Hell's Wrath Sign-ups

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster


Player Limit: 2/6
Writing Level: Advanced
Posting Speed: 1 to 2 times a week
Genre: Modern Fantasy


The year was 2015. The world had descended into another World War, although it had ended just as quickly as it had started. The governments of the world had dove into chemical warfare, for this was no longer a fair fight. Scientist all over the world were delving into chemicals that could potentially end the war with only a few bombs being dropped. The U.S was the first to drop their bombs. The Xelapin Virus as it was called. At first, it seemed as though the war was coming to an end as the Virus was killing people in only a day. It was ignorant bliss until reports came from all over the world telling of people coming back to life. The world was then set into a panic.

Naturally, survivors had fled to areas that were once less populated or to places the government had deemed safe. The north, the backwoods of the south, even west beyond the Rocky Mountains. Soon these places began to build up in population and all it took was one person becoming infected for all of it to turn south. After only one year the areas that were once safe were now the most populated areas of infected. Now the large cities and backwoods areas are no longer safe.

As the year was coming to an end people started to settle down and build settlements and colonies. People were making homes, economies. These settlements had their own ecosystem. Their own farms, water sources, animals. Everything they need to survive. Though with all this good there is bad. The settlements tend to hold secrets that are unknown to the people there. They live in ignorant bliss. Although there is one settlement that has no secrets. In the capital, there is a settlement working towards making a cure but nothing has come of their research so far.

The year now being 2017 the world is not as it used to be. Some people took to cannibalism saying the animals they hunted could become infected too. This was never proven to be true, but that didn't stop the rumor from spreading like wildfire. Some survivors began to band together, create groups and families in broken down cities, finding comfort in numbers. Some roam alone staying in one place then moving to another, some even jumping from one settlement to another.

A small group of survivors has been traveling together for a month but, problems begin to arise. Food is running low and people are falling sick all around them, some from the virus others from the common flu. Not to mention the threat of the cannibals and other hostile groups. With these threats, the group needs to make a decision. Take the risk and keep traveling or settle down and hope for the best. This is where our story begins.



5 minutes: A mild headache, cough, and runny nose.
30 minutes: Severe cold-like symptoms. I.e Migraine, sore throat, cough, sneezing.
1 hour: Muscle spasm and cold sweats replace cold symptoms.
2 hours: Extreme body heat and loss of muscle movement.
5 hours: Infected has a hard time staying awake and sharp pains erupt through the body.
9 hours: Internal organs begin to fail and internal bleeding.
10 hours: Lungs fill with blood and infected dies.
24 hours: The body has restarted and reverted back to primal instincts.

People infected revert back to primal instincts and only think of killing. They have very little energy in the night. In the day they have a lot of energy and can jog slowly. Any shot to the body that would kill a normal human can kill them.

Creator: Andrew Harrington - U.S Medical Science Lead

Creation: It was during the 3rd war that Andrew delved into chemical warfare as were his orders. So came is time working for the military, working with other scientists to develop a virus to stop the fighting. He had been chosen to lead the project because he was well known for his work in chemistry. On June 23rd he created a virus that could kill people in 24 hours. He showed the president his discovery on July 5th using a rat. The next day they bombed the war zones, some even in the U.S. It was a week later reports of the victims coming back to life spread across the world. Panic spread and places were shut down. The DC area closed and the president built a wall to keep the virus out. The only people let in were virus clean. They researched an antidote within the walls but, so far have found nothing.


Commodore is a large group full of all manner of people, from elderly to kids. They are not hostile and will let almost anyone into their group. While they are friendly they are hostile to anyone trying to raid them or hurt their people. Commodore is a dictatorship with only a few people the leader trusts. The leader's name is Bain and to the group he is seen as a charming man with many good qualities but, really he's manipulative and easily angered. Bain is a ruthless fighter and will leave no one alive if he has too. Still, Commodore is actively searching for a cure to the virus but, have so far found nothing. There have been many setbacks including not being able to find subjects to work on. Their goal is to make a serum that will allow them to stop the spread of the virus and kill it in people just bitten.

The group settled down in Dayton Ohio, living in one of the many tall buildings. They managed to fix it up and make it a livable place though they are targeted by raiders very often making them slightly distrusting at first, they will still accept them into the group, though they will watch you carefully. Commodore occupies 7 floors and has many rooms including a cafe for people to eat in.


