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[fieldbox= , white, solid]
[November 4th, Noon / Hachi-Ou Park]

"Given what you said, you aren't just some bystander.. I now think I may know what you are, If I can speak honestly, I won't be surprised if when this happens, the older members don't just kill or puppet whoever gets it. The Council is playing it's own game, trying to keep it civil, but when it all ends, the Yakuza is built on violence.. Rei doesn't understand how the organization works, her reliance on her own self will make enemies and break bonds. Michio, I don't know what to think about him at times, he tries to play the role like a gentleman, that won't cut it unless he were an old man, but he keeps doing whatever it takes. And I'm responsible for
them both in a way, where does that leave my head?"

Ayame voiced more of her thoughts as she pressed her forehead.

"If I could, I would want to free both of them from this, but that doesn't seem like it could happen, I might can still get out, but not for now. I just question if I should.. You already know my grades, they are borderline Average, if not below, I won't be getting into any universities. I'm sorry for taking up your time like this with my gripes."

She bowed in apology.

"I don't mind talking to you at all." Yuri said as she waved her hand dismissively. "I'm actually glad you chose to let me hear how you were feeling. But yes, their situation is concerning. I sympathize with how you must be feeling right now about it all."

"I thank you for the talk Nozomi, and I think I know what I'll try later today.. And I'll give what you said some thought... I should get to know this council more myself, and even if they don't listen try and pass on some of what I know. Was there anything else Nozomi-san?"

Yuri shook her head.

"No, think nothing of it. When you do a favor for someone, it's only natural to return it, right?" Turning to the side, as if preparing to leave, Yuri's eyes became obscured as the breeze in the park again acted up.

All Sayoto could see of her face was a small smile.

"...and here I thought it would be straightforward to convince you to just focus solely on Kamijou-san and abandon Saionji-san. But, I guess you're still the same person, after all." Yuri's smile then flattened, as did her tone. "Don't make the same mistake of becoming too attached, Sayoto-san."

The girl with white hair, took completed her step. And after a few moments, vanished behind the trees and overgrowth of the park.

Approaching the fence to the street, Yuri made a solemn thought.

So it is true.
Memories really can be tampered with...


[fieldbox= Mizunohara Sagawa, turquoise, solid]

[November 4th, Noon / Downtown - Karakuri Mall]


For a moment, seeing the pirate suddenly lose balance and get a nosebleed threw her off focus. For a moment she was worried, but upon getting a closer inspection on the sort of expression Kyouko was making...

I see. She's thinking of something dumb again. Sagawa thought to herself.

Averting her gaze from the pirate. Sagawa didn't know exactly what it was getting Kyouko in such a way. But, from past experience, it was probably something she'd be better off not knowing about - for the sake of her own sanity.

"Ume--I mean, H-Hayata-san?"
"Sagawa-san, what are you--no, why was Leo-kun...huh?"
"Oh, I'm crying. How nice."

The peach appeared to be struggling. Sagawa suddenly felt distant from her, again. She couldn't understand what was happening right now. Umeko... who was that person?

Chiyo elaborated.

"Umeko Hayata... she unfortunately passed away in middle school. It was kind of a big deal back then, as she was a part of that infamous club who helped people, so I'm surprised you don't know. But, she was a dear friend to Leo-kun--and I had brought up the subject with him a little while ago, so that's probably why he was thinking about her."

"...Sorry, she was also my step-sister. I--"
"Your step-sister?"
"No, it doesn't matter. If you want to work things out with Leo-kun, I'd be glad to step away."

How could I work things out with him? I don't even know why... or what the problem is.

...was what Sagawa wanted to say. But, it didn't seem like pulling Imada into it was a wise choice. So, the peach excused herself, attending back to Kyouko. All that was left before her, Was Leo, and a myriad of questions about the way he was acting to her now. What was with the agression? The accusatory tone? Sagawa had an idea what he was getting at, but it still didn't make sense. What would she possibly have to do with this person named Umeko?


Looking to him once more, the confounded expression on her face was gone. Rather, a concerned and cautious curiosity.

"What are you even talking about? If you're going to be mad at me, could you at least tell me why?"

@Raven Haruka

  • Love
Reactions: Skyswimsky
[fieldbox=Kamei Mana, #ccffff, solid]

[November 4th, Noon / Downtown - Excalibur Arcade -> TTC]

Mana's face flushed slightly at Kira's burst of laughter. She hadn't thought what she'd said was that funny, but then again, bursting out in laughter was a lot better than many of the reactions she could've had. Still....

"Ehh? What's so funny?" Mana asked in genuine confusion, but she was smiling. Laughter was infectious, and Kira's was no exception.

"Oh, I don't think you need to worry about being a dork if you're in a band like this," Kira said, after she'd calmed down. "The guy who played the synth in this band looked like a dork too. He didn't really want to be in the band, if I remember correctly, but they wanted him with them because he had the talent, and they were friends."

"Oh, I see...." Mana trailed off in thought. Well maybe she was just being silly. Besides, she could be cool if she wanted to be. Just a....'different flavor' of cool. Like all those weird anime characters.

"Okay, I'll come with you, but in return you will make sweet music with me soon."

That wink.... Kira was really serious about this, wasn't she? "Alright, 'kay? I'll give it a try, it could be fun. Oo, we need a name!" Mana barely kept up with Kira's crazy pace as the two departed from the arcade. She wasn't exactly unhealthy, but her stamina was nowhere near that of Kira, her being both a drummer and a dancer. "This way," Mana directed, leading Kira along the bustling streets. "It's not too far." Assuming Kira probably wanted to avoid any kind of motorized transportation, Mana decided they'd just walk.

"Drone Star....Battle Drums....Fire and Ice....The Kira And Mana Experience." Mana continually sputtered out artist names every few seconds as they traveled. Most of them were downright awful, though a few were okay. Some didn't even make sense at all: "Dragorapaloosa! No, no, that's silly...."

It didn't take that long for Mana to get tired. Luckily for her, she was correct in saying it was pretty close. Not half-an-hour after they'd started walking, and Mana spotted the familiar street. Kazami hovered back down to perch on her head as she turned her head side-to-side to check the area. No immediate sign of trouble, but then again, real trouble was usually a surprise.

Acting as though everything was normal, Mana took a deep breath and turned into a dirty alleyway. After the 2nd time visiting, she'd learned to hold her breath and spare her nose from the nasty stench of garbage. Mana wasted no time heading straight through the first door and into the empty, grey room, shutting the door behind the two of them.

"Bwah!" Mana exhaled and started painting heavily. The small room had a lingering smell, but it was faint and much more manageable. Rapping her knuckles on the door, she called out, "It's Mana, with a friend. Is Nyoko-sama here?" Motioning for Kira to stand beside her in front of the second door, Mana waved at the slit in the door and smiled. She really did enjoy the company of most of her fellow Red Pandas, and the "door dragon" was no exception. Most of them were weirdos, and she had that in common with them. Hopefully Nyoko would be here though; she was kinda the whole point of this trip.

@Mirai (maybe)[/fieldbox]
[fieldbox= Ayame Sayato, maroon, solid]


[November 4th, Noon (+) / Hachi-Ou Park-Amaterasu Shrine]

Listening to Yuri's reply a few things stuck out, and the girls expression took a subtle change, that would be difficult to miss, her smile became smaller, but the truth to that, which likely was in the eyes became obscured from view as the wind picked up. As Ayame's thoughts catch up with her, the bodyguard holds out her right arm attempting to stop Yuri.

Between the mention of being the same person still, making the same mistake, being owed a favor, all the direct meanings of this words shocked the tracksuit wearing girl a bit. She needed answers on this, just what had Yuri meant, why or rather how did she seem to know so much, to a point of familiarity.

"The Same mistake... Hey wh-!" Before Ayame can finish Yuri is gone. She had a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach as if she had gotten a question wrong, or had forgotten something very important, never mind the talk on returning favors, was she round about telling Ayame that she now owed her? Or did she owe Ayame.. If so then why? Finding her mind being suddenly overwhelmed by more questions than answers, the girl lets out a soft sigh. "Did I once know you... Yuri-san.. Do I owe you thanks or an apology.." Mouthing the words in a whisper her headache seems all the more worse.

"Ugh! Why today of all days! It's the Weekend! Let me relax! You damn town!" Kicking the dirt at her feet, this was not shaping up well at all. Hoping she would see Yuri again to gain some answers to her earlier actions, for now Ayame accesses her new message. Eye's darting across the virtual page, hopefully it could get her mind off things.

To: Ayame Sayoto
Subject: Today's Agenda

"Hey there, Aya~ I apologize for the late reply. Hey, I'm not trying to get you drunk all the time, you know? Alcohol's good if taken in moderation but I wouldn't want you to destroy your kidneys over the stuff. Still, I can't help but think that you're really cute when you're drunk so I can't say I'm not tempted. Anyways, I'm still at the old castle. I told you that I'd be here because I was summoned by Amane-sama, right? Well, it's good that I'll finally get to talk to her. I'm unsure when I'll be able to finish here but I'll just update you when I'm done. And I'll be happy to take you out on another date, Aya. The ramen shop sounds good, they serve great tea there as well so I'm looking forward to it. Don't mind yourself around me too much. Would be interested to read/listen to your middle school girl ramblings :P "


Pondering how best to respond to this message, the Situation with Yuri had rattled her quite a bit, and the Bodyguard couldn't tell why. While she wanted to dismiss it as someone being overly friendly, or maybe even having fun at her expense, the sinking feeling in her stomach just would not go away.

