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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Name: Teck.
Gender: Male.
Job/Role: Weapons & Defense Systems.
Age: 31 Human years.
Appearance: (gray scales with red/brown markings) IMG_3664.jpeg
Character's Goal: Teck has operated off of adrenaline for most of his life. He has taken part in many skirmishes and raids throughout his life. His joining the IRIS, to him, is all about making the biggest buck for his bang. Wealth is a massive driving factor for this Tessan. The other driving factor would be his fascination with the Human race and how they too destroyed and were forced to flee their own homeworld.
Personality: Teck thinks quickly on his feet and it has saved his life on more than one occasion. He is professional and to the point and to some can come across cold and uncaring. The actual fact is that trust is extremely hard for Teck to relinquish unto others and loyalty and bravery play a large part in how he acts or reacts to certain situations.
Background: Having a fascination with how the Humans destroyed their planet and had to flee it- much as his own people did, and his knack for firefights and being able to survive intense battles and other insane situations- he found himself becoming a mercenary at a young age, 'going rogue', separating from his tribe, and setting out to make his own fortune in the stars.

Through an interesting turn of events he has now found himself aboard the IRIS as their primary weapons specialist, ship defense systems engineer and protector.
This crew is really shaping up
Yeeees, yeeees. >:D I love all these characters so far. I'mma wait until we get more finished bios before I start the planning. So get me those bios!
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Reactions: Lyrikai

Name: Lyrik Ion
Gender: Male
Job/Role: Investor
Age: 30
Appearance: Height: 5'9'' Weight: 130-140lbs
Hair: Pink (artificially colored) Eyes: Green
Being a showman, Lyrik tends to dress more like he's participating in a fashion show than a lengthy trek through the vast star ocean. He probably (maybe) has a few functional outfits for the voyage, but he mostly likes to look pretty and is quite fond of things with fluff and fur or things that sparkle.

Character's Goal: Exploration. Lyrik is in this for the adventure. He's a wide eyed wanderer by nature and loves just staring out at the stars and wondering what's out there. He used to have these childish dreams of visiting every single star in the galaxy before he grew up learning just how many stars are out there and that it'd be literally impossible to see them all. Still, he remained gushy about the topic and, even through a long career in music, space and the exploration of new worlds will always be his number one love in this universe.

Personality: Maybe a little bit pompous, a bit full of himself, snotty and selfish and stubborn at times, Lyrik's really not a bad guy. He can be polite and he practices kindness and generosity and charity when he can. He likes people (as long as they never touch him) and loves really being the center of attention. He's often giddy and cheerful and he talks a LOT.

Still, he shares his kindness and cheer from a safe and healthy distance. He is a major germaphobe and can't stand being dirty. He hates germs, he hates bugs, he has a bit of OCD about things being messy or out of place, and he absolutely cannot stomach the idea of skin to skin contact with another living being. He's almost always wearing gloves or otherwise just has the uncontrollable urge to douse himself in hand sanitizer if some shakes his hand without warning and he hasn't had his proper layers of protection from their touch!

Background: Stage Name: Lyrik Ion and his band, The Electrons
Lyrik is a famed musician and a hot celebrity used to living the high life in a palace; a typical 'lifestyles of the rich and fabulous' kind of guy. While he did start from a humble childhood, he discovered his talent, got lucky, got noticed, and his career took off from there. Music is his passion and the defining thing in his whole life, but he's always had a huge fascination for the far reaches of space and often wished he had been able to pursue a life among the stars instead as a glorious starship captain rather than having to settle for singing about it on stage.

Having such a major love for the subject of deep space, alien worlds, and forgotten planets, the opportunity to be among the first to step foot once more on humanity's lost home was not lost on Lyrik at all. He became a public investor, pooling so many of his personal resources into assisting with funding an expedition to locate the planet again... with the provision that he be allowed to travel with the ship's crew and be able to be one of the first to see Earth after all this time.

Name: Victoria (Tori) Jowell

Gender: Female

Job/Role: Scientist

Age: 32

Appearance: 5'7, 135 lbs

Character's Goal: Victoria is driven not by her passion, but by an obsession with continuing her father's work. Her ultimate goal is to discover if Earth is habitable for humanity.

