Hotel Ares

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Creator of my own World
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. 1-3 posts per week
  6. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Intermediate
  3. Adept
  4. Advanced
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Male
Horror, Romance, Fantasy, Smut, YAOI, Slice of Life, Modern Fantasy,

    Rule One: While on the premises, no fighing with or killing other patients

    Rule Two: No disrespectful words or actions allowed against the Hotel staff

    Rule Three: No guns or any type of weapon permitted through the gate

    Rule Four: Membership must be paid for, full and in advance

    Rule Five: Prior but lapsed members will not be admitted

    Rule Six: No photography or video allowed

    Rule Seven: No outside food or drinks

    Rule Eight: Absolutely no visitors

    Rule Nine: If a member is found to have compromised, or led to comprise of the location of a Hotel, membership will be revoked

    Rule Ten: Hotel rules are final and non-negotiable

  • Medical Personnel
    Doctor Lecter aka Fiorenzo Dario Carboni ~ Darkius
    Angel of Death aka dr. Aya Matsumoto ~ Butters
    Demon nurse aka Takaji Soske ~ Neo {non active}
    Sergeant Star Girl aka Thalia Aquila Masterson ~ Rose
    Peter Philip Wright ~ Astro
    Painkiller aka Shun Maruki ~ Unharmed

    Snake Suite aka Hyo-Sonn Myung ~ Darkius
    Monkey Suite aka Alceu Wheeler ~ Butters
    Rabbit Suite aka Dae-Hyun Song ~ Larius
    Dog Suite aka Romeo Suarez ~ Astro
    Goat Suite aka Felix Feliciani ~ Briggs {non active}
    Rooster Suite aka Jiun Tao ~ Darkius
    Rat Suite aka Kaida Tao ~ Butters
    Tiger Suite aka Kang Ji-sum ~ Calcium

    Sign Up Thread: Here
    Discord: Here

  • 0. Above all Iwaku roleplaying rules apply
    1. Respect and communication are expected and appreciated
    2. No powerplay, no godplaying, no insta hitting, no killing characters without permission and all other roleplay rules should be obeyed.
    3. You are expected to write third person, past tense. Any spoken text should be colored. If your character is speaking a different language than English, please put it down in italics unless it is obviously not English.
    4. Posts should be at least two paragraphs long and proofread before being posted.
    5. There will be no posting order, but please wait at least three character posts before posting again for the same character.
    6. Each character will have their own post. So if you have two characters you will write two replies.
    7. Unless your characters are familiar with each other, your character will be referred to by their room name.
    8. Despite the dark and heavy theme this is NOT a 18+ rp, so keep that in mind. Romance and sex is NOT the objective of this rp. If it happens, good, but keep the Iwaku rules in mind.

It is currently June 24th 2048, a normal Wednesday. It is in the midst of the rainy season and Tokyo is currently hit by one of those down pour showers. Current time is 11.43 pm and it is five hours prior to the Big Five Member being brought in.
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Hyo-Sonn Myung
Snake Suite

Chil Sung Pa

Personal Driver of the Boss' Son

Entertainment room

Doctor Lecter

Nothing Special

Purple eyes watched the raindrops roll down her window. Another typical rainy day during their rainseaon. She was counting her blessings that she was inside, though she didn't have much more blessings than that. She moved up from the bed and hissed lowly when she put her weight on her hurt shoulders. She took a deep breath as she went over towards the closet to find herself something to wear. She really didn't feel like walking around in her bloodied, ripped and dirtied clothing. Since most of the people didn't end up at the Hotel as a planned trip, the Hotel provided clothing for her guests. Hyo-Sonn looked through the clothes and was rather surprised to find some clothes that she actually liked and on top of that were her size as well. Lucky day... or night, she guessed as she checked her watch. Yeah, most people would probably get ready for bed by now, but not her. She was used to a life as a bartender, so for her the night was just starting and would continue on until the early morning hours.

She made her way over to the bathroom and reached out to turn the shower on. She quickly decided against that decision though, since she didn't want to fuck up her bandages. And she certainly didn't want to piss of the medics here. Though they were all very capable, they were also all not that innocent as normal doctors and nurses. Otherwise... who'd work at a hotel-hospital cross over for criminals? She moved over towards the sink and while washing her body that way was no problem, her long hair provided quite some trouble. With some swearing and other unladylike behaviour, she however managed to have it washed as well. She grabbed one of the towels and carefully dried her hair, before twisting it up as a turband on her head. She moved back over to the cracked mirror as she picked up some of the make up. She frowned at the brands, but well, it was not as if she had much choice. She even managed to do a pretty good job, if she could say so herself. She picked up the clothes, simple black hot pants and a red tank top, to get dressed.

Hyo checked herself in the mirror one last time, before pulling the towel from her hand. The still damp hair fell down around her and she let it be. She didn't feel like putting it in a ponytail or braiding it. She put on her sneaker, before she slipped out of her room and went down to the entertainment room to find out if there was something fun to do, or any one interesting hanging around. "Ah, no patients to tend for, Doctor?" she asked as she noticed the Doctor sitting at the bar. She was about to grab something for herself when her eye caught something more interesting. She grinned as she picked up the gaming console and let herself fall down on the couch. "Care to play? Or are you to scared to lose from a girl, Doctor?" she asked as she, of course, picked out a racing game. This would keep her busy for at least a bit.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Remmy Rose

Takaji Soske "The Demon Nurse"

Occupation: Head nurse

Location: Alceu's room

No interaction yet...

Outfit: Blue scrubs outfit.

Another boring night at work for old Soske. Ofcourse he liked it when it was boring. Over prepared and punctual was key. Unlike the other staff and doctors who like to mess around Soske was the serious type. Being one of the oldest staff members he was appointed head nurse but mostly he was a glorified Enforcer making sure everyone follows the rules monitoring the Halls and the rooms. At least it was raining. Something about the rain was able to keep him calm. If you had free time he would just sit at the window and watch the rain fall. It's a shame that his piece quiet had to be a disturbed by the assholes patients he have to deal with. Time to put on his professional face.

Walking to one of the member's room. American by the looks of him. Seems to suffered a bullet wound below the left clavicle andthe mid thigh. Surprised he was able to make it all this way with a wound like that. He was given an IV pack and antibiotics to make sure they kill any infection. The doctor did everything they can sewing up the wound. Luckily the bullet went straight through. Soske was only checking to make sure that he I was following the rules and that he was getting enough fluids through his IV bag. Soske would not dare speak to the man the long look at him. Wasn't due to the fact that he despised Americans and refuses to speak any other language that isn't Japanese. Only focus was on his job and nothing else. The patient in self I meant nothing to him. As long as he was alive and well is job was done.

