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    Term begins on September 1.

    Awaiting your owl,
    Minerva McGonagall
    Deputy Headmistress
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    1. GM word is law. I'll try my best to take everyone's suggestions into consideration, but I will always have the final word. If you don't agree with the way I run things, that's perfectly fine. The door won't hit you on your way out.
    2. Abide by the fundamental role-playing rules. This means no godmodding, powerplaying, and so on.
    3. I expect you to keep up without constantly needing my aid. This means posting for all your characters on time without needing me to remind you. In addition: I don't mind questions, but if it's something you can easily do some research on independently (i.e. "Did someone interact with my character?", "Did Snape do that thing that one time in the books?"), then please do the necessary legwork yourself.
    4. This is an adept role-play, so I'm going to require more than just one-liners. No novel-length posts though, please. Just keep it straightforward and provide enough material for others to work with.
    5. Newcomers are limited to two characters max. After a month, I may allow them to create more characters depending on their activity.
    6. Do not post OOCs anywhere. Feel free to join the Discord server if you feel like chatting up with the rest of us.
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    - If you need to go on hiatus, you may. However, as with everything else, this also has a limit. Everyone is permitted 25 days of hiatus, which will reset every three months. If this is too little time, dropping out may be the best course of action for you. You can always come back eventually, provided some time (at least three months) has passed since your leave.

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    House & School Year:
    Summary: (1-3 paragraphs)
    Relationships: (Since this will be a relationship conflict-driven role-play, forming relationships with at least a few other characters is necessary)
    Electives: (See Extras page)
    Clubs: (See Extras page)
    Organisations: (See Extras page)
    Appearance: (Picture, text, or both)
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Gaunt's had a name worth fearing, and wealth that partnered with it. Now they have nothing.

Persephone Gormlaith-Avalon Gaunt

"Per-steph-phoney Gorm-laith Ava-lon Gau-nt"

Percy & Perse
Date of Birth
1st November 1958
Edinburgh Scotland, United Kingdom
Pureblood, Witch
Bloodline Traits:

Gaunt Family History:
Persephone is born into a bastard-born side of the Gaunt bloodline, that began with a Dark Witch known as Gormlaith Gaunt through the birth of a bastard son, during early 1600. That was never historically recorded, but later discovered by the niece of Gormlaith shortly after her death in 1634.

The final heirloom that Gormlaith Gaunt could have possibly handed down to her bastard was stolen by her niece. Salazar Slytherin's wand is now in a permanent state of sleep buried Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry where over the top grew a beautifully rare snakewood tree. This left the Gaunt family rather bitter towards the Steward family, since a letter and destroyed wand of the defended Witch was sent back to Ireland where her hidden family was.

Wealth came to the family once more with time, though not through the working with other sides of the Gaunt family. Anger, greed and villainous behaviors held their riches intact. Along with few of them being born with the ability to speak Parseltongue, the larger the association with noble purebloods of the same ability meant the numbers grew more so with time.

There were few uprisings regarding the family many years after this branch had been created, taking the place of their dark ancestors. Such times were harsh for members of the family that tried to click on the society and fit in. The final uprising within the family was settled and torn apart from the inside of the family branches, leaving only two still breathing at the end of the family's civil war.

Feared throughout Ireland because of the behavior through the generations, the surviving branches that wished to make a difference decided to move to the Scotland. Giving the newer generations a better chance, and calmer beginning.

The first branch still held the broken wand of Gormlaith as a reminder of the darker days of their family, and what hatred they were born with. Angus Fergus Gaunt was one of the last holders of this heirloom, which was handed over to his son and successor William Gaunt.

William Gaunt was the final son born into the family line, with time people from the second branch began to die off. Solidifying the very last bloodline of Gormlaith's dark branch. This last male heir held a high place in Hogwarts, almost restoring the faith in people that the darkness had left him, more so upon the welcoming of an unlike pureblood marriage of love within spring of 1950.

William's love was faithfully placed in a Ravenclaw by the name of Elise Bonnet, together they lived happily for a few years. First and only child being born between them during the Pagan celebration of Samhain, November first, 1953.

Persephone Gormlaith-Avalon Gaunt was born at a healthy weight and size. She the pride and joy of her family. A prophecy was told of her being powerful, and thus her parents named her after their ancestor in the hope of giving a new reputation to the name Gormlaith within the wizarding world.

Persephone Personal History:
Being the only child came at some advantages to Persephone, as she had little to no competition for attention nor the grand teachings of her powerful and respected grandfather. It wasn't long into her life that her parents discovered Persephone's ability to speak Parseltongue, an ability that had been believed to have died out in her family tree with her grandfather and his siblings family line. Yet, it appeared it wasn't the case when they decided to visit a local pet store in Edinburgh when Persephone was just a child.

It was decided then that Persephone's grandfather taught her all he knew about the history of Parselmouths within their family, leading all the way back to Salazar Slytherin himself. At a young age, her family's history sparked her interest, and she followed through learning through whatever piece of information she could find.

Homeschooled until the letter from Hogwarts arrived truly shaped the quiet and shy nature of Persephone. Mostly due to her mother's fear of the child being discovered as a Parselmouth in a rather delicate time. Even going to such an extreme to changing the first middle name in her daughters full-name, in the hopes of giving her a chance of friends in Hogwarts.

As the situations within the wizarding world became more dangerous, Persephone had officially become a student at Hogwarts and sorted into the house of Slytherin, much like her father was. She doesn't recall much about her first couple of years at Hogwarts, everything seemed a bit average.

Except for the bullies who made her everyday life almost impossible, extremely hard to make friends.

Family tragedy struck her during the Summer before the beginning of her seventh year. Killing her parents and grandfather who refused to join the Dark Lord as loyal followers and Death Eaters. Persephone was spared as she was hidden away by her grandfather who claimed for her to hide in Parseltongue. Leaving her to hide away, stepping out after the chaos. Confronted by the traumatic scene, and a final Death Eater that happened yet left.

Not having her wand in hand, she took her deceased grandfather's wand. Using the best defence she could muster against a fully grown wizard, that caused her going through a wall. Leaving her with scars from the spell cast, scale-like burns left behind from the torture she faced at the hand of the wizard.

Left shaken, Persephone was comforted by her mother's close friends and housed for the start of the year. Now she was the carrier of the destroyed wand of her dark ancestor and had adopted her beloved grandfather's wand. Having her old wand buried with him, as a sense of leaving a piece of her with him.

Adopting her mother's Patronus, a Black Swan. As an endearment of love for her memory, carrying it as a reminder of who she wants to be.

House & Year:
Slytherin, Seventh Year

  • Dueller's Society
  • Slug Club
  • Orchestra Club
  • Quidditch - Chaser
First Wand - 11 inch Ebony, Unicorn Hair, Strudy.
Second Wand (grandfather's family inherited wand - creator Mykew Gregorovitch) - 10-inch Snakewood, Basilisk skin, Strudy.


Alistair Blackbourne -
First introduced on the train to Hogwarts during first year. When Percy introduced herself as a pureblood witch she omitted, her family name upon introduction out of fear that her family's lack of wealth would make it rather hard to make friends and bonds. Sitting together they engaged in conversation and bonded. Yet, all was revealed about who she was at the sorting ceremony. Persephone was a Gaunt- a family with rather dark origins and views that were considered more medieval compared to some others. But the sorting hat decided the girl was better fit for Slytherin.

It was in the time of their rather civil and respectful relationship that Persephone began to admire Alistair romantically. It was possibly due to little interaction with other boys or she merely admired the fact that he wasn't turned away by the lack of wealth her family possessed. Sadly, their relationship only was to remain civil and innocent before the end of the last Quidditch practice in their sixth year. During which an incident occurred of great magnitude that caused embarrassment. It ended with Percy's first kiss being with the rather famous Blackbourne boy and being stumbled upon in the most unsightly manners.

The events leading to the accident made Percy extremely upset. After watching Alistair do favours for Deborah Johnson a student that found them in such a state. It made Persephone's views on him change rather quickly, instead of being a fault that she thought they could laugh about one day it was a matter of great shame and was covered up by Alistair's best efforts. Once more- he couldn't look Percy in the eyes, utter a few short words or merely work with her in class. Of course, Alistair's relationships and reputation weren't harmed like the relationship between the two Slytherins.

In the end, it was left to be unresolved between the two. Leaving their relationship as something rather stagnant and awkward. It became something Persephone hoped to rectify after the break, and towards the start of the seventh year. Yet, unforeseen circumstances changed those thoughts and more stable mindset.

Anastasia Fitzgerald -
Persephone and Anastasia's relationship was first established in their joining of the Orchestra club- where the pair bonded over both playing instruments from the woodwind family. Percy was quite accustomed to playing the flute and Annie played the oboe. Apart from the Orchestra, the pair doesn't often socialize outside of the club activities due to Persephone's shy and withdrawn personality towards the Ravenclaw's more outgoing friend Lauren Harrison, which has never caused any harm to their relationship.

During their fifth year, both girls found comfort in sitting by the lake outside of Hogwarts, talking about their fears and feelings. Annie learnt of Persephone's feelings towards another Slytherin- someone she didn't think fondly of, but she kept her mouth shut.

Term breaks and holiday period have to lead to the girls often sending letters to one another- well-wishers, birthday cards and Christmas cards. So, in terms, they have a rather good relationship for a pair that has little time due to school studies, other friends and other events.

Lauren Harrison - TBA
Benjamin Chamberlian - TBA


Black Swan - Thought to have been rarer than a unicorn when first discovered, black swans represent loyalty, monogamous love, and caring for loved ones. They may have a wild youth but remain monogamous later in life. Black swans represent the healing power of love and romance. Have you ever been on the receiving end of a protective mother swan? Dementors will be chased away by a whirling dervish! Source

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Power of blood means nothing when alone.

Anastsia Fitzgerald

Birth Name:
Anastasia Constance Fitzgerald
Known As:
Annie, Ann, Fitz, Fitty.
Pureblood, Witch
Date of Birth:
5th December 1958
Ravenclaw - Head Girl
  • Slug Club
  • Dueller's Society
  • Orchestra Club (Oboe)
10" Apple, Unicorn Hair, Springy

Born into the Fitzgerald family, in Boston America. Anastasia's family had few ideas of where they'd send their first born. Which brought many magical school to their attention. The final draw came between Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Being a magical historian, Anastasia's mother made the final choice on sending her to Hogwarts, due to it's rich history and record of amazing staff.

Everything was rather normal for the young witch growing up in Boston, she spent time with her tutors. Learnt all she could and got an understanding of where she was meant to be going for study. Understanding it was quite a distance from her home nervousness set in for Anastasia. But with time she settled on the idea more so.

Her grades and education through Hogwarts when started was rather notable. She had already gained a good understanding of their understanding, and the English Ministry of Magic. Which was so important since she was someone from another country, and she wished to continue her studying at Hogwarts.

Seventh year has stepped off in a promising manner, as Anastasia's record had given her the amazing chance to become Head Girl of Ravenclaw, the house she was sorted into on her first year. Much excitement is held for Anastasia in the eyes of her closest friend a Hufflepuff who goes by Laurie. The two are one of most unlikely set of friends, as Annie holds the rules high, and Laurie doesn't quite care for them.


  • Lauren Harrison - TBA
  • Henry Chen - TBA
  • Alistair Blackbourne - TBA
  • Deborah Johnson - TBA
  • Persephone Gaunt - TBA

Anastasia's boggart is of an empty home. As she always fears being left by her parents, and family. Since, Annie has such a love for her family that she fears one day she'd come home from Hogwarts to an empty house. No one there to greet her. In a sense, her own loneliness is her boggart.

Owl - The patronus of an owl symbolises a strong aura of wisdom, and individuals with it shine intellectually. They are not very social people, but they tend to be very admired for the impression their blatant knowledge of the world. Others tend to be comfortable going to these persons for advice, because they know they are trustworthy. They enjoy this reputation, as they love having the ability to steer others into the proper direction. Common in bird patronuses, the owl has a strong spirit that gives them a freedom to do as they please, with little interference of the opinion of society. The most common signs for an owl patronus are Aries and Capricorn, the most common house is Ravenclaw. Source



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Lauren Angelina Harrison

Birth Name:Lauren Angelina Harrison
Known As:
Laurie, Huffle, Hummingbird.
Muggleborn, Witch.
Date of Birth:
13th October 1958
  • The Frog Choir
  • Dueller's Society
11" Aspen, Phoenix Tail Feather, Flexible.​

Lauren Angelina Harrison, born into a loving family located in Manchester. Youngest of six, and the only witch, Laurie's brothers and sisters tended to leave her out of things. Out of possible envy or jealousy, she wasn't quite sure. All the sweet girl truly remembers of her childhood before Hogwarts days it was lonely, she had far and few friends.

Everything changed between her siblings when Laurie turned eleven, and was given her letter from Hogwarts. Of which, made all her older siblings upset in the sense of them not wanting to have her go. She was their little sister, and they must protect her. They couldn't do that when she was to be sent away. On her own she travelled to Ollivander's, and found herself paired with an old Aspen wand, which was waiting quite some time for its master to turn up.

Very quickly did she find a friend in her wand, as it was rather blunt and talkative. Ollivander had told her it was the type of wood. They were always rather defiant and talkative, quite like their masters at the best of times.

The wand chooses the master. Is a thought that had crossed Laurie's mind when using spells with her wand, as it always looked from someone like itself. So it's feelings could be matched. Her knowledge of this always helped use her wand, when it was being a little bit on the defiant side.

