Healers Required.

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Technologically-Advanced Reptile.
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Fantasy, Sci-fi, Magical, and more.
It had been a rough couple months, what with being inundated with medical requests, be they checkups or urgent care class cases, there had been some of all sorts, and for one with her reputation, she had to make sure the top-quality care was offered to her patients, but all of that was over now. She had a conference coming up, and even though she'd normally go to this type of thing anyway if possible, this time was different. She had been requested for a short presentation, and being outgoing and willing to spread any info that could benefit other healers, doctors, or medical staff, it was a request that she did not wish to refuse.

Being a light green dragon, young, by the looks of it, had it's advantages. Anyone who was accustomed to the ages and the physical characteristics of dragons would be able to tell in a heartbeat that, for her reputation she was nothing short of prodigy standings, but this also meant that, while able to defend herself, she wasn't the best one to fight alongside, her skills being better suited to the tents bearing a red cross. If she were honest, she hated fights and conflicts, about as much as her younger brother had, however she wasn't nearly as resistant to fight as he was, and she was scary if you ever got on her bad side.

Yuuki Kunigiri had arrived after her long flight tired, and she figured that she'd check in and look around the location the Conference was to be held, perhaps chat with some of the attendees, if the chance presented itself, but if it didn't, no harm would come of it. She knew all types of people usually came to these events, and welcomed the opportunity to learn and share new ideas and come up with new things.

As she walked, she let her mind wander, back to that of her brothers, and her other sister. Frowning slightly, missing them all, she tried to shake the thoughts from her mind. Her older brother, Taiki, Would have been the most likely to survive a combat encounter, as his skillset and training, paired with his mindset to do anything he had to, usually made him the best candidate. Her younger brother, and the one she had been closest to, had skills that should also allow him to make it out of sticky situations, but his pacifism and hesitation to potentially do harm to others, or even to fight, reduced his chances considerably, and her sister. Her sister was one of the reasons she decided to take on a position in the medical field, since she had been unable to prevent her from passing away. Sad as it was, it was the event that set Yuuki on her path, so it had it's purpose, sad as it was.

Shaking her thoughts from her head, deciding that thinking about family that she hadn't been able to help would only serve as a detriment, and to drive her crazy. What-If this, What-if that, never a good train of thought, and as they liked to say back home, 'Shikata ga nai,' It can't be helped, so don't worry about it. smiling softly as she travels around the city, and checking into the hotel, looking at the number of people that seemed to be here, either for the same event, for travel, or for other reasons. "Conventions like this must be good for the city and it's people."

@Roose Hurro
Must Be Good...

This conference certainly seemed to be doing good, especially for this particular hotel, given the number of people. Dragon and otherwise. Also wise to have a reservation, yes, indeed! Wouldn't do to come this far, only to find "No room at the inn." Fortunately, it seemed everyone had so far arrived prepared, even a curious creature who slipped through the front door on all fours, wearing nothing but fur, feathers, scales and a smile. Smile became grin as he approached the check-in desk, tail's tip a-flick, fur fluffed, and...

... "Party of four, Rurrumm, Ahvviyinn... and two kits." As he spoke, he stood up, back slightly humped, shroudruff feathers steady, ears turned back... "My Sweetness and our daughter will be here shortly, so no worries......."

The clerk behind the counter didn't bat an eye, maintained a practiced stoicism. Poker face. As they keyed in the provided information... and produced a key...

... "I never worry. Room 402. Enjoy your stay."

Oh, yes, he intended to enjoy his stay! He always intended to enjoy Life. Whatever came about. So, he traced a pattern on his room key, and stuck it to his left forearm, for safekeeping. Since he had no pockets. And then...

... "I've always found conventions fascinating." Back on all fours, careful in his poise, ears and tail up, he gave... yes, he gave Yuuki Kunigiri his best and most toothy grin... "Never can tell what you might run into."
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as she observed the individual passively checking in, she offered him a soft smile in return, before replying just as warmly. "You're right about that one." slowly approaching the new individual, she offered her right forepaw in case he wanted to shake paws. "I'm Yuuki Kunigiri." Stifling her urge to yawn, as she shifts her wings a little to make them more comfortable, the extended flight exercising the muscles that were responsible for controlling them.

She smiled, and unlike what some may have expected, she did not stare, nor gawk, at the figure that had initiated into verbal contact with her. She did, however, mentally run through her procedure for aiding the individual, given restraints of no magic and no prior knowledge of the persons anatomy. Thinking what would work on a handful of creatures, and wondering what differences there may be in physiologies between them and the individual. This doesn't last too long, before she shakes her head a little, clearing the train of thought from her mind like she had the last.

