I whispered in her ear, you better fear me dear for I am death

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As soon as the voice spoke, Jae's stare jumped to it's origin. "But the weak are also found to be those who think fear creates power." Her voice was calm and not threatening, for once. She was completely calm now that she knew the location of the creature. "Who are you, may I ask?" She had stood up by now, her arms crossed. If she sensed any danger, she knew exactly what to morph into. She'd only morphed into a dog lately, so she decided she'd jump in case it took her a second. She glanced at Ash quickly to make sure he was okay-ish.
Alex really did not like the looks of this guy. Her hopes of him being a friendly creature withered away, though she still kept up her smile. Her muscles tensed as she readied herself to run. But instead she jumped in surprise as another voice came from behind her. She whipped around to see another creature, this one appearing to be a bit more amiable, but not by much. Alex really didn't like the sound of her laugh or the tone of her voice. On the bright side, at least the creature was actually speaking to her, and neither of them were attacking. Not yet, at least. She continued to keep a firm hold of her walking stick, just in case. "Oh hi. I've been traveling, and just happened across this city. I was actually in the process of looking for a place to spend the night," she replied in a pleasant tone, being extremely careful not to show any signs of fear.

Hannibol Damien was a bit surprised by how fast the boy moved. She had greatly underestimated him. As much as she wanted to go for scare factor, she decided making it obvious she meant them no harm had to take priority. Well, not quite full priority, but still pretty high. The other creature, the girl, didn't seem to concerned though. This made Hanni wonder what kind of creature she is and how powerful she is. Calmly and quietly, the wolfess padded to where she was standing right behind the human. There she laid down on the floor and became visible again. "Hm, you do have a point there," she replied in a more normal tone. "The name's Hannibol Damien. Don't worry, I'm not one of those damn evil creatures." She ended her statement with a yawn in an attempt to emphasize her lack of ill intent.
Ash narrowed his eyes at the now visible wolf. The wolf sure did seem like an evil creature at first...But maybe he should be more trusting seeing as he hadn't trusted someone who was now helping to protect him earlier. "Hm...Well you sure don't seem very good, but I guess that you didn't attack and you haven't burnt the building down yet so maybe..." He said as his eyes shifted between Hannibol and Jae wondering if Jae believed what the wolf was saying.

Within a second Leah turned from being dark and dangerous to more light and sweet, "Oh traveling? That's why we are here too, we got bored in the other towns so we moved here, but its not that much more exciting..." She said looking over to see her brother was still staring at the human as if it was dinner. She gave Levi a deadly look that got him to look away quickly from the girl and walk over to the side of his sister. "And sorry if we scared you, I was just trying to have a little fun in this boring town... I'm Leah by the way, and this is my brother Levi...He's kind of one of the things you might call an 'evil creature' but as long as I'm here I won't let him hurt you!" Leah continued talking in her nice voice, the mood swing may have seemed strange to other's but it was perfectly normal for Leah and Levi seeing as it happened all the time.

Levi sighed and rolled his eyes, "Dammit you ruined the fun!" He said in a more playful voice himself. His eyes went back to there normal color and he gave Alex a toothy grin to show that he really didn't mean any harm. Normally he would have ripped this girl apart like he had to so many others, but he cared enough for his sister to not want to upset her by doing this.
At this, Jae tilted her head a little. "A wolf..huh. I'm Jae." She said. She did not uncross her arms, but her gaze softened a little from the hard, icy stare of before. "If you're not evil, why sneak in?" She slid back down to a sitting position, criss cross, and watched Hannibol and Ash.
Huh, that's odd. She seemed so threatening before... Alex was a little confused by the girl's sudden change of attitude, though she didn't show it in her expression. Can creatures be bipolar, she wondered? Now that she thought about it she had known creatures in the past who seemed to be slightly bipolar, but never to this extent. As long as she was careful, it seemed these two creatures might not harm her afterall. "Interesting." She glanced around at the empty streets and boarded up buildings. "Yeah, it sure doesn't look like much." She laughed a little at the girl's apology. "Oh don't worry about it. I'm sort of used to having creatures trying to spook me. You two definitely got me good though. My name's Alex, it's a pleasure to meet both of you." She grinned back at Levi, despite the bad vibes she got from him. For now she would just have to take his sister's word. "So, do either of you know where there's a good place to stay in this city?"

