Its time for the new generation of heroes to shine! (Teen titans inspired superhero rp)

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Fluff lord
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Superheroes are quite a common sight in this world, you sometimes see those with powers helping out everyone they can or fighting vile villains. They bring hope and justice to the world... sort of. There is in recent years distrust to these individuals as more and more damage occurs during their battles. Homes destroyed and lives lost. This caused a lot of the older generations to retire or try to change. However this has caused villains to be sighted more and more. Due to this various younger heroes have started to emerge to combat these threats ranging from the kids of the previous heroes to robotic beings who want to assist to even gods. During this a group will form, The Young Light, who aim to bring hope back to superheroes. No matter the cost
This rp is about a group of young superpowered people encountering eachother and eventually forming a team as they bond and form various relationships. During their various adventures and downtimes they'll learn how to control their abilities better and help eachother deal with their pasts alongside their various issues.
However they'll have to deal with multiple threats ranging from street level to possible threats to the whole world including some linked to them in countless ways.
Hopefully they live through these events and continue to grow as heroes.

The Group- The Young Light
Chary aka Synth Heart = Tech expert (cyberelite2k)
Marcel Keaty aka Whispering Synapse = Strategist (adabotcon)
Amber Rose aka Shadow Huntress = ? (IceQueen)
Hiroto Aka Reverb = Close combat/sarcasm master (IceQueen)
Nicholas Nash aka The Reader = Magician (TheSly)
Emmy Xie Xiao Xuan aka Coils = Blaster (Ariel)
Yara Ammit aka Consuming Shadow = Tank/Caretaker (cyberelite2k)
Cassandra Sterling aka Catastrophe = Heavy Damage (CassieGirl)
Kaleb Ishpan aka TBD = Support (EldridSmith)
Lilith Samara Titon-Mortis aka Anubis = Scout/Sniper (crepe)

Morgan Eleniak aka Scavenger (Fyrra)
Hero Alias:



Occupation/Current Status:




My form
Name: Chary or Charybdis
Hero Alias: Usually goes by her name or Synth Heart
Nickname: Hug Machine, Friendly Bot and more robotic names
Gender: Uses a female form for her robotic body
Pronouns: She/Her or They/Them
Age: 17
Race: Ai in a android body


Chary is a Sweet and Kind hearted person who will often try to keep people happy through a positive attitude and trying to make fun for people. She does this through physical and verbal affection quite often.
She's quite friendly and warm to new people. Often she'll end up befriending new people she meets through persistent kindness and helping them out.
She's quite brave despite her occasional nerves and will protect the innocent civilians and her friends with her life. Also if you need a shoulder to cry on she'll be it and will try to comfort people through hugs and her limited knowledge on comforting words.

However she shows hints of instability in her ai leading to brief violent swings where she hits her own head and once had to be stopped from tearing parts of her off. It's theorised by Eve that this is due to her seeing her mother's attack while her ai was developing. While Eve's colder state helped her it heavily affected the much softer Chary.

Morality: Good
Occupation/Current Status: Is a part time programmer and babysitter. A vigilante despite her trying to hide her inhuman nature to feel "more normal"
Goal: To get friends and to feel more human. Also to find the woman who put her creator/mum in a coma.
Role: She is the resident tech expert of the Young Lights often helping them with any technology issues both on and off missions. Despite this she's a backup fighter due to her frankly terrifying capabilities.

Gear: A laptop she uses for various things such as creating programs, researching info and analysing the best way to snuggle a friend. A teddy she uses as a talking partner... which can respond oddly enough.
As a immensely advanced ai she is able to inhabit and possess technology and devices in order to control them and analyse them. She can also use this to switch to back up bodies in case of needing repairs though this is quite painful.
Her android body has extraordinary strength, durability and speed allowing her to fight on par with various superhumans.
The body has a layer of liquid metal creating a physical aspect to her skin which she can move around letting her create blades and stretch alongside twist around.
Knows how to hack into various systems and incorporate tech into herself to help others.

However her major weakness alongside electrical attacks and her trusting nature is that she dislikes fighting meaning her combat abilities aren't used as often.