Upon the train to Hogwarts, Lauren found herself stuffed into one of the packed cabins with an Anastasia Fitzgerald. Through the long train ride, the girls bonded and laughed about their similar interests. Laurie learnt so much about her new dear friend in such a short time, and the same went for Annie learning about her. Yet, the girls had to go their own ways upon Annie being sorted into Ravenclaw, and shortly after Laurie was sorted into Hufflepuff.

It didn't stop the two from every hanging around with one another. All the years at Hogwarts, they found each other as their own company. Annie took on a role of being her dear friend's tutor, and Laurie taught Annie about the muggle world and what life was like being born into a muggle family.

Laurie learnt she had a talent for a few subjects on her own, such as; History of Magic and Herbology.

Settling into coming back to Hogwarts for her seventh year, she has heard about the recent attacks on some pureblood families and fears for her friends and close peers.​


The fear of blood has been one of the biggest downfalls of Lauren since childhood. So when coming face-to-face with her boggart for the first time it took the form of her dear and close friend Annie, who was laying down on the ground. Blood seeping violently from wounds that she had gotten. Maggots biting into her dear friend's cheek and almost rotting flesh. The scene had lead to Lauren fainting in class.

Hummingbird -The hummingbird is a very carefree patronus, and shows a free spirit. These are those who want to enjoy every aspect of life and embrace it to it's full potential. They are social, but they also need an amount of time alone to try and find their own path. They are sensitive and influenced easily by what others say about them. They try to act as though they are independent, but they take every compliment and insult they receive with extreme consideration. They want to please everyone. The most common house for a hummingbird patronus is Hufflepuff. The most common signs are Libra and Cancer.​
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Deborah Johnson
Deborah is an overachiever; ambitious to the point of being aggressively competitive, smart to the point of being a know-it-all. She hates being in the wrong, and worst of all, she hates losing.

In trying to seem perfect, she has become her own greatest and worst critic. Her devotion to her studies has garnered her few friends. Burdened with her parents' expectations, she hides her true self behind a perfectly erected wall, so as to seem like the daughter that her parents want her to be, or otherwise the smart and reliable student that her professors and classmates have come to see her as.

Living underneath this pretense has given her much anxiety, and though she tries to hide it behind a veil of politeness, it still shows. It shows in her passive-aggressive remarks, her proud speech, her ruthless manner of achieving her goals. Deborah strives for perfection like it's the air she breathes.

It was in the early 1950s when Deborah's parents met each other for the first time through mutual friends. They had just freshly immigrated from Jamaica and hoped to start their life anew. Because both hailed from impoverished families, they yearned stability and control over their own lives, which they rightfully earned overtime after much hardship and diligence.

When Deborah was brought into the world, all they wanted was the best for her. They wanted their only daughter to achieve more than they ever could. They drilled the same old story into her head: about how they had it worse than she did at her age, but still managed to build a life for themselves. She was a lucky girl, they told her, lucky to be born and raised in a place where she was free. There was much that her parents had to sacrifice to get this far, and in return, Deborah must work hard. She had a bright future ahead of her; all she had to do was reach out and grasp it.

Her Hogwarts acceptance letter came in not long after she turned eleven. She had never seen her parents so proud. Hogwarts was, after all, the school that they themselves had wanted to attend as children, but at the time they didn't have the money nor the opportunity to do so. It was a dream come true for both parents and child—a stepping stone to the promising future so dearly desired.

Benjamin Chamberlain (Cheating Buddies?) - It's certainly a strange friendship, if you would call it that. Benjamin once caught Debbie cheating on her homework, to the latter's horror. But instead of ratting her out to the professors, he taught her how to cheat better. Who would have thought that of two of Hogwarts' most prized students?

These days, Benjamin and Debbie occasionally help each other out like secret partners in crime.

Anastasia Fitzgerald (Rivals)

- Quidditch Team (Chaser)
- Dueller's Society
- Astronomy Club
- Charms Club
- Newspaper Club
- Potions Club
- Slug Club

Deborah is quite simple in appearance. She stands at the average height of 5'4" and prefers to dress practically outside of school robes: her usual ensemble would consist of a sweater or a shirt, a pair of cuffed pants, and her favorite sneakers. There are times when she would go all out with her clothing, but these are usually reserved for special occasions such as dance parties or balls (if she ever even considers to attend them).

If there is one thing that she has drastically changed about her appearance, it is her hair. Deborah has charmed her naturally dark brown hair into a strawberry blonde color at some point in her sixth year. It was purely out of a whim. Her parents didn't approve of her decision, of course, but Deborah refused to change it. She would at least have some control over her own appearance, she had told them, and quite surprisingly her parents left it alone after that.

- Deborah is a half-blood.
- Most people call her Debbie.

Theme Song: Again and Again - Holly Brook
Art: Batcii

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Cormorant Garamond
Henry Chen
j-boy - phoenix
At the core, Henry is a well-intentioned guy who values friendship over everything else. People have always been a constant presence in his life, partly due to growing up in a large family and the fact that his sleeping condition requires people to look after him. Because he's never really experienced being alone for any extended amount of time and has made a habit of relying on others, he likes to surround himself with people when he can. It's the kind of environment he thrives in the most. Otherwise, he gets anxious, bored, and restless fairly quickly, which he despises.

It doesn't take much for Henry to like you. All it takes is patience and a heaping helping of good humor. After all, he is something of a goofball, even if his jokes mostly consist of lame one-liners, a whole lot of teasing, and self-depreciation. In his mind, if you can appreciate his jokes, you're golden.

His lackadaisical, easy-going nature means he is not exactly the most forward-thinking. Things like academia and ambition are simply not on his list of priorities. He lives in the moment, preferring to go where the tide takes him rather than forge a path for himself. It's been a source of frustration for a lot of his closest friends and family, because Henry could go very far in life if only he put more effort in his studies. However, their advice would only go in one ear and out the other, so it would seem useless to try and make him change his outlook on life.

Henry was born in Hong Kong to half-blood parents, which has him eternally confused if that makes him a pure-blood or a half-blood by extension. In general, however, the Chens have never really regarded blood purity with any importance; in fact, they are known to be open-minded folk who have willingly immersed themselves in muggle culture. That was the kind of environment Henry grew up in, which makes up a lot of his core values.

The family Chen (plus extended family, because the Chens stick together like glue) moved to America when Henry was barely a year old. It was there that he spent much of his formative years studying in a muggle school. It was rough in the beginning due to his rare condition and wizarding background.

Just before his eleventh birthday, his parents decided to send him to Hogwarts because they had heard plenty of good things about it. His age also meant it was high time to send him to a proper wizarding school, and a boarding school in Britain seemed like the perfect fit due to their Hong Kong roots.

They were, of course, worried that this might be too much of a change for young Henry, who had always been so close to his family and friends in America. Yet, as ever, he managed to mold himself into the new environment fairly quickly.

[ Audrey Chamberlain ]
Henry and Audrey are good friends and look after each other being that they're both in Hufflepuff. Though Audrey looks after Henry more than the other way around, and sometimes this ends in hilarious little accidents, like Audrey getting trapped underneath a sleeping Henry after the latter has fainted.

[ Benjamin Chamberlain ]
Ben once sent a bludger flying to Henry's nuts during a Quidditch match between Slytherin and Hufflepuff. Henry was in tears and strapped to his bed in the infirmary for weeks before he could walk again. The incident traumatized him so deeply that he can barely even look Ben in the eye, much less talk to him.

[ Anastasia Fitzgerald ]
Annie is almost something like a mother figure to Henry. Ever so irresponsible, Henry frequently needs to be woken up by Annie, especially on school days when he needs to get up particularly early.

[ Joan Lambert ]
Joan has a one-sided competition with Henry, especially on matters concerning Quidditch. It all started when Henry poked fun at her poor aim during a match in their third year. Ever since, Joan has been trying to one-up him, to his own amusement.

[ Lauren Harrison ]
The bond between these two friends is largely based on food. The two love to steal each other's snacks and poke fun at one another. Their friendship, however, goes much deeper than that. It comes to a point where Henry would even deliberately get himself into detention just to keep his friend some company.

- Quidditch Team (Chaser)
- Dueller's Society
- Charms Club

Henry stands at 5'3", which means he's a little on the short side. If he's lucky, he'll probably grow another one or two inches in the next couple of years. This is something he is in constant denial over and the only thing about his appearance that he feels extremely sensitive about.

He has messy black hair which makes it look as though he had just rolled out of bed (which he probably just did) and slanted dark brown eyes. Though he is an active Quidditch player, he is notably lanky in physique, which he finds mildly frustrating.

[ A Kind of Narcolepsy ]
Henry's mother had had one too many sleeping draughts when she was pregnant with him, thus Henry ended up with a rare magical condition that is something alike the muggle counterpart Narcolepsy.

What it means is that Henry would often find himself dipping into a deep and dreamless slumber that would sometimes last for minutes, but other days it can go on for hours. There is no known cure for this, but certain potions can keep him awake. It would be dangerous to rely on potions, however, as they can be addictive. He reserves potions only for Quidditch or other important events like exams.

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One might regard Alistair Blackbourne's past as something of a tragedy, though the tragic aspect is so subtle it is often easily missed. The Blackbournes, after all, were pureblood socialites who rested their thrones upon gold and held immeasurable power within the ministry. They were powerful. Untouchable. Nothing could possibly besmirch their exemplary reputation.

But that is exactly where the problem lay.

Being a young Blackbourne boy meant endless social gatherings, numerous private classes held within the confines of the manor, and expectations set much, much too high. It meant growing up at such a young age, sooner than any of the children he knew, if he even knew any children his age. Only excellence was expected from him, and nothing less.

As a result, Alistair grew up to be excessively, painstakingly dedicated. He is anxious to succeed in absolutely everything, when such a feat is impossible to begin with. He would not stand for mediocrity and would go to great lengths for the sake of calibre, even if it means getting on the good graces of his professors or joining more extracurricular activities than he can reasonably handle. Truly, he is a restless thing, too caught up in his family's reputation and expectations to enjoy his youth.

There is a much darker side to Alistair's past, however. The Blackbournes are notorious for adhering to old prejudices, and a lot of Alistair's anxiety comes from just that. Relatives would always compare him to other people, especially those of other races, as though to shame him for being unable to do what they can despite being a young and capable pureblood wizard. A pure abiding hatred for 'tainted' bloods grew within Alistair as a result, disguised under a thin veil of calculated indifference and airtight composure.

Effie Campbell -

Elise Campbell - Much of Alistair's childhood was spent with Elise and her siblings. These two even have a photo together with Alistair's hair done, courtesy of Elise's craftsmanship.

Wallace Campbell - For whatever reason, Wallace has been acting significantly colder towards Alistair. This was all done without warning. One day, they were good friends. The next, it was almost like they reverted back to strangers. Wallace would not call him by anything but his last name, and every time they talked Wallace would almost always have a passive aggressive remark to make about him. As such, Alistair tends to avoid and ignore Wallace. But ignoring the elephant in the room only seems to make it bigger and angrier.

Anastasia Fitzgerald - These two have had a rather rocky relationship ever since Alistair's slip-up with Laurie. Now that they're seventh years and both appointed heads, things are bound to go south as they are forced to spend more time in each other's presence.

Persephone Gaunt - They first met each other on the train to Hogwarts, during which Persephone introduced herself as a pureblood and the two bonded. However, it wasn't until the sorting ceremony itself that Alistair found out that she was a Gaunt. Though the Gaunts were very prominent and powerful once, their wealth was now squandered. It was thus poor form for the likes of a Blackbourne to mingle with such kind, though he remained a civil relationship with the girl, seeing as they were in the same house and the same Quidditch team.

It wasn't until towards the end of their sixth year that an egregiously embarrassing incident occurred between them. It happened after their last Quidditch practice when they were storing their equipment away in the broomshed. One of the brooms fell from Percy's arms. Alistair tripped on it and fell onto Percy. In their hasty struggle to get back on their feet, the two locked lips by accident, causing them to fluster even more. Alistair accidentally groped at Percy's chest, as if the two hadn't already suffered enough embarrassment.

Precisely at that moment, Deborah Johnson walked in on them. It was the stuff of nightmares for Alistair, who was very particular about his reputation. He believed himself to be ruined since then, and so he began doing little favors for the girl. Miraculously, the incident never reached public scrutiny, and most importantly, Alistair's fiance's ears.

It did, however, drive a wedge between Alistair and Percy. While their relationship had already been shaky at best, the broomshed debacle served to add another layer of awkwardness for them.

Lauren Harrison - It was a series of unfortunate events during their first year at Hogwarts that sets up the foundation of Lauren and Alistair's rather awkward acquaintanceship. During Potions class, Lauren had accidentally mixed the wrong kind of ingredient into their cauldron, inevitably causing their potion to blow up, earning them both a failing mark. In his frustration, Alistair slipped and called her a mudblood--an incident that Lauren hasn't quite forgotten to this day. The incident also gained him many enemies in the process, including Annie.

Deborah Johnson -

Echo Sayre - Echo and Alistair are childhood friends and also engaged to be married. However, that is by no means their own choice, for their parents (or grandparent, in Alistair's case) had arranged the affair. It is important, after all, for purebloods to maintain their bloodline.

For as long as they have known each other, Alistair and Echo have never really seen eye-to-eye. They have made it their lifelong mission to push each other's buttons to the furthest degree, only made worse by the fact that they know exactly what drives each other mad with annoyance.

As a result, they seem rather close to the outside observer, which is true, though not quite in the way people think it to be. Having known her his entire life, Alistair thinks of Echo as something akin to an annoying sister. Though things seem to be changing quickly now that they have grown older.

