Istladris | Sailor Moon & saberwolf

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Vanamarilla refused to make eye contact with Asena as she berated, and insulted her for the hundredth time since arriving in the village. She was seriously wondering if her precious gem was worth all of the trouble, especially if she was going to be forced to carry it with an obnoxious wolf spirit following her. Clearly, she had underestimated just how horrible Asena could be. It wasn't even worth it to refute anything Asena had said. It wasn't like Asena would believe it, anyway. Loathsome wolf spirit. I should have left you to your fate in that forest...

"I found an opening and I seized the opportunity. You're the one who assumed I am not stealthy, and can't use magic. I said no such thing," Vanamarilla said, her voice cool. Determined not to allow her emotions to get the best of her, or to let her thoughts turn so dark that her mentor would be ashamed, Vanamarilla looked back to Asena with a calm expression. "I'll go and visit the human shops in this village then. Certainly I can do that on my own?" She stood up from the booth, her hands placed on the surface of the table for a moment, before she began to slide out. "Enjoy your drink. I will return shortly." Without waiting for a response, Vanamarilla quickly made her way away from Asena, ignoring any verbal attempts to stop from Asena. She didn't even spare the woman a second glance, she was so angry.
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Asena didn't respond to Vanamarilla as the elf stood and left the inn. The wolf spirit rolled her eyes as Vanamarilla's figure slipped out through the door and took a long drink from her mug. "Maybe traveling with this elf will be more trouble than I thought." Asena sighed as she quickly dispatched the rest of the ale and waved her hand to have the barmaid get her another. It would be easy for the spirit to leave the elf, but the gem. As Asena's second drink came, the woman serving her smiled before bending over more than necessary. "The gem could help me get back home." The wolf groaned softly to herself as she massaged her forehead before drinking the cool liquid. It soothed her slightly, but didn't help her predicament.

"I suppose I could be nicer to her..." Asena spoke softly to herself as she swirled what was left in her mug and closed her eyes. She wasn't used to traveling with someone, a mortal at that. Mortals were always a bit...greedy, for some reason or another. Elves weren't as bad as humans, but they were still greedy. Always wanting their own land or hoarding their culture, but at least they respected the spirits, or were supposed to. Asena frowned as she finished her second drink and dropped a few silver geld on the table as she stood.

"Is there anything else I can get you?" The blonde barmaid smiled at Asena as she moved towards the door. Aena was used to the extra attention she received when she'd wander into human settlements. It was usually her different colored eyes that drew people to stare and apparently made her more attractive in their eyes. Sometimes she would indulge herself, but she wasn't really in the mindset after dealing with a moody elf.

"Not today, miss." Asena answered with a sly grin. "Maybe if I pass through again I'll be sure to stop by for more than just a drink." She winked before exiting the inn. The market square was a bit busier now and Asena mentally kicked herself for losing sight of the pink haired woman. Luckily, they'd spent enough time near each other for her to have the elf's scent. The spirit lifted her head slightly and inhaled deeply, turning her head to the right when she caught the sweet, subtle aroma that filled her nostrils.
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Some of the tension seemed to leave Vanamarilla's body the farther away she got from the inn and Asena, but she was still angry over Asena's words. She inhaled a deep breath and walked through the village, trying to remain calm as not to draw any attention. Humans were good at sensing weakness in others, and she didn't want to be preyed upon without Asena there to protect her. That was probably the only decent thing about having the obnoxious wolf spirit around, but other than that, Vanamarilla would rather be alone. She ignored the few glances cast her way, only offering a smile towards a human child that happened to wave in passing. The small action was enough to lift the elf's spirit somewhat.

Vanamarilla approached a humble building with a sign that had a tunic etched into the piece of wood. "This should do," She said to herself. She stopped in front of the door hesitantly, the idea of being in an enclosed space alone with humans causing her heart to race. Sighing softly, Vanamarilla entered the building. There were lots of robes, tunics, dresses, and cloaks hanging up in every corner and space of the establishment. None of the items were anything that she would marvel at, as she was more accustomed to the fine silks and shimmering fabrics native to the elves, but she only needed something to hide her outfit for now. What she had taken from the king should afford her a nice cloak, at least.

"Anything I can help you with, Miss?" A voice suddenly said.

Vanamarilla snapped her attention over in the direction where the voice had come from and saw a thin, shady looking man standing behind the counter. Pretty much all humans looked the same to Vanamarilla, so it didn't set off any immediate bells. The man was being respectful enough. "No thank you. I think I know what I want," she lied, smiling. She shifted her attention back to a section of cloaks she had previously been browsing, though she was mostly unimpressed by the quality. Some of them appeared worn, which Vanamarilla wasn't too fond of.

