• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Long live Carolus Rex...
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
Online Availability
8:00 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Male
Pretty much all of them

  • lCMW3rp.jpg


    As the premise says, this is an RP exploring the "what if" that exists regarding supernatural powers existing, but the users then being seized by the government and shunned by the people of the world as monsters.

    The RP centers around what is known as Supernatural Virtute Altissimi, or "Supernatural Ability School". It is the one place that all islanders are required to attend for a period of four years. This school teaches new islanders how to both control their abilities, and live a productive life on the island. It also provides an overview of the history of the island.

    This RP follows the lives and moments of your characters, ability users who just came to the island, and their story of integration into the new life they've been given. Periodically threats to the island will pop up, and along with other islanders, your characters may be forced to defend their homes.

    I set no real "requirement" for post length, but keep in mind that I prefer a post that is at least one paragraph long, or a minimum of five sentences. This is likely not going to be the best RP for those that prefer one line responses. Character sheets will be required, however they will be minimum on items they need to be completed and accepted. I also prefer an "on your honor" system for any kind of combat that happens in posts, so no cooky systems need to be memorized and followed.

    Oh yeah, and as a small side note, keep in mind all you redstars that I keep all of my roleplays strictly bluestar friendly. So I refer to Iwaku policy on that.

  • Rules
    -No godmodding in any way, shape or form.
    -Keep cursing to a bare minimum. I don't mind it, but I shouldn't see posts like this:
    -Maximum amount of characters allowed to create is two. More may be approved for creation on a case by case basis.
    -Your character needs to be approved before you begin to roleplay.
    -You cannot change details in your character sheet after its creation unless you have approval from a GM.
    -Posts must have a minimum of fives sentences. If it takes you longer to post, that is fine, but please do not simply shitpost five sentences either.
    -It is advisable to give your post a good layout to improve legibility. Other than that, there are no restrictions.
    -You cannot make a character with the same power as another.
    -Your posts must remain realistic. For example, in a battle you cannot deal damage without taking some.
    -Per Iwaku Policy, there will be no Redstar rated content in this RP. This is a Bluestar safe RP.
    -Include the name of your character at the top of your post, that way we know just whom your posting with. It should look like this:

    Name of character

    Post: posiknaonfonaksoif. oamsinf uanojkenf naiunf ksfn. inaoisnf inaosjnfolainnsf mia mniosnfais nnkvianmsof inaosjnf lkjkn kamsimf imai ijminmkajnso. kmiansijnf km iansi kmanjsnkfn im, kjnknajks.

    -If you post in character, make sure you wait two posts before you go about posting again.
    -IC drama should not become OOC drama, if you have a problem with a recent post or facts, or spotted something I missed, please make sure to notify me in pm, I will solve the problem accordingly.
    -Use common sense. If it isn't in the rules, but you think it's probably something you shouldn't do, don't do it. Better to ask me first.
    -At the bottom of your character sheet please post a color of your choice to show you have read the rules.
    -The GM's word is law, so don't mess with him or his CO-GM's decisions. Express your dislike and distaste all you wish, but don't actively spite them.
    -Deaths may occur in this rp, please don't get upset if a character dies.

  • After you are in an area in which fighting is allowed (Such as a battle Arena), you will be able to instantly take action.

    When not fighting other characters:
    If you are not fighting other characters/antagonists (AKA NPCs) then you can determine the flow of battle yourself. However, keep in mind that you should be credible in your post..

    NPC Combat Example:
    Character A saw a girl being hunted by wolves. He needed to react quickly and drew his sword, rushing at the pack. Letting his sword control him, he made several slashes each precisely hitting an enemy.
    As he put his sword back into his sheath, he had defeated every one of them.
    Turning to the scared girl, he asked her:"Are you okay?"

