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"Damn it..." the brunette mumbled under her breath as she tried walking as fast as she could, basically running at this point. She couldn't be late - she needed that job. It was a wonder the man even hired her - she had no experience whatsoever, nor did she look like a reliable employee. She was young, stupid, inexperienced and desperate for money so she could survive.. yet he gave her the job. Leah was grateful for that. That man practically saved her - and she didn't want to disappoint him, to make him think she wasn't taking her job seriously. Because really, she was trying so hard.

The girl walked into the shop, put on her uniform and went to her usual place behind the cash register. Her colleague, Josh, scolded her for being late and for having to wait for her for thirty minutes when his shift was already over. He kept on babbling about how he'd report this to the shopkeeper, how she was going to get fired.. Leah just rolled her eyes and proceeded to ignore him. She didn't mind putting up with this if it meant keeping her job. Eventually Josh left and the brunette finally could begin her somewhat-peaceful work day.

Leah didn't know how much time has passed, but he walked in. Her boss - the man who practically saved her. The girl didn't say anything at first, she tried to read his face expression.. was he mad? Did Josh tell him anything? There was silence for a few moments, before she decided to break it. "Hello.." she carefully greeted him. It was rude to remain silent, anyway.

The older man smiled to leah as he came through the door, a slight limp within his right step but it didn't seem to bother him much. But it did cause the old leather combat boots to rub at the floor slightly the wrong way, making an almost squeak with the noise. "Good morning Leah." he stated in return, his tone pleasant enough though he seemed to always come off as a bit aggravated to most people. Coming up to the register he rested his right hand on the old hand made counter, the glass in it was thick enough but even then, one could tell it was just for show. The almost tree branch like sticks that made up each corner seemed to hold the glass with the faintest of grips. "I heard your first day started off a bit late?" he continued on after a short pause, his blue eyes coming to focus on hers in a somewhat unnerving stare.
Leah could feel herself getting more and more nervous with every moment that passed. Perhaps she wouldn't be like this if he wasn't so intimidating - there was just something about her boss that scared her. The way he moved, the way he spoke, the look in his eyes, she didn't know what it was - at first he seemed like good, normal man and Leah didn't know what it was that bothered her. She still had endless amount of respect for him though. Perhaps that's why she wanted to make a good impression and here she was, screwing up on her first day. She mentally cursed Joe - he wasn't kidding, after all. "Yeah.. I did. I'm sorry about that, I swear I won't do it again, I take my job seriously!" the girl defended herself, trying to avoid eye contact.
Solomon's eyes never once wavered from her as the corner of his lips curled up into a gentle smile. Of course he could tell how nervous the poor girl was and he even allowed himself to enjoy it in a small amount. After what seemed a good few moments he finally spoke back in a soft tone. "Didn't skip breakfast in your rush here did you?" Almost allowing himself to seem slightly concerned to that issue, He still had not decided on what to do with this girl after all. He was still allowing himself to indulge in the thought of her squirming under his knife, Even though he found himself not quite as impulsive with this one as the others. Pushing his thoughts to the side he raised his right hand up to pick up a chocolate bar from a box on the counter, offering it to her before she had a chance to respond. "Either way, You look a little pale, Eat something. We can talk about you being late when your shift ends."
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