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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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I Am Death
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
  4. Multiple posts per week
  5. 1-3 posts per week
  6. One post per week
  7. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Varies no exact time to be exact
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
  2. Primarily Prefer Female
  3. No Preferences
Fantasy,Historical, Romance, Modern, Modern-Fantasy, Libertine, Adventure , Disney and Sci-Fi
(Read all before you PM or post. Updated often )


Note: you start a rp with me and don't reply and I have to keep tagging you or messaging you to see what's up where is your reply it's been over 2 weeks almost every time I am waiting for your reply I will stop watching our rp especially if I see you have been on recently either by your online status or reply to other rps.

Hello You may call me what you wish to call me. I am Female so obviously I prefer female roles. I am pretty easy person I go with the flow pretty often if I say that's cool or sure then yeah I mean hell let's go with it.
I have been rping for 14 years. I am definitely not new to rping been on this sight for a year now and I do any where from 1 paragraph to a Novel. I normally try to match my partner. I However do not tolerate 1 liners. I can not reply and it bugs me. Also I am on my phone so mistakes will be made, my auto correct and I are in a war. Tis a loosing one for sure.

I do not work atm I am waiting to hear from PETCO. Then on top of that I have a soon to be husband, we are getting Married eventually, I will just call him my husband , so I get busy with him alot, now he is very sick in a way. so I am always taking care of him. I do not reply every day I will do the best I can, If you ever wonder where I am check my blog I try to keep it up to date often and or message me in 3 days if I have not replied may not have gotten a notification.

I have a few pet peeves.

Do not pm me or start a rp with me and leave me hanging I will stop following it and just drop because I think you have dropped.

Do not be short with me

Do not bug me as I have said above I do get busy with work and my hubby.

Moving on from the introduction of my self...

Okay so I get ideas daily but also have ideas that don't take off in group roleplay.
Okay so I do have a few rules when it comes to role playing with me. Please bring ideas to the table. Looking for a more Dom Male . Can do Dom for fxf. Will double as in make two different threads or double characters. I can play male, I am however female so males are harder to play. I can play Males I just prefer females. I do not want to always play male. MxM and Trans are a iffy subject for me just because I have never done them you can try and convince me, but if I get uncomfortable I will pm you I am dropping. What I mean by uncomfortable is this out of my comfort zone so I am trying to expand myself in all types of rp.


Forum rules
No GMing
No mary sue or Gary stu
No op you can get hurt
No anime
Dont control other's characters
No one liners ( this is huge, 2 paragraph minimum.)
Third person only
You may have to start the thread do to my schedule if I ask please don't whine. I will just drop the rp and you.
I will not answer you if you say all the good ones are gone it means you have not read my full post
Bring ideas to the table don't just rely on me

All listed below a big fat Yes:
smut ( 60/ 40 story/Smut)

I want someone who will reply and not drop the rp. So if your just going to drop please don't pm me.

M and F. I don't play males unless asked nicely as I am female . Or I can double characters, one male one female. only way I will play a male. I can be persuaded to do FxF

Do's and don'ts
check F-list will be in signature

Okay so after all that I will give you a gist of Genres I like.

Slice of Life
Historical eras ( medieval and Salem witch trials etc.)
Mix of each
Fandom OC's only
No anime

Pairings don't have plots yet but we can come up with it together

open for enrollment this color
What I really am craving this color
What Role I will choose this color
Closed Till further notice: due to already being used or over done for me this color
Note: any in red Below may be convinced to do them if you can come up with a good enough plot, that will intrigue me enough to say yes.

Supernatural and human parings: [
Werewolf x human or both
Fae x human or both

Vampire x human or both have a plot for this
Siren x --------
Fallen Angel x Human
Supernatural Hunter/Partner
Supernatural Hunter/Client
Anything else you can think of

Slice of Life:
Dancer x Dance partner

Soldier/ soldiers wife a return home from tour
Detective x Victim

Serial killer x Helper
College student × exchange student

Naval seal x Naval Seal
Ghost team Leader x Ghost Team First Mate
Bad Boy x New Girl (can be realistic or not college age obviously )
Anything with pregnancy

Country Singer/Pop Singer
Stranded Crash Survivors
Club Owner/Dancer
FBI Agent/Protect Witness
Singer/Band Manager
Band Member/Band Member
Lingerie Model/Photographer
Adult Film Star/Producer
Female Crime Boss/Undercover Agent
Casino Owner/Cocktail Waitress
Movie Star/Bodyguard
Movie Star/Director
Car Mechanic/Rich Woman
Crime Boss/Lawyer
Crime Boss/Police
Police Officer/Police Officer

Lonely Housewife/Neighbor's Son
prisoners kinda plot

Outlaw Biker/Police Officer
Female Gang Leader/Male Runaway
Country Girl/Country Boy/girl
Country Girl /City Boy/girl
City Girl /Country Boy/ girl
Normal Girl /Gang Member
Dancer /Normal Guy
Dancer /Jock of Any Sport
Dancer /star Player of Any Sport
Police Chiefs Daughter/Male Gang Member
Police Chiefs Daughter/ Male Gang Leader
Rancher's Daughter /Ranch Hand
Rancher's Daughter/ Ranch Foreman
Street Family

Assassin x Assassin
Knight in shinning armor x wanted Thief/ lost princess
Bounty hunter x Bounty
Witch and her Familiar

