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You Are Far Too Nice, Mercy Has a Price
Original poster
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  8. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Will be updated when school year starts. For now, pretty much whenever
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
Sometimes life throws you a curve ball, but sometimes the mess are of our own design. That is the circumstance you find yourself in. One of the many people who had attended a horror themed party where a member of your college promised to debunk the legend surrounding a supernatural book he got for a penny. It turned out that not only the book hated it when it came to criticisms, it was also cursed. May you be a friend, a normal party goer who happened to get caught in this mess, a high school student who snuck in/ was invited by a sibling or one of the numerous supervisors, you know find yourself in a horror book.... that is bent on killing on you.

Unlike traditional horror RP, this will be a bit of a parody of horror tropes. It will also have some Until Dawn vibes as it will be heavily influenced by the choices your characters make. Your character can die, but don't worry, there is still a chance you can be brought back at some back. As for rules, this RP will be following traditional Iwaku rules. Only additional rules is that the characters will be aged from 13 to 40 in base form. ( For the sake of the RP, everyone be default set to their twenties in the horror setting OR take the form of a canon horror character). Only additional note is that the killer trope will be taken by myself.

Age, outside of the curse:
Age within the curse ( 20-29 if an OC) / Canon character you are playing( No age limit) :
Appearance outside of the curse
Appearance within the curse:( As we know, nobody is allowed to look normal in horror, you are either abnormal or Hollywood perfection):
Horror Archetype your character was assigned by the book:
( Here's a few lists of possible archetypes to pick from: Six Archetypal Horror Characters and Why They're Important | The Artifice
If you want to do another type not listed, go for it.
Abilities/Skills they naturally know:
Abilities/skills they learned due to the trope they embody:
Horror knowledge your character had before hand (Optional):
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Well hmm....Can the last girl standing be a nerd too?? I mean, I prefer to be the nice person because it's not hard for me, and since the REST of this might prove to be a stretch for me, since Horror isn't normally my thing...I'd like SOMETHING to be easy. LOL

And to be sure I'm getting this...we are high school kids, that get put into a book as 20 somethings and then from there fight to stay alive...correct??

Well hmm....Can the last girl standing be a nerd too?? I mean, I prefer to be the nice person because it's not hard for me, and since the REST of this might prove to be a stretch for me, since Horror isn't normally my thing...I'd like SOMETHING to be easy. LOL

And to be sure I'm getting this...we are high school kids, that get put into a book as 20 somethings and then from there fight to stay alive...correct??

Yes, that is doable. Also for the second question, high school or college aged students ( or if you want to be older, you can), but yesh, if you are doing an OC, yup 20 something year olds.
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Name: Kathleen Morgan
Nickname: Kit, Kitty
Age, outside of the curse: 17
Age within the curse: 25
Appearance outside of the curse
Appearance within the curse:( As we know, nobody is allowed to look normal in horror, you are either abnormal or Hollywood perfection):
geek girl 20's.jpg

Personality:Kit is shy around people she doesn't know well. She's book smart and has an agile mind that enables her to solve most problems logically and without a lot of emotion. she prefers books to people as a rule though and is often seen alone.

Horror Archetype your character was assigned by the book:Nerdy Survivor Girl

Abilities/Skills they naturally know:Math, chemistry, can remember most anything she reads, though she is a nerd, her father insisted on her doing some kind of athletics so she chose ballet(She is graceful and very strong as a result)

Abilities/skills they learned due to the trope they embody:What weapons are, how to hold one, and who to trust

: Kit lives in an upper middle class suburb of her town. her family is what would be termed a typical family that loves and cares for one another but has moments of chaos and squabbling. Her father is a Public defender, and her mother a realtor. They have both urged her to focus on her academics and to excel. She's always been one to enjoy school and learning so pleasing them in that was easy for her. Though she adores her siblings, her bothers do tend to get on her nerves a lot. Especially Ethan who seemed to always be around whenever she spoke to anyone female trying to get a foot in the door or whatever. It was lame and juvenile but it was her life with a girl crazy little brother. Her best friend April, whom she's known since she was diapers and who lives next door, would seem to be an odd person for her to be friends with now that they are in high school, since April is a cheerleader and uber popular, but they'd never let their differences separate them. April kept her social buddies away from Kit at school though, at Kit's request. Kit had no desire for that group in her life...so why was she letting April drag her to this party??

