Istladris | Sailor Moon & saberwolf

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Vanamarilla suddenly saw light, and she was sure that she was finally going to meet her maker. That was not the case, she realized, as she opened her eyes and was surrounded by searing blue flames. For a moment, she wondered if she had been taken to the underworld instead. It became quite clear that she was still bound to the earth, when she began to sit up and saw Asena in the distance.

The wolf spirit was ravenous, completely changed from what Vanamarilla had become accustomed to. Asena appeared like some strange beast, yet, Vanamarilla was unafraid. If she could survive a den of spider demons, then she could find a way to calm the wolf spirit before she was completely lost. There was an ancient ability that mages sometimes used to strengthen their relationship with familiars and to soothe them. Vanamarilla had read a little about such a skill in her mentor's study once, but up until now she had no use for it. Animals generally liked her on their own, but Asena wasn't simply an animal or familiar.

Vanamarilla took a deep breath, before moving forward through the trail of blazing fire. As she got closer, she could see the faint glow of Istladris in the wolf spirit's body. The dark magic surrounding the gem was no doubt taking a toll on the spirit's body. There was a reason only elves would use it, though they were still susceptible to the ill effects the gem could have if not handled properly. A mere shard could turn animals into beasts. She knew that a ill-tempered spirit like Asena would easily be consumed by the powers of the gem, and she was already too far gone.

"Be still, Asena." Vanamarilla said softly, hoping Asena would at least remain calm for this. "Trust me." She closed her eyes, then whispered an incantation in Elvish. Soon, a white light not unlike the one Vanamarilla conjured in the belly of the spider-demon began to consume her body. There was a horrific ripping sound as spirit chains suddenly burst through her chest, weaving through the air and piercing Asena in various places before binding her to the spot. A red spark flew from Asena's body, landing several feet from them.

Vanamarilla stood petrified, eyes glazed over and empty. Her mouth was open like she was screaming, yet no sound came out. Soon after, the chains binding Asena began to separate into tiny orbs of light, link by link. Vanamarilla fell forward, onto her knees and then the ground. The wolf spirit would remain relatively unharmed by the exchange, except for the wounds inflicted by the chains.

Aku arrived only minutes after Vanamarilla hit the ground, shifting from his coyote form. He furrowed his brows, noting that the spider-demon was gone and the scene that was now before him. He leaped over to to them, a slight frown on his face as he stopped several feet from Asena. "Is she...?" Aku knew that Asena didn't like him, but he felt some sort of obligation to them. He wanted to help, if possible.​
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Asena could see everything that was going on around her. She watched Vanamarilla emerge from her flames, unharmed for the most part, but she couldn't focus. She was fighting with her wolf who was trying fervently to take over. The power of the shard was too much, and it was taking the residual energy that Asena had to keep from letting the beast take her over completely. It was almost painful, the strain it put on her body and mind. She shook her head, growling low before glancing at Vanamarilla again. The wolf wanted to kill her, to kill everyone who was still alive in this mess of a village. It was unsatisfied with the demise of the spider-demon and she was thirsty for more. The elf was the next best thing. Before she could do anything else, however, Asena heard Vanamarilla speaking and it vaguely caught her attention.

Suddenly, a searing hot pain stabbed through her body. She looked down to see chains binding her to the spot. Chains that Vanamarilla had cast to keep her there, probably to keep from doing any more harm. If she hadn't been in so much pain, Asena would have appreciated the help, but she couldn't get past it. It was seeping into her very being and towards her spirit. The beast growled and roared before she coughed a few times and the shard was hurled from her body. Asena started to calm, gaining control as the beast gave in and let her, but something was different. She felt strange and the chains hadn't disappeared yet. The spell that Vanamarilla had used, Asena couldn't hear, but she'd heard of elves using magic like this before. When Asena was back in control, she saw the elf fall to the ground and the chains finally disappeared.

Slowly Asena shifted back to her human form, on her hands and knees, and she looked up towards the elf. "Vanilla," She huffed before standing, with much difficulty, grabbing the shard and stumbling once before finally reaching the pink haired elf. The shard got secured under her arm band and forgotten before kneeling next to Vanamarilla. Asena hadn't really acknowledged Aku yet, but she wasn't in the mood, or have the strength to snap at him. "Go to the inn and make sure we have a room, it should've been far enough from the fight to get damaged too much." The coyote snapped to attention before running off. Asena looked down at Vanamarilla before scooping the petite elf up into her arms. Her brow was furrowed as she looked down at her and frowned. "I'm afraid of what you've done to me, Vanilla."

The only other time Asena had seen an elf use magic that summoned chains like that was a long time ago. She watched as an eagle had been bound by chains made of light by an elvish mage. Ever since then, the eagle followed the elf everywhere, doing its bidding and fighting alongside it. The wolf frowned deeper as she moved in the direction of the less destroyed area of the village. She wasn't even sure if Vanamarilla knew what sort of magic she dealt with. As they neared the inn, there was a flamboyantly dressed man, the chief of the village, Asena assumed, that walked up to her, hands clasped together and a distraught, yet relieved look on his face.

"Thank you, thank you for disposing of that demon!" Asena stood stock still and looked down at the portly gentleman. She wasn't used to be thanked, or to humans paying attention to her at all. Didn't they see her change? Usually they'd be up in arms to chase her away. "Without your help, as well as that girl's, the whole village could've been wiped out. Please, stay as long as you like, free of charge. And I will have some food brought up to you as soon as possible."

"Oh,'re welcome." Asena wasn't sure what else she should say. She hadn't killed the demon to protect them, she'd done it to protect Vanamarilla. get the shard back. She'd done it to get the shard back. The wolf clenched her jaw as she shook her head and addressing the chief once more. "Thank you for your hospitality, but I should really get her inside. She needs some rest." The man bowed before stepping out her way. The inn, which was also a tavern, was almost unharmed. A few shingles from the roof were missing and a couple windows were smashed, but other than that, it was still standing firmly. Asena clumsily opened the door with Vanamarilla still in her arms and walked inside.

"Your friend is already in the room." The woman behind the bar said as she motioned towards the stairs. "Down the hall, the last door on the right." Asena nodded and thanked the woman before B-lining it towards the stairs. She was tired, this was made more evident as she climbed the stairs. Vanamarilla didn't weigh much, but the added injuries and fatigue from trying to keep her beast contained was exhausting. When she finally reached the landing to the second floor, the wolf huffed softly and made her way down the hall. The last door on the right, Asena reached the door and instead of fumbling with the handle, she just knocked with her foot. She heard some scrambling before Aku opened the door, a large smile on his young face.

"Welcome to your room, savior." The coyote flourished his arm and mock bowed to Asena as she walked in. The room was large, large enough to comfortably accommodate four people. There was only one king sized bed, of course, but several thick cushions on the floor for lounging. A door that led out to a balcony, as well as a large table in the middle of the room with four chairs and a bowl of fruit sitting on it. A wash room was between and a dresser, along with a bureau next to that. "That's what they're calling you, by the way. The Savior of Sornfall, catchy, huh?"