Rosa Valentine - Rosa is another one of Alistair's many childhood friends, though the same could not be said for Rosa, who was raised by paranoiacs. These two grew very close very quickly, owing to their strikingly similar personalities. In their youth, they would go so far as to fool the adults into thinking they were arguing, when in fact it was all just a ploy done for their own amusement.

Seeing as the pair spent much of their childhood and early adolescence together, it goes without saying that they both went through a lot of changes side by side. This, in turn, led to a certain... experimentation that neither of the two speak of anymore.

Delynn Von Kronig - There is something about Delynn that draws Alistair to her. It is only ever in her presence that he finds himself stammering, slipping up, or even tripping on himself. It seems he has to be extra vigilant whenever she's around, and he's not exactly sure why. Is this what they call 'a crush'? It sounds stupid, but it seems to be the only reasonable explanation.

When Alistair is not being awkward around Delynn, however, these two can be quite friendly.
Head Boy
Quidditch Team (Captain, Keeper)
Dueller's Society (Captain)
Slug Club

Alistair stands at 5'9", rather tall for his age. Just like most of the men in the family, Alistair sports long black hair that reaches just above his waist, tied up only when Quidditch or class requires it. He is lanky in build, fair of skin, with grey eyes that seem almost lofty and unseeing. He is fairly good-looking and he knows it, going to great lengths to take care of his appearance, especially his hair and skin, though he tries to do this in secret.

During the weekends, Alistair wears a simple ensemble of button-ups and trousers, preferring somewhat formal but light clothing even in cold weather.

Wand - 13 inches, yew wood and basilisk skin. This wand was passed down from one generation of Blackbournes to another. It was finally given to Alistair just this year, after his grandfather decided it would better serve him. The wand is a very ancient and dark heirloom, long accustomed to the Dark Arts. So far, it has not yet recognized Alistair as its new master.

Beast - A Eurasian eagle owl, given to Alistair as a birthday present. His father had wanted him to write home more often, and thus gave him this gift with the intent to repair broken bridges. However, Alistair cared for animals about as much as he cared for his parents, which was very little.

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  • Character Name: Elise Camilla Campbell
    Nicknames: Ellie
    Species: Pure-blooded Witch
    Sex: Female
    Age: Sixteen
    Birthday: 15th October
    Zodiac Sign: Libra

    House: Ravenclaw, 6th year [Prefect]
    Clubs: Astronomy and Potions club
    Electives: Care of magical creatures & Healing
    Wand: Ebony wood, unicorn hair core, 10 inches - slightly springy flexibility
    Boggart: Corpses of loved ones
    Patronus: The Panda
    The panda is a resourceful animal, and those with it as a Patronus are the same. They are good at using whatever is around them, and incredibly creative and bright. They are friendly and warm, and many may go to them for advice or help, which the panda will willingly give. They are a bit of a healer by nature, enjoying company around them and using it to enhance themselves. They love to explore many areas of knowledge and the world, trying to broaden their horizons and keep their minds open. They can be very spiritual people, but will not push their views on others, as they are comfortable with whatever a person chooses to believe. The most common house for a panda Patronus is Ravenclaw, the most common signs are Pisces and Cancer.

  • Personality: Elise is intelligent and curious, a lover of knowledge who actively seeks out new things and experiences. She can often be found with her head in a book - the topic changing everyday as in her free time aside from studies she will practice or delve into a new field to expand her knowledge. This pursuit of knowledge is also due to the fact she finds herself easily bored and a strong hater of idleness. Elise favours logic when approaching situations she faces, liking to look at situations with attempts at varying perspectives. Her outlook of the world is generally quite optimistic and positive - an explanation for her cheerful and friendly personality with others.

    She is a highly supportive person by nature, willing to listen to anyone who approaches her with a graceful smile and warm manner. Elise has a tendency to play 'counsellor' to others -listening to their problems and offering advice where she can and when its wanted. Though this is just how she has always been, it is a mechanism most likely unconsciously partly used to avoid her fear of loneliness. Elise is confident in herself and others. While she can be dragged into messes or situations, she doesn't change her standings or opinions for anyone or anything and can be quite stubborn. She is quite empathetic as she tends to feel for those around her when they suffer - however, she tends to keep herself objective unless she need not be, which is why sometimes Elise is seen as blunt or callous. She can be quite enthusiastic about new topics, her beloved hobbies and even classes, which is why she is often noted to be quite an eccentric person. In social groups, Elise is not the type to be at the head or in the spotlight but instead play a supportive or advisory role in any social groupings she is in due to her motherly and tactical traits.

    Elise is organised, calm and collected most of the time. In terms of working, learning and her day she tends to have some organisation about them. How much time she allocates to study, free time and such is normally planned somewhere in her head at the start of the day. This is often why she has something to do at all times, be it revision, practice or up taking one of her hobbies. Rarely will she be seen out of sorts or frazzled unless she has been put under extreme stress. Though capable with dealing with most stressors in life, major stresses seem to impact Elise negatively as she will detach herself the situation and those involved till she can comprehend and sort through extreme stressors internally.

    She is fiercely protective of those she cares for or in general, those younger than her or in need of care. Elise has respect for rules and regulations as they can ensure safety and security of those following them - though her protective and curious nature often dispute with this principle of hers. She can also be absent minded when working or researching new fields and topics - leading her to ignore her surrounding completely. Unfortunately, this is when it becomes evident she can be quite a klutz. Elise can be quite shy around new people which often causes her voice to soften and some of her quirks to appear. She warms up and comes to care for people easily and often pays close attention to her wording, phrasing and what she says towards others. Despite her motherly, caring nature and the fact she forgives quite easily - she has quite a vindictive and cruel side when it comes to people she cannot forgive. Though rare, her hatred and anger is vindictive and destructive when directed.

    Right handed
    Allergy to nuts
    Tendency to 'crack' her knuckles
    Recites poetry when uncomfortable or anxious
    Talks softly (majority of the time)
    Sometimes hesitates before speaking to think over her own words
    Neat handwriting (cursive)

    Reading (Currently interested in psychology)
    Drawing (but she is honestly terrible at it. Stickman level ability)
    Studying astronomy
    Collecting antiques
    Mixing potions

    Tight spaces

    Studying and reading
    Learning new things
    The stars
    Sweet, sour and spicy flavours
    Soft, pastel colours
    Cooking sweets and treats
    Magical creatures - especially hippogriffs

    Bitter flavours
    When she fails
    Being alone
    Disorganisation with her belongings

  • Height: 5''6
    Body type: Slim, lithe
    Hair colour/style: Golden brown, waist length and wavy with a side parting
    Eye colour: Grey/blue eyes - tends to look more blue in certain lights
    Skin tone: Pale, porcelain like
    Piercings: Each lobe is pierced once.
    Style: Outside of uniforms, Elise likes to wear soft or pastel colours with a preference for blue and purples shades. Commonly, she will wear skirts or dresses as she likes to dress 'smartly' as she will put it. Despite being a decent height for her age and gender, Elise likes to wear boots with at least minor heel to feel taller. She always wears a rose gold necklace with a star charm settled with tiny diamonds. Commonly, her hair is done up somehow such as in a ponytail or braid with hair left to frame her face.

  • Catherine Campbell (Previously Lovell) - Mother - Elise's mother. Catherine was a previous lawyer as is from a prominent pure blooded family herself, though they do not match up to Campbell at all. She moved onto the island's with Noah when they got engaged. Elise adores her mother as she adores hearing of her mother and father's meeting so long ago. Her mother is her constant support.

    Noah Campbell - Father - Elise loves her father dearly and is closest to him out of her parents for their shared love of Hippogriffs. Noah constantly pushes Elise to try strive to be the best and reach standards suitable for being a Campbell. Though this does seem to put pressure upon her to succeed, Elise has over time developed a similar belief to her father concerning their family.

    Logan James Campbell - Older brother (19) - Logan and Elise are close as siblings but their personalities differ greatly. Logan seems to disregard the rest of the families business to focus solely on working with dragons. He cares nothing for the families standards or their pride. Elise on the other hand does and feels the pressure of such unlike Logan. However, they are protective of each other.

    Elijah Alec Campbell - Younger brother (12) - Elijah is Elise's younger brother and she has, since he was born, claimed that she would protect him fiercely and she does. Elise adores Elijah and is constantly worrying over him. When at school, she is often searching him out to make sure that he is okay despite his stubborn claims that he does not need her mothering him.

    Effie M. Campbell - Cousin - Effie is Elise's younger cousin on her father's side, the Campbells. Not having a sister, Elise adores Effie as she enjoyed having another girl near her age around when their families would visit each other. Elise is protective of her.

    Edwin Alexander McCoy - Best friend - Elise met Edwin in potions class in her first year and his second. Often their interactions involve Elise babbling on about random topics while Edwin eats his snacks. However, it suits the two of them.

    Aideen O'Sullivan - Friend- Elise met Aideen back in first year during potions club. She noticed that Aideen was quite closed off and so wanted to get to know her. This led to an unexpected friendship between the two pureblood witches. Elise considers Aideen a close friend who she cares for dearly - it is why she is often trying to get her to open up.

    Henry Chen - Friend - Henry is someone Elise considers a close friend. She tends to fret over the seventh year due to his lack of care considering his education. Elise enjoys his company - it is also often why she may have snacks on her at random times.

    Debbie Johnson - Acquaintances - Debbie and Elise are on civil terms and are friendly to each other. However, they do not know each other well or speak that often.

    Alistair Blackbourne - Childhood friend - Elise knew Alistair from when they were younger as he knew her cousins Wallace and Effie as well. Considering they are prefect and head boy and share potions cub, Elise and Alistair see each other often. Elise often finds herself trying to check in on how her old friend is.

  • Around twenty two years ago, Noah Campbell was sent to London to conduct business concerning wand cores - considering the Campbells speciality was magical creatures and as such, provided wand cores. During his trip in the early autumn, he met Catherine Lovell, a lawyer and pureblood witch. The two were still young but after a few trials, they two found themselves in love. However, Noah was forced soon enough to return to the islands where the Campbell's resided back in Scotland and Catherine had her career. Despite their distance the two kept in contact and their puppy love deepened till Noah proposed. The two were engaged for a year - Catherine herself quit her job and moved to the Island Noah worked on with the Hippogriffs where they eventually married and had their first child, Logan James Campbell.

    It was three years after their first child that they had Elise. Even in her youth, Elise exhibited a love for learning - she adored stories and explanations for everything and anything she could see. Her parents cultivated her curiosity as they would reciprocate her questions with elaborate answers or by retelling stories of their own youth when appropriate. Her mother would always encourage her to try something herself and tell her that it was the best way to learn. This was much unlike her older brother who spent his time fascinated by dragons - a species of mythical creatures that another island and side of the Campbell's worked with.

    When Elise was four, their parents had a second son - Elijah Alec Campbell, bringing their intermediate family count to five. Unlike her brother, Elise took an immediate fascination with her tiny brother and in her childish way declared that she would protect her younger sibling. The three children, like the rest of the Campbells, remained isolated and reserved from society - hidden away on their private islands with the creatures they tended for. Home-schooled, learning about the hippogriffs that one day, they would be expected to care for. Elise and Elijah would listen in carefully to their father but Logan did not as his desires were to care for Hippogriffs and any other creature under his families care but dragons specifically. This led to the small family often heading to one of the other Campbell islands, visiting their father's brother and his family. Elise herself enjoyed these times as she would get to visit her younger cousin Effie who she was just as protective of as she was Elijah.

    One summer, when Logan was back from his studies at Hogwarts the three Campbell siblings were asked by their father to go check on the new Hippogriff. They were told to not approach but to simply check. Unfortunately, Logan never paid much attention to their father when he spoke so when he spotted something wrong with the Hippogriff he approached. This was an issue considering Hippogriff behaviour and led to it growing hostile towards Logan. While Elijah ran back in tears from fear to their father, Elise grabbed her older brother by the hand and ran to hide. It was a lucky escape as their father arrived but it cemented things in each of the three children's minds. Logan did not want to care for the Hippogriffs at all and Elijah grew fearful of magical creatures. Elise on the other hand, was just left feeling even more curiosity towards magical creatures, especially the hippogriffs.

    The next year was peaceful. Elijah and Elise continued to be taught at home - as Campbells they were held to high standards. Elise though adored the tuition and learning and excelled academically. Furthermore, Elise had grown close to one of the young Hippogriffs on the island that they cared for - who they had named Stormfluff. [Though, she now is irritated by her childishness at the time to name her Stormfluff]. She had also found a interest in studying the stars. On the other hand, Elijah only grew more fearful of magical creatures and avoided the hippogriffs on the island completely. When they would visit the other island and magical beasts he would remain inside and well away.

    Then, Elise turned eleven and it was finally time for her to enrol in Hogwarts. Unlike her older brother who detested his education, Elise was ecstatic and had stood, back in her first year, at the station practically bounding around - lugging her large suitcase which was mostly full of a random assortment of books. Since she started Hogwarts, Elise has been under pressure from her father to achieve and set an example as a Campbell. Despite all this, she has been enjoying her time there - especially the past few years as she has had both her younger brother Elijah and her cousin Effie in the school which allows her to dote on them.

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  • Character Name: Leontios Gabriel Castellanos
    Nicknames: Leo
    Species: Half-blood
    Sex: Male
    Age: 15
    Birthday: 29st March
    Zodiac Sign: Aries

    House: Gryffindor
    Year: 5th
    Clubs:Art club, Charms club
    Electives:Care of magical creatures
    Wand: English Oak, 11 1/2'', Unicorn Hair, Pliant
    Boggart: A giant spider
    Patronus: A Lion
    Lions are loud and outgoing, their bravery abundant. They are very confident in their words and manners, always saying what they believe is the right thing and generally being all around friendly people. They are also incredibly helpful, ready to do whatever is in their power to help with a cause, and once they find something they care about they are strongly loyal to it. They are the same in their affections, loving with their whole heart. The most common house for a lion Patronus is, not Gryffindor, but Hufflepuff. The most common signs are Leo and Gemini.

