Kingdom Come (Kingdom Keepers/Epic Disney Reboot See Inside for Details)

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Is "Kingdom Come" a good enough title, or should we go with one of these?

  • "Kingdom Come" is perfectly fine!

    Votes: 8 57.1%
  • Let's go with "Kingdom Come: The Last/Final Story"!

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • How about "Kingdom Come: Hail to the Horned King"

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • I like "Kingdom Come: Walt's Champions"

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • I hate "Kingdom Come" in all it's forms, let's just change the name altogether!

    Votes: 2 14.3%

  • Total voters


The One True Pibbles
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
Ah, hey there, pal. It's certainly good to see ya, although I wish it could'a been under better circumstances.

But since you're here, that means ya've answered my call for help... Right?

Oh... I see. Ya don't know what happened. Come on, walk with me. I'll show ya why ya're here, and perhaps, ya'll understand what ya must do.

Now, believe it or not, this dreary wasteland was once a place of pure imagination.

A place where dreams and fantasies came to life.

Where heroes triumphed over dark lords.

Where True Love saved the day time and time again.

Where adventure was high and the thrill of discovery, abundant, at every turn.

Where just one happy little thought could make great things happen.

Where, even in the darkest times, hope, still thrived.


Until darkness had it's day.

So, with that, I got this ta say; Welcome, pal, to the Happiest Place on Earth.


Welcome... To the Wasteland.




Welcome, one and all, to Kingdom Come, a semi-reboot of a plot I had previously run on this site a while back known as "Epic Disney".

The premise was that the imagination filled and cheerful lands within the Realm of Disney (the worlds of the films/television shows, which are connected via invisible pathways which can be accessed by special portals, similarly to the Kingdom Hearts method of travelling from world to world) have been attacked by the Villains, who have returned from Hades' Underworld to seek vengeance upon the heroes of the land. Leading the attack is the Horned King (from 1985's "The Black Cauldron"), who managed to acquire the unlimited dark powers of Chernabog (the literal "Disney Devil") for himself, allowing the demonic figure to resurrect the villains and lead them to victory in a surprise attack against the heroes of the land. Now spread thin and with their resources limited, the heroes must seek out a way to combat the dark threat to their homes, all while trying to determine a way to defeat the Horned King now that he has the powers of a god.

This RP will follow that same idea, with the characters taking up roles of the remaining heroes/sidekicks who seek to end the Horned King's rule, HOWEVER, there's gonna be a few changes, for anyone who was previously involved with the original RP (or if you're just joining us now).

The changes to the format will be as follows;


1.) The IC will start 2 Years after the villains initial assault on the Magic Kingdom. Because of this, some characters on both sides (heroes and villains) are either dead or missing; having been killed in combat, died of natural causes, or simply vanished without a trace. As well, some characters may have switched sides (either heroes who were corrupted by the Horned King's influence over the land, or villains who decided to turn against the Horned King for their own reasons, etc). Now, by the time the OoC is made, I'll have a proper list of dead/missing characters so you know who you can play and who you cannot, but I have a few ones here already since I have their stories already figured out;
Missing/Dead Heroes

    • Mickey Mouse - Missing
    • Minnie Mouse & Daisy Duck - Dead
    • Yen-Sid - Dead
    • Hercules & the Olympians (Zeus, Athena, etc) - Dead
    • Aladdin & Genie - Aladdin is dead, Genie is Missing
    • Princess Kita (Atlantis: The Lost Empire) - Missing
    • Jack Skellington (The Nightmare Before Christmas) - Missing
    • Peter Pan & the Lost Boys - Dead
    • The Incredibles (all of them) - Dead
    • Taran (The Black Cauldron) - Dead
    • Wart/King Arthur (The Sword in the Stone) - Dead
    • The Beast and Belle - Dead
    • Cinderella, Princess Aurora, and Snow White - Missing
    • Any Marvel/Star Wars characters (they were never in the RP to begin with, so it's best to keep them out of it now since we're focusing on core Disney properties, with Pixar being an obvious exception).
If there's a character who wasn't on this list, than feel free to go ahead with playing them.

2.) Although they've been defeated countless times, there is a Resistance group led by Oswald the Lucky Rabbit (Mickey's "Brother") and Princess Jasmine known as "Walt's Champions", who reside in Atlantis; the only world the Horned King's forces have yet to invade. However, the Horned King's regime is constantly on the search for them and the Champions know they have little time until they are discovered. They are comprised mostly of heroes and some villains who turned against the Horned King, but their numbers have dramatically decreased due to the fact the war's been going on for so long.

3.) Contrary to popular belief, not everyone has chosen a side in the war. There are heroes who have chosen not to follow the Champions (sparing them from the wrath of the villains for now), while there are villains who see the Horned King as nothing more than a mad tyrant and continue to live out their lives unaffected by the war. Although multiple recruitment efforts from both sides have been made, no one side has managed to sway the outliers to their cause.