"It's certainly large enough." Asena muttered as she looked up at the large, wooden chandelier than hung overhead. "The Savior, huh? I guess I can't complain about it." The wolf moved towards the king bed and gently set Vanamarilla down before bringing the throw blanket that was at the foot of the bed up over her body. Her brow hadn't relaxed yet, she was still confused. She was feeling...more protective over the elf and it wasn't making sense to her. Earlier she was more than ready to leave the girl high and dry without the shard. Asena absentmindedly touched the shard under her arm band and sighed.

"Are you feeling all right?" Aku asked as he was rummaging through the fruit bowl. "The lady at the bar said that they were making a big meal for us and it'd be up within the hour. Isn't that awesome?" Asena just nodded as she moved to the table and grabbed an apple from the bowl. She was hungry, and tired...and sore. She wasn't sure which feeling she should address first, but she bit the apple and if possible, it made her even more tired. While she finished it, Aku was smiling from ear to ear, acting oblivious to the events that had just taken place.

"I think Vanamarilla bound me to her." That caused Aku to stop humming and he stopped mid tilt of his chair and stared at her. "I've...only seen that enchantment used once before...and that's what it did."

"You didn't know?" The coyote leaned forward across the table with wide eyes. "I thought Vanamarilla knew what she was doing...maybe she didn't. Do you think she knew?" Asena shook her head as Aku rubbed his chin. "I mean, is it such a bad thing? You're traveling together anyway, so I's not like you weren't heading in the same direction and fighting for her. It's just...official now."

Asena frowned...or maybe she hadn't stopped frowning. Being bound to a mage was permanent. You could only break the bonds if one of you died. Or for some reason the mage didn't want their companion anymore. The wolf sighed heavily, the weight of her fatigue pushing down on her more and more. She didn't want to be a familiar, a companion. That was like taking away her freedom and she was a spirit. Most mages weren't so bold as to try and bind one to them. Still, she couldn't change things now. Maybe Vanamarilla would break the bond when she woke up.
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A soft groan escaped Vanamarilla as her eyes fluttered open. Her head was foggy and her body ached from her battle with the spider-demon. She tried to think back to what had happened after that, and remembered seeing Asena. The vision ended with Asena being consumed by her own flames, wrapped in chains. Vanamarilla couldn't recall if that was what really happened, but something had changed within the elf. She couldn't quite explain it.

Vanamarilla lifted slowly, glancing around the room to see Asena and Aku seated on the floor around a table full of food. She was relieved to see that Asena had survived, yet confused by her previous vision. As the glow of Istladris became visible from the spirit's arm band, Vanamarilla's memories came flooding back, and she saw the chains bursting from her body and restricting the wolf spirit. That's right...I saved her.

"Look who's awake," Aku said to Asena with a mouthful of food. He nodded in Vanamarilla's direction, smirking about his newfound knowledge. "But I'm guessing you already knew she was awake already, Asena, considering your new 'connection' and all." The coyote spirit couldn't resist taking a jab at Asena, even though the two of them had spent the last several hours in peace. Now that Vanamarilla was awake, he could just hop into her arms if Asena got angry.​
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Asena and Aku had been sitting in relative silence, munching randomly on the fruit that was in the bowl and waiting for the inn keeper to bring up the supposed 'feast' they were promised. Aku had made idle chit chat with her that she had answered with short, or one word answers, which didn't really seem to bother him any. After about fifteen or so minutes, Asena blinked and glanced over to the bed where Vanamarilla was sleeping. Something alerted her to the elf, a pull, but nothing was happening. Then a soft groan escaped the she-elf and she woke slowly. The wolf sighed, putting her gaze back to the apple she had been eating and pretending not to notice that Vanamarilla had woken up, until Alku made a smart ass comment.

The wolf growled, baring her teeth and punching the coyote on the top of the head. She, of course, wasn't going to admit that she had been aware that the she-elf was waking up. It was strange to feel a connection to someone in this way. It wasn't exactly welcomed, but Asena wasn't put off by it, but that could be because of the bond she had with Vanamarilla now. Anything that involved the woman that would normally bother Asena now was barely an annoyance and that concerned the spirit. She didn't want to be bound to anyone, she was a wolf spirit and she needed her freedom. Still, without Vanamarilla's help, she would probably be a mindless beast right now.

"It's about time you woke up." Asena said finally, taking the last bite of her apple and setting the core on a wooden plate on the table. "The inn keeper is going to be bringing up some food soon, if you hadn't woken up I don't know if there would be much left for you." As if the inn keeper was listening, the door opened and a few people carrying trays of food came filing in. Asena jumped up out of surprise and took a few steps away as the the people set the food down on the table. The table almost wasn't big enough to hold everything that was brought in. There was everything from steamed potatoes to a roasted pig spread out in front of her and Asena's stomach growled, realizing that she hadn't really eaten anything of real sustenance in a while.

"Well that was good timing." Aku smiled widely as he forgot the large bump on his head and started digging and piling food onto a plate. Asena growled before grabbing the young man by the back of the shirt and pulling him away. "Heeey! What's the big deal, wolf?!"

"Let Vanilla eat first." Asena answered firmly as she pulled him down so he was sitting in his seat. "I'm sure she needs to eat more than we do right now, after the magic she used." The wolf glanced up at the elf and sat back in her chair. "Besides, I owe her for getting that gem out of my body."
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Asena and Aku hadn't grown any closer since the morning, but that didn't surprise Vanamarilla. What surprised Vanamarilla was how friendly Asena was being all of a sudden. It caused the elf to hesitate for a brief moment before finally standing up and walking over to where they had been seated. She took a seat on one of the pillows lying around the table, her focus shifting to the delicious looking food around them. She did her best to overlook the giant knot that had formed on Aku's head within the past few minutes, but looking at it, she found her hand gravitating towards the bowl of bean buns.

"I see that you two have become fast friends," Vanamarilla said, taking a bite of the warm bun. She couldn't remember the last time she had eaten anything besides herbs and berries. During her stay at the castle the king would feed her whatever she wanted, but there was always an ulterior motive. Her appetite faded momentarily as she remembered the king, who was no doubt still on the hunt for her and the gem. "You really should ice that, Aku..."

"For what? This flea bite on my head?" Aku asked over mouthfuls of food. He didn't seem at all concerned with the plum sized ball on his scalp, or maybe he was just playing it tough in front of Asena.

Vanamarilla glanced at the coyote spirit, and then at Asena with a disapproving shake of her head. She sighed quietly, taking another bite of her bean bun as she did so. Her body was still tired, so she knew Aku and Asena must have been equally as exhausted, if not more after the days events. It warmed her to see that Aku could still joke around after everything.​
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Asena watched as Vanamarilla tentatively went for the food. Aku, on the other hand, dug right in and stuffed everything he could fit in his hands into his mouth. The wolf rolled her eyes watching the coyote stuff his face, but she stayed her own hand. Her eyes casually shifted to the elf and she felt an odd feeling in her gut. She watched Vanamarilla stutter a moment while she ate and Asena's brow furrowed. She was feeling the elf's apprehension, but what was she nervous about? After that, Vanamarilla continued to eat regularly and the spirit tried to shake the feeling. She'd never been bound to anyone before and the things she was feeling, it was hard to tell if it was her or Vanamarilla.