    When fighting other characters:
    If you are fighting another character/antagonist you always have to give your opponent enough time to react. You cannot rush to him and just pierce him with a blade as doing that your opponent has not enough time to response, which is clearly powerplaying.
    The same applies to the opponent. Your opponent cannot evade every attack you throw at him, so both of you must acknowledge each other's efforts and sustain injuries.
    Also bear in mind that you cannot control the other character, thus you must give enough room for your opponent to react to your attack.
    The outcome of a fight is massively dependant of the creativity of one's post.

    Wrong example:
    User A posts:
    Character A rushed at character B. Piercing him with his blade, B coughed blood and fell soon after.

    Right example:
    User A posts
    A rushed at B. His sword was steady and he would not fail. Trying to pierce his opponent, he increased his speed and rushed straight at him.

    User B posts:
    B saw his enemy running straight to him. His move was predictable. After his enemy had gotten close enough, he jumped high into the air and began to dive at an extreme speed, his blade pointed right at the opponent below.

    Thus user A must post:
    A had not been expecting this. Startled, he realized that it was nearly too late to dodge his attack. He tried to make a roll in an attempt to evade that attack, but B's blade managed to create a large cut reaching all the way to his shoulder.

    Reason: A had made a mistake, rushing to his opponent without any strategy. Thus B had more than enough room to evade A's attack and pull of a counter attack.

    Creative example
    User A posts:
    A looked at B. He knew that he was more than a worthy adversary, so he needed to be careful. Holding his sword tightly, he beared a determined expression. From one moment to the another, he was already rushing straight at B with high speed. Increasing his speed even further, he used the accumulated kinetic energy to jump high into the air, right before he was about to strike, in an attempt to confuse B.

    User B acknowledges A's post and posts:
    B had not expected this. He clearly underestimated his opponent. Right now he could only stare at A, who was coming down for him. Quickly coming to his senses, he made a last-minute dodge and managed to get away unscratched as A landed.

    Thus user A can post:
    He had got him now. A hadn't attacked yet, but B was already getting out of the way. As B was still recovering, A used the opportunity to unleash a quick sequence of slashes at point-blank range.

    Thus user B must post:
    This was bad. B couldn't get away now. He clearly underestimated his opponent and had to suffer the consequences now...

    Reason: A forced B to dodge, but he didn't attack yet. So A can react instantly after landing, but B was still recovering from his dodge, allowing A to hit him.

  • Please fill out the below character sheet and then post it. If it is acceptable it will be approved by the GM or CO-GM, if not you will be asked to change it so that it is acceptable via PM. If it is approved it is expected that you will post it in the character sheet dump.

    Appearance: (An image of some sort preferably some kind of artistic drawing, if at all possible a non-anime one, pictures are fine, however I'd rather not have the faces of "real" people in the character sheets)

    "Quote of something the character says here (for example "Never give up!") "


    Age: (Any age older then six years old. Please keep in mind that physical abilities and control over your character's ability may correlate with age, so the older you are, the better at controlling an ability you are.)

    Date of Birth (Month, Day):

    Skills: (Are you a good tactician? Are you great at counting cards? Perhaps you are a great cook?)

    Special Ability: (This can be literally anything. Keep in mind 90% of our combat is against NPC's, so really what you choose won't effect particularly anything, but keep in mind you'll be getting more powerful over time. For example, a character who is capable of throwing fireballs is a great starting place, because from there perhaps they'll learn to shoot rays of superheated flame at superfast rates. It can also be something focused on helping other people, such as a healing power, or it could be simply something that is super annoying, such as one where your character oozes a corrosive mud from their feet whenever they get stressed.)

    Peculiar traits: (Was their any kind of effect that your ability had on you? Is there a weird thing that emerged because you gained it, like a third hand? Perhaps every time you go near fire, the flame is drawn to you. This should correlate to your power. For example a person who has the ability to control fire should not have a peculiar trait where they spout water from their feet wherever they go.)

    History: (What's your character's background? While this doesn't have to especially long, the longer the better. A few things that are good to answer with this section: Where are they from? Who were their parents? What was their childhood like? If they are teenagers, how was school? If adults, what did they do for work? When did they first discover their ability? How did anyone who found out react?)

