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[fieldbox= OSHIRO KIRA, #ffa938, solid]

[November 4th, Afternoon / TTC]

[bcolor=transparent]Both Nyoko and Kira had noticed how Mana was staring at the raven, but it wasn't the first time Nyoko had experienced it. She pretended like it was normal, like it wasn't weird at all. Kira had smiled though, raised an eyebrow.[/bcolor]

[bcolor=transparent]"Welcome to the club, Kira!"[/bcolor]

[bcolor=transparent]"Woah, woah, hold your horses, girl." Kira chuckled, chuckling, as Mana patted her on the back. "I didn't agree to anything yet. Besides, I probably won't be around much if I do join, unless I can drag a drumset here. Then it would be another matter entirely…"[/bcolor]

[bcolor=transparent]"I don't see why you couldn't," Nyoko said, with a mischievous glint in her eye, as she leaned her chin on a hand. "I'm sure there are plenty of people who'd be thrilled to have an in-house musician. You can practice drumming and [/bcolor][bcolor=transparent]singing[/bcolor][bcolor=transparent] in front of an audience."[/bcolor]

[bcolor=transparent]Tch, Nyoko only said that because she knew Kira wouldn't dare to do it. Well, she would show her! Although, she'd still refrain from singing unless her life was at stake.[/bcolor]

[bcolor=transparent]"Well..... Since Iori-san left for awhile, I figure you need a new lieutenant until she gets back. Soooo...."[/bcolor]

[bcolor=transparent]"Iori-san left?"[/bcolor]

[bcolor=transparent]"I really love being a part of all this, 'kay? I'd like to help make the Red Pandas even better."[/bcolor]

[bcolor=transparent]"News spread fast, huh," Nyoko said, sighing, wishing she could bury her head in the sand for a few days. Everyone was so eager to take Iori's place that they didn't seem to care what had happened to her. Nyoko supposed she couldn't blame them, as she might have acted similarly in the same situation. "I'll take your interest into consideration if I pick a new lieutenant…"[/bcolor]

[bcolor=transparent]The pandas were adorable, as always, but she'd seen a lot of tricks done with them. It lost its novelty after the first hundred variations.[/bcolor]

[bcolor=transparent]Kira, on the other hand, was quite enamored by the show Mana put on. She'd never seen virtual red pandas before. [/bcolor]

[bcolor=transparent]"Oooh, I'd vote Mana, hands down. Isn't she just adorable?" Kira blurted out, blushing slightly when she realized she'd misspoken. The red pandas were adorable. It was best to roll with it now. "Don't you think so as well, Hardwired?"[/bcolor]

[bcolor=transparent]Why did Kira have to be here when Mana said she wanted to become a lieutenant?[/bcolor]

[bcolor=transparent]"Sure… I thought you hadn't decided whether to join though, and besides, it's not a democratic election. I'll pick whoever I think is the most suitable, whether that's Mana-san here or someone else or… Yukimura-san."[/bcolor]

[bcolor=transparent]It wasn't the easiest name to utter in the context, but Yukimura was one of the oldest members of the red pandas. [/bcolor]

[bcolor=transparent]"I'll join simply to vote for Mana!" Kira winked at Nyoko, stretching her tongue out, choosing to ignore how she'd mentioned it was not an election. "Gotta support my friends."[/bcolor]

[bcolor=transparent]"Great," Nyoko slid her hands into opposite sleeves of her Kimono, folding her arms. An idea occurred to her, which could be used as a kind of test. She'd meant to do it herself, but Mana should be eager to prove herself, right? "Actually, Mana, how about you get Raptor out of her room, bring her outside? She needs fresh air, since she hasn't been outside for weeks."[/bcolor]

[bcolor=transparent]If Mana somehow pulled that near impossible task off on her own, Nyoko would be at least a little impressed.[/bcolor]

[fieldbox=Kamei Mana, #ccffff, solid]

[November 4th, Noon / Downtown - TTC]

"I'm sure there are plenty of people who'd be thrilled to have an in-house musician. You can practice drumming and singing in front of an audience."

That sarcasm.... Just what was Kira's relationship with her singing voice anyway?

"Yep yep, I'd kinda like to hear you sing sometime too, 'kay? I bet you'd sound awesome," Mana mentioned, trying to ease whatever anxieties Kira might have.

"I'll take your interest into consideration if I pick a new lieutenant…"

In her mind, Mana had pictured all sorta of fanciful reactions the show might invoke from Nyoko; several of them unrealistic. This was pretty much what she'd expected: a 'maybe' and a composed response. Mana smiled wider, appreciating the consideration.

"Oooh, I'd vote Mana, hands down. Isn't she just adorable?" Mana noticed Kira's blush and chuckled to herself. "Don't you think so as well, Hardwired?"

That on the other hand, was more along the lines of Mana's fantasies. Truthfully, she really appreciated the surprise. Add it to the reasons why showing new members around was a lot of fun.

"Sure… I thought you hadn't decided whether to join though, and besides, it's not a democratic election. I'll pick whoever I think is the most suitable, whether that's Mana-san here or someone else or… Yukimura-san."

"I'll join simply to vote for Mana! Gotta support my friends."

Wow. Kira was really cheeky sometimes.

"Well if that's what it takes to have you join," Mana said jokingly as the pandas faded away. "But yep, Nyoko's vote is the big vote."

"Actually, Mana, how about you get Raptor out of her room, bring her outside? She needs fresh air, since she hasn't been outside for weeks."

"Walking Raptor...." Mana pondered the idea out loud. Given Raptor's unhealthy reverence for Nyoko, it was far easier for her to convince Raptor than, well.... anyone else. Convincing her to leave that cave would be especially tough. Yep, this was definitely a test.

"Well, I'll give it a shot, 'kay?" Mana still sounded unsure about the whole thing. "I need to talk to her anyway."

Making her way to 'the door', Mana knocked a few times and promptly swung it open, stepping inside. As Mana entered into Raptor's den, she spoke into the room accusingly.

"So I just spoke to Kira.... turns out she's been in the hospital the past few days...."

[fieldbox= Mizunohara Sagawa, turquoise, solid]

[November 4th, Noon / Downtown - Karakuri Mall]

"That's enough, Sagawa-san!"
"I don't think Leo-kun's actually laughing at you. It's more like...he's laughing at the fact we're having this discussion in the midst of a lot of strangers."

Imada motioned to the passers-by. Seeing their various expressions, from confounded to amused, caused Sagawa to withdraw back. Fixated her eyes on the ground, feeling the embarrassing flashback of forgetting she had been doing all of this in public.

"Leo-kun...you knew, all this time."

Sagawa heard it in Imada's voice. It was a hint of- No. It couldn't have been.
Chiyo wasn't capable of that, right? But for certain it sounded like she was-

"On another note, I need to get going. The copy store won't just find itself, and I would absolutely hate to keep any of you-- so I'll be leaving alone."
"See you at school, Sagawa-san. Kyouko-san."


Sagawa was only able to produce a mediocre response as she walked away. She had fallen back into being reserved.

"I see..."
"Oh well..."

Leo appeared resigned. For him, Chiyo's words were... hurtful. Sagawa couldn't exactly - whether she should have felt sorry for him or not. Something inside her told her that saying anything else would only be de-constructive. There was a time where things just had to be let go.

The boy glanced over to Sagawa one last time. With a expression in his eyes of mixed emotions.

"I don't make promises anymore."

Leo Kane left. Leaving only Kyouko and Sagawa there. The lookers on quietly went on about their business

After a moment, Sagawa's expression turned dejected.

"Did I... do something wrong again?" Sagawa shook her head, heaving her shoulders. "One step at a time, I guess."

The meat bun lover's eyes eventually came over Kyouko again. Who still appeared to be off in her own sort of world. What was going on with her? Being so unresponsive?


"I see. You're actually a pervert then."

Kyouko's consciousnesses faded back in, being met with a pair of judgemental looking eyes. What was she talking about? Why would she say she was a perv-?"

Kyouko felt some more blood rush to her nose.

Sagawa simply shook her head at the display.

"I know it's none of my business, so you can do whatever you want. But, if you do decide to do that, just know that I'll readily disown you if that idiot red-head's stupidity brushes off on you."

Sagawa put her hand up to her neck. For chip users it was a common gesture related to taking messages.

"Looks like I have work."

This struck the pirate as peculiar. Did Sagawa recently get a job? But in any case, it was absolutely invasion of privacy for her to be looking at her stuff like that! That was not cool!

It seemed like the two would really set off on their opposite ways for the day now that everyone else had left. Kyouko wasn't going to let this annoying message peeker get off with calling her a perv in her face, was she?

"Bye-bye. Kyou-chan. I'm really sorry for keeping you." Sagawa said apologetically. But she managed to say it in an annoyingly implicit way. If there were subtitles running they would read: Have fun getting all mushy with that obnoxious redhead. I know you might think she's cute but would you really want to be with weirdo?

Sagawa turned around, making her way out of the door. She seemed to completely disregard her original intention of going to the game shop. She must really have gotten a job.

@Raven Haruka


[fieldbox= , white, solid]
[ November 4th, Afternoon / Excalibur Arcade - Management Office ]

"Miss, excuse me -- we've never touched those machines before today, and my friend here only played the game for the first time just minutes ago. We could never have made all of that happen; I don't even understand what was going on."

Midori stared down Ryuu for a time. Her bored and un-amused looking gaze seemed to last an eternity. He couldn't quite get it... she really did remind him of someone back in school. But who?

"I don't know how all of that hacking stuff works really." Midori agreed. "All I know is that the two people at the epicenter of it all are seated in front of me and that the people who can figure out what to do are on their way. If you're really innocent, then there's nothing for you to worry about, right? But, I'd understand if you're feeling a bit apprehensive right now."

The red haired girl tipped her head to the side lazily.

"Did you think that agreeing to come to this backroom and taking a seat was a bad choice? Maybe you would've had a better chance if you just darted off and ran away when I asked you to come with us?" The girl made a dry laugh. "Nah, that was a joke. I honestly don't care if you did it or not. What I do care about is that whoever did cause all of this is stopped. Any any sort of case, we do need you two in order to help in that."

Those were very understanding worse, coming from someone who was basically holding them against their will.

The girl opened her mouth as if yawning. but instead, she spoke.

"You can run if you like." Midori said as she made a lazy smile.

"Oh, Meedohree! Huwah Coodayoo Seidaat!?"

Midori motioned to the door to the office with her hand.

"The door's wide open. Miyamoto Ryuu-san."

The boys felt a shock run through them. So, she was from the same school.

"Dohnta Dooh Eet! Eben Eefayoo Eenohsent, Eyooda Luka Saucpeaces!"



[fieldbox= , white, solid]
[November 4th, Noon / Downtown - Obato Castle, Training Hall]

Silence reigned over the training hall after Michio left. Kokoro could only sigh to herself. She had only come to the castle for the sole purpose of getting Michio acquainted with the council. She casually glared at Shigeru.

"So, I ultimately wasted my Saturday thanks to you. Really, couldn't you mind your own business?"

Shigeru scratched the back of his head as he bowed to her.

"Sorry. Sorry. Kind of wanted to tell him off after I heard she was making moves on her. But I guess in the end she managed to tell him off in her own way. But, I'm pretty amazed. He really didn't notice at all. He bought into that douchebag act pretty hard."

Kokoro simply shook her head at Shigeru's pettiness.

"An act? That was about as sincere as I've ever seen you, Ayatane."
"Surely you jest, Amane-sama."
"Really. So all that declaration about the honor and struggle behind becoming the sucessor?"
"That part was still true. Most certainly."
"Weak. Leo Kane does a better job at being ambiguous."
"Ah, you mean you secret lover, Amane-sama? Kira~"

Leaning on an invisible post, Shigure flicked his finger, creating a flutter of sparkes from his fingertips.

Kokoro shook her head.

"No. Not anymore." Kokoro looked off to the side, she made an empty chuckle. "There's no way I could ever be that fool again."


An incoming call. Kokoro raised her hand to her neck, gesturing to take the call.

Amane-sama... We just heard. Today at the Karakuri...

