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Montague could hear him perfectly well, but he figured that, for the purposes of the charade that they were childishly not speaking to one another, he chose not to mention it. Shuffling nervously on his feet, he did think through the best words to use, something meaning and emotional--

But he couldn't string together some educated, intellectual sentence. Montague was never really smart, not scholarly whatsoever. He remembered his mother and Isaac both cracking up in laughter over something silly he had let slip out, so it would even sound like him if he did say something overly smart. It just wouldn't... be Monty.

"T-Tell him I'm sad and lonely and... and I miss him lots and that I... I've never left, he'll know what it means. I've always been here, I... I've seen him. I've seen everything."

"You okay, my little duckie? Montague, are you alright?" The drunken man suddenly asked, watching the ghost begin to become overly emotional and practically hyperventilate. When Monty smiled and urged him to continue, he smiled awkwardly and, forcing the urge back to vomit, looked up at the handsome man opposite him. "He said-- What did you say-- Oh, that he's lonely or something and that he's always been here and he's seen everything you've done-- I dunno, you two should make up~! Be happy~!"
"He says he misses you lots~ Just talk to each other~" Cooed Tulip. Isaac felt tears in his eyes, wiping his eyes.

"...I miss him lots too...Let's get you two to your bedroom." Holding the man up, he began walking. Tulip gestured Monty to follow, giggling happily.

"Monty~ Why are you so sad all the sudden? Just kiss and make up~"

"...It isn't that simple...Montague's....Montague's lonely because he...He's here but I can't see him." Mumbled the man. "You two can't leave...I need to speak to him."
Staring between the two emotional men, Blaise's initial smile at thinking this was a joke did fade a little. He didn't take what Isaac was saying at all seriously. It sounded too far-fetched and his serious, teary expression didn't seem like it was about to crack into laughter. No, Blaise began to think that the hotel owner may be a little... troubled.

Blaise hardly realised just how troubled he was.

"...Hey, you guys are the sweetest couple! Americans are so cute, and you both are the cutest, and... I'd love for a romance like yours," pouted the man as he stumbled up the stairs, only stopping to examine both Monty and Isaac. "You guys should just make up, it's silly pretending when you're both nice. My super cool Ame-hic-American buddies~!"

Noticing Tulip didn't seem quite as drunk as her counterpart, Monty silently wandered closer to the girl, smiling very briefly at the compliments the two seemed to shower him in. It was nice, after 67 years, to be complimented. When he was alive, people in the neighbourhood had teased him rotten about his height and slim frame. Now, apparently, that was considered cute?

Well... it was nice to be called that by two exceptionally attractive, exotic people.

"Could you tell Isaac that... that I'll be in my bedroom and I'll be in bed so he can come and lay beside me if... he wants to."
Tulip looked at the strange couple, nervously laughing off Isaac's comment. "Um...Isaac, your boyfriend said he'll be in his room in the bed. You can lay with him...We'll go and get some sleep, why don't you two quit fighting and just talk to each other, hmm?" She giggled happily before following her drunk friend up the steps before she hurried and caught him since he was about to trip.

Once the two were out of earshot, Isaac chuckled lowly, shaking his head. "...They can see you...Yet I can't? I can't even hear you...Monty...Tomorrow...I know you won't like what I'll do to that couple...I'm going to tell them to the truth so we can communicate. I...I will figure out how I can have you back..." He whispered, before walking to Monty's bedroom. He didn't know how to get Monty back but...Maybe if he got a body of someone who was already dying? Maybe Monty could just slip in their body? He didn't know, but he would need to talk to Montague first to see how he felt. That's why he needed Blaise and Tulip.
That night was strange but... incredibly emotional. Neither of them could communicate, they couldn't talk, they couldn't touch... but just sharing the bed with Isaac, knowing the living man knew he was there was too emotional to really put into words, and it was probably the first night Montague had spent in all those years feeling happy. Night was the worst for him. Everything was quiet, and, given he didn't sleep now, he had to just wander about. He often just sat and laid with Isaac, but that hadn't been great because Isaac didn't know he was there.

