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You Are Far Too Nice, Mercy Has a Price
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Will be updated when school year starts. For now, pretty much whenever
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Michael hadn't expected the party he had thrown to be as popular as it was. Yes, he knew that people were interested in the strange and fascinating, but he barely recognized most of the party goers who were here. A lot of the people were adults or high school students, not people he had invited to the party. Thankfully, he at least recognized three people at the party. One was his brother, Nicholas Path. He was currently wheeling himself around and making small talk with whoever would talk to him. " Did you know that most classic horror movies often did things in one take and when they couldn't, the retakes all had to be unique. I would love to be a fly on the wall during those," Nicholas replied, looking at Chad Stephens who was downing a beer. God, it felt weird to have the school's lead athlete here.


" That's just so interesting, oh, look, at the time, I think I see someone who I know," he replied, walking away from him and ducking further into the party. He took a moment to look to see who else was here. Michael felt bad for his brother, but he knew that he would just pick himself back up. He looked over to notice that Elizabeth FreeWoman was making her way over to him.


"A lot more older people here, I can't wait to hear what's up with the cursed book. I'm going to be off to socialize. Don't do anything dumb, Mike," she told him, walking off, clicking her heels along the way.

He took a moment to catch his breath. God, this was dumb, wasn't it? Well, he was going to do it anyway. He decided that he would wait at least an hour or two before he would bring out the book and make his announcement. It wasn't like he was scared, that was illogical. Dumb. He took a breath, dropping his drink and spilling it on the ground, the glass shattering. "Fuck." Nick would wheel over to help his brother.

It seemed that you could either go and interact with the other guests such as Elizabeth or Chad or other party guests or go and assist Nick in helping Michael clean up the beer and the glass. The choice was yours.

@Michale CS @Gands @PoetLore
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Kit looked at herself in the full length mirror on April's door and then looked at her best friend. "You have got to be kidding April." Her arms raised to the side and she looked at April with wide eyes. "I look like..."

"You look fantastic girl!" April beamed at her, "Who knew you had such great legs under those jeans you always wear?"

Kit closed her eyes, "If I bed over in this..."

"Well see, that is something you have to learn," April began instructing her friend, "No bending, no sitting...let the legs work for you. If ballet does that for your butt and thighs I may have to take some lessons."

"As if you need physical improvement April," she scoffed, "You are perfect. It's frankly sickening."

April shook her head and waved her hand, "No one's body is perfect, Kit...known fact. One of my boobs is bigger than the other. I figure if a guy notices that, I'll probably marry him." She grinned and then grabbed her purse, "Let's go before you run out of courage."

"Too late..."

But April dragged her down the stairs as fast as she could manage on heels and out to the car. "This is going to be the greatest night ever!" April promised, "I love everything about horror don't you?"

"I have no idea April...I've never seen one."

"WHAT?!?" her head whipped around to check to see if Kit was being serious or not, "Oh honey...I'm so sorry. Well...get ready for a crash course then because this party has a secret...a cursed book. Can't wait to see it and hear the story behind it." They drove to the house and April parked in the grass along the front street. "he's to excitement and learning new things!" she said as she stepped out of the car.

Kit tried to look graceful getting out of the car but it was impossible in the short skirt and heels. "I really wish you would have let me wear my jeans..." She said as they walked to the door and waited. Once inside April promptly left her to mingle and she felt instantly uneasy. She heard a crash and noticed someone looking nervous had dropped a glass and it had made a mess. She also saw that the only person going to help was a guy in a wheelchair. Since that struck her as really odd she went that direction and grabbing some napkins off the table she crouched down ...very carefully...and tried to clean up the larger pieces of glass at least. "Be careful...lots of glass here..." she said stupidly. She looked upa t the guy who'd dropped it, "You ok?"
Big Ben

Ben had signed on, volunteering to work the special party. He didn't have anything better to do. He was wearing his Spooky park official uniform. He saw the young man drop the glass. He had told management it would be a bad idea to have the fancy glass goblets with the glowing skulls. As a couple of people gathered there, he fetched a broom and plastic trash scoop.