4.) The Horned King's army consists mostly of his "Cauldron Born", which are undead monstrosities brought back thanks to the power of the Black Cauldron. Among their ranks are the 999 "Happy Haunts" from the Haunted Mansion, which are led by the Phantom (Phantom Manor). However, the Horned King also uses the cursed crew members of Davy Jones and Armando Salazar (PotC: Dead Men Tell No Tales), the Huns of Shan Yu, Jafar's Abrabahian Guards, and many smaller villains who work for money/small amounts of power (the Beagle Boys, Judge Doom, etc). One of the biggest power houses at his beck and call, however, is the Phantom Blot, who can produce an unlimited number of 'Blot-lings' to increase the ranks of the Horned King's army ten-fold in a matter of seconds. Due to this constant source of soldiers, the Horned King's regime easily outnumbers Walt's Champions (this was true even when the resistance's numbers were much larger).

5.) The Imagineers/Kingdom Keepers (mentioned below in the 'characters' section) will be arriving as the story begins, seemingly out of nowhere. Given their other-worldly status, they'll be pursued by both Walt's Champions and the Horned King's regime for various reasons.
*wipes brow* Phew!

Okay, so just a few more quick things regarding characters and that'll be it for this interest thread. I know this is a LOT of information to take in, but I'm working on condensing it for the OoC. I just want to make sure everyone's on the right page with this before we start.


1.) We'll still be playing Disney characters, but I'm allowing upwards of THREE "Kingdom Keepers/Imagineers" (OC's from the real world) to be played. Although these characters won't be fulfilling some 'Great Prophecy' within the story, they will be serving as characters carrying on the legacy of deceased/incapacitated heroes (ex. A nerdy girl who needs to find her courage is embed with the spirit of Hercules so she can learn to believe in her strengths and become a hero, or a brash young man who takes himself too seriously gaining the shadow of Peter Pan so he can learn to be free-spirited and have fun again, etc). Think of them sort of like the main characters from Kingdom Keepers, if you've ever read those books (where they are people from our world, but wind up getting wrapped up in this huge Disney adventure). I might be persuaded to add more as the story progresses, but for now, I'm only allowing THREE of these characters (four in total, counting the one I plan to play)

1.5.) As an addition to the character changes, I'm also allowing some REFORMED VILLAINS to be playable characters. Now, due to the nature of some of these characters being good in some media while bad in others (with some having multiple incarnations spread out across multiple Disney media), I've devised a way to have characters who will be available for use by players, but who will also have alternate N.P.C. incarnations.

If you have no interest in playing a reformed villain, than disregard the spoiler below and go to #2.
I know it's the second time I've referenced it, but think back to Kingdom Hearts and the Nobodies. Every person creates a Nobody once they become a Heartless, which is essentially the empty shell of who they once were, but the only way to truly restore their true self is by destroying both their Nobody and their Heartless.

Essentially, we'll have "True" versions of these characters (how they should be under normal circumstances) and "False" versions (how they are/how they've become after the Horned King's regime invaded the land). Typically, False-selves are created by an imbalance of darkness/light in a person's heart, which causes the True-self to split into two separate entities (using a non-Disney reference, think of the Personas from "Persona". They're heightened reflections of a part of their "True"-selves personality they choose to ignore/deny exists).

So to quickly list an example, let's go with Maleficent. Her True-self would be based off her live-action incarnation ("Maleficent"), while her False-self would be based off of her classic version ("Sleeping Beauty"). Her True-self would view (and understand that) the False-self of her as a literal embodiment of the wickedness that once possessed her. As such, Maleficent would understand that she must conquer whatever darkness/need for revenge still buried inside her needs to be conquered before she can properly face her evil doppelganger, otherwise she fears she would succumb to the darkness once again. If someone wanted to play her, her True-self would be available to control, whereas her False-self would be an N.P.C. allied with the Horned King.

On the flipside, we have somebody like Captain Hook. His True-self is the dirty rotten scoundrel we know and love to hate ("Peter Pan"), while his False-self would be the rogue-ish pretty boy who wants to redeem himself ("Once Upon a Time"). In an opposite situation to Maleficent, Captain Hook would want to see out and destroy his False-self for besmirching his 'good name', as Hook would never acknowledge that deep down he wants to be a respectable(ish) man with respectable(ish) goals. Meanwhile, the False-self Hook would be dead-set on repenting for his mis-deeds in an attempt to start anew as a hero rather than a villain. In this case, Hook's False-self would be playable, whereas his True-self would be an N.P.C. allied with the Horned King/on his own.

The same principle will also be applied to Hero characters (both N.P.C. and player-controlled) in specific cases, but 9/10 times their other self (be it their True-self or their False-self), will be an N.P.C.

I don't imagine that becoming a major part of the plot I have in mind for this story, but elements of it will certainly come into play throughout the story. If you have any other questions, feel free to throw them at me!

Also, the examples I listed (Maleficent and Hook) don't have to be like they are here if you wish to play them, they were just random examples. However, if you want to use that for inspiration for your character, by all means!
2.) Although you can have your character(s) start off as being uninterested/unaligned with Walt's Champions, ALL of our characters will eventually join the heroes in their quest to defeat the Horned King. No exceptions.