Personality: Driven and ambitious, Victoria has a tendency to obsessively throw herself into her work. She is constantly making sacrifices for her research, valuing it over everything else. Blunt and analytical, many find her serious demeanor off-putting. She's not one to waste time on pleasantries and small-talk, instead always preferring to get straight to the point. Always stressed, work is constantly on her mind. However, she does find some solace at night with a bottle. After a night of drinking, her hard shell softens and her insecurities come out.

Background: Victoria's father was a distant man. Driven by a desire to return to Earth, he dedicated his life to researching the planet. Frequently at the lab or in his study at all hours of the day, the only opportunity Tori had to spend time with him was assisting him in his research. Desperate to earn his love and approval, she threw herself into his work, becoming obsessed with discovering whether or not Earth remained habitable for humans. Even after he passed, she continued to be consumed with his research, taking it on as her own.
Yeees, yeees our cast is shaping up nicely! >:D

If everyone that has mentioned making bios finishes up their characters, I will officially have enough peeps for two ground teams! With just enough space for one or two more players just in case anyone else stumbles in with interest. I've already started on some of my plotwork for our current charries muahaha.

So if there's still some lurkers out there thinking about joining, better state your interest or get those bios quick!


Name: Renaissance Fleur Northcott
Gender: Female
Job/Role: Reserve Crew Member
Age: 19
Appearance: Renai is a small girl, standing at around the height of five feet, five inches, with lightly tanned skin. Her clothing style used to be one of mild expense, but now she will take what she is given and find ways to make it work.
Character's Goal: Renai's goal is to help the primary crew as much as possible while also exploring Lost Earth to whatever degree she can (and do so without anyone finding out exactly why she is here).
Personality: Renai is generally quite adventurous and kind, with a habit of being sassy and sarcastic to those who are unkind to her as a sort of defense mechanism. Her sassiness can easily turn into bluntness, and she has a habit of holding grudges if you wrong her. Hidden beneath the sass and sarcasm, however, is a young girl who, while genuinely wanting to see the world, is also completely terrified of what is in it.
Background: Renai has known wealth for practically her entire life, having been raised by her stepfather (who she calls dad) and her mother from the time she was six years old. Having never truly needed to go without, she had to be taught by her older siblings (being the youngest of six), exactly what without was, especially her oldest brother, who had gone essentially his entire life without a father. Due to a traumatic event when he was in college, her father taught her and her siblings and incredible amount of self defense in case that event happened to them, which came in handy when multiple opponents came after the entire family. To protect them, all six siblings were separated and sent to other worlds (lands? Worlds? IDK), and forced to stay apart until the problem solved itself. Renai was seventeen at the time, and snuck herself onto a ship in hopes she could get away faster.

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B A S I C - I N F O
  • Full Name: Doctor Blair Barnes
  • Position: Ship Doctor
  • Age: 45
  • Race: Human
  • Gender: Male
  • Height: 5'10"
  • Home Planet: Fetta One

For all the good shown throughout his kind deeds, there is little goodness reflected in the outward facade of Doctor Blair Barnes. Like the freezing, blistering winters of Fetta One, Blair delivers the same caustic, driving force in his words. He is not a mere complainer; he is a harkon of doom, and the pessimistic man is quick to pop the bubble of happiness anyone may have about him as the perils of the world weigh upon his shoulders. The man is a grouch by creed, and he loves nothing more than to drown his sorrows in a handy flask of alcohol. In spite of this, the good doctor - in classic fashion - has a compassionate heart buried underneath the biting wit and brutish behavior. He cares deeply for the safety of others, though the delivery of his concern isn't always the most...tactful.


Fetta One was a planet to cull the weak.

Blair's family didn't have much. To survive amidst the frozen tundra was to prioritize essential necessities over frivolous baubles, and Blair grew up always in want of greater things, and yet thankfully never in need. His father was the town's doctor. A sensible man entirely rooted in his pragmatism, he took on his young son as his apprentice, so to speak, and together they braved the blistering colds to attend to those in need.

Despite this constant companionship, the two never grew close. The effect of his mother leaving the family when he was six fractured them permanently. Blair's father was as distant as the summer, and unfortunately this came to impact Blair in his later life. At twenty-two, he entered the rather frigid affair of a marriage with Aona Tau. Mistakenly, he believed he could forge a better life with her. But the pieces of their love did not match. Aona - bright, young, and beautiful - was a contaminant in his sterile world. She wanted to live amongst the stars, but Blair had only the cold reality of life for her. For years they struggled to marry the warring elements they embodied; he, the cool of wind, and her, the fiery temper of a storm. But no matter how many times they kissed and made up, they would inevitably split apart once more. Finally, after a particularly nasty night of fighting, Blair packed his bags for perhaps the thousandth time and left. For good.