A soft sigh left the spirit's lungs as she looked down and reached for a warm buttered roll. Her mind was thinking too much to focus on hunger, and it wasn't really like her to stuff her mouth full like Aku. So she ate the roll slowly, thinking of how she could bring up what happened to the she-elf. Vanamarilla probably didn't even know what she did, and if she did hopefully she could reverse it. When Vanamarilla mentioned something about Aku icing the large bump on his head, the wolf snapped out of her thoughts and scoffed.

"I wouldn't be surprised if you had fleas, scavenger." Asena huffed as she stuffed the rest of the roll into her mouth and side-eyed Aku. "Maybe we should toss you in some hot water to delouse you before you're allowed on the furniture."

"Hey! I'll have you know I am exceptionally hygienic." The coyote muttered with stuffed cheeks and narrowed eyes. "How do we know you don't have fleas? You're the one that's lived in the forest like an animal."

"Any fleas on my body would burn up within seconds." The wolf growled as she turned towards the young man, baring her teeth. "That's the positive aspect of my element, it keeps pests away." Asena reached forward then and grabbed a turkey leg from a platter before biting into it. "Though it didn't seem to keep you away." Aku just huffed as he continued to eat and ignore the wolf spirit's attitude. Asena again, glanced at Vanamarilla who was staying rather quiet, something, in any other case, she would enjoy. But the silence now was foreshadowing a very...strained conversation. Perhaps it would've been easier just to have Aku blurt it out like he so often did.

As time went on, Asena finally ate her fill of food, meat mainly, and watched as Aku passed out on one of the cushions on the ground as the sun started to set. His stomach was full and the wolf rolled her eyes as he laid with his arms and legs sprawled out, almost like a child. Asena shook her head, piling the empty platters on top of one another to separate them from the ones that weren't empty. She then grabbed a cup and filled it with the wine the inn keeper had sent up with a pitcher of water. Spirits didn't usually drink human made alcohol, but this wasn't the time to be picky. Even if she could only get slightly inebriated for a short time, she felt it was worth it after the day she'd had. Vanamarilla was still sitting quietly, so Asena did the unusual and poured a cup for the she-elf, sliding it across the table for her.

"You probably need that just as much as I do." She muttered before drinking the full cup and setting it back down on the table before pouring another. "Don't worry, it's hard for me to get drunk on this swill humans call wine. My metabolism burns it off within minutes. So I have to drink a lot to feel almost anything. In case you're worried I'll make a drunken mess of myself." That being said, Asena drank again, sighing after she did so and poured another cup. She then glanced down at Aku as she started to feel the slight affects of the alcohol. "Figure we'll just leave him on the ground for the night, you can have the bed if you want."

That didn't really leave anywhere else for Asena to sleep. Though she did enjoy the comforts human's needed, she did not need them. The few floor cushions piled on the floor would suffice, probably near the window so she could still see the sky. If there was one thing Asena had to pick that she hated, it was feeling boxed in. The room was big enough for the three of them, sure, but there was a ceiling, only one window and one door. So regardless, the wolf would still feel a bit claustrophobic. She was used to sleeping outside under the trees and seeing the stars through the canopies. And once you're used to that, well, sleeping with a roof over your was a bit like a cage.

"Do you know what you did earlier today?" Asena finally asked, feeling her face warm and her inhibitions starting to wane with her third cup of wine. She glanced up at the elf as she poured her fourth. "That enchantment you cast, do you know what it does?"
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Vanamarilla was able to tune out most of what was being said between Asena and Aku, a skill that would come in handy now that Aku was to be joining them on their little journey. She couldn't exactly complain since she had agreed to it in the first place, and as long as Aku and Asena weren't killing each other Vanamarilla was content. Their conversation didn't last long though, and before she knew it, Aku was passed out on the floor like a puppy. She grinned at the sight, before returning to the same bean bun that she had been previously working on. Her appetite should have been much greater given how long it had been since she had eaten any real food, but she couldn't bring herself to eat more than half of it.

As Vanamarilla was contemplating getting up and heading back to bed, Asena slid a cup over full of alcohol. She looked up at Asena, blue eyes full of skepticism. It was very unlike the wolf spirit to speak to her, unless necessary. Asena hadn't ever been so accommodating and Vanamarilla was beginning to wonder if she had actually died back in the spider-demon's belly. Could the wolf spirit really have been this kind all along? Those questions didn't lend any help to her confusion. It only made the elf even more confused.

Vanamarilla did pause in her thoughts when Asena asked about the magic she had used in the battle. What was supposed to be innocent magic had gone awfully awry, that much she knew. Nervous, Vanamarilla reached for her own cup and tossed it back. Her face twisted at the taste. It wasn't horrible, but the spirits made by humans were inferior to what she was used to at home, at least in taste. After she got it all down, she waved her cup at Asena and then poured herself another cup full. "It's magic I stole from my mentor. I was only trying to soothe your rage out in the battlefield, but it seems there may have been some..." She seemed lost in thought for a moment, but soon continued as the words came to her. "Adverse effects. I've never used any magic in that way before. I didn't know that it could hurt so bad..." Her body ached in the places where the spirit chains had burst from her soul, and she quickly finished off her second cup of wine. With so little food in her body, Vanamarilla was already feeling the effects of the alcohol and wasn't sure how long she would be able to keep up with the conversation. She almost wished Asena hadn't asked about it at all, but she couldn't blame her.​
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Asena sighed softly as Vanamarilla answered her question. She could feel the places in her body the chains had pierced and as she drank her win, she knew fully now that the elf didn't know what she had done. "I've only ever seen one other spell that resembled yours, Vanilla. In my entire life as a spirit I was lucky enough to avoid any mages. Until now, at least." Asena was glad at that point that so many decanters of wine had been brought up with the food, because they were already through one of them. She set the empty container down on the floor to keep it separate from the others and she grabbed a full one, pulling the stopper off and pouring some into her cup. As with all alcohol, it made her tongue loose. As with all loose things, what came out of her mouth next was very hard to get a hold of.

"You bound me." Asena said before taking a sip of the wine. Might as well slow down since her inebriation was already in full tilt. "Those chains bonded our souls and now I am bound to you. Since you didn't know that's what the enchantment did I'm assuming you don't know how to undo it." The wolf shook her head, feeling irritation fill it, but she tried to stay calm. This wasn't all Vanamarilla's fault. She took some of the blame when she devoured the shard knowing full well that she might not be able to escape its power. But that was all to save Vanamarilla's life, she had no other choice.