    Personality: (what is this person like? Are they hyper active and annoying, or a cold and calm? Logical and analyzing, or loudmouthed and stupid?)

    Likes: (What does this person enjoy? Do they like icecream, Tv, sports, etc...)

    Dislikes: (Opposite of likes.)

    Pet hate: (What is one thing your character hates the most?)

    Theme Song: (Optional)

    Extra things:

  • This is a list of current members of the RP and their characters.


    @-A L I C E-: None
    @SoleStride: Joanne
    @Kurogane86: Adrian
    @Dakota K5: Levi
    @Lethe: Senecio
    @Frenchy : Sam and Elle
    @conman2163: Maldito & NPC's

  • Here are the links to other pages of the RP. Namely the IC and the Character Dump

    CHARACTER INDEX - Isle of Sanctuary Character Dump
    OPEN SIGNUPS - The Isle of Sanctuary IC

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Appearance: 9acaa887e9063c6a483d2e3dae52f3e5.jpg

"Idiots, you're all Idiots "

Name: Adrian Hillier

Age: 23

Date of Birth (Month, Day): Oct, 13

Researcher- Adrian is able to calmly conduct research in any subject. He has the ability to shut everything out and focus on the subject at hand.

Strategic thinker- Adrian is able to focus on the big picture. he can see everything on the field and predict the next 2 or 3 moves.

Cool under pressure- Adrian has seen a lot of things in his young life. This has given him the ability to calm down assess the situation and deliver a sound decision.

Special Ability: Recharge - Adrian is able to syphon energy from anything or anyone and use it however he wants. He uses the Energy to either fire bolts of energy or use the energy to increase his reflexes, speed, and agility. He is currently at the level where he can control just how much energy he syphons and is able to control just how much energy he can fire.

He still needs more training with absorbing the energy to increase his reflexes, speed and agility. When he is super low on energy and has collapsed on the floor his body will automatically siphon energy from anything or anyone that's near him until he is recharged fully. This is the reason he is careful to always siphon some energy every couple of hours.

Peculiar traits: Adrian's energy level and mood are in sync with the amount of energy he has syphoned. He is really gloomy when his energy level is low, when he has just syphoned energy he is more chatty and smiles...sometimes.

History: Adrian was born to a teenage mother that put him up for adoption as soon as he was born. Adrian grew up in the orphanage and was adopted almost right away but due to his abilities starting to develop a lot of couples would return him due to his powers zapping away their energy. This continued for a few more years until Adrian was 7, he was know a well known resident at the orphanage keeping his distance from the other children due to his abilities. He wasn't aware of what was going on but he knew that when people touched him they got tired and blamed it on him.

When Adrian learned to read, it was as if the world was worth living in. He would read everything and anything they had in the orphanage. One of the volunteer's of the orphanage decided to take an interest in Adrian and started giving him extra lessons. When Adrian would return from grade school the volunteer would give him high school level math, reading, history etc. Adrian grew smarter and by the age of 12 he was already reading at a college level doing Calculus homework for fun.

The Volunteer was so close to Adrian they decided to go through with the adoption even though she already knew of his powers. Once adopted Adrian was told he had an ability, he finally realized it was his fault that he was returned so often. He left the house and ran through the streets, thinking all about how life wasn't fair and that he wished he didn't have any powers anymore. He ended up at a park when a police officer found him, he spoke to him and Adrian broke down and spilt the beans. He told the officer all about his power and the officer quickly called it in.

In a matter of minutes Adrian was surrounded by men in suits trying to capture him. He was captured and without even knowing it he released all of his energy that he had been saving for 12 years. He dropped all the men, the park, the city block, and all city lights were out, Adrian had blown out all the electronics within a 2 mile radius. He fell to the floor, completely drained. He was trying to get away but before he could he was caught by a man that had avoided his blast. Adrian couldn't fight but his body started to siphon automatically. Adrian watched as the man's vitality was sucked from him until he fell to the floor lifeless.

