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Legens Legentis

Deus Ex Machina
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Sci-Fi, Modern, Horror, & Romance

4000 A.D.
The Solar System has been united under a single government.
The Terran Kingdom has set up advanced colonies on all of the major planets throughout the system.

The many worlds have their own lesser governments, each striving for the betterment of the homeworld.
From Mercury to Neptune, the adopted children of the Terran King rule as a divine prince or princess.
Every thousand years, the Interregnum begins to establish a new dynasty.

The Terran King remains frozen in time, waiting patiently to crown the heir to his throne...

  • The scribes from the Church of Solaris are a bit stingy in their willingness to educate folks on the origins of the Terran Kingdom. Such information is usually reserved for government officials or church leaders, and the version of the story used in schools has been heavily altered over the years. The truth remains a well-guarded secret. Bloodshed is the only force more binding than gravity in this bizarre future. The Terran Kingdom was officially founded in the year 3000, following the first Interregnum. Before this, it was the long-forgotten United Nations that pushed humanity into the stars with primitive FTL technology. Mankind was still divided in this ancient era by nation and creed. A civil war had erupted between Earth, Luna, and Mars for unknown reasons, and the conflict had not ended until an Earth-born general declared himself the first Terran King. His name has been recorded as King Invictus I, otherwise known as Invictus the Great.

    Invictus I took eight wives for himself, and all but one of the children born of these marriages were banished to the distant colonies. Upon his death, Invictus the Great was worshiped as the god Solaris. His firstborn daughter, Mizuki, was crowned as the Terran Queen shortly thereafter. She ruled from a grand palace on Luna. This choice of location angered the residents of Earth, prompting a series of revolts that came to be known as the Solar War. Queen Mizuki had birthed a son of her own, although the lack of an apparent father resulted in the murder of every sibling in the royal family. Mizuki herself, as well as the other residents of Luna, vanished in a mysterious event known as The Corruption, in 3068. Her son, meanwhile, evaded certain death by returning the seat of power to Earth, and from there he restored order across the many worlds. King Orion made sure to keep the royal bloodline firmly on the homeworld, while the empty thrones of the colonies would be filled by his adopted children. Relative peace had been achieved, and a golden era was ushered in. Innovation quickened its pace at a rate never before seen.

    Centuries passed. The Church of Solaris grew in power as the kingdom expanded in population. Increasingly, kings and queens relied on its guidance for setting policy. The Church of Solaris mandated strict control over society, as well as full control over the universities of mankind. These demands were met, and in the year 3500, the Church's Grand Elder confirmed the Interregnum as a holy event. Solaris' glory was to be honored by the introduction of a new dynasty. This event was to occur on the thousandth anniversary of the Terran Kingdom's foundation. Similarly, The Corruption which rendered Luna uninhabitable was condemned as an unholy event. Any attempts at reclaiming the moon was forbidden by sacred law. Citizenship for artificial intelligence was revoked by King Arges III, enabling nonhuman slavery to flourish in the kingdom. These changes sparked the Martian Wars in 3795, wherein the moons Phobos and Deimos seceded to become the Martian Union of Socialist Republics.

    In 3822, the Hades Virus broke out on Pluto and Charon. Reports at the time indicate that the disease was brought onto the dwarf planet and its largest moon by a contaminated asteroid. The Hades Virus outbreak culminated into symptoms that closely resembled old myths of vampirism. Aversion to sunlight, a thirst for blood, and superhuman strength was the fate awaiting anyone who was infected. Royal doctrine addressed Pluto as a quarantine zone. Small pockets of the contagion have been rumored on multiple planets. The diseased were excommunicated by the Church of Solaris, persecuted by the government, and eventually classified as subhuman. Other types of subhumans, like cyborgs, harpies, and fusions, received similar treatment.