" Hello folks" ( he didn't walk fast but was wearing a wide friendly smile ) "Please, let me help you with that"
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"Spilt Beer is a shame." Tyler said, shaking his head. But he didn't offer to help, just went to get his own beer.

"A darned shame. Here, lemme help ye clean that up." Alan offered, moving to get napkins and help Nick and Michael clean up the beer.

"You're always too nice for your own good. You think it takes four people to clean up a beer? Here..." Tyler tossed a can to Alan, who caught it.

"I was just bein' neighborly. I mean, we did get invited to this party after all. Tryin' to be a good guest." Alan replied.

"Be a good guest and drink your beer then. That's what it's here for and you don't want it going to waste."

Alan shrugged and opened the beer now that the spill was well handled.

Tyler, on the other hand went over to talk to Elizabeth. "Hey. Ye come to these kinda parties a lot? I'm Tyler." He stuck out a hand for her to shake.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Gands @PoetLore
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Michael didn't know what was worse for him. The fact that his brother in a wheelchair felt like he needed the help when he was so used to being there for him. Or if it was the fact that he had garnered the attention of practically everyone.

The last thing he wanted to do was to come off as ungrateful to anyone at the party, so many of them had taken the time to come and help him. Between his brother, the guy who helped to clean the park, one of the older guests and the girl,but he felt so crowded. He would be the last to admit it, but he felt there was too much help and it was making it harder to not feel like a fool. Why did he had to drop his beer and shatter his glass? Why was he such a perpetual fuck-up that he couldn't do something as simple as hold a glass? It should have been easy, even if the glass was a little slippery and he wasn't used to the material. It shouldn't have mattered so much., but it seemed to have the greatest impact on his night as well.

Okay, he needed to take a moment and compose himself. The last thing he wanted to do was come off as robotic and distant, especially when he was trying to sound grateful. God, why was it that he couldn't just be normal and just say thank you and shrug it off?

Why did he take every single thing as a trial that he had to face? Though, he wouldn't admit it, Michael knew that it wasn't normal to feel bad about everything he did. But yet, on the other hand, there were things that he didn't feel guilty about it. Damn, he probably look awkward taking this long to reply. The people must have thought that he was broken or in shell shock from a broken glass. Breathe.... it was fine.

Maybe it was a mistake to unveil a cursed book at a public party. He had never thought it to be a good idea, but he also knew that if he didn't do it like this, the book would gather even more dust on the shelf. He had read it before the party and it was just as terrible as he remembered, but still, there was this uneasy sense that he should be worried. He hoped that nobody had asked him how he was doing, since he had been lost for a bit. Once he finally composed himself, he took a deep breath and plastered a smile on his face. " Yeah, I'm doing okay, just not used to the material of these expensive glass goblets."

He took a deep breath and finally decided to leave this awkward situation without coming off as rude. " Hey, thanks for coming over to help me. I would love to say and socialize with you all, but I have to go and get the cursed book for the party. The plan was to have a quick drink and then get it, but it turns out the glasses were trickier to use than I thought. I''ll be right back."

Not too weird, thank god, he was worried that might happen if he continued to talk any longer for him. He smiled, power walking away for them.

" Sorry about my brother, he isn't a big of fan of crowds and he has always had a hard time expressing. I'm Nicholas Path, you can call me Nick.. I don't care."

Nick wished he could have been of more help, but well, wheel chair bound. It was hard enough to move around the party on the park. It would be so nice to walk again, but that was just a dream.

He did register what April had said. " Then I should be extra careful to not move too far, last thing I need is a popped wheel to deal with as well."

Nick looked up and smiled, happy to know that he was making new friends, even if his brother was still being a little weird.

While Alan was drinking his beer, Chad would walk over to him. " Hey, you did a good thing helping out. Oh, sorry, where are my manners? I'm Chad Stephens, a friend of Nick and Michael."

Elizabeth took a moment to survey Tyler. " Pretty often, I like horror. Or at least analyzing how the main characters could survive if they were smarter. I'm Elizabeth. You can call me Liz. Honestly surprised that there are so many adults here, expect it to mostly be college kids and teen, but then again, horror brings out everyone, Mike hass been sitting on this book for literal years. Hope it was worth the wait."