Adrian who was now fully charged ran, he ran until he got to his adopted mothers house. He told her what he did and she looked heart broken, she packed up all of his things and told him to get into the car. They drove for a while and ended up at a port she spoke to someone and dropped Adrian off. She said her goodbyes and left him with these final words. "Even though we weren't together for long I wanted to let you know they've been the happiest weeks of my life. you are an intelligent young man and no matter what you should believe in yourself and please take care." With that She waved goodbye as he boarded the boat.

Adrian made it to the island and thrived. He was brilliant and fit in at school and was doing well. He was given praise and it only made his ego bigger. Eventually he learned to control his powers more and more, he learned how to siphon and fire bolts of energy from his hands. He also found out that he could use the energy to increase his agility and speed. He spends his days reading and when he is social plays games like chess. He looks down on the other students knowing that he is better and his attitude reflects it.

Personality: Adrian is a quiet elitist. He firmly believes that he is better than 90% of the people on the island. He only acknowledges those who are on the same level intellectually as him.

Likes: Reading, games of skill, finer foods and learning new things.

Dislikes: loud obnoxious people, when stupid people are talking, ugly people, anything sour, and anyone who is scarred of his gift.

Pet hate: He absolutely hates it when stupid people talk. he hates listening to the dribble that falls out of the mouths of fools.

Theme Song: I am number 1 by Nelly

Extra things: He is often cautious of his power so he does his best not to touch anyone.
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The links page now has the character dump link
Well I like this idea and concept. I would be down to join. Just gotta think up a good character.
Sounds like a plan!
  • Love
Reactions: Justin
I too have to come up with a good character. But this is going to be fun.

"Well...ain't this fun."

Name: Levi Black

Age: (30)

Date of Birth: (November, 5th)

Skills: (Guitar, singing, history buff, firearms and hunting)

Special Ability: Gestalt field. At the present time Levi knows only that the "Field" extends in a ten foot radius of his body, inside this ten foot radius around Levi anything he wants to be true becomes reality. An example would be, should he be wearing red and decides that red makes him faster then he will indeed be faster. A more extreme example is that if he decides that a man who walked inside his "field" was actually a woman they would become a woman but the caveat is that the effect stops once the person leaves the ten foot radius. Another example is if someone walks into the "field" and Levi decides they are dead then they will fall dead and anyone who checks the body inside the ten foot radius will find that the person is very much dead until they are outside the radius at which point they will come back to life as if they were revived, the only way something stays permanent outside the "field" is if it is true both inside the radius and outside of it, if Levi says someone is dead then walks up and stabs them in the heart with a knife then they will still be dead when their body is outside the "field". Though things that happen in the "field" have outside effects, if Levi says you're arm is broken in the "field" it breaks but of course when you walk out it isn't but your mind still registers the pain even though nothing is wrong.

Peculiar traits: Due to Levi being what amounts to god in this ten foot radius he's had to become very stoic and emotionally mute to things, if he gets to mad at someone and they step into the "field" he had to make sure not to react less he make them injured or in the worst case, dead. He doesn't show much outward affection of fear that if he wishes for someone's love they will be forced to love him if they are in the "field" but of course when they leave it won't be so. Through years of being this way he has kinda forgotten how to express his emotions in a sense.

History: Levi was born in the midwest to a middle income family and for the most part had a normal early childhood, until the Gestalt field appeared. It was simple at first, and was only just above his skin of course at the time he didn't know but was subconsciously using it to either learn faster, get better grades or the like. It wasn't until middle school that he realized he could affect things around him and that what he soon discovered to be the Gestalt field was growing at a slow but exponential rate when as a depressed teen he wished that a teacher who had given him a F on a test would break their legs instantly fell to the ground in terrible agony with her legs bent at odd angles. Later on he heard that at the hospital the teacher had been given a clean bill of health but he knew he had something to do with it. It took him a few years but he got a firm enough grasp on his power to know how to use and when to not use it, this helped him get into a good college as well as earn his job as a history professor in record time. Though all good things come to an end it seems, Levi had up to this point been his usual stoic self but had gained quite a bit of popularity with the faculty of the university he taught at this made the the dean of the university feel threatened. The dean made a point to humiliate Levi at a public event hosted by the school, that day had been bad for Levi so when the dean attempted to cause a scene Levi lashed out and wanted the man's neck broken but using the words "I want your neck broken" in a crowded area caused everyone in a (then) five foot radius to fall to the ground with their necks broken, needless to say Levi ran and had been running ever since until he found himself on the island.