The shop owner continued to watch the elf shop his store, and decided to speak up again after several moments. "Hey, Miss? Those cloaks aren't much to look at. I've got new ones in the back, made from the finest Elven silk you've probably laid eyes on, which, being an elf yourself you would have to believe it to see it." The shop owner chuckled to himself, a friendly smile warming his face. "I'll offer you a special price, if you tell your friends about it."

Vanamarilla had, for the most part, tried to stick to her own business, but she couldn't resist when he offered her a sale price and mentioned it being from her own people. Elves weren't usually ones to consort with outsiders, but there were some who would trade with humans for other goods. "Really?" Vanamarilla blurted out in her own native tongue, her eyes wide with intrigue. The human man seemed nice enough, especially if he was a trader of Elven goods.

"Really," The shop owner replied in Elvish.

His Elvish was heavily accented, but Vanamarilla felt closer to home having heard him speak in her own tongue. She glanced around the empty store once, before making her way behind the counter. "I'm really looking forward to seeing all of your Elven wares." Vanamarilla smiled, following behind the man into the back area. It was stuffy, and packed with boxes and other bits of fabric. "Have you been practicing Elvish for long?" She asked, looking up to the man with a smile. Her smile began to fade some when he didn't reply, and continued walking instead. "I think...I've changed my mind about this. Thank you," Vanamarilla said sternly, turning back towards the way they came. She stopped in her tracks and turned around to leave, as a second man entered the back area as well.

"Ooooh Come on. We're almost there, just through this room," The shop owner said, grabbing a hold of Vanamarilla's wrist and pulling her along. "I'll even throw in a little extra for you being so nice."

Vanamarilla was visibly shaken up by this and the giant man who was silently following behind them with a rope in his hands. She wished she had stayed behind with Asena, where it was safe, but now no one would know where she was. No one cared enough about elves to help them, and she wouldn't get as lucky as she had at the castle. Asena had been right. She was horrible at magic and stealth, and had made horrible decisions leading up to this.

They arrived in a small room crowded with Elven robes, jewelry, and even the cloaks the shop owner had mentioned. Vanamarilla felt a brief sense of relief, and prayed that maybe the man was telling the truth, that his motives were pure. She looked over her shoulder at the man who had followed them in, and was now blocking the doorway.

"Pick out whatever you like. You'll need to look your best if we're to make a decent amount of geld off of you," The shop owner said. When he saw that Vanamarilla wasn't responding, he pushed her forward. Vanamarilla screamed as loud as she could, and turned around and slapped him square across the face.

"Tie her up! She's feisty," He yelled, grabbing at the elf's wrist. "They'll pay a mean price for an unbroken elf!" The shop owner yelled, almost excited by his own words. Both he and the man that had been standing guard tried to restrain the elf, grabbing at Vanamarilla and attempting to pin her down. As they got her down, the gem nestled in her chest flew out and bounced across the floor, drawing in two pairs of eager eyes. "Hold her," he said to the other man. Slowly, yet eagerly, he released Vanamarilla and went to pick up the blood red gem, his eyes glistening with hunger.
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The wolf was getting irritated. She'd spent about thirty minutes looking for Vanamarilla and weaving through humans who were bartering for goods. The elf's scent kept waning the longer she looked and she was afraid she was going to lose it. Asena moved down the a side street and the scent faded. There were a couple shops that were lining the street, but the clothing shop caught her eye. The sweet aroma was faint, but it was wafting around the entrance to the shop. Vanamarilla must've gone in there. Asena moved towards the shop and opened the door. Vanamarilla's scent got stronger when she entered, but there was a slight change. Instead of being sweet, there was a hint of sharpness...almost sour smell mingling with her own. The elf had been in here, and something had frightened her.

Asena tensed slightly and began looking around the shop. She didn't see the pink haired elf, or anyone else for that matter. There was no shop keeper, or worker that most shops had to make sure no one was going to lift anything. The wolf spirit looked around, following the trail of the elf's scent. There were two other scents wafting in the shop, two men that she could tell, one older than the other. Both foul smelling and it made her wrinkle her nose. "Where is everyone?" She asked herself out loud as she noticed a door where all three of the scents were mingling. "Is anyone here?" Asena called a little louder as she approached the door and reached for the handle. Just as she was about the grab it, it turned and she took a few steps back as an old, thin man appeared.

"Can I help you with anything, miss?" He asked with a small smile on his dry lips. Asena narrowed her eyes slightly. Vanamarilla's scent was on him and he looked a bit disheveled. She wasn't sure if she should ask if this man had seen Vanamarilla, he would probably just lie about it. There was no way that the elf wasn't somewhere in this shop. Just as Asena was about to open her mouth to speak, she noticed a familiar, lulling red gleam from the man's pocket of his slacks. The spirit clenched her jaw as she approached him. He was a short man, or maybe just hunched, either way, she towered over him and glared daggers into his dark eyes.