1st Floor - Entrance, security
2nd Floor - Training area
3rd Floor - Cafe
4th Floor - Common room
5th Floor - 7th Floor - Rooms



The pack is known for their animalistic ways. Much like wolves, The Pack has a hierarchy based on strength, the alpha being the strongest. Members of the pack are separated into 3 groups, hunters, protectors, and members. The hunters go out, kill, and bring the bodies back to eat. Protectors do like the name states, they protect the group from any undead or humans. The other members of the group take care of all the other little things like cleaning, watching after the young, washing clothes, or taking care of the elders. The Pack is also known for their inhuman abilities such as heightened senses, enhanced strength or speed, etc. When eating The Pack chooses to eat like wild animals, not cooking their food instead eating it raw. The Pack has not settled anywhere and often move from place to place, though they tend to stay in houses that are near each other so they may watch over the group.

Alpha: Rogue Nate Simon (Only ever called Rogue or Alpha)
Beta: Fiona Celio Black

Huber Heights a town surrounded by highways, forests, and farms. It's a desolate town with little supplies. While there is little supplies there isn't many threats from wildlife. Most of the animals near and in the town are bunnies, squirrels, and deer. There is also a plentiful amount of aquatic life in the nearby rivers, the Mad River and the Great Miami River. The town is on a very hilly terrain; half the city being on higher ground.


1 - Standard Iwaku rules apply
2 - Please respect your gm (me)
3 - Swearing is okay but use it in good taste
4 - Post 2-3 times a week. If you can not do this then please do not sign up
5 - There will be blood, violence, and gore. If you do not like these things do not sign up
6 - No Mary Sue's/Gary Sue's
7 - I ask that you post at least two paragraph. No one-liners.
8 - Keep drama out of the OOC please
9 - Romance is allowed as it's a natural thing it's bound to happen to some characters
10 - Real picture or realistic drawing only! I see any anime I WILL ask you to change it
11 - Children are allowed but have a less chance of survival
12 - There is a one character limit
13 - Please be creative with your posts
14 - One week reservation period. After that week the spot will be open again
15 - Any violation of the rules will result in a warning, three warning and you're out



Full Name -
Nicknames/alias' -
Age -
Gender -
Sexuality -
Birthday -
Astrological Sign -
Blood Type -
Inventory -


Height -
Weight -
Build -
Hair -
Eye -
Piercings -
Markings -
Complexion -
Mode of Dress/Outfit -
Extra -


Outer Personality -
Inner Personality -
Likes -
Dislikes -
Strengths -
Weaknesses -
Hobbies -
Talents -
Secrets -
Fears -
Quirks -


Allergies -
Illnesses -
Disorders -
Emotional Stability -
Mental Health -


Family -
Friends -
Enemies -
Significant Other -
Crush -


Backstory -

Theme Song -
Extra -


1. Primrose Kingston@Lulunopia
4. Sabine Lynn Night @~Dark Disney~

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The group is wandering the through a forest and come across a small town. Upon further looking they realize it's a town surrounded by nothing but forests. What will this town bring? Help or more trouble?


The Group
- Primrose Kingston

The Loner
- Sabine Night




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Do we post CSs here?
Alright! reserving this spot for my character~

FC: Lindsey Morgan
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Reactions: Lulunopia



Full Name - Primrose Luella Kingston
Nicknames/alias' - Prim, Rose, Rosy
Age - 23
Gender - Female
Sexuality - Pansexual
Birthday - June 5th
Astrological Sign - Gemini
Blood Type - A+
Inventory - North Face Backpack
  • 1 water canteen
  • 3 cans of food
  • 5 protein bars
  • 1 bag of jerky
  • 1 hairbrush
  • 1 inhaler
  • Flashlight
  • 2 batteries
  • Beretta PX4 Storm 9MM
  • 9mm ammo (50)
  • Remington 700
  • 7mm ammo (13)
  • 1 rag
  • Journal
  • 3 pencils
  • Pencil sharpener
  • 1 sticks of deodorant
  • Hunting Bow
  • 10 Arrows
  • Matches (10)
  • Lightweight Sleeping Bag
  • Pack of cigarettes 8
  • 1 lighter 1/2 full
  • Pack of tampons (10)
  • Weed (2 grams)
  • Wrapping paper
  • Change of clothes (T-shirts-2, Leggings-1, Jeans-1, Underwear-2, Bra-1)
  • Extra pair of shoes (Sneakers)
  • Picture of a little boy (Her son)

