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The Astronaut

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Sci-fiction, Science-Fantasy, Romance, Fantasy, Modern, Magical,

The Nobles of Latun gather as the King's son becomes of age. Being dedicated young man, Vadmias vows to learn as much as he can in a foreign land known as the Ikora Empire. Sadly it isn't long into Vadimas' trip at the school that a massive civil war breaks out in the country. Follow Vadimas and his party mates as he learns to be a ruler, a military strategist and eventually return back home as Latun's perfect King.


Vadimas took in his surroundings. This was the first time he was able to enter this room in the castle. The oldest and largest room in the entirety of King's Mirror and it was beautiful. The marble work was exquisite. The elaborate murals on the wall depicting his ancestors and their different gods was just awesome, but the main highlight of the room was the roof. Even though it had to be 60 feet above him he could see it clearly. The constellations above, changing and shifting with every given second. He had always heard rumors of this and he believed it but he never thought it would be as breathtaking as it was. Each time Vadimas looked away it was almost as if the light from the roof followed it way wherever he looked. This would one day be his and he would make sure to protect, just as his father and his father's father had done before.

"My lord, the nobles will be arriving soon along with your highness. Did you want anything before they arrive?" A servant interrupted Vadimas line of thinking.​

"No I'll be fine. Make sure that everything goes perfect out there. I don't need my send off to have any bad energy surrounding it. Understood?"​
He answered back.​

"Of course my lord." The servant rushed off, disappearing behind one of the unseen doors.​

Vadimas stood in the middle of the room shifting his weight between each foot. His hand gripping other hand's wrist behind his back. The servant had reminded Vadimas that he was nervous. Today was a big day for him. He would finally be able to make his passage to the sacred forest and begin his journey to the south. Leaving all he knew and being in a foreign land with people he hardly knew.That was a lot to think of it and it made him uneasy. Thankfully he wasn't filled with that silence for long, before the the drums began to echo in the giant throne room.

"Now introducing the Great Sovereign of the Nation, the Father of Latun, his Lord Highness, Vadimias Aion Ascania, the ninth of his name and her King Vadimias, the Ninth, by the Grace of the Gods King of Land and the Storm, and Defender of Latun and his wife Queen Artemis first of her Name. All may follow in their footsteps as they approach the throne." The announcer shouted startling Vadimas as he stood their, taking a moment to get out of the way of his parents eventual walk to the throne. Followed by all the leaders of the famous houses he knew. Drusus, Claudius, Harcourt, and Esper. Vadimas caught the eye of his Idris Esper, his Aunt and she gave him a small smile before refocusing on the site ahead.

The King and Queen sat in the large silvery throne chairs that was raised on a platform so that everyone that met them had to look up and this was no different. As the many people poured into the room they all lined up in two lines facing each other and Vadimas returned to the center.

"Thank you for all gathering here today." The king spoke as the throne room began to settle down. "Today we are here for my only son's coming to age ceremony. Where he will begin to assume the duties of a real crown prince of the kingdom. This is special to me, thank the Gods that they have allowed me to raise such a fine a man. Who is not only a scholar, but a strong warrior like his ancestors. Today, our ancestors are smiling as a new king will soon usher in the a new age for us in Latun." The King stopped staring directly at Vadimas with a grin and he began to clap, almost on cue the room erupted in applause and then they stopped right when the king did. "My son, are you aware of the tradition?"

Vadimas looked as his father.

"Of course Father. I will return to the sacred forest and I will claim my guardian."

"That's right! This will be no easy task, nothing you will be able to handle. I ask, have you chosen the people that will go with you on this journey?"​

Vadimas immediately rebutted.

"Yes father. I had council with the All Father and he has given me the names."