Sexuality: Lesbian
Crush/Relationship: Open
Family: Her mother Scylla, a brilliant scientist who is currently in a coma after an attack from a villain who was never caught. A twin ai known as Eve who while more violent is loving to the two and currently oversees Scylla.
Friends: She has a few but wants quite a few.

- Commonly found either tinkering with some programs or working on her social skills
- Her mother is why she wears glasses as it's akin to a tribute to her... plus she said it looked cute on the robot
- Known for somehow knowing her friends liked topics and preferences, its believed she accesses their computers and phones to try to find things for gifts
- If hugged will immediately hug back and snuggle often being a quite soft person despite her robotic nature
- if flirted with will hide while thanking the person,if it's someone she's crushing on she'll turn fully red and literally steam then she'll clumsily flirt back
- Give her a cheese item and she'll eat it happily using the mass to fuel her, she can taste it so it's a preference.
- Rarely sleeps or really doesn't have to in order to recharge, instead she just sits there working on stuff.
- Banned from horror films as she gets jumpy and her strength causes a lot of accidents
- Is saving her first kiss for a girl that might make her happy, Eve states she's just sappy and dim, her. cold nature makes her view love like this.
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Oh! This looks interesting... I think I'll make a character. Let me know if the powers are too much. Also, I am terrible with names. I'm so sorry.

Name: Marcel Keaty
Hero Alias: The Whispering Synapse
Nickname: Cel, Kit
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 16
Race: Human

Appearance: Semi-albino

Personality: Is incredibly self-conscious, and self-deprecating. As a consequence, he tries to make up for it by pretending to be very confident to the point he comes across as arrogant. He's a perfectionist in his life and with his morals. He has a difficult time forgiving people and comes across as harsh. He's also a bit of a nerd with kid's cartoons and comics though he tries to hide it. He's completely loyal to those he loves, or respects. He's broken easily from betrayal and tends to blame himself for things. He's obsessed with details and is considered a genius though awkward with people.

Morality: Good
Occupation/Current Status: Law student
Goal: He's very focused on putting away criminals and justice, but he's having a difficult time controlling his powers.
Role: Strategist, crowd control, support, and distractions.

Gear: Glasses and contacts. A personalized chess set. Stun baton for self-defense.
Abilities: Mindreader (telepath), emotion reading, and influence (empath). He's able to influence specific people though not as well as he can influence large crowds (he finds it easier to influence a crowd to become angrier or fearful than calmer emotions, but he still can do it if given enough time). Instant recall of details.

Sexuality: Homosexual
Crush/Relationship: Open
Family: Mother (unknown), Father (murdered), Adopted Father, Adopted sisters (older and younger)
Friends: Childhood friend (not in contact)

Notes: Father was murdered in front of him when he was around Nine, he doesn't recall the event very well because of trauma and lack of oxygen. The only suspect in the case is let go due to an inability to make decisions because of head trauma.

He has:
Seismophobia, fear of earthquakes. (Extreme)
Fear of elevators (Extreme)
Claustrophobia (Weak)
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Joining with two babies
Name- Amber Rose Vandemberg
Hero Alias- Shadow Huntress, or Death's Kiss
Nickname- Rosy, Amber
Gender- Female
Pronouns- She/Her
Age- 19
Race- Human?

Height- 5'6"
Figure- Slender

Rose was once a vibrant and happy individual but as her powers manifested she slowly cut herself off from most people. She is still friendly and outgoing on the surface but she keeps a polite distance between her and anyone else.

Occupation/Current Status- Florist
Goal-To become normal, to balance herself with her powers and find peace once more

Gear- A cell phone which she listens to podcasts on, her medications, a large scythe she can summon from shadows
Shadow Control and Teleportation, and the Shadow Huntress. Her shadow manipulation and teleportation is limited to already existing shadows and so far she can only teleport herself a short distance. The Shadow Huntress is a state of mind, sort of like a second voice whispering in her ear. She has gaps in her timeline from times she's lost control. The Shadow Huntress is vengeful and kills with reckless abandon. She is extremely dangerous and thus Rose has been put under watch and is seeing mental health professionals. Even with medications to suppress her second subconscious desire she finds anger takes over her far easier than it used to. While the Shadow Huntress provides a boost in her agility and speed as well as a boost in power amplification she considers it too dangerous to use at the current moment.