    Before placing himself into cryostasis in 3999, King Ignis V set the rules for choosing an heir. The next Terran ruler had to be wise, strong, and brave. They must show a unique vision for guiding humanity, as well as respecting the culture of the homeworld. There was no doubt in his head that the princes and princesses of the colonies were adept leaders. Only in battle would the strongest among them carry on the legacy of Solaris.
  • Ruler of Mercury:
    Ruler of Venus:
    Ruler of Mars:
    Ruler of Jupiter: Orin Centaurus
    Ruler of Saturn:
    Ruler of Uranus:
    Ruler of Neptune:
    -Mucada (knight-Venus)
    -Brian Sinclaire (admiral-Mars)
  • Luna:
    Mankind's first steps into the vast heavens started with Earth's moon, renamed as Luna by King Invictus I. Prior to this, it was a symbol of hope for an endless expansion into the cosmos. This hope was dashed in The Corruption. It was the event which marked the end of Queen Mizuki's chaotic reign. Not only that, but millions of lunar colonists managed to disappear without a trace. Not a single corpse was ever found at the site. The stations themselves were relatively intact, however. The Church of Solaris has banned all travel to Luna and blamed the incident there as punishment from the divine. Treasure hunters are frequently arrested and executed for defiling Luna. Its posthumous nickname is the Dead World, as no sign of life can be found. Aged moon dust is often illegally sold as a hallucinogenic.

    Phobos & Deimos:
    Ignored by the vast majority of the solar system, these two rebellious moons are the only two official members of the Martian Union of Socialist Republics. Adhering to the ideology of Marxist-Leninism, the M.U.S.R. frequently stages attacks on merchant ships heading to Mars, seizing their cargo and imprisoning the crew. Defectors from the M.U.S.R. describe the People's Republic of Deimos as being the primary governing moon. Eyewitnesses and merchants who escaped custody from the M.U.S.R. are quick to mention its totalitarian leadership. All citizens there are members of the Martian Worker's Party. Its primary economic/military rival is Triton, with the conflict being dubbed as a 'Cold War'.

    This moon is the closest of habital worlds to the hostile atmosphere of Jupiter. It started as a simple research colony in the days of the United Nations, until its occupants slowly went mad due to the resemblance of The Great Red Spot to an omniscient human eye. Now those who are born on Io are typically members of the Cult of Vortex. The moon became shrouded in secrecy and isolation, but modern observers have noticed the construction of massive pyramids dedicated to the worship of their heathen god. Io is allegedly governed by an immortal mad Pharaoh whom claims to be a descendant of Vortex. Like other rumors regarding Io, it is unverified.

    For the most part, Triton is a fairly unremarkable moon of Neptune. It was never officially incorporated into the Terran Kingdom. The reason why is linked with Triton's self-proclaimed status as the shadow government of the United States of America, a country believed by royal historians to be little more than a myth propagated by insurrectionist colonials. Triton is a hyper-nationalistic world which operates as a constitutional, democratic-republic. Efforts to reclaim Triton have been delayed on account of their impressive economy and large military. Occasionally the Tritonian government is willing to cooperate with Mars in order to oppose the M.U.S.R. and other remnants of communism. Historians tend to agree that this moon is a vestige of religious tolerance compared to Earth (although Triton is simultaneously referred to as a vestige for Christianity in addition to the other Abrahamic faiths).

    Pluto & Charon:
    The coming of the Hades Virus has converted these once-simple living station conglomerates into an independent, thriving civilization. The Necrocracy of Pluto is a somewhat democratic society, led by an elected Blood Chieftain and the Dark Council. Citizens require a daily intake of blood due to their genetic mutations. Human slaves are frequently brought in from Venus illegally and sold on Charon, where they are processed and sold to the commoners. It is unknown if any human has survived a tenure on Pluto. At the moment such a task is considered impossible.
  • Church of Solaris:
    Worship of the first Terran King stands as the central religion of modern man. Blasphemers, heretics, and converts face unspeakable punishments for diverging from the teachings of the faith. Plenty of small moons in the solar system have fearful religious pilgrims as large minorities. The Church Elder confirms new teachings, brings change to old ones, and is typically appointed by the Terran King and Queen simultaneously. That being said, the church always intervenes in political affairs when it deems fit. There are few instances of its doctrine being overruled by the monarchs.

    Ida Syndicate:
    As authoritarian rule was accepted on Earth after the fall of the United Nations, much of the world's criminal organizations joined together to create a single group that is feared by all. Its early leaders were mafia kingpins that fled the homeworld in search of a new base of operations. Luckily for them, such a place was found on the asteroid Ida, located between Mars and Jupiter. Under the guise of a mining station, Ida found itself home to the Terran Kingdom's criminal underworld. Smuggling, drug trafficking, assassinations, bounty hunting, piracy, and numerous other vile acts cemented the Syndicate's reputation for brutality.

