I Have No Idea What I'm Doing

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!


Original poster

  • This is a new format for me, working with all these tab thingies and such. I saw this format used by another user by the name of ~Dark Disney~ and thought "Hey, this looks like a good way to organize information... I'm gonna steal it." And to make a long story short, I can't work with code very well at all. But hey, three hours or so later and I think I've finally got it. So that's nice.

  • Salutations, whoever decided to take a look at this. Welcome to the About Me tab, the thing that reveals some information about me, I guess. So what do I say here? Well, let's start with the name I've chosen for this site. I am PersonalPerson. There, that's a good start. What else?

    I am male and 18 years of age. I am not new to RP, but my experience with it is pretty limited, as I've only ever been engaged in, like, two. And they were with people I kind of knew, so it felt easier for me. Because of this, I am unsure of how well I will perform here, so please forgive me if it seems like I don't know what I'm doing, because I don't. Guide me, if you will, as I will be unable to fulfill the role of a GameMaster/Aggressive player or whathaveyou.

    I have not done enough communication with people in general, let alone through typing in online chat, so I am unsure as to how much I typically type, but I'd like to think I generally keep things around a couple of small paragraphs on average. I generally don't mind how much my partner types as long as it isn't one line or a couple of very small sentences, since that length gives me much too little to go on, leaving me unable to think of proper replies, and I suddenly spend an hour and a half trying to reply to one sentence. It isn't a fun experience.

    Chances are I will spend most of my free time on the internet, so I'll be active fairly often, meaning I can most likely make several posts a day. However, my family is really poor, and there will be times when the bill for the internet will not be paid, meaning I will... disappear, typically for a little over a month at least. When there is a chance of this happening, I will do what I can to let anyone I'm working with know in advance, and even leave a status message explaining my situation. If it seems like I've abandoned our story or communication with you, I implore you to check the status to see if I'm really without internet or just ignoring you.

    That is my situation regarding my availability, and I really hope it doesn't prove... "inconvenient" for anyone. I can understand it may test the patience of some, and as such I will try to be patient with others. If you cease communication, I will most likely not say anything until days have passed, and might worry, so I'd appreciate it if you informed me of how your schedule will work in advance as well.

    And in regards to romance and smut... I'd generally like to keep things platonic. Not that I'm not open to including these things, but I'd like to at least know the person behind the character a bit before considering such a thing. Please refrain from trying to put it on me anyways, especially if I'm flat-out telling you I'm not comfortable with it. I don't compromise when it comes to this.

  • Well, now that I've said some stuff about me, welcome to the Okay and Not Okay tab, where I will list things I like and/or am okay with and things I'm... not quite as okay with. I will list the okays with this pink-like text here, and the not okays with this purple text here. Without further delay, let us begin:

    • It is okay to touch on some more sensitive issues, particularly of the social variety, as it will be good for adding depth to characters.
    • Non-consensual intercourse and molestation are a no-go. You'd be surprised how many times I've viewed other people's projects to see these activities described in vivid detail. Other extremes like gore are okay as long as I'm told beforehand, but those two I can't follow for some personal reasons (no, I am not a victim of said things)
    • "Abnormal" Gender Roles are okay, along with characters of any sexual preference. These things don't matter to me.
    • Romance and smut are okay, as long as I know you at close-friend levels first, and that goes especially for smut. There's something I find a little weird about describing intimate scenes between made-up characters with complete strangers. And even then, I won't really participate in those scenes, less because I'm uncomfortable and more because I lack any skill in writing such things. Please don't try to put it on me anyways. Even if it isn't your intention, it feels like you're trying to force it on me and that makes me immensely uncomfortable. Don't try to talk me into it. I will not compromise.
    • Please don't just leave without a word. You'll break my poor little heart. If you aren't enjoying the story or you just don't like me anymore, I'd honestly prefer you tell me outright so I'm not left wondering what I did wrong.
    I'll probably edit this more overtime.


  • Well, judging from the title of this tab, I believe I must now talk about the genres I like to setup my worlds with.