[fieldbox="Miyamoto Ryuu, #2feb83"]

.:. November 4th​, Afternoon / Excalibur Arcade - Management Office .:.

The owner's broken speech was difficult to interpret; whose side was he on, anyway?
Ryuu folded his arms and stared back at the girl steadily.
"Thanks, but no thanks. I'll wait. It's not like I have anything to be concerned about."

The girl was clearly using a ruse against him. If she let Ryuu go, she might just as well send the police after him regardless, in which case her side of the story would hold way more weight. Eyeing Pratt, who'd gone silent for some time, Ryuu shrugged and repeated, "I'll stay here. But I already told you, I don't know anything about the person who caused all of this. How do you expect me to help you find them?"

This was turning out to be a very interesting start to the weekend. Ryuu cursed his fortune for taking away what was supposed to be an enjoyable day. His thoughts wandered for a moment, to the few friends he'd made at school. Maybe they would be proud to see that Ryuu wasn't intimidated by this girl, and was standing up for himself, for once.

fonts: Ubuntu
[fieldbox= Kyouko Himura, #3DA3C2, solid]

[November 4th, Noon / Downtown - Karakuri Mall]
"That's enough, Sagawa-san!"

No. Kyouko wanted to get between the two, encourage Sagawa, but somehow, she did not. Of course, considering the Peach's feelings, she wanted this to stop. Maybe it was because that Kyouko valued both their feelings that instead, she simply kept silent. Or maybe she was still not capable to think clearly thanks to a certain red-head.

Yeah, that red-head... Kyouko just couldn't get her out of her mind... not to mention that picture. In fact, wouldn't it even get more weird if they ever talked after that exchange? Just what the hell was Kira thinking? Did she think at all? Or did she like to mess around with this poor Maiden's heart? Kyouko prided herself to not even have willingly kissed anyone yet! It was...

"I see. You're actually a pervert then."

...then that Kyouko returned completely back to reality. While the pirate did realize that both Chiyo and Leo left, not to mention having heard Sagawa's self-doubt about having done something wrong again, it was this simple word, 'pervert', that got Sagawa Kyouko's full attention - and her nose running again.

While one part of her brain realized rather instantly what Sagawa's words implied, it took Kyouko a few more seconds to fully understand the act Sagawa had just done. A breach of trust. A line the new more open(?) Sagawa was treating like dirt. Be it a foe like Leo or a dear friend as Kyouko. Not to mention that, even despite being a Red Panda, Kyouko always had, in a sense, a certain dislike for VR. Exactly for reasons like something that Sagawa just did now.

"Bye-bye. Kyou-chan. I'm really sorry for keeping you."

Sagawa didn't manage to move far before she felt a hand on her shoulder that pulled her around. "Just one moment!" Kyouko said clearly angry, too angry towards someone like her dear friend in fact. The one-eye paused for a second.

If it had been anyone but Sagawa, or another friend she treasured like her, things might have just been done at this point. Biting her lower lip for a second, clearing her thoughts, the pirate continued.

"You did nothing wrong in confronting Leo right here, right now. That was great. You don't need to feel sorry for that..." That was actually... rather nice? from the blonde, she didn't even sound angry anymore. "...BUT what you just can not, should not, do is to disrespect other peoples privacy like that!" Kyouko closed her eyes for a second... this were, in a sense, two completely different matters joined together into a bigger mess than it had to be.

"Seriously, ignoring the fact of whatever you may have seen, you just can not do that! I can't even put into words how I despise such behaviour!" The sole fact Kyouko didn't even use any profanity to give her words a bigger oomph proofed that even more.

Kyouko wanted to continue on but her face only became a tomato. Fuck... was it really that hard to speak about that subject? Just... why? Because Kira? No. Shaking her head Kyouko didn't want to believe that. Urgh. "L-Look..." But, ultimately, Sagawa was still her childhood friend, no? Wasn't she actually the kind of person Kyouko was supposed to talk about that? Or Misheru... ... .

"I don't even want to talk about what y-you may have seen but it's not what you think it i-is!" Kyouko sounded weak, tiny, small. Her head was somewhat spinning. The exact opposite of what she usually tried to be. "Me? Liking Kira? Love? Such a silly emotion? Hah! I'm 20 years too young for that. Ha...haha... Exactly!" Why couldn't Kyouko just shut up? "I-I barely even know her! Speaking of which, you haven't forgotten I strongly prefer to form my own opinion about people, right?" Yes. Speaking about Kyouko's own ideals was way easier than some red-headed woman she totally wasn't supposed to be blindly in love with!

[fieldbox= Narita Taigi, Grey, solid]

[November 4th, Noon / Downtown - Karakuri Mall]

"Hey hey, isn't it that whatshername?"
"Shh, don't stare or she'll hack you too."
"Uwaaaa, scaryy~~~"

Giggling as they parted, the two girls kept giving glances back at the scene. Thankful the nuisances left, Taigi put a hand to his chin as he walked in the direction where Leo went.

Taigi mulled over what he heard and saw, wincing as he remembered Sagawa's parting words to Leo. That part seemed like it was taken from an anime where the protagonist then goes onto a fantastical journey of redemption. But it was hugely unconvincing. If the hacker was backed by the yakuza as Taigi suspected, what could one lone teenage girl a bit skilled in programming manage to do? He shook his head to change his train of thought.

From the way Sagawa spoke, did she read Leo's mind? Or was it just a bluff? Frightening if it was the former. That wasn't the only disturbing part though. Umeko Hayata was murdered. Not just "passed away". Murdered. The fact that this information wasn't disseminated and spread like wildfire was alarming. And apparently even her step-sister didn't know, but Leo did.

Extraordinarily strange.

("Were the yakuza behind this? No, it could be that the government is involved as well…")

He was so engrossed in his thoughts he almost lost track of Leo. He took another step, then stopped. Was going after Leo as he was right now a good idea?

("I really didn't like that look in his eyes. Gives me the same bad feeling as when Michio got rejected that day…")

Resolved, Taigi jogged a bit to catch up to Leo. Once he was close enough he jogged past him, turned to face him, then stopped. He raised a hand in greeting.

"Yo. Fancy seeing you here. Got any plans?"

Taigi was dressed in long pants and a sweater hoodie. They doubled as his casual clothing and exercise wear, both a bit too big for him. Of course, it was done on purpose to hide his figure; his school clothes were the same. Even in the summer he would not change his attire for the most part out of his petty dream of impressing that imaginary third year transfer student.

Taigi decided to shelve the idea of getting information about Kokoro out of Leo. For now, he would try to prod him a bit to see Leo's state of mind. Though they weren't particularly close, his conscience told him he should offer a hand if he wanted it. If Leo said "yes" to his question, that would be it; he would leave him alone. But if he said "no", he would try to distract his classmate with something fun to do.

Super long collab with @Luma

[fieldbox= OSHIRO KIRA, #ffa938, solid]

[November 4th, Afternoon / TTC]

When Mana left, Kira considered whether to stay put with Nyoko and Sayuri or follow her. She decided to get up from the table in the end, because even if she liked Sayuri well enough it was difficult to be alone with Nyoko for too long without ending up in an argument. Kira got the blame for starting most of them, yet that wasn't always the case.

"Don't do anything inappropriate," Nyoko said. "I'll tell Kyouko if you do."

"I don't care what Kyouko knows!" Kira stated, but it wasn't true, especially not after what had happened earlier. She was a bit disappointed that Turbo Lover didn't seem to be at the TTC.

Kira stopped outside the room, where she could listen in on the conversation without being spotted right away. Why did Mana bring up her hospital stay with a stranger...?

"Did she now..." Raptor responded to Mana, though she couldn't be seen anywhere in the room. The voice seemed to be coming from a large pile of clothes where she slept. "Are you going around telling everyone? When you see her again, tell her I hope she gets better so we can kiss some more, huhuhu."

"Mmph," Mana groaned. Of course this wasn't gonna be easy. Turning to the source of sound, Mana spoke out towards the clothing heap, "Come on now, Raptor-san! If you found someone special, I wanna knoooow," she dragged out the last word. It sounded a bit whiny, hinting that she was reaching the point of impatience. "I'd tell you if I got a boyfriend.... or girlfriend."

"Pfft, I'm not interested in 3D girls. I thought you knew that,"
Raptor said, and the pile of clothes shifted slightly. "I doubt you'd ever get a boyfriend or girlfriend anyway. You're way too... precious."

Precious wasn't what she'd meant to say, originally, but it was better than insulting a fellow red panda without provocation. Besides, Mana was cool.

"Hey now...." Mana replied, a bit hurt at what Raptor had hinted at. Doubly so because it was true: she really wasn't the romantic type and pretty much everyone knew it. "I can be charming if I try, 'kay? I'm just waiting for the right moment." Her mind immediately wandered to Michio. Mana hadn't really put on any kind of charm for him.... maybe that's why she lacked success.

"Anyway, you are dressed in there, right?" Mana took a few steps towards the mountain of cloth, having adjusted slightly to the lower light of the room. She breathed in and out in a sigh; time for serious business. "I've been put in charge of taking you for a walk," she brought up the topic bluntly, sounding resolved to carry through with it.

"You shouldn't have to be charming for anyone. They should be coming to you, huhu," Raptor said, trying to keep herself from laughing to loudly, as she lost interest in Mana in favour of the computer on the other side of her hideout in the pile.

"I'm not entirely naked, but I could remove what I'm wearing if you want."

Kira could hear well from where she stood outside the room, doing her best to listen in. She wasn't being particularly discreet to those in the TTC. This girl Mana was talking with intrigued and annoyed her. She sounded unagreeable, making Kira wonder if she sounded like that herself when she talked with others. No wonder some didn't like her. Her attention peeked when Mana mentioned a girlfriend. Kira'd assumed she was as straight as they came. Hmmm... She wondered if... Nah... Kyouko seemed too innocent.

"Oh no, you're not going to do anything of the sort!" Raptor called out, bringing Kira out of her daydreams. "I'm calling the police if you do. That's straight up kidnapping, you maniac you. Mana the maniac that's what they'll call you when you serve your life-sentence!"

"Sunlight won't hurt you ya know." Mana remained calm, having expected this sort of reaction. She considered the threats more like a little kid throwing a tantrum. What she really needed was leverage, which was hard to get with Raptor being so detached from reality. Mana really wanted to just grab Raptor and force her out the door, but she restrained the urge. Brute force wasn't her style.

"One way or another, I have to get you outside, 'kay? Not for long, just a few minutes. I was hoping you'd just come quietly and help me out as a friend?" Mana pleaded sweetly, trying to lay some guilt on her. Their 'friendship', if it could be called that, was probably the only thing she had on the table. It was kind of a long shot though. She wandered up to the clothing pile and tried to peek in without actually touching the dirty mess.

"It burns the sssskin. I don't expect someone from the surface to understand the plight of those of us who's lived their entire lives underground. I'm sorry, Mana, but you have to go on without me. It's best for both of us if you forget me. I will always love you," Raptor said, quoting movies and comics which she'd pirated.

"Why do you have to dooooooo it?" Raptor whined, growing increasingly aggravated when Mana tried to peek into her fortress of solitude. Superman never had to deal with this kind of harassment. "The beautiful and elegant empress should be doing it. She's so nice and soft, huhuhu."

Raptor threw a sock at Mana's face when she got too close.

Kira pondered if she should butt in to help Mana, but she might turn her down if this was a test. She didn't seem to be doing great without help.

Mana brushed the sock off her face, shuddering, partially from the smell, but mostly from the knowledge of how dirty it was. She let out a low growl. Raptor had a knack for trying people's patience.

Spawn Illusion -> Architecture -> Modern Home -> Window

Mana set a few parameters and turned to the wall as the illusion of a sizable, open window appeared on the wall to let in a great deal of bright, virtual sunlight. On the other end was a massive empty field over a blue sky.

"The surface just wouldn't be the same without the friends I've made in the underground. Come with me! A whole new world awaits!" Mana wasn't entirely sure what Raptor was quoting, but she matched the dramatic style of speech with her own and posed dramatically in front of the window. She actually sounded pretty authentic, seeing as she'd played the voice of similar characters before.