Blair found Fetta One intolerable soon after. He did what Aona had always wanted: he took to the stars. It turned out that doctors were in high demand on some of the more lawless planets, and Blair found his fortune there, collecting both patients and credits as he traversed the solar system. It is only now that his children have gotten older that he has decided to be a man of more reputable enterprises.


It's a terrible thing to live an unremarkable life. Blair never had much awareness of his own shortcomings until parenthood gave him a cold glimpse into the future: he would die a meager ship's doctor, unworthy to be counted amongst the great medical minds of history. Blair hopes this mission will change that; he wants to leave behind a legacy for his children.

Name: Ezzat Rehza
Gender: Nonbinary - Any pronouns

Job/Role: Scientist - Specifically Earth flora and fauna

Age: 37
Appearance: 5'10, 175lbs; Muscular limbs and back, hair often a mess, slightly elongated pupils and lacking in pinky toes courtesy of half-alien DNA.


Character's Goal: Ezzat's first and foremost goals are to observe and record as many of Earth's natural inhabitants as possible. They're driven by a desire to uncover the secrets about the planet's flora and fauna, with a particular interest in the general and chemical biology of many of life on Earth - if any!

Personality: Excitable and talkative, Ezzat is curious and whimsical in nature, albeit years of being in a scientific profession has taught them to reign it in just a touch - something they still struggle with a bit. They're quick to ask questions and quicker still to stick their nose into something that sparks their curiosity. Ezzat lacks a filter when it comes to their interests and beliefs, often going on tangents whether alone or not.
As happy on their own as they are surrounded by people, Ezzat seems to carry a positive, optimistic personality, often coming across as playful and silly. Despite this, they're heavily science-oriented, particularly with regards to their areas of interest, and can be quite obsessive when it comes to their work. Ezzat is very much the type of person to put themselves at risk for their research without a second thought, having an almost childlike sense of wonder about life and living things. Unfortunately, they have very little regard for most laws and social etiquette in general - thankfully they're easy enough to get along with, though, so it's not often too much of an issue.

Background: Born to a human and a human-adjacent species known as Gliesians, the latter of which are known for advanced healing abilities but less advanced technology. Gliesians are more durable than humans; a trait which Ezzat has only some of. Whilst they can suffer greater injuries and heal up to 3 times faster, perhaps oddly, superficial wounds tend to heal 2 times slower. The species also shows an increased immunity to various poisons and venoms, another trait which Ezzat has.

This particular trait is what helped to spur the young individual into becoming a scientist. Whilst Gliesians aren't completely immune to all toxins, Ezzat seems to be aiming for something close. They began as a field scientist specializing in venomous and poisonous creatures, which then evolved into Ezzat microdosing on these toxins to produce antibodies. Over time they built up a resistance to a variety of toxins collected from different creatures all part of their research studies. For a time, Ezzat was a key figure when it came to developing new antivenoms, and this fact is what saved them several times from prosecution, for often their expeditions were either under the table of simply not sanctioned by ruling bodies, but that didn't seem to stop Ezzat from charging on into dangerous places for the sake of research and discovery.

Despite Ezzat's often frowned upon behaviours and methods, they're a very capable scientist who's perhaps obsessively excited about the expedition.
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if it isn't too late i would also be interested in joining 👉👈
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Briar Mason
Female || 31 || Life Support Systems Engineer

As a life support systems engineer, Briar's job is quite simple. For any given species, she must create and maintain a stable environment in which they can survive. Her first position was at a zoo, where she helped design enclosures for new species and and maintain their current habitats. She had briefly worked on a cruise line, which was her least favourite job; as interesting as it was to try to accommodate whatever species were on the cruise, many people there were rather condescending and reminded her too much of her family. She rather liked the aspect of being able to leave her planet, however, and from then on she jumped from one crew to the next, drifting further and further from her home planet.