"Where did you get that gem?" Asena asked, a threatening tone in her voice. The man's eyes widened briefly before his expression returned to normal and he just shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about, miss." He shoved his hands in his pockets and moved behind the counter. "We don't sell gems here, as you can see, I run a clothing shop." Asena frowned and furrowed her brow, of course he'd lie. Human's always lied when they held something that wasn't theirs.

"I suppose you wouldn't know anything about an elf either?" She kept her eyes trained on the man. He was scared, she could smell the bitter scent of his fear in the air as she stalked towards him like prey. Asena held her hand level with her shoulder. "About yay high, pink hair, blue eyes."

"I-I'm afraid we don't get many elves around here, ahem." The shop keeper cleared his throat as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Now i-if you don't mind. I'm not...feeling too well. So I think we're going to close up early. On your way now."

"We?" Asena growled as she moved forward and grabbed the man's arm, pushing him up against the wall. "I don't see anyone else here." She pulled him forward, spinning him so his front was shoved against the wall and his arm twisted behind his back. She reached into his pocket and felt the warm hum of the shard. Asena grabbed it and pulled it out, staring at it for a moment before placing it under her arm band for safe keeping. "You're lucky I'm feeling generous today, human." She slammed the man into the wall, not that hard, but hard enough to knock him out and he crumpled into a pile on the floor.

Asena glared down at the man before scoffing and turning towards the exit. She paused as she reached the door. The warmth of the gem against her arm was pleasing, but it started to make her skin itch as she thought about Vanamarilla. She knew the elf was there, somewhere, but she had the gem. Asena didn't need the elf anymore, and it would be so much nicer to travel without Vanamarilla. But the more she thought about leaving, the more the gem began to itch. If it was indeed an elven artifact, she wouldn't be able to decipher anything about it...or even use it. She still needed the elf.

"Dammit." Asena groaned as she turned back towards the door that the man had appeared from and threw it open. There was a hallway with another door at the end and Vanamarilla's scent was still lingering in the air. The wolf spirit growled softly as she grabbed the handle to the and opened the door, just to be met with a large fist that crashed into her face. The wolf stumbled back slightly, a little dazed and Asena stood back up as a tall, burly man came barreling at her. She ducked as he tried to punch her again and moved behind him. His arm came swinging back and she ducked again, punching him hard in the stomach. For a human, Asena was surprised by his build. Her arm was a little sore after punching the man and he doubled over for a second as she took a step back, baring her still human looking teeth.

The beast of a man charged her again, and Asena growled before doing the same. The man grabbed a cast iron rod and swung it hard. The wolf brought her arms up to block and felt the metal tear at her skin as she continued to block her face. The man was relentless, but she could tell he was tiring. And as his last swing was off target and clumsy, Asena dodged out of the way and grabbed him by the throat. Her claws had extended slightly as she put all her weight forward and slammed the man on his back. She held him down like the omega he was and a growl shook her chest as she felt her eyes warm, the only sensation that told her they were glowing. Asena tightened her grip on the man's neck until his eyes rolled back and he passed out. The urge to kill him was strong...but if she spilled his blood, she knew she would lose control. So, reluctantly, she released the man and stood up again.

There were small marks on his skin where her claws had marred him and she rolled her shoulders, inhaling deeply to try and calm herself. She turned slightly and looked over her shoulder to see Vanamarilla tied up and gagged on the floor. She turned fully to face the elf before kneeling down in front of her to start untying her binds. As she reached out to move the gag from around the elf's mouth, she paused, a smirk growing on her lips. "Y'know...I rather like you like this. You're quite bearable when you're quiet." Asena chuckled softly before moving to untie the rope that was binding the small elf.
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During Vanamarilla's time with her captors, she learned that they had seen her entering the village, but didn't think they would get lucky enough to capture her out in the town. The fact that she had wandered into their shop alone was more than they could have hoped for, especially since the much taller and intimidating woman they had seen her with before was nowhere in sight.

Vanamarilla was tied up and gagged in the corner of the small storage room, left to await her horrible fate. She mentally kicked herself for having been so naive and wondered what the men had in store for her, though she didn't have to wonder long as she knew anything involving human males and female elves never ended in the latter's favor. She grumbled in frustration and hung her head low, her forehead pressed against the floor and her eyes closing.

Just when Vanamarilla had resigned herself to defeat, she heard Asena's voice calling out from somewhere. At first she thought she was dreaming, but when the thin man had looked startled and gone off to the front, she knew it wasn't a dream. Vanamarilla glanced up at the other man, his eyes telling her not to try anything funny. The elf ignored his warning and began to writhe around on the ground and yelling through her gag. It all came out pretty muffled, but Vanamarilla didn't care as long as she was doing something to hopefully alert Asena to her presence.