Personality: Calm, cool and collected most of the time.

Likes: Lovely women
Lovely men

Dislikes: Loud noises
The smell of burnt toast
irritating people

Pet hate: Drunks

Theme Song:



"I didn't mean to!"

Name: JoAnne "Jo"/"Anne" Jeanette Stephens

Age: 28

Date of Birth: January 24th

Skills: Whittling, Fishing, Plays the Harmonica, Baking.

Special Ability: Dimensional Self-Storage/Dimensional Pocket – JoAnne is capable of storing objects within her own skin like storing within a dimensional pocket. She is only capable of using her own body as storage space, but thus far storage space appears to be limitless.

Peculiar traits: JoAnne has no peculiar physical traits related to her ability. But she does have a knack of accidentally stealing things by slipping them into her dimensional pocket and forgetting about them. She's become quite the kleptomaniac – without intending to, of course.

History: JoAnne was born in Hopewell, South Carolina to a biracial couple. In her mid-teens, she went through severe depressive spells caused by her power discovery, which shaped her much more reclusive nature to this day. The depressive episodes worsened further after her mother's disappearance when JoAnne was twenty. Jo was left with her father who struggled to care for her while working. The man always seemed to be on edge since his wife's disappearance.

JoAnne discovered her ability by accident when she was fourteen. The girl has tried to push a pen into her hair for momentary storage while doing homework. When searching for the pen again, it was nowhere to be found. That pen was gone for six days before something as simple as lazily leaning her head on her hand forced her hand to slip inside a dimensional pocket in her head where she was able to find her lost writing utensil. She was later able to discover that any part of her body could become a pocket of space in which she was capable of storing any object as long as it was equal to or smaller than the size of that body part in width (eg: she could not store a car in her body, but is capable of storing a crowbar in her hand).

After a few too many public slip-ups, and a strange show in front of an attempted purse-snatcher and dozens of witnesses, JoAnne's ability had been made a little too public. With the heat rising from the community about a woman who pulled part of another human into her body in broad daylight, Jo decided to pack up and disappear. Once chance encounter later, she was on the Isle and freer than ever.

Personality: Reserved but secretly passionate. She's a bit of a push-over, but when she is pushed far enough JoAnne can turn into a spitfire – though that takes a lot of pushing. Normally, she keeps to herself and hesitates to speak up, constantly assuming that most everyone else knows better than she does. Since her mother's disappearance, and the disappearance of many other people, Jo has started to come out of her shell a little bit, taking a bit of a firmer stance on things and standing up for herself a little bit more.

Likes: Sweets, Fishing, Blues&Jazz, Eating

Dislikes: Horror Movies, Hunting for Sport, Excessively Sparkly Things

Pet hate: Overbearing people

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  • Like
Reactions: Dakota K5

"The moss is particularly happy today, don't you think?"

A G E / D . O . B .
19, March 20th

⚘ Gardening
⚘ Listening
⚘ Fast-learner
⚘ Good with kids and animals
⚘ Swimming

S P E C I A L • A B I L I T Y
Senecio is capable of controlling/growing fungi and plant life, as well as producing flora from his own body. However, he is seemingly only limited to growing small to medium organisms such as vines and flowers. He is able to regain energy when in direct sunlight or freshwater.

P E C U L I A R • T R A I T S
Senecio has plants grow in place of scars and injuries, such as the moss over his eyes. Plant life also seem to perk up when in his presence, and a trail of moss and flowers often mark wherever he walks. Senecio holds an aversion towards fire, as he's easily burnt. When not in contact with sunlight over a course of few days, he will start to noticeably slow and grow sicker. As a side effect of his abilities, Senecio tends to have an entourage of insects--particularly butterflies and bees--following him around.