5'4". Her preference towards layered, structured clothing hides her lean musculature, so people are often surprised by her strength. Briar is quite pale, as is common with humans from her planet because they live on the ground of a planet blanketed with tall, dense foliage. Her particular subspecies of human features denser bones than average, making them a bit more durable, but their bones are also more more narrow than average, so most of them have a small frame. Some people on her planet also have soft, downy feathers on their extremities, including Briar — although she typically wears clothing that covers them. Their eyes are slightly larger proportionally than average, though nothing that she thinks is too noticeable, and perhaps as a consequence, members of her subspecies typically have acute eyesight and can see a bit better in the dark. They also tend to have better hearing, as well as a larger lung capacity (granted, these are not things you can really see). The planet she lives on also features a species that co-mingles with humans who share many of these characteristics, so she imagines interspecies relations may have helped with that, and the fact that these characteristics are quite useful for their planet continued the process. It's a shame they did not inherit the other species' wings, but the humans mostly live on the ground, anyway. Many humans are rather good at climbing as a consequence; although they have vehicles that can bring them up to the towns of the anorung, it is easier to traverse their space if you are capable of climbing and swinging over the gaps between buildings.

In a sense, she's running away. She didn't particularly care where she went. Certainly, running off to Earth might be a bit of an overreaction, but Briar deserves to be dramatic sometimes. Besides, she is admittedly curious about what they might find. And a small, small part of her may be cautiously optimistic that they will find good results and she can make a name for herself as part of the team who returned to Earth.

Briar is, first and foremost, an actress. She's had a great deal of practice growing up. She plays the optimist, the kind and sharp-witted girl who aspired to live up to the expectations of her family. Drop the act, and you are left with an utterly apathetic woman, who gets up every day more out of obligation than the desire to live. She'd given up on living up to her family's impossibly high standards long ago, although their opinions always make themselves known in the back of her head. It's difficult to run away when their thoughts seem to follow her wherever she goes.

Once she's more comfortable with you, Briar is genuinely nice, if a bit abrasive. She is forgiving to the errors of others while being incredibly harsh on herself. The slightest fault in any of her work will be on the forefront of her mind for days afterwards, and she'll beat herself up over even perceiving missteps. Not in front of others, of course, because there's no greater fault than causing trouble for others.

For a person from a culture that values music and sound as much as they do, Briar is shockingly quiet. She's always preferred to listen than to speak. Besides, the trills and hums that she often likes to use, picked up from the anorung kyjiri who had raised her for much of her childhood, are not something that are generally understood outside of her planet. Even the humans on her planet can get confused at times.

Xerlos was a thriving planet, not only bursting with colourful flora, but also a wide range of fauna. Among them were the anorung, an aerial species with somewhat humanoid characteristics, once you looked past the brightly coloured feathers and the wings attached to their arms. They were a friendly species that happily welcomed their land for as a place to visit and rest. When they heard about the humans, who tragically lost their home, the anorung were quick to offer them a place to stay.

Due to the density of the plants, the anorung rely heavily on sound; communicating with trills and song. The humans never completed adapted to it, but they too, learned over time to communicate with their new neighbours. In turn, humans taught them about the worlds they have explored; the anorung had not travelled as far as the humans had, and they greatly valued the stories they learned. Over the generations, the species comingled, slowly inheriting each other's characteristics and cultures. They never quite blended completely. There were simply too many differences between them, even if their clashing edges dulled over time. Even when it came to where they lived, there were differences — the anorung lived up high, making their homes in the dense foliage that characterized the planet. But humans could not fly. While they loved to visit the cities built in the trees, most of the humans did not find it feasible to live there. So instead they went down, building their homes on the ground. It was quite dark in many areas, but nothing some lights couldn't fix! But that was long ago. This story takes place much later.

Briar was born in a family of geniuses. Business moguls, inventors, top-rated actors — the careers her family members chose varied, but they always came out on top. In comparison, Briar was disappointingly average. Whatever she did, there was always someone better, and her family never let her forget that. She grew up being criticized by her parents and taunted by her siblings, only to have to smile sweetly next to them at galas and business dinners to pretend they were all one big, happy family. Even then, she was faced with nosy people who pried into her life and thinly veiled insults when they compared her to the rest of her family and realized she just wasn't on their level. Briar greatly preferred the company of the anorung in her community; while they shared much of the values as humans after generations of living together, Briar's family was always much more focused on the humans of their community; comparisons were fewer when they had only heard of her family in passing. And she loved the being high up among the osiwo, seeing the bright sky that was hidden where humans lived on the ground. However, this only made the humans around her more critical of her, the odd child who preferred the company of another species over her own.