Salem witch x witch Hunter
Carvan Gypsy x Detective or Hunter
Gypsy x Gypsy other clan

Witch Gypsy/Knight
Witch Gypsy/Prince

Werewolf King/Baroness(Victorian Era)
Werewolf King/ Vampire Queen(Victorian Era)

Executioner/Evil Queen
Ice Queen/Fire King
Ice Queen/Ice Warrior
Dragon King/Human Queen
Dragon Rider/Dragon
Dragon Queen/Dragon Slayer
Dragon Queen/Dragon Guard

Morgan Le Fey/ Arthur Or something like this
Enchantress/ King or human
Royalty x Non-Royalty

Arranged Marriage have a plot
Assassin x Target
Princess x Prisoner

Skeleton King/Mistress
Skeleton King/Evil Queen

Mage Knight/Queen
Mage Knight/Princess
Demon Queen/Human Hero Bodyguard
Demon King's Daughter/Human Hero Bodyguard
Demon King/Female Human Bodyguard
Spider Queen/Knight

Scorpio Queen/ Knight or human or Spider king
Dark Elf Queen/Human Knight
Dark Elf king / human female
Alchemist/Countess Daughter
Male Gladiator/Female slave ( kinda like Spartacus)

Pirate x daughter of a ex pirate captain
Goblin king x Dark Fae ( goblin king from the tenth kingdom)

Greek Warrior/Greek Goddess
Egyptian Priestess/God

High Priest/Pharaoh's Daughter
Female Demon/Priest
Female Demon/Demon Hunter
Pirate/Sea Goddess

Test Subject x Test Subject

Cirque Performer x Cirque Performer have a plot kinda
Zombie or nuclear Apocalypse
Elf Princess /Elf Prince
Elf Princess /Elf Knight
Elf Princess / Elf Ranger
Elf Princess /Human Prince
Elf Princess /Human Knight
Elf Princess / Human Ranger
Female Werewolf Pack Leader /Male Werewolf Pack Leader
Female Vampire Clan Leader /Male Werewolf Pack Leader
Female Werewolf with Child /Male Werewolf Pack Leader
Female Vampire with Child/ Male Vampire Clan Leader

Any animal you can think of.
I mean like

Something Futuristic
Time traveler x Back in time Character
Futuristic Apocalypse

Anything Horror- mostly serial killers or ghosts
Zombie Apocalypse
Demon Hunter/Doll
Angel/Devil's Mistress

Devil/ Devil's Mistress
Female Angel/Devil's Son

Fandom: all Original Characters:

Warrior cats
Tuck Everlasting
MorganVille Vampires
Phantom tollbooth
The Prophecy of the Stones

Disney/ Disney Related:
Hunchback of Notre Dame
Beauty and the beast
once upon a time
The road to Eldorado
Anastasia ( Plot kinda)
Lion King
Alice in Wonderland ( Kinda plot to this )
Muppet Treasure Island

Video Games:
Call of Duty:Ghost
Red dead redemption

Tv shows:
Skins U.K. version
Law and Order Svu
The 100
The Following
Harper's Island
Sons of anarchy
Game Of Thrones

The Tenth Kingdom

Les Miserables
Phantom of the opera
Sweeney Todd
Into the Woods

Much more


Last Tsar has a modern day Anastasia plot to it.
(Fantasy/ futuristic)******

You all know the story of Anastasia. Well this is a different time and place. All the tsar are gone and dead. The palace hasn't been used in years. All was quite. Though rumors in st. Petersburg have been spreading about that there is one tsar that still lives. Where was she, what she look like? Everyone was looking for her including a dark man named Rafe. He had sold his sole to the devil in exchange the tsar were killed and disbanded. This last Tsar had no family left she was an orphan, but if she was alive she had the rightful claim to the palace and the imperial Russian army.

(Fantasy/modern day/future)
So I have a Vladimir rp kinda mix of Dracula untold and something I made up I would play his wife but we start before they met how they came together.
Please pm me for more details. This is just a plot over view it will be a long term rp please like medieval vampires, longer posts.

Well this one seems to be cursed every time I try to do it my partner leaves
(historical / advanced )***

I really really want to do a story where the king of Scotland's decree for a Laird to Marry a low lander woman. She isn't what he excepted though when he goes to pick her up. She is witty fiery smart and knows medicine how to ride and shoot a bow and arrow un like most low lander woman so it is action andromance filled she falls for him later on but at first she dislikes him and his men. She tries to run but he catches her.

Talk soon.

Ps. I am so willing to accept ideas.

To make sure you have read it all please pm me with Suffering In Silence some where in your pm or comment below, please and thank you.
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Reactions: Blood Lightning
I am still in search
Would you mind taking a newbie on then? I'd like to get in the swing of how things work around here. If you don't mind that is.
Would you mind taking a newbie on then? I'd like to get in the swing of how things work around here. If you don't mind that is.
shoot me a pm
always looking
I know we had an old horror-ish rp together, too bad we never got around to finishing it though =(
Have had some openings really looking
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Reactions: Blood Lightning
looking for some fresh meat
Hey, are you still searching for a partner? I would be interested in creating a plot for either the pirate/sea goddess or the dragon king/human queen... Or of course anything that you are feeling up to right about now
Hey, are you still searching for a partner? I would be interested in creating a plot for either the pirate/sea goddess or the dragon king/human queen... Or of course anything that you are feeling up to right about now
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