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Noctis the Devious

Of Lies and Stories
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
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Sporadically, Though out the Day
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  2. Adaptable
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- Superhuman


I. Animal Control
[Spoili]Possible dangers on this mission: sightings of a large pack of Terrorlings have been reported. Exercise caution.

The group's inventory includes an apothecary's book on wild flora brought by Aureolis, an extra blanket brought by Gareth, a measure of rope and ointment and gauze brought by Aurora, a stick of smoke and a health potion brought by Payton, Ethersickness medicine and two rations of water brought by Lucille, length of rope, ointment and bandages brought by Morgan[/spoili]​

Payton Mercator played by @Noctis the Devious
Gareth Bryne played by @Beowulf
Aurora Kraeriant played by @Blighted_Agent
Jeral Desten played by @Zombehs
Kasesa Kyuba played by @Asuras
Aureolis Wolfblood played by @ERode
Morgan de Ceil played by @Alphakoka
Lucille Celestine played by @Skyswimsky
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  • Wicked
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Life in the Order of the Destined started as early as the sunrise, with disciples and members alike being awoken by the sound of pots being beaten with wooden spoons by the help who had to get up even earlier. Unlike most days however, this particular morning was filled with a sense of anticipation, nervous excitement, and even a bit of dread for what was to come. What if they did decided to delay the Initiation Ceremony? But even with the question resting on every other initiates minds, everyone still dressed for the day and meandered on toward breakfast. It wouldn't be until afterwards when they stood in the main hall, with masters and staff lining the edges on the room as Grand Sorceress Elenor and the Grand Warrior Cider looked over the crowd of gathering disciples. The eight to be initiated standing in the front towards the slightly raised stage and their peers standing in neat rows behind them. Some of them barely keeping themselves from fidgeting.

Finally, Grand Sorceress Elenor and Grand Warrior Cide both smiled and raised their hands as four Destined Objects - shrouded so no young Sorceress could them apart - and four sets of armor on stands appeared in a neat line. "When we call your name please step forward and claim what is rightfully yours," The Grand Sorceress chimed. "Payton Macator." The young sorceress in question stiffened before relaxing into a graceful stride. On the inside, though, she was worried. She knew a shroud would prevent her from seeing her Object from afar, but what if the Grand Sorceress made a mistake and hers wasn't there? What if all she continued to see was junk? What if...

Her eyes landed on a belt made entirely of interlocking plates of intricately engraved gold metal with a string of blue and orange glass beads extending from the hollow buckle and connecting again in the back. She never knew love at first sight, didn't believe in it, but the moment that belt was in her hands she was sure the feeling was pretty damn close to it. She clasped it around her narrow hips and and bowed her thanks to the Grand Sorceress, retreating back into the line of the other awaiting Destined.

"Step forward," Grand Warrior Cider bellowed, "And claim your armor and state your desired weapon. Gareth Bryne."

When his name was called, he stepped forward to a set of armor that ever so slightly resembled a bird, an odachi resting in a scabbard next to it. Reaching forward, Gareth grabbed the helmet of the set of armor, and placed it on his head, claiming it as his own. He then grabbed the odachi, scabbard and all, and held it next him, also claiming it as his own.

"Aurora Kraeriant."

"Aureolis Wolfblood."

Rising up from the seats, he spared a smile at his younger female admirers, nodded curtly at his younger brothers-in-training, and marched off nobly to where his destiny waited for him. Even the strange armor that they had prepared was obviously meant for his usage only, for who else would dare wear such light armor? With flourish, he pulled the cloak off, sweeping it around once for effect, before allowing it to drift onto his shoulders. From the stands, he drew out the saber, Whisper, and allowed it to dance in his hands, the translucent blade whistling in the air.

Finally, with a clink, he sheathed the invisible blade, and bowed once to the Grand Warrior.

His Master will be proud of him this day, but this wasn't the peak of his life. This was merely a small milestone in the legacy he planned to carve out.

"Kasesa Kyoubu," the Grand Sorceress called firmly. Fixing her cloth as she rose, Kasesa made for the stairs as if she were about to receive the crown of a kingdom. Hands clasped together, she kept her gaze fixated on the row of veils before her, never settling on one in particular. The moment it was revealed, that simple and yet gorgeous lantern, Kasesa could feel the connection through the very air. Her gaze channeled a feeling of longing that could be cut with scissors. Tied at her wrist, the feeling of accomplishment was overshadowed by companionship. Retreating back to the seating arrangement, she basked in the emotion for as long as it would hold.

"Morgan du Ciel."