Family: Kit is the eldest daughter of James and Helen Morgan, She has two brothers, Ethan (14) & Liam (9) and one sister, Bella (5)
Horror knowledge your character had before hand (Optional): NONE
@PoetLore Accepted!

Name: Michael Path

Mike, Socio

Age, outside of the curse: 24

Age within the curse ( 20-29 if an OC) / Canon character you are playing( No age limit) : 29

Appearance outside of the curse: Mike considers himself to be average looking with his natural brown hair and normal face. He has blue eyes and can be typically seen wearing blue jean jackets, a t-shirt, and jeans. He also stands at 6'2 and is of a lanky build, not working out much.
(Faceclaim: Brett Dier)
Appearnce within the curse: 1568342236885.png
(Faceclaim: Michael Trevino)

Personality: Mike is one of the nicest guys you can meet. He is incredibly laid back and likes to talk with other people. He is also incredibly stubborn and doesn't change his mind on things. He is also fiercely overprotective of his wheel chair bound brother.

Horror Archetype your character was assigned by the book: " The Nice guy"

Abilities/Skills they naturally know: Intelligent, critical analysis skills, Horror trope knowledge

Abilities/skills they learned due to the trope they embody: How to wield a weapon, stronger survival skills, combat skills. leadershio

History/Background: Michael grew up in a fairly middle class household with his father being a horror author and his mother being a horror film director. He grew up his whole life around the strange and macbre, but he never believed in any of it. He was the type of person who believed that was grounded in reality. His father gave him what he claimed to be a cursed book, but he didn't believe it. He graduated from top of his class in middle school. He however did not have the same luck with high school as his brother went out with an older friend who got drunk and got them into a car crash. His brother was paralyzed from the waist down. While being wheel chair bound, Mike went out of his way to help his brother and graduated slightly lower in his class. He made sure to go to the same college as Nick and worked, eventually deciding to throw a party to put a rest to the cursed book rumor he had for years.

Family: Madeline Path ( Mother) Scott Path ( Father), Nicholas Path ( Fraternal Twin brother)

Horror knowledge your character had before hand (Optional): Michael is the type who has a ton of second hand horror knowledge through watching less gory cult classics and reading the highly detailed pages and hearing his parents story of their own projects.

Extra: Have you ever invoked the curse of an old book at a party?..... I'm asking for a friend.
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Ruben (Ben) Willczynski

Nickname: Big Ben
Age, outside of the curse: 38
Age within the curse ( 20-29 if an OC) / Canon character you are playing( No age limit) :24
Appearance outside of the curse:


Appearance within the curse:( As we know, nobody is allowed to look normal in horror, you are either abnormal or Hollywood perfection):


Personality: Ben is a former professional football player. A former offensive lineman, he earned good money and spent little of it during his career. He is congenial, likable and very much a people person. He is in constant pain from all of the rough play in 12 years of professional ball and 4 years of college. He's never been good about taking drugs before, during or after his career. He could live out his life with his substantial savings and likes living back in the town he grew up in. He works at the spooky park mostly to get a people fix. Wisdom and intelligence are not strong suites for Ben. He is Loyal, kind and generous.