"Don't make the same mistake of becoming too attached, Sayoto-san."

But am I not doing that right now?

Keying up a reply, Ayame decides to keep it short, between the headache, what she had to tell the two in regards to the eyes and the disquieting conversation she shared with Yuri, she just didn't have the willpower or attention to do more than a token reply.

Haha, still doing the long messages huh? And don't worry I don't plan to drink that much, I'm not very good at it am I? Eh hopefully nothing happens, that place gives me the creeps. Anyways I'll be at the Temple waiting for the two of you to show up whenever, and yeah the Ramen Shop may not be all that bad, but I have a bad headache today, I had a.. interesting meeting, I can't really talk about it though. Anyways see you in a bit, watch yourself in that creepy castle. ~ Ayame.

Sending the message, then erasing her reply and the message she had received, Ayame makes her way through the streets and to the grounds of the shrine. In Truth she had not intended on going there so early, but wanting to seek out the calm sanctuary of it's grounds and to take in what limited nature was there, she was looking for some means of peace to organize her thoughts.

A few minutes later by way of City Bus, Ayame makes her way up the hill by foot, not getting winded of tired of the climb she washes her left hand at the basin, then her right, finally a little from the scooping cup for her mouth. She then heads directly for the offering shrine, being a traditionalist to a point, Ayame did have some bit of faith in the old Gods and traditions.

Going through the normal process to offer up a prayer, she deposits 100 yean in the donation box, then grabs a fortune scroll. While she rather doubted the Gods would give a direct answer, a bit of advice could be helpful. Unfurling her scroll, a poem is inscribed upon it.
If we falter in resolve
Just because the task is hard
No accomplishment can follow
It is the world's way.
~ Emperor Meiji
"Well no shit, thanks for nothing Great Emperor..." Staring at the paper parchment, it wasn't a good Oman, as much as one warning of trails awaiting her.. Provided it was true at least. Wandering the Shrine grounds there was little more to do than wait for Rei and Michio to turn up.


@Ehb @Accelerator technically also @Karyra
[fieldbox= OSHIRO KIRA, #ffa938, solid]

[November 4th, Noon / Excalibur Arcade -> TTC]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"It'll definitely be fun," Kira said, feeling genuine excitement for what felt like the first time in days. "We'll take the world by storm!"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]She'd gone from doubting the whole idea, not wanting to be in a band, to wanting to recruit Mana to this new project in a matter of minutes. It was likely she'd change her mind once more, later on, if she realized that Mana wouldn't make a good partner in crime. However, for now it was providing her with a much needed distraction. As long as she kept her mind off the bad stuff in life, she could keep on rocking. Kira had gotten pretty good at distracting herself over the years thanks to her relationship with her parents.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Drone Star....Battle Drums....Fire and Ice....The Kira And Mana Experience."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Kira didn't catch on to how it was supposed to be several different band names, instead she thought of it as an introduction. It inspired a mental image of a grand stage with only the two of them. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]First it lay in darkness, but then a hoarse male voice repeated what Mana had just said, leaving out the fire and ice part. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Drone star… Battle drums… The Kira and Mana experience!!![/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The spotlights were activated and trained on the two women on the stage. Kira sat behind a massive drumkit on the left side of the stage, while Mana stood in the middle of a number of synths and keyboard. In her head, it was pretty freaking epic. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Especially when they played together, and the massive audience entered an ecstatic trance. Kira's mind didn't stop there, of course, continuing on to what happened after they'd performed on a stage, after the wild parties, and all that.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Being the silly girl that she was, it made her blush. Shaking her head, she thought Mana had pretty good ideas. Kira listened to her music as they walked, expanding on the fantasy which Mana had started.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea to be in a band if the people knew what they were doing. Plenty of famous bands had been started by friends who'd met each other in school, or similar places.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Before she knew it they'd arrived at the TTC. It took her by surprise that it was located in a dirty, rundown alley. Nyoko had always struck her as a tidy person. A tidy but angry person. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Kira placed herself next to Mana when she motioned to her, laying her arm over her shoulders, raising her fingers in a V sign, as if they were taking a photo.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The slit in the door was opened quickly, yet shut even faster. The door was opened for them without any further delay, revealing the dragon girl guardian.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Nyoko-saaaaaaan is in the house," the girl said, extending her speech in the hopes that it might make him sound like an actual girl, not a boy. "You know the drill, Maaana-saan, don't call Nyoko saaaama to her face or she might slap you. I won't tell if you won't tell."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Kira had been intrigued by the dragon girl at first, but when she heard the voice she realized they weren't quite what she were looking for. She waited for Mana, before heading inside. The TTC wasn't what she'd imagined. For some reason, she'd imagined a temple where people prayed, or something along those lines. Instead it seemed to be a private club with EDM music in the background. Huh, this may not be such a bad experience after all.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"So… what do you sisters do here?" Kira asked. Although she'd already recognized how there were a number of male members around. "Did we come here for any specific reason? I mean, it's pretty cool and all, but I have a schedule to keep. I don't imagine Nyoko has a drumkit stored away, does she?"[/BCOLOR]


[fieldbox= , white, solid]

[BCOLOR=transparent][November 4th, Noon / Excalibur Arcade][/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Pratt performed excellently, though before he got anywhere near the end of the game the screen went dark. The machine seemed to have died at first, but then big white letters appeared on the screen.[/BCOLOR]



[BCOLOR=transparent]Someone had to be messing with the machine right then and there, yet they couldn't see anyone suspicious nearby. It didn't end with the letters either. Soon the machine began to play a song which it clearly wasn't supposed to know, while all the lights on it flashed, flickered, and lit up the area with colourful strobes to the rhythm of the beat.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Other arcade machines in the vicinity followed suit, and it felt like more of a nightclub than an arcade. Pratt and Ryuu were taunted by the machines, which screens displayed the same messages.[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]A grinning symbol appeared on the original arcade machine that had started it all. Needless to say, it was drawing a lot of attention. The same sentence was repeated over and over in the lyrics of the song.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Now you are playing with power~[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Now you are playing with power~[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]@Eruantien @ShiroKiyoshi[/BCOLOR]
[fieldbox= Rei Saionji, Purple, solid]

[November 4th, Noon (+)/ Iwasawa's Residence->Amateratsu Shrine]

"Even though you say that..." Yuuki started to speak, and Rei just kept going. She wasn't expecting a hug from behind.

So when Yuuki did that, Rei turned bright red. Kira would always hug her and touch her, but Kira was the exception to the rule. Hugs were... very nice.

"It's still hard for me to decide... I... I don't want to hurt Mika. But... I'm also happy that I'm finally not denying or hiding my feelings to you either... I mean... If I were to choose right now... It'd be... you."

If an already red face could go any redder, Rei would have surely attempted it. She hadn't thought that anyone would choose her, ever. She didn't really know what to make of it. It was like... maybe...

"Damnit I sound really stupid right now... Anyway, I'll walk you outside."

Well, at least he was talking. Rei figured that the most she could get out right now with him hugging her was a squeak, at most. She couldn't really function all that well, and could only feel Yuuki hugging her. It ended all too soon when Yuuki pulled away and started to take her to the door. Rei took a moment to attempt to regain her composure, and then followed after him. However, her ears were still red from the hug from earlier.

"See you later in school I guess... And, don't let that bag of yours get stolen again."

"R-right. I'll try to prevent that. Uhm, I'll l-let you know if anything changes in relation to the stickers."

And then she left. She kind of took a wandering path to the shrine, in an effort to cool off. It took a bit, but Rei finally managed to suppress the memories of a few minutes ago enough to try and face the yakuza part of her life. Ayame was waiting, and... and Rei had lied to her. Rei wouldn't admit the lie, but at the very least if she was recruiting Yuuki for this task, she'd need Ayame's ninja skills to help keep him safe.

She wouldn't let this effect him. Rei would do whatever it took to wrap this up before he was too involved.

Rei saw Ayame pull out a fortune, and mutter something. Rei glanced at her bag and wondered if a fortune would bring this to a quicker close. No, she needed to do this on her own merit. Gods or no, she didn't have the time to go through all the steps of praying right now.

"Wouldn't have pegged you as the religious type." Rei said as she walked up. "Hey. Found my bag." Rei dropped it at Ayame's feet. Even just looking at the sticker covered bag, one could tell that something was very wrong. However, Rei also left it unzipped when she dropped it, so a few pictures fell out. "We need to start doing something different. What we've been trying to fix got worse."

Rei looked hard at a picture that had fallen out. She didn't like involving others, but Ayame was already involved. They... Rei just wasn't really working with her because she could handle it alone. But... the pictures just proved that culprit was just on another level than Rei. Than Ayame, too.

"And the worst part is that anyone who works off of a virtu-ava clan app could pull this off. The girl I met in the TTC mentioned it. And they're trying to frame Nyoko-san as well, I think. No way Nyoko-san would be this bold to harass someone. She doesn't strike me as the 'stalker' type."

