iHero: First Class

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

U.N. 0W3N

Original poster

  • Welcome to the world of iHero: First Class! In this thread, the world is split between two types of people: normal humans and powered humans called evos. Up to this point in history, evos have gained full citizen's rights, have a self-sustained government, and created one of the biggest entertainments (and law enforcement agency against evos) in the world: iHero. Every single evo dreams of one day being a famous hero that is constantly saving the world and protecting the lives of everyone. In order to do that, millions of teenagers and young adults feverishly apply for the only training for heroes of iHero. The Hero Program is the exclusive course of iHero in training future heroes. You will play one of those lucky applicants that have been accepted into the 4-year course, but it's estimated that only 100 will make it out in the end (by Year 4). Do you have what it takes to become a hero.
  • CO-GMs
    U.N. 0W3N & Dao Ma​
    U.N. 0W3N​
    Superhero Genre, Slice of Life Genre, Tiger & Bunny​
    coming soon
  • Official Thread
    Superpower Wiki (best resource for superpowers)
  • to be linked
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  • You are one of the chosen applicants, one of the luckiest evos in the world. Out of hundreds of thousands of applications, you have been accepted into the illustrious Hero Program. Whether it was for your strength in powers, personality, and/or will power, you will be enroll with 500 chosen evos at Servo Polytechnic in New York City to undergo the craziest 4 years of your life: to become an official hero of iHero. At least half of the 500 chosen applicants don't make it to the 3rd year. By the time graduation rolls around, only the top 100 students will be chosen to undertake their greatest test: the debut! If they can show the collective 4-years of training, they will become a full-fledged hero! You are one of the chosen, but will you be able to make it to the very end? Tune in this season to find out!​

  • The following thread follows Iwaku's rules and regulations. Dao Ma and myself (U.N. 0W3N) are the owners of the thread. Read and follow the rules outlined by us. Rules are liable to change and be removed if situations arises in order to better run the thread and manage the users and their characters. Announcements will be made if rules are changed, deleted, and/or the thread undergoes updates (such as closing open sign ups, announcing events, etc.).

    The thread will also have a Discord. If you are accepted and interested in joining, please PM me.

    iHero: First class is the first of many installments in the iHero universe that Dao Ma and myself have planned out. We are looking for dedicated users that will stick around for the long haul and watch their characters evolve from Freshman students to rookies and beyond (along with introducing new characters as time goes on). This will take having respect for the users that are accepted into the thread, are able to contribute ideas for events, plotlines, character developments, etc., having great patience with the posting process (which will be experimenting with streamlining scenes and what not), and, most of all, will be constantly communicating with the users and owners of the thread.

    Minimum posting requirements are two paragraphs, bolded (and colored) dialogue, italicized thoughts, and the name of the character. If interacting with other characters, please include tagged users you're posting/responding to (just to try to get faster responses from users). You are free to decorate posts, but keep in mind that font colors should be changed so that everyone can read it without highlighting (because everyone has different themes). Collaboration posts (aka a single post with multiple responses from several characters) are welcomed in order to streamline repetitive posts between two characters (i.e. a fight scene, character development scene, etc). Just make sure to include the names of all characters involved.

    Standard forum roleplay etiquette is enforced in the thread. Examples include: metagaming, puppeting, powerplaying, etc.

    Characters will only be drawn/anime only. Evo characters only. Characters between the ages of 18 and 20 only. As of now, users will only be allowed to have one character in the thread. This rule may change in the near future with updated information.

    DO NOT TOUCH THE STAT SECTION IN THE PROFILE! This will be dealt with once/if your character has been accepted! Either Dao Ma or myself (or both!) will sit down and have a chat to help figure out your character's stat. We have a "cheat sheet" to help us determine appropriate scores for each section!

    Every characters gets "one" power. However, this one power will be the "theme" or "powerset" that a character has that includes minor abilities that help supplement the powerset. An example would be a character that has control over fire. A minor ability they would have would be the ability to be resistant to fire. Characters can share similar powers if it's a basic ability (using the fire manipulation power once more). But, the more intricate the power, the rarer it is for second character to have something similar. Here is an example of a complete powerset (from a different thread idea, but it's in the same vein).

