TESTING Ice's BBC Testing Hell

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The Ball Python Queen
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. Multiple posts per week
  6. 1-3 posts per week
  7. One post per week
  8. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Depending on my schedule I am on at various times during the week. Usually most reliable after 5, though sometimes I nap. Weekends are a free for all schedule wise.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy, Romance, Modern, Modern Fantasy, Possibly Sci Fi
Hey! You! Stalker! You aren't supposed to be here!
This is my area of secrety testy stuff! If you are looking for tons of help, this is not a great
place to do it! I suck at explaining things!

Here are links for me because I suck at remembering things, and I don't want to have too!
Feel free to use these things!
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CSS Font Stack: Web Safe and Web Font Family with HTML and CSS code.
Best Color Palette Generators — HTML Color Codes
repeating background tumblr - Google Search
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GRAPHICS SHOP - Sam's bbCode Tidbits!
Here is a guide to my color schemes

  • #6F31FF





  • #A7FFD2









  • #2B2740





  • #ddd8c4





  • 3130812cad37ef3c7e6d2126bb067ccd.png

    Mermaid Tail

    Mermaid Tail Collection



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"The Moon Calls the Wolf"
Location: Moon Walkers House
Outfit: XXX
Mood: Slightly Irritated, Aprehensive

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Character Sheet
[BCOLOR=transparent]The Basics[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Full Name: Novanis Rose Cross[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Nickname(s): Nova,Novis[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Gender: Female[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Sexuality: Pansexual[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Age: 18[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Birthday: November 2nd[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Class Schedule: [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Elective: Art[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Sonokenisis is described as the ability to manipulate sound waves. In Nova's case she can use it as a force of nature. When used properly with skill and training, Sonokenisis can be a hard force to stop. However, Novis has little training, so her powers tend to get out of hand easily. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Sonokenisis is present in Novis as such. She intakes sound from wherever it may lie naturally, birds chirping, chains rustling, people talking, anywhere but her own voice. She compresses it inside her for later use, and when needed, can be unleashed in blasts from the hands, feet, or vocal chords. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]When uses properly, Sonokenisis is a powerful force that can break eardrums. It is a form of energy so its attacks are always quite explosive, and it can be used in a variety of ways to cause different kind of damage.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Sonokenisis is also quite dangerous and hard to master, and can often lead to explosions on self, exhaustion, high fevers, passing out, and in extreme cases of over intake, self destruction.[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Hair Color: Naturally Brown, occasionally becomes died[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Eye Color: Grey Blue[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Weight: 140 pounds[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Height: 5'11"[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Distinguishing Features: Her eyes and freckles[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Health Aliments: Asthma, Slight Insomnia, PTSD[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Quiet- Nova is a very quiet soul, mostly due to the fact that she had little control of her powers. She doesn't talk to very many people, but when she does her voice is soft, smooth, but has a hint of irritation to it. [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Guarded-Nova hates people actually trying to figure her out. It makes her feel like they want to take advantage of her. She opens up on rare occasions to other people, but she doesn't often like to talk about her personal life even then.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Momma Bear-Nova will fiercely protect those around her, to the point of putting herself in harms way before they get hurt. She will hurt and attack anyone who comes close to those around her, hence momma bear effect.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Awkward-Nova is tall, and generally awkward. She tends to fall over a lot, trip, spill, etc, as her long limbs get in the way of a lot of her activities. [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Childish- Despite being quiet, Nova's sense of humor is quite childish and she likes to play pranks on people sometimes, or simply roll around in the snow because. It is very easy to make her happy, though she doesn't often show it.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Geeky-Nova has a secret obsession for a lot of franchises, IE RWBY, Vocaloid, Love Live, Star Trek, Avatar, etc. She is always open to finding new things to obsess over. One of the non franchise things she loves is astronomy.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Likes: Stars, Vocaloid, Warm Food, Pasta, Katsu, Beef Soup, Cuddles, Fires, Snow, Videogames, Books, Art, Horses, Animals, Naps.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Hobbies: Drawing, Sculpting, Riding Horses, Playing Videogames, Watching Youtbute[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Secrets: -She is afraid of hurting other people with her powers[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Fears: Hurting others, Spiders[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Strengths: Flexible, Hand to Hand Combat, Artistic Mind[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Weaknesses: Quiet, Lanky, not Sociable[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Habits: Biting her lip, bouncing her legs[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Geo doesn't talk much about her past, considering that its quite graphic. She doesn't have any of her family left, and that fateful night, Berkley appeared to her. She couldn't have been more afraid in her life, which is why she doesn't talk about her life outside Berkley. She sometimes refers to her life outside as a ghost from the past. She will occasionally go into fits of anxiety and nightmares because of it. [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Campus Life[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Dorm Room: [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Art Club (Member)[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Equestrian Club (Member)[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Love Interests[/BCOLOR]


Character Sheet

[BCOLOR=transparent]The Basics[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Full Name: Hayden Iris Silverwood[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Nickname(s): Chika[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Gender: Female[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Sexuality: Bicurious [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Age: 17[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Birthday: October 6th[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Class Schedule: [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Elective: Theatre[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Molecular Deceleration[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]The ability Molecular Deceleration is the concept that the user can decelerate molecules of their choosing. They can slow them to simply avoid them, or slow them to the point of death.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The ability can cancel out speed, makes it easier to doge projectiles, slow down runners. It can make escape easier for all those around her, and buys her time to attack back.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Hard to control, and its often involuntary. She tends to not be able to control how much she slows down their molecules, and has had a few scares with different people or animals.[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Hair Color: Naturally Brown[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Eye Color: Grey Blue[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Weight: 130 pounds[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Height: 5'8"[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Distinguishing Features: Her Smile[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Health Aliments: Allergy to Kale[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Quirky- Hayden is quite quirky. Not the 'Oh I am wearing two miss colored socks' quirky, like 'I am going to sit upside down to think' or 'Why not just, walk backwards for a full day.' It can also be described as eccentric.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Intelligent- Despite being quite quirky, Hayden is also quite intelligent. She knows her stuff, and can easily answer your question. She loves space, aerospace engineering, exploring. [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Curious- Hayden is quite curious about everything. If she can take it apart, she will. She will reconstruct it eventually. She loves to explore how everything works, including people. She will often study their habits and keep track of them over time.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Air Headed- Hayden often has her head in the clouds. It can lead to her tripping, or loosing track of where she is. She gets lost a lot, letting her curiosity drive her rather than observing where others are going.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Likes: Space, Stars, Rockets, Space Travel, Planets, Mechanisms, Repairing, Reading, Snow, Fires, Cuddles, Swimming, Swimsuits, Dressing up, Holidays, Halloween, Christmas, Spicy Food, Japanese food, All sorts of weird food combinations.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Dislikes: Bullies, Skeptics, Hardcore Religious People, The Pope, Clear Cutting Forests, Things not going back together the same, Running out of gear grease, running out of parts, being too warm, loosing her safety glasses, breaking already fixed things minutes after you fix them.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent](Can be short, but will be required.)[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Campus Life[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Dorm Room:[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent](I will assign these and let you know after your character is accepted. You can go ahead and post a picture of what your own room would look like. *This is require*)[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent](You must have one year long activity and one fall OR spring activity. The limit is 3 activities total, until further notice.)[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Love Interests[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent](Anything I happened to miss.)[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Lilly Collins[/BCOLOR]
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Atomic Manipulation or Slime manipulation, or Molecular deceleration