Their words tore at her for years until she promptly cut them off once she reached adulthood. She ran away from them, as far as she could, and when faced with the opportunity, she would run away even more. Her work as a life support systems engineer was fine. She did good work, although never anything particularly groundbreaking or noteworthy. It is important work, in her opinion, even if often underappreciated, and even if she is not particularly smart or talented, she can at least look back on her work and say that she did something good. At least she was helping in a way, keeping things alive, whether it was baby unanturas at the zoo where she briefly worked or other humans, travelling between planets.

More importantly, her career allowed her to keep running away and explore the universe beyond her shockingly homogenous planet, such as allowing her on the mission to Earth, a place that had only ever been a story, told by parents who were told by their parents and their parents before that (not hers, though. They never bothered with those kinds of things). It was really as far as she could possibly run, so she had not hesitated to sign up.

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Zosimos of Ta-Neteru

Gender: Male
Role: Archaeologist/Information Tech/Xenotech Analyst
Age: 231
Appearance: 6' 3" (7' 0 including headdress), 212 lbs.
Goal: Collect as much data (all subjects) as possible, explore Earth's ruins and publish scholarly ancestor-simulations for the Ta-Neteru Repository of All Knowledge.

Personality: Zosimos seems to be lofty and remote, speaking little, and then primarily in koans or technical language relating to his work. Perhaps that is simply because "baseline" humans and most other un-enhanced species can only communicate using words, gestures, and the like, and cannot exchange full experiences of consciousness, mathematical models, and simulated realities.

Background: Zosimos was born into an ancient human enclave in the vast, sprawling Shellworld of Ta-Neteru. The original settlers were refugees from Earth with Transhumanist leanings who found a home in Ta-Neteru's enormous and diverse holarchy of civilizations.

He was born into a polycule of 132 beings. Its intricate web of relationships was nurturing, and he was exposed to a wide variety of educational experiences. He developed an interest in archaeology, going on expeditions into ancient and abandoned areas in Ta-Neteru's many layers.

As Zosimos passed his 200th birthday, he reached the age where it is customary for a young person to set out on their own and achieve individuation. After a period of travel and contemplation, he learned of the expedition to Earth, and applied to join.

Technological Enhancements:
Enhanced Cognition:
Zosimos is capable of a much wider range of thought and experience than a "baseline" human. With someone similarly equipped, he is able to "talk" in states of consciousness, experiences, and complex datasets such as mathematical models and simulations. However, this creates a kind of "language barrier" between him and "baseline" species, as these things often cannot be translated into words. It also makes him seem aloof, dreamy, or distracted.

With a moment of concentration, Zosimos is able to create semi-independent, intelligent programs called Cybertulpas that can be set to carry out tasks without direct supervision. Combined with his utility fog (see below), they can appear as conjured creatures.

Nanobots: His body tissues and bloodstream contain nanobots that perform repairs, as well as provide enhanced strength and stamina. They also provide him with extremely detailed direct knowledge of what his happening in his body down to the cellular level. They can regenerate damage, defeat ordinary pathogens, and provide emergency "first aid" by stopping bleeding and temporarily reinforcing broken bones. However, the speed of his regeneration is limited by available energy and ability to dissipate heat.

Zosimos can survive injuries that would kill an unenhanced human, but grave injuries cause him to enter suspended animation until he can receive treatment or be placed in a "cocoon" of nutrient solution that provides material and energy for his nanobots to work with. They also make it possible for him to survive in environments that would otherwise require a spacesuit, such as outer space or planets with toxic atmospheres. However, they do not make him indestructible. Extreme heat, cold, radiation, etc. would require additional protection.

Utility Fog: His headdress, collar, and shoulder pauldron contain a supply of mobile nanomachines that can flow out and form into ordinary objects of moderate size, such as a chair, or become a wide variety of tools. They can combine their energy to produce laser light, lightning, or plasma in limited amounts. While this can be weaponized in a pinch, Zosimos considers combat to be a failure of cognition, and will avoid it if possible. They can generate optical effects such as lensing, or make it seem as if air is solid, or possessing some other tangible texture. In use, the utility fog gives Zosimos the appearance of conjuring desired effects like a wizard.

