part of the burning continent is dominated by barren dune-seas and wind swept badlands. The people who call this home are culturally distinct, and with the empire of the burning continent gone, they have once again attained their independence. The nomadic people who call this place home have their lands, but for how long?
The Monasteries: All over the the burning continent, and even the western lands beyond the sea, monasteries pop up, devoted to their local god. These monasteries often act as safe places for poor communities, and must protect themselves from bandits, so they arm themselves. Existing beyond the purview of the local lords, they are mistrusted by nobles, and some go into open conflict with these religious conclaves for challenging their rule... sometimes the lords are not entirely unjustified too.
The Golden Khanite: Beyond the sea, and beyond the vast wall of the Last Dynasty, the Golden Khan, the god slayer, sits upon their throne. Their just but tyrannical rule is feared and respected from there, all the way across the world. Their size knows no bounds. Their eye sits upon the Dynasty for now, but when will it's gaze turn elsewhere?
The Last Dynasty: The oldest empire on this side of the Golden Khanites step, The Last Dynasty fights despritly to retain it's crumbling but formidable power.
The Pirate Kingdoms
The Cult of the Burning Brand
The Gaijin

Most all animals fallow Avatar the last Airbender conventions of being the mixture of two normal animals. All Zodiac animals remain the same as the chinese zodiac, which may seem a little weird. Which is good because that's the intention. Creatures like kitsune are the same, staying normal foxes. Well, normal for a kitsune.


Beige: Deserts and badlands.
Gray: Mountains and Highlands
White: Tundra.
Light Green: Grassland
Orange: Burning lands and firemountains.
Medium Green: Forests.
Deep Green: Jungles and Rainforests.
Gold: Urban and Metropolitan areas
Purple: Swamps and marshes.
Blue: Oceans and other large bodies of water.
Stars: Stars represent the home territory to a faction's capital.

Social Class​
Kami: Kami are beings who act as protectors and deities of regions. It is not uncommon for Yōkai to become Kami for some places
Other: Others are beings who are otherworldly and often monstrous. They are at best mistrusted, and usually feared. Creatures like Oni, Kitsune and other Yōkai are usually classed as Other.

Sword Saint

Fire Worshipers

Gender exists on a spectrum, and that is an accepted fact in most parts of this world. Feel free to go into detail on how your character feels about their gender identity should they have any particular feelings about it. This would also be the place to put your biological sex should that differ from your gender identity.

Sexuality exists on a spectrum similarly to gender, and most sexualities are fairly acceptable in common society. Should your character have any preferences on your orientation and feelings about your orientation, this is where you would talk about it.

Examples of Advantages would be your particular martial arts, your wealth, your conventional beauty, your ability to change your appearance, multiple territories, or some form of magic, just to name a few. When in a contest, you may invoke your applicable Advantages to give pluses to your dice roll. Multiple territories won't do much in the way of pluses, but it will give you an additional territory should you be a landed Daimio.
A disadvantage might be your recklessness, your social class, a curse that has been put on you, or a bum leg, just as some examples.If you allow someone else to invoke one of these on a contest, it gives you a negative on the contest roll, however you get a Advancement Point.
Once you gain 5 advancement points you may make a scene that will give you a permanent Advantage or Disadvantage. You start with up to 6 advantages and disadvantages. You can have up to 8 advantages and 8 disadvantages.


Territory Name
General Resources​

Specialty Resource: Every area starts with one or two specialty resources (two if a player's starting county, one if it is an NPC's or a player's secondary county). One could be river access, or maybe ocean port. Or it could be a tangible export like mercenaries or glass.
Cultural Uniqueness: Every area starts with one cultural uniqueness. This describes something they are known for as people, like hospitable hosts or cutthroat thieves.
Terrain: Terrain is the type of landscape they have on the map.

Taking a territory test allows you to target part of your territories against someone else's, enters you both into conflict, as well as allowing you to descriptively. Whichever loses the test gains a temporary minus one, which lasts until all parties declare the conflict over, or until it is taken over by someone else due to their being no resources left. You may add your Specialty Resource or Cultural Uniqueness as a bonus should it be applicable to the context.
You can roll to attempt to mend one of your general resources by rolling against it's current score +4. This does not count as a contest. You may add Specialty Resources and Cultural Uniqueness if applicable to how you flavor your roll. If you succeed, you reduce the negative counters on that resource by one, if you fail you gain a -1 to a random resource. Resources can not go below -1.
Every time you make a territory test you gain a Territory Point. You can spend one Territory point to substitute a territories general resources with another for one roll. You may spend three to improve a territory with a scene, and give a plus to a territory resource in one of your territories. You may also spend one territory point t

~An example of a conflict
A lord wants to build a castle, so they test their wealth against a neighbor's population to buy enough supplies and skilled labor to begin the project. The neighbor rolled higher, thus the lord didn't get a particularly good deal. Both parties are fine with this outcome, and decide to let the conflict end there. However another person, a rival to the lord, decides they can take advantage of this and begins a conflict using their population and cultural uniqueness: bloodthirsty bandits against their wealth, the rival promising much loot should their people raid merchants and villages of the lord . The rival beats the lord
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This isn't entirely representative of the world or the story. The names and format will be changed as time goes on and as I get feedback. The world will be fleshed out allot as people are introduced into the world. The game mechanics too are up for change and growth. So yeah ^v^
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This sounds amazing. I'd love to play a kami.

Social Class
Your social class is your standing in society. This can be based on your ethnicity, upbringing as well as lineage. It need not define, you are your own individual, however the world will expect you to fit within it's bounds and will fight against you when you try to stray away.

Your profession describes your skill set, as well as how you apply it to daily life.

Your religion describes your beliefs on life, it's meanings, and other higher mysteries, as well as to what magical beings may hold sway over you or be given credence by your prayer and sacrifice.



You have 6 points to spend on both advantages and disadvantages. Make sure you take some disadvantages, otherwise you can't get any new advantages or points for other things!

Describe your character's personality, and the things that are important to them.

What drives your character? What do they want to achieve, and by what means?

Describe your looks in some detail and add a picture if one suits them.
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Quite interesting! I'm definitely interested. What kind of races would we be permitted to play, assuming there are restrictions?
Quite interesting! I'm definitely interested. What kind of races would we be permitted to play, assuming there are restrictions?
There are some. Your welcome to play anything that you would find in japanese folklore, and human person. There aren't really "races" in the dungeons and dragons sense that way. But yeah, build yourself CS and we can talk about who you are ^u^. As far as what nationality or faction you could come from, any that are listed should work. Also if you have any ideas, they might be worth mentioning.
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