@Gands @PoetLore @Michale CS
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Kit wasn't real sure that guy was ok, in fact he looked about ready to pass out or have some other kind of physical calamity, but he excused himself too quickly for her to be overly analytical about it. Then someone came with a broom and dustpan and she was really not in the least necessary in this whole clean up episode.

She plastered a smile to her lips, "Nice to meet you Nicholas...I'm Katherine but you can call me Kit everyone does." He night have thought she was staying crouched to be polite and maintain better eye contact, but the truth was that she couldn't figure out how to get back up without flashing bits of herself she wasn't happy about flashing. Luckily, she'd stuffed a pair of jeans in her purse that April hadn't seen. She reached up to grab hold of the arm of his chair, "Forgive me but I need a little help standing up...stupid skirt.." She blushed a lovely color of scarlet and pushed up and was quite proud that she didn't fall off the shoes. All those years of ballet on her toes were paying off a little at least.

"I don't remember seeing you around school?" she noted, "Are you a college student?" She felt like an idiot trying to make conversation and found herself scanning the room for April and a little help.

April meanwhile was making the round chatting with everyone and anyone to find her target for the evening. She looked across the room and saw Kit surrounded by a group of men and smiled, "Go girl!" and made her way over to that group, "See...this isn't so terrible right?" She looked at the three nearby, "hello gentlemen...I'm April...Kit's bestie...are you all ready for a chilling night?"

Kit heard Chad, but wasn't sure who he was talking to and was utterly relieved when April came over to them. She took a drink of water from her glass, hoping it looked like something else and that no one would ask her what it was. "I think Michael said he went to get the book..."
  • Ah Seen It
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Imojen slipped inside wearing a spunky Gothic dress emblazoned with fanciful suns, moons, and stars, with a satchel that held her laptop, video camera, microphone, EMF detector, and infrared camera attachment for her phone slung over her shoulder. It looked like things were well underway. She noticed a small group of people gathered around...cleaning up a spilled drink? I'm not that late, am I? Then she noticed someone hurrying away from the scene. He didn't look staggery and drunk. Wait, that's him! she thought, somewhat awkwardly skipping over to intercept.

"Excuse me? Hi, I'm Imojen Periwinkle, from Chem class?" she said as she came up alongside. "Thanks for letting me come. Usually I have to pack my bags for something like this," she said, giving him an impish grin. When she heard the rumors about a horror-themed party centered around a cursed book, of course she had to track down the source. As an added bonus, she hadn't even had to sneak in. She didn't exactly top most people's Invite To A Party Lists, but Michael welcomed her as soon as she expressed interest. "Would you mind if I video this for my YouTube channel? I'll edit out the partygoers as much as I can, and blur the faces of anybody who wants that. Oh sorry, you're in a hurry somewhere," she said, checking his face for any indication that he was rushing to the bathroom either to hurl up an excess of alcohol or answer an urgent call from Nature.

Big Ben carefully finished picking up the broken glass and went to throw it away.
He quietly wandered about the busy party making sure things were tidy and generally being pleasant.

He did notice a young woman that he recognized from his computer at home. He liked watching her posts. He thought maybe he might ask for her autograph.
Nick wished that his brother had actually stayed to talk with the guests, but he also knew that he couldn't force him to do something he didn't want too. It seemed that staying at the scene of dropping the glass was one of those moments. Sometimes he wondered if Mike was ever actually okay or haunted by their past.... but he never dared to ask.

He would smile back at her and look at her. " It's nice to meet you, Kit." He noticed that she still seemed to be crouched on the ground and he wonder if everything was okay. He had a feeling that she was uncomfortable in the dress, but he didn't want to directly ask her, as it would seem rude to him. He figured that she also didn't often wear the dresses and he didn't mind when she grabbed the arm of his chair. He figured it was for possible leverage to get off the floor. It was a given to him. " It's okay, I get it, dresses and skirts like that aren't made for bending and getting up, it's kind of a thing I learned from my mom. She would often find a secretive way to get up, so nobody would see anything bad."

He had to let loose a chuckle. " Yup, I'm a college student, also the brother to the host of the party as well. Honestly, surprised you don't recognize me from the multiple news clips the media ran on the accident a few years back."