@RedArmyShogun Technically: @Accelerator
[fieldbox=Kamei Mana, #ccffff, solid]

[November 4th, Noon / Downtown - TTC]

As Kira draped her arm around Mana and made the whole 'V' pose, Mana countered with the bunny ear fingers behind the head thing. She let out a soft chuckle at how silly it was and asked when the door opened, "Hold the pose just a sec', 'kay?" Mana's drone flew forward, turned, and took a quick picture of the two of them. Mana didn't have a whole lot of pictures of herself. Mostly just of other people. May as well take advantage of the moment....even if the background was just a dull, grey room.

"I know, I know. Thanks for the reminder though, Dragon-chan." Mana wasn't really sure what led....'her' to choose that form, but pretending to be someone else every now and then could be fun. That, and it was a bit of an awkward topic to bring up, so she hadn't.

"Anyway....Kira! Welcome to paradise!" Mana spread her arms out into the lively room as if presenting the scene. Responding to Kira's questions, Mana scratched her head in thought, "Ehh, I don't think there's any drums hiding around, but we could probably buy a set. Wouldn't this be a great place for some test performances though? With all the VA stuff in here, you get instant costume changes, fun special effects, and a nice audience." Despite her earlier hesitation, the idea was genuinely starting to excite her.

Mana wandered further into the main room with Kira in tow, giving her a basic tour, "So the tables along this wall are usually the gamblers, 'kay? Most of the people sitting near the stage like to go big." Mana pointed forward, towards the stage. "Mostly we use the stage for Virtu-Ava, but sometimes we have plays, musicals.... Maybe even a band soon?" She winked at Kira.

"But yes, if you wanna join, you have to talk with Nyoko. It's your choice though, 'kay? I'm also here 'cause have to talk with leader about something else." Flying above the commotion, Mana's eye-in-the-sky looked down and swept the room for any sight of the Kimono-wearing leader. Not a minute later, she sighted Nyoko's avatar from the crowd, but it came with the unwelcome sight of pink hair and familiar-looking, blue-green eyes.

"Ugh, of all the times she could be here...." Mana muttered to herself, reacting to her drone-vision. Quickly realizing it was out of context for Kira, she elaborated, "Sorry. Kazami just spotted my....um....'friend'." Heavy sarcasm was thrown onto the word 'friend'. "Anyway, leader's this way."

Mana weaved through the crowds of the TTC, occasionally brushing shoulders with someone, until she arrived at the table with Nyoko and Sayuri. "Hiya Nyoko-san," she greeted enthusiastically. "Sayuri-chan...." her sister received a hint less reverence in her greeting, but Mana still forced herself to smile and act friendly for the time being. Mana locked eyes with Sayuri for a moment as if she could stare a "don't cross me" message into her brain, then returned attention back to Nyoko. "I brought a friend. She's been thinking about joining our little club, 'kay?"

Last edited:
[fieldbox= Leo Kane, #666699, solid]


[November 4th, Noon / Downtown - Karakuri Mall]

"Leo-kun...stop it. I don't like it, those things you're saying...it's not like you."
"I don't want to hear it again, not those words. Please, stop it."

Tear wetted Chiyo's face as she spoke to him.

"Don't do anything, please. Whatever happened between the two of you...I'm sorry, but you need to walk away, Leo-kun."
"It's really scary, you talking to Sagawa-san like this..."

Leo bit his lip. Fear was not what he wanted to give Chiyo right now.

"If you'd like, I could walk with you. We could still go to the copy store together?"

Easing up just a little bit, He sighed.

"Kane-san, who's Umeko?"

His eyes widened. "Don't..."

"When you were talking, you kept on thinking about that name."


He took a step forward, "Stop-!"

"Ume--I mean, H-Hayata-san?"
"Sagawa-san, what are you--no, why was Leo-kun...huh?"
"Oh, I'm crying. How nice."

His gaze held steady on Sagawa. Looking, begging for a slip in the mask of confusion. A push to send him off the cliff.

But he found nothing.

Was he missing something? A little fact, a ill-humoured joke that had been passed to everyone but him?

"Umeko Hayata... she unfortunately passed away in middle school. It was kind of a big deal back then, as she was a part of that infamous club who helped people, so I'm surprised you don't know. But, she was a dear friend to Leo-kun--and I had brought up the subject with him a little while ago, so that's probably why he was thinking about her."

He felt it. The sickening notion, the idea that he had never even bothered to give a thought to. He couldn't. There was no way.

She....had to be laughing. The sociopathic bitch. Prodding him with a stick, to watch him dance. A true evil. Hiding behind everyone. Having the...nerve to openly ask about Umeko. She was....she was baiting him! Or, something like that.

Was she daring him to say it? To bring up the event infront of Chiyo? It didn't make any sense. To emotionally ask Chiyo and Kyouko to be friends. Then....do that!? He was supposed to be the one pressing her. Not the other way around! Her actions didn't make sense. What end result could she possibly expect from this?

Her words were trying to lead him to an ending that would only end negatively for her. A lose-lose given the actions she had taken so far.

Maybe she really was someone who Leo had to take as far away from anyone he cared about as possible.

"...Sorry, she was also my step-sister. I--No, it doesn't matter. If you want to work things out with Leo-kun, I'd be glad to step away."

He...had to think that.


Because there was a far worse option.

"What are you even talking about? If you're going to be mad at me, could you at least tell me why?"


It...had always been a possibility. Perhaps hidden by the sheer rage the event caused him. He raised his hands to his face.

"Y-...Do-....remb-" uttering something too quiet to hear clearly. It had dawned on him that truly the world had a grudge against him. What he could of done to deserve this, he couldn't fathom.

If one were to input this possible fact, the actions she had taken so far made sense. The relationships she wished to form, simple chance.

"You don't remember it at all do you?"

Chips, it was always related to the chips. He should chalk that as another thing on the list that consistenly marred his life.

He...himself, were fuzzy on a lot of things that day. He could remember some things clearly, but looking back at it.There were, streched periods of time in which he couldn't remember his thoughts. What if his memories had been effected? Even if he could still remember his actions.

"Oh of course you don't". Envy rised from inside him.

Not just of Sagawa though. But of Chiyo. Of Kyouko, of everyone that walked by to continue with their days.
Everybody talked. Walked. Lived. They had their own problems. Their own challenges to fight. Their own demons.

But these three?

Why, they could afford to have bonding moments in the middle of a mall.

"Umeko..." Leo smiled a empty smile. " Was my friend....correct."

He looked towards Chiyo.


If she couldn't remember...then,

"She...." he rubbed the scar on his wrist. A thousand ways to tell the truth.

"She was killed." He wanted to scream. "By a hacker."

And he was so close. But perhaps even he thought that this in a public place was in poor taste. Even in his....state. It was stupid, he wished he didn't care. But this situation was one he could of never imagined.

Would she even have a seed of doubt?

This whole situation would have never of happened if...

"L-look, We....can talk later. No, soon, would be best. For this...alone."

So close, but, once again, something was wrong with the setting.

"If you want to know...about...it."

If she did talk to him, it might well end up being the last time they would ever talk.

He was suprised his head hadn't magically exploded yet. Neither had he climatically taken action. Would all this amount to him just getting angry and then doing nothing?

But he was tired, so tired.

He sighed,trying to get his emotions to settle.

"I'm going to go.....think about a few things." He began to turn around.
@Raven Haruka @Skyswimsky @Ehb[/fieldbox]
  • Thank You
Reactions: Skyswimsky
[fieldbox= Mizunohara Sagawa, turquoise, solid]

[November 4th, Noon / Downtown - Karakuri Mall]

"You don't remember it at all do you?"

Sagawa blinked. Of course she couldn't remember.

All of this. About Umeko, and her passing away in middle school. her being Chiyo's sister, and being a friend of Kane. This was all completely new to her. In yet, the two were going into such detail about this girl for her.

"Oh of course you don't". He concluded. "Umeko... Was my friend.... correct."

"But..." He said as he looked to the peach attending to Kyouko.
"She was killed."
"By a hacker."

Leo confirmed some things that Chiyo had said, but added some new ones. Instead of her just passing away, it turned into outright murder. Sagawa heard of the horror stories - no - she had already seen first hand at what a hacker could do to someone with a chip. Having complete control over someone, like Liza and Yuuki. But, that was beyond cruel. It crossed a line that no one should ever cross.

The hacker could've killed this Umeko person in a myriad of terrible ways.

So naturally, with Leo and the rest of the school being aware that she herself was one... the fear probably was justified. In Leo Kane's eyes... she wasn't any different from the person who took the life of his friend, Umeko.

"L-look, We....can talk later. No, soon, would be best. For this...alone."
"If you want to know...about...it."

By the sound of it, she probably didn't want to hear the details. The fact that Umeko had died was enough to get the point across. It made Sagawa sick thinking about it.

The entire topic being discussed seemed to completely throw Leo Kane off course. He just wasn't acting like he usually did. Sagawa didn't know him personally. In fact, he was might've been a complete stranger. But she was still a classmate, and his presence was known well enough for even her to feel like there was something off about him now.

Leo sighed, as he began to wheel himself around steadily.

"I'm going to go.....think about a few things."

The ambiguous Leo had offered to explain further in private. Sagawa could see him limiting himself, and trying to regain composure through out the entire exchange. So, talking alone in private would allow him to not operate under such restrictions.

Sagawa looked over to Chiyo and Kyouko, conflicted.

To be able to talk in private, without worrying about keeping appearances... Put simply, he didn't want to Chiyo to see him acting in the way he desperately wanted to act towards her. It simply was bound to not end well at all.


Putting her fisted hand over her heart, Sagawa again forced herself outward.