Abilities/Skills they naturally know: Used to be good at brawling, is a natural tough guy. Used to ride motorcycles. Known to smoke Pot to help with the pain, started this only a year or so ago. Doesn't do it in public.
Abilities/skills they learned due to the trope they embody: He is a tough jock again, but not a mean one.
: Ben's family is eastern European. He is an American born though. At 6'7" he was a natural for football during high school and college. On those rare occasions he could tell someone was making fun of him, he could be counted on to try and shut the other guy up. Usually though, he is very good natured. He gives to charitable ventures in the little town he lives in. He works at the amusement park to get his people fix. He has trouble moving now due to arthritis in his joints. It wouldn't be unusual to catch the mixed smell of Ben Gay drifting from his huge frame.
Family: His parents were both large people and have passed on early.

Horror knowledge your character had before hand (Optional): He'll watch those kinds of movies with friends and the rare dates he has. He doesn't watch them by himself… eek. He knows that it isn't wise to make out in a horror movie and that girls often trip at the worst possible moments.

Extra: In his college days he doubled up sport wise on the wrestling team and was quite good.

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Name: Tucker Tudyk and Dale Labine (in the curse) Outside the Curse, Tyler Morrison and Alan Davis
Nickname: "Tuck" for Tucker, none for Dale
Age, outside of the curse: 40 and 37
Age within the curse ( 20-29 if an OC) / Canon character you are playing( No age limit) : Mid 30s
Appearance outside of the curse Tyler-Labine-640x360.jpgAlan-Tudyk-The-Hollywood-Reporter-Portrait.jpg

Appearance within the curse:( As we know, nobody is allowed to look normal in horror, you are either abnormal or Hollywood perfection Tucker and Dale.jpg

Personality: Meet Tucker and Dale. They are two best buds who have taken a little vacation to fix a cabin in the woods which Tucker has bought. On their way there, they ran into the aforementioned college kids at the gas station. They inadvertently give the wrong first impression and the kids are convinced that they are typical creepy backwood hicks like the ones in movies. Later on our two heroes meet the kids again when they are fishing. They accidentally scare the female lead of this film, Allison, when she's about to go for a swim and she almost drowns. They save her and take her home with them to recover, but again they give the wrong impression about themselves and the college kids think they have actually kidnapped her. Several accidents and more misunderstandings later, the planned vacation goes to south big time for our duo as they have to put their best against... EVIL.

Horror Archetype your character was assigned by the book: Deconstructive Parody: The hillbillies the heroic protagonists. The college kids only think that the Tucker and Dale are evil judging by their appearances, and end up killing themselves in Bloody Hilarious ways through their own stupidity, before one of them (the guy who would otherwise be the male hero in a typical slasher film) goes Ax-Crazy out of prejudice against the hillbillies.

Abilities/Skills they naturally know: They're movie reviewers IRL for an internet site, they have a lot of AV knowledge, and they did grow up in the midwest so they share a good amount of their skills (but not to the tropes extent) with their cursed versions.
Abilities/skills they learned due to the trope they embody: Fixin' up a house, drinkin', fishin', usin axes, guns, knives and even chainsaws. Huntin' and trackin. Probably Growin' stuff in a garden too. Oh, and Dale has a totally photographic memory, completely dominates in trivia and can remember very important bits of knowledge that will help the plot move on.

History/Background: A couple of horror afficionados who grew up learning the trade. Tried to get into the movie business, but only got bit parts. So they turned to the internet and make a reasonable living reviewing movies (mainly horror) on various social media outlets.
Family: Most of their families are in the midwest, while Tyler and Alan live in Southern California
Horror knowledge your character had before hand (Optional): Tons. It's their living and their passion.
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Name:Nicholas Path

Nickname: Nick

Age, outside of the curse: 24

Age within the curse ( 20-29 if an OC) / Canon character you are playing( No age limit) :29

Nick considers to be slightly average with his curly hair. He sits at 5'9 inches in his wheel chir with his dark eyes. He is typically wearing a black dress shirt and jeans.