Chad would look up from his conversation he had attempting to have with Alan and he just rolled his eyes. Maybe if it had been his freshman year of college, he would have hit on the girls, but he was way more mature than that.... and honestly, had found himself to be more interested in both men and woman years back and girls like her didn't do that. "" Aren't you a little young to be at this party?" He asked instead.

Nick just sighed. It was one of those things where he wished Chad would be nicer, but he didn't say that. " It's cool, Mike made it an open invitation to any age who likes horror, well, reasonable, basically, anyone ass young as sixteen and as old as like dirt can come to the party as well."

Michale had hoped to slip iinto the house and just get away from his terrible luck. He just wanted some space to look at the book, prepare his little speech and to just take a deep breath and avoid interacting with more people who could possibly make him even more upset. Of course, there was no such luck in his life. As soon as he would find an exit to the scene, even with his mad dash away from the scene, someone still knew who he was and had managed to catch up on him, even with everything working against her, he still heard her voice. It was too late to ignore her now too.

" Oh yes, I remember you from class. Honestly, it was a pretty open invitation. Anyone could come and marvel the wonders of the book, and see how interesting a story can be. Even if I personally don't believe that the book is cursed, i learned that stranger things have happened as well, but you know, that may be a lie as well. Life is kind of funny that way. I would actually love to have a video uploaded to your YouTube channel. Either way, it will be a fascinating discussion piece for your fans. Either this book is truly cursed and you have every reason to get a ton of hits or it isn't and you get a ton for debunking another horror hoax, I do think that it will be smarter to keep as much as possible hidden from the world. I know I did seem in a hurry, but it was honestly to get the book. Normally, I wouldn't offer such a deal to anyone, but seeing as you are already filiming, would you like a sneak peek of it?"

Michael did take notice of Ben watching them and he assumed the older man was a fan of the supernatural. He looked back and took a deep breath before he would finally speak again. " If you want to see the book while you wait, I am sure the other cleaners would be able to keep things up as well. I did make sure there were multiple ones on staff as well."

@Zarko Straadi @PoetLore @Gands @Michale CS
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Kit smiled, but that blush didn't seem to be fading, "No they aren't and I'd be happy to get some pointers from your mom if she's around. I'm not used to...well...I prefer jeans or my ballet tights but those aren't party garb." She chuckled a bit. He mentioned an accident and her eyes widened and she shook her head slightly, "Oh I do remember reading about that...I am so sorry..." She tipped her head as she regarded him, "You're handling everything with a lot of grace...I am impressed."

She might not be the most worldly woman in the room, but she was able to communicate well...when she wanted to that is. He was making her feel comfortable and that helped.

April approached them and Kit flashed her a look, "Not totally."

April waved her hand at that statement and looked down at the man in the wheelchair, "Tell her ...she looks fab doesn't she??"

Kit's jaw dropped and she slapped April's shoulder, "Stop it." She looked down at Nick, "Please ignore her...please."
Imojen arched an eyebrow curiously as Michale explained that he was happy to have her produce a video of the proceedings, while simultaneously desiring 'to keep as much as possible hidden from the world.' "It seems you embrace paradox," she said with a twinkle in her eye. "Thank you for letting me video this. I would love to have a look at the book!" She followed Michael's gaze to a big man with a friendly face, and gave him a welcoming grin when Michael invited him to join them so he'd know he would not be intruding.

She opened her satchel, took out her video camera, and powered it up while she waited to see if the big man would join them.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Gands
Big Ben starts approaching when Michale waved him over and the pretty young you tube girl seemed to expect him to wander over. He set his broom and trash collector thing aside for a moment and approached them.

Ben stands at around 6'7" and is a pretty large fellow. He hasn't fallen to obesity as yet. But he doesn't move well either with early onset arthritis. He's probably pushing 300 pounds now. He has a large friendly smile as he approaches. There is a vague smell of muscle ointment, like ben gay in the air around him.