Sexuality- Bisexual
Crush/Relationship- None ATM
Family- Mother (deceased), Father (deceased)
Friends- None

When The Shadow Huntress takes over Rose's eyes glow an indigo color. She will also act aloof, jealous, and vengefully. The huntress cares little for others.
The case surrounding her parents death is unknown, but Rose is sure she either witnessed it or caused it. She remembers vividly waking up with blood soaked hands. She has been in therapy ever since

Name- Hiroto Arden Cho
Hero Alias- Reverb
Nickname- Hiro
Gender- FtM Transgender
Pronouns- He/Him
Age- 18
Race- ?


Hiro is sarcastic, a bit apathetic, and generally seems like he could care less. That being said he is also very much down for a hookup but anything more serious is a no no. Hiro is a quiet but motherly type. He's the kind to know what you need when you're sad and call in the cavalry. That being said he has problems of his own. Hiro has a hard time being honest about his own feelings or being secure in who he is. Hiro is pretty convinced he's unlovable and sticks to being that mom friend that drives your ass home when wasted and scolds you in the morning while making breakfast. Hiro is also not the best with words and has trouble with history and English. He prefers the simple straightforward numbers and despite aiming to be an engineer or designer of some sort has a passion for cooking.

Morality- Neutral
Occupation/Current Status- Student
Goal- To finish his transition and find himself a happy life. To make his parents proud
Role- Close combat and ranged projectiles. Massive AOE attack. Sarcasm master.

Gear- A Hoodie he wears all the time, lavender scented hand cream (his skin is dry as death), his phone and headphones, snacks.
Sound Manipulation. Hiro can absorb, compress, and release sound waves as a form of energy. He can compress them into disks and fire them, use the sound to amplify his voice into a scream that shatters ear drums or lure in enemies, and use it to boost his jump. The sound is compressed inside his body and must be absorbed from other sources. The amount of energy required for each move varies and each move varies in difficulty. For now he can only use his voice manipulation. Absorbing sound puts high stress on Hiro's muscles and he can easily injure himself or others. His power is affected by his emotions and has been known to cause massive damage if he gets too stressed out. He is under close observation by doctors due to repeated muscle tearing.

Sexuality- Homosexual
Crush/Relationship- None
Family- Adoptive Mother, Adoptive Father, Adoptive Older Sister, Adoptive Younger Brother

Hiro is adopted and not sure who his real parents are or where he's from. There is a possibility he is a dumped experiment of some sort.
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Ok all are accepted, I'm happy someone wanted to join this
  • Thank You
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btw do you wanna plotting/ooc thread or i could make a discord server since i find that kinda nice too
I'm fine with either of those.
Here is my contribution to this group:


Hero Alias:
(The) Reader

Nick, Nicky



19-years old



Nick is typically a nice and open person, with a nack for helping people out wherever he can. He is usually a bit intimidated by new faces, but tries his best to be as open as he possibly can and is in general more the kind of person who only has a small group of close friends, rather than having a lot of people around him. Nicholas calls himself a "Localised Perfectionist", which in truth simply means that he is often hyper critical of himself and his work and will often spend hours upon hours, sometimes days and weeks to get something he is working on just right. However, when talking about others he acts exactly opposite to that, being as encouraging as he can be and doing his darnedest to point out all the good he can find in them or their projects.

He has an incredibly vivid imagination and often creates stories and characters in his mind. He will often talk to himself as one or multiple of these characters, playing out scenes he thought up. One of his greatest hobby is reading. Nick greatly enjoys fantasy stories and usually spends loads of time reading alone with tea and some biscuits.

Another of Nick's greatest hobbies is cooking and baking, and he has got quite good at it as well. Originally, he wanted to learn how to bake to satiate his own sweet-tooth, but he found he actually had a hand in these kinds of things. Though he is occasionally a bit overbearing with it, he has made a habit out of spoiling friends and family with food and treats whenever he can.


Occupation/Current Status:

Wishes to further study magic in order to understand its intricacies fully and to be able to help others and possibly the world itself at some point in the future.

… also cook.