  • Personality: Leo is quite the boisterous character. He tends to be quite loud and energetic a majority of the time he is observed, always with a massive grin on his face. Without a doubt, he is a true extrovert, thriving of being surrounded by others and allowing it to increase his energy. Leo is a kind soul, nice to everybody first unless provided a reason not to - even though sometimes it borderlines of naivety as he will ignore any signs of ill will and just see the good in someone. He has a tendency to act on intuition and 'feeling' above logic. This often leads him into situations that may be dangerous or even against the rules - if he, even for a second, believes it is for a good cause he will do it without question. He can be a bit irresponsible and childish in result.

    Leo values trust and honesty with others and easily forms long lasting and strong bonds with others that he gets along well with. He is seemingly willing to accept anyone and everyone - easy to forgive and forget. However, this makes him quite gullible and prone to being tricked. Leo believes others easily and so it can backfire against him. Not just people, he will believe most things he is told - even if part of him acknowledges its improbability. He is not the smartest in terms of academics, an average student with a tendency to fall asleep or slack off without supervision which stunts his grades to 'average'. Saying this, he is not the type to find academics interesting or engaging - preferring practical tasks over anything to do with reading or listening. Furthermore he has a strong moral compass as he can be incredibly stubborn and defensive of himself and others. Consequences be damned, he is unable to sit around listening to insults directed at himself and his flaws or at others. He is quite short tempered and vindictive - though rarely to a level he would endanger anybody but he won't take things sitting down.

    Doesn't like to sit still
    Tends to not pay attention to personal space
    Speaks quickly
    Will fiddle with random objects when bored
    Yawns loudly
    Tends to always have something missing
    Refuses to eat any seafood

    Wood crafting
    Reading comics

    Drowning (can't swim)

    Sleeping in
    Practical classes
    Watching the quidditch matches
    Large meals (he eats a lot)
    Meeting new people
    Wood work
    His family
    Charms class
    Herbology class

    Theory or reading to learn
    Early wake up times
    Spiders & Dogs
    Rude people
    Potion class

  • Height: 5''7
    Body type: Athletic
    Hair colour/style: Chocolate brown, messy, short
    Eye colour: Blue
    Skin tone: Tanned
    Piercings: Left ear is pierced
    Style: Leo dresses casual when not wearing the uniform required. This normally means any button up or t-shirt he can find and any pair of trousers. Often, they will not even match or follow any fashion but instead simply what he can get his hands on quickly. However, Leo always wears the same leather brown bomber jacket. He has a black leather wrist strap watch always on him as well which has, like the jacket, sentimental value.

  • Bella Castellanos - Mother - Leo's mother and someone so very dear to him. Leo loves his mother and since seeing her cry for the first time years ago, he has become fiercely protective of her. It was also the pains he suffered at lies that cemented his loathing for lies and liars. She is now divorced from her ex-husband, Lander and lives with her twin daughters and Leo(when he is back from Hogwarts) in an apartment.

    Lander Castellanos - Father - Leo is on neutral terms with his father. While they used to be close when he was young, since he found out it was his lies that upset his mother and broke down their relationship, his relationship with the man has declined. This has further declined as the man, for years now, has took to drinking.

    Faith and Grace Castellanos (10) - Little twin sisters - Leo's twin younger sisters by [x] years. Leo is fiercely protective of the two of them despite the fact they irritate him. According to Leo, the twins are little hell-raisers who find amusement in causing other people suffering. Namely, him.

    Marcus Drake - Friend - Leo met Marcus in first year when he first attended charms club. Some of Leo's other classmates were harassing him and his anger was slowly developing. However, an upper-class man stepped in and helped him. Leo looks up to Marcus and has since then and they have become basically brothers except in blood.

    Henry Chen - Exfriend/ Now enemy - Leo and Henry used to be friends. However, when Henry once made an off-handed comment about the Gryffindor house to another Gryffindor and he got wind of it, he became irritated. Confronting him, Henry passed it off as a joke but Leo found that unacceptable. Since then, when Leo sees Henry he tends to plot ways (small) to get back at him - especially since the incident with his hair being set on fire.

  • Leontios' father, Lander, originally lived in Greece but moved to London with his family in his own youth. The family of half-bloods of settled and eventually set up a woodworking business, a skill that had been passed down with the members of the Castellanos family for generations. Lander was taught by his father when he was young just as he was his own father. However, this eventually only happened when Lander was back from School as he was sent to Hogwarts when he received the letter. It wasn't until he graduated and continued his work in his family's business that he met Bella Grayson. The petite blonde was working in a company they were trying to partner with and It wasn't until three years after their meeting that they began to date and a few years after that, they married.

    Leontios was their first born and considering Bella was a muggle, Lander had yet to tell her of his abilities and world. Lander kept it secret, scared of his wife's reaction, until years after the birth of their twin daughters. It became clear that he had to tell her when Leo's abilities became apparent...and he feared soon enough, so would his twin daughters. Reluctantly, Lander sat Bella down one evening with Leo and explained everything - he hadn't even really told his kids of magic. Though his family had disagreed with his decision, they had to respect it. The kids would have definitely showed it to their mother and Lander had not been ready for her to know. Bella, finding out the truth was stunned. Weeks went by and still, Bella remained hurt and terrified. It was a whole new world that she couldn't comprehend but her precious children were a part of.

    Furthermore...Lander lied to her.

    A month went by and Bella could not forgive the lies - she had been married to Lander for years and the whole time, he hid something from her. Her anger was more directed at the lack of knowledge concerning her kids. Days had built up her rage and she told Lander she could not forgive him. However, the two found themselves unable to divorce and so remained together in the same home under the pretence that their living arrangements were for the sake of Leo, Faith and Grace. Unfortunately, while Bella just remained silently angry, Lander spiralled into depression as he watched the relationship with his wife break down.

    Leo watched this all occur as a child and never understood why his mother and father so suddenly became miserable and why their meals became silent. The girls never noticed but he did. When he was ten, after his father teaching magic to him one morning, he asked his mother what was wrong. He had found her crying and it broke young Leo's heart. This was his mother! Bella simply told him it was nothing to worry about...However, he argued back being the stubborn child he was. Leo declared he would protect his mother and to do that he had to know who upset her! Bella just smiled at the time through her tears and told him that lies were painful...they hurt...and she was hurt because of lies. This cemented Leo's hatred of lies and dishonesty - if something like that could bring his strong mother to tears then it had to be vile.

    A year later, Leo got his letter for Hogwarts. Eleven year old Leo debated whether to go...he did not want to leave his mother and sisters with their drunkard father who was struggling to even go to work these days. However, Bella and the twins encouraged him to go and learn considering he loved learning about magic from Lander and his paternal family - though he groaned at the idea of more school. Agreeing, Leo then headed off for Hogwarts for his first year of school. Since then he has been attending Hogwarts for four years, now going into his fifth year. Each summer he returns to his mother's new apartment home, as she divorced Lander only recently, where he spends his summers and free time helping his mother to earn money or visiting his father's family to keep them updated on how his studies are going.

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Morrigan Silvaria Quinn



Lesbian (Undisclosed)

Pureblood Witch

Birth Name:
Morrigan Silvaria Quinn

Known As:
Morrigan, Morgan, Silver, Quinn and Silvaria.



Pure-Blood, Witch

Date of Birth:
1st September 1957

Slytherin, Seventh Year.

12" Walnut, Doxy Wing - Inflexible

  • Dueller's Society
  • Slug Club
  • Newspaper Club
  • Potions Club


The importance of blood purity was always kept high within the Quinn family. Disgusted by the very thought of sharing their glorious destinies with muggle-borns. Members of the Quinn family have fallen into rebellion as they found themselves on the against of muggle-born witches and wizard policies. Such pure blood views had caused many problems for the Quinn family in the past, but they weren't going to change such thoughts because of some simpletons.

Quinns' were the respective members of the serpent house of Hogwarts, Slytherin. Morrigan Silvaria Quinn just turned twelve when she was sorted into Slytherin, views and thoughts towards half-breeds and muggle born witches or wizards already established in the girl's personality. Her parents two loyal followers of the Dark Lord, and heir apparent to Slytherin besides his weakling cousins of the Gaunt family. Morrigan passed through her years at Hogwarts swimmingly, a pride to her family as she completed the task of watching Persephone Gaunt from a distance.

Morrigan's Task: To watch the last Gaunt child, and see if she could possibly be any use to the Dark Lord. Try to confirm if possible if the girl inherited the blood-born trait of the family, being a Parselmouth, as it had skipped her father's generation.

Observations went all according to what the Dark Lord had assumed for his cousin. Morrigan admired the power the young witch had, and undoubtedly noted that she truly would be a great asset to the Death Eaters their cause. Yet, Quinn's knew that the girl's ties to family wouldn't possibly make her assist them. Thus, upon completing her trails to become a full Death Eater, in her sixth year at Hogwarts. Morrigan hatched a plan to rid her of the challenge of obtaining Persephone Gaunt's allegiance, planning the murder of her entire family, and the torture of the apparent Heiress of Slytherin.

Recruitment of another student from Hogwarts, the young woman was tasked with the role of a watchful eye. Thinking of tests to truly match the new recruit's loyalty and connections with others of lower value in the vision of the Dark Lord.

Firstly, Morrigan put her plans into action for the Gaunt family, with the assistance of her friends that she acquired. The Dark Witch didn't take care of her parents leaving that to a more practised Death Eater. She engaged in the torturing of Persephone Gaunt by the use of one of the unforgivable curses, the Cruciatus Curse. After destroying her wand in a one-on-one confrontation. The duel lead her to a wound over her right eye like a gash, as her mask cracked and cut her face in the light duel before the torture commenced.

After leaving the residence of the now fallen branch of the Gaunt family, Morrigan recalled fondly to her partners in the crime that she; "Had never felt so alive in her life. The Dark Lord should be deeply pleased with our efforts…" For a normally quiet and calculating being, this was the first time Morrigan Silvaria Quinn had voiced her sadistic thoughts for the very first time. Rewarded in a strengthening position within the ranks of the Death Eaters by her actions, and not getting caught the young woman became further confident of her thoughts towards plans for the Heiress of Slytherin when she got back to Hogwarts.

"I'll have her cleanse the halls of Hogwarts of the mud-bloods, so when you make your presence upon the grounds of Hogwarts… You won't have to gaze upon such filth, my Lord." Morrigan promised, before setting off to prepare for her final and most eventful year ahead at Hogwarts. Upon the travel to Hogwarts, the pupil of darkness reminded herself of her last four missions at Hogwarts that year.
  1. Test the allegiance and loyalty of their new recruits.
  2. Get Persephone Gaunt to fall into line and follow the Dark Lord's wishes.
  3. Re-open the Chamber of Secrets through the use of Persephone Gaunt, and cleanse Hogwarts of Muggle-Born filth.
  4. Survive.



Morrigan since childhood had shown taken pleasure in the discomfort, and upset of others. Believed to be due to the nature of her parents, she didn't hold any notion of love or care like most children would. It started with bullying her younger siblings, twins that hadn't quite the normal personality of the Quinn family. Further developing when Morrigan entered Hogwarts and started watching her targets from a distance. Full peak of her sadistic personality was noted during the time she used the Cruciatus Curse against Persephone Gaunt in the break of 1975.


Like an animal stalking her prey, Morrigan watches her targets from a distance. Calculating if they'd be effective or a downfall if they were to join the Death Eaters. Being the watching eye for the Dark Lord in a place that he couldn't control some of his followers, Morrigan feeds reports of betrayal, or ill-status creatures bringing down their cause, back to the Death Eaters to do their Lord's bidding.


Having full beliefs in the eyes of what Lord Voldermort wishes, and his vision for the new order within the Wizarding World. Morrigan follows and completes all tasks and missions that she has been given to the highest level of efficiency.


Perserphone Gaunt - TBA

Alistair Blackbourne - TBA

Rory Thomason - TBA

Anastasia Fitzgerald - TBA




  • Character Name: Rosabel Valentine
    Nicknames: Rosa / Rosie
    Species: Pureblood witch
    Sex: Female
    Age: Sixteen
    Birthday: 31st October
    Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

    House: Slytherin
    Year: Six
    Clubs: Duelling club, Newspaper club
    Electives: Healing / Alchemy
    Wand: Cedar wood, thunderbird tail feather, eleven inches, pliant
    Boggart: Clown (As far as she is concerned, they are terrifying and vulgar things)
    Patronus: Raven (this is also her Animagus form)
    Raven's are a bit like watchers of the night, quiet and observant, waiting for the precise moment to show themselves. Chances are they don't want you to see them, then you want, as they are very good at hiding themselves. Equally, they can be incredibly charismatic when they need or want something, swooping in out of nowhere and shocking you with their mysterious presence. They have a fire to them that represents their need for freedom, and this mostly coincides with their somewhat greedy nature. They are inwardly emotional, and can turn off what they are feeling almost as a switch, if need be. The most common house for a raven Patronus is Slytherin. The most common signs are Scorpio and Libra.