Vanamarilla was able to hear the scuffle that took place up front, and then silence. There was no way Asena had lost to that old man. Her gaze fell on the door, watching intently as the larger man turned to it. Her eyes widened with surprise when the door opened and Asena was standing in the doorway. Even though the wolf spirit had been punched in the face almost immediately upon entry, Vanamarilla couldn't help but to feel relief at the possibility of being saved.

The human man was strong, but he was no match for a wolf spirit. Vanamarilla swallowed thickly, sensing the blood lust in Asena on the verge of awakening. It looked like she was about to kill the human, and Vanamarilla was sure that Asena would. Even though Vanamarilla was beginning to loathe humans, she didn't want to see anymore death, so when Asena released him the elf was strangely glad.

Vanamarilla relaxed on the ground as Asena finally came over and started to unbind her wrists. She rubbed the sore spots on her slender wrists and arms with a sigh. Vanamarilla was half expecting Asena to finish the job and remove her gag, but it seemed somethings would never change. Rolling her eyes at the taller woman, she pulled the gag out and shot Asena a glare. It didn't last long, however, as she was more happy to see Asena than angry. "Thank you, Asena," Vanamarilla smiled softly, tilting her head in a very slight bow. She caught the faint glowing of the gem in Asena's arm band and quirked an eyebrow. "I'm surprised you didn't take the gem and run when the opportunity presented itself."
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The wolf spirit sighed. A bit exhausted from her encounter with the large man, and also because she wasn't at all in shape to be fighting anyone in her human form. She was used to her wolf's unbridled energy and in her current form, she wasn't used to tapping into her spirit energy without shifting. "I won't lie, Vanilla." Asena chuckled as she removed the shard from her arm band and began examining it. I guess it was a bit obvious from how she'd acted earlier that the elf would think she ran off with the gem. "I thought about it, but my better judgment just wouldn't allow me to leave you here with these humans."

The wolf glanced over at the burly man who was still unconscious before taking the binds that had been on Vanamarilla and tying them on his wrists tightly. Then she walked back over to the elf and offered her hand to help her up. Regardless of Asena being standoffish towards almost everyone, she couldn't leave an elven woman, no matter how infuriating, to the fate any human man had for her. She would've felt guilty if she'd left Vanamarilla to whatever those men had planned. And it wasn't easy for the young spirit to feel guilty anymore.

"I suppose I'm not as heartless as we thought."
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Vanamarilla squinted at Asena with an obvious annoyance on her face, though she was grateful to the wolf spirit for rescuing her at all. She accepted Asena's hand and started to stand up, her blue eyes drawn to the gem's vibrant color. She used her free hand and swiped the gem from Asena, a smirk on her lips as she hopped to her feet. "I suppose not, Asena." Vanamarilla tucked the gem away in her cleavage, and walked over to a rack of elven outfits.

"They've seen me in this. Maybe I should change?" Vanamarilla says quietly, picking through some of the clothes. A midnight blue cloak finds her fingertips, and she takes it off the hanger. She flings it over her shoulders and fastens the ties at the front. The hood was big enough to cover her head and conceal the appearance of her ears, which is what Vanamarilla wanted.​
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Asena chuckled when Vanamarilla took the gem back and hid it away. The wolf turned around to examine the room they were in. It was the clear the elderly man that she had first encountered wasn't anything of a well practiced slaver. He wasn't lying when he told her he was only a clothing merchant. It must've been the larger man that had the smart idea of capturing Vanamarilla and selling her. The best thing about being a spirit was that most people ignore you, saw you more as an ethereal entity or a figment of their imaginations. That made it easy for Asena to pass through most human villages undetected, unlike the pink haired elf.

"We should get out of here." Asena mentioned as she heard the man on the floor groan. "The old man isn't a problem up front, but that guy I think would pursue us if he sees us leave. There's another village a few hours from here, a smaller one. I think it'd be best if we stop there and get our next move figured out."

The wolf looked at Vanamarilla who was now wearing a different cape and made sure the hood was up to conceal her tell tale ears. Asena sighed as she exited the room and as she made her way back to the front of the shop. The old man was sitting against the wall, rubbing his neck and babying his arm that Asena had craned behind his back.

"Y-you won't get away with this!" He grumbled as he scowled up at the spirit. "I'll...I'll call the village guard to come after you." Asena narrowed her eyes and crouched down in front of the old man. He gasped slightly before she put her hand forward and extended her claws.

"If you couldn't tell," The wolf felt her eyes glow as she glared into frightened, human eyes. "I could easily end your life, right here, right now. I could burn you alive with the flick of my little finger. So if you feel the need to send the guards after us, I can promise to you I will tear them apart and they will have no one but you to blame." She touched her forefinger to the man's forehead and he flinched. "Then I would come back for you, and I wouldn't kill you, but when I'd be finished, you'd wish you were dead."