    Knights of The Star Dragon:
    Although each of the colonies are expected to maintain their own armies at all times, the Knights of The Star Dragon is an esteemed order of devout warriors that serve the Terran King and his children. The order is entirely composed of orphans, drafted in while any extras became clergy for the Church of Solaris, or just meager slaves. The order's leadership has very little centralized control over its members. Instead, a Patriarch and Matriarch (two of the oldest knights alive at any point in time) make decisions as to choice of weapons, training techniques, and preferred starships for lower-ranking warriors. Beyond that, a knight is loyal to their prince or princess alone.

    Leviathans & Cloud-Eaters:
    These are the two dominant forms of life on Jupiter. The former uses its gigantic maw to devour the latter in one fell swoop. Studying either creature is extremely difficult, as they are known to attack human research teams when they get too close. A Leviathan 'swims' around in Jupiter's atmosphere, expelling gases from its thick skin to attract prey. This illusion can sometimes cause these beasts to be mistaken as a cloud. Cloud-Eaters, on the other hand, have long, electric tendrils that are highly dangerous to all foreign life forms. Their pod-shaped bodies absorb nutrients from nearby clouds, hence the name 'Cloud-Eater'.

    The most frequent of nightmares on Venus is to be spotted by one of the Sulphurics. Males are about 2 stories tall, whereas females can reach anywhere from 3-6 stories tall. Aimlessly, they wander the planetary surface for food or mates. Upon finding a mate, the two Sulphurics will retreat into an underground cave and hibernate until a hatch of eggs is produced. The male continues searching for food above ground, while the female protects the nest from intruders. Human colonization has posed a serious threat to the Sulphurics' environment. It is not uncommon for terrified humans to provoke a Sulphuric into attacking their settlements, justifying poachers into hunting them down.
  • Character Application~
    Starship (capital ships are reserved for monarchs):

    Starship Application~
    Name (official designation):
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  • 1. No godmodding. Essentially there will be no Death Stars for you to wreak havoc with.
    2. You cannot control more than one prince or princess. No exceptions.
    3. Please be respectful to others while OOC.
    4. No one-liners! Try to use proper spelling and grammar at all times.
    5. Do not be fazed by character deaths.
    6. OP's word is law! Dissenters, please escort yourselves out of the nearest airlock.
    7. If you have any creative ideas, feel free to share them! The only bad idea is the one never shared.
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Terrestrial Planets
  • 02+merc.gif

    Nickname: The Polar World
    Population: 2,400,000,000
    Ruling Monarch: N/A
    Economy: Mining, solar-harvesting
    Founding Date: 2306
    History: The Principality of Mercury has been one of humanity's crowning achievements. Its short distance from the sun has exponentially increased the risks of colonization, stemming from lack of water to the overabundance of radiation. Mercury's drastic temperatures rise and fall between day and night. This factor led the development of two massive cities to form on the north and south poles. The most devout members of the Church of Solaris take a pilgrimage to Mercury at least once in their lives to be closer to the sun (without bursting into flames). The most distinct feature of the planet is the Heinlein Wall, an energy plant that is built across the whole equator, absorbing vast amounts of power with its upper solar panels. The energy is stored in super-batteries that can be transported to the other colonies with minimal difficulty.
  • Venus.jpg

    Nickname: The Burning World
    Population: 4,000,500,000
    Ruling Monarch: N/A
    Economy: Slavery, hunting
    Founding Date: 2241
    History: The original colonies on Venus were minuscule floating cities that hovered above the acidic planet beneath. As Venus was intended to be a prison colony, slave labor is continuously extracted from the descendants of the original inmates. However, as terraforming technology improved, the cost of building outposts on the surface gradually declined. Mankind was shocked to discover a wide array of flora and fauna living underneath the colonist's feet. These creatures were largely immune to the toxic gases and sulfuric rain which coated the whole planet, but humanity's intrusion onto their habitat caused Venus to attract big-game hunters from all over the solar system, looking for their next trophy kill.
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    Nickname: The Home World
    Population: 12,000,000,000
    Ruling Monarch: King Ignis V
    Economy: Agriculture, military-industrial complex
    Founding Date: ?
    History: Being the capital of the Terran Kingdom has had a plethora of effects on human society. Even the poorest of citizens born on Earth are held higher in stature than colonists of nobility. Tariffs ensure that the vast majority of the solar system's wealth is concentrated on Earth, as are the shipyards which enable citizens to travel from one planet to the next. Earth has a long history that stretches back before the Terran Kingdom, but much of it has been lost to time or is forcibly hidden by the Church of Solaris. Every Earth-born monarch since King Orion have ruled the solar system within the Ember Palace. Private meetings with the king or queen are forbidden, as such, only top government officials are granted access into the palace at any given time. The Council of Lords assists the monarch in ruling the individual provinces of Earth.
  • mars.jpg