Raptor hissed, like an angry cat, when Mana decided to spawn an actual sun in her dungeon. It may be a virtual illusion, but it was still an intrusion on her peaceful existence. Cricking her neck, Raptor decided she could use a short break from her personal project. She'd stop playing nice with Mana, and she wouldn't go outside.

Leaping up from the pile of clothes like a wind-up toy, Raptor scattered clothes everywhere. She was only wearing a black bra and a pair of shorts. She didn't usually go around naked in the TTC. There were weird people about.

"Oh, Mana, my dear," Raptor said, pouncing on her before she had a chance to stop her. "I'm touched by your affection for this creature of the depths, but our love can never be!"

She gave Mana a squeezing, tight hug, as she put a hand on her head and one around her back, pulling her close to her.

Kira had shied away from the door when she'd noticed the light, but what she heard of the conversation was too weird to not make her curious. What were they doing? Acting? She kind of wanted to jump in herself, but it seemed to be a strangely intimate moment.

"Ack!" Mana jumped at the sudden burst from the clothes. As she got a clear view of what Raptor was wearing, Mana looked off to the side and her face began to pale. That didn't count as clothes....

Mana began to back away, but let out a short squeak of surprise as Raptor pounced on her. The affectionate speech and hug made her blush slightly, more from the embarassing situation than any arousal. Grab her. Grab her and carry her outside.... but no. As important as this was, she couldn't bring Raptor outside wearing so little.

"For someone who hates 3D girls, YOU ARE REALLY CLINGY!" At this point, Mana was looking very flustered. She tried to break free of Raptor's grasp. "What'll it take to get you outside?! Can't you just pretend I'm Nyoko when I ask you?"

This was around the time Mana would ordinarily leave; she very much disliked Raptor's errotic teasing. However, this time she had a very powerful reason for getting her outside, and it compelled her to stay.

"I don't hate you, Mana. You're okay for a 3D girl,"
Raptor drawled, but let go off her before her poor fellow panda had a heart attack. Nyoko wouldn't have liked it if she gave one of them permanent mental scars. "Nothing, you should give up. Besides, wouldn't it make more sense for you to pretend to be Nyoko than for me to pretend you are Nyoko? You've got everything you need to do it in the VR system. You just lack conviction, passion, and most importantly her personality. Could just borrow her appearance if you knew how."

Raptor yawned, scratching her back. She sat back down on the pile of clothes. It wasn't easy to bury herself in them, but it could be necessary for people to leave her alone. Few ventured inside her dungeon usually. Smacking her lips, she looked off to the door, which was still open. Someone was peeking inside. Hehe, she hoped Mana wouldn't be too embarassed when she found out.

"Anywho, time for you to leave, unless you want me to teach you biology or something. I've got better things to do."

Mana's blush slowly faded, though some color remained. Any embarrassment she'd felt was quickly getting replace by another emotion: anger. There she was, just sitting there insulting her determination. Fine then! She'd make it perfectly clear how determined she was.

"I don't think you understand: I told Nyoko I'd bring you outside for awhile." Mana's tone had grown dead serious and her hands had curled into shaking fists. "She's counting on me, and I'd really like to show her I'm dependable. I'm not asking for much: a 10-minute walk! That's it!" Her anger surfaced as Mana began to shout. "So if you can't be bothered to do something so simple - so stupidly easy! Then I won't be coming in here anymore!"

Mana glanced at the door for a second to emphasize the idea of her leaving before turning back to Raptor. She was still angry, but she tried to keep a calm face. "I'd like to think we're friends, but what does that even mean to you? Is it really so meaningless that you won't even step outside for a fraction of an hour?" Now that Mana had thought of it this way, she looked hurt. She hated acting so drastic, but if Raptor honestly valued 10 minutes indoors over her friendship, she was better off taking her friendship elsewhere.

Raptor had never seen Mana this angry before. Honestly, she hadn't thought the girl could get angry. Raptor watched her outburt with a mix of amusement and worry. Maybe she shouldn't have pushed her this far, but it wasn't her fault that Mana generally was about as imposing as a cucumber.

Friends didn't mean much to Raptor, because she'd never thought of herself as the social type. The only people that seemed to genuinenly care for her was Nyoko and her sister. Surely, Mana could find another way to prove she was dependable? Why did Raptor have to be dragged into it?

This was too much of a bother for her. Raptor got up from the pile of clothes, stumbling over to a closet in the corner. Flinging it open, she started rooting through the stuff she'd crammed inside. After a minute or so, she came back out, clutching an umbrella in one hand. Raptor ignored Mana, as she headed for the door, muttering about "that time of the month", "crazy 3D girls", and "locking her door in the future."

"Hello Kira, I hope you enjoyed Mana's show," Raptor said, as she passed by her. "She should start charging money for her dramatic performances."

Kira wasn't sure how to respond, especially when Raptor opened the umbrella inside while heading for the exit. Instead she turned to Mana, who was her friend as well. She made a note to herself not to push Mana too far. "How are you doing?"

Raptor hadn't bothered getting dressed, and it was unclear if she knew what time of the year it was. Ten minutes outside during winter may be torture for someone with such a frail frame, who never left their room, but at least she seemed intent on going outside. She'd already left her dungeon.

Mana was glad her verbal explosion hadn't hurt Raptor too much. It was honestly an awful feeling shouting like that. As Raptor stumbled over to grab an umbrella, Mana threw her a wide grin. What a relief. "Thanks a bunch, Raptor-chan! I owe you one." No doubt saying that would come back to haunt her later, but for now she was really happy with her.

As the door swung open, Mana noticed a familiar red-head waiting right there. Oh gosh, how long had she been listening? She glanced over silently in yet another awkward moment. Why was Raptor always involved in embarrassing her somehow? "Errm.... pretty good. I think I convinced her."

It was just then that the reality of Raptor going outside without proper clothes on hit her. "Oh, just a sec, 'kay?" Mana scanned the pile of clothes for a sweater or something similar. Picking the warmest top she could find, Mana ran past Kira and threw it over Raptor's head. "Here. Extra protection from the scary 'surface light'. And thanks again, it means a lot to me, 'kay?"

As Raptor fiddled with the shirt, Mana gave her a little hug of her own and promptly wandered back to Kira, giving her a thumbs up. "Sorry you had to see that. I don't.... I'm usually...." Mana struggled to find what to say.

Raptor didn't respond to Mana, though she would remember how she'd said she owed her one, and how she'd called her Raptor-chan. Huhuhu, maybe they'd get a chance to study biology together after all. When she got to the dragon guardian by the gate, she realized something.

"I need your shoes," Raptor told the dragon, waiting for her to comply.

"Yus, no proobleem," the dragon said, removing her shoes so she could borrow them.

"No worries, I understand..." Kira told Mana, but she wasn't certain that she did. Why did they have to drag someone outside? Wouldn't she just go outside when she had to go home anyway? "I wouldn't like it much either if some clingy boy came on to me like that, though I wouldn't have minded if she..."

Maybe she shouldn't say that if she'd been in the same situation it would have ended a lot differently. This Raptor looked like they needed to freshen up, put on some proper clothes, but she could imagine her as quite pretty. She had a certain raw attractiveness.

"Anyway, I understand. It must be quite uncomfortable, since you're not into girls... Right?"

Kira knew she shouldn't have asked, but ever since Mana had mentioned a girlfriend she couldn't help but wonder about her relationship with Kyouko. What if they were more than she thought?

"It'd be uncomfortable with anyone I think," Mana replied, picturing the situation with several different people. Really, she couldn't imagine herself in any kind of romantic setting without her making it awkward. Maybe Raptor was right about that.

"Just between us, there's actually someone I'm interested in, but I don't think he feels the same way about me. It kinda hurts.... sometimes. I won't let that drag me down though, 'kay? Someday I'll confess my feelings, but I need the right setting, a laser light show, and a dozen chickens." Mana was either referencing something, or just overly imaginative. Probably both.

"Besides him, I've never really looked at anyone the same way. Maybe if it doesn't work out I'll look for someone else, but for now I just can't picture it." Mana smiled and continued with a joke, "So don't worry, I won't be stealing all your girls just yet." Giving Kira a playful wink, Mana closed the door to Raptor's den. Honestly, it felt strange, that door being open.

Kira laughed at Mana's joke, shuffling awkwardly. She wasn't any good with boys either, but she really didn't want to be. Maybe Mana's idea was not as insane as it sounded. As she understood it, boys would pretty much just fall over for a girl if they were cute. Mana was certainly cute. Kira didn't think she needed to worry. She kind of wished girls were as easy as boys appeared to be.

"I don't want all of the girls," Kira confessed, though her actions would probably make it seem like she did. "I just want one or two, and I'll be happy. I'd love to find a sweetheart early on, so I won't have to worry about love or golddiggers when I become rich and famous."

Technically, she was already pretty rich, but her parents would never let her marry another girl. She needed to free herself from them before she could come out. It would suck to never talk with any of them again, but if they couldn't accept her they were not worth her time.

"Who is this boy you have a crush on?" Kira asked, curious if it was someone she knew.

"I umm...." Mana looked away for a moment. This was the sort of conversation she shyed away from wherever possible. If you had to level up certain conversation topics, Mana was vastly underleveled when it came to the 'Romantic Feelings' topic.

"I haven't actually told anyone this yet, so maybe don't spread it around, 'kay?" Mana leaned in to Kira's ear and whispered, "It's Michio." Backing up again, Mana continued with normal volume, "I thought I might have a chance after his big breakup, but he's been all distant lately. I haven't seen him in about a week."

Kira's face visibly paled, when Mana told her who she had a crush on. Michio was her friend, but he already had a girlfriend as far as she knew, and his connection to the yakuza made him dangerous. He was a sweet boy, going down a road which Kira had come to accept she could not follow. Should she tell Mana? Warn her?

This was too much for her to deal with. Maybe if she told Nyoko she could tell Mana the truth, but then she would have broken her agreement not to tell anyone.

"Oh... Uh..." Kira raised her eyebrows, staring at the wall, shrugging, as if praying to a god she didn't believe in to rewind time. "Mana he's... I've been friends with Michio since we were tiny children, but he's,,, Not good for someone like you."

Well, she'd said it. It was just her opinion, but if Mana knew the truth she was bound to agree, no? In fact, Kira thought Michio himself would agree. He was upstanding, honourable, proper. All great traits until you remembered he was also yakuza.


Of all the reactions, Kira's was perplexing. Mana may as well have told her she had a crush on a skeleton. Not good for her? What on earth was that supposed to mean? Mana raised an eyebrow and tilted her head in confusion.

"What do you mean he's not good for me," Mana asked in confusion? "I don't get it. He's upstanding, kind, plays beautiful music on the piano...." How long had it been since she'd heard him play anyways? Too long. "He's even a Social Morals officer."

At this point, something clicked in Mana's brain. A theory as to what Kira might be assuming. "Ya know, just because I'm a Red Panda doesn't mean I'm a delinquent. We're not some organized crime gang." Mana sounded a little disappointed in Kira; maybe she was really joining in the hopes of epic bank heists and other illicit activities. Honestly, she didn't know Kira well enough to assume otherwise.

She should have kept her mouth shut, and Mana wouldn't be asking questions, yet if she didn't ask questions and she got close with Michio she might get a lot more than she bargained for. What was she even supposed to say? The truth? Then she would have picked Mana over Michio, but some part of her wanted to think that he would have approved. Indeed, he was a social morals officer. Weren't they supposed to protect fellow students...?

She had to stifle a laughter when Mana said she wasn't part of an organized crime gang. No, she wasn't. Nyoko would probably never have joined an organized gang, and definitely not started one.


"No, you're not," Kira said, shifting the inflection of her voice in such a way that she hoped Mana would catch on. She wasn't explicitly revealing any secrets. It still felt like she was betraying one friend to protect another. It was the right thing to do though...?

Wait, what? Mana lowered her voice, since the topic felt sensitive. "You mean to say.... Michio's a gang member? Like a really real gang member? That robs banks and murders kids and um.... steals kidneys?" Her hand found its way to her stomach area. She tried to picture Michio doing those things. It seemed so out of character for him: like Raptor camping, but slightly more believable.

