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"Perhaps you ought to sit down and read the Bible. You'd be surprised how useful it can be. It's one of those things you can't read once and abandon. You have to study it. Not that you've done that, evidently," he sighed, making no attempt to be subtle with his exasperation. Hell, he hoped that would at least cover up the brief moment of hesitation that arose after hearing the compliment. Being called cute wasn't something he was used to hearing... especially not by a guy. Especially not be a handsome guy.

"You should read it," he finally grunted, turning around and handing over a pocket-sized Bible he collected from his drawer. "Take it. It's a spare one I have. I'd rather you have it. Maybe you'll read it one day."
"I don't need to read it, sweetheart. I'm quite content on staying far away from it, in fact," he explained coolly, holding back a growing grin at the fact that he knew his identity was hidden well by just how ridiculous it sounded. He wasn't going to do it but even if he offered his hand and claimed he was the newest ruler of Hell, he'd most likely just be scoffed at.

"So... is there anything else about you or is your whole personality dependent on some book? Like, you do realize that there are better things in life other than memorizing the pages of words a bunch of old men wrote? If it were up to me, I'd rather be in an environment where everything was advancing rather than focusing on the past," he purred, his eyes trailing the human'scform curiously.
"So are you purely here because of your guardians? You don't have any interest in the Bible or Catholicism? I don't see the point in you being here if you aren't even open to the concept of a benevolent God. That said, he can't be that benevolent if he's stuck me wit you. Clearly I'm being tested," he sighed, more to himself than to the other-- though he also didn't keep his voice to the bare minimum, either. He was quite happy to let the other hear what he said, or he wouldn't have bothered saying it in the first place.

"Look, stop all the fake interest. I don't need to validate myself to you," he continued, grimacing at the unsubtle eyeing up from the other. "And you can't be that open with your sexuality. They'll... send you away for that."
"Away to where? Solitary confinement? This isn't a Jail, you know that, right? The worst that'll happen is I'll get smacked around a bit and get some detention, relax. I can handle myself, I don't need some little guy like you coming to save me - though I guess there's no one I'd rather come and rescue me," he cooed, his smirk unrelenting as he watched the boy grow more annoyed. It was in his blood to take pleasure in someone else's pain, after all, and this guy was no difference.

"He isn't benevolent, that's for sure. If he was, he wouldn't have nuns beat their students into submission. Not very benevolent if you as me."
"I didn't ask you though, did I? Why am I talking to you? Why? Honestly, it's a huge waste of my time and-- I'm going to the church," he repeated from earlier, a comment he'd made but hadn't acted upon. Now, though, he was determined to do so, just to show Lucifer that he could walk away and not hang on his every word, and because... well, he wanted to go to the little church on-site and pray a little. As a devout Christian, it was hardly that surprising that he wanted to pray, was it?
"You're talking to me because there's no one else here to talk to," he replied simply, his head in his hand as he smirked wickedly. "Plus you think I'm cute. I can see it in your eyes, I've got a keen sense for that sort of thing. If you want to be all chaste and innocent, have at it. Just know that I know a lot more about you than you think."

Unable to hold back a snort at the seemingly ominous words, Lucifer rolled his eyes dramatically before rummaging through his bag, tugging out a book of his own on some arbitrary book he found from a Guardian's room. "Go on then. No matter what you'll still have to be here, sleeping with me~"
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Even though Vincent knew that the 'sleeping' remark was mainly a reference to their shared room, he still felt his cheeks burn at the alternative meaning. The idea of even kissing another boy would be enough to cause a distinct blush to spread on his face, especially someone as handsome as Lucifer evidently was. He may have an instant dislike for him but denying his looks would be a blatant lie. However, imagining himself sleeping with him was another thing entirely, and if he hadn't left the room when he did, the blush that crept onto his neck would have been an image Lucifer undoubtedly would have teased him about. He was so desperate to keep his sexuality secret that he also forced away as many thoughts about boys he found attractive, and didn't even envision himself kissing anyone.