    Nickname: The Red World
    Population: 10,100,000,000
    Ruling Monarch: N/A
    Economy: Manufacturing, ice-harvesting
    Founding Date: 2150
    History: The Principality of Mars was always intended to replace Earth in terms of producing goods. The high population of the homeworld directly led to the rapid industrialization of Mars, while the former returned to an agrarian economy. Colossal cities dot the surface of the planet, many of which are engulfed in smog. Atmospheric filters have allowed some liquid water to take form, with rivers and lakes providing just enough for a stable farming community near the Martian equator. Factories are the most defining feature of the red world, numbering somewhere in the tens of millions (the resulting pollution is a major nuisance for everyone). Mars is infamous for being the center of multiple civil wars.

Gaseous Planets
  • Jupiter_by_Cassini-Huygens.jpg

    Nickname: The Storm World
    Population: 5,600,000,000
    Ruling Monarch: Orin Centaurus
    Economy: Atmospheric mining, whaling
    Founding Date: 2798
    History: It's generally accepted that the same technology used to install floating cities on Venus was also used for inhabiting Jupiter. The everlasting storms and intense gravitational pull encouraged scientists to modify the designs for future goals in colonizing all of the gas giants. The disappearance of several outposts prompted a thorough investigation of Jupiter, during which the Leviathans (carnivorous, whale-like organisms) were discovered as the main cause for the missing outposts. The Leviathans normally feast on the Cloud Eaters (which bear a striking resemblance to jellyfish). Flesh from a Leviathan is regarded as a delicacy on Earth, leading researchers to worry about the species being hunted into extinction. Plenty of colonists have adopted a pious warrior culture on Jupiter. This phenomenon is believed to be caused by a superiority complex associated with inhabiting the largest planet in the Terran Kingdom.
  • Saturn-2-579195.jpg

    Nickname: The Ring World
    Population: 3,000,000,000
    Ruling Monarch: N/A
    Economy: Tourism, refining
    Founding Date: 2800
    History: Rarely is it questioned that Saturn is one of the most beautiful planets in the solar system. Mankind tried a unique approach in colonizing the ring world, mostly by occupying the outer moons and slowly pressing inward until stable floating cities could be launched at the surface. Because of this methodology, Saturn's population density gradually decreases the closer one gets to the actual planet. Each year, millions of couples arrive to get married while in the presence of the planetary rings, and this phenomenon has transformed into a long-running tradition for the Terran Kingdom. Sports are a favorite pastime for a majority of colonists. Gladiator matches are highly popular as well.
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    Nickname: The Orb World
    Population: 1,500,000,000
    Ruling Monarch: N/A
    Economy: Robotics, energy-harvesting
    Founding Date: 2804
    History: The reputation of Uranus has gotten to the point that various kings and queens have tried valiantly to outlaw slanderous humor, in reference to the planet's suggestive name. Spectacularly, this goal has failed numerous times. Comedians were among the first people to settle on Uranus permanently. Needless to say, this has been the source of misery for government surveyors for many years. Japanese, Korean, and other Asian peoples, due to their lack of understanding English, were more than happy to develop infrastructure on Uranus and its plentiful moons. Another anomaly associated with the Uranian people was their permanent ban on slavery (becoming the only major world to do so). The culture itself is Confucian in nature, and is far more peaceful than the other planets.
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    Nickname: The Blue World
    Population: 575,000,000
    Ruling Monarch: N/A
    Economy: Education, finance
    Founding Date: 2859
    History: The Principality of Neptune is home to some of the grandest universities, monasteries, and luxury houses in the solar system. Monks from the Church of Solaris travel here to learn discipline as they are far removed from sunlight. The successful businessmen of the Terran Kingdom have set up Neptune as the 'Wall Street' (outdated as a reference as that is) of human civilization. Culture and the arts flourish, with the well-educated studying far away from the overcrowded schools of Earth. Wealthy retirees invest in many upstart research groups across the solar system. Some of the kingdom's greatest philosophers and authors were known to have been born on Neptune.
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  • latest