Mana didn't even know what to think about it if it was true. It felt like Kira was being honest though. Like she was trying hard to hint at a big secret without 'officially' spilling it. Those were the sort of confessions you could usually trust.

"No way...." Mana's face took on a distant, wide-eyed stare towards nothing. It wasn't an especially happy expression either - more of a shocked, saddened look worn by a confused girl whose heart was slowly being crushed.

Kira decided to neither confirm nor deny anything which Mana said, because she didn't know a whole lot about the crimes of the yakuza in this town. She knew they were searching for a new leader, and they'd picked two of her oldest friends. She despised them for that now, even though she'd kind of wished she would have been picked herself just a few weeks ago. It was a silly naive thought. She really did need to stop acting like a delinquent. Nyoko was correct.

Kira hesitated about hugging Mana, when she displayed a defeated expression, even though that was her natural reaction. She probably didn't want a hug by another lesbian, after the first one had been so... aggressive. It had to suck to find out this way, but it had to suck to find out no matter what. She remembered when she'd had all kinds of silly thoughts about Summer Nights, like how they would be together forever, and how they were destined for each other. Mana hadn't even gotten a chance to get to know Michio before some asshole told her this news. Aaah, Kira felt torn.

She patted Mana on the back instead of hugging her, feeling awkward about the entire event. It wasn't her place to reveal these secrets, but who else was going to do it?

"Do you, uh..." She needed something that might distract Mana. "Do you want to do something...?"

Wow, she was awful at this.

"Are you sure about him?" Ignoring Kira's offer, Mana droned on, remaining on the topic. "Like, did you ever actually see him steal someone's kidneys? Maybe you just misheard?" Unsurprisingly, she didn't want to believe he was a bad person. How could he be? Her crush wasn't like that.

Mana reached down to open her satchel and pulled out a small box of sugar cubes, throwing one in her mouth. The wonderful taste cheered her up a little bit. She offered one to Kira out of politeness, and forced a smile.

"I mean, every guy needs a hobby, right? Maybe they're just like us? Yeah! Misunderstood. Everyone thinks their evil, but they're actually really sweet. Helping people cross the street, adopting cute little kitty-orphans, playing beautiful instruments. I wouldn't mind that." It all sounded pretty far fetched out loud, but she kept at it.

"Anyway, I think I'd better ask him myself, 'kay? Don't worry, I won't mention you: Your kidneys will stay safe." And if Kira knew, then obviously knowing wasn't a death sentence. What a secret though. It was actually really nice, learning such a huge secret. Even if it still worried her.

Of course she hadn't seen him steal anyone's kidneys. What kind of silly question was that? Did Mana think Kira was part of the yakuza as well? It made her wonder what kind of person Mana thought she was. It didn't sound particularly flattering to be thought of as someone who stole kidneys with their childhood friends.

Kira shook her head at Mana's offer of a sugarcube. Why would she want to eat that?

She grew concerned when she heard what Mana had to say next. She didn't think the yakuza in general was misunderstood, though certain individuals might be. In the end, it didn't make a difference, because she imagined they would all be corrupted over time, or killed off because they were liabilities.

"You do that," Kira said, sighing, hoping that Mana had more sense than what she made it sound like. Maybe she would have to break another secret, just to tell Nyoko what Mana was planning to do. It was erratic behaviour, and Kira would bet money on Nyoko being able to talk sense into most individuals, especially if they were red pandas. "I should probably go home for the day. Don't imagine Nyoko wants me around. Not really. I'm missing out on drum practice here anyway."

"Right, right. Sorry, I didn't mean to keep you from practicing. I think I'll stay here a while and research a bit, 'kay? I don't wanna get my kidneys stolen either." She gave Kira a faint smile.

"Thanks for the concern. I'll be careful." Mana began to walk away, but she turned to say one last thing. "Really though, welcome aboard, 'kay? I think you'll make a great Panda."


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[fieldbox= Leo Kane, #666699 , solid]


[November 4th, Noon / Downtown - Karakuri Mall]

There were a thousand implications from the recent encounter that he was trying to not think about. Still, it was hard not to just breakdown right now.

Someone jogged infront of him. As the figure turned around, Leo regonised the person as Taigi.

"Yo. Fancy seeing you here. Got any plans?" Offering a handsake to add to the gesture.

"Hmm?" Leo eyes sharpened. It seemed quite out of place for Taigi to offer something like this. Especially when it was apparently just by chance that the two met here. The likely scenario was that, unfortunately, Taigi had seen the little scene. And was now, at the very least, offering a compassionate hand due to that.

If that was his only motive was yet to be seen. It was impossible to guess, Leo couldn't read minds.

Unlike some people apparently.

"I suppose it is quite a concidence, isn't it." Leo bit his lip in thought. It did seem like Taigi was offering to entertain him for a little bit, which he supposed given no sudden revelations, which he wouldn't be suprised given the nature of today, it couldn't hurt too much. Taigi was reasonbly harmless.

"No, I don't have any plans. Is this perhaps a segway into some sort of offer?" He smiled half-heartedly. "Proceed, then."

[fieldbox= Kamijou Michio, plum, solid]


While it seemed that Michio's charge towards Rei would be an offensive maneuver, in reality, it was an attempt to lure Rei into using a a Fast attack to counter it. Once she does, she would be surprised to find out that Michio's true intention was to perform a Guard attack and end the match with that move.

However, it seems that this wasn't going to be as simple as he thought after all as Rei ended up performing a Guard move as well, which resulted in a Draw. Before he could decide on his next move, however, she initiated her attack first this time, teleporting behind the silver haired boy and forced him to instinctively use a Random technique just to repel further attacks, while dodging the oncoming Naginata. Apparently, this had initiated another Draw event, not what he had expected but better than losing altogether.

With her current mental state, he was certain that Rei was becoming increasingly frustrated, specially after their moves ending up in Draws. Then again, his instinct was telling him that it was only through sheer luck that those consecutive Draws happened, and following through with the pattern would be both stupid and suicidal. Luckily for him, Rei immediately went on the offensive and if he had to guess, she wasn't planning to follow the pattern either. She was simply too smart to go with the flow like that. But she was also too focused on cutting him down right then and there, perhaps enough to lose sight of her surroundings. This was it. The gamble he was about to perform would determine not only the outcome of this battle but also that of their relationship.

As soon as Rei threw her naginata towards her, he activated his Guard Move "Know Your Place", which purposefully made it look like his L.A.R.S. plates malfunctioned while dodging the spear hurling towards him. The moment she entered the area of effect, the plates sent a paralyzing shock coursing towards her, locking her in place long enough for Michio to deal the finishing blow.

For a second, he stood on guard as it seemed that his childhood friend still had some fight left in her. But as it turns out, even she cannot overcome the fatigue brought about by the Defeat Bug.

Screaming in frustration as she fell to her knees most likely due to fatigue, it was understandable how she felt upset after suffering from that lost. More so, since it seemed that she thought he was playing with her after their two clashes ended up being Draws.

What he didn't expect was the fallout and revelations that followed.

"Why won't you let me do this for you!?"

"You were supposed to just let me become head and get your happy ever after!"

So that's what Rei wanted? She wanted to save Michio and bring him his happy ever after on a silver platter? She wanted to take all the pain, and sorrow... essentially sacrificing herself and becoming a martyr just for the sake of others... The silver haired boy couldn't help but grit his teeth in frustration after realizing that their motives for vying for the position of Boss weren't as different as he initially thought they would.

In the end, both of their motives for considering the position were born out of an attempt to help someone dear to them and possibly gain their love in the process (Her own Mother for Rei, and Sagawa Mizunohara for Michio). Now, both of them were competing for that spot for the sake of their respective families. And somehow, someway, both of them were also doing this to ease the other's burdens and give them a chance to attain happiness.

"I... I can't give you friendship... because it never changed for me either. I always considered us friends, Michio. That's why I acted cold, that's why I distanced myself. It was just better if you managed to be happy without me. If I pretended you didn't care, then suddenly it was easy. If I told myself everyone was awful, then I could survive the envy of their lives being so carefree."

That revelation was a shocking surprise for Michio. here he was, blabbering to Rei about friendships and bonds but if he wasn't able to determine her intentions for cutting their ties then he was ashamed to call himself as her friend.

"I don't know much about the harassment. But... that bag also showed up on Yuuki Iwasawa's desk. He's offered to help... but I don't want him to get hurt either."

So even he has gotten involved huh, one way or another. Whoever this person who's harrassing her is certainly knows a fair bit of information about her.

"I can give you more details if you ask, but I couldn't find out anything on my own. All I could do was try and do anything that I figured would help. I've gotten nowhere fast."

"So, now what? I throw my pity party, we become friends and then what? The yakuza aren't exactly going to be thrilled that we're now friends. If anything, I can see them trying to sabotage us more, because the council probably just wants us to do whatever they say."

As she said all these, she desperately tried to wipe away her tears with her sleeves, perhaps an attempt to hide any sense of weakness that other may perceive of her.

After hearing all that she said, Michio couldn't help but give Rei a tight hug not only to comfort her but also reassure that everything's going to be alright.

"I... I'm so happy to hear that Rei... that you only grew distant because you still cared about me as a friend. I'm ashamed to call myself your friend for not discerning your true intentions... and I'm glad we could be friends again now. "

She's afraid that the Yakuza would intervene if they become friends again so he needed to reassure her that such a thing wouldn't happen.

"Don't worry about the Yakuza. As long as we don't openly become friendly with each other publicly then I think we can hide our friendship from them. Though if we do get found out, I think the most important thing we can do is still prove that we're determined to compete with one another despite us being friends."

And regarding her stalker, he was at a dead end either. Still, he has an idea how to identify the culprit.

"How about purchasing one of those button-cell spy cameras. It can easily be disguised as a decoration for your bag and there are plenty that offer infrared and night vision modes and even live feeds. If I'd have to guess, someone with considerably high enough knowledge of chips is harassing you so the only way to detect them for now is to resort to this low-tech approach. With the advent of today's technology, specially those of chips, almost nobody is interested in buying past century equipment like that." He suggested.

Now that they've mended their broken friendship, there were still a few things that Michio wanted to discuss with Rei. Curiously enough, it does make things a bit easier considering Yuuki was involved already.

Pulling away gently after a minute had past, the boy offered his handkerchief towards Rei to help her dry her tears. That moment of reconciliation was a welcome surprise in itself but he still needs to get several points across to her, something that he wouldn't risk doing now if he didn't deem it as urgent.

"There's actually quite a bit more of stuff I'd like to discuss with you though. Since I don't want to waste any more of your time, I feel like I should address these matters immediately."

Of course this runs the risk of putting a strain on their newly mended friendship but he needs to find out if Rei is really fine carrying all those burdens by herself.

"Rei... forgive me for questioning your resolve, but I would first like to ask whether or not you are doing this entirely for the sake of others or are you doing this for your self? Are you fine with the way things are if you continue down this path? Are you alright becoming the boss if it means sacrificing so much to attain that goal?" He asked firmly, his gentle expression replaced by that of resolve.

Michio needed to test her resolve to take that position. He needed to make sure that this is truly what she wanted. Plunging into the darkness against your own will would only be tantamount to your own self-destruction.

"Do you have any idea how "outsiders" like us can become members of the Mikado Family? In the case that you don't, it involves marrying someone they would consider as "worthy" of their family's name. The easiest way to do that is to marry someone from the family itself. Considering that you have feelings for Iwasawa Yuuki-san, then are you prepared to sacrifice that happiness for the sake of power?"

This was the question that made it impossible for Michio and Sagawa to ever be together. Even if Rei wanted him to achieve that happy ever after, it had already been too late. That dream was nothing more than a relic of the past now, and upon looking at Ayame, he was determined to protect what was in the present. He moved over to where Ayame was and gently grasped her hand with his own.

"I don't know if you've already noticed it, but Ayame-chan and I are going out with each other. Now that puts me in the same predicament but should I be the one chosen by the council, I plan to either make her someone worthy of the Mikado's approval, or if that doesn't work, enter a loveless marriage and make her a concubine instead. Though make no mistake, I'll treat her as if she's the one I've been married to all along."