Now, he did, which was why Monty had a smile on his face the whole night.

Although, part of that night had been spent mulling over Isaac's words. I know you won't like what I'll do to that couple. He'd witnessed Isaac do some appalling things, but he was certain he wasn't going to hurt them. They were key to Monty communicating with Isaac-- but he didn't want them going through anything torturous at all. They were so nice and kind and...

And he didn't want them to be scared when they learnt he was a ghost and that Isaac was a little... unstable, to say the least.
The next morning, Tulip was brushing her teeth in the bathroom, playing music in the background as she got ready. Sure she was out last night and got wasted, but she could go out this morning too~! She was young. After she brushed her teeth, she tied her hair back and started to do her makeup, humming along to the music, before peaking out the bathroom to her best friend in bed. "Lapin? Wake up silly~ Sightseeing is awaiting~ We're are in New York~ Let's see it~!" She excitedly giggled, before hearing their door. Blinking, she set her makeup down, before going to the door.

When she opened the door, Isaac was standing there smiling lightly down at her as he held a cart of breakfast food. "Good morning...Oh, I never got your name darling." He tsk, his accent thick over his words.

Tulip smiled up at him, a slight blush on her cheeks. She would never flirt with him since she knew he had a boyfriend, but it was still hard not to blush. "Ah! I'm Tulip...Come in Isaac, did you bring us breakfast? That's really nice~! This hotel is so amazing by the way."

Isaac smiled and rolled the cart in. Looking around the room.
Once he realised that Isaac was in the room and, from his 'darling' comment, in a pretty cheery mood, Blaise jumped up from bed in an attempt to throw on an outfit to look presentable. He didn't manage to do that, ending up with only a smart pair of designer jeans on to cover his modesty, but it was at least better than the boxers he had slept in all night.

Honestly, as strange and as moody as Isaac seemed, Blaise dearly liked him. He didn't know any other hotel manager who had this personal a service for their guests. Little did he realise that Isaac didn't have anything nice for them planned, not really - he just wanted to use them for his own benefit.

"Oh, this looks beautiful. Très délicieux~" The man purred as he eagerly overlooked the breakfast platter with a hungry smile, his bright blue eyes only looking away when noticing Monty hovering anxiously just beside Isaac. "Monty, babe, have a croissant-- oh, this is like I'd eat in Paris, back home. It's so well presented~!"

"...It looks delightful," replied the ghost, nervously shifting from one foot to the other. He wanted to tell the two to run, to get out before Isaac did something... but he selfishly wanted to continue communicating with his boyfriend. For once, he wanted to be selfish and do something for himself.

But that wasn't Monty. As much as he wanted this, he couldn't allow this lovely couple to be hurt and scared and just... frightened. He was a ghost, frightening people was supposed to be what he did best, but he was clearly awful at that. He had too big a heart to hurt anyone.

"But maybe you should go out for breakfast. I... Isaac isn't... well. He's very sick, in the head. I don't think it's safe for you to be here, I... I'm trying to help save you, okay?"
"Save us? What do you mean? Isaac...You don't look sick." Tulip mumbled, taking a croissant with a happy grin. Just like her best friend Blaise, she too thought Isaac was the sweetest man in the world. What other manager would personally bring them breakfast in the morning?

Isaac tried hard not to glare at the comment. What was Montague doing?! Did he want to scare them off?! He didn't hear what Montague said, but he knew that It was damaging. Biting the inside of his cheek, he let out a sigh. "I wanted to wait until the drugs kicked in, but it seems I don't have a choice now do I?"

"...Drugs?...Is this silly Américain joke?" Asked the French girl, slowly setting her food down, looking at the couple a bit frightened.

"No, Tulip. This isn't 'silly Américain joke'." Growled Isaac grabbing the rope he had hidden on the cart before quickly grabbing the two. He had such speed and strength. It was obviously inhuman. "Listen up. Montague, this boy that you're seeing is dead. Has been for the last sixty-seven years. He was killed, stolen away from me by disgusting vermin called humans, like yourself." Growled the man as he tied the both of them up.