"あまり動かさないようにしてください。あなたの傷はまだ癒す時間が必要です" He said to him not that he would understand. Americans and their arrogance. " あまりにも多く移動すると、感染の危険があります" he added If he doesn't listen then Soske will just have to patch him back up again if the stitches rip or up the dosage. Perhaps later he would check on Dr. Matsumoto. He had a great deal of respect for her. Maybe in some way she reminded him of the life he could have had if things were a little different.
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  • Love
Reactions: Remmy Rose

Fiorenzo Dario Carboni
Doctor Lecter

Entertainment room --> Entree foyer

Miss Snake
Whoever is brought in
Angel of Death {indirect} @Rose305

Look at the lovely picture on the left

The doctor swirled the whiskey glass between his fingers, his eyes following the movement of the fluid inside. He took a sip when one of their patients came in and he smiled friendly at her. "Not at this moment," he answered her question. It was a slow day, a typical Wednesday. Boring for some, but he didn't mind it much. He frowned when the tablet gave a notification sound and he pulled the device over towards him. Apparently there was someone approaching the building, and that mostly meant there would be a patient coming in. He picked up his glass again and finished his drink, before getting up. "I will get it, Angel," he quickly send the voice message as he saw she was working on a patient. One of his special projects. He didn't mind her checking up on him though. As long as she wouldn't disturb his work.

The Italian male moved forward to put the now empty glass behind the counter, making a mental note to clean it later... or refill it, depending on how much work the new patient was. "Even if duty was not calling, I don't play those kind of games," he said, before leaving the entertainment room. He took the tablet with him as he checked the progress of their possible patient. He took one of the keys from a still available room of the hook and by the time the doors opened he was standing in the foyer to welcome their patient. His face showing no emotion at all, as if he was wearing a mask, but honestly that was his default face. For him keeping up a smile or friendly face took way too much energy. He stepped a bit forward towards the gaze as he changed programs on the tablet. It showed exactly who was wearing weapons, where and what kind of weapons, no matter how well hidden they may have been. "Please dispose of whatever weapons you are wearing," he said calmly.

He couldn't care less if the person on the other side of the gate was bleeding to death. Rules were rules and their rules were absolutely necessary in a Hotel full of criminals, who often did not belong to the same alliances. That was also the reason a gate had been placed in the middle of the foyer. If necessary it could even be charged up and become an electric fence, so far that had not been necessary. Though there had been situation where it had been close. "Please put your wrist up to the scanner," he said and pointed towards the little device on the wall. They probably should clean that up some time later as there was still blood on it from the last patient. "Welcome to Hotel Ares," he said, when the scanner peeped and thus had detected an activated chip or in other words a paying member. He pulled a wheelchair forward, since even if patients could walk it was often best for them not to. "Only the patient, please, guests are not allowed," he said calmly as he pointed over towards the rules, "I promise you, he will be in good care here."
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Romeo "Mindfield" Suarez
June 24, 2048 | midnight | Hotel Ares—Dog Suite

call with Mamba and Weasel (mine)

Romeo watched the raindrops track their way down his window, listening to the soft patter against the glass and other surfaces as they cascaded from heavy, dark clouds overhead. He lay on his back with his upper body, clad in a light white undershirt, propped up at an angle that almost had him sitting, the bedside lamp casting a warm glow on his youthful face and the sheets that covered his legs.

He was roused from his musings by the gentle but insistent chime of his phone from the right-hand bedside table. Bookmarking and setting aside the copy of Isaac Asimov's Foundation's Edge that had been lying open all but forgotten in his lap, he retrieved the device, smiling as he noted that the caller ID listed a familiar contact, and answered the call.
"Mamba. How are you?"
"Missing you something fierce, that's for sure," responded a familiar and familiarly sassy female voice[spoili](voiceclaim: Olivia Olsen (Marceline, Adventure Time))[/spoili]. "Also Weasel won't shut up about you, so I figured I'd call and see how you're doing."
Romeo smiled, thinking of the young but assertive escape artist. He could imagine exactly how borderline-obnoxious the boy had been over the last couple weeks. "I'm doing alright, just recovering slow and steady. The shot wound is practically healed now and all but the worst of the bruising has faded, so I'm mostly just waiting for my ribs to follow suit."
"Great, glad to hear it."
"Hey," the young man noted, "I'm not sure I ever thanked you for bringing over a couple of my books and spare clothing. I'd have been quite a bit less comfortable without that."
"No problem—anything for a brother," Mamba deflected casually. "I still can't believe you trusted me with your house key, though."
Romeo smiled. "Well, why wouldn't I? It's not like you'd sneak poison into my food," he added teasingly.
"Oh, but I could~"
He chuckled. "'You can't bullshit a bullshitter,' Mamba[spoili](quote: Detective Keith Frazier, Inside Man)[/spoili]. I know you too well."
"Oh, okay," she groaned, drawing out the last syllable as though annoyed, but Romeo could picture her grin in the tone of her voice, "so maybe I wouldn't poison you... or maybe I would. Just a little." The grin unmistakably returned in full force with that last part.
"Well then," Romeo teased, "I guess I'll know where to throw shade if I ever find myself the unfortunate victim of a biological prank."
The young chemist just laughed.
"So," Romeo continued, changing the subject, "how have things been going over there?"
"Well, don't quote me on this, but I think we've found a replacement for that back-stabbing manager who tried to kill you, though it's difficult to tell if he'll actually be dependable. Honestly, not having you around with your 'seeing through people like they're made of glass' thing kinda really sucks."
Romeo chuckled. "I'm sure you'll manage alright without me for now."
"I'm telling you, though," she continued, her voice turning a bit sharper, "I'm still not sure that asshole got what he deserves. Kinda seems like he got off lightly for how he made you suffer and set us back in the process, not to mention the part where he, you know, tried to freaking kill you."
"You have an interesting idea of getting off lightly for things," Romeo noted, thinking of the manager's punishment. Granted, he had not witnessed his fate specifically, but within such a strict system, past performance is a relatively solid indicator of future results. "It's a bit late to bring up a complaint with the boss, though."
Mamba groaned again, this time the impatience legitimate. "Bluh, I know, and it's super frustrating."
At that moment, Romeo overheard the impatient outcry of a young voice in the background on the other end of the line: "Hey, Mamba, shut up about the old manager already. I wanna talk to Fox!"
"Hey, is that Weasel I hear?" he noted, his smile returning strengthened after the momentary seriousness.
Mamba laughed. "Yep, he's chomping at the bit to talk to you. Hold on."
After a moment of silence with distant shuffling, "Freaking finally," muttered the voice of a boy who couldn't be older than ten[spoili](voiceclaim: Deric McCabe (Charles Wallace Murry, A Wrinkle in Time))[/spoili]. "Mamba's great, but she talks too much."
Romeo chuckled at the familiar attitude, indomitable and unfiltered as always. "Hello, Weasel."
"Hi, Fox. So I heard you're getting better? Does that mean you're coming back soon?" There was no mincing words with Weasel, that was for sure.
"Unfortunately, no," Romeo admitted apologetically. "I've got a while before I can start thinking about discharge."
Weasel groaned even louder than Mamba, somehow. "Goddamnit, get healed and get back here already!"
Romeo smiled at his impatience. Sometimes it was good to know that he was missed so strongly. "I'm working on it."
"There's so much that's happened since you left! Oh, and you're not going to believe what happened to Mamba the other day-"
"Okay, you little rascal, that's quite enough of that," the woman in question interjected quickly and quite decisively before the boy could explain what exactly had happened to her, her voice accompanied by Weasel's mischievous giggling. The distance evident in both of their voices implied that the phone was currently being held somewhere between them. "Let's let him rest so he can get his scary smart ass back to Vegas ASAP."
"Okay, I think that's all from us for now."
Mamba seemed to have regained control of the phone given the clarity of her voice. Romeo thought he might have heard a snarky, sarcastic "Uh huh, sure~" somewhere behind her. "You'd better get some rest so you can heal as quickly as possible and get back in action."
Romeo smiled teasingly. "And apparently I have an embarrassing story to look forward to."
"Nope! Not today!" The woman laughed. "Goodnight, Mindfield."
"Alright, goodnight."
Then with a click and a low beeping, the call ended.