Character Sheet
[BCOLOR=transparent]The Basics[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Full Name: Grant Smith[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Nickname(s): Smithy[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Gender: Male[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Sexuality: Heterocurious[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Age: 17[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Birthday: August 21st[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Class Schedule: [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Elective: PE[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Atomic Manipulation[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]In short, Grant can manipulate atoms. He doesn't have full control of it yet, and so he often tries to avoid using it. His powers can be extremely destructive at times, but useful at others.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Atomic manipulation is a very strong power, and when used wisely it can be very useful and super explosive. It is a very powerful weapon that can be very dangerous in the wrong hands. Fortunately, its hard for Grant to even kill a butterfly. Anything that is made up of atoms can be controlled.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Atomic manipulation causes severe headaches, low blood pressure, shakiness, nausea, vomiting, vertigo, and possibly death if used incorrectly. Inexperienced users often collide atoms, a quite explosive reaction.[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Hair Color: Naturally Brown, cropped short[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Eye Color: Grey Blue[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Weight: 210 pounds[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Height: 6'1"[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Distinguishing Features: His Smile[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Health Aliments: Insomnia[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Friendly-Grant can't help but be nice to people, even if they don't deserve a second change. Its not easy to anger him, and he often goes out of his way to be nice to people. [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Athletic-Grant usually is found excersizing, running, anything to keep himself busy. A busy body means a busy mind.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Funny-Grant has the most basic sense of humor, and loved both cracking jokes and laughing at them. He is seen as quite the funny person, more on the quirky side because of the ridiculous faces he makes. [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Geeky-Grant is very geeky, liking many a scifi series and more. He is very into the Star Trek series, as well as Star Wars. He is always looking for new things to obsess over.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Smart- Grant is very interested in science, mostly chemistry. He hopes to one day be a part of the search for things out in the beyond.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Likes: Star wars, Cold Nights, Beach Parties, Ocean, Murder Mysteries, Detective Work, Saving the day.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Dislikes: Bullies, Super spicy food, Shaking, Being Sick, being embarrassed.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Hobbies: studying science, mixing chemicals, riding horses, running, writing, boxing.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Secrets: -He is a sucker for girls with gusto -He is actually Bisexual[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Fears: Hurting others, not being able to save people[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Strengths: his kindness, his friendliness, his powers.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Weaknesses: Kittens, His Family, the people he cares about.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Habits: Biting his nails when uber nervous.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Grant grew up in a broken home. His mother raised him from a young age. His father was never around. None the less, they made due. Most of the time Grant was dropped off with his deadbeat Aunt. He doesn't talk about those times. At the age of 16, Grants mother was attacked. Hearing the news, he was given to his aunt. Less than three days later her house mysteriously exploded. Grant found Berkley shortly after that.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Campus Life[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Dorm Room:[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Equestrian Club- Co Capitan[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Track and Field-Member[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Love Interests[/BCOLOR]

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Name: Nashka (Nova) Marveldor
Race: Freaer
Gender: Female
Age (apparent): 17
Age (actual): 16
Nova stands 5'7", a lanky but sturdy build. Her hair is a very unnatural shade of white and grey, matching the coloration of the Alaskan tundra wolf. She keeps it cropped short to her head in a pixie fashion. The hair on her arms and legs matches her hair, though it blends in well with her skin. It's hardly noticeable against her slightly tanned skin. She has bright blue eyes closer to white with very dark pupils. Her totem is a wolf tooth tied with a dark rope around her neck. She is covered in lightly dusted freckles, and she has a nick in her left ear near the top. She also has a long floppy bushy tail that matches her hair. She often leaves it to hang out around the academy.

Nashka grew up in a small family of weather mages. Her family has kind of a spotted history. Her parents were both detached from their families. All Nashka had ever known was her small family of three. She never really traveled outside her hometown much. She spent her time trying to practice weather magic, which she was horrendous at. Her parents promised her that they would never give up on her no matter what she turned out to be at her coming of age ceremony. None the less, Nashka wanted to impress her parents and become just like them. She spent her free time alone trying to practice. She kept the animals company rather than other Freares.

At her coming of age ceremony, Nashka was revealed to be neither a weather mage or nature mage. She was a totem warrior. Her parents broke their promise. They didn't acknowledge her at all. She wasn't a mage. They weren't going to start off a strong family line with a totem warrior.

Like most children, Nashka died somewhere at training camp. She came back fighting tooth and nail for her position in society. She had become somewhat distant, stubborn, and much more terrifying. Her hair had turned a brilliant shade of grey white. She had cut off all her long locks of brown, replacing them with a pixie cut. She proudly wore her totem around her neck, a wolf tooth dangling from her black cord.

Nashka quickly left Gora for earth, wanting to both lead in the help of her home planet and to get as far away from her previous family as possible. She sought out her own adventure on Earth, which quickly lead for her to go to Omnibus Academy. She adopted the name Nova after learning it from a fellow Freaer who was into astronomy, much as Nova is.

Nova is very stubborn. She leads easily, though some find it hard to get close with her prickly personality. She is willing to defend those around her and her honor quickly, though she does consider the consequences as well. Though she is quite a good leader, Nova doesn't enjoy people getting close to her. She pushes those away who care about her most. She is afraid to become close friends with people around her because of her families unwillingness to accept her. Nova can often be seen sitting outside at night and looking at the stars. Nova is very much like a wolf as well, needing pack mates, so when she is around friends or people she somehow came to trust she tends to be more playful than anything.