The wait was almost painful, but it paid off as his name was called. He marched forward to the sound of his heartbeat. He was a bit disappointed that the armor he received was as plain as the training armor he often wore but the meaning of it was still there, the start of his duty as Warrior as he dreamed. To Fight and Protect.

"Lucille Celestine."

A small sigh escaped from the apathethic woman as her name was called. Whatever someone wanted to do with her, she didn't really care. Life was a piece of shit anyways. Adjusting the cloak she was wearing even in a place like this, she finally stepped forward, her eyes already fixed on the piece of jewelry she was about to call her own.

"Jeral Desten."

Raising a brow at the set of armor, if only just that, he looked towards the Grand Warrior as Cider held forward a cloak wrapped bundle. Eyes widening a bit in recognition at the familiar Trinket, a smile played on Jeral's lips as he accepted the bundle with a bow. Sweeping the cloak onto his shoulders, his free hand darted out to snatch the two sheathed blades before they could clatter to the ground and interrupt the Ceremony.

With all of their newly initiated Sorceresses and Warriors newly armed, it was the Grand Sorceress who spoke up next, "And now for the moment that has changed so many lives, that puts our faith in all of you, the Destined announcements." A murmur arisen around the hall, some giggling even stirring up amongst the girls. A small amused smile teased the corners of the Grand Sorceress' mouth but it was Grand Warrior Cider who called for silence with two pounds of the tip of his great sword against the raised flooring of the hall. The main hall elapsed into silence once more. "I know this is important for many of you for many different reasons, and this is important for us as well. The Destined are called such because we were granted the power to not control destiny, but help guide it down a better path to ensure a brighter future for those under our charge; everyone else's destiny and your own."

Grand Warrior Cider continued, "With much deliberation, we have chosen these initiates to be our Destined. Stay strong men." Grand Sorceress Elenor shot him a look but Grand Warrior Cider merely smirked and proceeded. "Gareth Bryne, your partner will be Payton Mercator. Jeral Desten, you're with Aurora. Aureolis Wolfblood, you will be partnered with Kasesa Kyoubu. Morgan du Ciel, you are Destined to Vivian Lucille Cel. May Mariun and Raoul guide your paths." With those words the hall erupted into applause. The two Grands shared a look before Grand Sorceress Elenor stepped forward, raising both hands on the air to call for attention.

"Now that this matter has been settled, I'm sure all of you have your duties to attend to." A kind smile went with the polite dismissal and everyone in the main hall began to clear out. "Except for you eight. Your duties are here for now," she said to the newly destined. Once the hall had emptied, she spoke once more. "I always did like these matters to be handled more privately but a good ceremony always seems to lift everyone's spirits. This part however, can be just between us." She winked and, followed by the Grand Warrior, stepped down from the raised flooring to stand directly in front of the newly Destined.

"We've received reports from a near by village that the wild life, under unknown circumstances, have become mutated into monstrous creatures and attacked the local villagers. For your first assignment, I would like for you eight to travel to this village and investigate. Help in any way you can and please, be careful. The village is a half day's travel away from here on foot, not far away enough to qualify for the lending of horses and carriages. What we can provide, however, are supplies." Grand Sorceress Elenor motioned with one hand and a door to the side open and in came a cook pushing a cart. On the cart were old, worn knapsacks that were handed to each Destined.

"You each have a filled water skin, bread, and seasoned meat - enough to last you from there and back - and and a small vial of honey for a little something sweet. In one of these knapsacks you'll find a map and a compass. Oh, one more thing. Normally we only give this to members going off on more tough and physically demanding missions but our harvest this month was more bountiful than usual, so consider this a little going away present; a dried piece of moon pleemal. If you ever find yourself needing that little boost of energy, this will do the trick. Now, my children, be at the main gate in a half hour. That should be enough time to say your good byes and make any final preparations."
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  • Wicked
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Ultimately, was there any question at all that he would be partnered with Kasesa?

No, there was not, and as his partnership was announced, the smile on Aureolis's face remained. All the pairings made sense to him. The loner and the liar could drown in their vices together. The artist will find a willing follower in Gareth. The listless prodigy can definitely depend on Morgan's camaraderie. And as for the knight and his lady? No doubt they would cut a dashing image together, as they have so done in countless balls before.

Turning to the Far East lady, Aureolis placed his gloved hand and bowed deeply. "It is as divinity decrees, Lady Kasesa Kyoubu, though if I had choice, you would be my first regardless. Upon my honor, I, Aureolis Wolfblood, shall protect your dignity with all my might."