  • Personality: Rosabel in general tends to be quite an apathetic individual who rarely displays emotions or reactions towards anything. In fact, there are few things that get a reaction of any kind from her. Though this may partly be because she tends to divert her attention or simply drift off into daydreams when people approach her. When she does tend to experience stronger emotions she buries them inside and simply finds solace in her thoughts till she can resolve her feelings. Rosabel is introverted and rarely speaks or interacts with people that do not grasp her attention or are beneficial to her in some way. Being a pureblood from an family who takes a supremacist approach, Rosabel has grown up in an environment that has quite a negative opinion of muggles and it has influenced her own perception of them in result. Though she is not as bad as her family, she still has a sense of superiority due to her blood-status. However, Rosabel doesn't have any personal issues with muggle born but due to her family's strong stance and expectations, she acts as if she does due to their insistence. Even they do not suspect her true uncaring to blood-purity. Rosabel is the type of character to act primarily if something or someone benefits her in the long run – though there are few exceptions to this.

    Despite this and her struggles to form solid, trusting relationships, Rosabel has a strong sense of loyalty when she does. She holds a passionate sense of loyalty and bond with some of her family and the few friends she has gathered. This goes to a point she would act in their behalf or to protect them if necessary -though her methods would be more secretive, sly and manipulative. Rosabel is an observant, tactical and thoughtful girl who uses her skills when necessary to get her own way or manipulate others into doing what is needed. Though it is primarily used, in her case, to avoid work, responsibilities or even people at times as she often doesn't have it in herself to act personally unless necessary. Due to her personality being quite quiet and emotionally restricted, Rosabel is often lost in the background until she finally speaks up and so, it has enabled her to be quite observant and listen into the events going on around her which she has no issue using later. Whens he does speak out though, Rosabel has quite a strong presence.

    Rosabel does have her good traits despite all this. She is generally quite forgiving though she claims this to be due to a lack of care to hold any type of grudge and is quite self-confident. She doesn't tend to experience nervousness or a fear of inability in herself - it is simply not a pattern of thought she has been raised to harbour. Furthermore, though she has a habit of acting on benefit, she sometimes has no issue with doing things without anything in return on occasion if it is a situation that evokes emotion in her. She is easy prey to a sob story or someone stuck or in need of help. In general, she has a weakness for helpless beings. However, she tends to become embarrassed and deny any kindness she shows. Though she hates to do anything that is unnecessary, Rosabel puts all her effort into studies at her families demand of her and certain things she has come to love and hold a deep passion for some things. She has a longing for freedom buried deep down from her family and how she has been raised to view everything. Due to her upbringing, Rosa does seem to hold a paranoid mindset (though not as bad as her family are perceived) and so often, her mind is creating scenarios that do not exist or are unlikely. However, this rarely has a major effect on her.

    Quite detached behaviour in general
    Short attention span to most things
    Day dreams often
    Good memory
    Has a habit of fiddling with the ring she wears
    Is generally quite late to most things


    Sketching - normally doodles
    Reading mystery novels
    Horse riding
    Adopting helpless animals

    Spying (she has a tendency to sneak around)
    Chess & checkers
    Chocolates and cakes
    Watching drama unfold around her
    Transfiguration classes

    Early mornings
    Pork - she doesn't eat it out of dislike
    Being made responsible
    Peer pressure - she falls prey to it easy
    Small, helpless and adorable things - she secretly loves it but claims to hate it.
    Her clothes being ruined
    Being involved in drama that doesn't concern her
    Clowns - they are horrendous and creep her out.

  • Height: 5''8
    Body type: Curvy, tall
    Hair colour/style: Dark brown almost black, straight, reaches her upper middle back
    Eye colour: Amber
    Skin tone: Tanned
    Piercings: Both ears pierced in the lobe
    Style: Rosa dresses simply but elegantly and femininely. She sticks to high cultured fashion trends and though slightly lazy in attitude, pays attention to looking good and keeping her appearance pristine. Typically, she wears colours such as white, black and darker shades of colours such as red, purples and blues. She always wears a white banded choker around her neck with a white diamond charm at its centre. She has a similar white gold banded diamond ring to match on her right hand. Outside of uniforms, she often wears some type of heels along with skirts and dresses or smart pants and a blazer. Seemingly, it is rare to see her in anything casual of any kind.

  • Margaret Valentine - 'Mother'- Rosabel has little feeling towards her 'mother' as she has played no active role in her life. Rosabel is unaware that Margaret is not her mother - as far as she knows, Margaret is a fellow pure blooded witch and had given birth to her. Rosabel feels guilt for how her family has affected her so deeply.

    Gregory Valentine - Father- Rosabel adores her father and is protective over him despite the awareness he is mostly only focused on himself and cares minimally for her as he is the one who raised her. She is also very aware of his frequent cheating on Margaret and often wonders if she has any illegitimate siblings due to his actions. He has a strong demand of perfection from her since she is 'his child' - though this is mostly in respect to her looks and behaviours in all honesty.

    Deborah Johnson - Deborah is someone that gets on Rosabel's nerves and is often able to elicit some type of emotional response from her. Though this often when they are conflicting or butting heads as Rosabel finds tormenting or annoying Deborah amusing. She doesn't truly dislike Deborah but she often doesn't feel like she doesn't have the energy to deal with her either. Most of the time she is dragged into these arguments by the Ravenclaw witch making underhanded comments she can't ignore.

    Rory Thomson - Rory is an ally and someone who knowing, Rosa believes benefits her. She joined the newspaper club back in her fourth year when he began to fire off scandalous stories - at first it was a plan to avoid the firing line. However, beyond that she finds him interesting. This has been true since they, along with Morrigan, usurped the previous leader of the Newspaper club, replacing them with Rory. He may be one of the few people she is fond of at Hogwarts.

    Morrigan Quinn -

    Henry Chen - Henry Chen in just...annoying. He tries to rile her up and get any semblance of emotion, care or interest out of her. It rarely works. Rosa sees no benefit for befriending Henry so she tends to just ignore him and his attempts - normally just giving him a blank stare.

  • The Valentine family has always been known for a few things. Their paranoia and distrust along with their seclusion. It has been these behaviours that have kept them away from the rest of the wizarding world and society, only interacting with those necessary and with those they see a benefit from. Their members are raised in a family that believes firmly that survival and protecting themselves is the highest concern and in turn, it has bred children who continue this legacy. The third son of the current patriarch of the family, Gregory, is a complete narcissist with a superiority complex. So, when his family wed him to Margaret, a half-blood from an unknown family, he was furious and believed her to be unworthy. He refused vehemently but he was given no choice. Margaret did not desire the marriage either, but her family owed Gregory's father and could not repay their favours. Though, Margaret went into the marriage with more optimism than she should of - she only wanted to live happily after all.

    However, Margaret found herself unable to withstand the environment and atmosphere the Valentine's kept up. They were closed off, secluded and controlling. Some family members seemed to dislike her from the start and her own husband hated her. The amount of time she visited or got to see her own family diminished over time. Slowly, Margaret began to grow depressed due to her isolation. It didn't help that Gregory actively cheated on her with anyone and everyone. On one occasion, he slept with a pure-blooded witch who fell pregnant. The woman kept the child but to keep their affair from the world, Gregory took his daughter once she was born home to Margaret. He decided to pass the child off as his and Margaret's child since their family kept Margaret's blood-purity secret. As far as anyone outside of Valentine would know, she was not a child of an affair and it kept his wife's blood-purity secret.

    Gregory named her Rosabel.

    He believed something of his could not be anything less than perfect or beautiful. Margaret was not happy though and nor was some of the Valentine family outside of Gregory's immediate family. Rosabel was a daughter of an outsider...For all they knew, the woman who birthed the new Valentine could have planned to seduce Gregory - it wasn't hard to do- to get a way into their circle and find out their secrets. Would that woman come back in the future and hold the secret against them? Suspicion from some Valentine's began to surface against Rosabel in result – though this was nothing new as everyone often suspected one another. This was why the family was so controlling of one another. The family was used to internal conflicts and were prone to manipulating one another.

    This had an influence upon Rosabel upbringing. Margaret, who she knew only as her mother, was severely depressed and began to seclude herself. The woman locked herself in her room and barely left their home. Only the nurse the family hired to care for her seemed to elicit a word from her lips. Gregory raised Rosabel primarily alone and he rubbed off on her. He made sure she wore the latest fashion and taught her that she had to focus on her looks - they were important. He was highly critical of how she looked and what she wore to a point of anger if her choices didn't not suit his ideas of how she should be. This began to lead Rosabel into creating a façade for her family's sake. A mask she donned. She became cold, elegant and adopted the beliefs of her family without a word or even the influence of her own opinion. Each critique of her family buried her emotions further and solidified the belief that she needed this mask to survive. Rosabel became apathetic to the world. Except, to the occasional helpless animal she found herself adopted when she went out to her father. Like most Valentine's she was home-schooled but unlike them she found a benefit in her father's twisted personality. He was far more focused on himself and getting attention so he differed greatly from some of the other Valentines. This led to him going to functions on the Valentine's behalf and being seen by others in the community and world. He loved the attention. Often, he took Rosabel to garner further attention and praise. Though it meant she had to keep up to her father's standard of perfection, she adored these times because of is freedom.

    Though her studies were mainly conducted in the safety of her home by her aunt and uncle, as her father felt teaching was below him, Rosabel wanted to find a way out of her home and eventually she decided she wanted to attend Hogwarts. It would be seven years of freedom and it would allow her to escape her families near constant internal strife. Her grandparents immediately disagreed. Her uncles, aunts and cousins too. However, she knew how to approach this to win. Rosabel used her father's own twisted belief in his own excellence and his need for attention. She led him to believe that sending her to Hogwarts would benefit him - if she did well then it would reflect well on him. That she could help him escape the families grip as it could lead to him being acknowledged as Gregory not just another 'Valentine'. So, her father agreed and sent her off. Before she left though she received a long lecture from her father about what to do, how to act and such. To focus on her studies and strive to be the best, make connections with only those who were useful and to remember to look her best while doing so. That was her father's loving advice when she left for the first time.

    Hogwarts became her haven. Though she kept up her façade partly as her father would most likely drag her back home if she caught his attention negatively, it did allow her to expose her lack of care concerning most the world around her and drop some of the behaviours she adopted for her family. She has achieved noticeably good grades (mostly in transfiguration) in her years at Hogwarts, but she is nowhere near perfect with them. The most noticeable thing that has occurred in her completed five years is undergoing the process of becoming an Animagus after Professor McGonagall did a demonstration in her earlier years and it caught her interest. She had asked the professor to help her and she completed the process in third year where she adopted the form of a raven, like her Patronus (Even as a raven she has bright amber eyes). Currently, she is going into her sixth year.

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"Weeds are flowers too, once you get to know them."

  • Character Name: Effie M. Campbell
    Preference: Effie
    Species: Pureblood Witch
    Sex: Female
    Age: Fourteen
    Birthday: May 2nd, 1762
    Zodiac Sign: Taurus
    Gemstone: Emerald
    Birthflower: Lily of the Valley, Hawthorn

    House: Hufflepuff, Fourth Year


    • Care for Magical Creatures

    Wand: Effie's wand is made of Cherry Wood with a Fwooper - Phoenix blend for it's core. It is 11 and three-fourths in length, and is slightly bendy. It cannot cast Quietus.

    Companion: A grey Russian Blue with vibrant green eyes. His name is Rhine.

    Boggart: Her cousin Erik.

    Patronus: Nebelung Cat
  • Personality:
    Effie is a very quiet individual, and socially inept. Due to her upbringing she wasn't really given the opportunity to learn how to converse or behave with others, but that doesn't mean that she doesn't like to try. She's just a little awkward in her approach to others, and can be nervous around strangers. Effie still has a child like wonder about how she perceives the world, and despite her most recent situation she still wants to see the good in others. She also isn't the type to want to draw attention to herself, or want to burden others. Due to this she doesn't like to talk about her own misgivings and issues, and this lack of healthy emotional expression can lead to misunderstandings or Effie's stress becoming out of hand. Also, since she has the tendency to see the good in others, she has a general sense of trust in them too. She's quite willing to be open with others if the need arises, and through this she tries to be as sincere and generous as she can. Effie generally has good self discipline and is able to plan ahead.

    Effie is generally calm, although some situations can make her feel anxious or tense. She rarely gets angry and it takes a lot to make her angry. She very rarely feels depressed and is usually in a good frame of mind, but that does not mean that Effie isn't with out her triggers. She is sensitive about what others think of her. Her concern about rejection and ridicule causes her to feel shy and uncomfortable around others. She is easily embarrassed and often feels ashamed. Her fears that others will criticize or make fun of her are exaggerated and unrealistic, but her awkwardness and discomfort may make these fears a self-fulfilling prophecy. She does not experience strong, irresistible cravings and consequently does not find herself tempted to overindulge. High levels of stress can lead to her feeling panic or confusion, but usually she can cope with day to day pressures.

    People generally perceive her as distant and reserved, and she does not usually reach out to others. She tends to feel overwhelmed by, and therefore actively avoid, large crowds. She often needs privacy and time for herself. She tends not to talk much and prefer to let others control the activities of groups. She leads a moderately paced life. She likes some energetic activities, but also likes to relax and take it easy. She does enjoy some excitment and risk taking in her life.

    She is a moderately imaginative person who enjoys a good balance between the real world and fantasy. She is reasonably interested in the arts but is not totally absorbed by them. She tends not to express her emotions openly and is sometimes not even aware of her own feelings. She enjoys a certain amount of debate or intellectual thought, but sometimes gets bored with too much.

    She naturally assumes that most people are fair, honest, and have good intentions. She sees no need for pretense or manipulation when dealing with others and are therefore candid, frank, and sincere. People find it relatively easy to relate to her. She finds helping other people genuinely rewarding and is generally willing to assist those who are in need. She finds that doing things for others is a form of self-fulfilment rather than self-sacrifice. She dislikes confrontations and is perfectly willing to compromise or to deny her own needs in order to get along with others. She is willing to take credit for good things that she does but she doesn't often talk herself up much. She is mostly a compassionate person, however she prefers to make objective judgements when possible.