"I'm sorry, It was a long flight and I'm a bit tired, please don't mind me. Here for the convention, Mr....." She returned the males smile, making sure to keep it as gentle as possible, after all, it wouldn't be all that difficult for a dragon's smile to frighten children, based on the standard form of their mouth and how toothy grins could easily look like snarls, all while waiting for him to respond, Ideally with a name or something to refer to him by.

If nothing else, from outward appearance, her mannerisms seemed completely converse to that of the typical dragon stereotype. She was not a giant, menacing beast that lay waste to villages or seeked sacrifices, nor was she cruel and heartless. Not one for causing trouble, she stepped back so as to not restrict the flow of traffic for others needing to check in or perhaps snap up any remaining open rooms. The male had mentioned coming with family when he checked in, not something she had tried to listen in on, but something she heard all the same, and the last thing on her mind was occupying time he no-doubt wished to spend with his family.

@Roose Hurro
Sudden Impact...

This "individual" didn't stare nor gawk, either. His bright, intense green eyes took in everything at a simple, single glance, more, with a slight glimmer-shine across the surface of his forehead's "badge". Perhaps a bit rude, to scan a stranger's chi without asking, but for his kind, as natural as breathing. So, he'd learned far more about her than she had about him. So, yes, he took her offered paw, his own, like shaking iron wrapped in leather. Not bone-crushing, but definitely not weak. Very... sturdy.

His own thoughts? Well, a guide-book would be helpful. However, none available. Thoughts about the warmth under his shroudruff. About his mate. His daughter. This world, and the ground of it under his feet. That dude in the "Hawaiian" shirt, who couldn't seem to control his long nose, the way it kept twitching and sniffing about. Yuuki, and her sore muscles...

... "Oh, no need for sorry... no need for mister. Just call me Deen......." Shroudruff twitched, fur fluffed, ears turned back as he shuffled on his feet, grin a bit tight as...

... Peep!...

... a muffled sound, from under his shroudruff. More twitches. Then a little, scaled paw slipped out from underneath, to pat father's side... more peeps, and other tiny sounds...

... "Joys of fatherhood..."

Said father lifted shroudruff high enough to reveal his tiny infant son. Practiced reach and tail's flick, said tiny infant now cupped in father's hands. As he stood, and held son out towards Yuuki...

... so, only when his hands were clear, his "gift" accepted, did he turn with open arms.......

....... "Wheeee! Dada!"


Now down on the floor, on his back, housecat-sized daughter a-prance on his chest, as he tried to catch his breath...

... "My Love, you always amaze."

This new speaker, her fur ruffled, warm smile upon her muzzle, shine in her deep blue eyes, turned her attentions towards Yuuki...

... Thoee, of the Bloodline Rurrumm.

As Yuuki had done with her mate, she held out her own scaled hand, claws and all, for a quite human greeting ritual.......

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Yuuki carefully accepts the young one When Deen hands his youth to her, gently setting the young one up on her back, between her folded wings, glancing up at her with a soft expression, smiling, Yuuki's smooth, green scales warm to the touch, before turning her attention to the new arrivals, chuckling a little as the other young one barrels into Deen like a bowling ball does a bowling pin, only to dance in victory on his chest.

Looking to Thoee as she introduces herself, her smile remains, accepting the pawshake, her own firm, but not excessively strong, as if she'd done this before. "Yuuki Kunigiri, Last known surviving member of the Kunigiri kingdom." Her smile fades for a moment as her mind drifts back to her siblings once more, but the smile returns just as fast as it had gone. "Quite the family you four are."

Curling her tail up and using it's tip to gently scritch her passenger's chin for a bit, looking to Thoee and Deen, looking at Deen for a bit longer, posing her a question. She had not felt his scan, but if she had been aware of it it wouldn't have bothered her any, she wasn't hiding anything, nor did she have any cause for fear. She was a healer, after all.

Sitting back, positioning her tail so that the decline in her backs slope follows a gradual curve back to her forepaws, catching the young one again, her smile just as gentle and soft as it had always been. She always had been good with children.

"If I may, how old are the little ones?" She did find it odd that the father would hand one of his children to her when they had just met, but dismissed it as being a cultural thing. That, or she just had that trusting a face.

@Roose Hurro
Question For The Ages...

Like her mate before her, Thoee gave Yuuki a casual scan. Well, not really a scan, just a "look". Forehead badge, a chi sensor, a receiver tied to their visual and, with concentration, auditory senses. So Thoee, too, learned more about Yuuki than she'd learned about her, with just eyes. About them. Their young one...?

... wide-eyed during the exchange, a bit wiggly. This new, warm person, so, so big! Him, a bit bigger than a grown rat now, but still.......

....... warm. Nice. And warm. Though lacking in fur. But still... warm.