Setting his phone in its original place, he lay back, contemplating getting up but uncertain the exercise and momentary freedom was worth the inevitable pain. He had been in recovery long enough that he no longer needed assistance or support to walk, but the chest pain could still be pretty bad at times. Like he mentioned to Weasel, he wasn't out of the woods just yet.
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Kyouichi Ryousuke

Rabbit Suite || Ekōesutēto || Hacker/Judge
Location: Entrance
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Being herded like a mere animal to a pen. Ridiculous. He was handled with kid gloves, when he got back to headquarters he'd show his boss mind you not the supreme overlord- but his personal boss who can be treated with kid gloves. It definitely wasn't him. A bloody hand print was painted on his face in which he tried to block it from his comrades. Respecting his privacy but also merely instructed through orders, when Kyouichi entered the hotel he had a paper bag over his head with roughly made slits for eyes. He knew he'd eventually have to give up when he reached the hotel but having something over his face simply made him calmer. It made him feel at home. He tried to shove the events out of his head. Killing someone else was one thing but knowing that it might have been your fault that someone you cared about fell- it hurt like hell. It all goes along with this "fun and thrilling" business, he would have said.

Although they had tried to patch him up it was done with diligence and not precision. The bandages were crudely wrapped and were already bleeding through. The blood from his cheek was already starting to dry up. It was a horrible feeling. It didn't help that his chest ached with not only loss but also with the bruising that made him sore. Kyouichi still hadn't learned by this time to dispose his attachment to others... You must cut him some slack for only narrowing it down to a small group though. He had no morality when it came to strangers. When instructed to drop his weapons Kyouichi didn't fight the man, it wouldn't do to fight on neutral grounds. Or at least that's what he was told on the way there by the last assistant. It was hard to imagine that there were only two of them left. The gang separated. Only the assistant, "The Prosecutor" followed in the hospital simply to drop Kyouichi off despite Kyouichi's weak protests. He didn't want anyone to see him in the state he was in- but by then it was too late anyways.

He dropped what he had, broken pieces of glass, a chunk of wood that screamed splinters, then his dagger that was drenched in blood. His fingers twitched as he reached up for the "mask" but grimaced as his stomach cried in agony. Quickly dropping the paper bag to the floor he slammed his wrist next to the scanner in haste, his mind beginning to blur. Kyouichi once again hesitated to sit on the chair, to entrust his life to a total stranger- but what choice did he have. How he was currently he stumbled to even remain upright. He took a seat on the wheel chair avoiding eye contact with his partner- Not partners anymore. Bitterly he thought of the cut on his cheek. It was created from when his mask shattered, in the process scraping his cheek. Betrayal. He tried not to notice the pool of blood, which to him represented his hesitation and foolish pride.

His pride that cost him in blood. Then he leaned back mustering a weak chuckle, he decided on Japanese due to the location of the area. If anything at least the woman would notice what he did. "My life is in your hands doc, I can't stomach the thought of this pain lasting any bloody longer." He would have added 'I apologize for being so cheeky' but instead he felt one last throb of pain before he blacked out.

The woman tensed up seeing Kyouichi pass out but held her ground trembling, although from rage or from fear was unknown to most folks as her expression was unreadable. The only thing that betrayed her was her body language. Both. Rage that she let this happen and fear that she'd be the only one left. The detective, the judge, and the prosecutor. A lovely triplet. It wouldn't mean anything if she was alone. She crossed her arms remaining where she was before finally turning to leave but not before replying, "You shouldn't keep promises you can't guarantee." It wasn't that she didn't trust that he could do the job. The woman just had no room for "hope" in her life. Only facts and truths. She regarded Kyouichi immature and stupid due to the words he spoke. On a normal basis she would have hit him but... The circumstances were different. The wounds didn't seem too major to her- but then again he was bleeding at an alarming rate. She wasn't a doctor- She needed a smoke.
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Fiorenzo Dario Carboni x @DarkiusHeavenstein

Alceu Wheeler

Silver-Tongued Devil or Big Mouth Wheeler

Location: Monkey Suit // Interaction: Soske // Mention: ---

The steady thrum of rain against panel glass coaxed Alceu from his slumber, blue orbs peeking out from behind heavy lids. It was warm. A bit too bright. The Italian-American male blinked sluggishly, letting his sight adjust to the newfound brightness. For a moment, Alceu thought he was still in Vegas, cuddled up comfortable in his suit with perhaps a sexy lady for company. Surely that's who the shadow belonged too? Sadly the sudden dull, aching pain in his thigh and chest paired with the horribly disappointing focus of a male's face hovering over him was enough to wrench Alceu completely from his fantasy. With a groan, the American lifted his head, blinking blearily down at the thick gauze padding his shoulder and pectoral. "Minchia." He grumbled, letting his head fall back onto the pillow. Alceu had conveniently forgotten about the whole getting shot thing, it kinda put a huge fucking wrench into his fun night on the town. Oh well.

A stream of strange words perked the gangster's interest, blue eyes flicking up to capture the nurse's face again. At least Alceu thought he was. Could be a doctor too, the American wasn't so sure. His brows drooped low over his eyes, one side of his mouth curling in confusion. "Sorry Compagno, I don't speak..., eh, whatever that is." While Wheeler could be a bit of an idiot, it was smart enough to know not to insult the people taking care of him.

Alceu went to yawn, mouth stretching wild when a sharp pain seared his chest, catching the expanse of his lungs short. "
Figlio di puttana!" He hissed hand curling into a fist over his sheets. When the pain ebbed, Alceu squinted, glaring down at the offending bullet wound.
[ @NeoM8rix ]

Aya Matsumoto

Angel of Death

Location: Dog Suit // Interaction: Romeo // Mention: Doctor "Lector"

Doctor Matsumoto's steps clicked loud and precise against the hard tile floors, ringing crisply against the walls. Paired with the gentle billowing of her lab coat, Aya screamed professionalism. Not a speck of dirt or dust could be found marring her image and she was groomed to perfection. Doctor Aya Matsumoto believed that image was important when dealing with patients; not only did it create a sense of authority but it also served to soothe any fears when dealing with life-threatening situations. And in this particular line of business, authority was a weapon Doctor Matsumoto wielded like a scalpel; sharp and precise with no room for error.