"After hearing that... I don't blame you for feeling that way. I know you probably wouldn't trust me after what happened to your friend. But, you don't know who I am!"

Sagawa took her fist and swiped the air in front of her.

I told Michio that I'd change.
That wasn't a lie!

"I know I won't be able to change the way you think of me in just one talk. So... please see for yourself! I may know how to do those things, but I won't let them happen to Imada-san, Kyouko-chan, or anyone else! Even you!"

Speaking passionately, Sagawa wiped the wet edges from her eyes.

"I will prove to you that I'm not the person you think I am, Kane-kun!"

This entire time, Sagawa had had judgement passed on her for being a hacker. Just by being known as one, the descriptors such as criminal and evil immediately come to mind by association. From all the cautionary tales, and urban legends, hackers were always the villain in all those stories.

Through these past couple of weeks, she'd kept on struggling against being a hacker due to the negative associations that came with it. The blackmail at school as well.

But, after seeing what it had done to Liza and her classmates.
Forcing her to tear apart her relationship with Michio for his own sake.
Letting it sink her into despair and hopelessness.

But no longer. She was tired of it - standing by unattached, waiting to be a target.

"I will beat them!" Returning to reality, Sagawa proclaimed it. Ignoring the random passer by who seemed to be recording what was going on for future references. "I'll outdo all of them and beat them at their own game! I'll stop them, and take care of the one who hurt Imada-san's sister as well!"

Leo covered his mouth. The words that this girl had just spouted out had subconsciously forced an expression on him that he didn't want anyone to see.

Seeing this, Sagawa responded to what she saw as Leo Laughing at the vast unlikelihood of her ever achieving any of that.

"You can laugh at me all you want, Kane-san. But, if I manage to do that. If I beat all of the hackers and avenge Imada-san's sister then you have to promise to be my friend too!"

Mizunohara's eyes were absolutely ablaze with a peculiar radiance that reverberated with a newfound purpose.

@Raven Haruka


[fieldbox= , white, solid]
[November 4th, Noon / Excalibur Arcade]

"Ahhhh! Maha Gaaaaaw!!!"

The heavily accented voice of despair rang over the pulluting noise coming off from the oddly behaving machines.

"Owat Ah Yodoo? Mamasheens! Ey' Ahbrooke!"

The arcade owner fell to his knees in complete grief. He tore out his hair in an extreme expression of grief.

The obnoxious sounds and lights were attracting some, but it was also at the point of sending away some of the other acrade patrons whom did not have noise cancelling headphones with them.

Suddenly, the lights an sounds of the affected machines abruptly ceased. Making the affected part of the store suddenly become rather dim without the illumination. From behind the wall of machines, a girl with red hair popped out from behind, holding an electrical plug in her hand.

"Nailed it." She said.

[November 4th, Afternoon / Excalibur Arcade - Management Office]

"Alright. So, let me try to summarize it: So far I understand that this all has something to do with getting high scores in some of the game machines over there. I can process that much..."

The girl with red hair, summarized what she had just heard as she consolingly patted the grieving store owner's back.

"But I don't get a wide swath of what you're trying to explain before I unplugged everything. Y'know, the part after that wubbing-garbage started playing."

Midori made the two boys feel doubtful that their story was anything beyond a fairytail. Granted, even they were still trying to wrap their heads around how things had just escalated there so quickly.

"Bwoohoho... Uoowa Sowa Yang! Soohaspensive!"

The manager buried his face into a coiled electrical cord as he sobbed.

"That's been on the ground, you know?"

Sitting in the Arcade's office, the two felt like they had just been caught shoplifting. Oddly enough, Midori, despite being in the same year as the two boys, had about the same oppressive presence as the gym teacher patrolling the school grounds hunting for tardy students.

It wasn't too much of a surprise, considering who she was related to at school.

"Anyway, I'll save you the trouble of coming up with another excuse. I don't know how you two managed to access the internal systems on those cabinets, but uploading viruses onto our machines is basically a crime. You two should understand we have the police coming over here."

[BCOLOR=transparent]@Eruantien [/BCOLOR]
[fieldbox= Kyouko Himura, #3DA3C2, solid]

[November 4th, Noon / Downtown - Karakuri Mall]
Silence. The other end, Kira's end. Had, apparently, no response. Kyouko was the victor. Hah! Just as planned. Now, the blonde could really focus the other, also important matter, at hand. In fact, just in case, the girl also disabled the automatic pop-up for now. First, the message of Mana, now Kira. Who was to come next in such a short time frame?

"What's wrong, Kyouko-san? You're bleeding...did you injure yourself?"
"Here, take this."

Right, the pirate was still critically injured. "Huh? What? Me? Injured!?" There was no way in hell Kyouko would tell any of the two girls what had just transpired in the background, if they were to find out... find out... did Kyouko Himura just do a gigantic mistake? Whatever, what's done is done! "No. You see, when I get really, really angry I sometimes get a nosebleed! Must have something to do with all the blood boiling or something. Thanks though." The one-eyed student was still a tad out of the loop in terms of what transpired right in front of her. Though, after cleaning herself of her battle injury she was finally ready to punch Leo again! Or... was it?

Following the exchange between Leo and Sagawa, there was really no place for Kyouko to budge in. Though Leo behaving like any other Fool and blaming Sagawa for things she has not done didn't exactly move him into any better light. He was probably worried about... Chiyo? Still, they caught the hacker! Or maybe... Leo was feeling like the blonde? That it was not over? But then why would he still blame Sagawa? Her little sister couldn't harm a soul. Way too innocent and everything.

Kyouko was happy, in a sense. She was happy enough that, once again, tears started rolling down her cheek. Weak. Seeing Sagawa like this was simply...refreshing? Even if Kyouko neglected the meat-bun lover for far too long it was a fact that there was a time Kyouko had looked out for her. And now, seeing her like this... yeah, Kyouko now simply felt good. She was happy and... proud? Despite having done nothing.

With the situation apparently diffused just like that the one-eye wasn't even angry anymore. In fact, hearing Sagawa say
"you have to promise to be my friend too!" reminded Kyouko of her old self. Disgusting. 'Hah! Just wait until you all realize how awesome I am. Because once you do we will be friends too!' Stuff like that was something she used to say back then... a lot.

@Raven Haruka
[fieldbox= OSHIRO KIRA, #ffa938, solid]

[November 4th, Afternoon / TTC]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Mana didn't seem to have any idea what a good drumset actually cost. She doubted Nyoko's clan had the money to spend on one. Kira's personal drumset cost a small fortune, but it was top of the line. Her parents had wanted to discard their daughter's new interest as just another passing fad. Still, her father had bought her a drumset to upstage her mother. In some ways, it had been the beginning of Kira playing her parents against each other. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"It would be a great place for a jam session," Kira admitted. "Maybe there are more people who'd want to join our band. Seems the red pandas appreciate music at least. I've never performed in front of anyone, to be honest, even if people have been in the basement with me."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Kira followed Mana, listening attentively to what she said as they went around the TTC. They were gambling here? Did Nyoko know? Kira wondered if she should tell her when they met, but Nyoko must know about it. She was the boss, wasn't she?[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Ooh, musicals and plays and a band? Nyoko's quite the class act, huh. I'd fit in well here, as an actor/dancer/drummer, based on what you're telling me," Kira said, teasing Mana a little bit. Besides, she hadn't stayed in the drama club for that long, so maybe she didn't qualify.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"But yes, if you wanna join, you have to talk with [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]Nyoko[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]. [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]It's your choice though, 'kay? I'm also here 'cause have to talk with leader about something else."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"This is nice and all, but um…" Kira hesitated, looking around the main room. It was more than nice. Everyone seemed to be friendly here, and they seemed to belong together. There were plenty of groups crowded around tables, chatting and laughing. There were couples hiding in secluded spots. "Yeah, maybe I'll talk to Nyoko. I don't have a lot of time for this kind of stuff though. I'm already on the student radio."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Mana's drone flew off, and Kira noticed a pale girl staring at her, peeking out from behind a door on the other side of the room. They slammed the door shut when they realized they'd been detected.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Ugh, of all the times [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]she[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] could be here....[/BCOLOR] [BCOLOR=transparent]Sorry. Kazami just spotted my....um....'friend'."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Mana's statement and her tone didn't really convince Kira that she was friends with the person in question. It put a dent in the impression that this was a happy place where people got along.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Who?" Kira asked, but Mana was alreading making her way through the crowd. She rolled her eyes, following her.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"I brought a friend. She's been thinking about joining our little club, 'kay?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Kira stopped next to Mana, by the table that Nyoko and Sayuri was sitting at. Mana didn't like Sayuri? She raised her hand in an awkward wave, as if she'd forgotten who she was. Once she remembered, she responded with a more fitting greeting.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Hiya, Hardwired-san, and Sayuri!" Kira said, cheerful, putting her hands on her hips. "How are you two doing? Getting ready to rock all night long!? Do you have booze as well as gambling in this hideout?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Nyoko had been waiting for Sayuri to respond, but it seemed she was lost in thought, for quite a while at that. Mana interrupted them, bringing Nyoko's attention onto the girl she brought with her. Oh, great, Kira was never the person she wanted to meet, even when she needed to talk with her.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Are you suggesting I get drunk at noon?" Nyoko asked, suppressing the impulse to shake her head and apply her palm to her face. "No, we don't serve alcohol. You have to bring it with you, or go to a bar, or something. Who knows why they'd let a menace like you in though…"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]As she thought she'd finished with Kira, Nyoko turned to adress Mana instead.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Hello Mana-san, how nice of you to bring a potential recruit to the TTC," Nyoko said, doing her best to ignore who the recruit was. Besides, she'd wanted to recruit Kira herself. If someone else could do it for her, at least that would spare her the trouble of interacting with the girl. "I appreciate—"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Yo, Hardwired, is there a set amount of hours I have to be here if I'm a member, or can I just come and go as I please." Kira took a seat next to Sayuri. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]She breathed in, deeply, as she got the urge to punch Kira yet again. This happened several times a week — several times a day if they were both at the student radio. Nyoko should be used to it, should have learnt how to put on a pleasant smile and be kind.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Yes, you're free to be totally unreliable, popping in whenever it suits your needs, even though the rules clearly state something differently, but who cares about those, am I right!? They're arbitrary nonsense that nobody is expected to adhere to," Nyoko said, then bit her treacherous tongue as the annoyance had been audible in her tone. She sighed. "Kira, I'd love to have you join the red pandas. I apologize for the outburst"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Kira just laughed at her, blushing, staring into the table. Right, this was why they'd disliked each other from the start. Kira was a spoiled brat, who thought that any girl who was nice to her wanted to sleep with her. Nyoko was raised by strict buddhist parents. The two girls were like the sun and the moon.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"How are you doing, Mana-san? Can I get you something?" Nyoko asked to get her attention off Kira. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]@Luma @Mirai[/BCOLOR]