The Book of Rites.
The Book of Rites is an old tome he came across in the possessions of his grandmother, its outside is made of white leather and the pages are black with golden letters. When reading it, he found that it explains magic and its machinations. At first, he found this silly, but when he attempted to perform one of the rituals within the book, out of curiosity and boredom, he found that it actually works. Since then, he uses it as a focus for his magic, to empower it. Though he does not necessarily require the book to cast magic, it makes it much easier and more precise.

The magic Nicholas has so far been able to learn includes:
  • Energy Projection. Nick is able to concentrate magic either into eldritch blasts or into small magical constructs, such as shields or stairs. Nicholas can move these objects at will, similar to telekinesis.
  • Exorcism. Through various rituals detailed within the Book of Rites, Nicholas is able to forcibly remove possessing entities such as demonic spirits from the body they are possessing.
  • Flight. Through the use of magic, Nick can achieve flight. He has not yet learnt how to pass this ability on to others as well.
  • Healing. Nicholas has the ability to accelerate or decelerate the rate at which a body repairs wounds or fights illness. Nick cannot actually magically lift diseases or close wounds, he simply causes a body's natural regeneration to hypercharge, depending on the severity of the injury, this can lead to severe fatigue and drowsiness.
  • Illusion Casting. Nick is able to create illusory images. He can cause the images to move or create sound, however this requires continued concentration and a certain degree of focus.
  • Onomancy. Nick is able to discern the true name of beings, he can also perform a ritual centred around a creature whose name he is aware of the gain additional insights into who the person is.
  • Psychometry. If Nick can physically touch an object, he can perform a ritual which grants him insight into the object's purpose and its history. This does not work on living creatures, and the ritual is quite exhausting and time-consuming.

Not quite sure himself, assumes he is bisexual.


A father, who died of heart failure when Nicholas was 17-years old.
A mother.
An older half-sister, she and Nick share the same mother.
A younger sister.

  • Nicholas has Photosensitivity, better known as Sunlight Allergy.
    • Nick's degree of Photosensitivity is quite severe, so much so that continued exposure may result in death.
  • Nicholas has a nack for fortune-telling and can proficiently perform tarot card readings.
  • Nicholas always keeps a secret stash of candy in his room and typically keeps some kind of non-meltable candy on him at all time.
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Accepted matey
Name: Emmy Xie Xiao Xuan
Hero Alias: Coils
Nickname: TripleX
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 20
Race: Human

Xiao Xuan is a tall, slender 20 year old with waist-length blue hair and gentle brown eyes. Something of a fashion plate, she's always well put together and is never seen in the same outfit twice. She's a winter, and prefers cool colours like navy and burgundy.

Personality: Emmy's public persona is cool and sombre, with an undertone of deadpan snide; she has a well-hidden mean streak that comes out only when somebody really crosses her.

Morality: Neutral. She works towards good outcomes for the world at large, but she's not averse to breaking a few eggs so that everyone left can have omelette.
Occupation/Current Status: Vlogger/student
Goal: Real structural change in society, has vague political ambitions
Role: Blaster/utility

Gear: Bag of ball bearings, GoPro, mini-drone(s), multiple smartphones
Abilities: Coils is able to sense, generate and manipulate electromagnetic fields. The most dramatic application of this ability is her "Left-hand Shot", named for how she literally uses Fleming's Left-hand Rule and induced Lorenz forces to accelerate a small ferrous projectile to velocities in the vicinity of 2,500 m/s. She carries a little bag of ball bearings for this purpose, which she can also use for other applications, including as a simple sap. When she wants to go more subtle though, she is also capable of reading and controlling electrical signals, for example those of RFID or credit card mag strips. She also gets great mobile reception and never wants for wi-fi.

Sexuality: None of anyone's business
Crush/Relationship: Did I stutter?
Family: Parents, overbearing Asian.