    She is moderately confident that she can achieve the goals she sets for herself. She is well-organized and likes to live according to routines and schedules. Often she will keep lists and make plans. Her sense of duty and obligation is average and although she is mostly responsible she can sometimes be unreliable. Mostly she works towards achieving her best, although in some areas she is content just to get the job done. She has a reasonable amount of will-power and is able to follow through on tasks that she feels she need to complete. She can be distracted however and have been known to procrastinate. She takes her time when making decisions and will deliberate on all the possible consequences and alternatives.





  • General Appearance: Effie currently stands at 5'0 with a very petite unshapely build. She's been confused with girls much younger than her due to her appearance. Effie is a youthful looking young woman with soft doe like features. She's got a round face with a button nose and soft thin lips. Lively almond shaped eyes with light brown hues, a twinge of innocence can be seen in them. She's got freckles on her cheeks, nose, and even her shoulders. Effie tends to wear simple and comfortable clothes compared to the rest of her family. She tends to favor blouses with skirts and dresses with mary janes over anything else, but when doing hard manual labor she might wear an old t-shirt with overalls and some sneakers. During the fall she will opt for longer skirts, and during the winter she will bundle up with pants and thicker sweaters. She also likes to wear mittens and ear muffs during the winter too.

    Physical Ailments: None
  • Bruce Campbell
    Effie's father

    Lindsey Campbell
    Effie's Mother

    Kenneth Campbell
    Effie's eldest brother

    Wallace Campbell
    Effie's second eldest brother

    Rhona Campebll
    Effie's Grandmother

    Ian Monroe

    Edna Monroe

    Marcus Monroe
    Distant Uncle and thief.

    Cecilia Monroe
    Distant Aunt and thief.

    Erik Monroe
    Distant Cousin and would be rapist.

    "Nana" Jives
    Effie's primary nanny and care taker.

    "Ali" Blackbourne
    There are very few people that were lucky enough to visit and socialize with the esteemed Campbell family. The Blackbourne's being one of them. While his family was largely prejudiced against muggle-born and half-bloods, they had a clear understanding that if they wanted the Campbell's favor then such ill suited conversations were to be kept off their estate. The Campbell's are a proud family, much like any other pureblood family, and upheld incredibly high standards not only for themselves but for those they associate with. Despite this they respect that fact that other people do not share their views, and do not let such trivial matters interfere with what is most important. Progress. All they asked is that others respect their own opinions as well as their house rules. Despite moral differences, Lindsey and Ali's mom hit it off really well which created a long lasting friendship between the families up until the divorce. Ali was there for Effie's birth, and as such most of her early childhood was filled with memories of him, her, and Wallace playing together. Ali was always there, and as such she didn't think Ali as anything less than a brother. When he stopped visiting after his parents divorce she became really sad and lonely, especially since Wallace had started going to Hogwarts by this time. All of this eventually leading into her friendship with Erik. Fortunately for her, when she first started attending Hogwarts she reunited with her "long lost brother" and refuses to leave his side much to Wallace's disdain. She'll even sit at the Slytherin table with the two of them. Unfortunately, as the years passed she's come to realize that he is not the same person anymore, and is having a hard time getting to know the new "Ali". Despite this she still cares deeply for him, and trusts him a lot more than she would others. She has yet to tell him about her incident with Erik, and isn't sure if she will be able to. For now she's acting like everything is fine, but she isn't sure if Ali can see through her charade or not.

    Percy Gaunt

  • It was a chilly fall day, the sky's were cloudy and dark and a light drizzle was sweeping over the mountainous highlands of Scotland. A middle aged man paces anxiously back and forth as the love of his life is screaming out in pain. She had gone into labor, and due to previous problems with the pregnancy the non-muggle couple had their doctor on stand by for the past week. Thus their precious bundle of joy was birthed at home. A beautiful red haired baby girl was brought into this world, and they named their little miracle Effie M. Campbell.

    Effie grew up on the Campbell Estate, away from the muggle world. There she was home schooled for the first years of primary education. Her secondary education already to be the esteemed wizarding school Hogwarts. Effie grew up secluded from the outside world but not with out social interaction. She played with the nanny, the help, and even her parents when they had the time. She was also blessed with kind grandparents, uncles and aunts, and cousins. She even had older brothers to keep her company. Her immediate family was always close by due her father's family business of dragon handling. In fact some of the family even lived at the mansion with her. Though Effie grew up loved and away from the dangers of the outside world, it just wasn't enough to escape what fate has in store for you.

    When Effie turned nine some family she hadn't met before visited their estate. They were dressed in rags, and filthy but her mother invited them into their home as if they were family. They bathed them, dressed them in some hand me downs, and feed them. It wasn't until Effie asked her nanny did she learn that these people were distant relatives of her mother. One of them was her distant cousin Erik, whom was her brother's age. Apparently they were staying for a while. Effie was skeptical of them at first. She noticed how her elder brothers didn't like Erik too much. However she was curious and decided to associate with them. Her distant relatives had never seen Effie before. Though they seemed to be excited to finally meet her. She got along well with them, and Erik even played tea party with her. A few weeks after her brothers finally approached her and warned her that Erik was trouble and not to get to close. She didn't listen.

    She and Erik got along swimmingly, sure he was five years older than her, but he never complained about playing tea party, or house, or dolls, or any of the other games she liked to play. He even listened to what she had to say, and about her problems. He would tell her of the outside world and its wonders. About magic and muggles. They were the best of friends and Effie couldn't have been happier. Though after a while strange things started to happen. Her dolls started to go missing, some of her clothes, and even her pillow. Eventually she caught Erik's mother stealing from her mother's jewelry box in secret, and became wary of Erik's parents. When she told Erik about it, he admitted that his parents were horrible people. That they did bad things to him, and to others. Effie consoled him, but soon even Erik became a bad influence. Nothing to serious, just teaching Effie how to hide her green beans. Rough housing. Talking back to people. Soon enough Erik found out about Effie's pet dragon, and wanted one for himself. He talked Effie into breaking some clear safety regulations and house rules, and showing him where the dragon nests were so he could pick one out. Effie told him that they could only watch from afar, to which he agreed. However once they got there, Erik got too close and enraged on of the protective mothers. This resulted in Effie falling down a rocky cliff side, and injuring herself. A large gash running from the top of her shoulder to her lower back was bleeding out, and Erik immediately went for help.

    Luckily for them one of Effie's uncles on her dad's side was working today. He had left shortly after Effie and Erik to go check on some of their new born dragons. He was walking up a mountain trail when he heard the alarming roar of an adult dragon followed by the screaming of children. There were only six children in the family that could be on the estate, and one of them wasn't even old enough to walk. Two of the others he had seen before he had left the mansion just a while ago. So he only had a few options as to who the children are, regardless he wasted no time in following their screams. Eventually he saw Erik wiz past him, and he instantly pivoted into that direction and caught up with the panicking child. After Erik told their uncle what happened, the man immediately went to Effie's aid. He quickly used a healing spell on the unconscious girl and brought them both back safely to the house.

    Effie was a tough little girl, she had grown up with dragons thus it wasn't surprising when she woke up the next day with out any mental trauma. She explained that she knew that the protective parents would lash out at them if they got to close and told Erik he had to stay back. She has told them how he didn't keep his word and startled the mother. Both Erik and Effie were lectured for their misdeeds and Effie promised to never approach the dragons again with out a professional with them. Erik had nightmares for weeks after what happened, and Effie would comfort her elder cousin by sleeping with him at night much to her elder siblings protests. Though upon her recent visits to Erik's quarters she discovered something.....disturbing. At first she found his shrine in his closet, though being young she never really understood it. The shrine had candles, flowers, and even several photos of Effie. Confused she simply shut it away and didn't question it. She even turned her vanity into a shrine thinking it was cute. She had candles, flowers, and photos of all the people she loved taped around her mirror. Whenever someone asked Effie would say "I saw one once, and I thought it was a cute reminder of all the people you love in your life." Nobody ever suspected the true horror behind what was actually going on.

    Again Erik had a nightmare and requested her comfort, to which she accepted. Grabbing her baby doll she would head over to his room and crawl in bed with him. Though the next morning Erik had already gone. Upon waking up she discovered that her baby doll was missing and looked around Erik's room for it. Eventually having looked under his bed and finding some boxes she hasn't seen before. Naturally curious at her age, Effie pulled out the boxes to find that they were full of her missing things. Erik walked in on her after he discovery to which she immediately demanded an explanation. He said he found it in his mother's room and was going to sell them behind Effie's back. He had taken them away from his mother and kept them in his room until he was sure it was safe to return them to Effie. Effie was ecstatic and apologized for ever doubting Erik.

    Soon Effie was accepted into Hogwarts at the age of eleven. Erik had no shame in showing Effie just how upset he was in her leaving. Even getting violently angry with her when she gave him the news. She left with out saying good bye to Erik for an entire year. Though eventually they wrote to each other after Erik sent an apology through the mail. Effie being naive accepted his apology and returned to unconditionally loving her cousin as she does with the rest of her family. It wasn't until she returned the following year on vacation from school did Effie realize how sick her cousin actually was. During her break she finally spent some alone time with Erik. Being older now Effie had grown to be quite self conscious and refused when Erik asked if she'd spend the night in his room. Upon hearing Effie's response of "Boys and Girls our age are not supposed to do that." Erik became disturbingly different in his attitude towards her. His smile faded and immediately left her room with the slam of her door. Effie was lead to believe that she had made Erik upset some how, and as a result felt guilty over something she didn't do. Erik was her best friend after all, so of course she wanted to fix it. Later that night she visited his room as an attempt to talk to him. He played it off like Effie had hurt his feelings, but was over all vague. He said Effie would have to make it up to him some how. He asked if maybe they could watch his favorite movie together. So they cuddled up with some popcorn and began watching.

    That was his trap though, and he began to feel Effie up while they were cuddling. At first she thought he was playing around, and she told him to stop. He did for a moment, but then continued. She didn't start to cry and panic until he began to forcefully undress her, and luckily for Effie one of the servants that worked the nights had heard the commotion. They rushed to Effie's aid and threw Erik off of her. The house woke to a huge commotion the following morning. Effie's parents were infuriated. Not only that but Effie had told them of everything she had heard through Erik about his parents, which only further fueled the Campbell's hatred. Erik and his family were thrown out of the house, and then later sued on child molestation, theft, child pornography, and child abuse. The Campbell family won their case and Effie was granted a restraining order for Erik. However, the event had left a horrible scar on Effie's mental health. She became withdrawn in herself, frightful of touch, and plagued with nightmares. She has been seeing a shrink for the past year year now, and still manages to continue her studies at Hogwarts.
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Pedro Govanni
Birth Name:
Pedro Rowan Omar Govanni

Known As:
Pedro, Dro, Rowan, Row, Govanni, Gio.



Half-Blood, Wizard.

Date of Birth:
31st October 1954


11" Black Walnut, Flexible, Pheonix Tail Feather

  • Quidditch - Seeker
  • Dueller's Society
  • Newspaper Club
  • Potions Club
  • Charms Club
  • Astronomy Club
  • Magical Creatures

.::Lauren Harrison::.

.::Henry Chen::.

.::Anastsia Fitzgerald::.

.::Morrigan Quinn::.

.::Ramsey Grey::.

.::Lavender Grey::.

Pedro Rowan Omar Govanni was born between a English pure-blood witch and an Italian merchant. Making him a mix between the magical world, and muggle-world. Being his father's discovery into the wizarding world, Pedro's father grew an interest in his wife's secret life that she was forced to hide. All-and-all, the gifts that the little Govanni boy was granted from his mother's genetics brought his family closer.

Growing up in a modest area, Pedro never saw children like him, not until the Harrison family moved into the house across the street. At the time he remembered his muggle grandfather sitting on the porch, scoffing at the number of red heads pouring out of the cars. 'They were largest number of carrot tops' his grandfather ever saw in one gathering. Young Pedro didn't truly care about them too much, as he sat there on the grass watching the family move into the house, few carrying personal boxes in hand. Even a girl no older than him by one or two years. Unlike her siblings, this carrot top didn't seem to have the ratty features like the others. Even upon meeting her better at her family's introduction did Pedro notice her gem-blue doe like eyes, and bubbly nature.

She was named Lauren Harrison, affectionately called Laurie, but to him she was his Carrot Top.

It didn't take long for the Carrot Top to transfer to his local primary school, being two years above him. He always thought her bubbly nature would cause her to be popular, but all in truth she wasn't. Carrot Top didn't fit in. Even with her siblings it seemed, as she was often hiding up on the roof at night sleeping to a local stray that plagued the area for years.

Pedro was quite a troublemaker during this time of Lauren's moving into the neighbour, and the new girl just had to be his next target. He went to all levels and extremes to scare the poor girl, even gifting her a frog during her a toad one birthday. Much to his surprise stupid Carrot Top adored the bloody thing, named him Rowan almost to get back at him, not that it really harmed him. Almost flattered the boy that someone named something after him.

Over the years his teasing did really begin to test Lauren, and finally all imploded when Pedro dared to try kill Rowan, Carrot Top's beloved toad. Truly, it wasn't him though. It was a spell he'd learnt all by himself, to cast the image of Rowan. The next thing he knew, he was vomiting up slug's in his backyard, as a puffy-eyed Lauren Harrison stared at him. Sniffling.

Pedro had met and learnt of his first muggle-born witch, his neighbour of two years. A girl he secretly admired, but was told 'you tease the girls you like'. He never knew she was an actual witch! Someone just like him. Vomiting up slugs didn't seem half-bad, after-all he had met his first witch other than his mother.