"The reason why I want to test your resolve is simple... See, there was another thing I found out from Saga--- Mizunohara-san when we had that talk several days ago. Apparently she found out from Kokoro Amane-san that I wasn't expected to win in the first place.... that I was only chosen as an heir candidate for the sole purpose of being competition for you. I am ultimately expected to lose in the end so even if I do my best, I doubt I'll ever be chosen as the Boss. And since I've already declared that I've reconsidered this competition and should take it seriously from now on, I can never go back on my word now and forfeit, or else I risk the lives of my parents. That said, it really is hard fighting a losing battle." He said before laughing cynically at his own misfortune.

The social morals officer also gave his childhood friend a warning as he recounted the events that transpired in the castle earlier.

"I've also recently found out that there are heir candidates other than us, one of which, a huy named Ayatane Shigeru, humbled me in combat during my visit at the castle. It was quite a humiliating and frustrating experience, specially as I've seen myself as one of the best fighters in the school. In any case, if you are really serious about this, then I ask that you strive harder. I am not your only competition. Who knows how many more heir candidates the old man or the council have hidden from us."

Finally, Michio suddenly bowed respectfully at Rei as this time it was his turn to shed some tears.

"The last thing I want to ask you is a favor... Should you be the one chosen by the council to replace the old man, I ask that you help my parents overcome their debt. Ever since my father incurred that accursed debt, I've never truly seen them experience true happiness. That debt has took a massive toll to my family's life. I ask... no... I beg of you to do what I couldn't and save them from that burden. In exchange, I will devote my loyalty and my life to you. If you tell me to fight, then I will fight. If you tell me to die, then I will die. Just please.... help my parents with their debt and protect them from any harm that may come to them!"

He may be fighting a losing battle, but he was determined not to lose the war. Whether or not he wins or loses in this competition, the most important thing for him right now is to protect the lives of his loved ones.


[fieldbox= Ayame Sayato, maroon, solid]

[November 4th, Noon / Hachi-Ou Park]

Listening to Michio her face went from normal to pale as the pairs lengthy monologue dragged on. While she had not planned to just say what was on her mind, Michio bringing up her conflict of interest, marriage, or disappointingly being a concubine all came up. Plus the continual misunderstanding both had in regards to this all, it was dangerous for them to trust these agreements at face value. And it really didn't help that those words of Yuri's were still resounding in her mind, while it may have been someone just screwing with her, the sharp pain that struck like hitting a brick wall in her mind, it was highly stressing. While the battle had been amusing, the resulting conversation between the two was not.

"Oh for fuck's sake.." Face palming suddenly, Ayame decides to carry out her official duties, and tell them both what was on her mind. Thoughts, opinions, reasoning and warnings. Glaring angrily at the pair Ayame shakes her head before stomping her left heel down on the ground a few times in a fit. "Michio wins...but do you two think this shit is a game? That the other old men are just going to let two kids take over? Oh they'll honor the old man's wishes, then they'll puppet you, or kill you, as you are now. Yes Kill, not VR battle, not slap around, but murder. Least that's what I believe.."

Carrying on her rant Ayame stares pointedly at Rei, then her glance shifts to Michio.

"You both don't seem to understand that. If either of you dies, I at the least am losing some fingers. I didn't ask for this! Rei you trust no one! Listen to no one! And try to do things on your own! Do you think in an organization that runs on consensus you won't get the axe eventually?! They'll just listen to some naïve little girl?! And Michio, what the hell?! Concubine? Marriage? Begging for debt aid like some beggar!? Then how you just go on with being beaten, then just rolling over, expecting me to just roll with you?! That's not how a boss should be! And you are being inflexible, we haven't even dated that long! Always such the gentleman, but both of you are after this spot for your own ends! Ignoring that the council or the cliques that control what will happen to you! Respect is not given just because of your blood!"

Thoroughly angry with them both, herself and this Situation, Ayame still had a job to do. "Honestly I'm not sure I can protect either of you.. I had a meeting today with who I suspect sits on the council, more and more I'm not sure if I chose all of this, or if someone else did. If rumors are true, then my mind may have been, or even now is being tampered with. Maybe it's just a joke, but those words keep me on edge, keep pounding my head.. For all I know.." Pausing, she didn't want to consider what all she had forgotten, but she needed to find a way around this, or to see if Yuri was simply screwing around. Collecting herself, she may as well get to the point. Voicing the source of her current headaches and fears, this unfortunately gave away a bit of a secret to the pair, but it was one that they at least should know about, having heard of the memory alteration in whispers, Ayame herself unfortunately didn't know more than that, just whispers.

"As it stands now, both of you are in danger. I'll do what I can, but you should know two students, or at least one for sure, from our school were killed, one of the likely cases was a Red Panda Lieutenant. I can't go into details right here, also I was given a round about warning in that meeting, several really. And Rei-san, my inability to stop this is not my own. Michio knows of this, or assumed I was drunk, but don't you think it's odd I watch you both? I can't be in two places at once, so I have some helpers, my eyes as I call them. You both are nearly always being watched, in your case Rei, no one has seen who is doing this. I could ask the older guys with no chips to handle it, but if I do, there will be consequences for us both."

Concluding her rant Ayame simply sighs, touching her forehead with her right hand, massaging her forehead. "Honestly, given what I've seen of the Yakuza, unless I've forgotten some reason I willingly join, we, or at least you two, need to look more for a way out. Unless you are willing to become as honorable and bad as they are. I'm saying this as my duty as a bodyguard. As you both are now, it will be dangerous... The children pay for the sin's of the father, huh?" Lowering her hand she looks at the pair with a sigh pondering if she had anything positive to say about the situation.

"The two of you might should work together, or come up with your own alliance or mutual agreement. Think carefully on what's asked of you. Earlier in the week a person I don't like all that much mentioned to me about leadership, I think I finally some what understand what she means.. I'll help you both out as best as I can, but I was given a warning about that. And I'm sorry I yelled at you both, but this is getting serious. Now to top it off I'm sure part of my mind has been erased, the killings and that deal with the Panda's.." Bowing earnestly in a Japanese fashion, directing her attention to the pair. There was no point in mentioning Yuri had told her she would have to pick one or the other, the fact was she still wanted to save them both from this, but as things stood, was that really possible?

"Like I said I'll do what I can, but for now I want to find some pills for my head, plan out what to do next.. Plus between the two of you.. I need some time to study. You two likely have more to talk about.. And Michio on that date, you can show up later if you want, but I'm going nowhere today..though it might be better to give me some space today.. Or at least a few hours.. I need some time to think."

With that taken care of, Ayame turns to leave, unless either of the pair had something to say or somehow stopped her she would make her way down and away from the temple, leaving the two to mull over what she said, as well as there own words to one another. Knowing she was getting full in over her head, or maybe trying to comfort them both a bit too much, barring her rant at least, she rather hoped neither would.


@Accelerator @Karyra
[fieldbox=Rei Saionji, purple, solid]

[November 4th, Noon (+) / Amateratsu Shrine]

Rei struggled breifly against the hug, but was too tired to do much against it.

"I... I'm so happy to hear that Rei... that you only grew distant because you still cared about me as a friend. I'm ashamed to call myself your friend for not discerning your true intentions... and I'm glad we could be friends again now. "

That had been the point, stay away so that he wouldn't ever know why. It wouldn't hurt, it would just be like leaving behind something important. If it was gone forever with no way to get it back then there would or should be no pain at all.

"Don't worry about the Yakuza. As long as we don't openly become friendly with each other publicly then I think we can hide our friendship from them. Though if we do get found out, I think the most important thing we can do is still prove that we're determined to compete with one another despite us being friends."

"... yeah."

Michio kept talking, offering suggestions and whatnot. "How about purchasing one of those button-cell spy cameras. It can easily be disguised as a decoration for your bag and there are plenty that offer infrared and night vision modes and even live feeds. If I'd have to guess, someone with considerably high enough knowledge of chips is harassing you so the only way to detect them for now is to resort to this low-tech approach. With the advent of today's technology, specially those of chips, almost nobody is interested in buying past century equipment like that."

All Rei could do was listen to someone else tell her what to do. She wasn't even smart enough to think of such a simple solution. Useless.

"There's actually quite a bit more of stuff I'd like to discuss with you though. Since I don't want to waste any more of your time, I feel like I should address these matters immediately."

Rei was tired, she didn't want a lecture. She wanted to sleep, but she tried to listen.

"Rei... forgive me for questioning your resolve, but I would first like to ask whether or not you are doing this entirely for the sake of others or are you doing this for your self? Are you fine with the way things are if you continue down this path? Are you alright becoming the boss if it means sacrificing so much to attain that goal?"

"... I have to. Giving up now would mean giving up so much more than you think." Rei's only value laid in becoming boss. To everyone, and she couldn't let down her mother. It would be unforgivable. Useless. "There is no escape option here."

"Do you have any idea how "outsiders" like us can become members of the Mikado Family? In the case that you don't, it involves marrying someone they would consider as "worthy" of their family's name. The easiest way to do that is to marry someone from the family itself. Considering that you have feelings for Iwasawa Yuuki-san, then are you prepared to sacrifice that happiness for the sake of power?"

"... I have to. I knew from the start."

"I don't know if you've already noticed it, but Ayame-chan and I are going out with each other. Now that puts me in the same predicament but should I be the one chosen by the council, I plan to either make her someone worthy of the Mikado's approval, or if that doesn't work, enter a loveless marriage and make her a concubine instead. Though make no mistake, I'll treat her as if she's the one I've been married to all along."

Ah. So that was happening? Lucky guy, he could get away with that. Rei would just be trapped forever in the marriage. But Rei already knew this, knew it from the start. Her mother often talked about her failed attempts to break into the higher ranks. Rei was just the consequence of one of those poorly thought out attempts.

Michio was lucky. He could have all the women he wanted, Sawaga... Ayame... he was just so damn likable and Rei couldn't even get to hold on to Yuuki.

"The reason why I want to test your resolve is simple... See, there was another thing I found out from Saga--- Mizunohara-san when we had that talk several days ago. Apparently she found out from Kokoro Amane-san that I wasn't expected to win in the first place.... that I was only chosen as an heir candidate for the sole purpose of being competition for you. I am ultimately expected to lose in the end so even if I do my best, I doubt I'll ever be chosen as the Boss. And since I've already declared that I've reconsidered this competition and should take it seriously from now on, I can never go back on my word now and forfeit, or else I risk the lives of my parents. That said, it really is hard fighting a losing battle."

"It's harder trying to win one. Sacrifice is necessary. Haven't you ever played shogi? Kira talks about it all the time. Give up a piece for a better advantage."

"I've also recently found out that there are heir candidates other than us, one of which, a huy named Ayatane Shigeru, humbled me in combat during my visit at the castle. It was quite a humiliating and frustrating experience, specially as I've seen myself as one of the best fighters in the school. In any case, if you are really serious about this, then I ask that you strive harder. I am not your only competition. Who knows how many more heir candidates the old man or the council have hidden from us."

"And...? I'll just have to do better. This is my only worth, so I have to do better. I'll become whatever-"

"The last thing I want to ask you is a favor... Should you be the one chosen by the council to replace the old man, I ask that you help my parents overcome their debt. Ever since my father incurred that accursed debt, I've never truly seen them experience true happiness. That debt has took a massive toll to my family's life. I ask... no... I beg of you to do what I couldn't and save them from that burden. In exchange, I will devote my loyalty and my life to you. If you tell me to fight, then I will fight. If you tell me to die, then I will die. Just please.... help my parents with their debt and protect them from any harm that may come to them!"

Don't ask that, Rei thought. I didn't want you trapped in the dark anyway.

"Oh for fuck's sake.. Michio wins...but do you two think this shit is a game? That the other old men are just going to let two kids take over? Oh they'll honor the old man's wishes, then they'll puppet you, or kill you, as you are now. Yes Kill, not VR battle, not slap around, but murder. Least that's what I believe.."

"I'm not stupid Ayame. I know that."