The man was shaking uncontrollably at this point and Asena drew her hand back and smirked. Her eyes were still glowing when she stood up and looked down at the sniveling human at her feet. Men were always pathetic, human men, at least, though Asena thought most males of any species were a bit weaker. She turned her back on the man, hearing his heart beating erratically in her sensitive ears. He wouldn't be sending any guards after her, it had been a bluff to scare her. Either way, she thought it better the scare him efficiently to get her point across.

"Let's go Vanilla!" Asena smirked to herself as she heard the man gasp with the increased volume of her voice. "We need to get moving."
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Vanamarilla looked through the racks of the elven clothes, seeing if there was anything else that may be of use to her. She nabbed a jeweled satchel out of a small bowl, which she figured would come in handy as they collected more shards. When Asena suggested they get going, Vanamarilla nodded in agreement, following the wolf spirit and shooting a glare at the man on the floor as they passed through the doorway.

Out in the main area, Vanamarilla saw the old man who had assisted in her capture. She had no words for him and didn't even spare him a second glance as Asena taunted and intimidated him. It was the nicest punishment the man could receive, in her opinion, after what he had attempted to do to her. She turned away coldly, studying some of the wares behind a glass display case as Asena handled the man in the background. It burned her to know that these items belonged to her people, that there was nothing she could do to stop it.

Vanamarilla started to feel sad, but Asena snapping at her suddenly brought her back to attention. She scowled at the white haired woman after realizing there was no emergency, and the wolf was only exercising her right to be obnoxious. Groaning quietly, the elf left the little shop and started to walk in the opposite direction of the little shop. She looked over her shoulder at it, almost expecting to see a horde of angry men chasing after her. When that didn't happen, Vanamarilla turned back around with a sigh of relief and continued on through the village.

After a couple hours of walking, Vanamarilla's knees grew sore and every breath she took became more exhausting than the last. She hadn't had the opportunity to rest without a worry since being captured by the King. Her whole day had consisted of evading danger, and sleep was looking more appealing than ever as the sun began to set. "Let's stop for awhile." She paused alongside a tree and sat down on the ground. "I need to rest, and it'll be nightfall before we arrive in the village." She said, closing her eyes for a few seconds. Being off her feet brought instant relief, and Vanamarilla didn't plan on walking more than another mile for the rest of the night. "Let's set up camp here, there's water near by and I can start a fire."

Vanamarilla got to her feet again, dusting her hands off and then removing the jewel from her bosom. "I forgot about this," she said, retrieving the new jeweled satchel from a loop on her skirt. "Now I can keep this out of your hands more easily when there are more pieces." Vanamarilla held the little bag between her fingertips, shaking it lightly as if to tease the wolf spirit. She smirked and then tucked it into her cleavage.​
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Asena wasn't planning to camp out for the night. Even though she was a wolf spirit and loved the calm environment of the forest, she couldn't deny she enjoyed the luxuries of being domestic every now and again. Still, she could tell the elf was getting worn out and after the day they'd had, stopping to rest wasn't a horrible idea. So the wolf nodded with a sigh before she rubbed the back of her neck, watching Vanamarilla sit against a tree.

"I will go gather some wood for the fire." With that being said, the spirit walked off into the forest to gather kindling and fallen branches. The forest was quiet except the scampering of animals and flapping of wings.

Asena wasn't sure how this journey was going to progress. She wanted that jewel for herself, it would surely give her the power to expel the humans from her forest. But the elf kept the shard with her always, and in a place where the wolf would have a hard time retrieving it undetected. With a heavy sigh, and an armful of wood, Asena headed back to the small clearing where Vanamarilla sat quietly.

"Do you know how to start a fire, Vanilla?" The wolf eyed the elf, she didn't look like one to know how to survive in the wilderness, but perhaps she would surprise her.
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Vanamarilla was surprised that Asena was actually being civil, and she hadn't fought the elf or teased her about wanting to rest. It was a pleasant surprise for Vanamarilla. When Asena returned, Vanamarilla fought the urge to laugh at Asena's question. "Of course I can start a fire. It is my people who harnessed the power of fire for the first time time, after all." She knelt down on the ground and began digging a shallow hole for the fire pit, and tossed some twigs and skinny branches into it.

It became apparent to Vanamarilla after only a minute of doing this that she wasn't sure how to proceed with how to properly build a fire. She had seen it done a few times, but elves rarely used such primitive means of creating fire. A bundle of sticks in the form of a teepee was all she really knew, but how to actually get the flames going was lost on her. Elves often used technology that appeared to create it out of thin air, which Vanamarilla imagined would come in handy right now. Unfortunarely, anything of use was lost at home, or in the posession of the king.