[fieldbox="Miyamoto Ryuu, #2feb83"]

[ November 4th, Noon / Excalibur Arcade ]

"Okay, then," Ryuu stated, beginning to leave at last. "Best of luck." But, suddenly, before he'd reached his destination, the atmosphere changed. Pratt's arcade game suddenly began to play a different sort of music, and Ryuu turned on his heel to watch. As the noise and lights spread, he tried to make out the words of the song, but it didn't sound familiar at all. The taunting message on the screen put Ryuu ill at ease once again, and he slowly made his way back to the arcade. "What'd you do, man?" Ryuu asked Pratt uneasily.

An angsty voice, which could only have been the arcade owner, made itself heard over the ruckus. Ryuu grimaced. "Come on, dude, put it back to normal. We don't want to get in trouble." He wasn't sure what was going on, but he didn't actually believe Pratt had been able to do... this.

In another moment, the music and lights had abruptly ceased, and a red-haired girl stepped out from behind the arcade machines. Ryuu swallowed. There was something in the girl's look that didn't seem friendly at all.

[ November 4th, Afternoon / Excalibur Arcade - Management Office ]

Stewing silently over the injustice of it all, Ryuu sat along with Pratt as the red-haired girl was pandering up to the sobbing owner. He's such a drama queen.
She spoke with an awful amount of confidence to her assumptions; the kind of confidence that made it sound like it would be useless to reason with her. Still, Ryuu had to say something, even though he dreaded it.

"Miss, excuse me -- we've never touched those machines before today, and my friend here only played the game for the first time just minutes ago. We could never have made all of that happen; I don't even understand what was going on."

Phew, I said it. Ryuu collapsed back slightly in his chair, feeling his face grow warm. This girl had even called the police!? What did she think they were? Oh, that's right, criminals. Who even was this girl, anyway? She seemed familiar, somehow; her stance and bearing reminded him of somebody at school, maybe; or perhaps that was just the rush of adrenaline accompanying her acidic voice.

Anyway, she seemed like an over-assuming idiot. If the police really were on their way, maybe they'd be able to listen better to the boys' explanation, instead of the pitiful owner and his hotheaded suck-up.

[fieldbox= Ayame Sayato, maroon, solid]


[November 4th, Noon (+) / Amaterasu Shrine]

Rolling up her fortune, Ayame hears the approach of another, Rei pretty much confirmed her presence her self, remarking on Ayame being religious and having found her bag. "Eh, what can I say, I value the old ways more than the new at times, we wouldn't be in this mess if not for those ch-" Before she can finish however the back is dropped at her feet, turning around to take a look at it, the what was once a childish prank had became a full on case of harassment and then some, more of a stalking fetish than anything, but the pictures is what got her. Looking through the bag this made very little sense, taken with the still dwelling words of Yuri it seemed more and more problems were mounting.

"We need to start doing something different. What we've been trying to fix got worse."

"Yes, I was going to make some suggestions, I also have something I need to tell you. But that will have to wait.."

This all was a mess, the fact that neither her nor her eyes had seen anything, coupled with how Yuri was acting, Ayame was not sure she could even trust her own senses or feelings, or at least the chip's data in regards to it. Coupled with rumors this feeling of dreed and agitation only grows stronger with what Rei had to say next.

"And the worst part is that anyone who works off of a virtu-ava clan app could pull this off. And they're trying to frame Nyoko-san as well, I think. No way Nyoko-san would be this bold to harass someone.

"What?... I'm not liking what you're telling me Rei-san. I had a bit of an interesting meeting today and this all reminds me of it.." Putting her fortune on the burning pile for a monk or priest to collect afterwards, Ayame looks down at the bag shaking her head.

"It's a provocation sure, they, whoever it is wants us to wipe out the Pandas.. I doubt they are behind it, but honestly I would only consider them temporary allies that the Yakuza may have conflict with at some point or another... These Pictures I don't get though, some of these could easily be used to shame or blackmail you, in place they just put them in your bag.. Rei I wasn't trained to deal with this, I was trained to defend against physical violence or on the street harassment. This though? This is just born from these damn chips.."

Sighing it was time to just say what she had in mind, baring working with Nyoko. "We could lock you up in a room with non-vision based sensors, but we'll need to tell the leaders about this.. Anyways whoever comes in gets dealt with. I'll likely have a price to pay in that option as well.. What else I had to tell you I want to wait for our second person to get here before I mention it, two things I really have to talk about."

Her mind still dwelling on the days earlier conversation, making the same mistake of getting attached... Just what in the hell did that mean and what was she to do now?


[fieldbox= Kamijou Michio, plum, solid]


[November 4th, Noon (+) / Amaterasu Shrine]

The mention of having to meet the council by Amane had left a sour taste in Michio's mouth specially after what had happened. If his understanding is correct, then the Council would be keenly interested in the affairs of all the candidates, no matter how mundane they may seem to be, thus keeping a watchful eye on them whenever possible.

In Michio's case, he had made a complete fool of himself inside their inner sanctum. Who knows how much those old croons were criticizing with the defeat he suffered after putting on such a show. If things weren't already tough enough, this would surely affect their perception of him. That's why he decided that now wouldn't be the best of times to meet with them. He would have to redeem himself by doing one of the more dangerous job offers he's gotten before he could deem himself worthy to meet them.

"I apologize, Amane-san, but I feel as if I haven't done enough to be worthy of meeting with the Council in such short notice. Besides, I have promised to meet with some acquaintances later today to discuss about some mundane issues. Know that I am not particularly prioritizing them over the council, but I am meeting with them because I would like to stay true to my word and keep the promise I've given them." Michio replied.

"I shall inform you when I feel like I'm ready to meet with them. But since time is of the essence, I shall ensure not to take too long to decide when. Now, if you no longer have anything to discuss with me, then I shall take my leave. I hope that you have a pleasant day, Amane-san. And to you as well, Ayatane-san."

After waiting for Amane's approval, Michio immediately exited the castle and made his way to the designated meeting place. Since he was already running late, he decided to take a cab instead of walking. After all, he may value money, but he also valued punctuality. It would be rude of him to arrive late to this meeting that he himself requested.
During the ride, he realized that he had received a new message from Ayame which he immediately opened.

"Haha, still doing the long messages huh? And don't worry I don't plan to drink that much, I'm not very good at it am I? Eh hopefully nothing happens, that place gives me the creeps. Anyways I'll be at the Temple waiting for the two of you to show up whenever, and yeah the Ramen Shop may not be all that bad, but I have a bad headache today, I had a.. interesting meeting, I can't really talk about it though. Anyways see you in a bit, watch yourself in that creepy castle. ~ Ayame."

A worried look could be seen on the boy's face as he read, and re-read Ayame's message. She has a bad headache today? Had he been burdening her too much? Had this relationship been nothing but an unneeded burden for her all along?

No... these negative thoughts that were starting to surface in his mind would do nothing to improve her situation. He can't afford to think like this, let this influence his actions, and make the same mistakes he had committed in the past. If their relationship is becoming a burden to her, then he would talk to her about it and work out a way to ease her burdens. He wouldn't let her go just because of his own insecurities.
"I can't seem to avoid doing these long messages. Must be a bad habit of mine, though I'd like to believe I just enjoy talking to you this much. Well, you may not have that impressive of a tolerance, but a drunk Aya-chan is also a cute Aya-chan so I don't mind getting drunk together from time to time. But to be honest, I'm not planning to take you out drinking tonight specially after I found out the you have a headache. If you're really that tired, then we can also skip getting ramen. We'll go to your place straight after the meeting so you can rest. I'm actually on my way there now! The castle meeting was a bit more stressful than I anticipated but hey, I managed to make it out of there in one piece so all is well. See you in a bit too. ^^ ~Michio"

After sending the message, he deleted his response along with Ayame's message. To be honest, he does find this routine to be quite inconvenient sometimes. He wouldn't be able to go back and read their conversations whenever he gets the urge to do so. But, it was a necessary habit, so he couldn't really complain that much. If he didn't take such precautions then who knows when a hacker could obtain valuable information about him or his loved once by reading his messages.