"Y'know," The spirit continued as she swirled the dark red liquid in her cup, feeling her inhibitions chase the wind. "I thought you were just this cute little innocent maid to some self absorbed human king. And here you are, casting magic far beyond your level of comprehension and binding me to your soul. I can feel some of your emotions and I can't disobey an order from you now. I even like you a little more than I did!" She held her hands up in a defensive position. "Not saying I necessarily didn't like you before, but you had your moments." Again, Asena drank her wine and growled softly. "I can't even be that mad at you, that's the worst part. I want to blame you for everything, but I know I can't. I suppose this is punishment for using the shard without being able to fully control my own power." The wolf sighed, downing the rest of the wine, that was starting to lose its taste, and closing her eyes. "You can't get rid of me now, Vanilla, and I can't get rid of you either. We're stuck together until you figure out a way to break us free."
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Vanamarilla nearly choked when Asena said that they were bonded. To any mage, regardless of skill level, those were words to not be taken lightly. The simple spell that Vanamarilla thought she had cast had bonded them forever, and Vanamarilla was at a loss for words. She cleared her throat, if only to keep herself from dying from the wine that had gone down the wrong pipe. She quickly composed herself, though the urge to cough was strong, Vanamarilla managed to sit still and listen.

Her eyes went wide with shock when Asena mentioned her being cute, and that was the only detail Vanamarilla focused on after that. Naturally it came as a huge surprise to the elf that the wolf spirit found her attractive at all, since up until today she treated Vanamarilla as a nuisance. It didn't mean Asena couldn't find her cute, but weren't they only using each other for the gem? Vanamarilla slowly reached for her drink, though her eyes remained locked on Asena the whole time. There was a curiosity budding deep within the elf, something that was untapped up until Vanamarilla bonded their souls.

"Why would I want to get rid of you?" Vanamarilla asked sweetly, her gaze lingering on Asena for a second. She drank from her cup, and her attitude shifted slightly when she realized how her voice had changed."I mean, why would I want to get rid of free muscle? You're basically my bodyguard now, you have to do as I say." She added, smirking. Vanamarilla began to feel woozy and set her drink down, deciding she had had enough of the wine. "Let's go to sleep. It's been a long day, and Aku is making me envious."

The elf began to stand, and for a split second she pondered inviting the wolf spirit to sleep with her. The idea seemed preposterous since Asena had called her cute. They had cuddled once before in the forest, but things were different then. They weren't exactly bonded. Deciding it was a bad idea, Vanamarilla pushed the thought from her head and walked over to the bed. She went to lay down, curling up under the blanket and hugging her pillow tight. It is more than big enough... For whatever reason she couldn't let it go, and shut her eyes tight to hopefully fall asleep, where her thoughts wouldn't betray her.​
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Free muscle? Asena smirked as she drank the rest of her wine and closed her eyes. It made sense, without her, the elf wouldn't have even escaped from those guards when they'd first met. Now that they were bound, Asena had no choice but to do what Vanamarilla told her. She wouldn't be able to disobey a command. So much for freedom. She even wondered if Vanamarilla was testing her ability over her to see if she could make her go to sleep. Of course, the wolf didn't feel compelled to obey, maybe there was a trick to it. Still, she was tired, a coincidence, at least she hoped it was.

She watched as the she-elf moved to the bed and suddenly her mind was filled with whispers. The wolf flinched a little as they began to overwhelm her mind and she shook her head to try and rid herself of the faint thoughts. Vanamarilla's thoughts, to be exact. Asena felt the elf's anxiety, her apprehension and...other things. She felt the somewhat troubled thoughts of Asena lying in the same bed with her and it made the wolf bristle. They had slept next to one another before, but that was out of necessity. Now...she didn't know what it meant now. And she didn't know if Vanamarilla was aware that she could faintly hear her thoughts and feel her emotions. For a brief moment, Asena panicked at the thought that the connection worked both ways.

The wolf finally grunted after Vanamarilla laid in bed for a minute or two, standing up and stretching her arms over her head. She really didn't want to sleep on the floor when there was a perfectly good king sized, soft mattress to be used. It's not like there wouldn't be enough space between them if she were to sleep next to Vanamarilla, something the she-elf had thought herself. And again, Asena wasn't one to usually turn down a luxury if it was offered, and this technically was for her comfort. Being the Savior and all. So she didn't hesitate again when she looked down at the bed. She moved towards it and laid down with a huff on her back. Hands moved to fold behind her head as she stared up at the ceiling.

Her eyes glanced over to Vanamarilla's side lying form briefly. It was an odd feeling she got from the elf now. It was nervous, and a little bit of guilt, from not knowing what she was doing, Asena assumed. The wolf hoped as time went on, she'd be able to learn how to block these thoughts out of her mind, but a bond was meant to do exactly as it was called. The whispers, the feelings, and in some circumstances, even visions could come into play. The wolf huffed again before squeezing her eyes shut and forcing sleep.

A few days had passed since the attack on Sornfall and they were on the road, once again. Asena hadn't gotten a grip on everything still. She could still hear whispers of Vanamarilla's thoughts, but she had gotten pretty good at blocking them out. Unless they were particularly interesting. They were on the trail of a rumor at the moment. Some well versed trader in Sornfall had mentioned that there had been an increase in demonic activity and of elves visiting a larger village that was a good four day's walk to the south. Of course, Asena was doing most of the heavy lifting, literally.

In her current state, she was in her spirit form carrying Aku and Vanamarilla on her back. It wasn't that either of them were heavy, but for a guardian spirit to become a pack mule was a bit degrading. Still, she bit her tongue since it was faster to travel this way. If need be, Vanamarilla could always sleep and Asena could keep traveling at a pace much faster than they would on foot. This was their fourth day of travel, so the village should've been coming up soon, but Asena hadn't seen any form of life on the forest road other than wild life. She hadn't seen any other travelers or brigands, for that matter. Usually on secluded trails like this it wasn't uncommon to find bandits or petty thieves trying to rob you on your way into town.

"You know Aku," Asena growled as she glanced back to the young man that was sitting behind Vanamarilla on her back. "You could go into your spirit form and be walking yourself. Did you even survive on your own in the forest as a coyote before we found you and you tried to steal from us?"

Aku just waved his hand dismissively and sighed. "I grew up on a village, eating leftover scraps from the people and doing small tricks as a coyote. I wouldn't have survived well in the forest having to hunt for myself." Asena just huffed loudly, shaking her body slightly and causing Aku to lose a bit of his balance. "Besides! I am the size of a normal coyote, one of your steps would be five of mine. I'd never be able to keep up."

"You're more of a hassle then you're worth, scavenger." The wolf sighed as they came up over a hill and the trees began to thin out. Once they reached the top they could see the city in the distance. A far ways into the distance if Asena was going to be honest, at least another half day's walk. The spirit groaned before sitting down, effectively dumping the travelers on her back and yawned. "I need a break." She began to shake her massive body and her fur began to shed as she shrank back down to her human form.

"Man," She rubbed her low back and twisted to cause the vertebrae to crack. "You guys are heavier than I thought."
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Vanamarilla was surprised to wake up and still not have reached their destination. They were on day four, and she thought, surely by now they must have been there. It wasn't like her to complain, or be impatient. Asena had been very kind in allowing her and Aku to ride on her back, but she could sense that the wolf spirit had grown tired and agitated of carrying them around. Even if she couldn't pick up on the wolf's thoughts at times, Vanamarilla could always get clues into Asena's mood based on how she treated the coyote spirit. She wasn't in a horrible mood, but it was time to get down.