"Hi there folks ! I'm Ben Wilcynski. I've seen your show on the computer miss! " He pulls out a well worn but still useable autograph book and hands it to her with a pen.
Nick offered a smile to her and looked over at the ground. " Sadly, Mom is out of town, shooting the next best budget horror flick with our father. I mean, I'm here in jeans and a t-shirt, so I am pretty sure it would have been fine," he replied, trying his best to ignore her fact that her eyes widen when he mentioned the accident. He would never get used to that reaction. "It's okay, it's not like you were the one who ran me off the road. Life is hardly fair and honestly, I'm used to being in a chair. While walking again would be nice, it isn't the end of all things fun."

He was happy that he made her feel comfortable, it felt good to be helpful. Of course, there were other things to consider as well. Like how nice it was to just be talking with a person again.

" I don't think that would be the best idea. I mean, both of you are teenagers and that's kind of illegal in most states. I'm sure there's one where it is. Plus, nobody needs reaffirmation if it's the truth," Chad replied.

Nick was trying his best to not laugh or slap Chad upside the arm. God, it would have been nice if he leaned down. " It's okay, I'm used to it."

Michael held back a laugh. "Well of course, horror itself is a being of paradox as you well know. The killer is always the person you most and least suspect by the end of it. It's usually steeped in it, but of course, that is hard to notice. Even when people think they know everything, they know nothing," he replied, looking over at her and walking into the house, grabbing the book and coming back out with it. By all accounts, it looked like a normal book that you could find and read on the shelf of any book store and that was probably the scariest thing about it.

Mike would take a moment to look at the book and then back at her and just smile at the big man who had come to join them again.

" I'm really disappointed that the book itself is so boring, especially for your show where you have shown such impress things on it, but alas, not everything that claims to be supernatural is fancy. I still have the hardest time believing that this book is indeed cursed when it reads plain. I have read it cover to cover and honestly, it's pretty bland. It is most definitely a horror story, but it isn't well written and I feel like the curse associated with it is-" Mike stopped himself, mid-sentence, staring at the book and noticing that it was shaking in his hand and red smoke was pouring out of it. He stared back at it and then at the camera. " ..... I probably should have been a little bit nicer about the book," he replied.

The smoke filled up the party and before anyone could react or move..... they would all feel a loss of consciousness.

When everyone would next wake up, they would find themselves in a forest... amongst people they didn't quite recgonize. There was also a puddle to see if they still looked the same in the middle of the clearing.

@Michale CS @Zarko Straadi @PoetLore @Gands

GM NOTE: Now is the time for the true fun, everyone is now in their horror trope form. Has anyone else seen the ketchup stain on that guy's chest? I'm asking for a friend.
Imojen Periwinkle
Michael @LuckycoolHawk9 ; Ben @Gands

"Well of course, horror itself is a being of paradox as you well know. The killer is always the person you most and least suspect by the end of it. It's usually steeped in it, but of course, that is hard to notice. Even when people think they know everything, they know nothing," Michael replied. Imojen raised an eyebrow, but before she could reply, she noticed a hulking form coming their way. Though the man who approached towered over Imojen and must have massed at least three times her weight, he wasn't intimidating at all. More like a giant teddy bear.

"Hi there folks ! I'm Ben Wilcynski. I've seen your show on the computer miss! " He pulls out a well worn but still useable autograph book and hands it to her with a pen.

"Wahaha! Usually people just like and subscribe!" While Michael stepped into another room to get the book, Imojen juggled the camera so she could take the autograph book and pen to write:

Ben! It's a pleasure joining you on The Case of the Cursed Book! Onward, to metaphysical adventure!

She signed her name in Egyptian hieroglyphics surrounded with a cartouche, then wrote her name in English, and added the quote: 'To be open to Mystery is the first act of an awakening soul.'

Seeing Michael coming back with the book in hand, she gave Ben back his autograph book and pen and took up her camera. "Ladies, gentlemen, and everyone in between, I'm with friend of the show Ben Wilcynski," she said, aiming the camera briefly to get a shot of his face, "and we're about to get our first look at the Cursed Book!" She turned her camera on Michael to get a full shot of him as he approached, then shifted her zoom to get a medium close shot of his head and shoulders.

"I'm really disappointed that the book itself is so boring, especially for your show where you have shown such impress things on it, but alas, not everything that claims to be supernatural is fancy. I still have the hardest time believing that this book is indeed cursed when it reads plain. I have read it cover to cover and honestly, it's pretty bland," he said. Imojen zoomed in on the book as Michael held it up.