The trip had been unexpectedly quick due to favorable traffic conditions, and in no time, he was already at the Shrine. However, he still found himself to be the last person to arrive, seeing as Ayame, and the guest he had invited were already in attendance. They seem to have been quite busy discussing something so Michio thought it would be respectful to keep his distance and wait for them to finish up whatever they're doing before announcing his presence. However, he was certain that Ayame would have at least detected his presence already. Though he couldn't help but notice Rei's bag adorned all over with what seemed to be stickers and some pictures strewn about on the pavement. That was strange. After they had been announced as heir candidates, Rei had been reclusive about her interests and has since decided to hide a lot about herself from other people. She wasn't the type to paste stickers on her bag simply on a whim. The pictures, if he had to guess, were unsolicited ones of her, and with Kimura Yuuki out of the picture for the time being, there were no viable suspects at this time.

"Then this must be related to... heh, so the rumors were true after all. Goddamit we simply can't get a break huh?" He mused.

Deciding that he had given enough time for the two to tidy up, he calmly approached them regardless whether or not Rei had put away the bag and the pictures.

"Hey there, Ayame-san, Saionji-san. I apologize for being late. The business I had to take care of in the castle got unnecessarily stressful. But now that we're all here, let's not waste any time, shall we? Why don't we take a seat by the benches over there?" Michio motioned towards the benches just a couple of feet from them while addressed both of them with a kind expression. In truth, he was anxious about the outcome of this encounter. There were a lot of issues he needed to address but in the end, there was one goal Michio had in mind... keep his loved ones safe from any threat, inside and out.

"I have quite a few things to talk about with you, Saionji-san, regarding both of our positions in this game the old man's playing. But, first of all, I'd like to address the problem that seems to have been plaguing you for quite a while now." The boy pointed at the bag and the pictures lying on the ground with a genuinely worried expression.

"I know you were dealing with some form of harassment but I didn't know it was this bad. Heard some of my... colleagues saying that someone has been harassing you for quite some time now, and seeing as it has escalated to this point just goes to prove that we aren't dealing with a simple stalker. Otherwise, I'm certain Ayame-san would have already taken care of the perpetrator. I hope you don't mind sharing some of the finer details of this dilemma with me since I'm only aware of the general details myself. I don't know if the feeling is mutual, but I still consider you as a good friend, Rei. Despite everything that's happened between us... despite how much we've seemed to have drifted apart. So, if you feel the same way, then please tell me everything about it."

He wouldn't outrightly force Rei to tell him the details but he hopes that they would be able to tackle this issue first since this should serve as a suitable way to break the ice before he tackles about more pressing matters with her. Going straight to the main problem would bee a bad idea without establishing some sort of rapport first.


[fieldbox= Rei Saionji, Purple, solid]

[November 4th, Noon (+) / Amateratsu Shrine]

"What?... I'm not liking what you're telling me Rei-san. I had a bit of an interesting meeting today and this all reminds me of it.."

Rei raised an eyebrow. A meeting? With who? Michio?

"It's a provocation sure, they, whoever it is wants us to wipe out the Pandas.. I doubt they are behind it, but honestly I would only consider them temporary allies that the Yakuza may have conflict with at some point or another... These Pictures I don't get though, some of these could easily be used to shame or blackmail you, in place they just put them in your bag.. Rei I wasn't trained to deal with this, I was trained to defend against physical violence or on the street harassment. This though? This is just born from these damn chips.."

Rei couldn't help but agree on the last part. There wasn't much either of them could do, but... she needed to do something more than scream and rail against the stupidity of it all. If her bodyguard wasn't able to do much... plus she couldn't mention they'd shown up on Yuuki Iwasawa's desk of all places. That in itself was shame enough.

"We could lock you up in a room with non-vision based sensors, but we'll need to tell the leaders about this.. Anyways whoever comes in gets dealt with. I'll likely have a price to pay in that option as well.. What else I had to tell you I want to wait for our second person to get here before I mention it, two things I really have to talk about."

No. Second person? Who was it? It couldn't be-

Rei picked up the bag and pictures quickly, hoping that she could at least manage to clean up the worst of it before whoever it was showed up. She hoped that it wasn't Michio, that it was someone else and that it was just some other Yakuza goon. She didn't want him to see this. Rei didn't really want anyone to see this, but especially not him.

"Hey there, Ayame-san, Saionji-san. I apologize for being late. The business I had to take care of in the castle got unnecessarily stressful. But now that we're all here, let's not waste any time, shall we? Why don't we take a seat by the benches over there?"

Damn it. No. This was unacceptable. He was supposed to be her rival, and that meant that he could never see her weak.

But she sat down on the bench that he'd gestured to anyway. Rei was tired and at this point, why not follow through on the meeting? It wasn't like she had much to lose at this point aside from her dignity, and given how visible the bag had been only moments earlier, she didn't have much of a choice in the matter anymore. She'd been avoiding meeting Michio for this very specific reason.

"Cut ties with Michio, or he'll use it against you. Rei, you'll only suffer from it."

"I have quite a few things to talk about with you, Saionji-san, regarding both of our positions in this game the old man's playing. But, first of all, I'd like to address the problem that seems to have been plaguing you for quite a while now."

Rei silently gripped the bag tighter.

"I know you were dealing with some form of harassment but I didn't know it was this bad. Heard some of my... colleagues saying that someone has been harassing you for quite some time now, and seeing as it has escalated to this point just goes to prove that we aren't dealing with a simple stalker. Otherwise, I'm certain Ayame-san would have already taken care of the perpetrator. I hope you don't mind sharing some of the finer details of this dilemma with me since I'm only aware of the general details myself. I don't know if the feeling is mutual, but I still consider you as a good friend, Rei. Despite everything that's happened between us... despite how much we've seemed to have drifted apart. So, if you feel the same way, then please tell me everything about it."

"Glad to know that the Social Morals reps are gossiping about me, I'm sure that's getting something done about the problem." Rei said tersely. God the words about still being friends hurt. She couldn't be friends with him because they were supposed to be rivals. If this was how it was supposed to be how it was supposed to go, Rei would fall into darkness and Michio would still be happy. Rei would deserve it because she'd be the ideal yakuza, bossy and terrible and violent and Michio would walk away and be the hero of the story and then he'd beat the debt and darkness and pain. "Why do you care? If this gets out to the yakuza then I look like a fool and you get to be the golden boy. If that happens, you get out from under your debt, and you don't have to worry about me."

"Why bother considering me a friend?"

Why do all these people care? Why did Michio care? Why did Yuuki? Did Ayame care too? Rei was just someone invisible, just someone that was going to slip away quietly into the yakuza and she'd become a cautionary tale. Why? She was disposable to everyone. Rei was a tool to the council... to her- to the yakuza...

Rei stood up suddenly, putting the bag on the bench. She didn't want to deal with this right now. She wanted something simpler, something stupid and violent and crazy. Rei didn't want her heart on her sleeve just because she'd done that enough today and Yuuki... Yuuki was considering leaving his happy relationship for Rei. It was too much emotion and too much for her to deal with right now. Hitting something or pretending to would be cathartic, wouldn't it?

"How about we just do a virtu-ava battle instead? You win, I tell you everything. I win, you tell me why this information benefits you. It's simple, and then we get to see who luck likes more. No hard pushes to make each other talk, just a fight. That's what people like us are supposed to do, right? Duke it out and swear revenge and then fight some more."

She doubted the shrine even had that capability. It just sounded good to say something that made it sound like she was even remotely in charge. If she lost she could always blame the program for making her spill her guts, if she won then maybe for today she'd win more than just a 'probably' from someone she liked. She'd make progress towards something at least. Lately, she felt like she'd been going in circles. Trying to do something, making it worse, and then trying to do something else and the cycle repeated.

"Come on, since you came from the castle, you must wanna fight someone. Why not see if we can't have our big cinematic duel at a shrine? See who is better than who."

@RedArmyShogun @Accelerator
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[fieldbox=Chiyo Imada, #fbceb1, solid, 10]

[November 4th, Noon / Downtown - Karakuri Mall]

"Huh? What? Me? Injured!?"
"Um, maybe?"
"No. You see, when I get really, really angry I sometimes get a nosebleed! Must have something to do with all the blood boiling or something. Thanks though."

"No... problem?" Seeing as Kyouko was fine, Chiyo's attention turned back to the conversation at hand.

"You don't remember it at all do you?"
"Oh of course you don't".

Oh, so it's like that.
A situation from the past, one that only Leo could remember. If Sagawa couldn't remember what exactly the problem was, then what use was there trying to fix things?

"Was my friend....correct."

He looked towards Chiyo, one pair of eyes meeting another.


"She was killed."
"By a hacker."

Time slowed down for the peach, eyes widening as she processed this information.
"Umeko-chan was...murdered?"
Why was she murdered? It couldn't have been a serial killer or anything like that--the news and police would've made something out of it. But, if that's the case, who could have wanted to kill her? And a hacker, of all things?

"L-look, We....can talk later. No, soon, would be best. For this...alone."
"If you want to know...about...it."