He would have liked to go further, of course, but the Grand Sorceress was already speaking up once more, detailing the special duties that the Destined were to perform. Yes, from now on, he was finally allowed to stretch his wings properly, to see the entire world with his own eyes. It was just a half day excursion to a nearby village, but it still excited Aureolis. A chance to prove his skill and a chance to see new places, rolled in one? Truly excellent, worthy of his first duty as a Destined Warrior of Raoul.

Taking one of the knapsacks in his hand, Aureolis lifted it up and down, testing the weight, before deciding that it was fine. Not too heavy, not too light. He was used to this weight, if nothing else, and the vial of honey was definitely quite a delicacy to be stored in there. "Thank you for your boons and blessings, Grand Warrior Cider and Grand Sorceress Elenor. The faith you have placed upon us shall not be squandered."

"Now, my lady," he continued, turning to Kasesa, "I must excuse myself to prepare for departure. Adieu."

With a flick of his cape, Aureolis strode off confidently, back straight as a board. His boots clicked against the wooden floorboards as he rejoined the young individuals that were his friends and admirers. Half an hour wasn't going to be enough to properly thank them for their support and say his good byes, but that was fine.

After all, it was not departure that was important. It was his heroic return, bearing the spoils of the battlefield.
Arriving five minutes early to the main gate, Aureolis stood alone, the first to arrive. Intentional? Yes. Punctuality was better than tardiness, and being early was better than punctuality. Pushing his glasses up, he flipped through the single extra item he had brought with him: an apothecary's book on wild flora. Well-thumbed and worn, the small book was crammed full of hastily written notes and illustrations, but it was one-of-a-kind, a treasure of his.

After all, it was a man's job to provide food, and though Aureolis was confident in his knife-throwing abilities, wild greens would complement wild game quite well.

There were still five minutes before the others were due to arrive. The knightly gentleman leaned against the stone wall and continued to read, reviewing knowledge that he had committed to heart as a child.
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When his partner was announced, Gareth made sure to make eye contact with her and nod his head. That would do, for now. They knew what each other looked like, and where to find them. He thought that they'd let them have some time to get to know their partner a little before sending them out on a mission, and that was what he had planned for. But plans often have to be changed, as his teachers often told him. So instead he listened closely to what the Grands and to say, nodding along to show that he understood. And once the supply bags were rolled out, he grabbed one for himself. And he was about to grab a bag for Payton so she didn't have to carry one, but thought against it. It wasn't because he wanted to be rude, far from it, but he figured that she might want to pack one more thing into the bag if there was room for it before leaving. And so he left, knowing where he had to be and at what time.

Opening the door to his small room, he looks at it for possibly the last time. He would probably be moved to a room more suitable for a Destined. But he had spent so many years here. The narrow, hard bed pressed up against the wall with a chest full of belongings shoved underneath to save space. It wasn't much, but it was his. And in the end, he might end up missing it. But he couldn't dwell on it for long, he had to find if there was anything else he'd like to bring with him. After giving his room a once over, he grabs an extra blanket, rolled it up, and carefully stuffed it into the bag.

With that done he made his way to the main gate, where they were told to go. Of course he wasn't the first one there, that's just how things went. He wasn't fast and he had taken his good sweet time to get there, trying to drag out as much time as he could so he wouldn't be there ridiculously early. Wait, wasn't that Aureolis? It was. He shouldn't be surprised, he had seen him at the initiation. But he was curious about why he wasn't practically glued to his partner, that Kasesa. They looked like a good match, so they should get along rather well.
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It took Aurora a split second to process that she had, in fact, been called; maybe it had to do with the assembly area being as full as it was. Time seemed to slow down as she strode forward with determination, already eyeing the different objects laid before her. Aurora didn't understand she she strode forward towards one specific object she hadn't even been paying attention to, but when she realized what it was - the triple set of chains - she knew immediately that this was it: the key to her future, the key to rising beyond reach to where she could make things right. As she donned the Object, she could almost feel as if electricity were coursing through her.

She dutifully returned to her place, suppressing an almost giddy smile while she watched the other Disciples formally become Initiates. Soon, when the Grand Warrior demanded silence with his sword, Aurora almost held her breath as the pairings were announced. Destined Bonds, finally set into place... Her feelings were mixed. She didn't have a problem with whom she was Destined to; far from. She sent a wink in Jeral's direction in acknowledgment. But... seeing her once-partner-in-crime lumped together with him... Even if they weren't as close as they had been before.... It should have been me., was her immediate thought; nobody else should have to. At least, Aurora's priority had been maintained: Lucille had been spared - Morgan was actually a good match for her, a quiet and supportive type, perhaps not all that dissimilar to Payton's match... But, after some thought - Kasesa might be the best for it after all, no obvious antagonism. She can handle him., she decided, offering her a smile.