"Then say them so that they will know their duty."​

"Yes father. The names are, Ermin Drusus, Desdemona Esper, Val Galorian-"
The crowd erupted once again. This time with anger and rejection. Over the wave of rejection you could hear people say, "That piece of shit gets a spot with the prince?!", "They don't belong!", "This is absurd!" before the King shouted.​

"Quiet! This is my child's announcement and you will listen to your future king!" For some reason his shout almost felt deafening. Like someone had used thermatergy on his voice before he spoke. Whatever it was though, it completely silenced the crowd and calmed down Vadimas who was beginning to think that the All Father was wrong for choosing the people he did, but he kept his composure and cleared his thought.

"And finally, Cecil Claudius. These are the name the All Father gave me after three days of prayer."

The mood in the room was dark. Not only had the prince chosen and Esper, but he had also chosen a Galorian which had an awful bias by most people in the kingdom. But the fact that he got a spot over a Harcourt, this would simply just not be due. Before the people could even react the king spoke up once again.

"My son, if this is what Laxesis believes is right, who are we to question them? They're too mighty. All those called gather around my son and the rest besides the four noble family heads can leave."​

Location: King's Mirror -> Throne Room | Mentions: @Iceydaze @jeshem @ValGalorian

Cecil Claudias

Location: Throne Room, Latun
Interactions: None

It was with cool composure that Cecil swept his eyes across the assembled audience, mentally noting with calculated coldness each and every noble who spoke ill of the future king, aided by his sharp Elven senses. Leverage was everything in diplomacy, and in a setting such as this, it was quite the opportunity. He noted with detached curiosity that the heir did not speak up in his own defense, not commanding the authority or respect that the future king of Latun should wield. The names were of interesting note as well. An Esper, Drusus, Galorian, and a Claudias. Interesting that the heirs of three great houses and one disgraced home of royal guards were picked. It was with a bit of doubt that he saw the coincidence of all of them being placed together. He was a tad displeased at being selected, it was of no interest to him whether this heir succeeded or failed their ancient ritual. This boy was nothing more then a nuisance to him, a weak half blood who could not command authority from his own people. In fact, it would be in his interest for the heir to fail. Better to have one of his siblings placed on the throne, at least then they might have someone who commanded more authority. It was expected that no one dared speak up against his own house. Most of those assembled were profiting currently from trade relations with the house of Claudius, and since he had asserted in all of his dealings previous that such benefits could instantly be revoked, he doubted any would have the will to lose money over simple complaints. The choices that the heir had made showed his amateur decision making, risking the relations of other houses by choosing a Galorian and an Esper over another of the older great houses. Even if he shunted the responsibility of the decision off on the gods, it already would hurt him.

As the king finished speaking, Cecil finished his own observations and turned his attention back to the ceremony at hand. While the other nobles filtered out of the throne room, leaving nought but those called and the leaders of the four great houses. Cecil approached the king and prince, following the instructions of the former, and gathered near him. Then he offered a short bow to the king, but not the prince, and stood upright, waiting for the next words that would come.
Ermin at the entrance of his father's chamber, summoned on the morning of the ceremony. His father, Protus Rui'en Drusus, head of the Drusus family, stood before him, facing the other way so that Ermin only saw his back. Servants bustled around the room to dress and prepare their masters for the day's event but though both men of Drusus barely acknowledged their presence.

"You know what today is," spoke Protus. It was not a question, but a statement. Ever since his birth, there were certain expectations set for Ermin and Protus would not have a son who did not meet them. "The prince--"

"Will be leaving for sacred forest. He will name his guardians," finished Ermin. Protus would not have a son who failed him and Ermin was still his son.

"Correct. I have made certain arrangements to...ensure that we will be one of these guardians. Specifically, you."

At this, Ermin could not help but to raise an eyebrow. This certainly was news to him. "Father, my place is here as a guardian of the kingdom, as a Drusus. Not as some escort or caretaker for royalty," he retorted.