Appearance outside of the curse:

(Faceclaim: Callen McAluffie)

Appearance within the curse:( As we know, nobody is allowed to look normal in horror, you are either abnormal or Hollywood perfection):

( Faceclaim: Nick Fink)

Personality: Nick is a calm laid back guy who has an intense interest in the strange that he wraps his life around. He is also friendly and intelligent, not afraid to make a friend or help whoever needs it. He is also a bit of a party animal but has been more restrained since the incident.

Horror Archetype your character was assigned by the book: The Virgin

Abilities/Skills they naturally know: Intelligent, Adventerous, Resourceful, slightly charasmatic,

Abilities/skills they learned due to the trope they embody: Charisma amplified to the max, more equipped, protective of the whole group, ability to walk,

History/Background: Nick grew up in a fairly middle class household with his father being a horror author and his mother being a horror film director. He grew up his whole life around the strange and macbre, and loved every bit of it.. He was the type of person who believed that the world of horror was better. He graduated from top of his class in middle school. He however did not have the same luck with high school as he went out with an older friend who got drunk and got them into a car crash. His brother was paralyzed from the waist down. While being wheel chair boun, Nick had to adjust and fell behind in his class, working harder in college while adjusting to his new life.

Family: Michael Path ( Brother) Madeline Path (Mom) Scott Path ( Father)

Horror knowledge your character had before hand (Optional): Michael is the type who has a ton of second hand horror knowledge through watching all the cult classics and reading the highly detailed pages and hearing his parents story of their own projects.

Extra: Nick is panseuxal and is still a virgin in the real world as well.

The IC is also up. I will be working on Chad and Elizabeth's NPC sheet. OPEN SIGNUPS I'm Asking For A Friend (IC).
There will be between two to four posts before we are thurst into the horror world.
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Name: Imojen Periwinkle
Age, outside of the curse:
Age within the curse:
Appearance outside of the curse


Appearance within the curse:


Imojen delights in the paradoxical and the strange. She is constantly delving into the literature of the paranormal, the occult, and Fortean "High Strangeness" in search of ontological adventure. She is a practicing Chaos Magician and Hermeticist (no paranormal powers in-game unless the GM wants to include such things in the game; otherwise, her experiences are like those of an occultist or shaman in real life). She often speaks in odd koans and peculiar vocabulary, or does things intended to make people question their notions of reality. She's never malicious about it; it's all meant to be fun and even helpful, handing out Red Pills like candy.

Horror Archetype your character was assigned by the book:
Monster Hunter
Abilities/Skills they naturally know:

Her interests include sacred geometry, shamanism, Gnosticism, art, and electronic music (she plays the Eigenharp), but her true passion is the expansion of consciousness and exploration of the paranormal. She studies chemistry both in college and on her own through online learning programs. She uses this knowledge to synthesize DMT, 5-MeO-DMT, LSD, MDMA, and mescaline. She has also explored traditional "plant teachers" including psilocybin ("magic") mushrooms, ayahuasca, and ibogaine. She is also looking into the use of the latest electronic and digital technologies. She keeps her psychedelic explorations secret from anyone she doesn't know well and trust (and share her interest in such matters). She dreams of establishing a high-tech Mystery School for the modern age.

She has a YouTube and Twitch channels that focus on the occult and paranormal investigation. When not in college, she uses the funds she gets from her Patreon account and merchandise sales to investigate and document paranormal occurrences. She's had some weird experiences doing this, but nothing to compare with what's about to happen to her.

Abilities/skills they learned due to the trope they embody:

Marksmanship (rifle, pistol, and shotgun), hand-to-hand combat, and the ability to run, kick, etc. normally.


Imojen was born to hard-driving, competitive parents. Her father, Quinn, is a high-profile investor; her mother, Madeline, a prominent socialite who advanced with him by making sure he was at all the right soirees and charity fundraisers. Together, they planned to have The Perfect Family, one boy and one girl, both of whom would excel, become popular, and proceed onward to financial and social success.