Widened eyes slowly relaxed into a normal setting, as the peach realized what Leo was exactly saying.
Leo knew about this. All this time, and he didn't say a word to me!

"I'm going to go.....think about a few things."

How could he keep something like this from her?
Umeko may have been his friend, but she was also part of her family, wasn't she?!

Shouldn't the glasses girl get the right to know the truth, at the very least?


Sagawa stepped up, keeping Leo from ditching the group entirely with her words.

"After hearing that... I don't blame you for feeling that way. I know you probably wouldn't trust me after what happened to your friend. But, you don't know who I am!"
"I know I won't be able to change the way you think of me in just one talk. So... please see for yourself! I may know how to do those things, but I won't let them happen to Imada-san, Kyouko-chan, or anyone else! Even you!"

"Sagawa-san..." To say the least, Chiyo was moved by the sudden surge of heroism in her new friend. It was...extremely thoughtful, what the meatbun-loving girl was saying.

"I will prove to you that I'm not the person you think I am, Kane-kun!"


"I will beat them!"

"I'll outdo all of them and beat them at their own game! I'll stop them, and take care of the one who hurt Imada-san's sister as well!"


"You can laugh at me all you want, Kane-san. But, if I manage to do that. If I beat all of the hackers and avenge Imada-san's sister then you have to promise to be my friend too!"

"That's enough, Sagawa-san!"
Quickly stepping forward, Chiyo put a hand on the girl's shoulder.

"I don't think Leo-kun's actually laughing at you. It's more like...he's laughing at the fact we're having this discussion in the midst of a lot of strangers." Motioning to the people passing by, she then released Sagawa's shoulder.

Chiyo's hands clenched into fists at her sides, before looking at Leo.

Did you really think he would tell you this? That anybody would tell you this?
Really, if you left him alone for a little bit longer, maybe he would've gone and gotten himself--

"Leo-kun...you knew, all this time." Stating the facts, glossy eyes narrowed into a glare.

"On another note, I need to get going. The copy store won't just find itself, and I would absolutely hate to keep any of you-- so I'll be leaving alone."

"See you at school, Sagawa-san. Kyouko-san."
[fieldbox= Ayame Sayato, maroon, solid]


November 4th, Noon (+) / Amateratsu Shrine]

Listening to the two going back and forth, Ayame notices her new message icon, while late she reads it, there was no point in responding to it now, she could do so later in person afterall. Deleting it she decides to listen to the pair, Michio was of course being the gentleman who's tact was rather pushy, though it likely never occurred to him, Rei of course was a short and snippy as she was accustomed to being, still not trusting anyone.

Thinking back to the words of Yuri, she wasn't sure why, but that last remark of hers and the consideration she had forgotten something important only seemed to make her headache worse... No that wasn't the case at all, the headache was worse as likely something had happened to her. Being so dutiful she simply could not leave things alone, even as her mind rebelled. Which in turn only aggravated her senses in regards to the meeting.

"Rei, he has a reason of his own for having me set this up tha-" Before she can finish however, Rei issue's a battle challenge with a bit of a misconception on how the pair should act. With her headache and the day's prior events, a little bit of spectator sport may not be so bad. Though it couldn't be right here in front of the shrine, mostly as one, the public, two, it was disrespectful to the temple spirits.

"Alright, but not right here in front of the shrine, yare yare, do you really want to tempt Amateratsu? Well not that I believe a god will strike you down, would have happened long ago.. But just don't seem respectful to fight in front of a bunch of priests and any visitors that show up.. Guess I'll just ref this, not like I'm going to try and stop it if yah both agree."

Finishing on that note, Ayame nudges with her head towards the back, pointing her right thumb over her shoulder to a clearing behind the Shrine grounds. "Should be alright back there, or hell just do it here, I don't care. Just don't get too carried away, I still need to talk with you both. And I got a bad headache today."


@Accelerator @Karyra (oops forgot this when I posted)
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[fieldbox= Kamijou Michio, plum, solid]

Michio and Nichio



It was evident that Rei didn't exactly like the news that the other Social Morals Officers had been talking about her problem behind her back? Who would like to hear that, right? But what hurt him is how much her opinion of him had changed just because of the mess they had been forcibly dragged into. What was once a budding bond they mutually cherished had been reduced to noting but petty rivalry because of that incident back in middle school. But Michio wasn't just angry at the Yakuza... he was also quite pissed at Rei for throwing away their friendship at the drop of a hat.

Frankly he was sick of it all...

Sick of losing his friends...

Sick of losing his battles

Sick of losing in life.

He had lost his friendship with Rei after they were announced as heirs. He had lost his friendship with Kira because he was being plagued by the demons of loss, depression, and anger, too busy to visit her when she was hospitalized, much less make a phone call to check on her. He had lost his friendship with Sagawa because of her hatred of the Yakuza, and his own desire to grant her wishes until the bitter end. He even almost lost his friendship with Taigi, had not his friend took the initiative to repair it himself.

Ha had lost his freedom when his father was forced to incur a debt from the Yakuza. He had lost at the one thing he ever considered himself good at. And heck, in the end, he may have already been predetermined to lose this stupid competition from the very start.

He had lost a lot of things, a lot of people because of the damn old man couldn't just pick his heir from the very start. The only thing he seemed to have gained recently was his relationship with Ayame, and even that small glimmer of hope he had gained is being threatened to be snuffed out by the growing number of responsibilities she has to handle ever since they started dating.

If fate was a physical entity, Michio would have no problem knocking some sense into it for messing his life up so much.

"Well, ever since I lost all the influence I had built up when I confronted Amane-san a few weeks ago, I noticed that I barely have any influence left to keep the others in line. Otherwise, I would have told them off and that would be the end of them spreading rumors about your problems." That was right. If he was still feared as the Demonic Social Morals Officer then he would certainly be capable of preventing the rumors from spreading any further. But right now, he is still in the process of rebuilding his reputation. Hence, he simply didn't have the power to make sure his subordinates obey him without question.

"Though do you really think that lowly of me, Rei? That I would enjoy seeing my childhood friend suffering because it would "benefit" me? Has this stupid rivalry changed your mindset that much? I don't know if somebody has ever told you this, but the whole world isn't out to get you, Rei. Not everyone is your enemy. There are still people like us that care about you despite what you make yourself believe. It's true that I have re-considered vying for the position of Boss, but I am not that much of a prick to enjoy a victory over the expense of your well-being. If I want to win, I want to do it fair and square, not like what you make it out to be." Michio replied sternly.

"Why would I bother considering you a friend? Hah! Are you an idiot? I'm not sure about you, Rei, but I'm not going to abandon our friendship over this competition that neither of us ever wanted. You were one of the few precious friends I made during my bleak, dark childhood... one of the few beacons of hope in my despair-filled past. That's why I still consider you as a very dear friend even if you no longer feel the same way."

Everything he had said had all been genuine. That was how he felt about their relationship, even after she began distancing herself from him when they were announced as rivals. In his mind, Rei was only forced to sever their ties because she had to, not because she wanted to. From his understanding, her mother wants nothing more than for her daughter to secure the much-coveted spot of Boss. He could understand why she was forced to act that way, but at the same time, he was genuinely hurt whenever someone he considers as a friend acts in such a cold, unfamiliar manner towards him.

"I don't know how bad your opinion of me has gotten over the years because of this stupid competition but I'm not the opportunistic asshole you make me out to be... That's why if we're going to have a battle, I'll add one more condition for my victory... If I win, then we'll become friends again. We'll be able to spend time with each other again. Laugh with each other, cry with each other, carry one anothers burdens... We can even watch the starry sky that we loved so much together again. Those are my conditions." The silver-haired boy stated in a voice filed only with determination. He was determined to beat Rei and in the figurative and literal sense, knock some sense into her. Even if this was going to be a game of chance, something he's never really been good at, he wanted to grab the chance to become her friend once again.

After a heavy sigh, Michio equipped his Avatar for the second time this day. He did not expect that he'd have to square off against two heirs in the same day but that was just his luck. Nevertheless, he would feel better losing to someone like Rei rather than someone like Ayatane Shigeru.

"Hey, aibou, I really want to win this fight, okay? So, if I lose the initial blow..."

"Yeah, yeah. Don't worry, I have your back. Besides, it's gonna leave a bad taste in my mouth if we lose twice in the same day. I just hope Lady Luck is on our side for once. But yeah, If you lose, I'll help you fight off the fatigue, at least until you're finished with your business here." Nichio commented.

After waiting for Rei to don her Virtual Avatar and heading to the private location Ayame suggested, Michio performed the first strike.


[fieldbox= Rei Saionji, Purple, solid]

[November 4th, Noon (+) / Amateratsu Shrine]

"Alright, but not right here in front of the shrine, yare yare, do you really want to tempt Amateratsu? Well not that I believe a god will strike you down, would have happened long ago.. But just don't seem respectful to fight in front of a bunch of priests and any visitors that show up.. Guess I'll just ref this, not like I'm going to try and stop it if yah both agree."

"Should be alright back there, or hell just do it here, I don't care. Just don't get too carried away, I still need to talk with you both. And I got a bad headache today."

Rei grabbed her bag and walked over. Ayame, the voice of reason.

"Well, ever since I lost all the influence I had built up when I confronted Amane-san a few weeks ago, I noticed that I barely have any influence left to keep the others in line. Otherwise, I would have told them off and that would be the end of them spreading rumors about your problems."