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Name singular: Menshki
Name plural: Menshkis

Menshkis have a variety of abilities that largely depend on the type of Menshki. Bulls more commonly has Kinetic Energy Absorption and Lava Manipulation, the latter being more common. Kinetic Energy Absorption is more common in larger Menshkis. Fluffs have the natural ability to control flight and air. Flight is less common, as wings are not commonly found. Very few Fluffs have the ability to summon wings. Some have wings growing naturally.

Fire Manipulation- Creation of Fire and Heat in a variety of ways.
Blood Manipulation- Manipulation of Blood.
Kinetic Energy Absorption- Absorbing energy while not having it anywhere to go.
Shadow Stealth Manipulation

Lifespan: Average 400 to 500
Physical description:
Menshkis always stand above 5'11", though there is not much muscle mass to their bodies. Most if not all Menshkis have a variety of hair colors, mostly ranging in the semi natural variety. Each Menshki has either a large pair of fluffy ears, a pair of horns, or both. The variety of features often ends up in the race being separated into parts.

Bulls are Menshkis that have only horns. Their ears are often long and pointed much like the traditional elf ear. This side of the race tends to carry lots of tattoo's and very little fluff. The have very stalky legs and tend to do more of the brute force than the rest of the Menshkis. They live in the lower sections of the city where the industrial work is conducted. They are often are Fire wielders or Kinetic energy absorbers. They tend to have tiles covering their necks, cheek, forehead, and parts of their arms almost like dragon scales. But like all Menshkis their hair is fluffy, wild, and untamable.

Fluff's are Menshkis that only have fluffy ears, and on the rarer side, fluffy wings. They often have accompanying fluffy collars to go with their fluffy body. Though they lack any scaling that the Bulls have, Fluffs are almost always covered in tuffs of fur. All fluffs have a long and winding tail with fluff along the tail. The fluff can vary in degrees, from it might as well be your own personal pillow, to just a tiny bit of fluff at the tip. Fluffs are considered a higher and more refined class of Menshki that can rule the skies. The Fluffs with wings are said to have a gift from god, and are often revered as local celebrities or given high positions. The wings that few carry are big enough to let Fluffs fly for longer and farther than most regular Fluffs.

Mixes are any variation of Fluff and Bull traits. Winged Mixes are still considered higher class, but are often not as highly revered as Fluffs with wings. Mixes are stuck in the middle of two worlds. Neither the Bulls nor the Fluffs want them. They have created their own small and peaceful society outside the limits of the city, living off the land. Mixes naturally use blood bending magic and Shadow steath manipulation. The only Mixes that can fly are the ones with wings. Occasionally, a Mix will have powers akin to Bulls or Fluffs, such as flight without wings, fire bending, etc.

Cultural description:
Normal life for Menshkies varies on what kind of Menshki you are. Bulls, Fluffs, and Mixes live separate yet similar lives. There are a few wide spread commonalities among the ways they live.

  • Menshkies live in a variety of ways. The realm of living usually reflects on the mood and personality traits of their residents. The ones listed below are specific to Meona, as many Menshkies stay on Meona for their entire lives.

    Lower Industrial Sectors



    The lower industrial sectors of Meona are stacked building to building. There is little room to breathe between bustling people and fluffs of hair. It's rare to see a lighter skinned or lighter fluffed Menshki down there, as there is lava almost everywhere. The large majority of the cities revolve around lava pits, as it is the hottest material that is easily accessible to use for forging. The metalsmithing profession is quite common around Industrial Sectors, and the key imaging for the Industrial sector is its Chinese esque steampunk vibe, and large imposing weaponry. Due to the large compact of people and harsh income from the amount of different weapon manufacturing companies prostitution runs high and rampant throughout the streets.

    The Floating Cities


    The floating cities are a series of floating rocks that tend to have clouds clustered around the bottom, making them appear to be floating on clouds. The view from them is said to be spectacular, and it is where the Fluffs live. You can often see them flying like birds overhead, reflected in the few lakes that replaced where the floating rocks used to be. The cities look like rising spires that pierce the sky, crafted from a light white stone found at the highest points of the floating cities. Sometimes there are pieces reached from the Industrial Sector but those are few and far between, mostly appearing in pawn shops or in high end trade. Only the highest authority Fluffs have weapons made out of actual forged metals.

    The Middle Ground
    The middle ground is a very short and long expanse of territory. Set between the dangerous lava pits and the floating cities. It is the place where the Mixed live by the tuffs of their tales. It is a dangerous land, as at the edges it can often rain ashes, or sometimes pool lava over the edges. Other days it rains chunks of ice, or large droplets of water from the sky, suspected to be a result of pooling clouds underneath the floating cities. Most of the cities are structured into the large stooping up inclines.

  • Shieva-Goddess of Lava
    Shieva is the goddess of Lava. Shieva rose from the crust of the earth, cooling in bits and pieces as she did so. She is known to be a warrior, and those who follow her gain the power to control the heat of the heavens. She is known to be quite the seductive and mischievous goddess, tricking her way into what she gets. The lower industrial sector worships her for giving them the lava that supplies their everyday life.
    Shietsa-Goddess of Air
    Shietsa is a fair and gentle goddess who takes on many forms. She has slightly tanned skin and flowing locks of brown. She may have darker skin because of a past experience with Shieva. They have striking similarities, but Shietsa often comes appearing as clouds or stars.
    Mort and Virid
    Virid is the goddess of the good, more prominent in the floating islands. She has pale white skin with flowing locks of white she keeps tied up with elegant plumes. She has a pair of large white wings that spread from behind her. It is said that those she appears to are blessed by the heavens. The same thing goes for Mort, but those who she appears to are supposed to have the strongest of wills, but a curse for death. Mort represents death, the darkness, and is revered in the industrial sectors. With Mort comes power, power comes wealth. Mort is a goddess of tanned skin with long flowing and unruly black hair.

  • Menshkies are quite particular. Their society is very firm in the way they live. You are either a bull, or a Fluff, Mixes do not exist to either party. To have an affair with the other side, with a Mix, is treason. Anyone who does gets kicked out, if they are lucky. If they are unlucky, they get thrown in pits of Lava.

    The Bulls think that Fluffs are sophisticated, stuck up assholes who get whatever they want. They consider themselves the real laborers of the society, who work hard to get what they want. They do however equally hate the Mixes, and have shunned them from society.