"Do not! Lecture me on your place, boy!" Protus sharply said, making everyone in the room, even Ermin, flinch. He quickly regained his composure and returned to a more controlled tone. "Do not mistake this as some sort of punishment, Ermin. No, I chose you for this because I believe you to be the only one worthy of this undertaking." He turned around to face his son, approaching his son and placing his hands the young man's shoulders. "Every test I have put before you, every adversary who threw themselves against you, you have dealt with with a determination and ferocity not seen since my prime." Ermin bowed his head at his father's praise. "The duty of a guardian for the prince is not something to be taken lightly. You have not failed me before, Ermin. You will not fail me now."

Ermin gave a short nod to indicate he understood what his father said. Seeing this, Protus returned back to the center of the room to allow his servants to finish up dressing him before dismissing them with a wave of a hand.

"Very well, you are dismissed as well, Ermin. Go get dressed, we have a ceremony to attend."

Throne Room, Latun

The Drusus, as the defenders of Latun, walked close behind the royal couple as they entered the throne room. While the rest of the nobles around them dressed in extravagant clothings and sparkling jewels for the event, all members of Drusus save for Protus only wore long cloaks decorated with their house's sigil, hiding the armor they wore underneath. Once everybody had settled down, Ermin found himself standing at the front of the crowd near the center of the room. This gave him a good view of the prince who until now he had only seen at formal gatherings.

Esper, Galorian, Claudius. Ermin was not as familiar with the individuals as he was with the actual families. The Esper and Drusus families shared a long history of rivalries and animosity ever since the newer of the two joined the noble houses. Ermin, however, did not empathize with his relatives on this matter. Instead, he had found the Esper family surprisingly easy to work with, even hiring several of them to act as his personal spies and informants in exchange for his protection and limited legal immunity for their more questionable operations.

The Galorian, from what Ermin learned in his history lessons, was a disgraced family. Once a proud family of defenders much like the Drusus, the Galorian family loyally served as royal guards until they failed. Since then, the family had been universally reviled for their failure, as evident by the crowd's reaction upon hearing the prince's announcement. Other than that, Ermin knew little else about the family but he silently resolved himself to never allow Drusus to fail the kingdom like the Galorian.

Finally, the family of Claudius. Not a house of blades and shields, Ermin still considered this family perhaps one of the most dangerous due to their position as the dominant merchants of the kingdom. Alongsides this, they also boasted an extensive political influence that likely expanded beyond the kingdom. To be caught on the wrong side of this family would certainly not be in Ermin's, or his family's, best interest.

Cecil Claudius was the first to go up. Reasonable, as no one would risk earning his family's ire by cutting him. Ermin was the second to approach the royals. If he had any doubts about the royal heir, he did not show it. Instead, he unclasped his cloak, revealing his armor and blade underneath, and handed it to one of his relatives standing nearby. He then made his way up, showing respect to both king and prince with a bow and salute of his own.
Desdemona Esper

High ranking members of the Esper clan assembled beside the other families in the throne room. Desdemona in particular stood up in the front beside the Superior of the Esper house, Faramir Esper. Both stood out from the rest of their house. They dressed in spotless white cloaks lined in gold thread that blatantly contrasted against the sea of dark shades behind them. Unlike the other houses who filled the room with idle chatter, the Espers were silent and still, only clapping when instructed to. While their presence itself was miniscule, there was a unsettling aura about them if one payed close enough attention.

Desdemona herself carried an aura akin to the winter night's chill. Her grey eyes peeked out from behind her thin veil and focused on the crown prince, scrutinizing everything down to the smallest detail. `So this is Vadimus..` He lacked the presence of a ruler and appeared quite soft spoken, something she hoped would change over time. Although she had lived in the palace for the past five years, she had never personally met him. Seeing him now, she was a little disappointed. `He's young.` Based on the way her elders spoke of him, she had expected someone in their early thirties for some reason.

When she heard her name called, her expressionless face betrayed any surprise she felt. She had little opinion of Cecil Claudius or Val Galorian, as she had never had to deal with them or either of their houses often. Ermin however, was another story. The help his house provided was beneficial to her own and she had always found him efficient. It was no surprise to her that he was called forward.