His mother, Thoee? Her smile also faded for a moment, at Yuuki's words, then returned at the compliment. Fur ruffled all over her body, as she settled on haunches. All four nostrils, flared, as tail's tuft swept between them, then settled across her toes...

... young one, yes, so comforted by Yuuki's tail scritches, he started to purr and coo. And bat at her tail's tip, while making other happy-kit noises...

... while father and daughter? Well, Deen could only play "roadkill" for so long, then he had to do something lively. Couldn't stay down forever! Even with daughter perched on chest. Oh, and yes again... indeed, a cultural thing, though also a quite practical thing to do, with said daughter on her way. This passing on of tiny infant son. This show of trust. This not wanting tiny infant son involved in the "accident".

This snatching up of errant daughter, father now up on twos, holding her at arms length, his tail swished from side to side, ears turned back...

... "Hun... that was worth ten points." Grin...

... girlish giggle... then...

... Yuuki's question. But before her parents, before either Thoee or Deen could respond, "Hun" squee-ed!, and tried to escape her father's grip...

... I's a'know! I's a'know!

Deen raised an eyebrow, mane also fluffed as ears twitched. As "Hun" twitched. Quirk of a smile, then he set her down... and she promptly floated up, to hover at Yuuki's eye level, her own little sensor badge a-glimmer, every part of her, fluffed up and excited...

... I's a'twos years, tens days, threes hours an'a sixy seconds olders! An'a Peeve's just'a twos monthers old las' weekers!

Being very young and excited, her hover, as she spoke, kept dropping and wandering, so, while listening to these words, Yuuki got to watch "Hun" scrabble, her tiny feet and paw-hands trying to find purchase on open air.......
Tilting her head for a moment at this display, Yuuki smiles and chuckles at the little ones, before moving her snout and tail tip into a position to catch the floating youth, just in case, giving Deen and Thoee a soft smile. "is that so?" She gives a gently puff of air towards the floating one, playfully and gently. Partially opening her wings to let them rest some from the long flight, and to loosen up and look less like a business-dragon and more like a visitor.

Yuuki continued to smile and move to support the young ones as they display their excitement, before noticing Thoee's ruffled fur, making a mental note of it as a sign she may not be entirely comfortable, or at least a tad nervous, with the situation. The show of trust that they had given wasn't lost on her, and she sat there, trying to make sure her new acquaintances' children were well looked after.

In truth, seeing this big, happy family made Yuuki happy, but also reminded her how lonely she could sometimes be, and how she missed her own. "So, if you don't mind me asking, where you four from?" Smile remaining, soft and gentle as ever, she leans to the young one batting at her tail as she gently holds him in her forepaws, gently nudging his forehead with her muzzle.

looking to the young ones, Yuuki idly starts humming a soft tune, holding the son, and is ready to catch the daughter if need be at earliest opportunity.

@Roose Hurro
Happy Family...

Thoee actually felt quite comfortable. Passing around kits, quite normal. Her tail's tuft swept between them, a sign of that comfort. Ruffled fur, a show of pride... though, yes, it also had other meanings, in context. Perhaps a bit concerned Yuuki's "air play" might entice "Hun" to explore dragon nostrils. Her little pawhands, small enough to fit. No telling how deep she'd reach.......

But "Hun" didn't do that. She played back in kind, blowing and giggling and twisting around in the air.

While "Peeve" found himself delighted when piggy-back ride became hide and seek in dragon paws, though he didn't make any attempt to hide, because dragon face... right there!... nuzzled his forehead. So much chi for his tiny sensor to see... feel... experience. A fireworks show, just for him! In truth, more likely for him to explore dragon nostrils than his sister. Who, with so much fun to go around, didn't mind her baby brother getting such attention from the big dragon lady. Because...

... Thoee loved music. Like her daughter, but with far more grace, she floated up. Wrapped said daughter in a hug, and hummed the same soft tune. Yuuki didn't need to worry about catching the daughter, now.

Deen didn't bother to count the number of raised eyebrows and other "comments" this whole scene brought from others watching. Not like they were in a private place. Not like either Thoee or Deen minded such attention. Since looking up at Yuuki appeared to no longer be "on the menu", no, Deen didn't stay grounded, either. Rose up, himself, to snuggle against his mate, so he could give her his "Bedroom Eyes" look. Just for fun...

... "From someplace so far away, even we don't know..." Grin, then mock wince, as Thoee's tuft lightly swatted the back of his head...

... "Please excuse My Love. He... is very incorrigible." She snuggled back. Nibbled at his nearest available ear...

... which Deen didn't mind in the slightest...

... "And she's insatiable..."

Thwap! Again, tail's tuft found its mark.