It was not long after that Aurora found herself listening attentively to the Grand Sorceress and Grand Warrior, somewhat displeased that she could not take notes. An assignment like this was not to be taken lightly, less so when it was the first formal mission she would be a part of. No matter! We will do this right and triumph.; so thinking, she grabbed a knapsack for herself, bowing at the two leaders before heading for the exit. Her casual pace let her stick her tongue out and nod at Jeral before leaving. Better that she hadn't tried and select a knapsack for him... from what she remembered, her partner was picky about his things.


Even though she felt like simply falling to her bed and staying there, Aurora allowed herself only a few minutes for rest and quiet contemplation. Past that time, she stood up, looked over her knapsack's contents (no map and compass, it seemed; all the better for her) and mulled over what would be best to bring with her. She decided on taking a measure of rope with her; that kind of thing was always useful when on an expedition. She also opted for some more comfortable shoes for an expedition, leaving behind her 10cm heels. None of us are medics... best be ready, even if I'll make sure it won't be necessary., such was her thoughts as she packed some ointment and gauze. There were plenty of other things she could think of, but the knapsack was already full. Without delay, she left her room, eyes ever forward as she marched towards the gate.


Making sure to keep track of the time, Aurora arrived at the gate with exactly one minute to spare, knapsack already on her back. She noticed that Gareth and Aureolis had already arrived; upon doing so herself, she offered a simple curtsy towards them. Having done so, Aurora turned to look down the road she came from, waiting expectantly for the rest to arrive.
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Sorceress || Lightning Magic || Ornate Belt || #3299CC
Main Hall Dorm Main Gate
Mood: Not sure how I feel about this...
Interaction: General
Mention: General
Payton wasn't sure how she felt about her chosen partner. Not that she really approved of the whole Destined thing to begin with, but now that she was Destined to someone, Gareth no less, it was slowly sinking in he was the person The Grands expected her to work with now and forever, and who the younger disciples and those who believed in the Destiny Bond between two people expected her to marry. Right then, with a few words, her whole fate was planned out for her. How was anyone suppose to react to that? When they were dismissed Payton glanced around at the other members, and for that moment, her teamates. Everyone else seemed to take it into stride. As if they adapted everyone's expectations as expectations for themselves. Gareth even made to grab a second bag for her before thinking better of it.

Good, it wasn't like she couldn't carry her own things. She mentally huffed and slung the knapsack over one shoulder, grabbing up the map and the compass as aneeded after thought, before heading out of the hall to her dorm. She wasn't even entirely sure what else she needed on top of rations. It didn't sound like this was suppose to be an over night trip so did they really need flint? She frowned and peered around her dorm. She had a left over stick of smoke layong on her desk from a project her master assigned her a couple of weeks ago. Good if they ever needed cover, but it worked both ways: they wouldn't be able to see anything either. That and the small tended to cling. It would have to be used as a last resort. She also decided on a health potion when brewed in her alchemy class that could speed up healing if need be. Hopefully one was enough.

Finished, she took a deep breath and locked up her dorm room before heading out. It was almost strange to exit the Order base. She did it at least once a day but if felt different knowing this time wasn't just leaving the Order, but Haven City too. She shook her head and proceeded toward the main gate where she found Aureolis, Gareth, and Aurora already witing. It seemed they were still waiting the other's. Well, at least she wasn't the last to arrive. "Looks like I'll be leading this little expedition," Payton declared, waving the rolled map in the air. "Since no one else seemed to want the two things we actually need."
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Lucille gave the warrior she was 'destined' to a small nod of acknowledgement. Morgan du Ciel. Recalling her time she spend with those people so far, Morgan didn't really strike her as odd or unpleasant. Ultimately, thinking about it, there wasn't really anybody she would have felt uncomfortable being paired up with.

Sure, her brother had warned her about being careful with Aureolis after she mentioned him in a letter, but then again, he also assumed she had something ridiculous like romantic feelings for him. Plain stupid. After all, the only people even remotely close to worth being truly loved was her family. In the end, Lucy cared about him as much as she was supposed to and thinking back, wondered for a moment why she even bothered mentioning him in a letter in the first place. What a fool she once was.

Emptying her head from those useless thoughts, Lucille kept on listening as she wondered what pieces of information Morgan was required to know about her that weren't already known. She wasn't too keen going around telling everybody about her circumstances, though, it was no secret that Lucille was being known as a 'fragile, sickly person'. If worst came to worst, she probably had to tell him about her medicine and, for the sake of exploration, her lack of being able to smell? Well, she had plenty of time to consider that later - hopefully.