"You both don't seem to understand that. If either of you dies, I at the least am losing some fingers. I didn't ask for this! Rei you trust no one! Listen to no one! And try to do things on your own! Do you think in an organization that runs on consensus you won't get the axe eventually?! They'll just listen to some naïve little girl?! And Michio, what the hell?! Concubine? Marriage? Begging for debt aid like some beggar!? Then how you just go on with being beaten, then just rolling over, expecting me to just roll with you?! That's not how a boss should be! And you are being inflexible, we haven't even dated that long! Always such the gentleman, but both of you are after this spot for your own ends! Ignoring that the council or the cliques that control what will happen to you! Respect is not given just because of your blood!"

Rei flinched at Ayame's accusation. "Don't trust the Yakuza, do trust the yakuza...! I'm not made of stone Ayame, I know damn well that if I'm not careful I'll die! But... can you say for certain that you should trust everyone wholeheartedly? Even when you know from the start they don't give a damn about whether you live or die? So f-"

"Honestly I'm not sure I can protect either of you.. I had a meeting today with who I suspect sits on the council, more and more I'm not sure if I chose all of this, or if someone else did. If rumors are true, then my mind may have been, or even now is being tampered with. Maybe it's just a joke, but those words keep me on edge, keep pounding my head.. For all I know.."

Whatever. Whatever. Whatever it took, Rei would pay it. Ayame was hurting, and if Rei gave up more then... then maybe she could see what Ayame wanted from her. Rei could just become everything they wanted in a yakuza and then finally... UselessUselessUseless.

"As it stands now, both of you are in danger. I'll do what I can, but you should know two students, or at least one for sure, from our school were killed, one of the likely cases was a Red Panda Lieutenant. I can't go into details right here, also I was given a round about warning in that meeting, several really. And Rei-san, my inability to stop this is not my own. Michio knows of this, or assumed I was drunk, but don't you think it's odd I watch you both? I can't be in two places at once, so I have some helpers, my eyes as I call them. You both are nearly always being watched, in your case Rei, no one has seen who is doing this. I could ask the older guys with no chips to handle it, but if I do, there will be consequences for us both."

"Do it. And when we catch this son of a bitch, I want everyone to know that I killed him. I want my finger on the trigger, I want to kill him. You say I'm naive, well then... let's just pull out the stops. No hesitation."

"Honestly, given what I've seen of the Yakuza, unless I've forgotten some reason I willingly join, we, or at least you two, need to look more for a way out. Unless you are willing to become as honorable and bad as they are. I'm saying this as my duty as a bodyguard. As you both are now, it will be dangerous... The children pay for the sin's of the father, huh?"

"Hah, that's... that's hilarious," Rei said in response. It wasn't the sins of the father for her... but maybe it was somewhat. Hard to say. "I'm not giving up."

"The two of you might should work together, or come up with your own alliance or mutual agreement. Think carefully on what's asked of you. Earlier in the week a person I don't like all that much mentioned to me about leadership, I think I finally some what understand what she means.. I'll help you both out as best as I can, but I was given a warning about that. And I'm sorry I yelled at you both, but this is getting serious. Now to top it off I'm sure part of my mind has been erased, the killings and that deal with the Panda's.."

"Like I said I'll do what I can, but for now I want to find some pills for my head, plan out what to do next.. Plus between the two of you.. I need some time to study. You two likely have more to talk about.. And Michio on that date, you can show up later if you want, but I'm going nowhere today..though it might be better to give me some space today.. Or at least a few hours.. I need some time to think."

Rei just sat there limply, waiting for Ayame to leave.

"I'll become boss. If I commit to this, I can't pretend this fantasy school life exists anymore. I'll become as evil as they want. I'm... I'm not naive. I... I know what I'm doing." Rei said, trying to sound more confident than she felt. "Right, Michio? I can still win if I just keep going?"

'Useless. UselessUselessUselessUseless. Useless, pathetic, Rei. Just follow my orders and do as I say and you're going to be the greatest boss of the yakuza. Kill them all.'

@Accelerator @RedArmyShogun
[fieldbox= Narita Taigi, Grey, solid]

[November 4th, Noon / Downtown - Karakuri Mall]

From Leo's body language, Taigi assumed his classmate wasn't entirely convinced of it being a chance meeting. But if his acquaintance wasn't going to confront him about it, he wouldn't bring it up either; let sleeping dogs lie. Taigi felt a bit of relief that Leo didn't rebuff his offer. Perhaps he wasn't in as much despair as he thought.

("Maybe I was just worried for nothing. Better that than the alternative I suppose.")

Taigi smirked.

"You are correct. Nothing special though, was wondering if you want to hang at the arcade for a bit. Heard they got some new old retro games. You know what I mean. And hey, maybe we'll bump into Ryuu there as a bonus. Or we can grab a bite to eat first. What'll it be?"


An IRL bug broke fieldboxes at the start of the post, sorry!
[November 4th, Noon / Downtown - Karakuri Mall]

"Just one moment!" The pirate's voice roared. Catching glances from some of the people in the mall - but they ultimately walked on. Having had their field of weirdness for the day.

"You did nothing wrong in confronting Leo right here, right now. That was great. You don't need to feel sorry for that..."
"...BUT what you just can not, should not, do is to disrespect other peoples privacy like that!"
"Seriously, ignoring the fact of whatever you may have seen, you just can not do that! I can't even put into words how I despise such behavior!"

Turning around to look at her, Sagawa felt that It sounded like Kyouko was trying to sound serious. She was actually a little surprised to get such a strong reaction. She had only wanted to break her out of that weird trance she had been in.

The pirate shook their head, seeming uncertain of something.

"I don't even want to talk about what y-you may have seen but it's not what you think it i-is!"
"Me? Liking Kira? Love? Such a silly emotion? Hah! I'm 20 years too young for that. Ha...haha... Exactly!"

The pirate was looking and sounding wholly unconvincing. Kyouko was a bit transparent in that regard, especially in the eyes of someone who knew her like Sagawa.

"I-I barely even know her! Speaking of which, you haven't forgotten I strongly prefer to form my own opinion about people, right?"

Sagawa visibly sighed, and walked up to Kyouko with a smile. Despite the height difference, Sagawa put her hand the pirate's head. Just reaching it barely with her fingertips... administering her own head-pat.

"That's enough Kyou-chan. I like you just the way you are." Sagawa withdrew her hand as she smiled. "If you really want to 'form your own opinion' of that person, then there isn't any need to worry about how I think of them, right?"

It was the same. Sagawa let Kyouko off on her own. Just like with with Kyouko joining the Red Pandas. But, getting teased by Sagawa like this. This time they were friends again, right? This was just like how it was back then, was it not?

The whole 'invading people's privacy' thing was out of discussion for the time being. Kyouko having steered away from that discussion with her denials over Kira.


[fieldbox= , white, solid]
[ November 4th, Afternoon / Excalibur Arcade - Management Office ]

The boy folded his arms.

"Thanks, but no thanks. I'll wait. It's not like I have anything to be concerned about."

He shrugged.

"I'll stay here. But I already told you, I don't know anything about the person who caused all of this. How do you expect me to help you find them?"

The girl visibly heaved her shoulders in a sigh. Is that where he thought this was going? Really?

"Of course I don't expect someone as clueless as you are to be capable of anything. Please don't give yourself any unwarranted elevation. The job of finding out whodunnit falls to someone else more specialized. That's how it's supposed be right?"

In other words. The a police cyber-crime division specialist. But, something didn't sit right. There was no way that the police would bring out the big guns like that so easily. A cyber crime specialist was more akin to people who were trafficking, or those who were threatening people with chips... or trying to hack into a bank, maybe. But for a bunch of arcade machines? It was laughable.

"Oh.. CahnAhHelpa You?"

The attention of everyone in the room suddenly turned to a new arrival. In the doorway, stood a girl with black hair and blue eyes. She was dressed casually, like she was out for a day at the mall. But, Pratt and Ryuu were quick to realize who she was. Everyone in Hisakawa had been talking about what had been happening to students at their school, all the VR Shenanigans that were leading to people being injured.

A name that popped up quite often in those conversations: Hisakawa's resident hacker. Mizunohara Sagawa.

"Oh. So it is true then. So then, you're the one who'll help us then?"

She simply nodded. Garnering a disappointment expression from Midori.

"Really. Everyone is so deadpan these days...."

Mizunohara Sagawa... Hacking... Helping. This was bad! Even though she was talking about the police... was that just a lie to keep them there!? This was not good! At least the police were ruled by law to follow a certain set of rules for an investigation but this...!

"First off. Please put them to sleep before you start."

Just as Pratt instinctively began to get out of his chair, both he and Ryuu blacked out. Feeling their bodies slumping into their chairs like inanimate objects before they lost conciousness.


To Taigi's eventual discovery. He arrived at the arcade finding out about some sort of incident where two students seemed to have caused some of the machines to go haywire. After hearing some varied first hand accounts of what had happened Taigi found out that the two boys had left the arcade in some sort of daze. Not responding to anyone as they left.

It was a peculiar detail in what was already a peculiar story.


[fieldbox= Mizunohara Sagawa, turquoise, solid]
[November 4th, Early Evening, Hisakawa Academy - Library Building]

"...Are you okay?"

Ryuu blinked. He was immediately met by sight of... Mizunohara again. Sitting across from a table with a book in her hand. Becoming more aware of his surroundings, he felt an ache on his tailbone. Like he had been sitting for too long. But what struck him most was that he wasn't in the office anymore. He was now at... this was definitely the Hisakawa's Library Building.

"Ewww... that guys like, literally drooling."
"Really? Oh my gosh, he is!"

As the girls in the background had said, Pratt was comfortably played over the table with a wet drag coming from the corner of his mouth.

What just happened?

"Judging by that initial reaction. It seems like you both are fine now. I didn't do anything beyond look to see what you could've done to those machines." Mizunohara said as she closed the book in her hands. "It became obvious that you two could not have done anything. So you're free to go. But, the shop owner asks that you please refrain from coming back. As it seems you have somehow attracted the ire of another hacker."


What was going on? What in the world did they ever do to anyone?

"...Please don't look at me that way. I didn't find anything of note on you two so I didn't do anything permanent to you two. But, I'd be careful. Whoever caused the machines to go hayware at the arcade was certainly targeting you two for one reason or another."

Sagawa stood up. Having finished watching over the two for the past couple hours. She was ready to go home already.

"Anyway, sorry that had to happen. I'll be leaving now."

Just like that, Sagawa was gone. Bringing an abrupt end to an abrupt occurrence.

Ryuu's first instinct was to set his hand down on his lap. He realized then that something was missing. Immediately frantic, he patted himself over. Not cool. What happened to his wallet? He could've sworn he had it since he had to get play credits when he came to the arcade earlier...

No way. They didn't...!

What a cruddy day this turned out to be.


[November 4th, Evening, Hisakawa Academy - Outside Front Entrance]

Exiting the library, going out the open school gate. Sagwa wondered why she had ended up back at the school again on a Saturday. Midori Ishikawa was fine with her dumping the two mostly anywhere despite the protests of the arcade owner. But it felt like going about it in such a lazy way was a bit too cruel. The two boys really didn't have anything to do with the direct hack - she had eventually concluded after looking over them and the affected equipment. The only place she knew that they would know how to navigate from was the same school they all went to.

The real person whom had caused all of that, had used an update channel exploit on the machines to manually load code and control the machines. Since they were controlling the whole show through that unnecessary update channel, by running a required update (that seemed to have gone ignored up till now in the arcade) the exploit could no longer be taken advantage of unless the hacker did a direct upload opening the cabinets - or was on a higher enough level to override the Excalibur Arcade's digital security for it's servers.

Sagwa's first 'job' was simple, but successful it seemed.

Leaning against the school's outer wall, Sagwa pondered to herself. So, I'm property now. She thought, recalling Kokoro Amane's words. A part of her had wanted to try ignoring the call to go to the arcade... but only a small part. The rest of her was dreadfully aware of what the Council President had at her disposal if she chose to disobey.

The Mikado... really had their fingers all over the city. For what she was capable of, she couldn't stand up to Kokoro on her own. Sagwa was completely on her own. Without Michio...