Tulip was kicking screaming and thrashing, but none of that worked. Did no one hear her screaming?! "Qu'est-ce que tu veux?" She screamed, so scared she didn't realize she wasn't speaking English.

"What do I want? I want to communicate with him. And the only way to do that is through you two. Are we clear?"
If he wasn't so hungover, Blaise could probably have made things more difficult. He was no match for Isaac, that was for certain, but he was tall and relatively strong - he could have at least tried to fight. As it was, his hangover and his general daze meant he was easily overpowered and tied up before he had a chance to really acknowledge what was happening. What he did now was that he didn't care one bit about himself. He didn't scream or cry for himself - he screamed and pleaded for his best friend.

Seeing her in such a panic and fear was the only thing he cared about. He'd happily take death if it meant sparing her of... whatever was happening. He was too scared to really take in what Isaac was saying.

"...I-I'm so... so sorry, I didn't know he was-- I had no idea he was planning-- Oh my g-god." Montague whimpered, the dead boy having watching helplessly as his new friends were tied up and his boyfriend became that monster he'd seen hundreds of times over the years... but it never got easier to watch.

"STOP IT!" He screeched suddenly, reaching out in an effort to tug the man away from them, though his hands just slipped right on through with no impact. Sometimes, just sometimes, he could maintain a solid form. He remembered the first time he was able to hold a piece of fruit in his hands without it phasing through him and it had brought him to tears. Clearly, he could hold that form - the fact Blaise and Tulip could see him was partial evidence of that. He just... needed to focus.

And he did. With all his anger and desperation, he realised that he had an actual grasp on Isaac's wrist. He... He was actually touching the man. Sure, he couldn't be seen, that was a bummer, but he could touch him! He didn't know how long it would last, or how he'd even done it in the first place, but he wasted no time in grabbing Isaac's face with a wide grin. Sure, Isaac was acting like a monster right now, and he had just tied up two innocent tourists... but this revelation distracted the ghost from all of that.
Isaac froze, looking at his wrist. He didn't see anything, but he could feel a hand on his wrist. His eyes started to tear up as he looked at his wrist. "...Montague I wasn't going to hurt them...I just want to talk to you." He whispered.

Tulip, who was looking at the man frightened, looked between the couple afraid. "...J-Just...Just talk to him then...He's...He's right there."

"...I can't see or hear him. He's dead." He growled at the girl as if she was an idiot. After he knew the ropes were tight enough, he pulled out the picture of Montague, turning it around so they could see the date. "You see that? You see how old this picture is? It was taken in the late forties. Montague has been dead for sixty-seven years. I want to talk to him, tell me everything he says."

"...Okay..Okay, we will, just don't hurt us..." The girl whispered with tears in her eyes as she moved her body as close to her best friend as possible.
Hearing his death be spoken aloud like that in front of confused and terrified humans did make Montague frown, to the point that his lip quivered. He didn't want to be dead. He thought about his murder all the time, felt the beatings on his skin and the pain and heartache he suffered up until the bullet put him out of his misery. He liked to pretend he was alive and talking to Blaise and Tulip aided that fantasy.

Now, the illusion was broken with cruel reality, and he had to look at the couple in the eyes, knowing that they were now likely to be afriad of the ghost in front of them.

"I... I am the owner of this place, I am called Montague, I... I didn't lie. I just... I-I've spent 67 years alone. I've not spoke to a single soul. Everyone's walked through me, they've never seen me. I've... had to watch Isaac live here without me, mourn me, and I was right at his side. Then you guys came and you can see me, and it... it's so wonderful! I-I feel alive again," he whispered earnestly, hoping that Blaise would smile back-- and feeling worse when all Blaise did was fearfully whimper. "I... won't let him hurt you, he... he and I... we just want to talk to one another--"

"I'm not doing that. I'm drunk. I'm... I'm in a weird dream. I'll wake up any moment now."