Vanamarilla began to shift positions and swung her leg over Asena's side, but before she could make any other moves to dismount she found herself hitting the ground with a gentle thud. You don't have to be so rude about it, Asena. The elf stood up, brushing off her cloak and scowling at the wolf spirit. She soon fixed her expression into one more pleasant, when she looked around her at all the natural beauty. Most of the trip had been spent on Asena's back asleep, so it was nice to actually stretch her legs out. She lifted her arms above her head and reached towards the sky with her fingertips. She caught the faintest hint of musk from underneath her arms, and a rosy tint washed across her cheeks.

Slowly, Vanamarilla lowered her arms and tucked them behind her back. One of her ears twitched towards the left, where she could hear the faint sound of running water. "Perfect. You two can stay here and nap, and I'll be taking a bath." The pink haired elf was desperate to make a getaway, if only to wash off the filth that had been accumulating on her since they set off for the trip. She didn't think Asena or Aku would understand, but Aku shifted into his coyote form and ran after Vanamarilla. He steadied into a trot, giving a toothy grin.

"Eh, Vanilla. That sounds like a better idea!" Aku said happily. There was a sort of innocence on his face, but Vanamarilla paused in her tracks and looked down at the coyote curiously. Aku noticed this, and assumed it was because he had started calling her by Vanilla. "Sorry. I mean, Vanamarilla. 'Kay. Let's go," Aku said, continuing his little trot towards where he thought the stream was.

"Okay. You stay and stand guard while I bathe, and I'll do the same for you." Vanamarilla said, blushing. she didn't want Asena or Aku to see that she was apprehensive about being nude around them, and that seemed like a clever way to go about it. Elves, spirits, and humans all had their own ethics about sharing a bath with someone, and truthfully most elves didn't seem to care. However, Vanamarilla was a bit more modest when it came to such things.​
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Asena briefly heard Vanamarilla's thought about being rude, but decided to ignore it. She was tired. Carrying two extra people wasn't part of her normal life and it definitely wasn't easy hauling them for so long. The wolf continued to stretch, despite her companions complaining, before the elf mentioned a bath. Asena's eyebrows raised as she glanced over her shoulder to hear Aku agreeing to the idea before the two headed off towards the sound of the water. She chuckled when she thought of Aku trying to guard anyone. The best thing he could do so far was run away and eat. None of which were truly helpful to the wolf.

"Why would she think a runt like you could protect her?" Asena grumbled as she walked over to the short young man and rested her fist on the top of his head. "Have you ever had to fight in your entire life?"

"I'm not a runt!" Aku argued as she knocked Asena's arm away and the wolf glared down with a stoic expression. "Have you ever thought that you're just tall?" Asena smirked before closing her eyes and shaking her head. She knew she was tall, and she enjoyed it that way. A personality trait of her inner wolf made her feel more powerful being taller than most humans and anyone else she'd come across. She finally grabbed the coyote's head, gently, and shoved him off towards a small wooded area.

"Why don't you make yourself useful and go find us some firewood." Aku huffed before stalking away and grumbling to himself, something about Asena being too pushy. The wolf smirked before her ears picked up the sounds of Vanamarilla bathing. She thought it was odd she'd want to bathe in a river when she was sure the village they were headed to would have a bath house. Maybe the elf was just overly hygienic.

The wolf sat down at the trunk of a tree that was closer to the body of water Vanamarilla was bathing in. She needed to be close in case the elf got swept away with a strong current, or if, somehow, she drowned. Either way she didn't think anything of it, being so close. She thought she was being a good look out by staying close without indulging herself on an eyeful of nudity. The thought alone made the wolf uncomfortable in a small way and she shook her head. Her thoughts were hardly ever her own lately and she didn't want the elf to think she was being perverted.

"You moved closer." Aku appeared in front of the spirit and she flinched slightly. He was holding a bundle of sticks and looking down at her with a confused expression. "Did you want me to find firewood so you could peek at Vanamarilla?" His expression went from confused, to smug as he grinned. "I didn't think you thought she was that attractive, or maybe you're just a pervert."

"Wh- I'm not a pervert!" Asena stood and glared at the coyote who was just grinning. He just hummed and started to circle the woman like she was prey.

"Sure.." He muttered as he tossed her a sidelong glance. "That's why you two were sleeping in the same bed back at Sornfall?"

Damnit, he'd seen that? Asena scowled and could feel her cheeks heating up before she lunged at the coyote. Aku yelped, but dropped the wood and grabbed the wolf by the sari. They went tumbling back, snarls and grass flying up as they grappled. Before she knew it, there was a splash and Asena and Aku were submersed briefly, causing them to detach. The wolf only had to stand before she broke the surface and she inhaled deeply before wiping the water from her face. She blinked her eyes a few times and looked around to where they'd ended up before locking eyes with Vanamarilla.
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The water's temperature was perfect, and the area was surprisingly quiet. Vanamarilla had almost forgotten what the quiet sounded like, what with Aku and Asena always bickering. She closed her eyes and ducked down in the water, the upper half of her face peaking out along the surface. Her neck tensed as her mind wandered to Asena. They were bound to each other now, though Vanamarilla was a little unsure of what that meant, sometimes. She hadn't gotten to see it in action, besides the telepathy the two shared at times.

The elf blushed lightly, plunging herself forward and shutting her eyes. She opened them after a second, surprised at how clear it was underneath. There wasn't much life, but enough fish to pique her interest. Swimming so close to the fish reminded her of more carefree times, when she was still living among her people. Times had changed. Vanamarilla emerged through the surface of the water, her arms swaying gracefully as she moved seamlessly through the water.

Vanamarilla exhaled deeply, her back pressed against a smooth slab of rock. I could stay here forever. She thought, gathering her hair into a bundle and laying it on her shoulders. With careful touches, she combed through the ends of her hair. Only several strokes in when the sound of bickering reached her ears. "Wha-"

There was a loud splash, and Vanamarilla looked ahead in horror. The elf gasped, more appalled than embarrassed. Well, that was until Aku rose up from the water shortly after Asena. Vanamarilla ducked into the water, eyes still open and settling on... She burst through the water, face redder than Asena or Aku had ever seen it. The elf turned in the water, eyes shutting tight. For some reason, her heart was pounding in her chest and the image of both Asena and Aku's bodies were burned into memory, playing over and over.

Take me now. Vanamarilla thought. Maybe dying to that spider-demon wouldn't have been so horrible. She shook her head softly, arms coming to wrap around her frame tightly.

"H-Hey, uh, Vanamarilla. Is this the lake? This is a really nice lake." Aku said, voice cracking slightly and his hand resting behind his head as he glanced away.​
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Asena, once she realized where she was and what she was looking at, quickly turned away and grabbed Aku, making him do the same. She could feel her face getting hot as she ducked down so the water was lapping at her nose. This was beyond embarrassing. Not only had she breached Vanamarilla's privacy, she had gotten Aku involved in it as well. The wolf huffed when she felt Aku try and turn in her hand, glaring down at him, red cheeks and all.