    |name=Homo sapiens
    |class=Citizen Rank-A
    |subspecies=Cyborgs, Hadesians, Harpies, Fusions, Hybrids
    |distinctions=Mentality, height, facial structure, etc.
    |lifespan=~100-120 years
    |habitat=Rural, Suburban, & Urban
    |language=Variable (primarily English, Spanish, & Chinese)
  • guilherme-guimaraes-ps4-tattoo.jpg

    |name=Homo artificialis
    |class=Citizen Rank-B
    |mass=80.1 kg
    |distinctions=Mechanical organs, bio-mechanical implants
    |lifespan=130 years
    |habitat=Urban, space station interiors
  • 01d363c51803aba6817a8bef2bed7c12.jpg

    |name=Homo volans
    |class=Citizen Rank-C
    |mass=52 kg
    |feathers=Correlates with hair color
    |distinctions=Large feathered wings, scales, low intellect
    |lifespan=90 years
    |habitat=Whaling ships, aviaries
    |diet=Carnivorous (primarily consumes fish)
  • f6753a316fa4b11fa513509af294f26e.jpg

    |name=Amor sanguinis
    |mass=68 kg
    |eyecolor=Red, yellow, black
    |distinctions=Fangs, photophobia, low body temperature
    |lifespan=200 years
    |language=English & Plutonian
  • %D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B3%D8%A7%D9%8A%D8%A8%D9%88%D8%B1%D8%BA.jpg

    |mass=58 kg
    |skincolor=Chrome, steel, transparent, variable
    |distinctions=Registration code is tattooed on skin
  • 2q9bblu.jpg

    |name=Homo fulgur
    |class=Citizen Rank-C
    |mass=83 kg
    |distinctions=Almost entirely composed of dark matter
    |lifespan=150 years
    |habitat=Energy plants
  • RnNqdk7F.jpeg

    |class=Citizen Rank-B
    |mass=62 kg
    |eyecolor=Yellow, variable
    |distinctions=Appearances widely vary by genetic modifications that manifest in the ears or tails
    |lifespan=70 years
    |habitat=Rural, urban, and suburban

  • insomniac_s_fuse_space_station_by_meckanicalmind-d66eph0.jpg

    Planet: Venus
    Description: 2243 marked the completion date for the Clarke Station, and in its early days this monolithic structure was the birthplace of FTL technology in starships. Top-secret research was conducted where interlopers on Earth could not intervene. For as remarkable as this achievement was, the eventual commodity of faster-than-light travel left the Clarke Station relatively useless. The United Nations transformed it into a museum that highlighted the history of space travel altogether. There, it was taught that FTL hyperdrives could warp space-time in such a way that things could be pushed at incredible speeds. Things remained quite the same until Queen Lucid ordered the museum's unfortunate closure. Wealthy individuals purchased it at a ludicrous price, remodeling the station into a luxury resort.
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    Planet: Saturn
    Description: When and where Colossus was first built is a fact which no one really agrees on. As its name implies, it is a large station that is called home by over a million people. One key feature makes it distinct from other space stations, however. Colossus is the only super-massive construct in the solar system that can travel outside of its official location. It is either drifting in the atmosphere of Saturn or hovering over the planet's south pole, usually for the sake of efficiency in collecting monthly supplies from courier ships. While theoretically it could break away from Saturn's orbit/gravitational pull at any time and travel elsewhere, Colossus has never moved to another world due to its popularity as a tourist hotspot. Honeymoons on the station are said to be the most romantic.
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    Planet: Earth
    Description: New Rome is everything from the most corrupt city in the solar system, to the most decadent, to the most fanatical. It is the capital of the homeworld itself, and within it lies The Cathedral, the beating heart of the Church of Solaris. Much of the city was built from the ruins of Old Rome (which had been destroyed in the Terrestrial War by Lunar bombardment). King Invictus I chose this area to house his rule from tales that Rome was once the grandest of civilizations ever created by man. Following his demise, the Church of Solaris heavily persecuted Christianity, seizing the Vatican to legitimize the former monarch's cult. The Ember Palace is where kings and queens have guided the Terran Kingdom for centuries. Outsiders are never granted access. Beneath the Throne of Embers is a cryogenic pod that is reserved for an Interregnum, with royal propaganda denying it fully to avoid panic.
  • scifiartprompt.jpg