"It is most definitely a horror story, but it isn't well written and I feel like the curse associated with it is-" Mike stopped himself, mid-sentence, staring at the book and noticing that it was shaking in his hand and red smoke was pouring out of it. He stared back at it and then at the camera. "..... I probably should have been a little bit nicer about the book," he said.

As the billowing red smoke blocked the book from view, Imojen looked up from her camera's view finder, but by now the smoke filled her vision completely, and was starting to turn blurry...


Imojen's eyes cracked open, then went wide. Trees, pointing up at a starry sky. Wha? As the fog in her mind started to clear, there were flashes of memory: the book, smoke billowing out of it... Kidnapping? Stay calm...think... She narrowed her eyes to slits and shifted her attention to her other senses. A breeze rustled softly; the brisk smell of pine and a musty scent of moist ground with a covering of shed needles and leaves from undergrowth plants.

My clothes! She could feel that she was wearing pants, probably jeans, a midriff-baring shirt, and something heavier, which she guessed to be a jacket. Her feet felt odd, but there was no time to sort that out: someone had undressed and re-dressed her before leaving her here. She felt a chill, like mercury spreading through her veins. But at least she wasn't tied up--

Groans, and rustles of movement nearby. Imojen sat bolt upright and shook her head to clear a final wave of dizziness, then noticed something peculiar in her peripheral vision. She reached up, took hold of a wavy tress of hair and pulled it forward. Blonde. A tug confirmed it was indeed attached to her head, and furthermore, that she wasn't dreaming. "I am noticing confusion," she muttered. And that's when she saw the boots. Ordinary hiking boots. At the ends of her legs, in place of the custom-made bifurcated shoes she needed to wear. To her further astonishment, she wasn't feeling any pain. She wriggled her toes...and felt five of them on each foot, fitting comfortably into the boots as if the alien sensations ought to be perfectly normal.

Imojen scrambled to her feet, more nimbly than she ever had in her life, into a stance that felt balanced, practiced. Arms came up into a boxer's guard position as if by instinct, fists formed. "Huh..." Her body felt subtly different; it was still a slender female body, just...not quite hers. I wonder... Her left knee snapped up to her chest, then her foot shot out in a swift front kick, high enough to strike the face of a taller opponent, then snapped back and settled on the ground. Her balance was sure and solid throughout. "Whoa..."

She lowered her guard and looked around. There were other people in the clearing with her, some rising to their feet, others already standing, all looking as baffled as she felt. None of them looked familiar. Well...except...maybe for the big guy with the lantern jaw who could have been a younger version of 'Big Ben,' or maybe his son. No one seemed to present an immediate threat, and besides, her initial drugging-and-kidnapping hypothesis was already demolished, with nothing else ready to take its place.

"So, uh...is anyone else having an experience of maximal improbability, or is it just me?"
Big Ben

Ben was happy, on camera and everything, he actually watched Imogen's show on his computer. He was quite delighted... Then the book.... Then the smoke...

When Ben woke up in the clearing, his usual arthritis pain was gone. His extra weight due to pain meds was gone. There was no beard on his face. He got up, not recognizing the pretty and slender blond with the hiking boots. This made him look at his own clothes. Short sleeve shirt, high top tennis shoes and jeans. He moved over to the puddle, seeing a young Ben's face, it grew a huge smile. He did a little happy dance and only then did he look around at the others.

Michael would wake up and look at all the trees in the area and then blink twice. Trees. They had been in a house earlier, filled with people at a party. This didn't feel right, no, it wasn't just a feeling, it was an instinct. How had he wound up in the middle of the woods and why did all of this feel so unnatural? Yes, there was definitely smells and visuals that indicated a forest, but yet, he couldn't place his unease. He looked around and noticed that he barely recognized anyone.

He would get up and stare at his own clothes, seeing that he was in a pair of jeans and a black shirt on top of a grey henley shirt along with a beige blazer. None of this was his style. As he stood up, he noticed the world seem bigger. No, it wasn't that. He was much shorter, standing only at 5'9 now. He hadn't been that short since middle school. Mike would walk over to the puddle and stare at his reflection, his pushed back hair..... his caramel skin, his light mustache and facial hair. He was staring back at a stranger.