"N-No, that's... no! Y-You have to talk to him for me, p-please. Please, tell him I... I'm learning how to solidify my form and that I might see him soon a-and... and I love him, you have to tell him. I... I want to protect you both but he will h-hurt you if you don't listen. H-He's hurt lots of people."
"H-He's hurt p-p-people?" Tulip whimpered tears in her eyes as she looked at Isaac who was now glaring at Blaise. He wouldn't tell him what he was saying.

Isaac grabbed Tulip by the neck, easily choking her. "Blaise you have literally a few seconds to tell me or I will kill her. You love her, don't you? Then tell me what he's saying!" Growled the man.

Tulip choked and her face was slowly turning red. "..S-Sol..id." She forced out. Isaac stopped choking her, looking at her confused. Tulip coughed harshly, trying to regain her breath back as she trembled.

"What did you say? What did Montague say...?" He asked softer

"...He's learning to...Make his form solid and euh....You'll see him real soon? And...he loves you. He said he loved you." She mumbled, panting heavily.

"...Montague...You still love me after all I've done to people?...I love you too...I love you so much...I want to see you know." He whispered, tears in his eyes.
Now, not for one second did Monty approve of his lover's behaviour. He was so cruel, so unrelentingly monstrous, and it didn't make Monty want to love him. He fell in love with a charming, flirtatious, perfect man who wouldn't harm a fly. This was Isaac, this was really Isaac, but Monty hadn't known that at the time.

But it wasn't enough to change his love. He'd spent 67 years watching and observing his lover do the most despicable things, and yet he was still at his side, trying to be seen, to share his life with him. Their love was timeless. It was just so simple. They loved one another and nothing could come between them, however horrifying it truly was.

It took time. Seconds, minutes passed before he managed to get a grip on materialising properly in front of him. For years, for so many decades, he'd been unable to materialise into a solid form. He knew he could, but he never found he was able.

But now, he was. His body glitched, fading between a solid form to that invisible, unseen one before he stood in front of the other, looking just as he had all those years ago in his cute pyjamas, those big brown eyes staring up at Isaac in surprise. The moment he realised their eyes locked, that he could be seen, he reached to test it out, smiling wider than any human had when he was able to hold his hand, entwine his fingers and just... feel him again. He didn't understand how he could do this now, but maybe it had something to do with the fact Isaac knew he was here when, in the past, he'd had no idea.
His eyes widen when he saw him. Montague...He was here. He had those big chocolate eyes, just as bright as he remembered. The very light dash of freckles sitting on his nose. The pale skin, so pale you could see the blue veins underneath. His lips still that pale pink, like a pink rose.

Feeling his hand holding his own, he gripped it tightly, trembling softly. Tears spilled from his eyes as he began to smile happily. Montague was here...He was here and looking at him, smiling. "...Montague." He whispered, before his hand went up his arms, touching his neck, before caressing his cheeks. His own grey eyes were studying him as if he was afraid he would go again.

Chuckling happily, tears continued to run down his cheeks as he leaned in to kiss him happily, before kissing his entire face. "M-Monty....I love you, I love you more than anything...I...I'm so sorry...I...I'm so sorry for what happened to you."
Once the other spoke, it didn't take long for his brave facade to fade-- fast. His tears stormed down his face, his hands and body became shaky and, if not for the strong arms around him, he'd be on the floor in a crumpled mess. Nothing else in the world mattered at the moment. Nothing else remotely came close. Even the two tied-up tourists didn't enter his mind.

He flung himself up into Isaac's arms easily, caressing his hair and just holding on tightly, pressing his face into his chest with a few sad, vulnerable whimpers.

"I... I... I was so scared and lonely and... and I watched you do horrible things and it scared me," he whispered weakly, his brown eyes glassy and tearful. "A-And I... I don't know how long this will last, Isaac. I think... I can only do this because those two are here. Something about them helps me. They saw me and... don't hurt them. They're n-not... bad people."
Well, that wouldn't help them much. Now that he knew he could see Montague because they were here...He wouldn't ever allow them to leave. Not until he found a way to make Montague stay. Holding him tightly, he sobbed onto the top of his head, holding Montague tightly. "I'm...I'm so sorry...I..I wish I could have saved you that night...If I didn't go to the store...If I just stayed home I could have saved you." He whispered, kissing the top of his head.