    Bulls spend the majority of their day in the mines or factories, shuffling rocks or melting metals. Most of any Bulls day is working shift after shift to make ends meet. Most youngsters enlist after

    Fluffs think Bulls are the lowest of the low, using crude techniques to create lame and insufficient weapons. They also consider the blatant exposure to prostitution an outrage, though prostitution does run through their own cities. They however, also hate the Mixed, who are shunned from society.

  • Fluffs have a particular grooming style. They take pride in their neck fluff, tail fluff, and hair. They take great pride in dying it, shaving it, teasing it, combing it, or cutting it in any way they want.

  • Angelicis Soulus is a very rare and unique condition in where the soul of a Menshki is connected to some higher spiriting. Angelicis Soulus is a very mysterious power that few have yet to understand. They seem to take on different elements for each one, each carrier carrying the same mysterious glow about them wherever they go. Angelicis Soulus have special extra features not usually found on Menshkies. It can vary from something as simple as plating and fluffy collars to three extra sets of wings. The mutations are rare and usually correspond to who they represent. A few of the well known representatives are listed below.

    The Dove- Usually carries a brilliant pair of short wings and a bright aura surrounding them. They have unusually striking eyes and can manipulate light, of all things. Varries from Dove to Dove.

    The Raven- Opposite of the Dove, Carries dark complexion, black wings or skeletal wings. Can harness the power of the shadows and sometimes resurrect the dead. Usually avoids sunlight, sharp vampiric canines, often times wearing gothic fashion.

    The Tiger- Known for being one of the strongest Fire and Lava Weilders out there, stronger than any bull. Carries a heavy striping pattern but no wings, horns have appeared but not many. Tiger's usually are strong and well suited for their craft

    The Wolf- Night Walkers, short

Realm: Meona- A realm consisted mostly of floating islands and harsh lava pits. The harsh lava zone is home to almost eternal summer due to the large amount of boiling lava that rises and cools from the crust. The lava comes in a dark red color, barely glowing orange and forming hard crystalized rocks that vary in shade depending on how quickly they cooled.

Short description:

Menshkis are a fluffy, feisty, tall species who are coined by their wildly fluffy hair.
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Face Claim:Brianna Hildebrand
Color Reference: #B8DBD9


  • Name
    ◊Maranda Smith

    ◊Mo-Everyone calls her Mo
    ◊Fangs-Mostly by her Followers

    Age, Birthday and Astrological Sign
    ◊November 16th, 24, Scorpio


    ◊Computer Scientist/Hacker

  • 42e2f25e46207a6e5a98bff2f9e2587b.jpg


    ◊121 pounds

    ◊Septum, one in lobe, slightly stretched, one slightly above in cartilage. She also
    has an industrial bar in her left ear.

    ◊She wants more, but only has two so far



    ◊Nick at the top of her right ear
    ◊Mole on her right cheek
    ◊Mole on the right side of her back

    Health Ailments

  • giphy.gif

    ◊Mo is quite the character, you don't just walk around hacking people if you don't. Mo is a bad ass,
    enjoying the good sarcastic laugh every once and a while. She is the definition of punk ass bitch. She likes
    to wear black, she is quite standoffish, and doesn't often speak. When she does speak sarcasm flows
    fluently from her lips. She may not come off as friendly at first because she speaks to a specific kind
    of audience. She likes intellectual discussion, she loves joking around. She wants to be serious
    but not too serious.
    Things you like about yourself
    ◊Her Attitude
    ◊Her Style

    Things you don't like about yourself (think about what your partner wouldn't like)



  • giphy.gif

    What you look for in a partner
    (Detailed paragraph or list. Do whatever you can to make sure we get you matched as perfectly as possible)

    What is a deal breaker for you?
    ◊"I can not stand people more obsessed with themselves than me. I also can't deal with people who
    have stuck up personalities. Essentially, stuffy rich people drive me nuts. I want someone real."

    What are three things about you people would find surprising?
    ◊"I really do like animals. Yes, I know, bad ass has a thing for cats, dogs, horses, snakes, etc."
    ◊"I am surprisingly flexible for someone who lives in their basement by a computer."
    ◊"I enjoy a good walk by the moonlight. Or romantic gestures. Simple things count."

    How many serious relationships have you been in and why did they end?
    ◊"Define serious. If you count people who turned out to be narcissistic assholes then one.
    If you count one night stand you might want to pull out a piece of paper."

    Have you ever been engaged or married?
    ◊"Has anyone ever tried to cut off your finger? No? Let me be the first."

    Do you have kids? If not, do you want kids? Why or why not?
    "A- Why would I, I am 24, B-Not right now, my hacking carrier is at an all time high. We will
    see in the future."

    What have you not found, but would like to have in a relationship
    ◊"Someone who can keep up with my strange habits and internet personality"​

  • Family
    ||Name||Why you broke up||How long you dated||

  • Celebrity Male
    Celebrity Female

  • Why should we pick you for the show?
    Passwords (There are two)




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  • Name
    Miranda "Mo" Veshnavi

    Mo-No one calls her by her real name


  • 42e2f25e46207a6e5a98bff2f9e2587b.jpg

    Body Type
    Hair Color
    Hair Style
    Eye Color

  • giphy.gif


    Favorite Color
    Favorite Food
    Music Genre​

  • Family:

  • Biographic History:

  • Theme Song

    Voice Actor
    Brianna Hildebrand

    She has a snake named Milkyway

    Face Claim

    Brianna Hildebrand​


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"Shine in the Light, or Survive in the Darkness"


  • NAME
    Miranda Krook

    Mo, Magpy



    November 12th



    1/4 Asian, 1/4 Hispanic, Half American


    West Coast

    Bisexual, Demiromantic

  • bef4b74819041426559e070d08997d93.gif

    Shaved and Brown. Occasionally dyes sections blond


    Olive/Slightly Tan


    140 Pounds

    Leather, black, everything goth/punk. Is almost always wearing sunglasses outside

    A Nick in her right ear

    Septum, left nostril, two in each ear in the cartilage, left ear industrial bar







    One on her Right Ear, One on the inside of her right thigh

    Her hair, her ear nick


    Antisocial-Mo is a shell. She doesn't like talking to lots of people. More people means more interactions, more
    exposure to her secrets. She doesn't like that. And generally she doesn't like
    Sense of Humor

    -Goofy Movies, Music, Jokes, Pictures, Snow, Cuddles, Sarcasm, Originality, Leather, Piercings, Silent Communication, Peaceful Evenings, Game Nights, Home Cooked Meals, Naps, Late Night Recording, Rock Music, Bad Ass Characters, Animals, People Who Undestand Her, Snakes, Cats, Dogs