"I-I mean this could be worse, right?" Aku was still trying to make light of the situation, but Asena was too embarrassed to make any comment. So her instincts took over, she gripped onto the back of Aku's shirt, stood up and threw the young man as hard as she could. Her eyes watched as the coyote flew through the air, a faint whimper could be heard as he landed a couple hundred feet away on the opposite side of the lake.

"S-sorry, Vanilla." Asena muttered as she shifted, quicker than she'd ever done before, and jumped out of the lake. She jogged back towards their supplies and stopped, shaking the water from her fur before changing back. This break in their trip so far, had been a disaster.

"Excuse me." The wolf whipped around to see a man with dark brown hair and hazel eyes staring at her. Not a look of surprise on his face, just calm indifference, but he must've seen her shift? "Do you know which way to the next town? I'm afraid I've gotten a bit lost." The man was wearing a hood, but that didn't stop Asena from seeing his pointed ears and the strong scent of the forest emanating from his body. There was no doubt that this man was a forest elf, which was very rare indeed. Asena hadn't seen one in almost a century.

"It's in that direction." Ascena pointed to the east, never taking her eyes off the man. "If you walk over that hill you can see the town from here. Maybe a few hours walk." The elf nodded and smiled wider. There was something odd about him, minus the fact that it wasn't normal for forest elves to get lost. They usually had an impeccable sense of direction. Though elves weren't a common sight anymore, he just didn't seem to fit as a traveler. His clothes were very well kept, and the robe he wore was elaborate with gold stitching along the hem. That definitely wasn't normal. Though in all fairness, Asena wasn't a very trusting spirit.

"Ah, thank you very much." The elf nodded as he walked past Asena, the wolf's eyes never leaving him. He paused a few feet past her and turned again. His hazel eyes going to the bag of supplies that were at her feet. "Are you traveling with a companion? That just seems like a lot of baggage for a spirit." The wolf tensed, her eyes growing wide for a moment before the man chuckled and pulled back his hood. "I know you noticed my ears, just like I noticed you shift, Spirit. Don't worry, I have no intention of harming you. I was just curious. It's odd for spirits to travel with others, isn't it?"

"Traveling with others makes it easier to pass as human." Asena furrowed her brow as the man put his hood back up and smiled. "Though humans don't pay much attention to us remaining spirits, do they?"

The man chuckled before bowing his head slightly. "Eros Lowland." He offered as Asena bowed her head, though never lowered her eyes. "If you don't want to get noticed too quickly, make sure to not look the humans in the eyes. Your unique eye color would be sure to catch their attention." Asena inhaled slowly as the elf turned around and started walking again. "Don't worry, I know spirits don't give out their names unless they trust someone. Thank you for the direction." Asena watched the man until he disappeared over the hill. There was something about him she didn't like. Maybe his constant air of calm, though that wasn't always uncommon for elves as well, especially forest elves. They thrived in nature, so maybe she was just thinking too far into it.

"Who was that guy?" Asena glanced down to her side to see a drenched Aku, his eyes narrowed and shoulders tight. "I didn't like his energy. He felt a little off, right?" The wolf sighed as she stared off down the road again. If Aku could notice, there must have been something wrong. "Also, I don't appreciate you throwing me around like some toy."

"Hopefully we won't run into him again." The spirit grumbled as she huffed and sat down in the sunlight to dry her sari. "I definitely don't need another elf to worry about." Even though she was trying to shake the feeling, she knew caution and she felt it on the back of her neck, Now she worried if Vanamarilla could feel it to. If she could, there'd be no doubt the she-elf would be asking her about it, but then again, maybe not since the bond between them was still so new. "I wouldn't throw you if you weren't so small, coyote."
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Vanamarilla had no words, even as Aku attempted to change the subject and draw their attention away from what had just happened. While she appreciated the effort, it only felt like he was making things worse by acting so strangely. This wasn't the Aku that she was used to, and for a brief moment, Vanamarilla was sympathetic towards Aku and Asena. They couldn't possibly have wanted this to happen, she at least knew that much from the tension radiating off of Asena as she fled from the lake with Aku.

When the two of them were gone, Vanamarilla took a deep breath and dove underwater. The sight of tiny fish and aquatic life relieved her, as she certainly didn't want to see anymore body parts for awhile. She swam until her lungs began to burn from the lack of oxygen, which was much longer than that of any human. The sensation actually helped to clear her mind of the earlier events, as she emerged from the water feeling refreshed, and ready to reunite with Asena and Aku.

It was then, that Vanamarilla's ear twitched at the sound of an unfamiliar voice not too far off. It was faint, so she couldn't exactly make out the details of the conversation, but she did hear Asena's voice. She lifted herself out of the water slowly, careful not to make too much noise. She had a bad feeling, and the last thing she needed was another person seeing her in a compromised position. Vanamarilla swiftly dressed, tossing her cloak over her shoulders and securing her hood over her ears. At least if whoever it was stumbled over, Vanamarilla would be decent. Though, she hoped they would stay away.

There was a strong pulse over her right breast, and Vanamarilla's hand instinctively went to Istladris. There was no telling what this person's intentions were, but Istaldris seemed to be responding to the new presence. She had grown closer with the gem over the course of their days spent traveling together, and since Asena had nearly been consumed by its powers she was usually the one carrying it. It was odd, but Vanamarilla had accepted the strange feelings the gem gave her. Now,it was reaching out to someone else, at least, that's what Vanamarilla assumed.

Istladris was pulling in the direction of the new person, and Vanamarilla was having a difficult time resisting. She walked in the direction that Istladris pointed, before stopping behind a tree. She crouched down and peeked over as the man was leaving Asena and Aku. An Elf? Vanamarilla wasn't used to seeing other elves out, though from the looks of him, he must have been a forest elf. He was good at masking his scent, but Vanamarilla could still tell.

After the elf disappeared from sight, Vanamarilla emerged from her hiding spot. She dropped her hand from where it had been resting over Istladris, a hint of red on her tanned cheeks as she interrupted Asena's exchange with Aku.

"Glad to see you two are still getting along."
Vanamarilla said, arms folding behind her back as she turned to the wolf spirit. "Asena, tell me. Who was that Elf you were just speaking to? Did you know him?"

"He was just a random traveler. Gave me the creeps, Vanilla." Aku said, turning to look over his shoulder to where he'd last seen the stranger traveling.
"Wouldn't put it past Asena though. She does seem like the type to befriend weirdos. No offense to you, 'Nilla."
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Asena didn't know that Vanamarilla had been watching her conversation, or the last bit. Long enough to know that she had been speaking to an elf. Either way, it wasn't surprising that the she-elf was curious, but Asena wasn't sure why she felt a strange pang in the pit of her stomach. A feeling which made her a bit irritated as she stared forward down the road towards the city. When Vanamarilla had finished asking her questions, the wolf just sighed before glancing over her shoulder.

"No one that I know. Just another traveler like us." The wolf turned away again and picked up one of the bags that was next to her. "You two can carry something this time. I'm not going to shift again unless I need to." Without another word, the wolf walked off, not even acknowledging what Aku had said. She was growing weary and longed for a good, comfortable rest. One that was shielded from the wind and not on the ground, preferably. But at this point she would settle for a pile of straw in a barn.