Desdemona hesitated for the slightest moment but refocused and silently made her way forward after Cecil and Ermin. Her head was held high and her gaze was solely focused on the king as she paid no attention to any naysayers in the crowd who continued to grumble about the selection on their way out. She greeted the royals with a proper bow and stood beside Cecil. Although she wasn't particularly sensitive about her height, or lack thereof, standing anywhere near Ermin was like asking to be mocked. Now was not the time to make a joke out of herself.

Throne Room

  • According to Plan
Reactions: jeshem
Val Galorian
Location: Throne Room, Latun.

Family. Duty. Honour. He kept reminding himself. He had been one of those many to protest the names chosen. Why did it have to be him? Now he would have to travel a great distance while guarding this spoiled brat. He had set himself to become a bodyguard to the king, just as his ancestors had done. But it would not be so for him. Not yet, at least. He was tasked with cradling this petulant child as he was handed a kingdom that hewas not yet worthy to rule.

He approached as everyone else filed out of the throne room, arriving before the king fourth and last. Val carefully and slowly bowed to the king. The folds of his blue tunic, bearing the silver and gold family crest, creased as he leaned over. There would be, no doubt, some protest had anyone in his family worn armour or carried a weapon into the throne room.

"My liege," he said softly.

He righted himself back up and took a look at everyone there. He had, of course, heard of all three family houses. Though he knew none of them on a personal level. His time had been better spent studying and training. Focusing his time and honing his edge - so to speak. Each of them looked like they belonged in this court room.
Last edited:
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Vadimas whispered to himself as one after another the people he had chosen came up to him and his father. Flanked by the leaders of the 4 great houses, Vadimas showed a pleasant smile, in all in tenses purpose he appeared quite happy, as he should, today was the beginning of his coming to age ceremony, but he had whispered to himself earlier, he took note of the actions of each person he called up to join him on the journey he was soon to make. I'll address the problem at a better time. He thought to himself as he put his hands behind his back and made eye contact with each leader of the four houses.​

"This will soon be your king."​
The king said, his booming voice filling the hall with echos as he stepped next to his son. It was erie how similar they looked. Besides the obvious traces that Vadimas had gotten from the Espers, he looked like a younger version of his dad. There could be no doubt, they definitely carried the same blood.
"Today like many kings before him, he will embark to the sacred forest in the North. Back to where our family tree began and he will prostrate himself in front of our sacred guardian to take the test that I and you all have taken before nearly 40 years ago. Today we have more life behind us then before us and the future does not wait for old men and women to craft it. So today, I give my blessing for my son to begin to embark on the journey, but I must ask, all of my trusted advisors Does anyone object to Vadimas Aion Ascania the tenth to begin his path ascending to the throne?"He finished his hands held out ahead of him as he looked at each person ahead of him. His hands were rough and thick with calluses and scars from the many battles he had felt in the past.​