Nick was the next to wake up, looking around and felt immediately something was very wrong; for starters, his wheelchair was gone, that would prove to be very much a problem as he couldn't walk, though something told him to stand up and he just stared as he did. He was standing, god, that was a miracle and incredibly weird. He would join the other man in surveying his appearance and noticed that he was taller, standing at 6'1, wearing a black shirt, jeans and a watch. As he looked over at himself, he turned back. He couldn't tell who anyone else was, but he had to assume that they were also people who attended the party. He noticed a lot of them were still unconscious and he couldn't quite tell. He could only guess maybe one person who he might recognize.

Nick wondered how this had happened. The last thing he remembered was Mike bringing out the book and then starting to go on a rant. He paused for a beat to think about it. The party had been about a cursed book and he had thheought it was possible that the book was indeed dangerous, but he couldn't prove it. Judging by the fact that they were all different, maybe this was a part of the curse. He racked his brain for rules of horror and realized immediately that he could recognize one in the unconscious Chad Stephens, the jock.

Mike needed a moment to process everything as he looked around. He assumed that these were also party goers. Okay, so the younger guy was probably the old man. Judging by rules of irony, he assumed the guy it towered him now was his brother, Nicholas Path. He also deduced that the other guy who looked brawny and like a jock was Chad Stephens. Okay, okay. This was fine. There wasn't a killer, so everything was fine. Oh god, what if the killer was one of them in the clearing? But who and when would they strike?"

"I feel like this is more than just an experience of maximal improbability, it's insane. Maybe, it would help if we all knew who we were. I'm assuming that the younger guy is Big Ben. Probably the muscular other dude is our jock Chad Stephens. I'm not sure who anyone else might be. I do know what I am though. I'm Mike," he replied, his voice sounding different. God, he really was different. This wasn't him. But then who was he now?

"Nicholas, the guy who was in the wheelchair. I feel like we need to figure out what is going on, though I have a theory.'

@Zarko Straadi @Gands
Imojen notieced Ben/Son-of-Ben bending over to look in a puddle to check his reflection. Oh! Good idea! Then he did a little happy-dance that made him look utterly adorable, for a guy who could have been the villain of any Revenge of the Nerds movie. Not one to let a good idea go to waste, she skipped over (delighting in how easy it now was), but before she could have a look, one of the other guys spoke.

"I feel like this is more than just an experience of maximal improbability, it's insane. Maybe, it would help if we all knew who we were. I'm assuming that the younger guy is Big Ben. Probably the muscular other dude is our jock Chad Stephens. I'm not sure who anyone else might be. I do know what I am though. I'm Mike," he replied.

"Nicholas, the guy who was in the wheelchair. I feel like we need to figure out what is going on, though I have a theory.'
then leaned over the puddle and gasped.

"I'm Imojen--but maybe in some kind of Schrodinger sense," she said, then leaned over the pool, blinking in surprise at the familiar features she saw there.

"Omigoddess! I'm Jo! How am I Jo?!" she said, only then noticing that it was Jo's voice not her own that came from her mouth. She tilted her head quizzically, and Jo's reflection obligingly tilted hers. As if to prove that she was in fact Jo, rather than the actress who played her, she noticed that she was wearing Dean's bomber jacket from the early seasons. "At least I didn't end up as Sam or Dean, that would have been super-weird. Or Bobby. That would have been the worst. I'd have to go around saying 'Balls!' and 'Ya buncha idjits!' all the time. Not ready to be an old guy," she said with a shudder. In the background of her astonishment, her logical mind was piecing together clues.

She snapped upright, and whirled on the guys claiming to be Mike and Nicholas. "The Cursed Book!" she said in a bright 'The game is afoot!' tone. "I didn't get a good look at it. What is its title? You said you read it, what is the story about? Does it have any symbols or pictures on the cover or inside? Oh, and when you referred to Mr. Stephens as 'our jock,' what did you mean by that? Like a cast of characters? 'Our jock, our cheerleader, our nerd,' that sort of thing?"
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Big Ben

Eventually Ben managed to overcome his astonishment and his happiness over his unusually youthful condition. He wandered over to where the girl seems to be talking and caught some of her conversation. Especially everyone is a character. He didn't recognize her, whatever book or movie she was basing this character thing he didn't think he had seen it.