3.) For the sake of argument, let's keep our cast to characters who primarily reside under the Disney name. This means absolutely NO Marvel/Star Wars characters (as they're owned by their respective companies), or characters created by other companies for Disney (ex. Square Enix owns the rights to everything in Kingdom Hearts except the Disney characters, so don't expect to see Sora or the Heartless show up anytime soon in the story). There are rare exceptions to this rule (ex. Big Hero 6 is technically a Marvel property, but they had a solo debuted film outside the MCU under the Disney name, so they're fine. As well, alternate versions of Disney characters as they appear in games like Kingdom Hearts are fine, like Donald and Goofy, but I'm gonna be pretty strict with this rule so try not to push it).


We're done with all the boring explanation stuff to set up the story and finally, we can get onto the fun part; talking about how excited we are for this, getting a group together (looking for 5-6 players, want to keep this relatively small to start with so it'll be manageable, but I also want people who are gonna be dedicated and won't drop out without warning. I know life gets the better of us sometimes, but even just a 'hey, can you sideline my character' or something if you have a second of free time really helps us all), and picking our characters!

If you've ever done a group RP with me, you'll know I allow players to control up to 2 characters, but if you want to control a third and think you can manage it, PM me and we can talk about it.

Okay, now that everything's said and done, I'll end this off by thanking you for reading through the massive blocks of text before this and hope something's caught your interest!

As for myself, I previously mentioned I'll be taking the role of an Imagineer/Kingdom Keeper, who's powers/abilities will be revealed ICly (since they actually spoil a bit about the plot. Not that my guy is the 'chosen one', but it involves an important character who's supposed to be dead/missing and it's relevant to the first mission our group will go on).

If you're interested, then just post below with your character reservation and feel free to ask me any questions you might have! Be sure to also vote on the name of the RP, I didn't know if what I had was cool enough, haha.
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Could we perhaps play a Disney OC? I would like to bring a Cars OC into it if that's ok.
Could we perhaps play a Disney OC? I would like to bring a Cars OC into it if that's ok.

Would you mind specifying the OC a bit so I can get a feel for who they are? I don't want this to exclusively become an OC led plot, but I'm willing to hear them out
My OC would be female and the car she would be based on is a 2016 Ford Focus RS RX. She would have been competing in Rallycross events in the Cars universe before the Horned King had taken over. Now, she's trying to stay alive, using her car form to try and stay ahead of any attacks the Horned King might threaten the Cars universe with. She would also not currently be aligned with the heroes as she'd just be currently trying to survive.
So what would she bring to the table in terms of abilities/powers? Does she have any combat knowledge, can people use her to get around when she's in her car form, etc?
As per what the writers for Cars say, people would not be able to ride inside of her because her brain and other internal organs are where the main passenger compartment is located. (I am going off the theory that the Cars characters are living creatures with internal organs as well as car parts.)

And abilities is anything that the other Cars characters can do, which is nothing too special. And yes, she does have a bit of combat knowledge.
Can she transform or is she literally just a car?

Sorry I know this isn't a game of 20 questions but I honestly didn't expect having somebody interested in playing a Cars OC, so I'm just trying to get all the details I can to make sure you wouldn't have any problems playing one
It said my name
It said my name

It did, but your name also happened to be the name of the original thread this was based on xD

Are you interested or did you just want to comment about the name thing?
It did, but your name also happened to be the name of the original thread this was based on xD

Are you interested or did you just want to comment about the name thing?
Gotcha. So do you have a character(s) in mind that you might want to play?
Perfect, sounds good to me!

Don't forget to vote on the title as well!
Can she transform or is she literally just a car?

Sorry I know this isn't a game of 20 questions but I honestly didn't expect having somebody interested in playing a Cars OC, so I'm just trying to get all the details I can to make sure you wouldn't have any problems playing one
Have you not watched the Cars movies? :P

No, she cannot transform.
No I have seen the films, I'm just trying to think of a way for a life-sized car to get into some of the situations the other characters might xD

Not everything was built to accommodate motor vehicles, so apart from having her crash through various walls to get into places or running people over to attack them, I'm trying to think of how we can incorporate her while also making sure she isn't left behind/thrown aside because of her size.

Also @~Dark Disney~, did you plan on Moana being the same as she was during her films, or are you gonna take a more "After the Credits" approach to her (ex. She's now the Queen of her island and is more grown up)?
After the Credits?
After the Credits?

What you imagine would become of her after the film ended. Like for instance, all of the Frozen material that was produced after the film showing the cast in situations occurring after the film was over when Elsa is running the kingdom and has her powers under control.
Oh umm probably after the credits
Gotcha. So do you have any questions about the idea/the plot? Now's the time to ask ^^
No I have seen the films, I'm just trying to think of a way for a life-sized car to get into some of the situations the other characters might xD

Not everything was built to accommodate motor vehicles, so apart from having her crash through various walls to get into places or running people over to attack them, I'm trying to think of how we can incorporate her while also making sure she isn't left behind/thrown aside because of her size.
I understand.

As for attacks, someone could make a gun and mount it on her.