This was a trying moment for Vadimas, he knew the next part he would have to answer all the following questions that would pour in about his choices in who he picked to be his partners and if he was really ready to lead and the first question didn't take long. It was from, Protus, a stern hulk of a man who was the Head of House Drusus. Though Vadimas would never admit this outloud, Protus was often a hero of his, as he would come back when Vadimas was born and tell him stories of what his father and him were up to when they were young. "Young Prince, why did you not interrupt the crowd? Why did you let them walk over you, just as the Claudius boy did when he walked up here." Protus had a deep intimidating voice, it seemed to fit the way he looked perfectly. The prince furrowed his brow, taking in the question for a few seconds.​
"The time wasn't right, Lord Commander. You see, if I were to correct, Cecil in front of you and the rest of the court, I would be greatly disrespecting House Claudius. In private, I planned to address it. As well as the crowds are just filled with cowards who pose no real threat. Just angry fools that are stuck in tradition. Did that satisfy your answer, Lord Commander?"​
"It does my prince, but be very wary. As the saying goes, wolves can hide in the flock."​
"Understood my lord. Next question please. "
This of course was followed by none other than the President of the Seventy Cherlindrea Harcourt, who was decked in jewelry and fine linnings. Parts of it even covered her eyes. She looked like the very definition of money, but that's how it always was with them.
"Young prince, for generations upon generations, my family has been right by the side of your ancestors. Ruling with one half war and the other half faith. So I must ask, for the first time in generations, why were we not chosen? We didn't get any messages from any of the Seventy, so have we fallen from your grace?"​
Her voice was angelic, but strong, it was clear that she was climbing in age, but still there was something about it.
"Never!"This wasn't something the Prince needed to think about. He had already had the answer for the question."After prayer I immediately asked the All Father why he had not chosen you, but I was answered back in silence, I took time to think of this and I'm sure father will agree, when it is time for my marriage, I would like to choose someone from your family to unite and strengthen the bond between our families in a way that only a child could do." Vadimas was very confident in his answer an offer to be married into the royal family was something that didn't come too often, the thing was, that was only due to the king's holding themselves back. It wasn't against the law nor the faith to have more than one one wife, and that was something that wasn't lost on Vadimas.​
"Aion, are you sure of that?" The king interrupted clearing his throat a bit. It was definitely an uncomfortable moment for him, as both the head of the Protus, and his wife stared right at him.​
[CENTER]"Of course father, that is, if it's alright with Lady Cherlindrea." He said nodding over to the Harcourt head. "Absolutely. It was about time that the heir of the faith would be the king of this great nation." She answered very quickly, she made sure that the deal was locked down before the king could fully object.​
The king hesitated for a few seconds. Then spoke, "You four, write discuss what you will need on the trip amongst each other. And we will have the servants fetch it for you. My dear friends I ask that you join me in someone wine that we have in the dining hall. " The king clapped his hands together and turned around, followed by the queen, and a full squad of guards accompanied them along with another for the 4 heads as they walked out. Leaving Vadmias and the four that he had chosen for his journey.​

Location: King's Mirror -> Throne Room | Mentions:@IceyDaze @jeshem @ValGalorian@Conman2163
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"Well then, sire," Ermin was the first to speak up after crowd had left. "I suppose we should start with the necessities. We'll certainly need horses, perhaps even a carriage if you wish, rations, tents, bedding, weapons, not to mention another wagon to carry all these supplies."

The heir of Drusus knew that the trip to and from the forest would take several days at least. Taking into account of the time they would spend in the forest as well and the entire trip would take nearly a week. As a Drusus, Ermin's mind naturally went towards concerns such as security and safety. Even if this was royalty traveling, there was no guarantee that bandits and wild beasts would not target the party which meant they had to be prepared. Ermin looked towards the Galorian as he considered this. At least he wouldn't be the only one who knew how to use a sword.

Cecil Claudias

Location: Throne Room, Latun
Interactions: None

It was hard to judge the reaction of the stony faced Cecil Claudius as he looked, unimpressed at the words of the Prince. Despite his words counciling wisdom and patience to wait until private to correct the actions of Cecil, the man had gone ahead and simply mentioned the disrespect in public. Perhaps the prince had some more forethought then Cecil had previously believed, but still, the half breed was quite ignorant of his actions still. Rather then responding or prompting with his own questions, Cecil simply drew a list from his breast pocket, a sign that the perhaps he had been expecting such a thing. On it was the list of everything he would need to travel with the prince to the sacred place. He passed it off to a servant nearby, and his hand rested on the hilt of his family's blade. The weapon that had stood the test of time and had been around in his family for generations, passed on from leader to heir upon their coming of age. It had spilled much blood in service of the kingdom, and was a sign of the family's respect and loyalty to the crown for it to be worn in public. It would have been a sign of disrespect for the weapon not to be worn here. Every heir of Claudias knew how to wield it as well. Perhaps not as well as the other families who were less scholarly then Claudias, but still adept enough to serve in battle.
Val Galorian
Location: Throne Room, Latun.

Typical of a Drusus. Paranoid about security but not truly thinking about it. Rookie mistake to coddle the prince rather than actually protect him.

