I give up - anything is good

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The Suffering Slav Problem Child
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
Online Availability
Always online tbh lol
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
  4. No Preferences
I generally like a little bit of everything, but my favorite would be Romance and Drama.
Hey, so, yeah. I'm fine with anything, my only thing is that I only roleplay on Discord.
I'm good with any pairing, I like playing multiple characters, I'm pretty much always free and bored and up to rp since school is basically out for me now and all. I a up to playing canon characters from shows, movies, books, games, or whatever, but I will surely NOT do anything anime related and such. I grew out of it and I don't like it anymore.
Here's a list of some stuff that I am very much into at the moment:
  • Detroi: Become Human
  • Blood On Snow, by Jo Nesbo
  • Vampyr
  • L.A. Noir
Also, I will be turning 18 this August, so.. Yeah, I will be joining the dark side soon.
(The good side of rping with me is that I have spicy memes and a cute dog)
So..Yeah... Hit me up if you're interested, or something. I'm okay with anything, honestly.
I really want to get back into roleplaying a little bit at a time, and have a Discord. :D I do not know what any of the stuff on your list is, don't hate me, but it does sound all dark and vampire centered. I am totally up for something film noir/vampire inspired. We could link up on Discord and flesh something out? PM if you're interested.
I really want to get back into roleplaying a little bit at a time, and have a Discord. :D I do not know what any of the stuff on your list is, don't hate me, but it does sound all dark and vampire centered. I am totally up for something film noir/vampire inspired. We could link up on Discord and flesh something out? PM if you're interested.
Sure! Btw, Blood on Snow is a thriller about a norwegian hitman, I really recommend it. It's pretty short and a good read!
Sure! Btw, Blood on Snow is a thriller about a norwegian hitman, I really recommend it. It's pretty short and a good read!

Just looked at the synopsis for the book and it looks pretty interesting. I will definitely check it out when I have some more free time. What is your Discord info?
Just looked at the synopsis for the book and it looks pretty interesting. I will definitely check it out when I have some more free time. What is your Discord info?
I will send it over in DMs :)
Still looking and still fine with anything!
Still looking!
Still looking for anything!
Still looking for anything!
Still looking!
Still looking!
Hey, I am looking to start a Ghostbusters RP. Any of you interested? I have a whole idea (which i have no problem and am very receptive to some ideas to add to my idea) and have Discord as well!
Hey, I am looking to start a Ghostbusters RP. Any of you interested? I have a whole idea (which i have no problem and am very receptive to some ideas to add to my idea) and have Discord as well!
Oh, I mean, I have only seen the old ghost buster movies and didnt see the new ones. I would be in if it had like original stuff in it, I think I have a few ideas in mind too if that's cool. I'll sed ya my discord.
Still open by the way!
Still open!
Bruh, are you seriously asking for a LA Noir rp, like the video game? If so, I am so in! I remember beating that game in like a week.
Bruh, are you seriously asking for a LA Noir rp, like the video game? If so, I am so in! I remember beating that game in like a week.
Yeah! Well, I still didn't finish the game, but so far I love it. Also I would just like an LA Noir inspired rp tbh, anyway, I'll hit you up.
Still looking!