Well, with these two, one question that should be answered is... do dragons blush? "Hun" made her own opinion known with a very childish Ick!, before burying her face in her mother's chest fur.......

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Watching the two go, as well as taking the youth Yuuki had determined the most risk of accidental injury into safe paws, she relaxed a little and glanced to the one in her own paws. scritching at his chin gently. Still unaware of their sensory capabilities, and just how much they stood to learn by using them, she'd merely remain content at their continued presence.

Of course, there was also the stares and the comments being made. Yuuki's suggestion to move to a more private place was merely done in thoughts that her present company may not like all of the attention, wanted or otherwise, but when they seemed alright with it based on their actions, she merely smiled and relaxed a little more, going back to making sure the young boy in her arms was secure and safe. In truth, she was also accustomed to all of the attention, both good and bad, as a dragon of her size would often extract looks, looks of caution, of awe, of fear, and of hatred, all depending on the views of the beholder. It's a rather sad aspect that prejudice against the winged reptiles is in the state that it is, but all one can do is work through it.

At this point, the two adults started floating and engaging in a public display of affection, and Yuuki couldn't help but smile, and cover the son's eyes both with her paws and her sore wings, wincing for a fraction of a second as she stretched them, and then wrapped them loosely around the youth she were holding close. If nothing else, her smooth scales would keep the warmth in, hoping it was a comfortable temperature for the one left in her care, as she watched the two older creatures flirting with each other. A big, happy family.

While dragons could indeed blush, they hadn't yet do anything that would cause Yuuki to have such a response. A bit of flirting here, a bit of Tail-smacking there, an affectionate Ear-nip or two, all normal as far as she could tell, or at least what she assumed was their equivalent of dragons nuzzling, twisting their tails together, and depending on the two, a playful sparring match between the two. "No worries. It's better then if you two couldn't stand each other, right?" Shoots a glance back to the young one between her wings, scritching his chin gently and softly.

@Roose Hurro
Levels Of Awareness...

Yes, indeed, a comfortable temperature. A comfortable warmth. Breath. And heartbeat. This infant, able to feel, to see, to hear the Life within Yuuki. Not yet old enough to touch with his chi. Her scent, also quite present in all four of his tiny nostrils. All different from his parents' own patterns of Life. Like his parents, aware of Yuuki's soreness. The disruption in her chi. Ripple in the Flow. And yes again, all, quite aware of the minor stir in the others round about, not all in reference to the flirting.

If they hadn't yet done anything to make Yuuki blush, well, if she knew them long enough, perhaps that time would come. A few in the check-in hustle and bustle had already blushed. And yes, indeed equivalent. Quite bluntly so.

And yes, again, perfectly alright with it.

Nibble to ear turned to lick, as question came and infant ended up settled again between dragon wings...

... "Heh..." Deen's by now "famous" Grin replaced his drooly-face expression... "Wouldn't have made two kits together if we couldn't stand each other."

With so much attention given, so much excitement absorbed, Thoee and Deen's son yawned, then fell fast asleep.......

....... then Thoee stopped in mid lick, her attentions on Yuuki, warm smile holding some concern...

... "You have come a long way... I can see you ache. Would you be so kind, and join us for a meal? I wish to attend to your long flight's pains, if you would allow, but you need food, first, dear Yuuki."

"Dear", because of her attentions to a very small and precious Life.......
Yuuki, also aware of the restlessness in the vicinity, both due to the nature that her kind isn't always a welcome sight and from the fact that there are two little ones near her, ones that she would protect as if they were her own. Being both good with kids as she was, and a creature of science and medicine, she knew the value, even if not from her own personal experiences, what with being both without mate and hyper-focused on her work, especially at times where she would get lonely.

'Work so you forget. Work so that others have to suffer less. Bring about healing and happiness for all, regardless who or what they happen to be.' Smiling softly, both watching the adults, and looking to the little one in her present care, gently running a few clawed fingers from the top of his head and down his back, following the fur naturally, and then pulling off at the start of his tail, only to repeat. Over and over, almost rhythmically.

She may not have all the knowledge on the best ways to make sure a small Nism child is safe and comfortable, but from what she could gather, gentleness and kindness were an almost universal requirement for that goal. Many young dragons, at least through the early hatchling years, would take to nibbling on their parent's paws. A form or teething perhaps, or it could be like a security blanket for them. Either way would be real hard to determine without additional observation, but that didn't seem the case here. Nism children, from the albeit small sample size she had to analyze, seemed to like soft, warm, and kind. They also seemed like they were willing to accept it from multiple sources, and not just claim ownership of the first select few that they came across.