"That is simple too much to travel with," Val interrupted. "The lighter and faster we travel, then the safer we can keep the Prince. Each of us can carry water provisions, small food rations. Hunting will have to make up the rest of our food. Sleeping rolls, no tents or beds. And certainly no fire."

You can not see further than the flames and yet others can see into your light... Fire was a fine balance between survival and death in the wild and it takes great care to know when to use it and when not to. Val knew how out of line he was. He was expecting to reprimanded for it. But he had been chosen, by their supreme deity, to play a role in this quest. Whatever punishment anyone saw fit would have to wait until afterwards.

Val paused. What was on that paper from Lord Cecil? "With all due respect, my liege. But... May I ask what has been written on that paper?"

Cecil Claudias

Location: Throne Room, Latun
Interactions: None

Cecil looked at the man as if considering an ant who was crawling across the table. A look of detached interest, as if he was deciding whether to crush the Galorian or to allow him to continue along the path he had chosen. Ultimately Cecil gave the man a dismissive wave. "A request to bring the armor and pack that is resting inside of my father's carriage to me, if you must know. Unlike a few, it seems, I come prepared for such eventualities." Then he turned the cold, calculating eyes on him, examining the Galorian for the first time. He wandered just why such a man had called him leige. Certainly it would have been appropriate to call him lord, but Cecil had no authority over this man nor did he have any interest in holding any. "Additionally, I might recommend dropping the "liege" when you refer to me, Galorian, I have no interest in holding sway over you or your lands after all." He then considered Ermin, and his look seemed to convey that his initial assessment was wrong, and he was displeased by this fact. "Ermin Drusus was it? I have to say I agree with Lord Galorian in this matter. The trip is not long, only a week or so, and we have been selected to travel with the Prince on his journey. It seems to me that it would be best to only take what we can carry with horses. This is a trial after all, it is not meant to be some elegant excursion. Of course..." He turned his gaze back to the prince. "It is the decision of the prince, not ourselves. We are but humble guardians."
Desdemona Esper

After the other families departed, it didn't take very long for the meeting to turn sour. Desdemona and the Superior beside her kept to themselves as the others engaged in small disagreements. It wasn't until the prince brought up marriage arrangements that she felt the air beside her take on a bitter chill. Well versed with her Superior's temper, Desdemona didn't even have to turn her head to discover he was far from pleased from the Prince's bold move. Knowing his manner of doing things, he most likely knew it would be stupid to disagree here. If he wanted to place an Esper in the Prince's harem, it would be best to have a discussion with the king himself at a later time.

Instead of worrying too much of the old man's issues, she focused on the silly debate that was going on with the other heirs. Their little antics were amusing at best. A faint smile pulled at the corners of her lips for the briefest of moments before she interrupted in a lighthearted manner. "Ermin, your care for the prince is commendable. If we were to go to war, there is no doubt you'd return with much praise." She paused, a little unsure of how to word the next bit without completely offending him. "However, I must agree with the other heirs on this matter. If we were to over prepare, the journey would be far more dangerous. Naturally a wagon and carriage is out of the question. If we were to take the chance, we may as well paint targets on our backs. I also believe we can survive off the land and fend for ourselves with what we can carry. That is, if the prince is comfortable with this arrangement." Finished saying what she felt, she turned away from Ermin and looked towards Vadimas for his input, as that was the only input that mattered at the moment.

Desdemona personally didn't bother suggesting anything since she was bound to be looked down upon both figuratively and literally as she was the youngest and less experienced of the group. Aware of her own position, she was determined to work with what was before her when the time arose. Thus, she felt it'd be wiser to take note of what the others did and apply her own knowledge to it as well, effectively turning it into a learning experience. As someone more trained in killing a person and caring for her own survival, the task of protecting someone would definitely be a new experience; one she felt she wasn't prepared for in the slightest.

Throne Room
Ermin @jeshem
Vadimas @Wyborn