With a determined look, Vanamarilla grabbed two rocks off of the ground and began striking them against each other. It started to smell like fire, but there were no sparks. "There must be something wrong with this," she said, almost out of breath. Beads of sweat formed around her hairline as she worked to get the fire going. "I don't...understand." Vanamarilla said as she finally gave up. She frowned at what was supposed to be the fire and put her hands on her hips, as if staring it down would somehow make it work.
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Asena smirked and folded her arms over chest, watching the young elf try and start fire in the small pit she'd made. She wasn't about to correct Vanamarilla that it was actually the spirits that gave the gift of fire to the elves so they could survive, but she would let the little elf think highly of her people. Asena watched as a few sparks flew from the stones the elf was hitting together, but nothing lit for the struggling girl. After a few minutes, the wolf finally stepped forward and crouched down in front of Vanamarilla.

"Would you like some help, Vanilla?" Asena didn't really wait for a response, she was positive that the elf was going to tell her no and keep trying relentlessly to start a fire. Instead, the spirit shifted into her wolf and inhaled deeply before exhaling a breath of fire, which ignited the pile of wood in the pit. A few sparks flew through the air since Asena couldn't really control the size of the fire that was expelled from her lungs, not to mention when she was in her wolf form she was very large. So even the softest breath would've conjured a large blast of fire.

Now that wasn't too hard, was it? She sat down on her haunches and if possible as a wolf, she grinned at Vanamarilla before lying down next to the fire. If you wouldn't have been so proud, you could've asked and I would've helped you earlier without you having to exert yourself so. Asena's white fur was almost iridescent under the fire's glow and the heat was beginning to make the wolf realize that she was actually tired, and a little sore still. The sun was already well below the horizon and stars were beginning to peak out past the dark purples and reds in the evening sky.

Asena's jaws opened wide as she yawned and rested her head on her crossed paws. I suppose stopping to rest wasn't a horrible idea. She muttered as her eyes glanced to Vanamarilla. Try not to make too much noise, there are nocturnal creatures here who would be more than happy to have a she-elf in their possession. Asena wasn't trying to scare the elf or anything of the sort, she was only being honest. Snatchers and ogres, no matter how rare a sight, still existed and would love to feast on the flesh of a healthy elf. Wake me if you hear anything odd. With that said, the wolf closed her eyes and allowed her body to rest after the long day she'd had.
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Vanamarilla turned away slightly when Asena crouched down in front of her. The elf remained silent as Asena transformed, though she couldn't hide her intrigue at the giant wolf now standing in Asena's place. Her eyebrows furrowed as the wolf suddenly inhaled deeply. She remembered how Asena had blown away the guards earlier with her blue flames, and quickly ducked down, hands going to shield her pointy ears.

None of the flames had touched her, but the blast of hot air that grazed her skin was a little more than uncomfortable. Hmph. She glanced up, sighing with relief as she saw the only thing being burned was the pit of wood. She shifted to look at Asena, who she was now forced to communicate with telepathically. Vanamarilla didn't need to hear a thing Asena had said, though, as Asena's smirk had said enough.

Vanamarilla began to turn away from the wolf, possibly thinking of exploring the forests or going to take a bath. She heard Asena's warning about being quiet, but Asena wasn't telling Vanamarilla anything she didn't already know. However, after the days events, Vanamarilla thought it may be best to stick by Asena's side - at least for the night. She knew the wolf spirit wouldn't be there to save her every time.

The temperature dropped rapidly and Vanamarilla only had her cloak to shield her from the cold night. She moved closer to the flames, holding her hands out over the flames to try and warm them. It helped a bit, but it was too cold for her to sleep comfortably. She wished she'd had a fur lined cloak, or something to keep her warm enough so that she could sleep.

Vanamarilla glanced over at Asena, a soft smile on her lips as she noted how peaceful the massive wolf looked as she slept. She bit her lip, appearing almost embarrassed for a moment. "No... That's silly." The more she thought about it, though, the more Vanamarilla was convinced that it was a good idea. Asena wouldn't mind, would she?

At this point, Vanamarilla didn't care enough to ask. She crawled over to Asena and leaned against her, the elf finding instant relief as her cold skin met with the wolf's fur. Asena was surprisingly soft, and the heat that radiated off of her body was just what the elf needed. She lied her head down on Asena's ribs, caressing the fur and running it through the spaces between her fingers as she finally began to fall asleep.
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Asena's ears twitched when she heard a twig snap somewhere in the forest. She lifted her head and sniffed the air, the scent of a boar was the only thing that lingered besides the smell of burning wood. The wolf yawned before she noticed a gentle weight against her side and she turned to see the pink haired elf buried in her fur. Asena narrowed her eyes, it wasn't that cold, or at least it wasn't for her. Of course her natural temperature was much higher than an elf or a human, even if she were in her human form she'd be warm in just her sari.

Of course she'd use me for something like this. The wolf considered swatting the elf girl away, she wasn't really one for physical contact, and without her consent, no less. But as she pondered this, she felt the girl stir against her side and snuggle closer and deeper into her fur. Asena sighed and lowered her head back onto her paws. I'd hate to hear her complaining if I woke her up. I suppose there's no harm in lending her some of my warmth.