Imagining himself sleeping with someone was completely new and not something he could do if he wanted to keep everything a secret. Leaving when he did, away from Lucifer, was for the best. It gave him time to compose himself and have an hour cooling down, trying to think up the best ways to ignore his new roommate.

In his absence, Esmeralda returned to find her friend, having been acquainted with her own roommate and deciding immediately that she disliked her, which wasn't all that surprising. Finding that Lucifer was alone and not having to deal with Vincent brought a smile to her face, seating herself down on the desk chair with an absent chuckle.

"You need to leave that boy alone, Lucy. Don't you realise what your Guardians will do if you start charming the pants off some innocent Catholic boy? You're here to 'behave', not to get into that boy's underwear. Maybe I should, you know, do my whole gender-switch thing and we can share a room together instead? I know I'm irresistible whatever gender I am, and I know you must obsess over me, but I'll do what I need to to ensure you behave yourself so we can get home. If I need to be a boy for a few months so we share a room to make that happen, you know damn well I will."
"Oh, relax. I mean, you already introduced yourself like this so it would be a little more than suspicious when you disappear and a new student arrives, yeah?" He reminded with a roll of his eyes as he laid back on the bed, his eyes closed as a slow frown crept onto his lips.

"Give me this, please~? I can flirt with you for centuries but you're no innocent little Christian boy, are you?" He commented, raising his brows for emphasis before groaning in sheer boredom and sitting up. "I'll be nice and subtle about it, yeah? I'll keep the flirting to a minimum and edge my way to winning him over, no cheating. After I have sex with him I'll leave him be, how about that?" He offered before cracking his back, doing everything in his power to keep from spreading his wings out properly.

"Fuck - so I take it you don't like your new roommate? I mean, why else would you come to lil' old me?" He teased before getting to his feet. "Ah, doesn't matter. I want to check the rest of this place out anyway, yeah? Let's explore a bit~? Hey, maybe we could make out in the bell tower," he snorted, rolling his eyes.
"Believe it or not, Lucy, I don't want to make out with you when you're supposed to be here to show restraint. I'm all for making out with cute guys, and I've seen a few here already, but we'll get dragged back home and punished-- you're not in charge down there yet, you'll have to be a good boy up here and while I'd love to have fun and play around, it's not worth it." Esme tutted, placing her feet up on the desk with a judgemental glance around the room, shooting a glare at the various religious symbols scattered about the place. It was incredibly tempting for her to flirt with a cute boy or two, as she often did, but the one thing that stopped her, other than the potential consequences, was the religious symbols they all seemed to wear proudly. She hardly wanted to burn herself, after all.

"...I get bored being a girl all the time, sometimes I don't feel like one. Your guardians never let me switch things around when I'm down there. I'm sure I could do it here and convince people I've always been a boy. Humans are dumb," she reminded casually, tapping her manicured nails against the desk irritably. It was never fun for her to be forced to stay as she was whenever she felt like a change would do her some good. The guardians were the biggest perpetrators of forcing her not to use that power, so while she was desperate to act like a human just to stay on their good side, she was also willing to break that rule a little if it meant feeling more comfortable.

"Wouldn't it be more fun if we were in the same classes? They separate the boys and girls here, Lucy. I wouldn't be in any of your classes, that'd suck. You need me so I can stop you doing dumb shit."
"I'm not stopping you, Esme," he responded simply with a roll of his eyes and a pout. "As long as you figure out how to do it, you can do whatever you want. I would like you to be with me in my classes, st least I can talk to you. We've established how absolutely boring the people here are," he groaned. Tugging on his suit jacket, he huffed and motioned the other to follow.

"I mean, the nuns'll probably freak out," he reminded with a slow smirk. "To lose a student? That's scandalous. Listen, I don't think it's strange for me to want to have fun, yeah? I can sit and study at home, but there aren't humans at home is there? Well, at least not fun humans."