"Can you believe Sayoto-Sempai got together with Kamijou-sempai?"
"Oh really?"
"Ya really!"

Sagwa overheard a conversation coming from acouple of underclassmen whom had been studying at the library.


"The two were at the festival this week and their behavior just confirmed it! Some of the girls are salty that they lost out to the old hag."
"*Chuckle* Yeah, seriously. I'd be pretty disappointed in myself. Gosh."


Sagwa leaned herself against the wall to support herself. Partially to try to hide herself away.

AFTER ALL I'VE DONE FOR YOU, you would still cast me aside like this.
Is that how you treat your friends, Sagawa Mizunohara? Treat them like trash after they sacrificed everything FOR YOUR SAKE?!"
Would you view them as trash and abandon them too.... Just like what you did to me?!


I didn't choose to be born with their blood running in my veins goddamit! However, I chose to vye for the position of boss primarily because of my desire to help you clear your name.
But, if you really wanted it to end like this, then I CAN'T VERY WELL DO A GODDAMN THING ABOUT IT, right?

....someone else?

Though after that little display earlier, I find it hard to imagine that you'll be missing me, Sagawa-chan... or should I say Mizunohara-san, now that you seem to be keen on the idea of treating each other as if we were strangers that had never ever met.

Sagwa covered her mouth. Stuggling to muffle the sound of herself sobbing. This was expected right? After doing that to him, this was the logical outcome.

What in the hell was I trying to say back then?!

Sagwa hid herself from everyone. While she knew it wasn't a good idea to do so after all that happened, she made use of the schools' VR systems to hide herself away from view. Why was it now of all times that it had to hit her? The realization about what she had done? Michio really did what he could for her. Putting everything on the line just for her sake.

He had said it himself before though. Something about finding someone worth suffering for. So, did he find it in Sayoto from class?

It hurt. It really... really hurt. But, even so, Sagawa still didn't feel like she had made the wrong decision. She didn't think that way out of spite. However, she still couldn't put it into words. The reason behind the choice she had made for them. As it stood, she really did just break her friendship with him for no real reason from his point of view. So, logically, for Chiyo, Kyouko, and the others...

"Please believe me when I say that you're very mistaken! I'll admit that pointing out what you consider flaws in your current state wasn't the wisest of choices- and I'll apologize for that right now! But to say that you're a lost cause..."
"It's a terribly lonely path to walk, marking those words as part of your everyday thoughts. The further you walk, the harder it is to take a step..."

"Please become my friend, Sagawa-san."

"She was killed."
"By a hacker."

"Leo-kun...you knew, all this time."

"You did nothing wrong in confronting Leo right here, right now. That was great. You don't need to feel sorry for that..."

Sagawa reached into her skirt pocket. She carefully took it out. A hardened pieces of plastic that laminated a small, green square possessing a multitude of minuscule details all over it. It was a computer chip of sorts. Everyone at school had it, though Sagawa doubted many of them knew what it really looked like in person.

"Trust me, Mizunohara-san. Although I'm just a maid and a random karaoke singer, I really wanted to help you out."

Sagawa shook her head. It wasn't conceited. It wasn't out of pity. It wasn't out of a feeling of obligation. She didn't have any idea how to do it at all really. But, even as hopeless of a situation as it was, she chose to face it. She whispered to the precious thing in her hand.

"I'll help them in any way I can. I swear it."

Sagawa gripped Iori Nishimura's chip tightly, making a promise as sincerely as she possibly could.



HaRD ReSET Chapter 1
The Antisocial Delinquent of Hisakawa

Mizunohara Sagawa's Romantic Roll Potential has been set to 1+.

(Note that the timeskip will officially happen in @Wen 's next post. Please refrain from the replies until then!
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[fieldbox= , white, solid]
[November 9th, Early Morning / Hisakawa Academy]

"Oh no, you're incompetent. How did you ever accomplish anything on your own? We tried it your way, and it failed," she muttered to herself, failing to mimic a certain someone, raising the pocket bottle to her lips as she stalked the corridors of the local high school. The soda was bitter, as she'd mixed it with alcohol. What was she even doing at Hisakawa? She had a private tutor at home... "The yakuza will never bite. We have to up the ante. I don't care for anyone else than Nyoko. I don't care if I starve. I don't care for you."

I don't care for you either.

Neither of them had said any of it. Such harsh words were common among members of virtua-ava clans, fitting, yet they never threw them at each other.

As she arrived at what should be the student radio, she fished lockpicks out of her pocket. Someone like Nyoko would double check that everything was locked, probably even hide her keys somewhere safe. She knew, because she was someone like Nyoko. The teachers were bound to have keys, but this was faster.


Twenty minutes later she left the school the same way she'd entered. Students wouldn't be arriving for at least another hour. It was too early in the morning, but it fit her purpose well. She could have done it in the middle of the day, while invisible, but she had other plans.

And even though she'd agreed to abandon the sticker idea in favour of a more straightforward approach, as the yakuza couldn't be counted upon to do anything remotely intelligent, she'd left a letter for the girl on a desk. A black envelope with Rei's name written on it in white letters. Maybe the girl would find it before anyone else did. It didn't matter to her. It was more of a goodbye than vital information.

She walked up to the black car which was waiting for her, and climbed into the back. The heated seats were a blessing on a day this cold. As her driver drove away from the school, she hoped she wouldn't have to return to the local school any time soon. It didn't fit her.

[fieldbox= Morita Nyoko, magenta, solid]

[November 9th, Afternoon / Class 2A -> Corridors]

Nyoko's morning had been uneasy. Someone had broken into the student radio to leave a message for her. A few of the members of the student radio had seen it before her, but she'd told them to keep quiet. It wasn't the sort of thing she wanted getting around.

Worse yet, it seemed that the person in question had intentionally been as obvious about their crime as possible. They wanted people to know they'd done it. The door had been left propped open, and things had been thrown on the floor. They'd had the courtesy to not break anything valuable, but what if they had wanted to go by unnoticed? Was it possible that this individual had broken in before? What if they had been at the TTC, and she'd never even noticed?

It had to be someone from a rival clan, yet they'd never been so bold. The Red Pandas stayed on the fringes of their wars, defending their own territory when prompted. Nothing more, nothing less.

As school ended for the day, Nyoko hesitated about whether she should return to the student radio or head for the TTC. She felt threatened. Continuing with her days as if nothing had happened might be an appropriate reaction on the surface, but she needed to know who the criminal was, and she needed to know now.

"Hey Hardwired, I had a question regarding the, um…"
Kira began, as she came up to her. Nyoko wasn't in the mood to deal with her today, but she was officially a Red Panda. She'd had to learn to control the urge to punch her in her face whenever she provoked her intentionally. She'd gotten a lot better at it already. "After-school activities."

"Yeah, what about it?"
Nyoko said, as she packed her things, donned her winter coat. It slid right under her virtu-ava, which might look strange, but nobody should be paying that much attention to her anyway. They had their own problems.

"My parents might be willing to buy me another drumset, if I've got space for it, so I was wondering… Well, it was Mana's idea to start a band, but you know, maybe…"

"Sure, that's swell, Kira," Nyoko said, with genuine approval. "I wouldn't count on it being safe from others there though, but you have my permission."

"Woo, thanks, I was a bit…"

Kira lost Nyoko's attention, as she got several messages on her chip at the same time. They were all coming from members of the student radio, who wondered if Nyoko was going to change song soon, or if something was wrong with their broadcasts. She tuned her chip into the current broadcast, and she was met by an ominous song which she recognized. God's Gonna Cut You Down by Johnny Cash. Nyoko suppressed the urge to yell at Kira. It was her type of music. However, Kira was standing right in front of her, and she couldn't play music on the radio when she was not in the studio.

"Hardwired, are you listening?"

"No, but bring the drums to the TTC if you want,"
Nyoko whispered, hurrying out of the classroom.

Someone was calling her out. Someone thought they were being funny. That they could mess with her. Well, she may not be the mean fuck she'd been when she was younger, but she still had sharper teeth than most. She'd teach them a lesson.

As she stormed down the hallways, the song began to play through the school's speaker system. It was no longer contained to the chips.
This was bad, and it would only get worse if she didn't get it contained. Maybe nobody would mind too much at this time of the day, but what if she couldn't turn it off…?

[fieldbox= OSHIRO KIRA, #ffa938, solid]

[November 9th, Afternoon / Class 2A]

"Thanks…" Kira muttered, as Nyoko ran off. She could at least pretend that they could stand each other. A simple question, and she fled the battlefield.

Maybe it was a bad idea to talk her parents into buying a drumset for Nyoko's club, but it would be good for her to practice with others. She'd get out of the house more. Kira sighed, turning around and bumping straight into Kyouko.

Because of course she would.

They hadn't talked at all since that day when she'd sent her a picture of herself. Kira hadn't avoided Kyouko, per se, but she hadn't sought her out either. She'd been busy.

"H-hello," Kira said, wondering why her voice sounded hoarse all of a sudden. It was like it had gone dry in an instant. "How are you..."

You can run on for a long time~

The speaker system of the school began to play a familiar song right then. At first Kira thought it was her headphones, but they were playing another song entirely. They were playing Elvis on low volume.

Sooner or later God'll cut you down~

As much as she liked this kind of music, she didn't think this was one of Johnny's best songs. It was fine, but a bit repetitive. Someone must have messed something up if it was playing through the speaker system.

She blushed as she remembered that Kyouko was in front of her, but tried to conceal as well as possible. "This is weird, huh." Kira wasn't sure if she meant the music or their 'relationship'.

[fieldbox=Kamei Mana, #ccffff, solid]

[November 9th, Morning - Kamei Residence]

"Morning, Mana-chan~!"

A friendly looking man in a black-and-white suit sat down beside a simple, modern dining table, opposite Mana who was quickly scarfing down a bowl of cereal. She looked up to give her father an inquisitive look.

Mana-chan? Not MP-chan or Blueberry? Uh oh, he wants something....

Sure enough, he quickly revealed a piece of paper and slid it across the table. Mana sighed. She had no doubt in her mind as to what it was, but she turned it towards her and glanced it over. Yep; an application form.

"Just picture it for a moment, alright? Thousands of fans cheering for you, glamourous outfits, flashing stage lights, lots of money to buy your little gadgets...."

Mana rolled her eyes. She knew the real reason he was so pushy. He was the sort that loved to show off Mana's baby pictures when she was younger. Now that she was older, he was relentless in pushing her to become an idol. She suspected it was mostly so he could continue the bragging.

"Dad, how many times do I have to say I'm not interested?" Mana claimed the same as she always did, but this time there was an extra pinch of doubt in her voice. This was the third time he'd nagged her to audition, and she'd always claimed disinterest, but this time something had changed....

Idols must remain married to their fans. You mustn't cheat on them, or your career could die instantly.

Mana didn't want to admit it, but Michio had actually come to mind every time this 'idol' topic was brought up. Having spent the past few days researching the Yakuza online, she got the impression they worked in a similar way. Perhaps the idea of them together was a doomed idea from the start. She pondered this while continuing to slurp up the cereal.

"Just what are you interested in then? You've got a real shot to become something here, but you're right on the edge: wait much longer and you miss your opportunity. It's time you started making something of your life."

There it was. His friendly attitude had melted away to form a stern expression. The words did hurt, but only because of the truth behind them. She really had no clue how to move forward with her life at this point, and 'Idol' did seem to make the most sense. Programming only held her interest when coding a silly joke program and her voice-acting career hadn't really gone far since she'd started.

"Look, you've got a few days before the auditions. Promise me you'll at least consider it. I'm just concerned for your future."

"I know, I know...." Mana took one last meaningful glance at the application before grabbing it and stuffing it in her satchel. "I'll think about it, 'kay?"

[November 9th, Afternoon - Class 2A]

Mana had been distracted throughout the entire school day. Mostly thoughts of idols and love, with a hint of Kira in there. She'd already promised she'd write music with her; how could she hold on to the respect of cool people like Kira as a cutesy pop singer? On the other hand, her father would never accept a two-person garage band as a legit career.... truthfully, it probably wasn't unless you were very lucky.