At the moment, the Angel of Death was wielding something else, a tablet opened to a certain patient's files. His youthful face stared back at her from the screen, a young gentleman with green eyes and dark hair. A member of a small-time gang in Los Vegas, the victim of a deal gone wrong so to speak. The details never really interested Aya, she was more concerned about the injuries. In this case, the patient received several fractured ribs and a bullet wound to the shoulder—a popular wound to be sure. Mr. Romeo Suarez wasn't her patient but Aya couldn't help but draw some interest from his case. She specialized in traumatic surgeries and broken ribs rarely required any special services, however, Doctor Fiorenzo Dario Carboni was in charge of his treatment and he was known for his unorthodox methods. If Aya were to put it clearly, she was curious to see if it would work and whether or not her expertise would need to intervene to help repair the damage.

The Doctor paused before his suit, knocking twice before opening the door. The gentleman was current bedridden but judging from the look of unrest in his eyes, Aya wouldn't be surprised to see him up and moving soon. The exercise wouldn't hurt of course though ht might not be very comfortable at first it wasn't her decision to make. Doctors could only do so much, the patient's body is the one doing all the healing after all and everyone heals at a different pace.

"Good evening, Mr. Dog," She said curtly, scrolling down to the latest report. "How are we feeling today?"​

[ @Astroblaze @DarkiusHeavenstein ]
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Romeo "Mindfield" Suarez
June 24, 2048 | midnight | Hotel Ares—Dog Suite

Dr. Aya Matsumoto (@Rose305)
(Dr. Lecter (@DarkiusHeavenstein))

Romeo looked up at a brisk knock on his door, greeting the doctor who entered with his trademark disarming smile and briefly taking note of the stern woman's nametag, which identified her as one "Dr. Aya Matsumoto," alternatively "Angel of Death." He was a bit surprised to find a doctor other than Dr. Carboni—or Dr. Lecter as he preferred to be addressed—checking up on him, but it wasn't an issue.

"Good evening, doctor," he returned her greeting in his customary quietly cordial manner. "I'm doing quite well, thank you. I still have some pain in my chest when I move—" he gestured with his right hand to the region in question, still avoiding moving his left shoulder whenever possible— "but otherwise I'm alright. Oh, and you may address me by my name if you'd like," he added, aware that he had put down his real name when he initially registered.
  • Love
Reactions: Remmy Rose
Felix Feliciani

Goat Suite/Entertainment Room
24 hours ago, Felix had been dragged to the Hotel's doors, bleeding from at least 10 places, limp and seemingly lifeless. Nobody yet knew what had gone down in the district where he was set to ambush and kill the Itosaku-Gumi man Eko Hideki - only that Feliciani had found his target, and somehow, Feliciani had been beaten.

Don Tomassi would not believe his ears at first. Feliciani was sent on this mission over his more loyal hitmen because he was known to be the most formidable killer under his hire. So legendary was his reputation that despite never being blessed in, the Don had paid for his residence, the upkeep of his weapons, a membership to Hotel Zeus, and a newly-minted just-in-case membership to Zeus' brother Hotel Ares.

When the reality of this defeat finally sunk in, Tomassi would thank his stars he'd paid that extra expense. In the grand scheme, he knew Feliciani was merely an associate, but for the Don's continuing power, Felix was as valuable as almost any of his senior Capos.

Giuseppe - one of the enforcers accompanying his trip to Japan - had begged the man at the door to also let one more enter with him. Stefano, the other enforcer accompanying Feliciani, had been unexpectedly wounded only moments prior. When he had tried to take the hatchet from Felix's hand, the hitman had slashed the side of Stefano's neck open before passing out, and now Stefano was bleeding bad.

But the Don hadn't bought Stefano a membership with Hotel Ares, just as he hadn't bought one for Giuseppe, same as he didn't pay to give any of his Soldiers memberships to Hotel Zeus in Rome.

24 hours ago, Giuseppe ripped the scarf from Feliciani's neck, left him with the doorman and stormed back to attend to Stefano, turning pale behind a dumpster. As Felix was taken in for treatment, Giuseppe wished he could have broken the hitman's neck then and there, wished the truth could have been kept from the Don - or better yet, that the Don would have forgiven him had he done so. He wasn't family. And as low ranked as the enforcers were, they were family, and they had been attacked trying to save the life of some mindless goddamn thug who'd failed at his mission.

As he wrapped Felix's scarf around Stefano's bleeding neck, Giuseppe silently prayed that Felix Feliciani would not survive the night...


12 hours ago, Felix had woken up, a weak but bright smile on his face, foreshadowing a speedy recovery to come. He sat up, and recalled what had transpired the previous night. The man called Eko Hideki, from a gang just like the Tomassi Family - how he'd spent all his ammo attempting to land even one hit on him. He'd been incredibly fast though! Every time he pulled the trigger, it seemed like he'd already found a new spot for cover. Felix had met people that good before, but usually once he pulled out the hatchet Father Federico had gifted him, even the strongest were caught off guard - too slow to save themselves. Dead meat.

But last night it had been the opposite! Stab stab stab, but this time, he was on the wrong end! Even with the hatchet and up close, this Yakuza man had been too fast for him to seriously hurt, much less kill. Felix couldn't remember what had become of his hatchet. Without it, he felt somewhat naked and anxious.

To keep himself calm, he simply thought of how much he'd like to have a second try at fighting Eko. Daydreaming about how it would go. He wanted to break both his arms. Stuff a big rock in his mouth and punch his jaw until it tumbled out. Whip his back with a sandpaper-lined belt until his skin fell off, twist his body in two at the waist, pull out his spine and carve something vulgar into every vertebra...

His thoughts were thus consumed - even as his smile neither broke nor widened - until a pudgy Japanese nurse with a mess of tangled hair entered the room.

"Good morning, Signor. How are you feeling?"

She spoke fluent Italian, albeit with a stiff, robotic accent. Felix found it delightful, and at that moment felt much like a secret agent. Although his wounds still ached, and the swelling from the uppercut to his jaw in particular made him even less eager to speak than ever, he replied that he felt "Splendid."

The nurse nodded, and made a few quick notes on a clipboard. She continued:

"You will be staying in the Goat Suite until you're judged fit for discharge. Is there anything you'd like to request be brought to your room?"

"My hatchet. It is black and silver, and should have been near my person before I was brought in."

"Your hatchet was taken by your friends. Guests aren't permitted to have weapons here, Signor Goat. What I meant was any food, luxuries within reason, or-"

"Chocolate milk."


6 hours ago, Felix had been judged well enough to leave his bed, to find the Goat Suite and the carton of milk that had been kindly bought for him. He heard, to no small amount of disappointment, that one of the bastards who had gone with him to oversee and translate had stolen his scarf - and with a heightened degree of disappointment, also found that there were no scarves among the clothing in his room.

To some degree, he trusted the doctors around here, even though any one of the myriad of white patches around his body felt as though they might burst forth and spew blood again at any moment... But knowing those rogues had their hands on his property - the scarf, the hatchet - and the gnawing fear that they might not give them back... that was the worse pain! Felix was beginning, against his better spirits, to dislike this place. It was not a good place to be alone for sure, and he needed immensely to distract himself.

And so at the present time...

Growing bored, Felix put on a white, button-up shirt and exited the Goat Suite to look for something to do. He wandered the halls with a painful limp still haunting his stride, until he caught wind of... with a renewed smile, an entertainment room.