Listening to the briefing, the ill woman actually frowned upon hearing that they would roughly travel half a day on foot to reach their destination. No horses. No carriage. Hah. Despite all the extra help she had gotten in the past, it finally looked like her special treatment had run out. Though, buying herself a horse wasn't out of the question either. Lucille shrugged in the end, the Grand Sorceress probably knew what she was doing and even if the raven-haired woman would die, that wasn't so bad either, right?

Taking one of the knapsacks, she finally left the room to get some extra belongings.

Plenty of medicine for a worst case scenario, some extra rations of water and the cumbersome letter's patent - in case her pocketed away ring wasn't proof enough - of her noble bloodline were her objects of choice.

Arriving at the main-gate rather timely, with half the group already there, she gave them all yet another nod as a greeting before making herself comfortable by sitting on a nearby bench, waiting.
Morgan was curious about the pair he was Destined with. Of the newly minted Sorceress, Lucille was the least he could interact with. Partly due to their differing interest and that she would rather be left alone most of the time. He had thought that he would be more compatible with any of the other three. Several justifications started to emerge but he immediately silenced them as considering them would mean thinking that he knew better than the Grand Sorceress in a field he almost has no training in. What he could do was see how the pairing develop and hope that he would see the reason of the Destined Pairing soon. Returning the sickly girl's nod, Morgan listened to the briefing. As far as assignments go, Morgan had expected more than investigating animals mutating into monsters, but he'd take it either way. It would be a good experience for his career as a Warrior after all.

Morgan left to return to his room to see other things that he would need to carry with him, particularly his family's tabard and his coif. Taking a quick look at his bag, he noticed the absence of map and compass, indicating that one of the others would end up with those. He debated whether he should brought a spare map and compass but the village should be near enough that the landmarks they're familiar with would still be identifiable and there're other ways to know one's bearing. Probably no need to, whoever end up with the map should be able to keep it as well.

Finally, Morgan finished his repacking after he decided to take an ointment to stop bleeding and a roll of bandage. Taking his shield, Morgan made his way to the gate, although not before stopping by the warehouse to ask for a length of rope. Arriving at the rendezvous point, the brunette spotted the rest of his group. It appeared that he was among the last to arrive, he must've taken more time than he had to, he should do better next time. He noted that only Jeral and Kasesa haven't arrived and the two of them would likely be taking their time as well.

Morgan waved his free hand toward his compatriots as greeting and gave Payton a nod after he saw the rolled map in her hand.
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The quick mission briefing didn't wear away Jeral's expression of neutrality, and he nodded in understanding once the Grand Sorceress had finished. The pairings didn't bring any real emotion; they were simply what they were. Aurora wasn't the easiest person to work with by any means, but she was dependable at the least and her magic actually worked to his advantage.

Stepping forward to take one of the two bags that remained, he bowed towards the two Greats afterwards. He shook his head in response to Aurora's childish gesture, but nonetheless raised a free hand to wave her off. Slinging the knapsack over a shoulder, he took a few moments to figure out the order he would handle things before actually going about them. Mother was probably still busy with her classes and he had no idea if father was actually home at this time. Best he could do was probably leave a note… which meant he'd head off to pack first and write said note.

Tossing the knapsack onto his bed as he entered the empty room, Jeral moved quickly to get things in order. Throwing open the chest, he looked inside and scratched at his head for a moment before it came back to him. "Well, shit..." The knapsack looked pretty small compared to what he was used to. He reached into the chest and shuffled things around a bit as he debated on what to bring... It took a bit longer than it should have, trying to fit things into the knapsack and he looked into the chest with an annoyed sigh; unable to bring all he would have liked to. An odd lantern was hung on the side of the knapsack; the cage housing a strange crystal rather than a candle, oil lamp, or something more mundane. A pouch also hung from his belt, flint and steel resting atop coins so he could buy what he couldn't have carried. Letting the top fall shut with a slam, he slipped the bag onto his back and made his way to his parents' home with note in hand.

As he expected, there hadn't been anyone home to speak to, so Jeral had just left the note and continued on his way quickly. A brief stop by the kitchens managed to net him another set of rations from the cooks, and then he was on his way to meet the other at the gate.