Born with flowers in his hair and ivy in his palms, Senecio was deemed different from the very moment he took his first breath. Though she was warned against it, Senecio's mother refused to give up her child, instead fleeing to a remote area to raise him in secret. It was there, in the four corners of a shambled little cabin with a roof of a thousand trees above his head, that Senecio spent his first sixteen years. He was never allowed to travel far--not that he minded--and read during the days when his mother was away for work. Though he dreamed of one day living a normal life, the warnings his mother drove into his head nailed Senecio into the safety of the cabin.

All of that changed the day he met his first friends. They were a group of kids, fueled by rumors of an allegedly haunted cabin in the woods. Instead of finding a ramshackle building full of ghosts and spooks, they found Senecio. Their first meeting was...rough, to say the least. The gang of kids ran home screaming at the sight of the plant-covered 'monster' boy, leaving Senecio more lonely than before. But the children returned. After clearing things up, they returned again. And again. And again. Over the next several years, they maintained this curious clandestine friendship.

But good things can only last for so long. One of the children accidentally let it slip that there was a boy in the woods. Their parents, thoroughly disturbed, contacted authorities to investigate. That night, Senecio's home was invaded by federal agents. His mother fought back to keep them away, but she could only do so much before she was shot and killed before her son's very eyes. In a fit of rage and sorrow, vines emerged from the windows and ground, constricting the agents to death. But Senecio did not come off unharmed. In a mad flurry of bullets, he was shot several times and permanently blinded. Hurt, terrified, and numb with shock, Senecio stumbled away from the scene before collapsing in the middle of the forest.

When Senecio awoke, he found himself, not in the forest, but an unfamiliar apartment building with an equally unfamiliar man. The man explained that, after hearing of an incident in the forest, came to investigate. He revealed that, like Senecio, he too had extraordinary powers and that he was working to help people like them flee to a haven where no one could hurt them. It seemed too good to be true. But, after having all he'd known torn away from him, Senecio had nothing to lose. After recovering, he was taken to the island, where he has stayed ever since.

Reserved and nervous, Senecio is a bundle of awkward smiles and stuttered replies. He's hesitant to act outright, preferring to ask and think through things more thoroughly. As careful as he is, however, Senecio does have an inquisitive side that's willing to do anything to get answers. Around strangers, he's quiet but kindly; around friends, he's more likely to crack jokes and even, surprisingly, flirt a bit. Senecio isn't exactly naive--he's seen far too much of the world to truly believe that anything is 'pure'--but he is an optimist. It's his belief that, no matter how bad things may seem, there's always something good out there to counteract.

Long walks

Cloudy days
Loud noises
Being the center of attention

Confined spaces

P E T • H A T E

Dreams of William - Daughter

⚘ Has impaired vision.
This color is quite nice.


"Everyone gets too close for my comfort...."

Name: Maldito O'Malley (Mel-De-To O-M-Al-Lee)

Age: 15

Date of Birth (Month, Day): February 19th

Skills: None in particular

Special Ability: Curse of an Outsider

Maldito has been plagued with a particularly nasty curse that was set upon him upon his mothers death, the effects of the curse are as follows.

Upon experiencing low amounts mental distress (this type of stress could be compared to stress one experiences upon failing a test such as a driver's test), a black sludge like substance begins to spread out from Maldito's feet wherever they touch the ground, or in cases where his feet are not in contact with the floor, spreads out from contact made with surfaces with his hand, and spread outwards at a slow rate. The sludge has shown to be highly corrosive, with properties similar to sulfuric acid, but not wholly identifiable as such. The sludge itself appears to do no physical damage to Maldito, but will continue to do damage to his surroundings until such time as the whatever is causing the stress is resolved, upon which it will slowly retreat inwards, repairing physical damage that it caused to the environment, though it should be noted that this does not always fix the damage done completely. Items that are damaged may be returned to their solid state, but if they were damaged prior to the sludge spreading outwards, the item will not be repaired.

