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The Demon King
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. 1-3 posts per week
Online Availability
Every day
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Intermediate
  3. Adept
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Transgender
Horror, Paranormal, Comedy, Action, Magical, Fantasy, Modern, School, and Romance.
Sent to kill [Your Character]. He is very good at what he does however what happens when he doesn't do his job and kidnaps/saves him instead?

-Character Sheet-
Name: Jai Byron Indigo

Age: 25

Height: 6'4" ft

Body Type: Muscular/Athletic

Dominant/Submissive: Dominant (Top)

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual (for MxM pairings. Straight for MxF pairings)

Birthday: October 29th

Sign: Scorpio

Fear(s): N/A

Hobbies: Fighting, Shooting, Videogames and training... Alot. Sometimes he overdoes the training.

Occupation: Assassin

Personality: He is mysterious, hardcore and a complete bad ass. He doesn't let anything stand in is way and makes sure to get what he wants. He is quite an ladies man, (although he has had his fun with a few men. He doesn't keep his sexuality a secret but doesn't announce it either-- The male pairings will have this information added to it. MxF he is straight). He is a very precise killing machine, rough around the edges, short tempered, smartass, sarcastic but deep down he is very sweet, smart... Protective and loyal, he has just had a rough life. He is misunderstood. He does have his own sense of humor.

Bio: His parents were killed in front of his very eyes when he was just 7 years old. His uncle, who was a highly trained assassin took him in, training him to be the top assassin. He has gone to school for obvious reasons, and actually got a degree, making a great cover up for his secret life. But the majority of the time he is out doing his job, with precise actions and never looks back.

Looks: Both Anime version or real version! Doesn't matter to me which one you prefer.



Tattoo(s): Right Side

Right Shoulder:

Left Calf:
Last edited:
Then CS please cx

Name: Alec Roberts
Age: 24
Height: 5'6"
Body Type: Slender and Muscled
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Birthday: September 20th
Fears: Dogs, Storms, Bugs
Hobbies: Video Games (RPGs), Drawing, Cooking, Skating

Personality: Alec likes to think of himself as a generally good person. While he has a temper, he hardly gets into fights. When he does he doesn't hold back. He holds his weight just fine and gets out with bruises. He lives his life mostly how his parents want him to which sets him up to take over as the head of the family. Alec, however, hates this and he just wants to live life the way he wants to. Which leads to him rebelling quite a lot. He wants to be free to make his own decisions. He can be quite funny and laid back and generally a fun person to hang out with. He's not an introvert nor is he an extrovert, he's in-between. Choosing to spend most of his time by himself but he wouldn't be against some company.

Alec was born to a well to do family, his father owning a huge law firm and his mother a housewife. He was the only child of their marriage and he had to live up to their expectations. This caused him to go against them and hang out with some shadier characters. Getting into the occasional fight and clashing heads with teachers. Though he managed to get good grades, being a delinquent didn't mean he had to be stupid. He left behind that life later on and has become a calmer person that doesn't care too much for fights. He thought he did at least, little did he know that an old acquaintance with a grudge had put a hit out on him.

  • Love
Reactions: Bryce
Awesome! Starter up shortly.
  • Love
Reactions: Teacup
Edited a bit lol.