Silently, he went from room to room, until he peered into the open door of the place he sought - there was a man and a girl inside, but what truly caught his attention was the game flashing on the television in the center of the room. Music thumping from the speakers and brightly-colored supercars dancing across the screen, Felix became ecstatic at the thought of driving through international streets, empty of all riff-raff, in a race against another brave driver for fame and glory.

He noticed the girl inviting the man to play and imwardly cursed his luck to have arrived here third - but the man, with what Felix recognizes as the hint of an Italian accent, declined. As the man left, Felix crept inside. Before the fellow Italian disappeared from view, Felix pondered the idea of thumbing his nose at the ingrate and yelling out an expletive in his mother tongue... but his mind went back to the words of the man who raised him:

There will be many things in this life you cannot control, Felix... but nothing but you can stop you from remaining polite!

Remembering how well he'd been treated in this place, and how well these words had always served him in this strange, new world he had been adopted into - he held his tongue.

Instead, he walked silently to the back of the girl already sitting at the console, tapping her on the shoulder, fully intending to then duck away from her field of view as a trick before introducing himself.

Succeed or fail at this trick, upon getting her attention, Felix mimed holding a controller of his own, twiddling its sticks, and saying words in English he hoped were universal enough for anyone to understand:

"Player 2?"
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Hyo-Sonn Myung
Snake Suite

Chil Sung Pa

Personal Driver of the Boss' Son

Entertainment room

Felix Feliciani @Mr. Briggs Inc.

Nothing Special

Hyo-Sonn had to admit she wasn't too disappointed when the Doctor declined her offer. She doubted the man would be a fun person to play with. So it came as no surprise when he told her he wasn't a gamer, in a very broad way of the word. "Good luck!" she said when he walked off to welcome a new guest. She focused back onto the game and quickly took over the first corner. There was a grin on her face as she drifted to some corners. This was nothing like real life, even with virtual reality, the real deal was so different. Still it was nice enough to at least have something while being more or less locked up in the same building. "Oh fucking son of a bitch!" The Korean words fell fluently from her lips when she was tapped onto the shoulder. Not that she had lost her position as she raced over the finish line just that instant, but it had shocked her and caused her to pull up her shoulders. Which in return had caused a rather painful stung through her right shoulder. "God damn it," she said more calmly as she lowered her console to look over at the male responsible for her pain.

Amethyst eyes took in the other. Not yet sure whether she should give in to the made request. Though there was no reason to really decline him, other than the pain he had caused. Something he was probably not been aware off. And honestly, this whole situation she was in, was the damn fault of those filthy yakuza brats. "Sure, go ahead," she answered as she gestured towards the other console. She pulled her legs up to sit cross legged on the couch and started up a new game so they could race against one and another. "You can chose whatever you want," she said as she tweaked up the car a bit. Just like she'd do with any of her real cars. None of them she would see back, and with the quick recovery she was making, she should start thinking off where to go after this. Far away from any Asian countries at least. Maybe search her father... Her mother may not have told her anything, but that didn't mean she hadn't found out a name and an address. San Francisco, Califonia. So she somehow had to find her way towards the United States.
  • Love
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Fiorenzo Dario Carboni
Doctor Lecter

Entree foyer --> Rabbit Suite

The Prosecutor @xLarius
Angel of Death {indirect} @Rose305

Look at the lovely picture on the left

The Doctor had to admit he liked the words from their new patient, before he lost conciousness. His hand quickly moved forward to check the pulse. Weak, but still going steady, despite the loss of blood. Blood always made things seem a lot worse than it was, but in mister Rabbits case... He might indeed have suffered some bad trauma. He looked up to the woman who had brought him in, trembling in both fear and anger. Though the reason behind those emotions were unclear to him. "Truer words than that do not exist, my lady, but dead or alive, he will be in the best care here," Fiorenzo answered her. With those words he left her as well as he turned the wheelchair around and quickly brought the patient to its room. As every room it had been fully sterilized and everything was set up for an unexpected entry such as this one. He shrugged off his suit jacket quickly, light blue and blood red were not a good combination and with a bit of effort he managed to get the dead -or well not literally dead- weight into the bed. They were an emergency hospital for criminals, not some luxurious hotel where a person would be picked up by at least four people to make sure there was as little discomfort as possible.

Fiorenzo worked steady, precise and yet quickly as he set up the patient with its first needs. IV fluids, monitoring for his heart rate. "Emergency call to Angel," he said towards the tablet. The call would go through without even having to be picked up, no matter what their Angel of Death was working on. "Hey, Angel, mind to give me back my patient? I got something interesting for you here," he said as he checked over the wounds. The cut on the cheek wasn't that bad, but that stab wound on his stomach? Doctor Lecter had no problem admitting it was not his area of expertise, or at least, nothing like Dr. Matsumoto. "Mister Rabbit is a young male, I am guessing late twenties, early thirties, cut on the cheek, stab wound in the abdomen, bruising off the chest. I am not sure if any organs have been hit, since there is too much blood. Also patient has lost consciousness," he updated Angel as he knew the Asian woman would be on her way here by now. He took some of the blood to check for any drugs, alcohol or whatever else they needed to know, apart from his blood type.

"End call," the Italian said, since there was nothing more he could mention. He cleaned up some of the blood as good as he could, but it seemed to just keep coming. "There we go," he mumbled in his beautiful mother tongue. Even a smile decorated his face for a moment as he found the cut open artery and quickly burned it close. It wasn't one of the main arteries, so the blood stream wasn't blocked fully. He knew dr. Matsumoto would find out a way to fix this as well as he started to suck off all the blood, so their Angel of Death could have a better look once she came in. Unlike what most people thought, he had no trouble at all with giving up patient when he knew someone was more capable than him. And Angel had proven herself multiple times. "All ready for you," he spoke when he thought he heard the door open. "I'll be getting some blood bags from the fridge." He washed his hands, his nice button down shirt was covered in blood, but that was where washing machines were for. He'd come back for the jacket later.

Takaji Soske "The Demon Nurse"

Occupation: Head nurse

Location: Alceu's room

Interaction: Alceu/ then Dr. Matsumoto, Doctor Lecter.

Soske turned as he saw the man hiss in pain. Already he was doing exactly the opposite what he told them to do. Worse was he speaking Italian. If there was anything he hated more than Americans it was the Italian American mob. He was going to have to get someone else to explain to him since his patients was already running thin. "すみません" he said bowing his head before leaving the room. Perhaps Doctor Lecter or Mastumoto was around.

He manage to find Dr. Matsumoto in the another suite looking at another patient. Doctor Lecter must be in a different suite. Though he wasn't to keen on his methods, Soske knew better not to get on his bad side. "
Matsumoto-san. Patient in the Monkey Suite is recovering but is still risk with infection has he is consistently moving. With your permission I'll have him restrained and double up the dosage of antibiotics and painkillers"It was simple procedure even though he was the head nurse the doctors were the ones who had the final say what happens to patients. Soske was used to following orders even though he was older than both of them. Soske looked to Matsumoto making eye contact for the briefest of moments. He have known both doctors for a few years now but seems to get along better with her for some reason.