    Modern Fantasy: In today's world, there are many creatures that hide just out of our sight. Among our normal, everyday existence hides creatures commonly talked about in various works of fiction. Werewolves, Mermaids, Dragons, and sparkly vampires. And of course, the most dangerous and sinister of all... Clowns. Hate those things-

    Futuristic: Tomorrow's world... today! Now our dreams of having flying cars, jetpacks, fully humanoid robots, evil A.Is and ultimate superweapons of mass destruction are fully realized. Have we progressed too far?

    Post-Apocalyptic/Zombies/Not-Zombies: In a world where society has crumbled or is in the process of crumbling, these stories tend to follow small groups of people among the many who are just trying to survive in a world of death and destruction, dealing with mutated monstrosities, the living dead and, worst of all, themselves (and maybe clowns, depending on the circumstances)

    Horror: Spooky-scary skeletons are the least of your problems here. This setting involves killers and monsters beyond comprehension. Demon clowns and crazed guys (who've clearly been working out) wearing masks and brandishing knives/machetes are common here. Oh yeah, don't forget the victims! Those who are hopelessly clinging to what life they have left before they inevitably suffer gruesome fates, with very few actually managing to survive, and when they do, it's generally at a cost...

    Your Ideas: I wanna hear what you like. I lack experience, but if you want to share your preferred genres with me, I'll do what I can to match you.


  • Alright, I think that'll cover things for now. I'll probably need to add more in the future, as I doubt I've covered all grounds I need to. Thanks for taking the time to read this. 'Preciate it.

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I'd definitely be interested in roleplaying something in a modern fantasy world with you!
Wow big compliment to me that you decided to look at my thread and follow my tab coding since that's all I can do on the phone. @PersonalPerson welcome and if you would like to rp let me know
I'd definitely be interested in roleplaying something in a modern fantasy world with you!

Aw, sweet. I have just recently returned from having no electricity, so it's nice to come back to see this. Assuming you are still interested (I HAVE been gone for awhile), you can PM me any ideas you have or, if you would prefer, I can PM you with any ideas I have. I appreciate the time you took to look at this post and consider starting a project with me.
Hey there, clearly I stumbled upon your thread. I am eager to do something dark and romantic with you? If that is okay?
Hey there, clearly I stumbled upon your thread. I am eager to do something dark and romantic with you? If that is okay?

Romantic, hm? I would probably need to think about that if it involves romance between the characters and is not just part of aesthetics. That statement of mine most likely made no sense. Just out of curiosity, what specifically did you have in mind, if there are any specifics? However, if you change your mind at this point due to my not showing interest in pursuing a plot involving relationships of a more intimate nature, I understand.
Romantic, hm? I would probably need to think about that if it involves romance between the characters and is not just part of aesthetics. That statement of mine most likely made no sense. Just out of curiosity, what specifically did you have in mind, if there are any specifics? However, if you change your mind at this point due to my not showing interest in pursuing a plot involving relationships of a more intimate nature, I understand.

Oh no it's okay, progress shows, but i was thinking of horror like... maybe these humans go into this so claimed abandoned place but there ends up being people there? Like a vampire, or demon? If you are interested in that type of thing.
Wow big compliment to me that you decided to look at my thread and follow my tab coding since that's all I can do on the phone. @PersonalPerson welcome and if you would like to rp let me know
I really like the way it was structured and wanted to copy it since I'm not creative enough to do something unique. I appreciate the welcome and I will be sure to inform you of when I am interested in following a project idea of yours.
  • Love
Reactions: Dark_Psycho
Reading your thread was so much fun. <3

I'd be down to do a Modern Fantasy roleplay with you if you're still looking. I'm thinking vampires, wolf packs, dragons, or maybe even mermaids! I'm up for anything, really. Feel free to shoot me a PM if you wanna discuss this further.
I think a Modern Fantasy/Horror/Apocalyptic mix would be stellar. Hmu if you're still on the hunt.