Height - 5'
Weight - 99
Build - Petite
Hair - Dark red reaching down to her upper back
Eye - Blue with darker flacks
Piercings - Ears were pierced but, she took them out after the outbreak
Markings - Lotus on upper back, Rose right on hip, Forever young on left arm, Wing on right arm and shoulder, large scar going from the valley of her breasts to her belly button
Complexion - Pale with light freckles dusting cheeks and nose
Mode of Dress/Outfit - Casual; sweaters, t-shirts, jeans, combat boots, running shoes
Extra -


Outer Personality - In all manners, Prim is your typical stoner. Laid back, calm, and usually high. Before the outbreak, Primrose was high all day every day. There wasn't a time when she wasn't laughing her ass off or having stupid conversations about conspiracy theories. Her friends were all stoners and would laugh with her. Though people outside of her little group would tell her she needs to stop but, she never listened. The times when she wasn't high showed what she's really like not stoned. These rare times she's usually moving from one emotion to another, never really happy, mad, or sad. Prim has no single emotion to describe her. From happy and cheerful to pissed of and snappy. Though one thing you will always notice about her is she is very forgetful and distracted, never really paying attention to people and what they're saying unless it's important. Since the outbreak Prim's persona has changed. She's twitchy and moody, usually snapping at people and calling them idiots. Primrose has become very stubborn and sarcastic. While other people think this is just how she is; truthfully she is trying to seal herself off from others. She doesn't want anyone close after what happened with her family. Even though she is in a group she keeps to herself slightly more than the others. Primrose still smokes but, not much as she's saving it for when she's really going to need it.

Inner Personality - Inside Primrose is still laid back but, she's more scared. She has no idea what's to come and that scares her. Having no clue what to do is a fear of hers. Prim always has a plan but, when the unexpected shows up she panics. While she does panic she always thinking up a new plan for the unexpected situation. Primrose has a hot-headed side to her as well. She hates when people pick on others or are rude to her, even though she's rude to other people. While she's a bit rude she does have a kind heart. Prim would want nothing more than to help people in trouble but, then she would be seen as caring and she couldn't do that. If she showed her true self then she would start caring and then people would get attached and then die. A fear of people close to her dying. She doesn't think she could handle any more people dying when she's close to them. Because of this, she has developed a slight case of depression. Sometimes she can be found crying while looking at a picture of her family.

Likes -
  • Blue Eye's
  • Strong People
  • Puppies
  • Fuzzy Socks
  • Rock Music
  • Pepsi
  • Green Grapes
  • Stars
  • Night time
  • Classical Music
Dislikes -
  • Players
  • Being Cheated On
  • Bullies
  • Cats (There Evil!!!)
  • Sleeping With A Shirt On (She only does now so she won't get infected or cold)
  • Country Music
  • Bright Lights
  • Green Apples
  • Bees
  • Clowns
Strengths -
  • Fast on feet
  • Agile
  • Kind-hearted on the inside
  • Intelligent
Weaknesses -
  • Stubborn
  • Closed off
  • Hot-headed
  • Sarcastic
  • Not very strong
Hobbies -
  • Smoking both cigarettes and weed
  • Reading
  • Writing
Talents -
  • Lighting fires
  • Cooking
  • Archery
Secrets - Prim holds many dark secrets for many different reasons
  • Has killed a total of 3 people before meeting the group, the memories haunt her dreams.
  • Was dissected once and thankfully was saved before anything major happened. She still has a large scar going from the valley of her breasts to her belly button.
  • Killed her parents before they turned but wasn't sure if it worked
  • Had a son but killed him by accident when fighting her last group
Fears -
  • Losing people close
  • Drowning
Quirks -
  • Bits lip when thinking
  • Tugs at sleeves when nervous


Ailments - Minor depression
Allergies - Peanuts, Bees
Illnesses - N/A
Disorders - Bipolar, PTSD, ADD
Emotional Stability - Not very good
Mental Health - Semi-Stable but, triggers will set her off


Family -
  • Matha Kingston (Mother-Unknown)
  • Demitri Kingston (Father-Unknown)
  • Fiona Kingston (Little Sister-Deceased)
  • James Kingston (Little Brother-Deceased)
  • Lucas Kingston (Son - Deceased)
Friends - OPEN
Enemies - OPEN
Significant Other - OPEN
Crush - OPEN