Tearing away pieces of the extra bread roll he had managed to nab, Jeral popped one in his mouth before raising the hand in greeting towards the six that had arrived before him. "Anyone want some? Just came out from the ovens."
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All too unfamiliar with the rest of the knights that had been initiated, Kasesa's momentary worry quickly subsided into a blatant and warm smile upon her face as she thanked the heavens for a palatable pairing. She wondered, for a moment, if they she were purposefully paired by the elite, rather than the gods themselves. Turning to Aureolis, she slipped her hands into the sleeves of her dress.

"My my, were it not for my familiarity with your literacy, I would have assumed lewdness within the word dignity, Sir Wolfblood. Giving a curt bow herself, she stood and placed a hand upon her collar and spoke with sincerity. "And I your honor, Sir Aureolis Wolfblood," she smiled, a hint of laughter behind her eyes. "What I can do as a sorceress of my skillset, I shall ensure keeps you as safe as it does me."

Listening intently to the details of her very first mission, Kasesa rubbed at the cloth of her dress and thought twice of its usefulness in the field. As much as she wished to retain her air of regalia even on an adventure, the threat of damage and guaranteed dirt worried her. It was certainly not conducive to maintaining her dignity, as Aureolis put it, should she be amidst chaos. Perhaps there was something she could don instead?

With her future set and described, Kasesa gave a light bow to the Grand Sorceress and the Grand Warrior before turning on her heels to see Aureolis away with a wave. After retrieving the items offered for their journey, Kasesa made for preparations. Admired as she was by those valuing wealth and grace, Kasesa gave little more than smiles of acknowledgement to her peers as they gathered for questions and congratulations in the hall.


Kasesa returned to the public having changed her outward appearance little, despite her considerations. Still, she had made some modifications, clothing herself in a form-fitting linen undershirt that rested beneath her kimono -a black dress with red flowers patterned upon it. Over it all, she had opted to wear a thick and dark green cloak that nevertheless appeared expensive. She could at least stand letting the cloak get dirtied; such was its purpose.

Removing the hood as she approached those gathered, Kasesa stood before Aureolis and offered a poem.

"A book before the journey...
Dreams not of its contents,
but the blank pages that were.
Once again ready for new tales.

Kasesa took Jeral's offer and nibbled on the warm bread. "The last meal of home, no?" she said solemnly. Finishing the snack, she pulled the cloak over herself and counted. "This is all of us. Shall we proceed?" she smiled, gesturing with her eyes to the gates.
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Ah, so it was Payton who took the knapsack with the map and compass? Bowing at her presence, Aureolis said, "If you wish to lead, then please, do so, but it does worry me that a lady will be standing at the vanguard of what may be a dangerous journey. Perhaps it would be more astute if I were to lead, Lady Mercator?"

It was foolhardy, after all, for a woman to take the lead in an expedition such as this. After all, it was a man's role to lead, and a woman's to follow. Raoul himself was the God of Politics, of government, of leadership, so, was it not only natural that the most exceptional warrior here, himself, should take over as their commander? Though Aureolis gave Payton choice, he really wasn't expecting anything other than the lightning witch passing over their scholastic guide.

Eventually, every member of their party of eight had come, Jeral sharing bread rolls that Aureolis refused, and Kasesa showing her naturally impeccable sense of dress. It brought a small flicker of warmth in his chest that they wore matching colors for their cloaks, and the bespectacled knight closed his book, storing it in his knapsack as she approached.

So today was free verse?

A quill before the journey
Dips not in inky waters,
But in tides of new encounters.
Traversing white plains once more.

"Indeed," Aureolis nodded, "We shall."

With that practiced cloak flick, he strode off towards the gates, fully expecting all others to follow in his example.
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Gareth grunted as he took a bread roll, not wanting to turn down free food given by someone he was working with. It was good that they weren't immediately trying to kill each other. Then again, it wasn't exactly common for people who have barely met each other's acquaintance to want to kill each other. But then again, he could always be wrong, especially when Aurelios implied that he couldn't protect Payton.

"I will protect her." he stated matter of factly, not a trace of doubt in his voice. That is what he had been training for since he was enrolled in school and taught how to use a sword. Though they may wield unimaginable power, sorceresses could die to an arrow or blade just as easily as anyone else. He'd be willing to die to protect his partner, as any Warrior of Raoul should, whether she wanted him to or not. "She will be safe."