The walk to the city was made in general silence. Aku would make a few remarks every now and then, but nothing that Asena paid attention to. Her mind was still set on that wandering elf. Though she was prone to distrust, she couldn't ignore her more basic animal instincts not to take him lightly. If they were to cross paths again, Asena made a mental note not to get too close to him. Which may be more difficult than she thought since he'd managed to sneak up on her.

Asena huffed and shook her head. She didn't know why the thought of him was bothering her so much. He was just a wanderer, or maybe an envoy for some rich noble, but other than that, he wasn't anything to worry about. She glanced back over her shoulder at Vanamarilla and Aku before feeling that pang in her gut once more. Was this jealousy? Asena had never truly been jealous of someone, spirits tended to lack some human reactions, but the thought of Vanamarilla possibly wanting to leave and travel with the one of her own kind made the wolf's jaw tighten.

Thankfully, they reached the gates of the city and the wolf's mind could finally focus on something else. "Let's go find an inn and some hot food." As they walked passed the guards, a bulletin board was hung on the wall with advertisements and wanted posters. One particular flier was advertising a hot spring on the far side of the city. "That's somewhere I will be visiting tonight." Asena muttered. The thought of soaking in steaming hot water seemed to already ease her nerves.
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Vanamarilla was somewhat taken aback after hearing Asena's response to her innocent questions. It wasn't usually like the elf to worry if she had offended Asena in some way, since her presence at the start was somewhat offensive. Now that they were bonded Asena's shifting emotions were difficult to ignore, and Vanamarilla couldn't help but wonder what she had done. She looked over at Aku, who didn't seem as puzzled by Asena's words and simply picked up the rest of their things. He didn't leave anything for Vanamarilla to carry, and Vanamarilla stood there for a few seconds after as the two spirits walked away.

The walk was spent in silence, but she was questioning everything. Maybe I have become spoiled. Vanamarilla thought to herself. Her time spent living in a castle, not as a servant, but a mere plaything to the King wasn't very difficult. She didn't have much work to do, and it showed. But even her Elf kind was known for being a delicate, gentle species. Hard work wasn't really apart of their lifestyle. Vanamarilla was unsure if that was even the reason Asena was upset, but it wouldn't stop the elf from mulling it over as a possibility.

Vanamarilla was able to clear her mind as they got closer to the city gates, and she nodded in agreement with Asena's plan. She followed behind, securing her cloak over her pointed ears and glancing around at the new place. This city was different than the simple villages they had traveled through, but she imagined the humans would be just the same, which kept her on constant alert.

"Oh. If only I had the luxury. I'm sure my ears would be cause for alarm in the springs, so I'll just stay behind." Vanamarilla said, as they walked past the bulletin board. It wasn't like Asena had invited her, but uninviting herself seemed like a good idea.

"This seems like a nice place." Aku chipped in, stopping in front of a large stone building. It was advertised as as an inn, but boasted having the best drinks in the city. "If you need help, I can go pick a few pockets to help with the bill."

"Do not worry, Aku. Even after giving Asena half of my geld I still have enough."
Vanamarilla replied, smiling gently. She walked up the short stairs leading into the establishment, relieved to see that it was decent inside.

"You're so kind, 'Nilla. Where would I be without you?" Aku asked, trailing behind the she-elf eagerly. He glanced over his shoulder at Asena, raising an eyebrow in judgement before turning towards the bar.

Sorry. Only rooms available are singles.

Vanamarilla frowned at that news, as she'd realized they would most likely have to split up. There was no way they would be able to fit into one room, and she wasn't interested in sharing a tiny bed with Aku...or Asena.

"Okay. Three rooms then, please?" Vanamarilla asked, only to earn a look of disappointment from the receptionist.

We only have two. The agent said, before holding their hand out with the two keys.

Vanamarilla accepted the keys, then hesitantly slid the geld pieces across the bar. She was doubtful, and a little worried about being separated, but maybe this was what they all needed.

"Hey. Not to worry, Vanilla. I can sleep with you, I don't take up much space. All I need is a pillow." Aku said.
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"You two can share a room if you want." Asena overheard the conversation no matter how quiet Vanamarilla was trying to keep the conversation. Though she was sure that no one in the inn hadn't heard Aku when he spoke. The wolf walked over and took one of the keys from the woman behind the counter and headed towards the stairs. "I'll see you two later."

Asena made her way to the room, the number being on the key, thankfully, and unlocked the door. The room wasn't large, a bed, small dresser and a bathroom were all that it had. But there was a window and Asena moved forward to open it. Fresh air rushed into the room and the wolf inhaled it greedily. She set the bag of supplies she was carrying down next to the bed and looked out the window. She could see a large building in the distance, the faint glow of the lanterns and steam rolling from the open windows indicated that it was the bath house.

A bath did sound nice, and some time away from Aku and Vanamarilla would probably be beneficial to everyone. Traveling for such an extended period of time with the same people could get...irritating. Not to mention the bond she had with the she-elf would let her know if anything was happening to her. Asena paused for a moment, wondering if her bond would even let her be that far away from Vanamarilla. She clenched her jaw and huffed slightly. Asena didn't care about the bond, if she wanted to be alone, she would be alone. Asena grabbed her coin purse and stuffed it in her belt before pushing the door open.

"Woah!" Aku exclaimed as he backed up a few steps and the wolf looked down at him. "Hey! Watch where you're going! You almost hit Vanamarilla and I with the door!" Asena raised an eyebrow at the young man before glancing at the pink haired elf.

"I'm going to the bath house." Asena sighed as she turned away and started walking in the direction Aku and Vanamarilla had come from. "So you know where to find me if you need something."
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Vanamarilla only had a moment to respond to Aku's suggestion with a blink, before Asena had come over and grabbed her own set of keys. She stared at the wolf in confusion, feeling quite blindsided by the sudden hostility coming from Asena. The obvious thing to do was to ask Asena what the problem was, but Vanamarilla wasn't the one for confrontation and she didn't want to make things more awkward for anyone. Sighing, Vanamarilla walked up behind Asena, Aku by her side as they scanned the hall for their room.

"Don't worry about it, 'Nilla. Wolves are no-" Aku's reassuring words were cut short. "Woah!" Aku exclaimed as he backed up a few steps and the wolf looked down at him. "Hey! Watch where you're going! You almost hit Vanamarilla and me with the door!"

The lack of care on Asena's part was more concerning than the fact that Vanamarilla had almost been knocked in the face by the door. Unlike Aku, who was still pretty hot about the whole thing, Vanamarilla only looked at Asena curiously. She narrowed her eyes at the wolf spirit, unknowingly tapping into the new ability their special bond had created. A few seconds of this, and Vanamarilla was able to pick up on Asena's frustration, but that was nothing new. She dug a little deeper, but Asena was a well guarded person, and whatever Vanamarilla did pick up on caused her insecurities to arise once more. The wolf spirit was mad at her, or so she thought, confirming her earlier thoughts and doubts during their trip to the inn.

"Come on, Van. Let's check out our room," Aku called from down the hall. He already had the door open, with a wide grin on his face. The coyote spirit's sudden playfulness surprised Vanamarilla, and she mirrored his expression.