Backstory -

Theme Song
Extra -
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images (2).jpeg
Full Name -
Sabine Lyn Night
Nicknames/alias' -
Viper ~Deadly Ghost
Age -
Gender -
Sexuality -
Birthday -
October 31st
Astrological Sign -
Blood Type -
O negative
Inventory -
military pack
Water canteen
Purified tablets
pain killers
3 cans of food
5 protein bars
3 bags of jerky
1 hair brush
Flash light
2 batterie packs
ammo (50 rounds)
1 rag
Razors (x6)
Matches (x 20)
Lightweight Sleeping Bag
Spare shirt, pants, undwear, bra, and socks
Bandages (x6)
Rubbing Alcohol
Fire Starter
Metal Lighter
Hunting Knife
Attached to the bag is a climbing hook,
small first aid kit,
box of pads and tampons (just being realistic here people),
LED hand-crank survival light,
heavy fleece line hoodie,
9mml Glock and ammo
45 mml and ammo
bar soap
I pod and device to charge it


Height -
Build -
Toned but skinny
Hair -
Eye -
Piercings -
ears only
Markings -
Tattoos all over her arms and back
Complexion -
fair skin mostly covered in dirt and dust from traveling half the time
Mode of Dress/Outfit -
Long beige pants, black tank top, Jackets leather and sweatshirt, long sleeve button up short tied around the waste, a scarfew to cover her neck and eyes. leather boots that go up to her knees and aviator sunglasses. On top of all that straps on her shoulders to carry guns, guns strapped to her legs Hunting knife in her boot.
Extra -
Was a Naval seal trained by her father
Has a dog named Shade


Outer Personality -
rough tough bold daring, courageous cold calculating sarcastic charming
Inner Personality -
kind smart witty charming funny focused
Likes -
reading walking hunting swimming discipline running working out
Dislikes -
Stupidity Dishonesty Disloyalty cruelty
Strengths -
Smarts witty and strength
Weaknesses -
temper pride and ego
Hobbies/Talents -
Hunting working out
Fears -
Plays with a zippo when nervous or stir crazy
Rambles when annoyed


Ailments- arthritis
Allergies - all sea food, grass, being stung
Illnesses - none
Disorders - none
Emotional Stability - rock solid
Mental Health - rocky PTSD and small bit bi polar


Family -
Mother Deceased
Father Deceased
brother deceased
sister deceased
Friends -
Enemies -
Significant Other -
Crush -


Backstory -
Sabine was born in San Diego,California to a Navy Seal Dog. Her mother died in child birth, so her dad raised her and her brother as a navy brat and when she was 18 she went into the Seals and was trained by her dad. She became a officer and was the top in her class. She made her father proud.

However when everything happened, she couldn't save her family and became a loner. She felt it was better to be only 1 person. She been on her own surviving and likes to keep it that way.

Theme Song -
Heathens twenty one pilots
Extra -
use to love music​
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Full Name - Robert Dalton
Age - 40 Years Old
Gender - Male
Sexuality - Heterosexual
Birthday - August 3rd
Astrological Sign - Leo
Blood Type - O-
Inventory -


Height - 5'11
Weight - 185lbs
Build - Mesomorph
Hair - Black
Eye - Dark Brown
Markings - Small scars around right eye
Complexion - Tan Brown
Mode of Dress/Outfit - Black jeans, dark colored long/short sleeve shirts, work boots


Outer Personality -
Inner Personality -
Likes -
Dislikes -
Strengths -
Weaknesses -

Hobbies -
Talents -

Secrets -
Fears -
Quirks -


Allergies -
Illnesses -
Disorders -
Emotional Stability -
Mental Health -


Family -
Friends -
Enemies -
Significant Other -
Crush -


Backstory -

Theme Song -
Extra -
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full name: edmund louis fletcher
nicknames/alias': eddie, ed, fletcher
age: twenty-five
gender: male
sexuality: heterosexual
birthday: august twenty-seventh
astrological sign: virgo
blood type: ab negative
inventory: sports hiking backpack
* 2 water bottles
* 4 cans of food
* package of dried fruit
* bar of hand soap
* stick of deodorant
* porcelain cat statue
* handful of unique rocks
* an old domino
* pre-natal vitamin bottle (in case someone falls pregnant)
* pocket watch (working)
* pocket knife
* pack of unopened batteries (4 inside)
* sketchbook
* handful of colored pencils
* 2 ink pens
* box of condoms (6 inside)
* lighter fluid (1/3 left)
* fleece throw blanket
* yellow polypropylene rope (10 feet)
* walther p99
* 9mm ammo (65)
* benelli m4
* 00 buck shells (10)
* extra clothing (2 shirts, 1 pant, 1 sneakers, 2 underwear, 1 hoodie)

height: 5'11
weight: 147 lbs
build: slightly muscled [IMG]
hair: white blonde [IMG]
eye: light grey [IMG]
piercings: N/A
markings: tree tattoo [IMG]
complexion: ivory
mode of dress/outfit: easy to move – jeans, t-shirts, lightweight hoodies, running shoes, boots
extra: wears a necklace constantly that he once got on a family vacation [IMG]