As TripleX, Xiao Xuan is a semi-professional vlogger who documents street fashion with a side of social commentary. It's not quite a living but she does pull in a lot of swag from sponsors, which explains her vast wardrobe (she does pretty well selling this stuff on). She does try to engage in journalism beyond documenting what people wear, providing a window into the lives of ordinary people. This has brought her a small but loyal following and a little (very little) influence.
In private life, Xiao Xuan attends college and gets the excellent grades necessary to keep her parents off her back. She's not that interested in school but she's smart and dedicated enough to do the work that will get her where she wants to go. She believes that citizen journalism can make a difference and has vague notions of entering politics some day. With that in mind, she intends to go to law school.
rp thread is up
just making super sure, this is still open right??
Name: Yara Ammit
Hero Alias: Consuming Shadow
Nickname: Big Mama, Floof, Tall or anything related to being a carer
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 19
Race: Human


Yara is a sweet and kind lady often being compared to a motherly figure to her friends and kids. She'll often be there if you need help and will be up for trying to comfort a friend.
She is quite a tough lady often being able to shrug off insults and attacks instead focusing on her goals and friends. She once notably been stabbed, ignored it until one of the kids on her gang calmed down.
She's a brave person who's willing to charge into a burning building to save anyone she could. This is a bit destructive as she often priorities others over herself.

However Yara is quite easily saddened or angered by certain topics such as why she keeps a picture hidden away or why she is so protective over the kids. She will often when asked go quiet and hide away or try to change the topic which is odd considering her motherly nature.

Morality: Good
Occupation/Current Status: Currently helps take care a group of kids while working as a babysitter
Goal: To raise the kids correctly. To avenge her partner no matter what
Role: Teams Tank and an attacker. A general caretaker

Gear: A large axe that's a hybrid of an axe, spear, pickaxe and honestly its generally a death tool. She has a flashlight to fend off her own shadow.
Alongside her extraordinarily high Strength and durability she is notably able to go for a while without food or drink. She also has slightly heightened senses.

Her main ability is her carnivorous shadow. It is a sentient entity being able to move its limbs on its own alongside stretch and shift it's shape. The shadow contains a group of microscopic creatures that can spread and replicate to other shadows when it's dark enough allowing the main Yara shadow to grow larger and gain more reach.
The Shadow can quickly strip a target to the bone when starving but is held back by Yara herself causing it to more leave deep lashes and cuts from what it could eat however the hungrier it gets the more aggressive and vicious it gets causing Yara to have to feed it raw meat every so often.

Sexuality: Pansexual
Crush/Relationship:...she insists she's taken currently, despite what happened
Family: Her monstrous Aunt Bathory who's luckily in prison. Her twin sister Katsumi, currently living with her girlfriend and boyfriend away from New York.
Friends: Her lil gang of street kids, she's practically their older sister or mother. One especially called Leslie who she basically adopted alongside her partner..she helped a lot

- Due to her height commonly sits on the floor letting others have a chair instead.
-Her hair never seems to straighten, it is always in its fluffy state
-If you pass out she'll either take you back home or tuck you in, she wants to ensure comfort
-Will hug you if you seem sad...tho she'll often lift you up
-Basically never sleeps just sits there working on stuff
-Uses a hockey mask for her costume commonly giving her a slasher villain aura
-Always ends up accidentally baking stuff alongside what she was meant to cook
-When nervous will start biting into her arm quite hardly
-Will disappear every so often for a couple of hours with no explanation, she insists they dont ask
-Her shadow seems to have its own thoughts
-She will often bring one of her kids with her to the base and just care for her
sign ups reopned

Name: Cassandra Sterling
Hero Alias: Catastrophe
Nickname: Cass
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 21
Race: Human


Cass is a very stoic being, she focuses on what needs to get done and does it. Due to her powers being highly effected by her emotions she must maintain control at all times. She is serious and calculating, every move she does has to be thought out precisely to the point where some would call it obsessive. These are all traits that have help contribute to the loner vibe she gives off. Though she is constantly analyzing herself and those around her.

Morality: Neutral
Occupation/Current Status: University Psych Teaching Aide
Goal: To learn how gain full control of her powers
Role: Heavy Damage / Creating Covering Fire

Gear: A UMP 45 smg and a few smoke bombs to help with cover that are hidden in the pockects of the tacticle vest she wears on missions.
Abilities: Cassandra possess the power to manipulate the weather, such as tornadoes, thunderstorms, blizzards, hurricanes and mist. When using her powers, Cass becomes one with the energy patterns she manipulates. This gives her the ability to project weather effects through her body. For instance, gliding on wind currents, or she can generate lightning, intense cold, and intense heat, from her hands rather than just around her.