    Chaotically Happy People, Rap Music, Bullies, Mainstream Wannabies, Stalker Fans, Sunny Days, Hot Weather, Narrasistic Celebrities, Retuning Instruments, Spicy Food, Not Comunucating Correctly, Her Depression, Having to Explain herself Over and Over, Peiple who Don't Understand Sarcasm, Serious relationships

    -Base Guitar
    -Lead Guitar
    -Acting(Somewhat new to her. She has only played one role so far thanks to a director. She dabbles but it isn't her main focus)

    -Writing Music
    -Playing Guitar

    -Slightly Antisocial
    -Strange Sleep Schedule




    -She loves the color Blue Grey
    -She is a fan of greyscale
    -She has two snakes named Sunrise and Sunset
    -She has a husky named Memphis
    -She doesn't talk about her past
    -She beat the shit out of the person who turned her


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[BCOLOR=transparent]Physical Appearance[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Momoji Rose Crimson[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Mo, Momo[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Half Norwegian Half American[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Sexual Orientation[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Unsure-Most likely Homosexual[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]132 Pounds[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Hair Color[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Eye Color[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Fashion Style[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Casual, Mostly In black[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Mo is a happy go lucky fiery person. She is a ball of energy who isn't afraid to stand up for [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]her friends. She can be a bit stubborn at times, and loves getting her way more than [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]being pushed around. She isn't afraid to get up close and personal to the people she has problems[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]with and often has to be coaxed out of socking people. When not aggressively trying to beat someone[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]up Mo is playful and fun to hang around. She is very loud mouthed, and has[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]little sense of fear. She will jump in feet first to anything that challenges[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Shocking, Spicy Food, Flank Steak, Snow, Beach Parties, Cute Girls, Parties[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Bullies, Rude People, Instigators, Bad Guys, Early Morning Training[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Parkour, Arealism, Building electronics, singing, art, Drawing[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Arealism, Building Electronics, Singing, Art, Fighting[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Magical Girl Appearance[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Magical Girl Alias:[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]A choker with a lightning bolt attached. It is a thick black cord that wraps around her[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]neck. When transformed it turns into a pair of lightning bolt earrings that flash[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]with electricity when she uses a move.[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Utility Spells:[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Lightning Flash[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]A large flash of electricity flies through the air and blinds those around [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Shock Shield [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Mo creates a sphere shaped shield around herself, protecting her from any attacks and giving[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]a small amount of time to regenerate stamina.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Static Transfer[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Using her senses Mo takes as much static and small charge from the surrounding area to replenish [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]her stamina and a small bit of health. She can also charge certain objects that are dormant[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]and use them in her defense[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Shock Resistance[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Mo is resistant to electrical charge. In fact it empowers her.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Minor Masteries:[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Spark Bolt[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Projectiles made up of electricity are shot towards her opponent, usually from[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]her own hands, feet, or weapons. She often uses it to smack and[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]stun her enemies. They appear as cylindrical yellow white beams of light.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Charge Transfer[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Using her hands, Mo transfers charge to her opponent, paralyzing them for a few seconds.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Light Whip[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Conjuring up a small bolt of lightning, Mo uses it as a whip to zap her enemies from a distance,[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]bind them, pull them closer.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Javelin Bolt[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Using lightning (and sometimes associated with a clap of thunder from noise) Mo[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]conjures up a bolt of lightning and tosses it javelin style straight forwards. It can also have a[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]similar yet smaller affect to Shock Smash[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Medium Masteries:[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Thunder Clash[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Using her powers, Mo creates a small scale thunderstorm that rains lightning over an area,[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]giving her ample time to attack her targets with force.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Shock Smash[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Mo brings both hands together and summons up a hammer made of lightning.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]She then proceeds to smash it on the target in front of her/underneath her with full force. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Shock Wave[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]One of her most famous moves which gave her the name. Mo sweeps her foot around the ground,[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]creating a large wave of lightning.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Major Masteries:[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Lightning Bolt Bash[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]For a small amount of time Mo becomes a large ball of energy. Lighting zaps from her at every[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]moment, and she takes the opportunity to dash through every opponent on the field, supercharged.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Character Bio:[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Mo was born to the daughter of a retired Royal Guard. When she served she had spent time as[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]one of the closest guards to the queen. She had decided to settle down later, and started a family. Mo is the [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]oldest of four brothers. Her mother went back to the guard six years after Mo was born. At the age of[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]12, Mo's mother was killed in battle. From there Mo's hearthstone was born.[/BCOLOR]
Feeling intense grief and anger, Mo's emotions manifested into her powers. Her powers are quite
[BCOLOR=transparent]similar to her mother, who fought up close and personal. There are many similarities between them. From[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]there Mo enrolled herself into the Elite Magical Girl Academy, looking to join the Elite. Mo doesn't want to [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]meet the same fate as her mother only protecting the queen. Mo has come to appreciate all life[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]around her, and wants to protect all of them. She wants to protect everyone equally. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Sample Post: [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Sweat dripped down Mo's face slowly, something hastily flung away from her skin mere second later.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Her muscles ached. She had stretched them to their limits, but she had to push just a little longer.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]There was no way she was going to be a magical Elite without hard work. Breaths came in short bursts as [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Mo repeatedly pounded the target. Right, left, hook, roundhouse. It wasn't magical training but[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]it worked in a fight. She needed to keep both her regular body and transform form in good shape. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Mo had lost count of her logged hours at the gym that day. It was almost empty by now. Finally, when Mo couldn't[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]even throw one more kick, her assault on the punching bag came to a halt. The room grew eerily quiet, filling[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]with the soft sounds of panting. It took Mo a solid five minutes to regain her energy enough to walk towards[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]the towel rack. The sun had set long ago behind the clear glass of the gym windows. Midnight moonlight[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]filtered through, cascading shadows across the floor. The moon had always reminded her of her[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]mother. She used to sit out under the moon with Mo talking about the wonders[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]of the world. Mo used to ask all about her job, what it was like to be a hero, never[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]knowing the hard work she had put in to get that far. Reaching up to her necklace,[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Mo gave off a soft smile, letting the lightning bolt run between her fingers.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]"For you mom." She mumbled, heading for the showers.[/BCOLOR]
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A picture of your character goes here. Please, only anime style images (you can bring your own drawings if you wish). Also, females only.
•Name: Nozomi Chika You Watanabe
•Age of Appearance: 18

•Physical Description: You may include a picture of how your character looks like, but we all know sometimes they aren't exactly like that picture. So, use this area to detail your character true appearance. You can do it with a short paragraph or do a list of her height, weight, chest size, etc.