With that, he goes to stand by his Destined partner. "I am ready." he stated to no one imparticular, odachi firmly strapped over the knapsack and helmet in hand. All he needed was to be pointed in the right direction, and he would go until he was told to stop. He'd probably carry someone the whole distance if he was told to, though that honor would no doubt be limited to Sorceresses only. A Warrior can walk on his own two feet, and they'd be much more prepared for any fight if they weren't in someone else's arms/on their back.
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Kasesa nodded in appreciation of the directly relatable poem her Destined had created. Folding her arms into her sleeves, she followed after Aureolis just behind the young man. Reminiscing on her studies as a sorceress, she spoke up with a mixture of hope and worry in her voice. "I cannot say I've ever fought one of these 'mutant' sort of creatures before. One would hope our practice elsewhere has been of comparable strategem to felling... whatever these beasts truly are. The Grand Sorceresses' ambiguous detailing of them leaves me wondering... and worrying," Kasesa said to the group at large.

For all her confidence in the potency of her abilities, the phrase 'unknown reasons' coming from an individual she revered so highly was plainly unsettling. Had she at least been told, 'This is why they are mutating, and this is their nature,' Kasesa might have seen the coming mission as a more clearly novice-level quest. As it were instead, Kasesa saw it as nothing less than an ominous future.

Kasesa frowned, eyes forward on the path and, occasionally, Aureolis' back. At the very least, she could trust in the young man's bravery and determination, whatever was to come.
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Sorceress || Lightning Magic || Ornate Belt || #3299CC
Main Gate Haven's Road
Mood: Oh hell no.
Interaction: Aureolis Wolfblood - @ERode || Kasesa Kyuba - @Asuras
Mention: Gareth Bryne - @Beowulf

"If you wish to lead, then please, do so, but it does worry me that a lady will be standing at the vanguard of what may be a dangerous journey. Perhaps it would be more astute if I were to lead, Lady Mercator?" Oh really? Payton bristled at the false politeness because that was exactly was it was; there was nothing genuine about a man stepping forward and disguising his own wants and ambitions behind a mask of courtesy. She never really did harbor very many positive feelings for he warrior who garnered the approval from seemingly everyone who thought highly of him. But it seems he wasn't the only one who thought she couldn't take care of herself because sure enough her own destined was stepping forward and throwing in his own two sense,

"I will protect her."

Really, the man holding a glorified metal stick is going to protect the one wielding lightning at her fingertips? Men. "I am ready." That was at least reassuring. She fought back an eye roll and instead took a breath, proceeding after Aureolis and then stepping ahead of him.

"Here. It would be a shame if members of my first party found themselves lost," she replied, tossing the compass at the warrior. He wanted to lead? He could lead himself and his Destined back to the path if they were to stray.

"I cannot say I've ever fought one of these 'mutant' sort of creatures before. One would hope our practice elsewhere has been of comparable strategem to felling... whatever these beasts truly are. The Grand Sorceresses' ambiguous detailing of them leaves me wondering... and worrying."

"I don't think any of us has any real experience in the area," Payton simply said. "The phrase 'safe to assume' isn't one I'm fond of but I do doubt the Grands would give newly initiated members of the Order a mission like this if they felt it was beyond our capabilities. With that said, we don't entirely know what we're dealing with and the best we can do is keep our guard up and our minds open." The gate opened as they approached and it was all she could do to not pause. She spent most of her life within these walls and to finally step out of them? She swallowed down her wonder and pushed a head. Now was not the time to be gathering inspiration for her next painting.
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"How could they get lost if they were going to follow you?" he muttered to himself, face expressionless, as the compass was passed off and his Destine walked away. Figuring that he shouldn't let her get to far ahead of him, he put his longer legs to good use, and went after her. Soon enough, he had caught up to her and walked behind and off to one side, letting her lead the way. She seemed to know where she was going, which was more than him.

"We will be fine." He said matter of factly when the discussion turned to the mission and how it may be dangerous. And besides, the Grands should know their limits. They've only been training for several years, with their teachers relaying their progress to the Grands so they could be judged on whether they were ready to become Destined. At the very least he'd make sure his Destine partner would be fine, something his sixth sense should help with.

Upon reaching the gates that lead out, he noticed that his partner's step hitched just a bit. A slight pause, as if she was wondering whether to go on or not. But it lasted for only a split second, and she resumed her stride as if nothing had happened. "Hm" he hummed to himself, wondering why she had done that. But he didn't let that bother him. However, he did move so he was walking next to her. This was the best place for him, though if he could find a way to protect both sides it'd be perfect. No one could sneak up from behind, and he could see down the road to spot any possible danger. The only side that had Payton in danger was her right side, where a swift and hidden arrow could easily catch her.
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Aurora couldn't quite explain why the bickering and small clashes felt right. It was a little contradictory - those are not the kinds of things that a group wants. But a part of her knew that a group as eclectic as theirs would never run perfectly smoothly. So maybe it was a sign that the group was coming together... We only just set out, things will improve!