Hannibol Damien was sorely disappointed when her appearance behind the boy didn't spook him. "Trust me, if I really wanted to kill you I would've done it while I was still invisible. You never would've seen me coming," she told him, chuckling. "By the way, you haven't mentioned your name." Turning to Jae, she answered her question with a big toothy grin, "I will admit, I'm a bit of a trickster. My appearance may make me seem evil, but I only like scaring people. I apologize for coming in uninvited, it's been a very long time since I've had such an opportunity."
Jae thought about thise, but nodded slightly. "Okay." She didn't ask any more questions, but watched carefuly. Then, a thought came to mind. "Have you seen any humans lately? I mean, other than him?" She wa referring to Ash.
Ash stared hardly at Hannibol for a few more seconds trying to tell whether the wolf was lying or not...But what she said did make sense. "My name is Ash...And I don't know, I don't normally trust any creature." He said with a little bit of uncertainty in his voice, but he was starting to believe the wolf, even if the wolf had scared the crap out of him it could have also killed him any time he wanted.

Leah looked at her feet thoughtfully as she tried to think of any human homes she knew of, but all the humans were very sneaky, they had to be that way if they wanted to survive. Her face completely lit up as an idea struck her. "The humans stay pretty well hidden around here, so I don't know any safe places with humans...You could stay with u-"

"No, nope! No way its hard enough not killing her right here, I don't know if I would be able to help myself if she came with us!" Levi cut her off before she could even put the idea out there. "And just imagine what might happen to us if a dark creature found out!"

"It was just a suggestion...I mean I doubt anyone would want to stay with you anyways." She said harshly. Levi looked away with a little bit of shame on his face, he knew what he had said about killing the girl probably did sound pretty bad. Leah turned back to the girl, "Its up to you, things may get a little crazy, but it's a safe place seeing as no dark creature would ever suspect a human to be living with us..."
Alex listened quietly as the two went back and forth about whether she could stay with them. The more she talked to them, the more she felt she could trust them. Of course there was still the chance it could be a trap. But as she thought about her options, going with Leah and Levi seemed to be the best choice at this point. Her chance of surviving with them would likely be much higher than if she were fending for herself. After pondering this for a moment, she told them, "I would be more than happy to stay with the both of you." Glancing at Levi, she added, "That is, if you'll have me."

Hannibol Damien shrugged at Ash's comment. "I don't blame ya, considering how fond those wicked fiends are of slaughtering your kind." When Jae asked her about humans, Hanni's attitude turned darker, depressed even. "Sadly no, Ash here is the first human I've seen in quite a while. I actually happen to be looking for a human myself. Have either of you seen any human girls, about the same age as him?"
Ash's mind went straight to Andy, but he decided to be safe because he had no idea why Hannibol might be looking for her. "I know a couple human girls around here, whats her name?" He asked carefully.

Leah glanced at Levi who seemed to be thinking pretty hard about this. "I guess it would be okay...We'll just have to be really careful about this." Levi finally said unable to believe he had let his sister talk him into this. He felt a little better about it when he saw the relief on Leah's face, he knew that the girl liked having company whether it was human or not, she had always been that way.

Leah glanced at Levi grateful and then turned to Alex. "Okay well we should probably get going before anyone sees us out here..." She said smiling kindly at the girl.
"Thank you so much. I promise to do my best to not cause either of you any trouble." Alex sure hoped she was making the right choice. She was basically putting her life in the hands of two creatures she just met. Though she had to admit, it was so nice to now have someone to talk to. Her expression turned a bit more serious as she nodded to Leah. "You're absolutely right. Lead the way."

Hannibol Damien barely managed to stop herself from letting out a whine of anticipation when she heard Ash's response. "Alex, her name's Alex. Blond hair, blue eyes, tomboyish, outdoorsy." The words spilled out a bit faster than she had intended. Her tail thumped the against the floor a few times. "Have you seen her?"
Ash couldn't help but feel relief flood over him when Hannibol didn't say Andy. "I'm sorry I don't know anyone named Alex..." He said thinking through everyone he knew.

"Okay follow me..." Leah said as she began to walk down the dark streets again. She began to hum and sing the song that she couldn't completely remember again and closed her eyes as her feet slid through the snow leaving a trail behind her. She opened her eyes as they came closer to their home. Their house was actually a normal home, which most creatures could have since they didn't have to hide. It was a smaller house then most of the ones around it, but it was a warm and peaceful place still.