•Personality: This is my favorite to read in all character profiles. Tell us more about how is your character so we can understand her. Is she a shy and kind girl? An easy-going and hyped person? You can always create your character personality guiding yourself by her race. For example, Ignis are known for been active and social girls and Terra are known for have strong bonds with nature.



•Weapon: Put here the picture of your weapon. Remember you can only have one type (sword, scythe, magic wand, etc. Yes, you can choose a fire weapon, but they need t be magical, not like the human guns). Also, why not name it? Every hero names it's weapon, right?



•Soul Gem:

A beautiful opal choker that stays as such after transformation. It has a wood like texture to it, though the back is a simple chain. The opal seems to shine when she transforms.
•Background: This one here is a kind of different from the usual backstories that most Character Profiles have. Here, you need to tell me how your character born. As you may know by this point, Magica Girls born thanks to the mixture of the Earth elements and wishes and hopes from mankind. So, think about this for a second: according to what wishes and hopes my character born. Did she born as an Ignis due to the burning desire of revenge that had somebody? Maybe she born as a Terra because somebody wished for somebody that could protect the nature from all the harm the humans are doing it. Once you decided this, tell us as well about your characters first days (it can be years) about been a Magica Girl. Did she evolve from a newbie to a professional or she still been new to this life? Does she have a secret life in the Human World? Let your imagination fly while making this part.
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Name: Flaverium Chloris
Nickname: Flo, Flave, Fave, Chlo, Iron Boob (it was a late night drinking joke, she doesn't take well to it), Iron Maiden.
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Personality: Much like her tank, Flo deals with all her issues up close in personal. She always had and always will be a punk ass bitch. She often doesn't take orders well, temper comes out easily through her fighting style. Though reckless Flo has come out with surprisingly few injuries so far. Dealing with her teammates she is more joking than anything, though teasing the woman is easy but ill advised. She nailed one guy to a wall who cheated on her, left his soft parts sore for weeks(It was the buzz of the compound for a while). While threatening Flo is very secretive and personal. She doesn't like talking about her past, her parents, her relationships, anything. She prefers to keep private things private.

Flo grew up in the suburbs. A regular suburb, regular people, regular life. That was until her mother died when Flo was 10. Her father obviously didn't take well. Saw a few women, did some good, some bad. Flo had a hard time telling what mood her father was in. He was diagnosed with bipolar disorder when she was 16. As the years went by, Flo graduated. Her first year of college the war started. Flo's father was one of the first injured. With her background in martial arts, her knowledge of weapons and training that her father had given her (He was a ex navy seal) in exchange for a stipend and taking care of her father she agreed to become an Iron Crusader. Some even consider her an Iron Maiden, a nickname jokingly tossed around.

Self Propelled Gun-Strumtiger

Skills: Punching, Loading, Explosive Shots, Strong Movements, Martial Arts Training





"Shut up Bitch, I'm perfect."


  • Full Name: Miranda (Mo) Adams
    Gender: Female
    Age: 24
    Sexuality: Bisexual, Demi Romantic

  • Appearance

    Extras: She almost always wears her leather jacket. She has a over the shoulder bag on her with a laptop. She has a belly button piercing and a few tattoo's.

    Mo is a sarcastic piece of shit. she does nothing but make terrible jokes. She is more often
    than not grouchy and sarcastic, but she does have a playful element she exhibits with the group of friends.
    She loves to paint and is very good with coding. Currently she runs with a video game Indy group creating
    and designing their games. She is very dedicated to her work and her friends and wont hesitate to beat
    up people who hurt them. She has an great love for those who are honest to her and those
    who can stand her insomniac depressive episodes, though most of the group can.
    Kinks: Light Bondage, Tying People Up, Spanking, Being Tied up, Piercings, Love Bites

  • History: Backstory/how did you get in the group.
    Previous Relationships: With the other members of the groups. (Adds drama)
    Current Crush: TBD


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Arden Miles Rosett

Field chosen: Art
Nickname(s): Ardy, Addy, Ad, Stoic, Ninja Ardy
Age: 16
Birthday: December 3rd
Ethnicity: Canadian
Height: 6'2" and growing
Sexuality: Openly Pansexual
As a man of few words Ardy enjoys hanging around and observing. He has a large collection of different lenses and cameras to capture all that he desires. It's hard to find him without a camera in his hands or in his bag. He has a large repotwa of all sorts of photos. He enjoys taking pictures of things that don't talk back the most, though he also likes capturing people's natrual state.

Reading- Since Ardy spents most of his time watching he is no stranger to books and their wonders. Besides taking pictures the art of literature has always encaptured his attention. He prefers dramatic or adventure novels though he is a sucker for a good action romance, though he profusely denies that he reads them.

Parkour-Another surprise, Ardy likes to jump around. It's a good way to get good photos and stay healthy, and he finds it a great way to keep himself in shape. He has dabbled in other areas of artistic activity such as dance but he doesn't do them on the regular

Due to past events and personal preference Ardy hates talking to to many people at once. The concept of ever being in front of a crowd of people to talk terrifies him. He was so uncomunicative that at some point he was taught sign language, and when he is seen with close friends most of them are signing back and forth.

Spiders and Centepeeds: Ardy has slight aversion to most bugs, but Centepeeds and Spiders get underneath his skin. He can't stand looking at them and will avoid them at all costs.

Abandonment: Ardy can't stand to leave those he trusts alone. Then again he can't help who he does get himself attached too. When he does get attached he's determined not to let them go, ever if he can help it.
Likes: Reading, Photography, Laughing, Smiles, Amusement, Snow, Tigers, Cats
Dislikes: Small Dogs, Bullies, Assholes
Ardy is a stoic man who likes to not talk to people. He spends most of his time alone with a camera, so much so he's almost married to the things. As much as people think Ardy's mute, he also has quite the sense of humor, though he sucks at telling the jokes. Ardy will rarely open up to talk to people unless necessary, but when he does he's playful and compassionate. Ardy chooses his friends wisely and tries to avoid things that will bring him trouble, but he's a little too protective over his friends, and tends to get into fights with people who try and hurt them, or an innocent person for that matter. Ardy rarely shows it but he's quite depressed, as that comes with his mental diagnosis. He can be soft spoken and secretive at times, keeping what he has to himself. You don't ask, he won't either.
Ardy grew up with a single parent, his father. His father, of course, didn't know how to be much of a father. He worked his one job for long hours. The house was well kept but empty. More often than not his father's mistress would be around. She was as cruel as they could get. Ardy never loved her, the feeling was mutual. She would push him around and somehow blame the mess on Ardy at the end of the day. His father tried but could never get himself off what his mistress got him into. Their life savings were being wasted on a stupid gamble. Some days the man would come home with a new toy and all the love of his Mistress. The next Ardy would be up in his room waiting for the yelling to stop.