"Hey! How did you get the key?!" Vanamarilla shouted, laughing lightly as she jogged down the hall towards Aku. The previous encounter was momentarily pushed to the back of her mind, as Vanamarilla was more interested in getting situated in their room.

"Well, have you seen you? It wasn't that hard to take the jewel before, ya' know?" Aku said, rubbing the back of his neck and smiling sheepishly. He sat down on the bed, sinking into the plush surface with bug eyes as he was nearly engulfed. "Gah!" Aku flailed briefly, before scrambling to stand up with a huff.

Vanamarilla was looking into the tall wall mirror when she heard Aku scream out. Seeing as how it was nothing, the she-elf laughed loudly and turned to him.
"Yes. But have you seen you, Aku? It's only a bed." She shook her head, turning back to her reflection and running her fingers through her pink locks. She gave a sigh, placing her hands on her hips and continuing to study her appearance.

"Want to go out? It's been awhile since my hands have gotten dirty, I'm starting to feel like a princess." Aku asked, and then confessed. Mischief flashed on his face briefly, and he smiled innocently, almost pleading as he waited for Vanamarilla's answer.

"Huuumm," Vanamarilla sang slightly, her mouth pushing to the side as she considered Aku's feelings. He was a little troublemaker, that was for sure, but Vanamarilla knew she couldn't control the coyote spirit. Maybe getting into a little bit of trouble would be fun, but only 'a little'.

"Okay. But you have to warn me first, and if you get caught, we are strangers."
She finally said, and then pulled her cloak back over her ears.

"Can we go out through the window?" Aku asks, already lifting the lock and sliding the window open. He had one foot out the window when he looked at Vanamarilla, expecting her to follow.

"...I've been through worse." The she-elf replies, climbing out after Aku and crouching down on the roofing. While she didn't understand the point or get the same satisfaction from this as Aku, she had to admit the view of the city was quite nice.

"Say, Vanilla. Don't you ever miss being with other elves?" Aku asks, glancing over at the pink-haired woman. "Seeing that other elf must have made you miss home a little."

Vanamarilla glanced towards Aku, eyebrow raising at the direction his questioning had taken. She felt a small pang in the pit of her stomach, as the faces of her loved ones appeared in her head. It seemed that she had almost forgotten what they looked like, and she could hardly remember their names. That was a side effect of being away from the homeland for long. She wanted to make it back to them, but her duty was with Istladris now. That would solve all of their problems in the end.

"Not really, Aku." Vanamarilla answers confidently, gaze set forward as she refuses to meet Aku's. She scrunches her face for a moment, then smiles wide at Aku. In an instant, Vanamarilla jumps down from the roof, heart dropping and her cloak flapping in the breeze. Her eyes tears up from the wind hitting her face, and she braced herself for the landing, ignoring the shouts from Aku as he called her name.
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The town that they had arrived in was quite a bit larger and busier than Sornfall. The buildings were taller and the people were noisier, all things that made the wolf spirit highly uncomfortable. She liked to be able to see her surroundings, but here it felt like everything was constantly closing in on her. Every time she turned a corner, something, or someone would run into her. The bath house seemed to be on the far side of town where the crowds got a bit thinner. It was built into the foot of the mountain that towered over the village. Asena's eyes followed the mountain side up and lost the peak into the clouds.

The wolf began climbing up the worn, wooden stairs into the more elaborate looking bath house. There was a warm yellow light emanating from the large windows and steam could be seen rolling from the large chimney at the top of the building. When Asena finally made it to the landing, a large door with a banner that said 'welcome'. Asena quirked an eyebrow at the entrance before dipping under the banner and past the open, sliding doors.

"Welcome!" A short girl with black hair greeted her with a warm smile and...pointed ears. "Welcome to the Altran Bath House. Is it just you this evening?"

"Uh...yes." Asena answered as she took a few steps forward and the elven woman stepped out from behind the counter. For some reason, she couldn't take her eyes off of the woman's ears. She thought that elves were rare to find in the world recently, but here was one right in front of her.

"Splendid. Arah will take you to the women's changing room." The elf with the dark hair bowed her head and headed back to the desk. As soon as she did, another woman, another elf with light blue hair, appeared from a hallway and smiled.

"I'm Arah, please, follow me." Asena's eyes grew wide and she just nodded. She followed the blue haired elf back down the hallway she had emerged from. The hallway opened up and there was a double stair case that led to a second floor. "That's where guests who have overnight reservations stay."

"This is a hotel too?" Asena asked as she looked up at the elaborate lighting that hung in the open lobby area and two floors that were above her. "I wish I would've known that when I got into this town."

"I apologize." Arah said calmly as they passed the stair case and through the lobby. "We have new fliers, but we haven't distributed them yet, regardless, I'm afraid we have no vacancies."

"Hey, Arah!" Asena's eyes fell on a red headed elf, taller than Arah, and a bit bubblier. "When you get a chance, could you refill the sake in the private bath on the second floor?"

"Of course, Celine." Arah bowed her head and Asena couldn't help but let her gaze follow the red head, who looked back and giggled when she caught the wolf staring.

"I...erm, don't mean to be blunt, but," Asena scratched the back of her head as Arah turned down a hallway. "Are all the employees here elves?"

"That's right." Arah answered as she continued to walk down the short hallway. "It's the only bath house in the region that's completely run by elves. It's quite rare."

"Yeah, I just thought, there weren't that many of you left."
The spirit admitted as Arah stopped and Asena almost ran into her as the elf turned around. "I mean...just that I don't really see a lot of elves one place."

"You can thank our patron for that."

"Your patron?" Asena asked, but before Arah could answer, another voice interrupted them.

"Ah, the spirit." Asena turned to see the male elf that she'd met earlier in the forest. "I sensed your presence as soon as you stepped foot in my establishment."

"So you didn't need directions when we met." The wolf's eyes narrowed as she saw Eros walking towards her with his hands folded behind his back. A small smile grew on his lips as he reached them and Arah bowed her head.

"I'm afraid I was just looking for an excuse to speak with a fabled forest spirit."
Eros admitted as he nodded at Arah and she took her leave. "Through that door is the woman's changing room for our walk-in guests. There's a door there that leads out to the women's private spring that overlooks Altran." He turned around then, bowing his head before pausing. "Oh, and welcome to the bath house."

Asena frowned as she stared at the elf's back and waited until he was out of view to enter the changing room. It was all brightly lit with white stone floors and bamboo shelves and cupboards for people's belongings. Asena picked a cupboard closest to the door and opened it, finding a white, fluffy robe. The wolf closed her eyes before disrobing and slipping the robe on, as well as a pair of slippers that were offered. As she moved towards the exit that led to the spring, there was a shelf with neatly folded green towels and Asena grabbed one before she walked through the door.

Luckily there wasn't anyone else in the public spring and that helped Asena relax a bit as she slid off the slippers before dipping her foot into the steaming pool. The water was hot, but not enough to burn the skin and Asena slipped off the robe before walking into the pool. The spirit exhaled slowly as it reached her neck
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