INTEREST CHECK Hollow Plague (medieval zombie RP)

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glad to hear it ^_^
I am interested, might make a character later, but right now I'm kind of busy.
Are you making a character skeleton by any chance? if not thats cool.
I've actually already got a character skeleton fully made as it is. honestly, I'm ready to launch the OOC the moment that we have enough solid interest (about 4 people)
I want to make a character, is the character skeleton on this current thread?
uhh, well, no, I can pos the character template here if you want, but remember that this thread has a lot of info missing on it about the world setting (most prominently how magic works, as well as details about the hollow plague itself). info I plan to make part of the OOC if we ever egt ennough interest to launch it.

also, if you were to make a character here, doesn't mean that it woudl automatically be accepted once the OOc thread went up (on account of character space being quite limited).

that being said, if you still want to make a character just for the fun of it, here is the template.

Character Template

Name: (your character's name)
Age: (how old he/she is)
Gender: (male or female, choice only open to classes with the M/F indication)
Class: (what class your character is)
*Appearance: (what your character looks like, picture or description are fine)

Weapon of Choice: (what your character's go-to weapon is, must fit in with their class specialties)
Equipment: (what equipment your character carries, determined by class)
*Possessions: (any extra items your character might carry, such as a ring or memento of some sort, can not be items with a self-evident use in combat or survival that your character's class doesn't have access to like a map or sword)

*Personality: (Important personality traits belonging to your character)
History: (your character's history up to his point. Important events in their lives and how they have crafted your character into who they are today)
Oh, okay I guess I can understand limited interest, however if the RP ever does come up, count me in. I have some really peculiar (in a good way) ideas buzzing around.
sweet, well you can feel free to discuss those ideas with me via PM, I'd love to hear them ^_^
OOC is up guys. I'm gonna see if putting up that thread generates more interest
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nope, i just clicked the link and it works fine for me
oh, oooooooh. fuck. lol

you're under 18 years of age, aren't you?

The RP is going to have quite a bit of blood and gore, (and possibly implied rape) so I put it in the mature section ^^;

that woudl be why you can't view it.

ok, let me see if i can work something out with the admins and move the thread
so yeah, stupid me, i didn't realize that the mature section was referencing seual content only, not gore and violence.

anywyas, i contacted diana and th thread should be moves shortly, I will post an update when she contacts me to let me know it has been done.
Ahhh, I see. No worries man, I can handle a bit of blood and gore.
the OOC has been moved to the fntasy signups and should be vailable for everyone to view
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