Ardy was placed in the system at age 10 after his father committed suicide and his mistress ran with the money. Ardy didn't have much family, but eventually he was adopted by an elderly couple. He was 13 by the time they took him in. Ardy loves his foster parents more than anything. As much as he does like his new life he blames his fathers death on himself. Ardy is very shut in and most of his art has to do with mental illness. After exiting the foster system he was diagnosed with Depression and Axiety like most high school students. His foster parents sent him to White Rose High in hopes of chaining him out of being pansexual, as they are strict Catholics.
Self Introduction: ".... Do I have to? I do don't I? Fine. I'm Arden. People call me Ardy. I don't talk much, I like to keep it that way. I like taking pictures of animals, people, and plants. That's it."

Relationships: He's currently alone, like always.

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Arden Rosett






















































Partner: (insert which dragon successor slot you've taken)

Natural Markings:
Hair Color:
Eye color:
Usual Style:

Transformation Appearance (Description or Picture)
Transformation Markings:
Transformation Hair Color:
Transformation Eye Color:
Transformation Height:

Current Crush:









Body Modifications:
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  • NAME
    Nanook Sarshi

    Nan. Non, Nano, Nanu, Sashi


    December 15th

    Cambridge, Alaska

    50% Canadian
    50% American


  • [BCOLOR=transparent][/BCOLOR]
    Shaved short, tends to keep it that way. When it does grow out she combs it back in a pixie.


    Light Pale Olive


    146 pounds

    Lean Muscular.

    Casual with dark clothing

    Septum, three in her right ear, two in the left, stretched lobe, industrial bar in the left ear

    [spoili]Right Side
    [spoili]Right Thigh
    [spoili]Left Thigh
    [spoili]Left Shoulder
    A nick on her upper right ear, and a scar across her lower abdomen to the left



    Loud mouthed and Sarcastic are two ways to describe Nanu. She carries all of the brawn of the wolf and none of the manners, if they came with any. She has always been acting on what she thinks is right, which can get her into terrible situations sometimes. She is stubborn as a mule and will fight to the death over her friends and her ideas. She has a softer side which few see, mostly pack mates. She portrays a more playful and energetic side around her friends, often dipping into short bouts of depression. She doesn't like talking about life before the pack, leaving all of that in Alaska.

    Swimming, Running, Hiking, Climbing, Howling, Reading, Snow, Hunting, Meat, Sarcasm, Jokes, Pack Junctions, Drinking, Drawing, Dancing, Parkour, Cuddles, Home Cooked Food, Nature, Pine trees, a nice shower, understanding friends.

    Responsibilities, Kicking People out, Fighting Other Packs, Burnt Food, Hot Weather, Stupid Wars, Stuck up People, Homophobes, Drugs, Egotisticals

    Parkour, Dancing, Sketching, Skating, Running, Arealism, MMA

    Running her hands through her hair, tapping her feet

    Physical Activity, Dance, Sketching

    Loosing herself to the beast, being hunted down, loosing her friends

    Depression, and Slight Anger Issues


    Enhanced Strength and Speed, the usual stuff. Plus this cook perk of becoming a wolf.


    Strength, Speed(though not as impressive as a vampire), werewolf transformation

    Transforming on a full moon, raw meat

    She doesn't talk to them much but they live
    Amada Sarshi-56-Alive
    Phil Sarshi-60-Alive
    Dan Sarshi-25-Alive
    Chris Sarshi-23-Alive





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  • Name
    Nanook Province

    Nanu, Non, Nan, Nook





    Lead Guitarist and Singer in Moonlight Scream

  • 21ee7df054522855646f09cbd52da825.jpg

    Right Shoulder
    Right Arm
    Left arm

    Left Ear-Industrial bar, 1 mm gauge and a cartilage piercing
    Right Ear- 1mm gauge and two cartilage piercings


    160 pounds

    Natural Markings
    Nick on her right ear, freckles on her abdomen, cheeks, thighs, and shoulders.

    Hair Color
    Dark Brown, upper back length

    Eye color

    Usual Style

  • Abilities
    Light Manipulation-Leo comes from the sun, thus Nanu can affect the light, though creating it is something
    she hasn't mastered yet. She mostly manipulated the available light and seems to thrive in it.

    Lightning Manipulation-As Nanu is connected with the god of the skies she can completely crush opponents
    with self generated lightning. She can be seen most often using it in the form of a lightning whip
    or simply javelin bolts.

    Weather Manipulation-Nanu isn't as adept with weather manipulation and it tends to vary depending
    on her mood. She will often make it storm around her enemies, which helps generate energy for her
    to use, or an AOE attack.



    Cats, Cuddles, Stormy Weather, Rain, Snow, MMA, Reading, Singing, Playing the Guitar,
    Drums, Heavy Rock, Pop Rock, Electronic, Hot Food, Pasta, Hot Chocolate, Katsuburger


  • Other​

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Chiaki Yamanashi




Sexual Orientation


145 pounds

Hair Color
Dark Brown

Eye Color
Bright Red

Clan Outcast, Warrior for Hire

Primary Weapon
Dragon Breath/Fire Manipulation

Secondary Weapon

Fire abilities. She mainly uses them with her fists and feet since their bare to fight. She will often
breathe fire just like a dragon.

Descriptive Personality:
Chika grew up as an outcast, and because of such treatment she has gotten used to others blaming her
for wrong doings. She will often

Fire, Warm Food, Comforting




(At least 3)

Character Bio:
[At least Five Sentences.]

Sample Post:
(At least six sentences of your character doing anything.)
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"Well, I would tell you, if you can catch me."
Nanami Rose Lunago

"It's rude to ask a lady her age!"
In terms of appearance, Nanami looks young, around 28 almost, but in terms of literal age,
she was born on the 17 of May, 1678

"Well, judging by my voice and appearance that one should be a no brainier."

"Doesn't it look like I could just take to the sky at any minute"
Nanami, in the simplest way possible, is an angel. But according to the lore put in this rp
Nanami is the child of one of the 8 Divine Eyes, and has been graced with special
summoning powers based on this fact.