    Planet: Mars
    Description: Aurum is like New Rome in terms of sheer importance. It is quite literally the brightest city known to man, with a gigantic manufacturing output feeding the demands of the many worlds. Immigration stands as a large obstacle in Aurum's development, since millions of jobless Earthlings dream of settling on Mars for its abundant opportunities, only to discover ruthless competition from other unemployed settlers. The shielded dome over the core of the city is the divide between rich and poor. Meanwhile, the outskirts of Aurum is a den of criminal activity. These factors working in tandem have created an environment of conflict between natural Martians and Earthling settlers. The Martian Union of Socialist Republics uses the dismay of the people to recruit new citizens, where they are often never heard from again.
  • 75070195642939_psionic_floating_city_by_franklinchan-da2bfga.jpg

    Planet: Neptune
    Description: To receive a scholarship from the University of Neptune is the greatest honor a non-royal citizen can ever receive. It specializes in mathematics, science (combined frequently with theology studies), history, as well as the arts. Recruits for the Terran Military can choose to be taught there, free of charge. Like other schools throughout the kingdom, education is handled by the Church of Solaris. A group of monks volunteer as professors for all of the classes. However, these monks differ from most others by serving the Order of the Distant Sun. Cloning technology is utilized on Neptune to give the monks near-immortality (a procedure that has been banned for all citizens not accepted into the Order). Aside from being the most acclaimed university at humanity's disposal, entrepreneurs of all backgrounds have made large fortunes by placing their businesses close to the school.
  • CeMfu1GW0AAF78l.jpg

    Asteroid: Ida
    Description: The mining of asteroids in the days of the United Nations was a lucrative industry. It wasn't uncommon to hear of bold young men and women discovering untold riches hidden in the blackness of space. The Stone Rush, as it was called at the time, provided the resources that made colonizing the solar system possible. The outpost on Ida was built by a smaller mining corporation that went bankrupt in the Solar War. Its remote location was seen as prime real estate for crime bosses that needed somewhere to hide. Renovations were made, and in no time was Ida the favorite getaway for lawbreakers. The only economy on Ida is the black market. The only order on Ida is whoever is carrying the biggest gun. Almost half of the population are mercenaries, smugglers, and pirates. The other half are gamblers, drug addicts, and kingpins. Those who try to make an honest dime are thrown out the airlock by The Syndicate rather quickly.
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Hello, totally interested.

I have some ideas for my characters not sure what one would fit best or is the coolest.

1) First off since the M.U.S.R second because of the robot slavery are they pro-AI and stuff. So would it be possible for the leader to be a cyborg?

2) I'm also interested playing the Marian Prince who is either a young inexperience price who is very stressed and leaves the political matters to the regents which I may play as a corrupt higher up who wants to abuse his position of power for his own betterment and is also maybe is secretly aligned with the M.U.S.R) or maybe an hot headed agender person who is really pissed off about the M.U.S.R

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I also have more characters ideas :D

3) A ai who was previously used to genome analyze and research. She wasn't the smartest more powerful AI. She was kind of sad with her "life" being forced to do things. She could actually think these thoughts while still having the main protocol of trying to analyze what the computer into fed to her. Her name was Gnome so was the project, but she was bought out by a Neptunian business man and sold to the court of a Prince serving as a enslaved assistant this time with more freedom have been modified to fit into a robot body.

4) Some cool as Neptunian or Tritonese dude with some stylish genetic modifications so he has quills on his arms long bat-like ears, big eyes for seeing in the dark of Neptune, he also has a cool sword, a computer bracelet with holograms, and some sweet half shorts. He would be a civilian like a merchant or something. Maybe being captured by the M.U.S.R.
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Very cool in the new extras!
Me and GM discussed some stuff I have a new character idea I'm not going to use the one I previously made.

Model Number - C3
Serial Number - 238191


Star Dragon Knight and Unknowing Asset of Queen of Hearts


Refers to She/Her, Genderless

Mucada is a friendly talkative AI who's protocols are noticed on diplomacy and non-violence. She joined the Knights to stop any more violence against her creators the humans and take to heart honor and loyalty to her keen. She doesn't have a strong opinion on the situation in M.U.S.R or about the citizenship of AI.

Mucada will fight for her fellow Knight or anyone for that manner. She has trouble recognizing the danger to herself but is extremely good at the knowledge of human anatomy and the relation and probability of danger to the body. Mucada takes to heart kindness and tries her best not to hurt any innocent human. She is willing to fight if it will stop someone from getting hurt. She can kill, but it is really rare when she doesn't have to. Mucada relays on other

Mucada relays on other combatants to socialize and to fight with. Mucada is able to converse is human conversion but is rare in any sort of heated engagement about politics as her databases aren't equipped with the knowledge. Only her memory of conversation and sights is where she pools most of that information.