Of course, everything changed after that his 'play-mate' no longer hung around, and the whole Harrison family grew distance after the incident involving slugs. Time flew quick enough that Pedro Govanni even got his own letter to Hogwarts, believing himself superior in more levels than one when it came to his abilities as a wizard. Pedro's trouble-making attitude, and head-strung personality found him sorted into Gryffindor. Leading to the delightful surprise of meeting Laurie again, but she was a Hufflepuff, a Badger and he a Lion.

In his five years since attending Hogwarts, Pedro grew a decent crowd around him, though hung by one friend as troublesome as he. His magic improved, and the relationship that he hoped to rope Lauren into was slipping away from him. So much was riding on him for this next year, he had tried so hard to make her sob, and turn into a ball of mush since arriving. He couldn't possibly not have her cave in before she graduates... She's a Hufflepuff for Christ's sake!

But he didn't only have pranks planned for the Hufflepuffs, but anyone and anything that got in his and his friend's way.


Tiger -The tiger is a very strong, independent patronus. They have a fierce personality to them that they show openly, and have no problem doing it. However, there is more to them than just an impression, they have parts of their past that are a bit dark, and that has caused them to grow a bit cynical. They don't like to show their feelings to others, as they like to maintain the impression for themselves and for others that they are unbreakable. They are not fast to warm up to anyone, but once they do they will protect you with all that they have. The most common house for a tiger patronus is Slytherin. The most common signs are Gemini and Aquarius. Source


Rory Thomson
On the surface, Rory seems friendly enough, if not painfully shy and ordinary. One might even call him boring. The boy often keeps to himself, preferring the company of books over people.

But as the saying goes, the quiet ones are often the most dangerous. And Rory perfectly embodies that archetype. He is a man of many ploys and secrets, those unassuming eyes always watching and calculating every move.

To Rory, life is but a game of strategy and manipulation. He is the man who pulls the strings behind the scenes, thriving in the chaos he creates while maintaining a fair distance from it. He's not very good with confrontation. Instead, he keeps to the shadows, a place where he can safely plot against his enemies. Untouched, unharmed.

The Thomson household is a hectic one at best, as the family is huge and predominated by women. Rory has seven older sisters, raised single-handedly by his mother. A tough feat, for their father had left behind a huge debt when he walked out of their home many years ago. The family, however, is not an unhappy one. At least, there has never been a dull moment where the Thomsons are concerned.

Rory's traumas mainly stem from his experiences during his first and second year at Hogwarts. His classmates teased him and he was altogether outcasted for his slightly feminine demeanor. With no friends to turn to, Rory poured himself into writing short stories. Eventually, the Newspaper Club would notice his talent and invite him to join their organization.

It was then that he realized the true power of words, and how he could use his talents to his favor. He wrote scandalous articles, taking inspiration from the rumors he heard around school and turning them into something much more worthy of the front page. A few words could ruin the reputation of those who used to torment him. Soon, he grew lustful for that power. He realized he was good--incredibly good--at this, at gathering secrets and spreading lies.

- Newspaper Club (Leader)


- Rory is a muggle-born


Joan Lambert
Name: Joan Lambert
Age: Seventeen
Race: Half-blood

There are plenty of reasons why Joan doesn't have a lot of friends, and it's not particularly because she has a terrible personality, though one might argue that she does. She is simply difficult to get along with. The girl is, above all things, obnoxiously talkative, opinionated to the point of being rude, shamelessly bold and reckless, with a penchant for swearing like a sailor. She exhibits Gryffindor in all its cliche qualities.

Her luck, or lack thereof, is also what makes her largely unpopular among her peers. While she exudes a detached confidence that can make her seem quite intimidating at first, all of that goes quickly out the window once her incredibly bad luck springs into action. For a rather physically aggressive girl, she is also quite clumsy, prone to tripping over herself or landing herself into the most ridiculous situations. This, coupled with her natural inclination for trouble, has more often than not cost Gryffindor its house points.

For all her faults, Joan has a staunch heart and good intentions. Loyal and chivalrous as she is, she would stand by those whom she considers as friends and family through and through. She is also quite sensitive, no matter how she is unwilling to show it. She cries more often than people would expect of her, for there lies a soft heart underneath that cold and seemingly impenetrable shell.

Born to a pureblood wizarding family based in Canada, Joan had a relatively rich and extravagant childhood. However, this did not mean that the family accepted her as one of their own. Being the product of an illicit affair between her married mother and a muggle meant the Lamberts did not look too favorably upon her.

Joan had spent most of her life not knowing who her father was. His name and a single photo among her mother's possessions were all that she had of him. Apart from that, his existence remained a relative mystery. Her relatives would frequently talk about the man, albeit in tones of condescension and reproach, but even then they would hardly reveal anything personal about him. "Filthy muggle," was what they called him, warning Joan she would turn out the same way eventually.

It seemed that she did, in fact, inherit a lot of his rumored qualities. This only made her stick out more, as if her startlingly distinct appearance wasn't enough. This meant she was further isolated from the family. As a result, Joan grew up bearing an irrational hatred towards his muggle father. It had nothing to do with him being a muggle (after all, she didn't share the same prejudices as the rest of her family) and, in fact, it probably had nothing to do with her father at all. Joan simply despised being in a situation where she was the odd sheep in a place where she was supposed to belong.

When it was decided that Joan would continue her studies in Hogwarts for her fourth year, the girl had half a mind to run away. To think that she would be sent away to an entirely new country like some unwanted object was just too much for her tempestuous nature to handle. But the arrangement proved itself to be better than she had anticipated it to be. A change of environment proved to be good for her, as over the course of the years she has made unlikely friends and found a place that she could finally call home.

PM me for relationships

Joan bears a striking resemblance to her estranged father, from her green eyes—most notably the way her brows slant into what seems to be a perpetually angry expression—to her straight black hair and tall stature. Her appearance gives her a difficult time as it is a constant reminder of her mother's infidelity. Until now, she sticks out like a sore thumb in her own family, the Lamberts being predominantly blue-eyed and fair-headed as they are.

Much of Joan's clothes are monochromatic in color, only serving to emphasize her paleness and brooding nature. She dresses simply but not unfashionably, with a preference for trench coats and boots during the cold weathers.

- Dueller's Society
- Gryffindor Quidditch Team (Chaser)

Theme Song: Somedays - Tess Parks
vurdeM on DeviantArt




  • Character name: Sanguine Zurie Faust
    Nicknames: Sans
    Species: Half vampire, Half Witch
    Sex: Female
    Age: 16
    Birthday: 28th December
    Zodiac sign: Capricorn

    House: Gryffindor, 6th year
    Electives: Alchemy & Ancient Studies
    Clubs: Debate and Potions
    Wand: Red oak, white river monster spine, 12 ½ inches, Slightly yielding flexibility
    Boggart: A spider or snake most likely
    Patronus: Buffalo
    The buffalo is full of many feelings, the strong stature of them showing through a person in this way. They try to appear stoic, but it often backfires and they wear their hearts on their sleeves. They are passionate about everything they do and headstrong. They make sure their opinions are known by all that they concern, because they want to show that they are not weak. They feel as though their emotion and lack of control over it does in a way give them weakness, and it angers them greatly. They have strong tempers that are easy to lose. The most common house for buffalo Patronus is Gryffindor. The most common signs are Taurus and Sagittarius.

  • Personality: Sanguine seems to harbour the stereotypical redhead trait of a quick and nasty temper. It is easy enough to send her on a spiral of rage at even the smallest things - which is often why she gets herself into fights or arguments on a daily basis. Though she tries to keep it in check, she often fails. Unfortunately, in the less controlled moments her tendency to become violent appears. Sanguine is an emotional person, her natural reaction to things she cannot understand or even small things she can perceive as insults (which she often does), is anger. Though it's not just only anger, all emotions she experiences tend to be quite strong. She often judges events, words and others negatively and judge them as such quickly - especially if she does not know them. Sanguine seems to have quite a negative outlook of others and the world. Though being emotional is not a necessarily bad thing, she is aware of her anger issues and detests them. She harbors a slight envy for those who are more controlled and refined and those who forge relationships better than her.

    However, this is not all of her. Sanguine can be quite intense and competitive but she has a much softer side that is hidden by the angry outbursts. She has a weakness for cute things and gets embarrassed very easily. Her quick tendency to blush is something she absolutely hates about herself, something she often does when she receives compliments or praise. Her reactions vary to this from freaking out, mumbling thanks for simply storming off. SHe simply isn't used to compliments or praise and so often finds herself unsure to react until instincts appear. Sanguine is proud of who she is despite her awareness of her flaws and often displays a confidence in what she is skilled at and who she is.

    Sanguine is the type of person who revolves around principles of fairness. Her sense of justice here is often what keeps her from physically harming people or getting into fights on an unnecessary basis. Sometimes, she will even involve herself in situations if they challenge her principles. Sanguine typically goes of the concept of a 'fair fight'. She has no issue getting revenge or even getting back at others but she will make sure it is fair. Loyalty and honesty are two are principles that are strongly entwined in who Sanguine is, she rewards it back in kind. To those she grows attached to or are close to her, she will not lie to them or betray them in any way or form. She is also the type to dedicate herself to anything she is working on and put in all the effort she can muster. Sanguine dislikes not trying and those who don't try in return. Though she will try anything without fear, she obviously has things she struggles with and it often leaves her irritated. Though, she is far too stubborn to give up properly even if she claims she will. She can also be overly protective sometimes.

    Quick to anger
    Obsession with sweets/snacks
    Eats when nervous/agitated (if this does not lead to punching someone of course)

    Jewellery making
    Baking (Sweets only)
    Knitting (SECRET)


    Cute things (she will deny it)
    Smashing stuff
    Sweet foods
    Blood (of course)
    Pinks, purples, reds and blues
    Taking naps
    Jewellery making - she took it up to try control her anger

    The newspaper at Hogwarts - mostly those who run it.Her anger
    Bugs - Any kind
    Snakes (she hates that they have no legs)
    Liars and cheaters
    Doctors - freaky
    Arrogant people
    People insulting her or her friends

  • Height: 5''7
    Body type: Slim, athletic, curvy
    Skin tone: Fair, pink undertones
    Eye colour: Lime green, yellow tones.
    Hair colour/style: Layered waist length auburn hair, wavy style with slight curls at the tips. Side parting.
    Piercings: Both ears are pierced once.
    Style: Sanguine likes to dress comfortably above anything else. She will typically wear pants and a comfortable shirt or t-shirt on most occasions. However, she has been seen in skirts but rarely ever dresses. Her hair is often just brushed and left down as she rarely has the patience to do anything with the long auburn locks. Commonly, she wears heeled boots. Sanguine typically wears reds, blues, greens and purples concerning her clothes along with black and white.

  • Lawrence Jacob Faust ~ Father ~ Sanguine is close to her father but he is not the one who raised her or her brothers. He prefers to be out and about, meeting people and especially meeting women. He rarely is around but she does love him dearly. She wishes he would mature though as despite his age he acts like a child a majority of the time. Even she is more mature than the full vampire and she is considerably younger than him.

    Nicholas Faust ~ Older half-brother ~ Her eldest half-brother and Lawrence's first child from a relationship with a mortal muggle woman. He is the most similar to Sanguine herself, having a nasty and uncontrollable temper. He often teases Sanguine over anything remotely feminine she does and her love of cute things. Despite this they are close and he is protective of his redheaded sister.

    Draven Faust ~ Older half-brother ~ Sanguine's second half-brother and the second child of Lawrence from a mortal muggle woman. He is the calmest of the three half vampire children but does have his emotional moments. He is much softer than his two siblings and got a better head on his shoulders. He is protective of Sanguine just like Nicholas.

    Astrid Eleanor Faust ~ Paternal grandmother ~ Sanguine's paternal grandmother. She is considerably closer to her grandmother as Astrid took to having a granddaughter with excitement. She taught Sanguine the current principles that play a huge role in who she is along with how to be tough, strong and confident in herself.

    Alaric Faust ~ Paternal grandfather ~ She adores her grandfather. The elderly vampire and patriarch of their small family is someone humorous, lively and ever one to defy any norms he can. He is, in short, a loveable oddball. While their grandmother was the one to raise them with needed strictness and to teach them manners and morals - Alaric did the opposite. He taught them to be open, accepting and to have fun with life.

    Elizabeth ~ Friend ~

    Rory Thomson & his "lackeys" (Morrigan and Rosabel) ~ Enemies ~ Sanguine completely hates the newspaper club, its ideals and especially its members. She rarely interacts with them but the most prominent interaction was when she reacted to a story they wrote on her and her friends. Sanguine has not even a shred or like for these three. Typically calls them whatever nicknames she thinks up at the time and she has many of them by this point.

  • Sanguine was conceived during one of her father's many one-night stands. Lawrence Faust was never one to settle down or even date for to long. However, on a few occasions it seemed to stay with a woman long enough to conceive a child. Before her he has conceived two children, Nicholas and Draven. Sanguine's mother, a witch, never told Lawrence until her birth when she was thrust upon the vampire as her mother did not wish to let her family know of the birth or her child. Lawrence was shocked to have a daughter – though barely around he only had sons. So, nervously, the vampire took his newborn and unnamed daughter home to his own parents.

    Astrid and Alaric were disappointed. Another child out of wedlock and another child shoved into their care by their son who seemed to disappear after handing her over. He only stayed long enough to name her Sanguine due to the short, soft hair covering her head. Astrid gave her the middle name Zurie, wanting to give her something of her mother despite the fact they would probably never meet. Despite her disappointment in their son, they were happy to have another grandchild and Astrid was delighted to have another girl in the house.