outer personality:
On the outside Edmund is your typical nice guy, someone who asks you how your day has been going or how you are feeling. He has a need to constantly make sure everyone is okay, even if that takes the place of his own well-being. If someone comes to him in private to talk about something, he's not going to go spill the news to everyone in the group for no reason. He has a sense of calming, an understanding that sometimes goes beyond his years. Not quick to anger, Edmund would be a perfect leader if he didn't find it completely baffling when people have ideas that counter his own or points that notice the flaws in his own plans. He himself can barely stick with his decisions, always second guessing his gut instinct, so how can he ask others to follow him? Simple answer, he doesn't. He may be a nice guy and a secret keeper, a scavenger and a shoulder to lean on, but he isn't a leader. He can't be, in this world at least.
inner personality:
There is little that escapes Edmund when it comes to observation, or at least he likes to think so. In his mind he knows all the inner workings of this group, even if in reality that is far from the truth. Eddie spends most of his times going out of his way to make others happy, but hasn't really stopped to try to cheer himself up. The only real bouts of happiness he has is when he gives an item to someone that's asked for something, or just a trinket that he thinks that they'll like. A smile is usually on his face, even a whistle through his lips, but behind his grey eyes is a dire interior. Images and family of friends flash constantly, the life he lived before all of this. It's always followed by the world he's in now, the time that's passed and the time that will come to pass. Everything plagues him, yet this is his world now. Every step brings him to a new place, a new beginning that has changed the man that was once just a few days away from being happily married.
* finding rare trinkets
* drawing
* being freshly clean
* looking up at the stars in the dead of night
* enjoying an actual laugh with friends
* what the world has become
* people who assume they know what is best
* actions that have no thought to them
* doing what is "necessary" for survival
* the unknown
* observing all that goes around him, picking up on small things others may pass over
* listening to what others tell him, even if he may not hold your opinion to a high standard he will at least sit down and speak with you about the manner beforehand
* taking care of others is what he strives for the most, if you need something he will no doubt bring it to you as soon as he can
* being silent, along with listening and observing he understands when to speak and when to hold back, this helps him with dealing with many situations these days
* making decisions he can stick with
* being weary of others for simply their looks or initial impressions, doesn't delve too deep into people's true interiors
* assuming others are on the same page as he is, if something happens he assumes others know what to do and where to go
* being a leader others can follow, not just a leader who knows what to do
* drawing
* organizing his backpack
* looking through forgotten homes for forgotten items
* a quick eye to details
* has a sort of calming presence
* he still cares about everything
* he keeps a lot of secrets for a lot of people, some of which could land him in trouble
* no one knows about his family, if they're alive or gone (will most likely break down at some point to spill his story)
* life is easier when you watch other people, for him it would become unbearable to attempt to look at anything other than what is happening in this moment
* the world continues to stay as it is, that there is no hope for future generations to have a "normal" life or even survive
* to continue to lose others, even if this group is all he has if it were to collapse he would collapse with them
* the inevitable death that awaits them all
* as an odd way of cocking his head when thinking or when he discovers something new
* a big smile boy, always grinning unless in situations of combat or serious travel tactics
* he gives most of what he finds away, wanting others to find joy in small tokens of gifts

ailments: anxiety
allergies: penicillin
illnesses: N/A
disorders: minimal case of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
emotional stability: average
mental health: while edmund may think that he is in a right place mentally, even the smallest mishap can bring him crumbling down at this point.

mother | margaret opal fletcher (deceased)
father | thomas donald fletcher (deceased)
older brother | timothy joseph fletcher (deceased)
younger brother | christopher mark fletcher (unknown)
fiancee | margot ann robertson (deceased)
friends: open
enemies: open
significant other: N/A
crush: N/A

theme song: oblivion by bastille
extra: favorite color is sky blue

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Progress Report!

@Ioun, @-QT-, @winnie How are the character sheets coming along? I know I still need to finish mine but, what's the status on yours. I'm hoping to start on or before June 20th.
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@Lulunopia I'm aiming to have Edmund done by Sunday c:
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Reactions: Lulunopia
Progress Report!

@Ioun, @-QT-, @winnie How are the character sheets coming along? I know I still need to finish mine but, what's the status on yours. I was hoping to have started but, things came up and I'm sorry it's been so long since I checked.

@~Dark Disney~ you still up for this?
Been waiting
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