Well first things first: today was confession day. Finally, she'd confess the feelings she'd had for Michio for years now. No need to mention Yakuza, really. Either it would work between the two of them or.... that other option she preferred not to think about.

As the school day came to a close, Mana searched the classroom for the familiar white hair of Michio. Finding him rising from his usual chair, she quickly approached him from the side and began to stammer out an awkward request.

"Um.... are you maybe.... could you come with me to the music room?" Mana was acting noticeably less confident than usual, and even displayed a very subtle hint of a blush. How did most girls her age propose anyway? Wait no, not 'propose'.... what was the right word? Ask out? Show interest? Whatever it was.

Mana tapped her shoe on the ground, trying to calm her nerves.

[fieldbox= Iwasawa Yuuki, #339966, solid]

November 9th, Afternoon / Hisakawa Academy - Class 2A

This morning, Yuuki saw a black envelope on his desk. Yuuki picked it up and inspected the envelope. There were Rei's name written on the envelope. He tried to identify who would've put this envelope to his desk, but he can't recall anyone in class that would be the one who did it. He kept it unopened in his bag, continuing whatever school routine he did without approaching anyone in particular.

. . .

After the school activity ended, Yuuki looked around the class, particularly at the people he felt he should approach. First, he looked at Nyoko, wondering if it would be the time for him to approach her and ask about the sticker incident and her relation to it. Considering the photos of Rei from a few days ago that have Nyoko's name written on it. He then looked at Rei, he would talk about what he found his morning if he decides to do so. He also considered asking someone else who are possibly related to the incident. But with the information that he currently have, he's stuck with either Nyoko or Rei.

Yuuki stood up, he carried his bag and approached Rei. "Hey, got a time to talk? I have to show you something." Yuuki asked a seemingly casual request. He scratched his head, waiting for Rei to respond to his request. But not before sending a quick message to Rei, explaining what he wanted to talk about in a nutshell.

Found a letter this morning, could possibly be related with that incident.


[fieldbox= Kyouko Himura, #3DA3C2, solid]

[November 4th, Noon / Downtown - Karakuri Mall]
There was no denying it that Kyouko thoroughly enjoyed Sagawa's head-pat, subconsciously even lowering herself for Sagawa to reach better. She even had to control herself from making any weird noises. After all, not even her parents were allowed to give her such a treatment as her childhood friend did just now.

It seemed like the meat-bun lover understood. Considering there was no room to argue, from Kyouko's side, in the 'invading peoples privacy'-business there wasn't anything to add anyways. Either Sagawa accepted Kyouko's request or... she did not. But only time would tell.

Of course, there was always the implication that Kyouko was supposed to get the same opinion about Kira as Sagawa had. But considering the weird feelings Kyouko had it was nearly impossible for her to even think anything negative about Kira - as true as it may be. Thus, such sinister thoughts did not even cross Kyouko's mind.

Instead, the current situation seemed... fine. Sagawa was... okay. The small feeling of doubt about Sagawa reacting rather negatively to what Kyouko had said disappeared completely. They were friends again.

Even if they both went their seperate ways, for now.

[fieldbox= Kyouko Himura, #3DA3C2, solid]

[November 9th, Afternoon / Class 2A]
Life continued.

Misheru was still in the hospital.
Iori was still missing.
Michio still deserved a beating - an even bigger now after it only took him half a second to find a new girlfriend.
Yuuki still in custody.
Whatever was up with Kira.
And a lot of other things that were on Kyouko's mind - like Yukimaru... .

So much shit Kyouko had to deal with and time simply continued ticking. Back then, everything would have been way easier. The blonde would have simply talked herself into believing she could solve all of those problems super easy. But now? Kyouko didn't even know where to start.

She wanted to help. But what power did she even have? Nothing. After all, Kyouko was weak.

Heck. Why did she still even care about the maid? Because they had one happy talk? They were enemies goddamnit. If the one-eye could at least leave that behind her it would have been one problem less. But like that? Fuck. Why was it so hard to leave all those weights just behind her. Why couldn't Kyouko Himura become that asshole-adult type of person she aspired to be? Just why couldn't she kill that inner child of hers and silence it for good.

Giving out a sigh Kyouko finally stood up as music was blasting way too loud through her ear-plugs - muffling out everything around her. Sure, the past weeks had their ups and downs, but overall Kyouko was feeling nearly as terrible as at the time she got hospitalized.

If she wanted to get those things down in a serious way there was no use of feeling down all the time. No, as powerless as she seemed to be, Kyouko still had to try, no? But sooner or later, after trying for so m-

It was then that somebody had stumbled into her. One of the many figurines that Kyouko simply blanked out around her.

"Watch where the he-"

The pirate hissed instinctively before she gulped. It was... "...K-Kira."

Did the blonde really just mutter the girl's first name without even a single honorific? Fuck. Fuck. FUCK.

"Oshiro-san." Kyouko corrected herself as she turned down the music she was hearing just to be replaced by another music. That was... the speaker system? The hell? The 'doubts' about the hacker case having been resolved quickly resurfaced again upon that realization. Regardless... more important than whatever hacker and the in-comparison harmless prank he was playing was the student in front of her.

'Just what the hell was up with that picture anyways?'. Was it so hard to simply ask? Kyouko was known for being straight-forward, blunt and to the point. But now? Her legs felt weak. Not to mention actually having to do with Kira brought up the memory of THAT picture again - which followed by a change in colour of her face.

Closing her eyes for a second, Kyouko tried to find the strength to simply confront her love this person. It was just too difficult.

Instead, Kyouko decided to actually concentrate on what Kira had just said. How are you? "T-The same as always. You?" That was a lie. They weren't even together yet and Kyouko already broke one of her self-proclaimed principles. Just great.

"This is weird, huh."

Well, so much for Kyouko's plans about concentrating on Kira's words. After all, how could 'This is weird' fit into anything but the picture-exchange they had?!

Suddenly, Kyouko had a stroke of genius. This was, after all, Kira. And as much as Kyouko didn't listen to such rumours, even in regards to Michio, they all had a small sliver of truth. Yeah. After all, Kyouko's initial train of thought was that Kira was messing with her anyways. Though her chosen one couldn't possibly be that mean?!"

Yeah. Just as with the pictures. Two could play that game. With newfound confidence and a safe enough distance between the two, Kyouko replied. "It's only weird if you make it weird!"

It was just a game. It was just a game. Kyouko repeated that line over and over inside her mind.

  • Love
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[fieldbox= OSHIRO KIRA, #ffa938, solid]

[November 9th, Afternoon / Class 2A]


Yes, that was her name...? Turbo Lover seemed to be experiencing technical difficulties. How would she even describe it? Kira's name didn't matter that much to her, and Kyouko could have called her anything she wanted as long as she wasn't being insulting.

As she stood in front of Kyouko, waiting, waiting, an idea to grab her by the collar of her shirt and kiss her popped into her head. Oh it would have been wonderful, but she couldn't do it right here, right now. What if Kyouko wasn't interested in her? She would have messed up horribly then. It was best to take it slooow. Kira could be smooth if she wanted to. Right…? She sure hoped so.

"T-The same as always. You?"

All the better for seeing you, Kira thought, but the words got caught in her throat, and she coughed. Splendid, when she actually had a great comeback she couldn't spit it out. It'd been easy with The Devil in Disguise, so why couldn't she do it now? Why couldn't she plough straight ahead? Man…

"It's only weird if you make it weird!"

Kira noticed how Kyouko had increased the distance between them, and it could have been taken as a hint how she should keep away. However, it was also a sign of weakness to her. They could have faced-off on equal grounds, yet Kyouko had decided to retreat and put up a brave front.

Nyoko and Mana had given her an idea that this girl might indeed be interested in her. If she was to listen to the old advice, then… No guts, no glory?!

"Do you…" Kira moved closer to Kyouko, almost stepping on her toes, attempting to tower above the girl with her height. "want to make it weird?"

Woooo! That line was a much better comeback than the one she'd missed out on. Now she only needed to figure out how to follow through before her mind caught up to what she was doing. It was easier said than done, so in the end she remained motionless, standing really close to Kyouko.

As long as she breathed, she should appear imposing.The breathing bit was vital, since she feared she might faint.

  • Love
Reactions: Skyswimsky
[fieldbox=Rei Saionji, purple, solid]

[November 9th, Afternoon / Hisakawa Academy - Class 2A]

The day started normally, Rei went to school and did her school things. Rei was too tired to notice anything out of the ordinary today, anyway. She'd been working harder on her training and studies. She'd show Ayame that she wasn't naive. She could handle this, and even if she had to admit that Ayame was right about doing this alone, Rei would prove to her that she could do this. Rei knew the stakes and she knew how to handle herself.

She'd prove Ayame wrong. She'd prove the whole council wrong.

. . .

Class had been nothing special, as usual. Rei had been packing up in preparation to leave for the castle soon. The summons was not to be taken lightly, and no doubt since Michio had already gone and then went to the meeting with the two of them, things had gone less than ideal. This time though, neither were going alone. Rei had never gone alone, but she'd be without her mother this time, which was as good as going all by herself.

She also needed to talk to Kokoro, whether or not she'd bring up the harassment was up in the air, but how did Miss Student President know about yakuza affairs? Worse yet, if she knew then she might know about Rei's other competition, Ayatane Shigeru, then that might give her more information on the man who won against Michio in unarmed combat. That in itself was more troubling.

"Hey, got a time to talk? I have to show you something."

"I was-"

A message arrived from Yuuki. It seemed important so Rei probably shouldn't blow him off. Not to mention... she wanted to know if he'd talked to Mika yet or not.

Found a letter this morning, could possibly be related with that incident.

"I was about to get going, but I have time to talk, sure. By the way, how's Mika doing?"

[fieldbox= Ayame Sayato, maroon, solid]

November 9th, Afternoon / Hisakawa Academy - Social Morals Office

Having spent the last several days dealing with her headaches, retracing her steps and recording everything she did in a diary, Ayame finally reaches a decision, she had to speak to Yuri. If she knew something then Ayame needed to know it, not matter how good or bad, no matter what secrets there were. She could not in good faith help the heirs nor guide them unless she knew herself. She needed answers no matter the cost. If Yuri knew nothing..no that didn't seem right.

Steeling her resolve and catching her breath, it wasn't often students were in that room, never mind just barging in as she was about to, catching her breath and gripping the handle, only one thing was left to do. Opening and stepping in, it seemed Yuri was fairly serious with her responsibilities. No one else was around either, which worked for the better.

Bowing her head deeply as she speaks, Ayame would at least try this in a somewhat proper manner and explain her situation, to show that she had considered the others words and the impact they had on her, it was only proper to show some respect to those you were asking a favor, more so one this great from. If that didn't work then she would try something else. Shutting the door behind her, with her right foot, so the conversation could be carried out in private the blonde hoped this didn't result in something poorly.

"Nozomi, Yuri san.. I am sorry to have came here but.. About our last talk, I want to set up both to meet up with the council. But I cannot do this in good standing.. your words bothered me.. they were sharp and implied things that have been pushing me. I've heard some rumors on hackers being able to change memories, what you said that day wasn't something random! My head has been hurting every day, as my thoughts keep running into a brick wall.. I've been keeping a paper dairy of everything should my memory be muddled again. So please I ask you, tell me what it is you remember or know of me." Raising her head up to look Yuri in the eye the bodyguard seems rather serious with her request.

"Good or bad, I need to know and I am sorry if I have forgotten you.. How and why, just what my job is, what my failures were, only then can I act for either of the two. Otherwise I'm nothing more than the shadow of a shadow. I also may need your advice on how to carry out that meeting. I don't believe you would lie to me and I cannot deal with this on my own..these chips are beyond me. Even if I have forgotten others besides you may remember, then what do I do? I will repay this if there is someway that I can, I like to think I always kept my word."

Stating her case to the point, for the last several days she could not bring herself to do much for either, hopefully directly asking would get a reaction, if not here then maybe somewhere else. But for now she had to leave the situation in Yuri's hands. It was possible that Yuri could lie to her, but if not for how the headaches and words had stuck with her, Ayame likely would not have been here.


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