Upon experiencing moderate amounts of stress (This type of stress could be compared to the stress experienced when one loses something of significant value or importance, such as a family heirloom) Maldito begins to excrete a gaseous substance that is comparable to the properties of the chemical tabun at a slow rate, however the chemical does not exhibit any lethal effects, instead only exhibiting the ability to cause short term paralysis which will persist until nearby victims are removed from the area or the gas is cleared. Once again the gas will disappear if the matter causing the stress is resolved, and the gas will not cause damage to Maldito.

Upon experiencing abnormal amounts of stress, (this type of stress is comparable to the stress generated by things such as losing your job or death of a household pet) Upon experiencing this type of stress, Maldito will begin to exhibit both of the effects shown above at an increased rate until the issue has been resolved, with neither effects damaging him.

Upon experiencing high amounts of stress, (such as that experienced by those who have lost a very close relative or someone in their immediate family) Maldito will exhibit the first two effects at an extremely high rate, at this point, the sludge becomes far more acidic, and the gas can cause short term paralysis and short term blindness. Maldito will begin to also exhibit homicidal tendencies and suicidal tendencies, with the former showing itself in the presence of other people, and the latter only showing itself once no living beings are within his visual range. This will persist until the matter has been resolved or until Maldito has successfully killed another living being, or has inflicted a mortal injury upon himself. If Maldito has does inflict mortal harm upon himself, Maldito will automatically pass into an unconscious state where he will heal at an alarmingly large rate. Furthermore, he will lose his homicidal and suicidal tendencies upon completion of either murder, self injury, or the resolution of the matter. Maldito will relive this moment over each time he sleeps, with each of these events cumulating. Maldito will not awake once asleep until he has relived these events, though the time he remains sleeping is often quite a small window, usually three to four hours. This serves to keep any memories of murder or self harm fresh and he has never forgotten any thing that he has done during these times, this has caused significant mental scarring.

His curse also extends to a small silver necklace with a small, clear white crucifix made of crystal attached to it. When this item disappears from his view or from his person, it causes significant building stress to Maldito, with the stress continuing to build until Maldito has the crystal back in his possession. The item will invariably disappear within 24-168 hours of Maldito refinding it, with the crystal itself vanishing and then reappearing within 50 meters of Maldito. Any and all attempts to destroy will bring on extreme aggression on the part of Maldito, and the item itself appears to be invulnerable to attack of any kind. If anyone comes in contact with this necklace, Maldito will feel any pain that they feel, this includes both mental and physical pain, though it should be noted that he does not receive any injuries because of this.

Peculiar traits: None, well aside from what was already described.

History: Meldito was born in 1998 in Pleasant hill, a small town in the U.S. His father was a drunk, and but his mother loved the man too much to leave him, even when it was detrimental to the health of Meldito. At age six, Meldito's father died of alcohol poisoning. His mother was driven mad with grief, one night she left the house, and when she came back, seemed much stranger then before. Wherever she stepped, a small pool of black sludge would appear. People in the small community that was Pleasant Hill said she was unnatural and cursed, that her husband had dealings with a shady cult, whom he had managed to anger sufficiently that the group cursed him and his wife. The effects of such a status soon became evident, as the woman could not keep a job, and for the next three years went pretty much unemployed, depending on things such as food stamps to survive. After another two years, the stress finally got to her. In what was called a bizarrely precise and successful suicide attempt, the woman killed herself by jamming a a pencil into three different arteries, with the volume of blood she lost being bizarrely more then what a human body could contain. Poor Maldito became an orphan at the age of eleven, and with no known or surviving family members, became a ward of the state, and was transferred into the fostercare system. Over the next year Meldito came to learn of his affliction, and to cope with it to the best of his ability. Eventually though he was placed in the county jail in solitary confinement, courtesy of his current foster care parents, and of the local county, as everyone began to fear what he could do if he was allowed to remain in the public. There he stayed until the state's FBI presence caught wind of him. They bore down on Meldito and took him into custody.