    Nicholas and Draven were excited to have a little sister. They wanted to play the typical big brother roles for their new sister, Sanguine. They believed she would be soft, quiet and meek – ready for them to protect her. However, despite their hopes she turned out the opposite. Surrounded by her older brothers mostly she picked up on their behaviours as they were often fighting, arguing or screaming. To not be drowned out by the two, she was raised the same. It didn't help that her grandmother taught her to be strong, family orientated and fierce. In their youth, the trio of half-siblings would often play fight, argue and be general hellraisers. Despite her tomboyish like attitude, deep down she always was 'girly'. It only was seen when her father returned, often with gifts for his kids. Mostly for Sanguine she received teddies or plush toys that she adored greatly. Though being raised with her brothers, she learnt to deny her softer side to be strong.

    Sanguine in her youth learnt many things. Astrid taught Sanguine how to make jewellery and knit. At first it was simply to pass on skills, but it became something that helped her anger. Alaric similarly taught the two half-vampire, half-human boys' skills and hobbies to quell their snappish attitude. It seemed to be a trait they all inherited. However, unlike her brothers she was half witch where they were humans. When Sanguine showed signs of magic, Astrid knew what she had to do. Astrid called upon a favour from an old friend, a wizard, to teach Sanguine whatever her could. At least, until she was old enough to attend Hogwarts. At first, Sanguine had no interest in magic at all as it was, in ways, something from the mother who didn't want her. So, her anger, far less controlled at this time, led her to harbour hatred for it completely. He father, despite his often absence, was the one who convinced her to embrace it and love her abilities and who she was. It was one of the few times the two had a meaningful conversation, but it set her path in stone in a way.

    When she was old enough, as Astrid expected, Sanguine received a letter to Hogwarts. Knowing that in the very least her friends would be there, Sanguine agreed to go and set off for the magic school. She was sorted into Gryffindor and is proud of that. Since she has been at Hogwarts, her attitude hasn't calmed at all. In fact, she has seemed to garnered a reputation with her angry outbursts. One angry outburst of hers occured when Rory took over the newspaper club and wrote a story on her and the other 'vamp kids'. She ended up storming into the newspaper club swearing and beginning her rampage. She did no physical harm to anyone but threatened them without a single care. There has been many incidents besides this. However, she has enjoyed her years at Hogwarts.

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Piper Ryeland
Piper's always gotten along with animals better than people, they've always been easier to understand in her eyes. It's easier to trust something whose intentions are so clearly written in their eyes; people aren't like that, it's easier for them to lie or say something and mean something else entirely.

Because of this it's sometimes hard for her to talk to others, unless she's passionate about something. Then it's hard for her to shut up, though her delight and bubbliness about such a topic is usually refreshing to be around.

This doesn't mean she doesn't like people, she does, it just takes her a little while to fully understand them, to trust. However, once she's a friend she's completely unwavering and loyal. Always there when they need her. She's always found it extremely difficult, if not impossible to walk away from people who seem lonely or down, no matter how nervous they may make her.

For Piper it was always just her and her father and whatever animal he'd cared for that day, she's never known any differently having been raised her whole life like a muggle. That is until her letter arrived and changed everything, revealing so many secrets about who she is, who her mother was.

Now it all makes sense. Her mother was a witch. She had been forced to leave Piper when she was younger in an attempt to both keep her safe and prevent the dark lord's arm from growing in any way she could. Piper found this out when she received her first letter from the woman, a short explanation of why she had left and hopes that they would continue to write to one and other and one day see eachother again. She of course agreed and has continued to write to her mother each year.

Her first few years at hogwarts we filled with the usual response, wonder and excitement for everything magical. For finally coming to a place where there were others like her but also, the whole new world of magical creatures. This discovery had been the start of her most time consuming activities. Smuggling whatever new creature she came across and hiding them in her room, much to her roommates dismay. Her interest and love for all magical creatures has only grown through her years at Hogwarts.

Lauren Harrison - TBA
Anastasia Fitzgerald - TBA
Deborah Johnson - TBA
Pedro Giovanni - TBA
Alexander Ryeland - Father (Vet)
Penelope Bringer - Mother

Clubs: Care for Magical Creatures
Electives: Care for Magical Creatures, Dragon Studies, Healing
Nicknames: Pipes, Pip
Wand: 11 inch, springy, blue spruce, unicorn hair
Partnous: Bernard dog
Species: Half blood
Pet: Nibbles (Nibbs) Puffskein- Rainbow, small enough to fit in the palm of your hand, complete fuzz ball.
House: Hufflepuff

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  • Sweet
Reactions: Bubs and Ardent
Cyrus Grey
Seventh Year, Gryffindor
Cyrus much like her brother who took after their father's larrikin personality often at times showing a boisterous and badly behaved side of her. This apparent disregard for the conventions of the British Wizarding World has landed the girl in a world of trouble a number of times since entering Hogwarts. Although, she's often quick to wit or stubbornly holding back her own opinions Cyrus has the character of a good friend and expresses high levels of the popular Australian idiom of Mateship which embodies; equality, loyalty and friendship.

Her intellect though lacking in some subject she makes up for in Transfiguration studies.

Cyrus has a brave and stubborn heart which often could render her in more trouble than worth for intentions she seems solely stuck on. For these instances often involve the violation of her friend's rights something that doesn't sit well with her ideals of equality. Though gentle in appearance she's not as gentle physically due to her temper and passionate drive when things aren't right. The girl often finds herself playing a very rough game of Quidditch if it's been a bad day because it helps her vent frustrations.

Cyrus was born between a couple that loved each other dearly and held very high pride for one another— even though their different status. Her mother was a pureblood witch from the Australian family of Thornheart a famed house that held form the nation full of hidden witches and wizards everywhere. To add to the list of her mother's achievements she was a star Quidditch player reaching so far to join the Australian National Quidditch team and take home the Quidditch World Cup in the year 1966. Phaedra Grey at the time had her young children watching on from the sidelines, Cyrus and Jasper were eight years old at the time.

The prior history to Phaedra Thornheart meeting her husband— muggle, James Grey was looked down upon by her family. In their opinion, she should have been marrying into a more wealthy and dominant wizarding family with Pureblood heritage. Yet, stubbornness seemed to run in their mother's blood just as much as it did Jasper and Cyrus because she didn't listen to the warnings of her family and kept seeing the muggle in question. James Grey was a famous member of the Port Adelaide Football team, but through a tour, he happened to meet a beautiful young woman in the city of Perth, Western Australia and the rest was history.

The discovery of Phaedra's pregnancy was largely frowned upon by her noble family but James didn't mind at all. To much dispute of the Thornheart family, James Grey married the woman of his dreams and began to set up a life for them. Nothing seemed to break them down, even the fact that he quickly learnt that his new wife was a witch and a rather famous one at that. Although there were hassles of adjustment with James when the children were born and there was an already presence of their magic the man coped with the undying support of his wife.

For the sake of Jasper and Cyrus growing up and being able to have a sense of freedom, the pair moved out to the rural country town of Brookton. This gave the children to use their magic and learn to ride on broomsticks at a young age. One of Phaedra's favourite photographs of her children would be when Cyrus used a garden rake one day instead of a broom because she couldn't find it. It was a very proud moment indeed.

Cyrus and Jasper decided to take the opportunity of going to Hogwarts in Europe during their first year of Witchcraft and Wizardry education. Furthermore parting ways with their parents a taking the steps towards their future in a more independent manner. Both of the Grey siblings were sorted into the Gryffindor upon arrival and excelled in their certain subjects. Cyrus's most prominent and skilled subjects were; Transfiguration, Potion, Herbology and Charms. She gained such a vast nack for Transfiguration that in her late third year she learnt that she could turn herself into a Dusky Hopping Mouse— thus she was an animagus.

Cyrus had a few people that she generally got along with though no one enough to call a friend until a girl by the same of Joan Lambert came to Hogwarts in her fourth year. The pair were originally set as dorm mates and things seemed pretty neutral between the girls at the time. That was until a game of the Grey Siblings famous game of Great Hall Cricket took place and Joan had fallen victim to Jasper hitting an apple into the back of her head after being pitched by Cyrus. More or less the three all got punished, Joan was for losing her temper and the twins well the same old things they got up to.

Funnily enough, since that detention, the girls had been good friends. Cyrus was often one that would listen to Joan when no one else would, and happily, tease or kick an arse or two into gear when it came to her friend's happiness. Still to this day Jasper and Cyrus take advantage of a game of cricket in the Great Hall with a silver serving plater and an apple or two.

Jasper Grey - TBA

Phaedra Grey (nee. Thornheart) - TBA

James Grey - TBA

Joan Lambert - TBA

Rory Thomson - TBA

Morrigan Quinn - TBA

Persephone Gaunt - TBA

Alistair Blackbourne - TBA

Cyrus bears a strong resemblance to her mother in physical appearance, most notably her face structure and how her hair naturally falls. She's considered rather average in height; standing at five foot and four inches tall— the common height for young women in Australia. In comparison to other girls, she's still considered quite tanned against the European heritage of the larger number of her peers.

Her eyes are an asset that comes from her father's side of the family— they're a honey brown shade with deeper shades of brown around the pupil of her eye. Cyrus's hair is a shade of mousey brown after large amounts of sun-bleaching due to her long periods of being outside when she returns home from Hogwarts at the end of each year.

A large quantity of Cyrus's clothing is paler in colour due to the different climate that she's used to in Australia. Helping herself from overheating back at home she normally finds herself wearing cream clothes that breathe easier— the fabric choice often being cotton for her because of the breathable status that cotton has. Cyrus isn't afraid to appear rather unfeminine in her work jeans, boots and an oversized flannel workshirt to keep herself warm on the colder days at Hogwarts.

  • Charms Club - Leader
  • Gryffindor Dueller's Society - Captain
  • Orchestra Club - Chello Player
  • Gryffindor Quidditch Team - Chaser
  • Potions Club - Member

Birth Name:
Cyrus Isabella Grey
Half-blood, Witch
Western Australian
11" Sturdy, Eucalyptus with a Billywig Stringer core. Australian crafted wand.
Dusky Hopping Mouse (Endangered Native Bush Mouse) - Secret

  • Love
Reactions: Ghostly Boo
Cormorant Garamond
IM Fell English SC

Oliver Whitefang
raw - jim williams ​
Age: 17
Race: Half-Vampire
House: Gryffindor
Year: Sixth Year

Electives: Ancient Studies
Clubs: Charms Club, Orchestra Club (Piano, Leader)

Growing up isolated for the most part of his childhood has greatly molded Oliver's personality. He's a childish young fellow with an affinity for children—probably owing to the fact that he acts and thinks exactly like them. This makes him a bit difficult to deal with, as he is prone to tantrums and overblown theatrics. The smallest splinter can cause him to burst into (usually fake and exaggerated) tears, sometimes accompanied with melodramatic spiels over how he's just a brush away from death. This does not only point to his low pain tolerance, but also the fact that, much like a baby, he needs and vies for other people's attention. It would make him a perfect fit for the theater business, if it weren't for the fact that he is terrible at acting despite doing it so often.

When he is not being a cocky self-involved brat, he can be charismatic if he puts his mind to it. One can argue this has more to do with his looks rather than his personality, but he also possesses a certain confidence and talent for words that makes his presence magnetic. It's common to see him surrounded with friends and lovers alike, and is even known around Hogwarts as something of a playboy.

Oliver also possesses an adventurous spirit and is certainly not faint of heart in spite of his dramatic antics. He has the innocent curiosity of a child, though this curiosity mostly has to do with travel. He wants to see all there is to see, most of all hoping to one day witness the sunrise with his very own eyes.

Seventeen years ago, Oliver's father fell in love with a mortal girl. She was beautiful, probably the most beautiful woman the man had ever laid eyes on. He worshiped her endlessly and kissed the ground at her feet. But the girl did not love him.

For the longest time, he was blind to the cold hard truth. Until one day, the girl married another man.

Darkness seemed to take him then. In his rage, he took the girl for himself that very night, while the entire town burned at his feet. He got what he wanted and eventually had a child with the girl, but with each passing day she grew noticeably thin and pale. The flower he had plucked from the lush garden was starting to wilt.

When the baby was born, the girl he used to love was no more. With a heavy heart, he left her there, skin cold and white, eyes dead and unseeing. To another town he traveled. There, he started life anew with his only son.

For the greater part of his childhood, Oliver was bound to his home. The doors to the outside world were always closed to him, because his father feared of what might happen to him otherwise. They only went out in the dead of night and even then, it was only to quench their terrible thirst. Otherwise, they locked themselves in. Day in and day out.

When the town began to suspect something strange in their neighborhood, the two ventured to faraway lands again. This time they happened upon a small community of vampires and easily befriended the people there. It was a nice change in environment. Happily, another vampire family had a kid Oliver's age. He and Elizabeth were encouraged to play with each other, though within the first few encounters the two decided they did not like each other very much.

It wasn't until a fateful encounter that everything changed between them. A girl from their neighborhood was being bullied by a gang of children, due to suspicions of her being a vampire. By a stroke of luck, Oliver and Elizabeth managed to save her. Yet the memory of it remained ingrained in their minds and until now, the trauma of the experience has never quite left Oliver.

Since then, the three have been inseparable. The beginnings of a bond began to form between them that day, for it was then that they realized how important it was to stick with their own kind and to have each other's back. The world was cruel enough not to see that they had their own place in this world too, and they had to band together and fight to keep it. After all, no one else would do it for them.

Sanguine Faust (Childhood Friend, Lover) - TBA
Elizabeth Hawthorne (Childhood Friend, Lover) - TBA

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