Tearing her from her thoughts, Thoee extended an invite to her, one in which Yuuki reponded to softly in turn. "So long as I'm not inconveniencing you and your family, Thoee-san, I shall join you. And about my own fatigue, you need not worry, I'm used to it by now, it'll pass in a day or two. I just haven't had a chance to really go out flying for a couple months with the amount of work I've had recently." Extending a smile to the floating couple---And their stowaway, again careful not to look intimidating. Adding the generic honorific suffix most appropriate for someone you had only met a short while ago. Once the invite had been properly accepted, she once again looked to the one in her care, fast asleep as she stroked, and smiled once again. 'He fell asleep. Must be a tired little one.' She thought to herself, before looking back up to them, ready to go when they were.

@Roose Hurro
Where To Go...

One of the things Thoee and Deen had learned about Yuuki from her chi was the fact she had no mate... none of the patterns created by intimacy and child-bearing. Not to mention, no scent of a male on her. Well, no, their son didn't count...

... and as for nibbling, not old enough, yet. While "Hun" was getting a bit too old, growing out of that behavior. Now that her baby brother had taken her former place under her dada's shroudruff. Said baby brother, under Yuuki's attentions, purring in his sleep.

Deen's expression turned thoughtful, a slow lick between all four nostrils, ears turned back again as dangling tail's tip... twitched...

... "Thoee's really good with her hands." Grin, as fur fluffed... "Gives a massage to die for. Right, Sweetness.......?" These last words, followed by another drooly "roadkill" face. And a chuckle, to follow expression.

"Hun" gave a small sigh, muffled by maternal chest fur, then a very girlish giggle, as she gave up on hiding face and cast her bright young eyes on Yuuki...

... "Dada's ticklerish!"

Thoee switched their daughter from hug to arm-cradle...

... "He is, indeed." Her own, more mature giggle, quickly wiped away with a tail's-tuft sweep across her own face, decorum restored... "Dear Yuuki, My Love has taught me work should not get in the way of fun."

Deen gave his mate a lick on her nearest cheek... "So we'll make sure you have fun in the here and now, work or no work!" He crossed his heart with a claw... "It's my civic duty..."

... gurgle...

Yes, Deen's stomach spoke, and grin returned... "I know we just arrived, but there's gotta be someplace to eat in this place. Or someplace nearby......."

With that, a glance towards the floor, a rub of muzzle against Thoee's neck, with a "follow me" grin, he dropped back down, all fours on the floor again, his mate just a second or two behind as he looked about, and then gave a deep, deep sniff.......
Giving a soft chuckle, still looking after the sleeping little one, She watches the whole interchange. While true, she hadn't the foggiest clue just how much they had all learned about her, it wouldn't be too hard to guess that she spent a majority of her time in the service of others, making sure they were well looked after, well treated, in the moments where they needed her assistance for....medical reasons.

Chuckling at the reactions of the three at the mention of the massages that Thoee apparently gave, and the amount of ticklishness of a certain goofball, fluffy as though he was, her muzzle would once again give way to a gentle smile. "Well, if you insist, once other needs are addressed, I'll leave myself in your no-doubt capable care." Making a note of how they responded on the suggestion of finding food, and deciding it best to tag along, so long as they still desired her presence. It wasn't every day she got to get out, and make friends. Tending to be more of a workaholic than she'd care to admit, the last thing she wanted to do was inconvenience these new acquaintances.

Looking back to the purring little one, still under her gentle care, her smile softens even more, continuing to gently stroke along his fur, continuing to gently hum to him in his sleep almost without thinking about it, natural as though it may be.

"Fun? Oh, If you'd like." looks at them, a softness in her eyes deepening as if she was getting more comfortable around these four. If there was anything she could gather from her observations up to this point, it was that these four seemed to be distinctly aware of the state those around them were in, somehow, someway, as well as concerned with their well being, be they related to health, mood, or recreational means. In a way, not unlike herself. Different species, sure, but similar enough. Yuuki couldn't help but wonder what their home was like, but decided to save most of her questions for later. After all, if they were all going out for food, there'd be a better time and a place to talk about each other's origins, or pose any query to the other party they may have.

"No need to worry about me though. I'll be alright either way. Especially after a good rest. Please, Do let me know if I overstay my welcome at any point too." Once more turning her muzzle back to the youth in her care, sleeping seemingly soundly, she knew that it was going to be time to return him to their care in not too long, and only hopes she can do so in a way that won't wake him or disturb his slumber in any way.

@Roose Hurro
Sniff Test...

Yes, for now, Thoee and Deen's son would sleep... and yes, time would come for him to return. Time to dream. Time to wake. Time to...

... Sniff-sniff.......