"You may be a bit taken aback, but I live with spiders and demons."

"I will fight, if I must."


"Well, take a picture it will last longer."
Nanami stands around 5'7", which is average for angels, as they have a higher height average
among them. Angels by nature tend to be quite beautiful, which has graced her with her looks as she is today.
Though she is technically a fallen angel, Nanami still carries the signature white color which is usually
replaced when an angel falls. She has stark white hair of the purest color, though the texture is
somewhat thick and sticks up around her head. Since her hair is naturally unruly,
she has a hard time taming it for performances, which requires diligence.

On a regular day, with no maintenance, Nanami's hair sticks out all over the place, and is similar to a lions
mane or a yeti. After a few brushes, her mane can be tamed down to a little bit of a poofy hairdo with
two longer locks in the front to frame her face. If she goes as much to prep her hair, she
curls her longer strands of hair, and teases her hair to make it the perfect
texture to make the look almost feather like, which takes a part of
her act.

Aside from her hair, Nanami's face is smooth and pale, her skin fare, but has a few scars here an there.
From her many years alive, Nanami has gathered a few scars. There is a clean scar underneath
her ear, which was from a small accident with a knife, and has a fairly clean shape.
The second is long and jagged, and it runs from just under her bra line
on her back down to her hip on the front on the right side.
The last scar is a small clean one on her left
arm, which is also jagged and irregular.

On her back, close to the long jagged scar is a pair of slits, that form small marks. To most, it is curiously out
of place. But to those who come see the act can see the slits become part of a small pair of wings.
Her wings are small when she preforms, and she keeps them hidden. She very rarely
takes out her full wingspan, which is about 39 ft. but when she does, it is
a sight to behold. Most angels have a slight tint to the edges
of their wings, but Nanami's are a pure white that
match her hair.

Nanami herself has a muscular structure, due to her background in fighting, and her experience with
performing as an aerialist. As for what she wears on it, when she is in her sleepware she often wears a baggy t shirt
and her bottom underwear. In a casual outfit, she is usually seen loose sweaters and ripped jeans, often with
glasses on or her hair tied back away from her face. In a less casual outfit, something she would most
likely go into town with is with a small amount of makeup on, and her hair done slightly,
with a shirt and some jeans. Her fanciest clothes are dresses or her costume,
and they are accompanied by a thicker set of makeup to
highlight her features.

Her appearance, however, can change. Since she is of a powerful position, she can summon 8 other
appearances that draw on different powers..

(What is your character like?)
(Your character's past! As we won't necessarily be reading up on the RP the character is from, you may wish to describe the general story of their RP too.)

Nanami has abilities she has been trained in since birth for her position. In the simplest words, Nanami
has a connection to the angelic dimension from earth, and can summon weapons to use to her aid.
The weapons she can summon are a sword, a bow, a sheild, and a spear. All of the weapons are not from earth, and
though they posses more power than regular weapons, only Nanami can weild them. She is the link between the angelic
realm, and the human one. Unless another angel arrives that has not fallen yet, there is no phisical way
anyone can hold the same weapons that she summons. However, holding more than one weapon
of a different type at a time is physically impossible, though she can hold two of one item.
When Nanami let's go of a weapon, it seems to brighten and then break into tiny little
piece and disappear all together.

Besides her simple weapon summoning, she has a more advanced technique that often comes of it's own will
when her friends or loved ones are threatened. She can summon it on will, but she avoids using it because
it is taxing on her regular body. When she is using it, the gods choose a form that they deem
useful in that situation.


Nanami's first form is dubbed Angelica, and is the guardian of family, and marrige. Her weapons
include a circular halo. She is the easiest to summon, and is usually more kind. She fights to
protect, never to harm. She plays defensively, and doesn't deal much damage, but has a
lot of emotional power over her enemies.

The Specific Angel herself is known for being wise, and kind. She guards peace and
prosperity with families and friends. She is gentle, and promotes using words instead of violence.
She is a healer, someone who often rules over the earth as a keeper of peace.


The second form is known as Dracona, or The Queen Of Dragons. She has been known throughout the
ages to be one of the most blunt angels, and she delivers explosive attacks. She welds a staff that she can use to summon fire, or her dragon, who can storm anyone in her path.

Even though Dracona and her dragon Boras are strong and tough to beat, the use of her is extremely taxing on
Nanami, thus why she avoids using it too much. It takes a lot of will and courage to summon, and
even with that she can only fight for 10 minutes before her energy level runs out.


The third form is Bonara, the Guardian of Justice. Bonara guards the justice over the world, and works closely with
Angelica, though they do not get along. Bonara is more abrasive than her counterpart, and does not take
only the side of the family, she takes the side of reason. Bonara's weapon is a longsword that she
uses to exact her justice. She wears heavy armor, and is much like a warrior class who uses
melee weapons and no magical attacks to do justice.

Bonara is slightly more taxing than Angelica to summon, but she can still be used for longer than the others.
She is summoned when Nanami's justice or position in the council, even though she has been banned
calls for her to exact justice against demons threatening her power, or the angelic


The Fourth form Nanami takes is Megara. Megara is the guardian of religion and magical practices of the
world. Megara is taxing to use, and hard to channel because she is such a holy spirit. She protects
the practice of all religions, but mostly Christianity, and magical uses.

Megara's temperment is quite holy. In fact, she rarely raises her voice at anyone. She is calm,
collected, though she can get slightly irritated with the more energetic bunch, she never snaps at anyone.
She is a fighter that uses a small staff or a holy book to summon spells that help her.


The Fifth Form is the Guardian of Springtime, and the earth. She is named Rosaline or Rosy because of her love
for the pink and red flowers. By nature, she uses completely earth related attacks, and has no weapon but her own hands. She loves playing in the feilds, and just like a flower, her personality is honey sweet.

Rosy is somewhat difficult to summon, but is usually happening when she feels like toying with or annoying
someone. She is also summoned in matters considering a threaten of nature or the order
of the angels. In a sense, she protects all life that is not a creature.


Vivianis-Guardian of Life
Has never been summoned by Nanami, very caring and kind to everyone, no weapons, can
weild plants and bring things back to life

Luxus-Guardian of Time
Been summoned once, weilds a large staff matching her background, can bend the fabric of time

Dark Angel Nanami
Sarcastic and Lusty, easy to seduce others, breaks rules.

(Any other details about your character you wish to share with us!)
WIP (I posted before I finishes X( )