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Raisin enthusiast.
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Modern, horror, fantasy/urban fantasy, action, adventure, crime

I've got a bunch of ideas and plots that I'd love to do something with and a strong preference for 1x1 (easier to keep up with) so here I am.

A bit about me and RP:
- While my posts are usually somewhere between 200 and 600 words, it also depends on what I get back. Oneliners, for instance, really kill my motivation, although filler does the same thing. I'm not asking for a novel, just posts that have effort in them and give me enough to work off of; you'll get the same from me in return.
- I'm not big into romance. If the characters happen to work out, cool, but I don't plan it beforehand.
- I'm a sucker for high stakes, action and regular people that get into crazy situations, forcing them to up their game and grow as a person in order to make it through.
Character development always makes me very happy.
- I love bouncing ideas off of one another; it's happened quite often that I ended up being the one to drag the plot along on my own and I don't want that. I want this to be a two-way street. This goes for both plotting as well as IC posts; even if your character is very shy, there are still ways to make them a useful, active and interesting part of the plot.

They managed to get it done. The Venetian island of Poveglia, infamous for being a dumpingground for plague victims and later for the mental asylum where horrible things allegedly happened, is now the location for a fantastic state of the art resort and it's gruesome history is used as a selling point for tourists.
During the building of the thing, at least five builders have gone missing, but even towards their co-workers and family this a been covered up through clever lies.
Now it's done and to celebrate there has been a competition that will decide who the very first visitors are going to be. A small number of winners will have the resort all to themselves for three weeks.
However, once they are there it turns out that things aren't as great as expected and when the boat doesn't show back up on time, they have a problem.

Character A is a dealer. He/she works for one of the top dogs, a man who is both cruel and intelligent, and who practically owns A. The reason is that A is indebted by this man, and the time A got to pay back is coming to an end. Best case scenario? If A doesn't pay up, he/she is forced to practically work for this person until they are either killed or arrested. Worst case scenario? His/her 'boss' just kills him/her right away to set an example to others who haven't paid up. A nasty situation.
Then there's character B. B has lost his/her sibling/parent/friend to drug abuse and feels powerless and angry. B learns that A was their loved one's dealer and wants revenge. But then A tells B that if they work together, A can lead B to the man at the top of this rotten chain. So, A is using B to get out that debt, while B has plans of taking down A once this druglord is taken care of either way.
This idea can be played straight, with the both of them playing each other out, but it's also possible that some kind of mutual respect grows, messing with things.

Character A and character B have become friends recently, perhaps through being colleagues, and they click pretty well. A then stumbles upon information he/she never should have, belonging to people who very much want it back. This thing can be anything from a simple usb or harddrive to a book. Normally A'd go straight to the cops with this, but one thing is stopping him/her; the evidence also incriminates B. Badly. Not bad enough for A to be unable to overlook the things B did, but bad enough for the cops to certainly not overlook that.
Now the people who are dependent on this come after them, and they need to find a way out.

Two people go to a farm in the middle of bumfuck nowhere for holiday work. They could be friends or they could just meet one another there; both can work.
They work together and get along well enough to hang out outside of working hours as well. Being fond of nature they explore the woods around the farm. They stumble upon some pretty dark shit but can't leave (no reception, truck that picked them up from the nearest stop just broke down, that sort of thing.)
Can be a bit horror oriented, but can stay realistic as well; am cool with both.

- A camp that's either haunted or has a pretty sick mind wandering around.
- Chars on a roadtrip encounter some dark shit and suddenly their vacation goes South.
- A vampire hunter's best friend becomes a vampire
- A vampire hunter gains respect for the vampire they're hunting, and vice versa
- Roommates in a haunted house
- Wizard detectives in a big city

Fandoms - OC only
- Plot in which the war is still going and a group of people tries to smuggle muggleborns out of the country. They're using the help of some muggles that know how to do fake passports and the actual smuggling, to keep a low profile, but these muggle guys have no idea what they are involved in.
- I'd also love to dive into what it would mean if a wizarding war happened in the current year,
what with all the technology that pureblood wizards likely wouldn't know much about.
- Wizard detectives in a big city
- Hunter teams up with a former gangmember, after the leader of said gang turned out to be a monster of some sort.
I'd be interested in developing a plot around one of these if you're up for it?
"- A vampire hunter's best friend becomes a vampire
- A vampire hunter gains respect for the vampire they're hunting, and vice versa"

We could probably mix the two together quite easily, actually. If you wanted to. ^^"
Hmm, you say its not fleshed out but what do you have so far for the wizard detectives in a big city?
Shit, sorry, forgot to check this thread.

@T3sla A mix of the two is fine with me. Do you have any preference for either one of the roles?

@Karma200 Really not much. The kind of magic is up in the air still (could be anywhere from HP style wands to elaborate symbols that need to be drawn for a spell to work or a combination of all sorts of magic) and it would probably also need a little bit more of an actual plot (such as a specific target that keeps getting away or something.)
Shit, sorry, forgot to check this thread.

@T3sla A mix of the two is fine with me. Do you have any preference for either one of the roles?

@Karma200 Really not much. The kind of magic is up in the air still (could be anywhere from HP style wands to elaborate symbols that need to be drawn for a spell to work or a combination of all sorts of magic) and it would probably also need a little bit more of an actual plot (such as a specific target that keeps getting away or something.)

I was hoping for the Vampire role? ^^"

I was hoping for the Vampire role? ^^"

Fine with me! I personally think it's interesting to start this plot at the point where the friend has not been turned just yet, since that is kind of the part that kicks everything in motion. What do you think?
Fine with me! I personally think it's interesting to start this plot at the point where the friend has not been turned just yet, since that is kind of the part that kicks everything in motion. What do you think?
That sounds good to me!
That's kind of what I was thinking, anyway.~
That sounds good to me!
That's kind of what I was thinking, anyway.~

Shall I open a thread? We can put the characters there and discuss things further if need be
Oh, baby, talk dirty to me.

I'm always down for gritty roleplays that involve A and B forced to rely on each other despite that they have nothing in common, or where A is a Certified Badass TM in a very bad spot, saved completely accidentally by a B who knows nothing about what they're getting into, and then on the run with an A who hates being burdened with this person, dammit, but they owe them and they're damn well gonna pay that debt.

Or any sort of kidnapping, accidentally getting dragged into something way over their heads, "hi we both got kidnapped by the same gang let's get out of here and take them down together," hunter/hunted teaming up, HP ANYTHING REALLY...

No really I like your mind, come write with me.
@LadyAdain Shit, sorry, am only reading this now (I may or may not have been in Spain the past few weeks)
But sounds like we could work together pretty well!
Is there a particular plot you'd like, or would you rather we built up something from scratch entirely?
I could do just about anything, but definitely any of the ones I mentioned. :P Pick one.
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