Help Me Be Bad (F for M or F)

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Lately I've been playing heroes, and anti-heroes. But what I really want to do right now with those going on, is be bad.

I want to play a villain character, and you be my archrival (either another hero or another villain). They get at each other, get under each other's skin, and in the heat of their fight it turns into something else where it blurs the line between lovers and rivals. I want it to be heated, rough, sensual. Got me?

Don't be mistaken of my expectations. While I would love a good smutty time, I need to be very engaged in the quality of your writing and the character you play. So you need to be at least Adept, have a good grasp of grammar and punctuation, and able to put in 3-4 paragraphs for me to work off. Except when it comes to conversations, then one paragraph would be adequate.

Now onto some more specific ideas. These will be updated as I come up with more ideas. I am also open to suggestions and other ideas we can brainstorm.

This is the Flashpoint Paradox universe. Bruce was the one to die on that tragic night, and it shattered his parents in drastically different ways. Thomas Wayne gave up his medical practice and became Batman, while Martha Wayne spiraled down into an insanity that made her into The Joker. I want to explore that very interesting relationship


Could be an AU of the CW storyline or something else we put together.

Other Pairings

[My Role] VS [Your Role]

Female Venom VS Spider-Man
Female Speedster VS Male Speedster
Female Vampire VS Vampire Hunter

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Bump as I am still looking and formulating new ideas.
Interested.....but can we do OCs?
I dont feel I could do Barry or Thomas justice(Pun intended XD)
Yeah OCs are good for me. PM with your ideas?