Deen made a production out of his sniff test. Like a rabbit could wiggle its nose, he could flare his nostrils with... flair. All four nostrils at once. Upper pair. Lower pair. Left only. Right only. A mock gag or two, as if someone in the room had horrible B.O. Up on twos. Down on fours. Sniff high. Sniff low. Sniff in the middle. Good thing they were indoors, or he might have sniffed up a bug.......

Yes, his antics dragged them about the lobby. Ears up. Ears back. Ears down. Fur sometimes flat, sometimes ruffled. Flare of shroudruff feathers, a quick view of pale cream patch and canary yellow chevrons, the mark of his "father spot". Normally covered. Then, sudden flag of his tail! Coffee! He smelled coffee! And anybody behind him had a very good view of his ahhh.......

....... yes, definitely the scent of fresh brewed coffee. Hopefully not just a cup held by some hotel guest!

As for Yuuki and her concerns, well, Thoee knew all about needs, and addressing said needs. Not only in the medical profession herself, but also a mother. Who, if you asked her, spent more time addressing her mate's "needs" than those of their offspring. But this time, she decided to just let him show off to their new friend.


Deen, the most showy male she'd ever met. So free spirited, so loose, a wonder he didn't leave parts strewn all over. But his very shameless, bright and outgoing nature had been the very reason she'd fallen for him. A wild child. So handsome. So much fun. Yes, she enjoyed the show. A gracious bow, when Yuuki accepted her offer, daughter released to her own feet, to skitter off after "dada" with childish glee.

And then...

... "Dear Yuuki, there is no way to overstay a welcome. As for fun, I apologize ahead of time for My Love. As you may notice, his level of tact is quite low."

As she spoke those last words, her eyes fell on her mate's tail-up display of "I've found it!" A warm smile, as her gaze took in his male "assets". All four of her own nostrils flared, the upper pair wider than the lower...

... her thoughts, quite distracted.
Yuuki chuckled a little as Deen seemed to be making a show of his search, glancing around a bit herself, before closing her own eyes and taking in the air, putting her own nose to work. While true she probably had a weaker sense of smell than her present company, with what looked like double the sniffers per person, any little bit helped. All of that culminated in quite the view of one of her new friends.....Well, It was enough to internally fluster her a little, but her expression held. After all, it wasn't anything she hadn't seen before, given her line of work. Or maybe it was, depending on your definition of such.

Tearing her thoughts back to once again sampling the air for the brewed beverage that he had claimed to find, and only slightly making it out, unless it were her imagination, she gave a soft smile, but did wonder how these two were able to tell she was sore and how they knew her trip had been a long one. They didn't appear to be magical thus far, well, with exception of their ability to fly without wings and the fact that their foreheads looked like they had LED's Under them on occasion, but shrugged it off. Neither knew everything about the other, but that was natural enough as it is.

Continuing to comfort the little one as they go, Yuuki smiles, once again remembering why she likes her chosen profession. In truth, watching these four, with how kind and welcoming they had been so far, made her once again almost feel like part of the family, and after her own had fallen apart that meant no small amount to her. Her comment about 'overstaying welcomes' could have potentially let on that she was worried about fitting in, and she was aware of it to the point of moderate hesitation to let something else slip. Glancing to Thoee for a moment while she observes, before glancing back to the little one in her care, stroking gently, keeping him secure.

@Roose Hurro
Natural Enough...

Indeed, natural enough.

Though it was not yet Spring, soon every swish of her tail's tuft would bring with it a distinctive scent. Yes, snuggle season would soon become the Season of Love... mating season. Not that Thoee and Deen had plans for more kits, but that wouldn't stop them from enjoying the season's "activities". Deen would also give off his own musk.......

....... so yes, Thoee's nostrils flared. Her upper pair, quite sensitive to male musk, same as his were to hers. No, Deen not yet "making scent", but, with his "parts" on display in such a manner, yes again, natural enough for her to be distracted by her thoughts. Her memories. Their son's birth, not that long ago, really. Him, a constant reminder of just exactly how they'd made him. And their daughter. Private thoughts. Adult thoughts.

But enough with the distractions.

Yuuki didn't have to worry about letting anything else slip. Glancing to Thoee for a moment, as she had, all she'd see is her own glance in return, warm smile as Thoee again waved tuft between them in assurance, then paced up to her mate, stood up on twos, so she could reach high enough... and pull his tail down...

... "Manners, My Love..."

Deen mock winced, but his sheepish look afterward was quite genuine. Him, not in the habit to think about his lack of pants. Their daughter? She giggled at the face her father made. Squeaked as her father's tail got "pulled for attention"...

... "Dada's bein' a bads boy'ser!"

Of course, the way she bounced around her "Dada", he couldn't have been that bad.......

