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poor little meow meow
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. Multiple posts per week
  4. 1-3 posts per week
  5. One post per week
  6. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Evening/Late Night (MST)
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Prestige
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Nonbinary
  3. Transgender
  4. Primarily Prefer Male
High fantasy, modern fantasy, gaslamp fantasy, Anything Fantasy, dark comedy, supernatural, paranormal, psychological, essentially everything except slice-of-life and historical.
This won't be romance focused, but I'm placing the request here in Redstar Connections due to the likelihood of romance/sex occurring. That and I just prefer to roleplay with people over the age of 18!

This would be a lore heavy/world building focused plot, taking place in a steampunk-esque setting. I say steampunk-esque because it also has elements of high fantasy. It's inspired by Ivalice, so there's that. Basically, I have this character here:


who is a sky pirate. In this situation, your character would be a prince who, for one reason or another, really does not want to be a prince. Thus, when he discovers that there are pirates currently docked in his city, he secretly packs his bags, sneaks out of the castle, and hunts down Max. He has one request: 'Kidnap me.'

That's the incredibly basic tl;dr of the plot. I'd love to plot things out further and chitter about the world and our characters and their motives. I have some lore for this world already, but I want to hear your ideas as well! Let's build it together. : )

Having multiple characters is almost an inevitability, but the level of their involvement is up to you. I included 'possibly FxF' because of Maximilian's navigator, Helena. That's something else we can work out together, and certainly not necessary. Just be aware that I do not role-play MxF relationships at all. Nonbinary characters are absolutely fine, but I have -0 interest in writing out straight pairings. There doesn't even need to be a second romantic pairing! I just would like to write with Helena at some point. :-D

Please let me know if you're interested in working something out. I would really love to.

However, please be aware that my health is currently quite poor, and I am also currently knee deep in FFXII Zodiac Age, so I can take a while to reply. I really, really love friendly partners. I'm excitable and often type like an idiot OOC. We will absolutely get along better if you also get excited and type like an idiot OOC. Well, at least the excited part. :-D

Here's some stuff about me, too, just so you can get a better idea as to whether or not we'll get along. (For best results, look at my roleplay resume.)

✤ Right now I am only interested in M/M role-plays. Keep in mind, you will find no yaoi tropes here. I appreciate that my partners stay away from them as well.

✤ I'm forgetful, easily overwhelmed, a ball of anxiety, and suffer from chronic, but seasonally affected depression. Feel free to jab me if you think I have forgotten (because I can guarantee that I'm not ignoring you on purpose).

✤ My posting speed is unpredictable, unfortunately. Depending on the circumstances it can change from multiple posts a day to one or two posts a week. I post updates in my status (and blog) a lot, so keep an eye on that!

✤ I'm a very character driven writer and can sometimes end up writing quite a bit. However, I don't expect you to match my length should things get super long. Please just give me something to respond to, that's all I ask!

✤ I dislike shoving characters into dominant/submissive roles, unless we're talking about a D/S relationship/lifestyle. Likewise, I don't like having to be a 'dominant' or 'submissive' role-playing partner. I like to hear your ideas! I don't want to take the lead on the whole thing. It's collaborative writing for a reason, after all!

✤ I love to chat OOC. I like to make friends. I like to know my partners are as excited about the role-play as I am. I like to find songs that suit my characters and the story. If you like those things, too, I think we'll get along great. :-D

✤ A lot of my boys are on the feminine side. Not all of them, but a lot of them. If this doesn't jive with you, I do have some characters that are more masculine in appearance. But I do enjoy my boys who don't give a fuck about gender roles. :-)

✤ I am much more comfortable role-playing through the forums than I am over private mediums. I'm likely to only agree to PM role-plays if I'm comfortable with you (or I'm otherwise feeling bold and lucky).

✤ I prefer using art for character images, but I'll use real life face claims if that's what my partner is comfortable with.

I'm ditch friendly. I have infinite patience and I will never pressure you for replies. I understand that this is a hobby, and we all have real lives outside of the computer screen. If for whatever reason you're not feeling the role-play any more, that's just fine. I don't mind. I mean, I'd appreciate it if you let me know, but even if you don't, I won't cry.

And what I'm looking for in a partner:

- Someone with a pretty good grasp on English. I'm not requiring literary perfection, but I do ask that you know how to dot your i's and line your t's, and maybe don't switch between tenses in a single paragraph. If you wanna write in present tense, that's cool (I love writing in present tense!), I would just appreciate if you could stay in present tense, y'know?

- Someone patient. Sometimes I can't reply every day. I don't mind a kick in the ass once every week or so, but I get very touchy when someone starts bothering me every day to post. Keep in mind that I have infinite patience, so I will always wait for you (that sounds a bit romantic, doesn't it?). You could come back a year later and ask if I was still interested, and the answer would probably be 'yes'.

Also straight up I just have shit communication skills. I have social anxiety and I'm always scared of upsetting or annoying people. It's something I'm working on, and I don't expect anyone to put up with my shit, but I just want to be up-front so people know ahead of time what they're getting into with me.

- To tie in with the above: someone friendly... 8( I would really prefer someone that is easy to get along with OOC, or else I will become very intimidated by you and it will become hard for me to reply to our role-play, and even harder for me to let you know what's going on. I know this is pretty dumb, but it is what it is. Let's be friends!

- Someone who understands that sometimes a little power playing is necessary to move the story along.

Since this is in the redstar section, I do anticipate romance and sex to pop up, so here's a list of sexy things I enjoy.

For a detailed list, take a look at my House Eros page.

Some things I'm particularly fond of:
  • (Tw)incest
  • Heat/oestrus
  • Knotting
  • Dramatic age differences (no character younger than 16)
  • Hurt/comfort (basically my favourite thing)
  • Monsters/demons/non-humans
  • Bossy/dominant bottoms (esp. in a master/pet situation)
  • Coercion/black mail
  • Begging/desperation
  • Orgasm control/denial
  • Cross-dressing/boys in lingerie

Most important things I do not like:
  • Parent/child incest
  • Anything you would do in a toilet
  • Pony/puppy play
  • Pregnancy/m-preg/children pls no *

Things I'd like to give a try:
  • Daddy kink
  • One sub/multiple doms

That is all. If I haven't scared you away with my nonsense, I look forward to hearing from you!
I'm still looking for a victim partner for this!
Welp, it's about time I stop stalking your writing, and actually make my interest known.
I'm not weird, I swear. Please believe me.
That is if you'll have me.

If not, no hard feelings, of course〜
If so, my intention was to perhaps create a character from my current icon.
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If you're still looking, I'd be interested :D And if you've already found a partner for this specific plot, we could do a different one if you want!
oh god I didn't see this until now!
that's what I get for not watching this thread. :' )

Let me PM you both!
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