The next three years were pure hell for Meldito. The Federal government experiment on Meldito and his bizare curse. After three years though, Meldito was finally afforded an opportunity to escape, and he did. After escaping the facility and the untold horrors of what was inside, Meldito ran and didn't stop, until he was picked up by an agent of the Isle of Sanctuary. After treating the homeless boy to a meal, the agent told Meldito about what the isle was. Of how it was a place for people just like him, and how they might be able to find a place for him there, and one day cure the ailment he was afflicted with

Personality: A cautious, insecure pessimist, Maldito often finds himself thinking with his emotions rather then his head. More then a little bit introverted, Maldito makes few friends, but has an excellent sense of humor, even if he is unsociable.

Likes: Calm soothing music, rainy weather, the color crimson, and sushi.

Dislikes: Loud people, cats, big animals

Pet hate: Loud music
@-A L I C E- @Justin @Kurogane86

Not to rush ya'll, but we just need characters from you guys to push on. If you think you will be taking a significant amount of time (longer then about four more days), let me know so we can go ahead and get started on the IC and we can bring you guys in as you complete them
@-A L I C E- @Justin @Kurogane86

Not to rush ya'll, but we just need characters from you guys to push on. If you think you will be taking a significant amount of time (longer then about four more days), let me know so we can go ahead and get started on the IC and we can bring you guys in as you complete them

Im working on it now, just trying to make a serious character, it's harder than I thought.
Alright, first off @Kurogane86, your character sheet is approved, excellent work.

@-A L I C E- @SoleStride @Dakota K5 @Lethe @Kurogane86 @Justin

Second off, I have decided to create several characters that are "leaders" of the island and also simultaneously headmasters of the school. The island is a democracy, but these people, what I am now calling progenitors, are some of the most powerful people on the island, both politically and ability wise. They each represent a different political and philosophical ideology. Keep in mind they are not all alive at once, their have been four progenitors in the past, with the current progenitor making the number five. These leaders are regarded as "elders" not necessarily in charge of anything, but their opinion holds great weight in the island's government.

As the most powerful and considered the most wise ability users on all of the island, the progenitors are headmasters of the islands school during their lifetime, and as said before hold significant influence with the island's inhabitants. Suitably, they have some pretty powerful abilities, and this is what i've come up with so far. Overall I was curious on everyone's thoughts on these powers. I've only got the first one to start with, but I figured I'd let you all in on it.

The First Progenitor. He is the founder of the island, and he has what is known among the inhabitants as the first "god power". God powers are something that ought only belong to the divine, and having one automatically sets you in a position of power. It's kind of like being a country with a massive military among a bunch of disarmed nations. Yeah, you might not like the country in question, but it having that much more power then you and your military means you have to respect him.

His ability is something called the "Writer of the Music of the Four Spheres", and if anyone is familiar with the harmony of the spheres theory, you'll see the precedent this guy is setting. The harmony of the spheres is a popular renaissance era theory that the stars, moon, and planets all resonated with a certain tone. Humans were supposedly able to hear this tone before their fall from grace with god (I.E. adam and eve). For those interested in the theory Musica universalis - Wikipedia look in the link I just provided. The idea behind this power is that he could literally "write" the symphony of the universe, changing it at his whim. He's dead now so it won't really matter, but the first progenitor is the most powerful of all five to have ever existed.
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So the First is responsible for changing the tone of earth to create the Bermuda triangle?

Other than that so far so good.
Yes. The phenomena of the Bermuda Triangle is really just a construct that the rewritten symphony creates. The island itself was edited into existence by the progenitor as well.
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Yes. The phenomena of the Bermuda Triangle is really just a construct that the rewritten symphony creates. The island itself was edited into existence by the progenitor as well.

Sounds good. You know I hate to say it but I'm getting a Naruto feel from the whole progenitor guys like they are the hokage. Just me?
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