Their plan got off to a good start when their daughter was born. Danae was charismatic and socially adept even as a little girl, good at gymnastics and dance. However, instead of the boy who would have made their family complete, they got Imojen. Imojen came with a birth defect, unusual bifurcated feet. Her first two toes and the other three are fused together, with a split between them. In the custom-made shoes she needs, they resemble cloven hooves. They also reduce her dexterity when it comes to tasks involving speed and balance. Her "Devil feet" made her a laughingstock among other children from a young age.

No matter how hard she tried, Imojen could never measure up to Danae, or to her parents' standards. In school, she was a millstone around her sister's neck, the unwanted little tag-along who always made Danae's efforts to be the Queen Bee extra difficult. Her parents made Danae take her to parties and social functions in hope that she'd catch on and become a younger version of her sister.

As their careers advanced, Quinn and Madeline had less time for their children. For Danae, they could make time, especially for important events like recitals and birthdays; for Imojen, not so much. When Imojen joined her sister at Winslow Preparatory School, the elite private high school where her parents met, her life took a turn for the worse. She was quickly singled out as the school weirdo, which only made Danae hate her more. Children of rich and powerful people who were used to getting away with almost anything subjected her to an escalating spiral of cruelty.

Then, she got a break, of sorts: Danae got pregnant out of wedlock, causing a scandal for the family. For a time, Imojen became the favorite...until Quinn and Madeline found out that Danae was going to have a boy. The Perfect Family would be complete at last. Danae's star rose again at home, and it was readily apparent that The Baby would take over the universe as soon as he was born. Meanwhile, at school Danae scrambled to rescue her popularity by joining the others' attacks on Imojen.

Cycling across a high bridge on her way from school, the idea struck Imojen: she could jump, end her misery, and leave her family happier in her absence. She dismounted her bike, climbed the railing, and looked down into the water below. Danae and her friends drove up, and pulled over. The others started shouting "Jump! Jump!" and goading Danae to join them. Danae, angry with her sister for resorting to such a ploy for attention, gave in and joined them. When she heard her sister's voice, Imojen turned and looked her in the eye, and that's when Danae knew she'd made a horrible mistake.

Imojen looked down into the water again and spread out her arms, preparing to jump. But as she stood there, letting go of her life and all the pain it contained, she had a sudden awakening to the beauty of the river and its gorge, the trees, and the pattern integrities of nature. The boundary of her self fell away, and she felt a sense of oneness with all existence. Could she really give up all the beauty in the world for a bunch of mean school children? Filled with awe, she broke into laughter.

"You think this is funny, bitch?" one of the boys said as he ran up, and gave her a shove.

Imojen hit a patch of water without any rocks, but she nearly drowned before a group of rafters pulled her out of the water. After a near-death experience, she awakened in an ambulance filled with joy and zest for life. Adopting a "lemonade from lemons" attitude, she decided to hold her freak flag high, take the stage and make people laugh on purpose. She abandoned all efforts to measure up to Danae, and instead set out to discover and manifest her authentic self. She talked her parents into letting her stay home and learn from private tutors and online education platforms, which gave her the freedom to explore her increasingly wide-ranging interests.

Imojen at 15, after the accident

She was never able to last at the entry-level jobs a teenager could get, so she started a YouTube channel covering occult mysteries and the paranormal, with a vibe that's a blend of "Shots of Awe" and "Secureteam10." Over the next few years, she built up enough of a following to get by and fund road trip expeditions to check out reports of paranormal events. In order to avoid conflict with her family over the embarrassment her social media presence would cause them, she took the last name Periwinkle for her YouTube persona, and had her name legally changed to it once she turned 18.


Parents: Quinn and Madeline Sevin
Sister: Danae Sevin
Nephew: Connor Sevin

Horror knowledge your character had before hand (Optional):

Basic knowledge of horror tropes gleaned from cultural osmosis and watching the TV series "Supernatural."


Shots of Awe: Shots of Awe with JASON SILVA
Secureteam10: secureteam10
Eigenharp: http://www.eigenlabs.com/product/alpha/