"Though do you really think that lowly of me, Rei? That I would enjoy seeing my childhood friend suffering because it would "benefit" me? Has this stupid rivalry changed your mindset that much? I don't know if somebody has ever told you this, but the whole world isn't out to get you, Rei. Not everyone is your enemy. There are still people like us that care about you despite what you make yourself believe. It's true that I have re-considered vying for the position of Boss, but I am not that much of a prick to enjoy a victory over the expense of your well-being. If I want to win, I want to do it fair and square, not like what you make it out to be."

Rei expression was masked when she put on her virtu-ava. She didn't say a word.

"Why would I bother considering you a friend? Hah! Are you an idiot? I'm not sure about you, Rei, but I'm not going to abandon our friendship over this competition that neither of us ever wanted. You were one of the few precious friends I made during my bleak, dark childhood... one of the few beacons of hope in my despair-filled past. That's why I still consider you as a very dear friend even if you no longer feel the same way."

Stop it...

"I don't know how bad your opinion of me has gotten over the years because of this stupid competition but I'm not the opportunistic asshole you make me out to be... That's why if we're going to have a battle, I'll add one more condition for my victory... If I win, then we'll become friends again. We'll be able to spend time with each other again. Laugh with each other, cry with each other, carry one anothers burdens... We can even watch the starry sky that we loved so much together again. Those are my conditions."

It hurts. It hurts to think about those days.

They reached the back of the church.

Rei opened with a Guard, spinning her naginata quickly in front of her in order to black whatever Michio had planned. Michio must've had the same idea, because Michio's plates formed a wall in front of him, and Rei knew how to recognize a simple guard attack. So the first attacks were just a stalemate. Slamming the butt of her naginata to the ground, Rei tried not to grind her teeth in frustration. Her next move was to teleport behind Michio, but his plates had quickly fired on where she had been, and Michio himself had just barely managed to dodge the slash of her weapon. Both of them had pulled fast moves, and thus, another draw.

He was playing with her! Rei did another fast move in order to counter what she assumed would be a heavy if the pattern held true, throwing her naginata while she moved around to attack on her own. However, it was far too late when she noticed the plates had fallen, almost as if dead. That move was-

Michio dodged naginata and the field activated. Rei was glad that pain wasn't turned on, or she'd be feeling those electrical shocks, and be more than just stunned. As she figured, the kick from Michio came and swatted her virtu-ava away. It tried to get up, feebly propping itself up on one arm, but soon collapsed back on to the ground, and Rei could feel the fatigue set in the second her avatar started to vanish.

Rei screamed in frustration. Her composure was gone, and the tears wouldn't stop. They hadn't stopped since she turned the virtu-ava on. She fell to her knees, unable to keep standing because of the battle.

"Why won't you let me do this for you!?" Rei screamed, her throat already feeling raw and breathing hard. "You were supposed to just let me become head and get your happy ever after!"

They couldn't be friends in that case, she'd only hurt Michio if she won and he didn't. It hurt to stand to close to him, too. Because he was a Social Morals officer, and a good son and all these other things. He had family he cared for, and they cared for him.

"I... I can't give you friendship... because it never changed for me either. I always considered us friends, Michio. That's why I acted cold, that's why I distanced myself. It was just better if you managed to be happy without me. If I pretended you didn't care, then suddenly it was easy. If I told myself everyone was awful, then I could survive the envy of their lives being so carefree."

It wasn't fair.

"I don't know much about the harassment. But... that bag also showed up on Yuuki Iwasawa's desk. He's offered to help... but I don't want him to get hurt either."

If she'd won, he'd be happier.

"I can give you more details if you ask, but I couldn't find out anything on my own. All I could do was try and do anything that I figured would help. I've gotten nowhere fast."

Why did anyone care about an idiot like her?

"So, now what? I throw my pity party, we become friends and then what? The yakuza aren't exactly going to be thrilled that we're now friends. If anything, I can see them trying to sabotage us more, because the council probably just wants us to do whatever they say."

She felt like a fool. Rei kept trying to wipe away the tears, trying to make them disappear with the ends of her sleeves. She had mostly recovered her composure, but those damn tears...

@RedArmyShogun @Accelerator
[fieldbox=Kamei Mana, #ccffff, solid]

[November 4th, Noon / Downtown - TTC]

"Ooh, musicals and plays and a band? Nyoko's quite the class act, huh. I'd fit in well here, as an actor/dancer/drummer, based on what you're telling me," Kira said, teasing Mana a little bit.

Mana just smiled and nodded. She'd actually meant to imply that they were going to be one of the bands, but maybe she'd been a little too vague. Kira was new to this place after all. Her subtle hinting was something she should really work on....someday.

Watching as Kira took it all in, Mana remembered her first time in this place. It had been maybe a few months ago, but honestly it felt like years. All the wonderous technology built into the place, the friendly people, and all hidden in a trashy back alley. The experience was absolutely beautiful to her, and she hoped Kira was feeling the same way.

Her show of interest was just what Mana was hoping for.

"Yeah, maybe I'll talk to Nyoko. I don't have a lot of time for this kind of stuff though. I'm already on the student radio."

As they approached the table though, Kira started off asking about the shadier parts of the TTC. No, no, no, why would you lead off with that? Was she actually the type to get drunk?! ....well actually, Kira definitely looked like the kinda girl that would. Mana herself never touched the stuff beyond a 'taste sip' her Dad had offered her. Why did people drink stuff that tasted like a moldy barrel anyways?

"Hello Mana-san, how nice of you to bring a potential recruit to the TTC."

"Mm, I'd love to recruit all my friends if I could. Too bad some just wouldn't be interested."

From the looks of it, Nyoko was about to thank her when suddenly Kira interrupted and took a seat at the table. She interrupted....Nyoko. Oh dear. That was pretty darn rude, and of all people, Nyoko was the last person you wanted to interrupt.

As Nyoko took the interruption as well as could be expected, Mana eyed the remaining seat next to Nyoko. Her eyes then wandered left slightly, over to....the bird. A Raven specifically, but it wasn't like it mattered: it was a bird, and a massive, horrifying one at that. The illusion turned to stare in her general direction and Mana froze for a second. It was the soul-crushing gaze of a drone murderer. If it weren't for the fact that she knew it was an illusion, Mana would've already backed away. Needless to say, she was not fond of that particular illusion. Instead of taking the seat, Mana elected to continue standing.

Just an illusion, just an illusion, just an illusion....

"Kira, I'd love to have you join the red pandas. I apologize for the outburst."

Oh, nice! Mana's attention returned to the conversation, helping to distract her from the bird. Seems it ended well enough. And Kira wasn't denying the offer, so time for a warm welcome: "Welcome to the club, Kira!" Mana patted her on the back with a grin.

"How are you doing, Mana-san? Can I get you something?"

"Well...." Mana trailed off, considering how to bring it up. "Since Iori-san left for awhile, I figure you need a new lieutenant until she gets back. Soooo...." As she continued, Mana spread her arms out and ran her scripted illusion. 8 small red pandas suddenly appeared on her arms and each curled up in a different way to form a message with their bodies.


Once each one stopped moving, the pandas just sat there immobile, having finished the one action Mana had programmed them to do. Of course there was only really one vote that counted here, but 'vote' just happened to be a convienient 4-letter word to fit on her right arm in 'Pandascript'. Mana gave a warm smile and bowed with her arms still outstretched, as if presenting herself, to finish off the little performance.

"I really love being a part of all this, 'kay? I'd like to help make the Red Pandas even better."

[fieldbox= Leo Kane, #666699, solid]


[November 4th, Noon / Downtown - Karakuri Mall]


A frustrated sigh escaped his lips.

"After hearing that... I don't blame you for feeling that way. I know you probably wouldn't trust me after what happened to your friend. But, you don't know who I am! I know I won't be able to change the way you think of me in just one talk. So... please see for yourself! I may know how to do those things, but I won't let them happen to Imada-san, Kyouko-chan, or anyone else! Even you!"
"I will prove to you that I'm not the person you think I am, Kane-kun!"

"Will you now..."

"I will beat them! I'll outdo all of them and beat them at their own game! I'll stop them, and take care of the one who hurt Imada-san's sister as well!"

He raised his hand to his mouth, biting his hand softly. Trying to keep himself composed. The words only dragged the painful memories back up.

"You can laugh at me all you want, Kane-san. But, if I manage to do that. If I beat all of the hackers and avenge Imada-san's sister then you have to promise to be my friend too!"

Leo didn'[t even have time to react before Chiyo spoke up.

"That's enough, Sagawa-san!"
"I don't think Leo-kun's actually laughing at you. It's more like...he's laughing at the fact we're having this discussion in the midst of a lot of strangers."

A second passed before Chiyo looked directly at him.

"Leo-kun...you knew, all this time."
Her glare shot through him.

So that's how it was going to be.

"On another note, I need to get going. The copy store won't just find itself, and I would absolutely hate to keep any of you-- so I'll be leaving alone."
"See you at school, Sagawa-san. Kyouko-san."

A bitter smile caused by Chiyo's words. "I see..."

Would she feel betrayed? For him to have the knowledge all this time? He dropped his shoulders in defeat as he watched Chiyo head off. "Oh well..."

He gave one last glance to Sagawa, a strange mix of emotions in his eyes. "I don't make promises anymore." He uttered in a solemn tone. Before leavng without saying another word.[/fieldbox]
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