Oh... oh! Almost forgot about flying without wings and forehead lighting effects! Not magic, really. Just gifts from their Creators. Their kind, with access to technology so advanced, it would be indistinguishable from magic.......

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The season were indeed approaching, it'd be hard for anyone to ignore. For those that didn't have anyone of their own, Yuuki included, It could be felt by an influx of various emotions and needs, many going unsatisfied. Yuuki, especially around this time thought more and more about what happened to her family, or what she imagined happened. She knew her sister didn't make it, after all she died in her care, before she were medically educated, pushing her down the path she had chosen. Her brothers were in truth, an unknown, but based on the news ofwhat had happened to her home she doubted either made it out. One was too honorable and willing to fight to help others, so he likely died trying to save others. Her other brother, often had pacifistic tendencies that had been the source of many heated arguments between brothers before, only for her to step in and challenge one of them for pushing the other too hard. Both males had access to control over two elements and their subsidiaries a piece, while she chose to devote herself to one. Nature, best for healing, best for deciphering anything wrong with the natural operation of one's body and the thousands of processes that work together to grant life.

Looking to the two adults again, once more trying to shake the memories that came up, she chuckled as she watched Thoee and Deen's actions, and the resultant expressions that resulted. Definitely a happy family family, one that stirred within her a complicated mixture of emotions. Happiness and joy. Sorrow, longings and guilt. Perhaps a little loneliness here and there. In truth, she missed her siblings, as imperfect as her own family was, and it was this emotional turmoil that caused her to focus single-mindedly on her work, on helping others. Yes, part of that was a cultural thing, her having been raised in a culture that valued assisting others over one's own needs, but part of it was her, escaping, if you could call it that, in her own way.

Giving off a small chuckle at the little one's reactions, she smiled softly, shifting the little one in her care carefully to her back again in a way to ideally keep them resting so she could more easily and less clumsily walk alongside the others. While it was true she could walk on her two rear legs and operate in a similar capacity to a human, her body wasn't, at present built for it. She'd have to use her tail as a sort of third leg or a tripod for maneuverability in such instances, granting her limited movement speed. This wasn't an issue when treating someone, because walking on 4 legs was faster than two, and having the access to sharp claws as extensions of the digits on her paws granted far more control than using a blade could. Sterility became a question, but one that was relatively easily handled with more than a little sanitizer gel. Magic would allow her to take on a more humanized version of herself, built for two legs, standing upright, still with wings and her tail, but it wasn't something she preferred to use, as such a build came with lower endurance and weaker scales to compensate for the reduction in support. Not to mention that the alteration was an uncomfortable one, to say the least.

As for technology, Most dragons had accepted the term for the driving force behind their abilities, though in many cases magic was an incorrect term. Fire dragons had organs designed to handle gasses and flammable substances that they could easily ignite on expulsion, dragons of air often had lighter, perhaps even hollow skeletons, in order to grant better flight capabilities, allowing them to fly for longer and to be faster and more agile. Earth dragons usually seemed to have the toughest scales and plates, and thick, strong skeletons as if built to whether hits and earthquakes, but they tended to be heavier, less maneuverable in the air, if they could fly at all. Water dragons, well, Yuuki couldn't say much about, nor could she say much about nature dragons, having met limited numbers and treated even fewer in her years. Magic, Technology, Biology, or some combination of the three, she couldn't tell, but magic was certainly a term humans liked to use whenever there was something they didn't understand.

@Roose Hurro
Happy Family...

Indeed, Thoee and Deen and their kits couldn't help being a happy family. Their own mixture of emotions, complicated. But in a different way. Because they had each other. Had made two kits together, in the way these things happen. Something Yuuki had yet to experience. She had her memories. They had their lives, intertwined. The whole Universe open to them. And to their offspring. To learn. To grow...

... to meet others.

Sharing Life, their own cultural thing. In fact, their very reason for being... their Creators, dying. Wanting something of their creation to live on. To seek life. To boldy go where they no longer could. To preserve their memory. What better tombstone for a species?

For their Nism... yes, Nism. Short for OrgaNism. Perhaps even MechaNism, being created beings. A race made to fill the void left by another, gone extinct oh so long ago.

Thoee and Deen, oh so aware. Part of Thoee's memories, those of giving birth to their daughter while leaning against Vinnaheen's Tree. To honor the last living Creator's Life. Though she, long dead. Her favorite tree, also preserved in death... yet celebrated as a symbol of Life. Deen, there under this tree, witnessing the birth of their FirstBorn.

The pure Wonder, then. Pure Wonder, again, when their second came.......

No wonder Thoee's touch sent a thrill up his spine... raised his heartbeat... quickened his breath...