Asena groaned softly before folding her tail over Vanamarilla and watching the fire burn low in the pit. It had been a long time since the lonely spirit had traveled with anyone, and an elf of all things. She was used to traveling with her own kind, other spirits or just normal wolves when she felt the need for companionship. But traveling with Vanamarilla was different. The elf wasn't versed in magic or combat, it was mainly Asena who was doing all the heavy lifting.

The least she could do is cook. The wolf sighed as the fire died down to just embers smoldering with the last bit of unspoiled wood. Her eyes shifted to look at the pink haired woman resting comfortably against her. Asena yawned again before finally resting her head down and closing her eyes. At least she'll be able to find more shards.

The night passed swiftly for Asena as the sun peaked over the horizon and filtered in through the trees. She didn't want to open her eyes, it was far too early, at least for her, but it would be best for them to get out of the forest as quickly as possible. The wolf opened her mouth and let out a long yawn before she caught the scent of someone else nearby. Her body tensed as she felt the hair on her shoulders raise. An involuntary growl escaped the spirits throat before she turned to her left.

There was a silhouette moving through the trees and Asena stood on her feet, baring her teeth at the intruder. I know you're out there. She snarled as the figure froze and Asena got a good look. A coyote. I thought I smelled a stench in the air.

The beast said nothing before Asena stood up at her full height and huffed at the coyote. It wasn't a threat, whether a spirit or a regular beast, she couldn't tell. It held no unnatural features, but spirits that spent too long in their beast form sometimes lost the ability to shift and pass as a human. Perhaps it was the same with this creature. Still, Asena turned her back on it and heard the coyote trot off into the forest.
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Vanamarilla was fast asleep, dreaming of being surrounded by fluffy white pillows when she suddenly hit the ground, effectively waking her from her dream. She lifted her head and opened her eyes with a small groan. It took a few seconds for her vision to adjust, but she could see Asena's outline above her standing at alert. "What are you...What are you doing, Asena?" She asked as she moved to sit up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes gently.

"If you wanted me to move, you could have just asked." The elf was obviously unaware of anything that may have been going on in the forest, but she quickly caught on to how Asena was acting after waking up a bit. "Is there someone there, Asena?" She asked, her hand going to cover the spot in her chest where the jewel was hidden.
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Asena looked over her shoulder when she heard Vanamarilla speak to her. The wolf glanced back to the forest to make sure that the coyote was out of sight before reverting back to her human form and rolling her neck to loosen her muscles. "It was just a coyote." The spirit answered as she walked towards the elf woman. "I think, it may have been a spirit. I couldn't catch a good whiff of its scent."

The wolf's eyes glanced down at the elf and blinked. She saw the soft glow of the gem shard that was between Vanamarilla's breasts and felt the familiar urge to take it. She looked away and huffed before folding her arms over her chest. "It's about time you woke up. We need to get moving to the next village and get some supplies." Asena glanced over her shoulder and lifted and eyebrow. "You do have geld, don't you?"

The wolf spirit never had a need for geld, or any kind of currency since she never bought anything. Being an ethereal being made things easy for Asena. Everything she'd ever needed had been provided by the forest and by her clan before they'd all been wiped out. If Vanamarilla didn't have any geld, she would do what she'd have to do to survive. Like she'd always done.
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"A coyote spirit?" Vanamarilla repeated, head tilted to the side curiously. From what she knew of the creatures they were mischievous little tricksters, but they were also adorable. Vanamarilla couldn't imagine they were much worse than wolf spirits, maybe friendlier. At least with coyotes she knew what to expect, but wolves were...unpredictable.

Vanamarilla clutched the gem a little tighter as Asena's eyes found her cleavage, and turned her nose up in the air at the wolf spirit's question. "Yes. I have geld, I was able to take some before escaping..." she replied, as she got to her feet. She lifted her arms above her head high and bent at the waist in all directions, sighing softly as her muscles stretched. Sleeping on Asena had provided warmth, but the wolf spirit wasn't very comfortable on the elf's delicate bones. Still, she wouldn't complain.

"What supplies do you think we will need?" Vanamarilla asked as they departed the forest, the elf swinging her coin purse around her finger casually. A cool breeze blew, but looking up, she could see gray storm clouds moving in on them. "A storm." She stated in elvish, lips pressing into a flat line. "It may catch us before we arrive in the village." It wasn't that she was afraid of the storm, but it would only make traveler harder on foot.
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"Perfect." Asena clapped her hands together as she turned to the northeast, where the next village resided and then saw the dark clouds rolling towards them. "Well, we could definitely use a tent, and some food that won't go bad after a couple days. A canteen maybe." The wolf narrowed her eyes as she heard the elf speak her native language. "And maybe a couple blankets so you don't freeze at night, with the seasons changing."