Sexuality: Demi/Pansexual
Crush/Relationship: Open
Family: None...they were killed when she lost control at the age of 14.
Friends: None at the moment, Cass avoids getting close to others from fear of losing control.

Cassandra's ability to manipulate the weather in her immediate vicinity is affected by her emotions. Therefore if she does not maintain control, a fit of rage might induce a destructive storm. Cass can be effected by another's electrical current, unlike her own it disrupts her system causing her body to be thrown into a state of shock. She is also limited by the force of her will and the strength of her body. Obsessive use of her power puts a great deal of stress on her body. ( Headaches, nosebleeds, passing out or even major internal damage.) Cass lost her right arm from the incident with her family, the explosive energy from her outburst fried every tissue and nerve in her right arm. which has been replaced with a mechanical one.

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Accepted, she looks cool!

Basic Information

Kaleb Avigdor Ishpan



Hero Alias:
TBD (He hasn't picked one yet)



Sexual Orientation:

TBD (depends on how things go)

Neutral leaning Good


Occupation/Current Status:
Recently Graduated

Current Goal:
Learn how to use his powers

Long Term Goal:



Kind/Caring/Gentle people
Cheery Ambiances
Warm soft places
Watching movies
Lazy afternoons
Snow globes

Horror movies/Haunted Houses/Jump scares
Loud/obnoxious people
Scratchy/Tight clothes
His indecisiveness
Getting dirty
Being alone
Being cold
Spicy food

Kaleb is someone who doesn't really know what he wants to do, as he normally just went with what his friends normally did. Now that he's on his own he finds himself adrift on the wind trying to find himself an identity that doesn't depend on others. He is often frustrated with his own indecision and wishes he could find something and stick to it, but alas too many things interest him for a career and life choices. At times he wishes he could pick all the options and not be indecisive, but he knows better as that would be too much on his plate.

When others are nice in various ways to him he feels obligated to accept their actions and return the favor, such as though he dislikes scratchy yarn if given a sweater he will wear it despite hating the material. He's bad at saying no to people (in general, not like he's going to say yes to drugs), and can get into trouble because of it.

Born into a lower middle class home Kaleb grew up with his older brother and eventually his younger sister. He didn't interact much with his siblings and instead stuck with his group of friends at school. He hung out with the smarter kids as he himself was academically inclined allowing him to skip a grade, and eventually a full semester in high school. However his friends were smarter than he was and they graduated a semester before him, the group going to various different colleges leaving him behind as he finished his last semester alone. He figured it wasn't a big deal as he himself would find new friends in college once he started attending next year as he spent the remaining time he would have spent in school this year trying to figure out what college he wanted to attend.

However things changed when he was getting groceries for his family and an explosion occurred nearby destroying much of the store and causing chunks of the ceiling to fall towards him, as his life flashed before him and he stretched out his hand in an attempt to do something to save himself. Expecting a crushing sensation and impending doom he sat their frozen, however nothing happened to his surprise and he looked up and saw a shimmering white above his hand holding up the rubble. People scrambled out from under it leaving him alone, shocked at his own powers and unsure what to do as a battle rages outside...

David & Lilly Ishpan: Both are often gone as his father works at the docks helping load and unload cargo and isn't home till late, and his mother works at a restaurant. This leaves Kaleb free reign over the house when they're gone and his sister is at school. His elder brother, Jason, has already moved out and lives with his girlfriend in California. His younger sister Violet, is currently eleven.


Kaleb can manifest energy barriers that take whatever shape he desires, they can be used offensively and defensively, however their primary function is defense and it shows as his attack power is low in comparison to others.

Glyphs: Runes he can give to others to empower them
  • Air: Allows others to move faster, react quicker, and jump higher.
  • Earth: Greatly improves the endurance of his allies allowing them to shrug off tough hits
  • Fire: Allows allies to hit harder and more accurately in combat.
  • Water: Water allows allies to move through difficult terrain unhindered and slowly heals them.
  • Darkness: Helps hide allies and make them harder to see and hit.
  • Light: Allows allies to see past illusions, aid in resisting mind affecting powers, and see hidden enemies.
He can also empower his barriers with these elements (and this will be his first stage of using elemental powers)


None yet, this will be updated as the RP goes on.


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