Levi watched as his sister walked ahead and started to hum the song she always hummed, she didn't remember the song, but he did and it brought back horrible memories for him. He felt relieved as they came to their house and she stopped humming it. He looked over at Alex and felt he should explain some things to the girl before she had to find out unprepared. He let out a sigh, "Listen, there's some things you should know about my sister if you're going to stay with us... She has a few...Well...She has very bad problems with being bipolar, its to the point where she pretty much has multiple personalities. You'll have to be careful around her, she gets pissed very easy and can turn dark within a second..." He said quietly so his sister couldn't hear him.
Alex walked along behind the pair, listening quietly to Leah's humming. When they reached the house, she was a bit surprised at the quaintness of it. It looked very homely to her. Although she expected any house would look this pleasant to her since she'd been living in the wilderness for so long. She looked to Levi when he spoke. So her suspicions were correct, the girl is indeed bipolar. And by the sound of his words, it's even worse than she'd guessed. She replied softly, "Thank you very much for the warning Levi. I'll be sure to be careful." As they caught up to Leah upon reaching the house, Alex resumed smiling and told her, "Your home looks very lovely. I can't wait to see the inside."

Hannibol Damien's ears drooped. "Darn..." She let out a depressed sigh. "Well, if you see anyone matching that description be sure to tell me." She regretted letting herself get all excited like that. Look on the bright side, she told herself, at least I've found some potential new companions. Perhaps they'd be able to help her find Alex.
"Yea, I'll ask around... Who is this Alex girl anyways?" Ash asked curious about why Hannibol would be searching for any human.

"Yea no problem..." Levi said just before they reached the house. He was glad that they had gotten here without being spotted, but he knew they still weren't quiet safe yet.

Leah smiled at the girls compliment on her home, "Thank you." She said twisting the door nob and opening the door, she almost never locked it. The inside had four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, and a living room which were all decorated with abstract paintings hung on the wall that were strange but beautiful. The house was also very clean because when Leah had a breakdown she would spend the whole day cleaning everything, even things that weren't even dirty.
Jae shook her head at the name Alex. She had been worried for Andy, but was relieved it was the wrong girl. "Sorry." She leaned against the wall behind her. "So, where'd you come from?" She wasn't trying to be pushy, or rude, or anything like that. She just wanted to get to know Hannibol.
As they walked inside the house, Alex began to feel the extra energy from her adrenaline disappearing. Her body felt so weak, she was about ready to just collapse on the floor. She fought to keep herself up long enough to make it to her room. "Thank you again for letting me stay here. I've got to say, I'm absolutely exhausted. Could one of you please show me where I will be sleeping?"

"Thanks, 'preciate it." Hannibol Damien laid her head down on her forepaws with another sigh. She didn't really want to talk about Alex and her past, but she figured it was necessary to earn Ash and Jae's trust. "I met Alex when I was living in the Amazon rainforest. She lived there for a few years among us creatures, for some sort of training, initiation thingy. Not too long after she finished it and returned home, a newcomer to the rainforest told me about the dark creatures taking over in the rest of the world. We were a bit sheltered from it, what with the lack of civilization in the rainforest. So I left to go find her, and now here I am."
Jae nodded again. "Okay. I hope you find her." She said, listening closely again to anything outside. Being as cautious as she was, she wanted to make sure there were no more unexpected visitors. "Do you know which direction Alex might have been going?"
Ash listened to the story thoughtfully. "Wow you come from pretty far away...I've only left the city a few times in my life." He said letting out a yawn at the end.

"Of course." Leah said leading Alex to one of the larger rooms. She left the girl there and went back into the living room where she sat down on the floor and turned on the TV, which had 50 channels on it, but that was enough for Leah. She began to hum the song again unknowingly as she focused on the images before her. She looked up when Levi entered the room, "I'm glad you changed your mind." She said and grinned at him.

Levi gave her a small smile back, still wondering why he could have let his sister talk him into this. "Well I think I'm going to go to sleep...Goodnight." He said before heading for his bedroom.
Alex thanked Leah once more and bid her goodnight. When the girl left the room, Alex closed the door behind her. She plopped her backpack down on the floor, propped her walking stick up against the wall, and promptly collapsed on the bed. She was too tired to care about the fact she was still wearing all her knives on her belt and the handful of calltrops in her pocket. Which was convenient, she planned on keeping them on her while she slept anyway, just in case. It didn't take long for her to fall fast asleep.

"I hope so too..." Hannibol Damien scratched casually at her ear. "I had a pretty good idea of where her home-city-thing is. Err, was. There wasn't much left of it besides ashes and bones. From there I was able to pick up hints of her scent, enough to give me a general direction." She let out a snort at Ash's comment. "Boy, you sure must've been sheltered. Also, you can go to sleep if ya need to. Like I said before, if I wanted to harm you I already would've."
Jae understood Hannibol's need in finding Alex. She had felt the same way before her friends had gone. She looked up at the ceiling, watching it as she thought.
"I wasn't shelted..." Ash said quietly in an almost dark voice as his past flashed before his eyes in a few seconds. He chased away the scarring memories and closed his eyes. "Yea I'm getting pretty tired and everything seems to be safe I guess." He said still trying to block out the memories.
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