INFO Introductory Guide

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Django Jane
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Prestige
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Fantasy, Sci fi, Romance, Historical, Modern, Supernatural
An Introduction...

Hello, and welcome to Pearls of Persia!

At the heart of this roleplay realm lies a reimagined ancient Persian empire. For the past one hundred and fifty years, the Persian Empire has held dominion over the center of the eastern hemisphere, sweeping in broad strokes its power across all of the Middle East, Northern Africa, and the Mediterranean Sea. In a world where stone monsters prowl the deserts and winged giants dot the skies, the tenacious Persians have made their mark, eking out a sizable cut of the badlands for themselves.

Many elements of the lore are taken from our history. Ancient Persia at its peak is widely regarded as a dominant influence on the cultures, economies, and societies of the world. It is this climate of change that I strove to emulate, and I hope that came across in my writing. Many new, fantastical elements were added as well. I had a bit of fun mixing old history with new, so feel free as the player to take your own pearls of history into the story with you. Here is a brief breakdown of the forum layout:
  • The main Pearls of Persia forum is for all inquiries, OOC and sign-up threads, as well as non-rp related chatter.
  • The CODEX subsection is intended for all character sheets, lore content, and settings.
  • The SAGAS subsection is intended for all IC roleplaying and story arcs.

Each section of the subforum will have rules pertaining directly to that area. In this thread, I will highlight:
  • General Rules
  • Navigation

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  • All standard Iwaku rules apply to this subforum.
  • Those flagrantly breaking the rules will not be permitted to participate in the realm at all and may face further punishment on the site.
  • The main Pearls of Persia forum is for questions, out of character/OOC threads, sign-ups and/or partner requests, and finally non rp-specific chatter. Those who would prefer discord for the latter are welcome to join the realm discord found here.
  • Inactive threads will be archived 60 days from the last reply. OOC threads with active rps will remain open so long as the rp lasts.
  • Reading the entirety of the lore is not mandatory. However, it serves as the foundation of our realm, and character forms that violate the integrity of the lore will be rejected.
  • Only art images are allowed for GM-run story arcs. Players who choose to run their own side stories may determine pics at their own discretion.
  • Characters must be posted for at a minimum biweekly in GM-run rps. If I do not hear from you after two posting periods (four weeks), you will be ejected from the rp.
  • Initial character applications must be approved by me. After that, players are free to post as many characters as they like on the same character thread. Only character threads that have been rejected will be archived.
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- A thread where all pertinent information on a set location will be explored.

- Any additional lore important to a specific rp or the overall realm as a whole.

- Important rules, resources, and announcements tied to gameplay.

- A group rp of more than two players run independently.

- A spin-off story between two players.

- All out of character chatter and rp interest checks use this prefix.

- A GM-run story or sandbox.

- This rp is open for sign-ups/more players.

- This rp is closed for sign-ups/more players.

- Character sheets are posted here for approval and storage.

@Ardent made the little prefix code. Credit goes where it's due :^)
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