    Profiles must be submitted in full in the "Profile Thread." Do not post incompleted profiles. There is no timeline of when to turn in a profile, so take all the time you need and ask questions. Profiles must be written in great detail and exactly how I have instructed them. Dao Ma and I (U.N. 0W3N) will decide if the character is accepted into the thread. A user can get a second chance to correct the profile if we see potential in the character. We have the right to decline profiles that simply don't fit the setting and/or doesn't follow the directions of the profile.

    If you don't understand BBCoding, feel free to link profile information in via Google Docs or "Showcase Character" thread that has all the required information for the profile. If/Once you are approved, either Dao Ma or myself will help copy/paste/edit the profile sheet and give you a copy. Just make sure you have "rich text editor" turned off aka press the gear when submitting a post to turn it green. For users that are familiar with BBCoding/basic image editing, feel free to turn in the full sheet. The code and profile sheet "look" is located here.​

  • The Hero Program was debuted alongside with the first heroes of iHero in order to continue cultivating potential evos to become future heroes. Servo Polytechnic is the only college/university that runs this amazing program with collaboration with the Northeastern branches of iHero and GATEKeeper. All students that are accepted into the 4-Year course receive all inclusive scholarships that pays for their education, supplies, and housing fees (leaving only some necessities like food to be paid out of pocket). High school students and young adults evos between the ages of 18 and 20 can apply for the Hero Program through sponsored booths located in college fairs across the world. There are other ways for a student to apply for the program, but that isn't common knowledge.

    Before officially being enrolled in the Hero Program, all students must sign a nondisclosure agreement in order to keep all information out of the public. There are plenty of rumors and speculation about students that may have broken this agreement or what happens to them if they drop out of the course. However, it is expected that students will drop from the program due to various reasons. Students can continue their education, however, following various paths that would lead them into working behind the scenes in iHero or GATEKeeper.​

  • Located in Greenwich Village in Lower Manhattan, Servo Polytechnic is considered one of the most "green" universities in the world, focusing on conversation and alternative energy to power the school. Between each building is vast, lush greenery for students to gather, study, or play. Before the Hero Program, Servo Polytechnic was known as THE school for scientific advancement in technology. These days, the college offers various programs for the student body including the exclusive Hero Program. There's two buildings that are dedicated to the program that are barred from students and staff outside the Program.​

  • Dorm Layout

    Every student in the Hero Program are assigned a designated dorm room off campus from the rest of the Servo Polytechnic student body (just a block away from the main campus). Students share a 4-person dorm room for a year with the same grade. Once they move on to the next year, they are eligible to apply to dorm with specific students (within the same year). Every summer, students are reassigned to new dorms aka the freshmen will move into sophmore-designated dorms, freshmen move into the freshmen dorms, etc. Roomates will be randomly generated per school year.

    to be filled in

  • Schedules for the first year will be determined based on group size. If there's a large group of characters, they will be split up. Schedules will be randomly determined based on group randomization. The following are courses that all 1st-Year students are required to take:

