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Chlorophyll Mulnot (Clem)




Clem is rather small for her age; standing at only 4'11" in height. She is rather thin, almost scrawny, causing many to mistake her for a young girl.
Her skin is a pallor shade, and her knee-length hair is platinum blonde, and styled in a thick braid with blunt bangs. Her eyes are round, and a gentle green color.
Many can tell from a glance that Clem is of upper society by the way she dresses: her gowns are well-designed and labeled by some of the most famous and expensive fashion brands on her home planet. She does not dress human, however; all of what she wears derives from Bereen fashion trends.

Character's Goal:
Clem has been raised under her overbearing fathers her entire life; she was hardly allowed to leave the mansion she was raised in, let alone permitted to mingle with those her own age.
All Clem wants now is to seperate herself from her parents and discover her own sense of self, as well as make friends along the way. She figured that traveling to the planet her TRUE ancestors were born would be the perfect place to forge her own identity.

Clem is really, really, REALLY bad at conversation. The only sapients she's ever really talked to are her fathers, so she's incredibly shy and nervous around others. When she does speak to people, she can sometimes come across as rude and childish due to her invasive questions, blunt comments, and oversharing tendencies. She means well, however.
If one can accept Clem's social faults, they will find a friend in a sweet and caring girl with a huge imagination and a strong sense of empathy. She's a talented artist and has quite the green thumb. She often paints portraits of her own plants with her favorite medium: gouche.

Clem was born to an unknown father and mother, and discarded on the streets of Ansass, a floating city in the planet Merth CM. Merth CM is a Bereen-ruled planet, so its unknown if Clem's parents were residents of Merth CM, or were from another planet entirely.
What WAS known, however, was that Clem was adopted by the Mulnots, a Bereen couple of astounding wealth and status. They named her "Chlorophyll" in reference to her green eyes and treated her as their own daughter.
Clem's fathers were incredibly overprotective, however, to the point of isolating Clem for most of her life. Their perception of human beings as lifeforms of lower understanding had never fully left, even after adopting their human daughter, so although they treated her as a more equal lifeform they still considered her far more vulnerable and as such, wanted to keep her out of harms way as much as possible.
As Clem grew up to realize her true identity as a human being, she found herself resenting her fathers for trapping her in the mansion and never exposing her to her human culture. When she turned 18, Clem's parents made excuse after excuse to keep her within the confines of the mansion. This eventually drove Clem to do something rash: she used money under her fathers name to invest in Iris, the ship she had heard about traveling to Earth, and then eventually won a seat in the aircraft itself.
Clem snuck out of the mansion on the day of boarding, and got inside with minimal trouble, explaining that she was her parent's daughter posing as a representative to their contributions, and providing the neccasary proof to climb aboard.
While Clem's fathers would eventually discover what she had done, she did not regret her decision. She only lived in fear that she would be found and trapped once more within the white walls of her bedroom.


I hope this is a satisfactory character sheet! If there's anything you'd like me to change or elaborate on, please let me know!​
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MUUAAAHAHAHA thanks to all your lovely bios I now have our plots all figured out and started our IC threads! >:D I tagged everyone in their specific threads.

We have team A in: CLOSED SIGNUPS - Iris Landing: Chapter One - We Are Not Alone (Team A)
And Team B in: CLOSED SIGNUPS - Iris Landing: Chapter One - Secrets in the Jungle (Team B)

The two teams will not be able to communicate with each other directly (just to keep timelines in order) HOWEVER should they need assistance, you CAN contact the Iris ship... maybe... >:D if communications don't fail.

I don't have any post orders in mind, posting speeds, wordcounts or anything. Post as ye desire! YOU ARE ALSO VERY WELCOME TO BUILD UPON THIS WORLD WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF THINGS YOU'RE DISCOVERING. In fact I welcome it and love that <3

This starting chapter will basically be us getting a good feel for our characters, ending with the goal I hinted about in the chapter title!

Except for monkeydoll who I will still add to one of these groups when they finish their bio!

I might make an exception if you hit me up over DMs with a great character concept. (or if we get a peeps that wanna play on the ship in orbit)
So excited for this! You did great work with the intros :DD Looking forward to meeting everyone's ocs!
I'm excited to see how everyone mixes together too! Can't wait to draw memes of the gangs TM.

Also loving how a lot on Team B are just like "What's with this lost child?" When it comes to Clem. Lol.
So far I think Clem will get along the fastest with Ezzat; babygirl has had no one to talk to before this expedition, so she'd looooooove to talk nonstop with Ezzat. Also Clem paints plant portraits and I think Ezzat would like them.

Curious, how do you guys think your characters will get along with the others in your team? ^o^
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I'm excited to see how everyone mixes together too! Can't wait to draw memes of the gangs TM.

Also loving how a lot on Team B are just like "What's with this lost child?" When it comes to Clem. Lol.
So far I think Clem will get along the fastest with Ezzat; babygirl has had no one to talk to before this expedition, so she'd looooooove to talk nonstop with Ezzat. Also Clem paints plant portraits and I think Ezzat would like them.

Curious, how do you guys think your characters will get along with the others in your team? ^o^
Omg same, drawing memes of them will be so fun, I hope I can actually get around to doing that!!

