Just a roleplay-starved nerd looking for things.

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What good is just one wing?
Original poster
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Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Female
Anime-esque, sci-fantasy, adventure, cyberpunk, high-fantasy, Victorian fantasy. comedic slice of life
Welp, I haven't done of these in a while, and I've got several itches to scratch, so let's get into it. I am fairly flexible with what sort of roleplay I enjoy. I can write multi-paragraphed responses but I also don't mind quicker-paced, shorter posts; as long as the scene is driven forwards, I'm happy. In terms of settings and style, I'm fairly open-minded, but don't generally like pure(emphasis on pure) slice-of-life stuff as well as most high school roleplays, but that depends on the settings.

Current cravings include, but are not limited to:

- Fantasy pirates
- Anything with ninjas
- Anything cyberpunk
- Roleplays where the group is closer to being anti-heroes rather than the saviors of the day.
- Anime-esque high fantasy
- Various fandoms

If you have a spot in a roleplay you think I'd like, I'd be super grateful for a quick link to it! I do scour the lands for cool stuff, but even my sharp gaze (read: i wear glasses) fails me sometimes. Thank you very much!
Hello @sun. ,

My roleplay does not fit all the categories in your list, but it does pertain to some of the concepts.

"Roleplays where the group is closer to being anti-heroes rather than the saviors of the day." For this concept, I cannot guarantee everyone in the group will act as an Anti-Hero, but moral choices will be a prevalent theme with different consequences in my roleplay. So if you're looking for a group, where you can play an anti-hero character, or read about some NPCs, which I plan to have as Anti-Heroes, I would recommend my RP. The link will be at the bottom. In my RP, it's up to the characters to decide whether they wish to save the world, or ruin it, or anything else to it. You will be given clues to the happenings of the city, and decide upon the consequences with your character's actions.

"Fandoms": If you're a fan of the Bioshock series, 1920s, Ribofunk, Biopunk, Dieselpunk, Biofunk, then my RP fits those bills pretty well.

"High-Fantasy/Cyberpunk": Alright, now this is tricky, because there's magic in my RP, but it's magic caused by biological changes from stem cells. There's also a variety of different genetically modified organisms due to DNA splicing; however, in my RP, I only allow the roleplayer to create a human at first. Yet, as they DNA splice, they can change their appearance. This will happen as the RP progresses. I don't 100% agree that my RP is high-fantasy, but it certainly borrows some elements from high-fantasy. It's set an alternative timeline with new locations, but not an alternative world. I guess it's more fantasy than high-fantasy with bio-engineering as the reason for magic.

The post length is at least two paragraphs and the max being five paragraphs.

Group RP Link:
INTEREST CHECK - The Underground City (Bioshock/Ribofunk Inspired) (1920s)

Thanks for reading,

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Hello there @sun. ! I'm FrostedCamel (Most call me Frost), one of the GMs over at "The Rise of the New Generation", a Naruto AU Group Roleplay.

I couldn't help but notice that your current cravings include "Anything with ninjas, Anime-esque High-Fantasy, and various fandoms" of which I'd say New Gen (as we refer to it in shorter terms) fits nicely into all three of those categories.

To be fair we've swayed away from much of the Naruto Canon (specifically Shippuden) but we are still firmly grounded in the realm of the original Naruto series with of course tweaks and such to better fit forum roleplaying. The player characters are ninja, a massive amount of the world and lore has been created by our very own writers (GM or not), and we're always looking to bring some new writers in to join us on this now over 5 year long ride of a roleplay!

Take a look at the link at the beginning of this response and if you like what you see I'd advise joining the Discord here if you have it (If you don't you can PM me separately or ask questions on the OOC page I linked). Joining the Discord is obviously not a commitment from you that you'll be joining us but you'll be able to ask all the questions you might have and get answers from GMs and knowledgeable players to help you along.

I hope to be talking with you soon!
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Hey! Thanks a bunch, but biopunk is one of the few genres that just really creep me out, and I can't really get into it. Nothing against the rp at all, just not my cup of tea!

Hello there @sun. ! I'm FrostedCamel (Most call me Frost), one of the GMs over at "The Rise of the New Generation", a Naruto AU Group Roleplay.

I couldn't help but notice that your current cravings include "Anything with ninjas, Anime-esque High-Fantasy, and various fandoms" of which I'd say New Gen (as we refer to it in shorter terms) fits nicely into all three of those categories.

Wow, that roleplay is really impressive with all the custom lore! I gotta say it's also a bit overwhelming though, especially since, if I read the timeline correctly (I read everything in the first post + the history wikia page) then absolutely nothing from the canon timeline was kept, right? So it may be a bit too much for me to feel like getting in it now. But I'll keep looking through all the stuff, and maybe I'll change my mind. Thanks a lot for shooting me the link, for sure!
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I can offer two of the items on your list.

I am somewhat hopelessly infatuated with Cyberpunk, for some reason. The "clean tech" shows like Star Trek never satisfied me fully. I want to see exposed wires, malfunctioning servos, and ripper docs who may well sell you out to the cops as soon as fix the relays which link your wired reflex nodes to your brain. Tech isn't just a magic box which does whatever the script says.

And...as much as I enjoy superheroes...they're not all roses and rainbows either. Even Spiderman has to pay rent. Maybe not "slice of life", but at least some manner of addressing how heroes get to be heroes might be nice. Even then, they may not be the rush-into-nearest-phonebooth types we expect them to be. Could be they expect something for their trouble. Wouldn't you?

I'm not Stephen King, but I do like to advance myself if I'm able to. I want to write something that matters. I'm not really interested in flavor-of-the-month, or canon fandom. I just want to get back to how it used to be: When roleplay meant you were writing for the character and the story...not for the trends.