... "Oh, yes, very bad!" Grin. "Sweetness, I will need to be... heh... thoroughly punished tonight. Before we sleep......."

Yes, his thoughts, as he said this, very naughty.......

Thoee stuck out her tongue in amusement...

... "Guaranteed, My Love!"

Not yet Spring, but that was no excuse not to enjoy a little "alone" time. However...

... "Coffee's that way... big hotels like this always have a cafe or restaurant, somewhere." A wave of clawed hand, as ears perked and fur fluffed again, in anticipation. As Thoee felt the pull that came after her mate's words, she let loose his tail, and followed him, still on twos. All elegant grace, her own ears perked, her own fur, fluffed. Ahhh, the Magic between these two!

And Deen, leading the way, till they all arrived at the hotel's cafe, scent of coffee, scones and other deliciousness, very much present.......
Yuuki indeed hadn't experienced what they had, but she had been able to take a guess, given the reactions of others, and how they felt. Observing the physiological changes, and the emotions that went with them. There had been myths about dragons when they found someone, doing a form of united nose dive with locked claws, only pulling apart at the last minute before crashing into earth or sea below, however she had never seen it, and had certainly never experienced it. After all, before the events that drove her from her own first home, none of her siblings had found someone. A few had crushes on her younger, less abrasive brother, at least at the time, even if his sheepishness and hesitation did open him up to teasing about what he was, and how he didn't act 'like a dragon'. Now that she thought about it, it probably was something that felt like borderline bullying, and Yuuki internally kicked herself for not having seen it sooner. Her other brother got into plenty of fights for the opposite reasons, but he tended to win them. He won enough of them at least, to be left alone for the most part. Her sister, before the misfortune that befell her, had been more like the timid brother, while she herself was more a hybrid between the two. Not too sheepish and afraid of offending others, but also not one to be blunt as a club.

When yuuki's new friends started moving in the direction of the cafe again, she took back to following along, trusting their more advanced senses, and stowing her memories once more. If she were asked if she had family, she'd not be inclined to lie, but it wouldn't be the first thing she elected to talk about. Her mind drifting to some of the sights and people she had seen on her way here, to how they were faring, and just how different each other was. Then, there was the matter of her being one of the few, if not only, dragons she had seen since arriving, and knew just how uncomfortable that could make some people, with all of the stories about her people, both good and bad.

Stifling a yawn for a few moments, she slowly stretches her wings while they walk once in an open enough place, not so much for showing off as some might expect, but simply for the same reason some certain bipedal creatures may stretch their arms to the sky while walking. By now, she could smell the aromas of the nearby cafe, and it started to draw her mind back out of the thoughtful daze it had taken, back to the present, as she got to watch Thoee and Deen teasing each other about a certain, potentially near-future 'punishment' to come, something she full-well knew what they were talking about, and chuckled a little at the two.

"If you two aren't careful, your 'punishment' could result in becoming a family of five before long." Yuuki teased, potentially opening up a little more to being more casual with these, albeit different, creatures. After all, they did seem inclined to be open to her, and were one of a few species that didn't run or freeze up on sight of a dragon, so maybe she could afford to let some of her professionalism slip with them as well.

@Roose Hurro
Slip And Slide...

Dragons may have had stories about their kind. But so, too, did Nism. Yes, some good, some... well, the word "bad" has many definitions, depending on point of view. Like the difference between a nudist and a prude. Deen considered the idea of wearing clothing equivalent to covering a Ferrari in burlap. Something that was just not done! Though, yes, he had worn clothing, at times, mostly just for the fun of it. Had even once had a favorite outfit, though it had been destroyed in a particularly nasty and vicious sandstorm.

And never replaced...

Au naturale, far more comfortable. Fur had never given him a wedgie. And being male, with a tail, there was only one place a wedgie could go.......

Well. Ahem!

Deen, anything but sheepish, if given a choice. Not shy. No sense of shame. Not one for diplomacy or tact. Wild child. Intelligent. Curious. Lover of fun. Lover of...

... "Sweetness... remember what we said about waiting till we get these two raised up a bit?" He stood up on twos, shook himself a bit as Yuuki's yawn "turned contagious", then grinned up at her... "Good thing females can seal themselves, or we'd have a couple hundred kits by now."

Thoee rolled her eyes. By this time, they'd entered the hotel's cafe/restaurant, which, quite nicely, had not only tables, but a counter with stools. Much better for guests with tails. So Deen picked one, settled on his backside, and gave his mate's cheek a lick as she sat beside him...

... "My Love, I'm sure you can tell stories, but I'm not sure Dear Yuuki would want to hear what you have to say... on this." A warm smile, a sigh, a slightly distant look, as the menus arrived...

... as the sound of a peep-churr came from between Yuuki's wings.......