Upon Jeral's arrival and subsequent offer, Aurora struggled not to let her smile show, instead approach her Partner with practiced high-handedness, stopping right before him with a hand on her hip, looking at the bread and at him with approval and taking one for herself while offering him a small nod. As if to offer something back, she opened her knapsack widely enough for him to see gauze, ointment and rope she had brought, while attempting to poke at his knapsack and murmuring...

"You've seen, aye? That means I must too. Shared information for shared resources, it is of course fair... Oh, oh, and about formation, for journey or brawl. My back, I entrust it to you. With that, my efficiency is maximized, to guard yours and all others'. Aye?"


After this, seeing their self appointed leaders departing, Aurora decided it would not do to delay. With a fully confident smirk at Jeral, she grabbed a piece of bread, then began to walk. As she, did she waved a little at Lucille, a smile on her face as she heard the others talking. She would not comment, not yet, not towards all. Instead, Aurora tried to position herself in the middle of the ideal formation the group would keep - that was where she could best apply her powerful defenses for herself and the group. Nobody is getting hurt on my watch.
Perhaps it was because she'd been outside before, but leaving the walls of the city didn't seem to elicit a flicker of worry from Kasesa. Having traveled at a young age halfway across the world to reach this place with her family, she was used to seeing the exterior of grandiose cities, albeit by distant memory alone. She knew not the wilderness, however, as their caravan had obviously stuck to the busy roads that were frequented continually, and so there was never a shortage of meeting kind folk to greet or simply wave by.

Kasesa found herself reminiscing about that trip. The foods, whilst lesser than the contents of banquets she was now used to, contained within it the essence of adventure and the nostalgia of home. A smile escaped her lips, and she could not hide it. She spoke aside to Aureolis as she kept up next to the rest, though her tone seemed to indicate the question was meant for everyone present.

"Is this the first time you've passed beyond that boundary?" she asked, scanning over the flora that she nearly forgotten existed at all in the world. A hand extended to brush across the wide leaf of a fern that had staked its claim by the side of the road, unperturbed by wheel or hoof. She rubbed her fingers together, balling up the pollen that had collected on them.

"T'was when I still lacked the tongue to speak properly when I was last out here. At this very walk."
"Better to ensure your lady is never in danger the first place, isn't it?" Aureolis replied lightly. He wasn't too surprised at Gareth's defensive attitude, but it did make him smile a bit at how quickly the guardian imprinted himself to Payton. Well, all the posturing from the two of them ended up with the bespectacled knight taking on the vanguard after all, so really, he didn't let the complaints and insults of the rabble-rousers disturb him. For some strange reason, the lightning witch thought that he actually had some sort of ulterior motive for suggesting that she stay in the back which was…

Hilarious. Didn't she take any lessons in strategies and formations? The person at the front must have sharp senses and the ability to quickly respond to any sort of sudden threat. And, amongst all the knights there, it was Aureolis Wolfblood that had the sharpest eyes and keenest ears.

Stepping past Payton as she meandered in the front, Aureolis flicked out the compass, visualized the distance and spoke one last line to his partner.

"All we need to know is that these monsters can be slain by steel and spell, Kasesa. Have faith in the years you spent honing your magic."

Like the faith he had in his sword skill.
"Ho," he replied, his left hand holding up his book on flora while his right rested easily on the pommel of his sword, "Unfortunately, yes. Last time I remembered going down this path…well, it'd been a long time, so I don't care to remember anyways."

He straightened his spine, feeling a pleasant tension in his back.

"It's wonderful though," Aureolis said, flickering his heterochromatic eyes from the landscape back to his book, "Books make reality small and concise, but the horizon's so much wider once you walk out the walls, isn't it?"
Ignoring Jeral's offer, fearing someone might expect she had to share her own water, the sorceress quietly waited until the group settled their small quarrel about the leadership position and were finally ready to venture out.

It was just a small step without any hesitation that the sickly noble took before she actually did stop for a mere second. Only now she realized the freedom she had attained, even if chained by her illness. Shaking her head in disbelief, perplexed at the childish thoughts she just harboured for a second, she continued onwards.

Disregarding most of the chatter that was going on around here, Lucille instead went towards her fated Morgan. Fidgeting with her backpack she soon revealed a smaller bottle with pills inside. "This medicine..." She started to explain. "I have to take at least one a day, best at sunrise. I am telling you this in case I happen to be unable to do so myself." Putting it back away again Lucille continued. "Also... no, it's not important." Shaking her head, the sorceress fell silent again.
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