The wolf spirit sighed as she felt the pressure drop in the air. Her own body temperature rose to accommodate the cooler air and inhaled deeply, she could smell the rain approaching. "We should go." She glanced back over her shoulder at the elf. "We aren't going to beat this storm, and it smells like its going to be bad." As if on cue, a strong wind whipped through the trees and Asena put her arm up to protect her face as a few twigs and forest debris flew through the air. She didn't mention leaving again, she just grabbed Vanamarilla's hand as rain started to fall and ran deeper into the forest, in the direction they needed to go, mind you.

It didn't take long for the storm to pick up as the winds continued to blow and Asena heard the other forest life fleeing to their homes. A bolt of lightning struck and the following thunder vibrated heavily in the air. It shook through the wolf's body and for a moment, she felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end. They needed to find shelter. The canopy above them gave them a little more protection from the rain, but the way the wind was blowing, it would never be consistent. She paused for a moment, still holding Vanamarilla's hand, and lifted her head to the wind to smell the air.

The faint, almost nonexistent scent of a bear wafted through her nose and she turned to the left to start running again. It didn't take a minute or two for the wolf to find the abandoned den of a female bear and what she imagined were her offspring, dug into a rocky plateau. She sniffed the air again as they entered, finally escaping the rain, the stale scent of bear and bones telling her this cave had been long empty.

"We can stay here until the storm blows over." She finally released the elf's hand and walked farther back into the cave until she couldn't feel the rain on her back before sitting down against the wall. "It won't be too much of a walk once it clears up."
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Vanamarilla had very little time to react before she was being whisked away, deeper into the forest as harsh winds blew and the trees howled and rustled. She didn't think they would be safe, or find shelter in time before being struck by lightening or crushed by a fallen tree. Asena had proven better at survival than Vanamarilla, though, so she let the wolf spirit lead the way to safety. She held her hood tight against her head as they ran, the elf sure that she would fall and be left behind. Somehow, she managed to keep up with Asena long enough to reach their destination.

They arrived in a small cave, and Vanamarilla brought her hand back to her side and slowly circled the clearing. There were animal bones lying about, though there was no scent of death, which meant that whatever had inhabited this cave had been gone awhile. She didn't want to complain about the place Asena had picked, either way. Anything was better than sleeping in a castle with lecherous humans.

Sighing softly, Vanamarilla forced those memories to the back of her mind and sat down on a rock. It wasn't comfortable, but she appreciated not sitting on bone and dirt. She pushed her hood back off her head and looked out into the rain.

"The gods must have led us here for some reason." Vanamarilla says, her gaze now on Asena. "Don't you think now that it is fate, Asena?" Her hand goes to where the jewel is, and she closes her eyes, the red glow of the gem somehow visible behind her eyelids, like it was burned into her mind permanently.

"So warm..." Vanamarilla whispered in Elvish, her lips curved upwards into a faint smile. The wolf spirit had disappeared in her mind, and all Vanamarilla could see was the gem. It desired to be whole again, and to grant her wish.​
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Asena watched out of the corner of her eye as the elf placed herself on a rock, still near the entrance of the cave they took shelter in. She saw the faint glow of the jewel radiating in Vanamarilla's cleavage. It never mattered where the jewel was on the elf, or how concealed Vanamarilla thought it was, Asena could always see it. She felt the pull it enticed in her chest and it made her breath catch at the sudden feeling. Even though the gem was meant for elves, spirits could use it, humans, anyone really. Any living creature that came across it could use it for their benefit. To make themselves stronger, faster, or live longer. It all depended on intent.

As the wind blew harder, Asena heard it howl deeper into the cave. She looked towards the darkness where it delved deeper, farther back to where the bear most likely made it's actual den. Lightning struck a tree close to the cave and Asena stood, the sounds and immense flash stung her eyes.

"You should move away from the opening." Asena took a few steps back towards the smaller opening in the back of the cave where she caught a very subtle scent of something living. She whipped back towards the dark tunnel and growled, her eyes warming as her vision cleared and her ears picked up a very rapid heartbeat. "Vanamarilla, get behind me." Before the elf could move, another large gust of wind blew into the cave and swirled around the wolf. The whistling hurt her ears as she covered them and tried to keep her eyes open.

Suddenly, the scent of whatever was alive came rushing towards her. In an instant, Asena was knocked back against the wall as the being moved past her. The wind died down enough to end the whistling in her ears and she looked towards the entrance of the cave, where the scent led, to see a young man standing there, the red jewel pulsating in his hand. He wore a smug smirk as he clasped his hand around the shard and ran off into the woods. The scent that filled Asena's nose was familiar and she clenched her teeth before taking off after him.

"That coyote!"
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