Consciousness Backup: If Zosimos is killed, his headdress can store a "backup" of his consciousness at time of death. The headdress contains its own basic propulsion systems, and can fly as a drone. It is able to convey instructions that it be returned to Ta-Neteru and arrange payment for services as necessary. Upon return home, the Assembly of the Justified (exalted consciousnesses of his ancestors) would review his life and determine whether he ought to be reincarnated (in a new version of his present body or some other), or remain in cyberspace to begin the journey toward becoming one of their number.

Ta-Neteru: Zosimos' homeworld is ancient and powerful, home to many species of biological beings and articicial intelligences. During the chaotic period of its formation, it was thrown out of its solar system of origin to become a "rogue planet," wandering alone in the darkness of space. It was about 4.5 times Earth's mass, and its surface was covered in a miles-thick sheet of ice.

However, its planetary core generated heat, which warmed a subsurface ocean. The innards of the planet also provided a source of minerals via hydrologic vents. Life evolved in this ocean, and diversified into a complex biome. The first intelligent life was a species of eusocial shrimp-like creatures. These evolved into symbiosis with a species of amoeboid microorganisms, a kind of aquatic slime mold, that retained the ability to swap genetic material with other species.

In time, the Neteru learned how to harness this ability to become natural genetic engineers. Over millennia, their science and technology advanced, until they were able to unite their world in a bio-cybernetic web. However, with access to the sky blocked by the icy "Firmament" above their world-ocean, they were not able to develop a science of astronomy or expand into space. Instead, they dug deeper into their planet, creating vast subterranean spaces to expand into. They also sought to expand consciousness, their own and that of other species they "Uplifted" into full sapience.

In time, Ta-Neteru was discovered by the V'landi Empire, which set up mining outposts to mine the ice sheet for water and minerals and seek out the metallic and mineral riches the planet's high density promised. The "Sundering of the Firmament" by beings from Beyond was a great shock to the Neteru, but they sought to integrate themselves into the world of the "Beyonders."

However, since they did not possess conventional industry, the V'landi mistook them for animals. Their belief in their own superiority and manifest destiny blinded them to the signs the Neteru offered. As their mining efforts became more destructive, the Neteru rose up against them. The V'landi sent a punitive expedition that drove the Neteru back under the ice, but unbeknownst to them, it was already too late.

The Neteru had captured enough industrial equipment and mining ships to reverse-engineer V'landi heavy industry. When the Neteru emerged again, they came with armadas of armored vehicles and warships. In the resulting war, the Neteru conquered the V'landi Empire and found themselves in a new realm of interstellar politics. All of this was deeply foreign, even unnatural to the Neteru. They maintained defensive outposts and fleets to prevent invasion from the other powers, but preferred that the V'landi subject races govern themselves.

Now with access to new sources of power such as fusion and micro-black holes, the Neteru turned their attentions toward their own world, building new Shells, so that Ta-Neteru became a world with several "surfaces," nested within each other like Russian dolls and lit with miniature artificial suns.

Over millennia, Ta-Neteru passed through "expansion" stages (exploration, trade, and sometimes conquest) and "isolationist" stages, where it turned inward. New species joined its population as the world itself expanded, and currents of history swept past. When the human refugees were brought into the Galactic fold, Ta-Neteru welcomed them in large numbers. A billion humans would merely make a charming, exotic neighborhood, a "Humantown" in the vast, multi-layered garden-cityscape of Ta-Neteru. In proper Ta-Neteru (and human) fashion, the newcomers diversified culturally, technologically, and biologically.


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I found this while doing image searches for Zosimos' bio. She seems to embody the Bereen "More Advanced Than Thou" mood quite well, so I'm putting the pic here in case anyone wants to use it for a Bereen character.
I'm really enjoying everyone's character takes. Can't wait to see what happens when we're all mixed in like many a soup and a stew
Yes I am excited to start!
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Tomorrow is my last day of shark week, which means I will finally be able to write up our openers for our two groups. >:D

@monkeydoll5 I hope to see you finish up that character in time! O: (not that you cant still join, but it will def make it easier for me!)
Yeah, of course i can try!
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Reactions: Diana
Ooooh this looks really cool! I'm normally not into Sci-fi but this has piqued my interest!

You're still accepting roles, right? If so, may I take part in this? I have a solid idea for a character already!
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Reactions: metal box nomad
Ooooh this looks really cool! I'm normally not into Sci-fi but this has piqued my interest!

You're still accepting roles, right? If so, may I take part in this? I have a solid idea for a character already!

If you can slide in a char sheet before the end of this weekend, yes! 8D
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