    The physical training course is your typical weight training/physical education class that's focused on achieving the high requirements of fitness for all heroes in iHero. Activities varies depending on the assessment of each student. Ranging from free weights to track and swimming, students are pushed to their limits 3 times a week for 2 hours.
    All students are required to undergo mandatory self defense training in order to combat evil. There are various instructors that has specializations in different types of mixed martial arts that works with the students' powers and overall prowess. Classes take place 2 times a week and up to 2 hours a class.
    One of the most important classes, Power Training pushes the students to their limits in learning the opposite of how to use their powers. Students must learn how to push and evolve their powers to their highest potential while maintaining great control over them. Class takes place every Saturday for up to 2 hours at 1 of the designated "power training facilities" just a half a block away from the campus.
    One of the strongest skills any hero has is their ability to keep their composure and think on the fly. In order to cultivate these skills, students must take acting and improv classes! It may seem a bit unorthodox, but it helps give future heroes the skills needed to keep cool, composed, and NOT act as their real selves (but their alter egos). Classes are 3 times a week for an hour.
    GOVERNMENT (G.A.T.E. & GATEKeeper)
    A standard class that is required for all students in the Hero Program to take for two semesters. There are advanced courses that helps with students that want to specialize in government and bureaucratic work within GATEKeeper. This class is a 3-hour course once a week with a fifteen break.
    The rest of the courses must be filled with classes that add up to 8 credits for the first year in order to fulfill the requirement of being a full time student in the Hero Program. There are countless classes for students to choose at Servo Polytechnic and a few that are suggested by the Hero Program based on student evaluations. For instance, if an evo has a particular powerset, they may be required to take scientific courses in order to understand the potential of their powers better.​
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    Date. 29th August 2026
    Objective. Familiarize yourself with your new living situation for the next 4 years. Get to know your classmates/roommates… get to the dorms before August 30th!
    Extra. Depending on group size, dorm room arrangements will be randomized and announced shortly!

    Today IS one of the most exciting (and somewhat boring) for the students of the Hero Program. Returning students settle into newly assigned dorms and roommates while the Freshman clamor and buzz with the excitement of finally making it to Servo Polytechnic. Whether it's an easy transition into dorm living or a heart wrenching goodbye from loved ones, the day is sure to have a few bumps and unexpected discoveries among the new batch of potential heroes.

    Date. 31st August 2026
    Objective. Show up for the mandatory assembly! Make sure to pick up your schedule, books, and other supplies. Start your first round of classes! … make one hell of an impression…?

    A mandatory assembly is scheduled at 9am at the North Auditorium at Servo Polytechnic for all students in the Hero Program. The newest head of the department is supposed to have a short speech during the ceremony among other things. Most of the students are divided by the assembly: they are either excited or dreading it. Whether it's the buzz of finally becoming a hero or finding the idea of an orientation the opposite of awesome in becoming a hero, no student should miss out, especially with the information given about the program itself! The assembly is supposed to conclude at 10am.

    Date. 5th-7th September 2026
    Objective. SURVIVE!!!
    Extra. This isn't an official test but an assessment to gauge where the students are in order to measure their progress.

    The annual Freshman Evaluation (F.E.) has another name. A far more "sinister" nickname, Hell Weekend is supposed to be one of the hardest time for the Freshman. Rather than spending the holiday relaxing, all Freshman are to report on campus to undergo rigorous tests that pushes them to their limit! They keep saying this isn't a test, but that doesn't stop students from trying to be the best! It's rumored that half of the students of the Hero Program don't make it out of Hell Weekend! Will you survive?!

  • to be filled in
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Yeah... now I'm ready for posts because I keep having too many ideas how I want this page to look. <O<;;;
This looks really interesting. I shall continue reading and possibly cook up a character... if you're accepting.
Still am! Feel free to ask any questions!
Ooh, I love a good hero RP. I'm in if this is still accepting! I'll cook something up and update this post.
We're still open actually! Just make sure to check out the rules in regards to profiles and all that jazz. If you have any questions, go nuts! Me and Dao will help you out!
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I actually do have a question. What on earth is this code??!!?

I mean I am not that great at it I'll admit, but usually JSFiddle helps me at least try and figure things out/ learn from the experience. I'm quite confused with it honestly.
Its just your basic BBCode for forums. At this point, users are just using Google Docs to write their profile down and I'd just copy/paste them over once they've been accepted and all that jazz.

EDIT:: Wait.... it's Div Coding. It's just a fucked up version of CSS for forums. Sorry about that. This has become a bit of a norm these days (and hates Rich Text Editor).
Ugh, of course there's just more code for me not to understand. Oi, I'll just do the copy/paste thingy with google docs haha.
It would be wicked cool if I was allowed to essentially be spider-man >_> #spidersona

Does that work?