Soske couldn't help but notice the patient fighting the urge to glare or roll his eyes an annoyance. What's the deal with all these Americans coming to Tokyo? Was Hotel Artemis overstocked with members or something? "
Is there anyway I can be assistance to you both?"
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| Aya Matsumoto |

Angel of Death
Location: Dog Suit > Rabbit Suit // Interaction: Romeo, Lector, and Soske // Mention: Kyouichi

"Hmm," She hummed, dark eyes rising from her tablet to study Mr. Suarez. They followed his hand, carefully picking apart the dressings with practiced ease and perhaps a note of begrudged curiosity. "That's to be expected, Mr. Dog," Aya replied, preferring to stick to titles. The less she knew about their personal lives the better, even their names, it kept her distant. "Rib injuries can be tricky." Doctor Matsumoto kept her expression masked otherwise, taking mental notes of Mr. Suarez current condition. It was clear he still favored his injured arm, trying to use it would cause the shoulder discomfort. As for his ribs... well, Aya couldn't exactly note any differences quite yet. Then again it would be difficult to take notes with them covered up as they were. Just what exactly was Fiorenzo Carboni up to? Her hands itched to find out, dark eyes drawn the x-ray machine. Doctor Matsumoto became aware of Soske's presence, pausing in her studies. "It can't be helped, prolonged periods of time in bed make patients restless Soske." She reasoned. "Ensure he's properly medicated and maybe provide him with written instructions he can understand. He is American after all." Sharing a exasperated expression with the Nurse. Aya looked at Soske thoughtful, deciding to ask him for assistance with her examination, it would certainly move things along quicker

Her plans, unfortunately, were dashed when the devil himself spoke silkily from her tablet. It was as if the mere thought of his name from earlier had summoned him, twisting her mouth slightly in annoyance. How did he even know she was here? Bitting back a hiss, Aya composed herself. "Relax, Lector, nothing wrong with checking up on patients." She replied dryly, turning quickly to leave. "Forgive me, sir, I have something urgent to attend to." Short and precise with little more than a nod in Suarez's direction. She would have to come back later or interrogate Carboni for answers later. For now, there was a life to save.

Shoes clicking once more with drive, Aya crosses the distance between both suits in record time, gliding through the doors as if on wings but not a thing out of place. Carboni had already started, prepping the stage so to speak. Her eyes fell upon the patient, draw to the welling red gash that marred his pale flesh. He was losing too much blood. "Excellent," Aya replied, all thoughts and previous irritants pushed to the back of her mind. Gloves slipped themselves onto her hands as she bent over the young man, fingers nimby snatching up her tools.
[ @Astroblaze @DarkiusHeavenstein @NeoM8rix ]
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Takaji Soske "The Demon Nurse"

Occupation: Head nurse

Location: Alceu's room

Interaction: Dr. Matsumoto then Alceu


Soske couldn't help but take a deep breath and exhale at Aya's orders. She knew how little patients he had for these Americans. But alas she was right. He still had many more rooms to go to and check. He's going to have to suck it up. This was his job after all. If Dr. Matsumoto can keep calm and focused then so could he. She never ceases to amaze him at how efficient and hard working she was. It was time to step up. "As you wish, Matsumoto-san." He said giving her a soft smile while continuing to speak in Japanese. Before leaving the room he bowed in respect of Matsumoto then quickly rushed to print off written instructions for the Monkey.

After the instructions were printed off he dashed walking back to the Mokey's suite. The atmosphere immediately changed as he walked over to the monkey patient in a B-line. A stern look on his face with fire in his eyes. The demon looked as if it was about to emerge.

"Oi! これを読む!" He shouted at the monkey.

Showing him the paper instructions. He pushed it right in his face pointing at the paper so he will read it.
"Now you listen carefully to me Mr. Monkey" He said continuing in Japanese. "My patients for you is running thin as it is. I don't time to to sit here explaining things to a greasy Italian meatball like you. I have more bullet holes to patch up, bones to set back in place and a beautiful women perhaps waiting for me to assist her. So you better follow instructions and keep your mouth shut and we'll do just fine. And if you don't understand I'll shout and scold you like a dog in order to get the message through your thick skull. Got it!?" Soske would not give him time to respond as he place a bottle of painkillers next to his bedside table and walked out.

Soske would now check his tablet monitoring all the security cameras for each room. He liked to keep an eye on all the patients to make sure they were following the rules. Also it helps to see if new patients come in. Nothing gets past him when he's on the clock. Nothing...
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Romeo "Mindfield" Suarez
June 24, 2018 | midnight | Hotel Ares—Dog Suite

No interactions
(Soske (@NeoM8rix), Alceu (@Rose305), Dr. Matsumoto (@Rose305), Dr. Lecter (@DarkiusHeavenstein))

Romeo nodded slightly to himself at the doctor's insistence on addressing him by his room name. He was hardly surprised that she would choose to stay aloof, given her profession and the demeanor that he had already gathered from her.

He looked up at the nurse's entry, noting from his nametag that he was known as "Takaji Soske" or "Demon Nurse." Meeting the man's gaze when he glanced over amid his conversation with Dr. Matsumoto about another patient who seemed to be causing problems, the young agent noted that the nurse's eyes darkened in irritation upon observing him. He wondered what reason this Mr. Soske might have to dislike him so strongly when they had never met before. Given the exasperated look that he exchanged with the doctor a moment later, however, it seemed to be no more than his nationality that bothered both of them. His lips pursed slightly in disapproval of such a presumptuous attitude, but he could hardly blame them, having witnessed himself numerous times how obnoxious Americans could be, especially compared to more polite and reserved nationalities such as Japan. It wouldn't hurt to be especially polite to smooth over what had been ruffled, no matter how hasty.

Before he could speak, however, he was interrupted by the voice that sprung from the tablet in Dr. Matsumoto's hands. He listened with intrigue to what he recognized as Dr. Lecter's voice describing a new patient, and one in dire straits it seemed. Responding to Dr. Matsumoto's remark with an agreeable nod, he watched as both she and the nurse hastened out. Oh well, he'd just have to wait until later to smooth things over. They had higher priorities than diplomacy, especially if that call was anything to compare.

Reconciling himself to waiting, he settled back into his bed, retrieving his book from the side table and reopening to his earlier place. If he was completely honest, he wasn't in that much of a hurry to leave his bed, well aware that being upright and moving around would only intensify the ache in his chest. Besides, he had a feeling that his primary physician would be by shortly to check his ribs again, so better that he stay put for now. He could stretch his muscles later.
Felix Feliciani

Entertainment room, with Hyo-Sonn Myung, @DarkiusHeavenstein

Felix admitted to himself that he felt perturbed by the girl's chafed response to his touch, and felt momentarily blue that she probably wouldn't want to play after all. It was a surprise, albeit an entirely welcome one, when she ended up offering him a seat regardless! Choking back a grunt of pain at the shifting of the gauze underneath his shirt, Felix took a bow in gratitude before finding a seat next to her.

He sat slowly, the various wounds of the previous night hurting their worst whenever he had to shift his torso. To his embarrassment, even picking up the second controller was difficult. The hand with which he'd been pinned to the wall shook like a leaf before any semblance of a grasp could be attempted, and the opposite one felt unbearably weak with the multitude of injuries done to it - all the damage inflicted on him to make him lose the grip on his favorite weapon.