" I don't think I am a character miss! I am quite a bit younger thought!"
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Michael had to wonder when the others were actually going to wake up. At the moment, there were at least four other people who were knocked out on the ground. There was who he assumed to be Chad, most likely. He assumed that the unconcious girl was Liz and he guess that the other two were people who had been close to his friends and who he was talking about. But where did everyone else go? Was it just this select few or was he overthinking like always?

"Well, that goes with my theory that the only people who were affected were the people in the room with us or rather the small outside area. Yeah, it feels weird to look like a stranger. I don't think that you are necessarily Jo, in the sense that you think you are. I think it's more like you look like the actress that plays her as opposed to actually being the character. Otherwise, I think all of us would be characters," he replied, pausing for a beat as Nick looked over at him. It seemed that he actually had a comment on that and he wonder what he was thinking.

"Actually, it took me a few seconds to realize it Mike, but we are characters. We're characters that Dad made. I'm Caleb Skulls, the virgin from his slasher film Bloody Night. It took me a few moments for me to realize who you were because he wore that outfit exactly once, but you're Brett Richards, the main character from Dad's psycho horror thriller I'm Asking For A Friend. You would know this if you actually watched any of the movies that Dad made." He would turn back to the girl and would offer a smile. It seemed that he wasn't the only one who had that theory anymore.

" I was really hoping for one night where we didn't talk about Scott Path, our famous horror movie director dad. ..... though, he was also working on a script in the study, not too far from where the book. Goddamn it."

" Yeah, I do think the book was actually cursed. I'm trying to think of what the title was, but the name of it escaped me or rather, Mike never let me look at it for long enough to get much information. This is all you now." Nick would gesture and wave his hand over to his brother, hoping that he had some sort of answer. It seemed that the other three would still need another few moments to wake up. He could see that Chad was almost awake at this point which was a good sign.

"I'm not sure what the title was in English, but I can tell you that the Latin title on the book was Libro terrores cumulat. As for the story, I can't remember much about it. It was such a bad plot, that's what stuck with me. It was a black blue and I think there was some red lines around it, they may have made a picture, but honestly, I never inspected it. But yeah, I mean characters in the sense of fitting into the role. I also literally mean that he plays sports and was the jock at the school Nick and I attend."

" I guess, the form are random, though, maybe it's more that we just embody the ideal horror movie form.... I guess we try to get the other four awake.... and then..."

Moonlight would shine through the trees and the group would see a cabin. " Go to the cabin in the woods...... sure....."

@Zarko Straadi @Michale CS @Gands
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" Yeah, I do think the book was actually cursed. I'm trying to think of what the title was, but the name of it escaped me or rather, Mike never let me look at it for long enough to get much information. This is all you now." Nick would gesture and wave his hand over to his brother, hoping that he had some sort of answer. It seemed that the other three would still need another few moments to wake up. He could see that Chad was almost awake at this point which was a good sign.

"I'm not sure what the title was in English, but I can tell you that the Latin title on the book was Libro terrores cumulat. As for the story, I can't remember much about it. It was such a bad plot, that's what stuck with me. It was a black blue and I think there was some red lines around it, they may have made a picture, but honestly, I never inspected it. But yeah, I mean characters in the sense of fitting into the role. I also literally mean that he plays sports and was the jock at the school Nick and I attend."

" I don't think I am a character miss! I am quite a bit younger thought!"

" I guess, the form are random, though, maybe it's more that we just embody the ideal horror movie form.... I guess we try to get the other four awake.... and then..."

Moonlight would shine through the trees and the group would see a cabin. " Go to the cabin in the woods...... sure....."

"I don't think we changed much." Dale said.
"Nope. Sure didn't." Tucker replied

"We're fine with this."
They said together.

"And don't you worry, we got plenny of experience with cabins in the woods." Dale assured, and Tucker just looked at him oddly.
"Whut? It's true... I just wish Allison was here."