• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Hey all,

I realize I just made that announcement about PMing everyone for posts weekly but just being bluntly honest here, I'm really tired out. This RP has been a lot more effort than I initially planned and it feels like trying to keep it alive is way more energy than I should be expending on it.

So for anyone who wants to actively continue this rp, please reply here saying so. I will take all the people who did this by Friday, 23 June, and create a new plot line / course of action (and possibly even a new private thread for us) in place of all the characters who would no longer be involved. If nobody replies, then I will keep posting in the IC if someone is waiting on one of my characters, but I won't be bugging anyone for replies ever, so the thread most likely will quietly die from inactivity if its recent history is anything to go by.
And if everyone replies, then maybe we can all laugh about this later.

Additionally, I have stopped actively recruiting people for the rp (as of today).

A lot of this is my fault. I've made like a billion missteps GMing this and I apologize for that. I've tried to change and improve but at this point it feels like I spend more time bugging people to post than actually posting. I don't like doing that and I'm sure people who aren't too interested in continuing would prefer to quietly drop the rp.

It's been a fun run and I'm thankful to everyone who played and helped me learn to GM through this experience. I'll do 1x1s if anyone's interested in that.
I may remake this rp in the future, but I'm really too tired of the concept right now to pull a total reset of it at the current time.

If you want to run something based on this concept, feel free to "steal" the idea. I hope you're successful! Maybe I can join? xP

I've learned a lot through this experience and will try to not make the same mistakes in other RPs I try to GM. Thank you everyone who has played, enjoyed the RP concept, and/or stuck with me through all of my fumbling.

Thanks for reading.

EDIT 23 June: I've PMed the people for the new rp. Consider this RP now inactive.
No longer accepting new members, but will respond in the [original] IC thread if others still post there.
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Clef Character Profiles
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Character Name: Soren LaFey
User Name: @Vardoger
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Ex-Electronica Clef
Occupation: Ex-Customs Inspector. Current Clef Rookie
Soren used to be a customs inspector on the docks. After Rachel bribed him a few times to help with jacks, he decided he wanted to be a member of the gang. Due to his job being incredibly useful, he was pardoned from the beat-in. He was a decent member for about a year, but grew increasingly obsessed with Rachel during that time.
At some point, he decided the only way to solve the Ryan "problem" was to kill him. He suggested it multiple times to Rachel, who always refused. His insistence on it eventually reached levels so unacceptable that Rachel kicked him out of the gang and found a different dock worker connection to avoid him.
Rather than turn Rae in, Soren decided to quit his CI job and become a Clef instead. Clefs had the ability to kill without being charged with murder, and this was in his primary interest.

Having just finished training, Soren is new to the Clef organization and was assigned Lawrence Falkner as a mentor.

He has kept his gang affiliation secret from his clef co-workers, but he still frequently stalks Rachel.
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Character Name: Michael Smith
User Name: @Chatoyante
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Clef
Occupation: Detective Unit

Ryan's older brother, whose life fell apart after acting as his little brother's lawyer in court. He initially took on the case, believing his little brother to be completely innocent of all charges. Things turned out to be much more complicated than he initially assumed, leading Michael into multiple moral dilemmas. Once the controversial case was over, he was dropped from the prestigious firm he'd worked with since his days as an intern, and his reputation as a lawyer was permanently marred. He fell into a depression, drinking heavily, and returned to living with his parents during this time.

He disagreed with his parents totally cutting off his little brother, but never argued with them. By default of living with and around his parents, Michael's communication with Rye also stopped. While he still cares for Rye, he also harbors feelings of mistrust over who his little brother really is.

Making a total career change was difficult for Michael, but not impossible. He was eventually able to make it onto the O-Town clef force, hell-bent on joining their detective unit. His previous skills as a lawyer made him a good fit as a detective, as most of his time is spent going over minutiae in order to make sense of the bigger picture. In truth, there was another, more personal reason he'd joined the detective unit in O-Town, and it circles around his little brother's ex-fiancee, Rachel.

Unlike his youthful days of being a promising lawyer, Michael struggles to keep himself put together. Entering the early stages of alcoholism hasn't helped. His hair is a dirty blonde, although it can look much darker depending on how recently he's bathed. His daily outfit is usually made up of well-worn t-shirts and jeans: http://i.imgur.com/Q3u4IBv.png
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Character Name: Silas James Fernando Moralas
User Name: @Phi Chisym
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Clef
Occupation: Clef Detective Precinct 8 - Musica
Bio: Hometown - Headphone

Silas is the first son, second of three children of Augusto and Carlotta Morales. His older sister, Danielle, became a Marine Biologist, and his younger sister, Felicia, married and became an Engineer. Silas took a more right-brained approach to a career and became a Marketing Analysis/Web Designer for various companies around the nation - completely upsetting his parents for they'd hoped he would follow in his father's footsteps and become a Clef Officer. Of course, who would ever consider making such a horrible mistake and do something like that, Silas would think to himself at times. Truth be told, growing up in Headphone gave him the gift of Music Appreciation, but moving to Musica and being Tied didn't stop his love for the art. How could he become the very thing he hates?