Fine. This would be a challenge then.

Felix glanced to his side to check whether or not the girl was chuckling at him now. But at least for now, he found nothing of the sort in her expression. All she'd said to him is "You can choose whatever you want."

But of course he would - there was sooo much to choose from! Did he want to be 007 with the Aston Martin, or Diabolik with the Jaguar? The Aston, he eventually decided, would be more fitting for a globetrotting adventure in an exotic locale such as this one. Now, the colors... black and white, with just a touch of red to signify danger. He paid little mind to his vehicle's stats, more or less maxing everything but "tires" (what difference could they really make?) until his points ran out. Finally the location. He scrolled through each and every map until finally going back to one of the earliest available selections - casting an enthusiastic vote for Los Angeles, City of Stars!

Not even taking notice of his challenger's choices, Felix locked in his make, model and arena, simply appreciative of her patience. He'd known people to quit on him for taking too long to customize a player before, and he was happy not have his mood soiled by this girl doing the same.

As the map booted up, with one trembling finger, Felix bore down on the button to accelerate, his eyes dead-set on the screen, betraying an intense determination behind his placid smile. When the countdown left the screen, the Aston shot forward recklessly. Felix wove a joystick left to right on his thumb, attempting to knock his opponent out of the way and gain an early lead.
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Alceu Wheeler

Silver-Tongued Devil or Big Mouth Wheeler

Location: Monkey Suit // Interaction: Soske and Romeo // Mention: ---

As soon as the angry nurse left Alceu was up, easing his shoulders over his legs to take a good look at himself—with only a few more curses of course. The heavy bandage that swathed his leg looked clean and not to tight which lead him to believe his artery had been spared. He had lost a good buddy to an arterial bleed once, perhaps the most helpless moments of his life. Nothing was more horrifying than a fountain of red. Chuckling darkly, Alceu glanced around the suit, admiring the decor but also searching for something to support himself with. His eyes rested on a closet door. Alceu bet a hundred bucks there might be a pair of crutches in there, now if he could just—

The door clicked and the Italian was lying flat against the bed again when Nurse McGrump Face returned, offering the man an innocent smile. "Back so soo—" Alceu began before being assaulted by paper, jaws clicking shut with an audible click. Leaning further back into the bed and squinting his eyes, the Italian made out the words on the page, both surprised and partially relieved to see them written in English. Ignoring the angry nurse, Alceu read the page silently, lips forming the words here and there with a cheeky quirk. Even if he couldn't understand the guy he got a feeling he was being scolded and usually when Alceu was being scolded he tended to make things worse with his cocky attitude. Fortunately for him, the nurse left as soon as he said his part, leaving the sly Italian dog to himself. First thing Alceu did was pop the lid on the painkillers and down two pills, carefully swinging his legs to the side of the bed. It would take a bit for the meds to kick in by Alceu was too impatient to wait.

A few hobbled steps and string of Italian laced curses later and the mobster found exactly what he was looking for. Long, nimble fingers snatched the crutches from storage, adjusting them to his preferred height before skipping his way to the door. The hall was just as nice as the rooms and for a moment Alceu almost thought himself back in Vegas in one of the many over-the-top Casinos but the occasional passing of Hotel staff in lab coats or nursing smocks said otherwise. His stomach growled, urging the mobster to find something to eat. Alceu's eyes began to study the doors, hoping one would lead him to a cafe or cafeteria of sorts. One door looked kinda promising so he opened the door a bit, balancing on one crutch. Sticking his head in Alceu found himself in a room very similar to his own, bed occupied by another patient. He blinked before that charming, crooked grin lifted his face.

"Sorry, thought this was the cafeteria," He chuckled. Alceu studied the other man for a second longer before his eyes brightened. "You wouldn't by any chance be from America would you?" It wouldn't be far-fetched to say Alceu was longing for some English speaking company by now.​
[ @Astroblaze @NeoM8rix ]
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Astroblaze

Fiorenzo Dario Carboni & Aya Matsumoto
Doctor Lecter & Angel of Death

Rabbit Suite

Each other
Stg Star Girl @Princess Poisoned Rose

Rabbit @xLarius
Monkey @Rose305
Demon nurse @NeoM8rix
Stg Star Girl @Princess Poisoned Rose

The Angel of Death was with him within seconds indeed. He took a few seconds to see her prepare before she started working on their Rabbit. He admired her, in a professional way. The way she stayed calm and concentrated, how controlled any of her movements were. He could really appreciate how she never seemed to lose her cool, never let emotions get in the way, but was always focussed on the task at hand. He quickly turned around though and while she worked on their newest guest, he went to grab the bloodbags. He could hear the vague sound of people playing some racing game as he passed the entertainment room on his way to the supply room. He unlocked the door and walked towards the back where a simple fridge stood. Inside of it were several medicines that needed to be kept cool and bloodbags for every type there was. He picked up two bags for their Rabbit, before frowning and taking a third one along as well. He filled out the form on the frigde door, so they would not forget to buy new blood.

On his way back he noted their demon nurse slipping out of the Monkey suit, and that expression was once again honoring the nickname the male had gotten. He made a mental note to pass by the Monkey later on and see if things were alright. Their demon nurse could sometimes be a bit of a handful, definitely for foreigners. But first the Rabbit had to be stabilized. He rushed back into the suite. "Three bags of AB+," he said as he went over towards the other doctors side. She had done a fantastic job as always as the wound on his stomach was now reduced to nothing more than a scratch. "Shall I stitch him up?" he asked as he put up the bloodbag and stored the two other bags in the little personal fridge of the Rabbit. He looked up towards their Angel, not minding to be nothing more than an assistent to her in this setting. He found a vein and set up the drip so hopefully the Rabbits blood levels would go up again.

Aya's dark eyes stayed focused on her work, hands carefully disposing of drenched gauze. "If you please," She replied, moving to study the bruises on the young man's chest. Brows furrowed in thought, fingers ghosting gently over the skin. Blunt force trauma probably sustained during a struggle or after, Aya wasn't sure of the details but judging by his injuries his wounds were caused by some sort of close combat encounter. The Doctor slipped her stethoscope into her ears, pressing the chest piece to three different locations on the man's chest. "Lung sounds are clean, breathing normal," She noted aloud, setting her tool aside. Fingertips pressed a little harder this time, sliding along the structure of his ribs, challenging its integrity. Nothing gave or swayed beneath her search, staying true to its nature. "Nothing seems to be broken either. We'll need to keep an eye on the stab wound, from what I could tell it seemed to miss major organs but we can never be too careful." Most of what she said was but a verbal reminder to herself, a habit she had picked up since she was a child. Aya had full faith in Doctor Carboni's abilities and judgment.