Everyone is like "A child :/" And Ezzat is like mentally sort of a child themselves so they'll totally get along xD Glad she has a potential friend. They're so happy to chat with her as much as she wants <3 And Ezzat would love to see her portraits! They'd likely ask to commission some too!! ;o;

Definitely think Ezzy would be happy to befriend anyone, but whether or not they'd wanna befriend them in return I'm not as sure lmaooo
NYEHEHEHEHEEE, I tried to put together groups based on the sort of dynamics we can get out of them, so I am VERY excited to see if it all plays out the way I predicted, or if I will be surprised. >:D

I'm afraid to say too much about everyone's characters though, I might let secrets and spoilers slip. O_O

But since I haven't posted any bios for my charries: Nitau'li our Bereen Ambassador def has issues with "the kid" being on this trip. >:D Because of her Bereen adoptive parents, and his OPINIONS ABOUT IT. I wonder if all of his opinions shall get proven or disproven. WE SHALL SEEEEEEE

And Catherine Callery... well. She def does not have things all together as well as Victoria clearly does. 😂 It was really cool to see how differently they approached landing and giving orders. We dun have any posts in Team A yet and I am very excite to see what happens.
NYEHEHEHEHEEE, I tried to put together groups based on the sort of dynamics we can get out of them, so I am VERY excited to see if it all plays out the way I predicted, or if I will be surprised. >:D

I'm afraid to say too much about everyone's characters though, I might let secrets and spoilers slip. O_O

But since I haven't posted any bios for my charries: Nitau'li our Bereen Ambassador def has issues with "the kid" being on this trip. >:D Because of her Bereen adoptive parents, and his OPINIONS ABOUT IT. I wonder if all of his opinions shall get proven or disproven. WE SHALL SEEEEEEE

And Catherine Callery... well. She def does not have things all together as well as Victoria clearly does. 😂 It was really cool to see how differently they approached landing and giving orders. We dun have any posts in Team A yet and I am very excite to see what happens.
Well RIP Nitau'li because Clem's Bereen father issues will probably make her want to especially impress the ambassador in some way.

Like "Look! I did [insert objective here] in the correct way, and very well too. AND I did it all by myself!" And then she just stares at Nitau'li with puppy dog eyes, practically begging for a "good job" from him or something.

I'm looking forward to seeing how Nitau'li handles this sheltered young adult, and whether he'll stay aloof or go down the "This is my new daughter and if anyone makes her cry I will kill them with my eyes alone" pipeline.
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I'm excited to see how everyone mixes together too! Can't wait to draw memes of the gangs TM.

Also loving how a lot on Team B are just like "What's with this lost child?" When it comes to Clem. Lol.
So far I think Clem will get along the fastest with Ezzat; babygirl has had no one to talk to before this expedition, so she'd looooooove to talk nonstop with Ezzat. Also Clem paints plant portraits and I think Ezzat would like them.

Curious, how do you guys think your characters will get along with the others in your team? ^o^
Omg same, drawing memes of them will be so fun, I hope I can actually get around to doing that!!

Everyone is like "A child :/" And Ezzat is like mentally sort of a child themselves so they'll totally get along xD Glad she has a potential friend. They're so happy to chat with her as much as she wants <3 And Ezzat would love to see her portraits! They'd likely ask to commission some too!! ;o;

Definitely think Ezzy would be happy to befriend anyone, but whether or not they'd wanna befriend them in return I'm not as sure lmaoo
Clem and Ezzat as a duo are two plant lovers who share approximately three brain cells with each other. That's the general vibe I'm getting here. Lol XD
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Reactions: Diana and Analog
I'm just wondering who's going to be the first to call Nitau'li "Natalie" for the lulz...
Oh shoot, i missed stuff
Oh shoot, i missed stuff

you can still finish up the bio and I can drop you into one of the groups. >:D I have the perfect stow-away excuse
So many engaging characters I'm excited to learn about them all, to see not only how they interact but how they change as a function of those interactions let alone the stuff they're going to be finding and doing
I must provide this cursed knowledge. I apologize Nomad but the millisecond I read "fascinated with humans" in Teck's bio the very first thing I thought was "He has a secret Manaffinity acount." Like, Furaffinity but with humans instead. It's so stupid but I can't stop laughing at the thought of it. ToT

(Teck does interest me as a character, mostly because he's one of the few non-human characters. It's a shame that Clem won't get to interact with him, probably, but I'm looking forward to seeing how he handles the others in his own group!)
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instead of a fursuit bro's got a skinsuit
That's a horrifying image LMAO
Zosimos saying "It is dangerous to go alone, take this." in Team B reminded me of an old Zelda meme. Please tell me that's not a coincidence, Lol.

Anyways Clem's going to pet the hell out of that panther. XD Cybertulpa gonna get the good head scritches.
It's a pretty famous line. If it's a coincidence I'll eat this delicious potato chip, and if it isn't I will also eat it
LOL, its original meaning is presumably lost to history, but Zosimos tends to talk in koans and metaphors with multiple layers of meaning, since conventional linear language is difficult for him.
There are not enough of these damn roleplay reactions to fully expression all of my joy at these posts D:<
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This is true. This is when I find the turn to emoji is the only way out of the darkness

work through sunday so give me a little time and I will have something. have been busy busy busy.