It is also highly confusing for Mucada at times as she is programmed with a very well integrated Human fault and emotion system. So because of this system, she can feel mercy when need and can forget things with a crowd in situations so to not be the odd one out. This mode can be turned off and on remotely by a correct person. Due to this, Mucada can feel emotions such as love, hate, regret, and pain. Pain is probably the most important reason why this was turned on since her program is faulted in recognition danger to itself.

Mucada doesn't know much about her history as because of a recent unknown error within her memory system. Told from her fellow knights she had recently joined a small group protecting and serving the Prince of Venus. Mucada told them before that she was from Mars previously and her owner had made her able to join. She doesn't know much else.

Synthblade Katana is a blade that was crafted from lightweight metamaterial that is able to cut through thick metal combined with a robots strong arm. It lets off a blue glow thanks to the metamaterials properties. Also on this Katana is a two mode that at turns into a small plasma pistol, only usable with power from the host, either from a robotic power supply or a battery on a human. However, this mode is limited and uses more power than the blade mode.

Mucada's Observatory Orb is a series of small silicon-based disks that float and send data back to Mucada. These are highly frigate and make a small noticeable hum when in the air. These as well require a large amount of energy to use and are support for her knight allies.
Name: Orin Centaurus

Race: Human
Role: Prince of Jupiter
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Personality: As the supreme ruler of Jupiter and its vast riches, Prince Orin keeps his world in line with brute force. The Knights of the Star Dragon act as his personal secret police, tracing any opposition and eliminating it discreetly. He is a devout Solarist, so much so that he purges nonhuman and subhuman individuals that break even the tiniest of social customs, making him feared and beloved by Jovians and Earthlings respectively. While Orin prefers a Machiavellian style of leadership, he does engage in planetary reforms. It is a personal goal of his to rid the homeworld of corruption and weakness. A favorite hobby of the prince is in hunting Leviathans; there are times when he uses their bones to construct new areas for his palace.

Backstory: Orin Centaurus was born in 3975, in the Jovian city of Multus. Legend has it that his first flight in a starship was in the diameter of the Great Red Spot. For centuries, the House of Centaurus was a proud family, carrying on the lineage of the solar system's finest warriors. The young prince studied at the University of Neptune while his father, Misceo IX, went about his forgettable reign until his son was old enough to take the helm. Misceo IX was never held in high regards, as he attempted a more pacifist method of retaining control on Jupiter. When it became apparent that little progress was being made, Orin's father abdicated for a quiet life on Europa. It took many years for the new ruler to understand his position.

The prince surrounded himself with the most skilled advisers that were not already living on Earth. He undid many of his father's moderate reforms and deepened the Church of Solaris' influence, while also rebuilding the Jovian military to become one of the most intimidating forces that mankind has ever known. Orin even demanded the construction of a new capital ship for his fleet. This vessel of war was eventually christened as The Hydra. Raids were launched on entire cities that remained loyal to Misceo IX, with over two million casualties as a result. The Bloodbath on Jupiter lasted for three grueling years, and was less of a civil war and more of a total slaughter. Civilians were rarely differentiated from dissidents. The Vance Massacre was one infamous event where Orin directed orbital bombardment at the floating city of Vance, causing it to fall into the atmosphere and be crushed by gravity, killing all 400,000 men, women, and children inside.

Once the campaign was over, 3,000,000 former citizens were exiled to Callisto for treason. A large portion of them worked in slave camps all over the distant moon, with their labor being used to repair the infrastructure of Jupiter itself. Immigrants from Earth were brought over to account for the difference in population. However, only about 1,000,000 Earthlings decided to permanently settle on Jupiter. Many more refused the offer out of fear for the tyrannical prince. At the age of 18, Orin married a commoner by the name of Sonya Kaence to symbolize the strong relationship between ruler and ruled. He trained in many forms of combat in order to prepare himself for the Interregnum.