The Angel of Death took a moment to step back, taking in the patient's condition as a whole. His blood pressure was slowly growing stable with the blood transfusion and color was steadily making its way back into his cheeks. His wound was properly assessed, cleaned, and currently in the process of getting stitched up. The last thing that needed her attention was the dried crusted ridge on the man's cheek. "He should be stable within the hour, we should assign someone to check on him throughout the night." Doctor Matsumoto added as she swiped at the cut, breaking the surface until fresh skin shown beneath. Not to bad either, it might leave a scar though. Aya narrowed her eyes, applying some ointment liberally before placing a gauze patch over his cheek. Vitamin E should help, she could add that to his files in case he requested it. She glanced over to watch Doctor Lector finish his work, silently admiring the graceful lines of his work. "Thank you." Aya hummed, turning away to clean her station.

Fiorenzo gave a short nod as he agreed on that. "Demon nurse already got the Monkey, so this one will be for our Star Girl" he said when it gotten to assignments. He didn't take his eyes off the wound and the stitches though. Each and every one of them exactly the same width, the same space between them. Each knot carefully made so the Rabbit would have the least discomfort from it and it would heal up the fastest. Plus less chances of them ripping open and infecting and all that. "Or perhaps we should switch her to the Monkey and give this one to Demon nurse? I have a feeling he'd be a better fit for a Japanese guest," he mumbled, as he remember the demonic expression of the male when he had goten out of the Monkey-suite. He made the last knot, before cutting of the clear threat and standing back up.

The Italian doctor stood back up straight as he looked over their combined work. He was looking a lot better than when he had come in, mere minutes ago. "It is funny working with warm skin, it stretches and moves a lot more," he pointed out with a faint hint of amusement in his voice. He looked over his stitches one last time, before bandaging them up as well. He was used to delivering straight lines and so neatly as possible from when bodies needed to prepared to be shown to family members and that nonsense. However it was a lot different working on dead people than living ones. Even if the insides were the same. There was a lot more to consider with living people and mistakes had a much more dramatic effect. "Shall I update the schedule? Or will you?" he said. He checked the IV fluids and bloodbag once more, but they were dripping steadily and were still nicely attached to the Rabbit. He looked back up to that youthful face, before remembering the bag he had so begrudingly put away with his weapons. Why did he want to hide? What did he have to hide? Was it an insecurity? Or perhaps a completely different reason? Medical even possibly... sensitive skin, sun allergy? He'd figure it out.

Aya pursed her lips, thinking over the exchange. Soske was an excellent nurse, one of their best but his patience for certain individuals was very limited—not that Aya blamed him completely. Their Monkey was a gentleman from American with no background in the Japanese language, creating a barrier in communication. It wasn't ideal for treatment and would only cause further problems if left as is. Doctor Matsumoto nodded. "That would be for the best." She placed the red tinted tool into a tub full of sterilizing solution mark by biohazard symbols before she removed her own gloves. The Angel tried not to let Doctor Lector's next words affect her, choosing to shove her hands beneath a warm stream of water instead. There were times when she forgot what he really was and while he had never caused her nor any of their patients harm it was still unnerving at times.

"I'll update it. I need to catch up on some paperwork so I'll be heading back to my office. Page me if I am needed again." Satisfied with the cleansing, Doctor Matsumoto turned, giving Doctor Carboni a curt nod before the door closed behind her once more. The tablet was in her hands once more, fingers tapping swiftly over the screen to call up the schedules. Aya took a moment to read over any new updates before she made the change, sending a page to each nurse to let them know. Once she got back to her office Matsumoto would update the Rabbit's files as well, adding her notes to Doctor Carboni's and any treatment that he may need for Soske to cover. Once that was finished Aya planned on stopping by the lounge for a much-needed cup of coffee.

Dr. Matsumoto's voice took him back to this world and away from his wandering mind with questions. "Thank you, and I shall," he said to her. He looked back down at the Rabbit as he pulled up the blanket a bit. Hopefully he wouldn't be too shocked when he came to. It wouldn't be a first for a patient to wake up and immediately try to walk out and make a complete mess of everything. And harm themselves in the progress as well. HIs thoughts flicked back to his earlier questioning about that bag the other had worn to hide his face. Who was he to judge? As he basically wore a mask every second he interacted with other people as well. If the Rabbit wanted to keep his identity hidden, then who was he to keep him from it? Maybe it would not even be a bad thing to have everyone wear masks all the time, to add up to the neutrality of the Hotel of course. He wrote a quick note in a very elegant handwriting, he was quite an exception to the whole bias of doctors writing badly.

Dear mister Rabbit,
For now this will have to do, but I will get you something better soon.
Greetings, dr. Lecter

He put the paper down on the nightstand before leaving the room as well. He locked the door behind him as he went back to the entree of the hotel. Time to find that bag... "Ah, Star Girl, could you give me a hand?" he asked as he noticed the nurse. Or at least judging from their position on the tablet maps, she had to be within hearing range. It was only after the question that he looked up towards where ever she was coming from. "Could you keep the gate open, while I retreive something that a patient ditched but holds some value to him?" There was a friendly smile on his face, even though it was not really needed. He and Stg Star Girl had worked together countless times and different Hotels, both of them constantly traveling from one to another Hotel. So she knew how emotionless and distant he could be when he was himself.

Hyo-Sonn Myung
Snake Suite

Chil Sung Pa

Personal Driver of the Boss' Son

Entertainment room

Felix Feliciani @Mr. Briggs Inc.

Nothing Special

With a few glances to her left, Hyo-Sonn noticed how much trouble the other had to even hold the controller. It could all be an act to get her sympathy though. However she doubted it was just an act with all the injuries he had. She took the male beside her in a bit better as he took his sweet time to select one of the maps. She didn't rush him, no matter what map he chose, she knew them all. Some better than others. The male seemed to be of her age, but his behaviour seemed to lack a bit. Or he was just a playful guy. It was a bit early on to label him immediately. She concentrated back to her own car, as she divided her points with a lot more thought that her opponent. "Nice choice," she said when the LA-map came up. It was one of the maps she was quite familiar with. She knew almost every corner and definitely every sneaky way to cut something of the circuit.

The loading screen came up and was quickly replaced by the start and finish line. She listened to the noises the cars made, the roars of engine. The soundquality was very good she had to admit, but it was nothing like feeling that roar tremble through your chest in real life. Unlike her opponent, she had no intention of a flying start and even stayed behind a bit on purpose. It was stupid to get yourself knocked out early game. She prefered to trail behind her opponents like a shadow and suddenly pass them in turns and corners were it seemed impossible to do so and then race away as soon as some straight parts came. Yet for now, she would let the male next to her have the lead. She was rather curious to see what kind of driver he was, in game at least. "You drive in real life too?" she asked curiously. Though judging on the way he had swerved and knocked out some cars, she doubted he had.

She let out a soft chuckle as they came to a part with a tunnel. She followed him and suddenly took a sharp turn to the left, taking a complete different exit from the main road of the circuit. Time for sneaky move number one. She pushed down heavy on the button, because everyone knew that made you sped up even more! Just like during her game alone she leaned a bit from left to right, according to the turns. She came back on the main road just beside his car. "Surprise!" She grinned, though she made sure to stay out his way to being knocked off the road. Or doing any damage to her car in general. She drifted through a sharp turn, this was exactly why you needed very good tires, before pushing down the buttons and escape from him. Hopefully. Hey, at least she wasn't so mean to take the lead in the last few seconds of the game! This time at least.