Tulip watched the scene, completely confused, but still frightened. She looked at her best friend, seeing if he was afraid as well. She wanted to leave this hotel, but...It didn't seem like Isaac would let them go.
"And got yourself killed? I... I'm okay, it's... it's okay. I only ever wanted two things in life. I wanted my hotel to be successful and I wanted to be with you. I have both! I... I'm okay, honey, I'm really okay," he promised in gushing tones, unaware that his material body was starting to flicker weirdly again. Desperate not to go back to the solitude of ghostliness, he cling tighter to the man, refusing to move an inch from him in fear that, if he did, he'd just disappear and lose constant with him and the tourists.

That would just be unbearable.

"...I died quickly, it was okay," he promised under his breath. "They shot me, I... I didn't suffer much, I swear-- and h-hey, I've gott o wear pyjamas all these years! I've been real comfy~"
"...I saw...The other marks." He whispered, looking at his arms, but he didn't move his sleeves up. "...They tortured you. I could tell when I found your body...I made all of them suffer...One by one, I promise I did...I know you probably don't like that but I made sure to kill everyone in the mafia." He promised, moving to kiss him again, holding him tightly.

"...I wanted a life with you. I wanted to give you a wonderful life here in the hotel...I wanted to just...Be happy with you...Maybe we have a chance...If I..If I can find you a new body, maybe you can take it...And we could just be happy, live the life we were supposed to..." He whispered, holding him tightly. "I just want to be with you, Montague...I love you so much. I love you more than you'll ever know."
Monty's eyes instantly lit up in alarm, shaking his head fiercely at the very notion, and the sudden rise in his emotional state only caused his body to glitch and partly disappear until he grabbed a handle back on it. His temperamental control should be the nudge he needed to agree with Isaac - it wouldn't happen if he found a body to possess.

But he didn't want to be like that. He didn't want to start using humans at his will, harming and manipulating them just for selfshly motivated reasons. He didn't think he needed to do that. He was here right now, wasn't he? Why did he needed to possess someone if he could materialise now?

"...I... wouldn't look like me, it wouldn't be me, I wouldn't like it," he whispered in that small, broken voice, his lips pouting more. "I-I... I'm okay like this, I... I can touch you and hug you. I... I can learn to control it more, I promise, a-and we can live here happily and... and you don't have to hurt people. We can just be together a-and... and run the hotel and just be happy, I think."
"....Okay, okay..." He whispered. He didn't believe he could hold this up for so long, but he would tell him okay for now. He would find a body for him. He needed to have Montague in his life. Stroking his cheek, he pressed a loving kiss to his lips again. It wasn't as warm as it used to be. It was a bit cold, but he didn't mind because it was his Montague. His precious love, his life. No words could do any justice for how Isaac felt for this man. He cherished the ground he walked on, adored every hair on his head.

Kissing his freckled nose softly, he looked down at the frightened tourist. They wouldn't be able to leave. Not now. He needed him, that much he knew. So how could he make them understand without hurting them? Isaac himself didn't care about their wellbeing, but Montague didn't want them hurt. He'd just have to worry about them later. Right now he wanted to focus on Montague.

Taking his hands, he kissed each fingertip gently, smiling softly as he looked into those chocolate brown eyes. Before Montague, he didn't believe in the term, 'love'. He thought humans were so silly, seeking out something that wasn't real. So you can guess he absolutely hated the story of Romeo and Juliet. Two fools falling in love the moment they met. And who would have thought that that same thing would happen to him? He fell in love with this boy the moment they locked eyes. And how ironic, his name would be Montague. Like Romeo Montague. Isaac continued looking into those eyes. Monty's eyes were as rich as the earth's soil; stained with the color of hot chocolate on a cold, winter night that wraps around you like a blanket; engulfs you in its warmth and makes you feel at home. Montague was his home, and Isaac was so happy to be home.