Bane of the Warlord~


Starship: The Hydra
Other: Prince Orin rarely thinks of the monarchs on the other worlds, except for the Terran King, whom he tries desperately to impress. Contrasting the rest of his personality, he very much loves Princess Sonya and takes her opinions into consideration when making a decision. The Archbishop of Jupiter is a close friend of the prince as well.​
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Name (official designation): The Hydra [Annihilator Frigate 77-H]
Weapons/Features: 10 Plasma Cannons, 30 Ionized Rocket Launchers, 50 Jovian Starfighters, 10 Ground Assault Tanks, Synthetic Crystalline Armor Plating, 7,000 Active Crew, Short-range electromagnetic reverse-propulsion ray (Cerberus Beam, for short), 100 Emergency Escape Pods
Length & Width: 665 meters & 131 meters
Speed (not counting FTL): 900 km/h.
Allegiance: Jovian Navy
Commander: Orin Centaurus (owner) & Solmon Apollox (admiral)
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IC thread is coming up soon. We can anticipate it either tonight or tomorrow.
Woah ho ho, @Uncle Legens Legentis, I like this and It's always nice to see an RP that I don't have to put too much time into and still have it be interesting and fun XD

From what I've done with you I know your stuff to be pretty top-notch so I'm going to ask a few questions to get a good feel for this and get an idea of who I'd like to play.

1. Is it safe to assume that Earth and Mars; being the oldest and largest of the planets; are military super-powers? Or is that not the case, if so I lead onto my second question.

2. What sort of Military might are we looking at for all of these planets, as an example: Neptune, Uranus, and Saturn would seem to be largely peaceful, lacking a large standing army which would greatly influence how someone would play one of their leaders, while say Jupiter would have quite an upstanding army which would allow a Jupiter player to play a bit more on the edge. Would just like an idea on military power per colony.

3. What kind of relations are we looking at between each colony?

Thinking of playing a Venusian (Or other powerful Navy) Admiral, it seems like it is well set up to have quite a powerful Navy but not much of an Army, being the birthplace of early FTL I would imagine they would have took any and all ship related technologies and ran with them. So if you could enlighten me on this I would greatly appreciate it!

And as a side note, while I don't mean to be an asshole about your RP, I'm about to be. Is Europa not a colonized moon of Saturn? It's easily one of the most hospitable of all of them and it doesn't make too much sense to be using it as water harvesting when you have an almost in-expendable amount of water located in Saturn's Rings themselves (Which are almost entirely water), so if you could spread some light on why that is it'd be nice. I'll be content with Saturn wanting to protect the rings for tourism purposes in all honesty.
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1. Yes, Earth and Mars are definitely big on their military buildup. Mars holds a few advantages with their manufacturing capabilities.
2. Each of the worlds, no matter how peaceful, maintain a formidable defense force at all times. The peaceful worlds might be able to use their more stable economies as a weapon in itself, or their advanced technology to automate warfare (like battle droids from Star Wars) to some degree.
3. I'll try my best to answer that question(s).
-Earth is at the top of everything. Cuisine, music, art, fashion, you name it. The rest of the colonies are emulating Earth in some form.
-Martians are distrusted and stereotyped as disloyal and greedy due to their history of revolts and industrialization.
-Venusians are feared and perceived as brutish. Slavery is basically their only major export. It's a rugged planet all the same, given how it was a prison colony but keeps the reputation of one.
-Mercury is full of religious zealots, but not quite to the same degree as Earth.
-The inner worlds altogether are fairly independent, while the outer worlds rely on each other for trade more as a result of distance.
-Dwarf planets are considered backwater territory, yet citizens of the kingdom are forbidden from living on them.

~Venus does indeed have a powerful navy, used to catch and transport slaves from across the solar system.
~I may have forgotten to mention that Europa is colonized (it's also a moon of Jupiter, not Saturn). However, it's basically exploited on a frequent basis for its water. Saturn is more reluctant to trade its water to prevent further Jovian expansionism.

All in all, these were great questions, and I'm glad you asked me. It'd be great if you decide to join!
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Brian Sinclaire

Principality of Mars Navy
Fleet Admiral
Battlegroup Strife
Unflinching in his resolve, Admiral Sinclaire is well known by his subordinates as a willing and decisive leader, able to make calls that may cost him many lives but ultimately win a battle. He is not afraid to take losses and is even less afraid to execute any cowards who may shirk their duty. A devout worshiper of the Church of Solaris he does not take kindly to heretics or dissent against the King.
Heavy Handgun for Boarding actions and Executions
Composition of Battlegroup Strife
(Ship CS's Incoming)
9x "Ardent" Class Frigates
4x "Rapid" Class Destroyers
2x "Minor" Class Battlecruisers
1x "Omniscient" Class Carrier

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