But fate has a way of making you follow the path it wants you to take. In a freak accident, Felicia suffered major burns over 48% of her body and minor injuries when a pressure valve collapse on one of the large containment chambers at the plant she was at, assisting them with two projects her company, DaCapoCorp, sponsors. She's gone through decontamination, several surgeries and skin grafts, as well as rehabilitation for the damage she's sustained. Her husband, Derrick, is with her 24/7 assisting and training how to care for her, preparing their home for her, and just being by her side. They have a seven year old son, Braydon, who has only seen his mother once since the accident. Derrick's parents are dead. Silas and Felicia's parents live in Bluegrass, and the cost and irritation of sending a seven year old overseas was ridiculous. So, Derrick ask Silas to watch Braydon for him until the renovations to their home are done.

The Morales are making their way back overseas to Musica to take over Braydon's care and help Derrick with their daughter. But, until then, Silas is watching over the little chump. This wasn't a bad thing for him though... but he had become a 22 year old 'single father' which required a few things to change in his life. One of them was to moved to Musica to be closer to Felicia's family and to search for a new job. And from all of the careers available, the one that he qualified for, that granted him the highest pay and was open for him to start as soon as he moved - was to become a Clef. Go figure, right?

Seeing how his nephew was taking being separated from his family, and in the dark about his mother's condition, Silas knew he needed to do something fast that could lift up his spirits. He knew one thing that would do just that. So, Silas signed up to train as a Clef for his nephew Bray, but he had an agenda tucked away - to give his nephew the gift of music - one that will open up a new heartfelt way for him to express what he's going through living away from his parents and worrying about his mother's health. Silas didn't know how he was going to do it, but he knew being on The Clefs was the first step. So far, after being on the force for six years, he's learned a lot of vital information...but not enough to complete his silent goal.

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grey Inactive Characters. Listed here for historical purposes.
If you are listed here, you can rejoin with the same bio if you like. Just PM me.

Character Name: Marjorie Abbott
User Name: @Halcyon
Age: 23
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Affiliation: Clef
Occupation: Detective
Bio: [spoili]
Marjorie grew up in a cozy, upper-middle class neighborhood in the heart of O Town. She was a neat, level-headed child, who played politely with other children and was well loved by teachers and parents alike. She loved her home, her neighborhood, and was altogether very content with her lot in life. However, as she grew older, she became more aware of the world around her, and her idyllic little slice of O Town became less and less utopian. She would see the telltale ruckus of the resident gangbangers on the news, and the worried looks on her parent's faces that came with it. When one of her neighbors, a quiet fellow who seemed nice enough to everyone around him, was found with a piano in his home, the panic that ensued shook Marjorie to the core.

After that, she switched the focus of her studies from childcare to law enforcement, determined to root out the source of that which disrupted the calm of her precious city. After she graduated, she assumed a position as a detective at the local police agency and never looked back. Marjorie- now Detective Abbott- does not often look the part. She dresses casually, badge and weapon hidden away on her person, armed instead with an easy smile and a silver tongue. It's easier to get clues if nobody knows you're looking for them, after all.[/spoili]

Character Name: Lawrence Faulkner
User Name: @PlainJoe
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Clef
Occupation: SFZ Officer
Faulkner describes himself as a regular man who simply had the thought that the path of the law was the path for him since he was a child, and worked hard for that goal. To be a member of the Sforzando. His colleagues have also testified to the effect that he is a generally good-natured and reliable man who takes his job seriously, both as a Clef and an SFZ member. He speaks casually when off the job, and is generally easy going, and quite amicable. On duty, he keeps his easy going attitude, but bears a certain professional air. Amicable also might not apply during office hours.

He has said in several interviews that while he takes no joy in doing his job, he also feels no remorse. Those who are in need of punishment will receive their dues, and that this job is notably the only thing that puts his coffee and toast on his table every morning. Indeed, he shows near to no emotion when performing his duties as an SFZ, instead showing remarkable level-headedness. He is often called on to perform interrogations and what he calls 'forceful negotiations'. His take on the Mute is ambiguous, since he occasionally makes rather vague comments on music, and expresses frequently that upholding the law is a job, and hints at that it may not be to his beliefs.

Faulkner is often seen in an impeccably nice suit, which juxtaposes, yet fits, with his mess of a mop of hair atop his head. On the job, he wears a pair of maroon gloves, possibly to hide any fluids that might spill when his hands slip. Image[/spoili]

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Table of Contents
* = Required reading
1. Sticky Table of Contents <- You are here
2. Introduction and Lore*
Introduction to the story, RP, and details on how to use this thread​
3. General Roleplay Rules*
4. Character Creation Rules*
Rules specific to certain character types​
5. The GM's Responsibilities
6. How to Join*
The character profile sheet you should use and how to submit it​
7. Headphone Jack Extended Information
Extended lore, affiliation information, and help with character creation. Has its own Table of Contents.
Reading this is not required to join.​
8. Civilian Character Profiles (Page 2)
List of current civilian character sheets​
9. Clef Character Profiles (Page 3)
List of current Clef character sheets​
10. Electronica Character Profiles (Page 4)
List of current Elec character sheets​
11. NuMetal Character Profiles (Page 5)
List of current Nu character sheets​
12. OOC Chat
The last page of this thread​

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