HaydenLavisky and Devilcake

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He had just made things weird, hadn't he? Hannes mentally scolded himself for being embarrassing but continued speaking as if nothing had happened.

"Ooh really, you do? That's cool" Hannes smiled honestly, it was cool, Jayken was a cool guy in general, Hannes decided, "I don't think my parents would let me, they don't think I'm responsible enough"

Which in part was true, he had a tendency to forget things, so him having a pet could end up being a bad idea, he was still slightly irritated at his parents for never giving him a chance. He was planning on proving them wrong and get a sphynx cat or something as soon as he moved out though.

"What kind of reptiles?" Hannes asked excitedly and took another bite of his food, "Do you have a snake? Snakes are neat"
Jayken blinked, then looked up at Hannes. "Reptiles are actually much easier to take care of if you get an adult. The hatchlings and juvenile's can be a bit of a pain." He said with a soft sigh, though he was smiling. "I have an albino ball python and a mack snow leopard gecko." He replied, his smile turning into a grin. He loved his pets, no matter how annoying they can be at times. Mostly his gecko cause he's a brat.

"With my snake, I only need to feed him once every week. I just have to change his bedding every month and his water every day. For the gecko, he eats two times a week. He's a bit more complicated cause I have to dust the crickets with calcium and then hold them because he's a lazy shit." He said with a laugh.
Hannes smiled and laughed along as he listened to Jayken talk about his pets, it was very clear that he loved them, which was really sweet. This was the reason he liked talking to people so much, it was always fun to see them share things about what they liked. And it was extra fun when he got to know something new about one of his friends.

"Reptiles are so weird, how does he only eat once a week?" Hannes snickered "I bet they are cute though, do you have pictures on your phone? I wanna see them, what's their names?"
Jayden blinked, then let out a hum as he thought about it. "I might. I left my phone back at the cabin , though. The snakes name is Servius and the geckos name is Dragonarius. I like making up creative names that fit my pets." He said with a grin.
"aww that's cute" Hannes smiled, he didn't know himself if he meant the pets or his friend's excitement about them, "promise me you'll show me when we get back to the cabins this evening?"

Hannes stuffed the last of the potatoes in his mouth and made a face to communicate that he did not enjoy it once he had swallowed. He was definitely bringing pills so that he could regular food tomorrow.

"Hey if you're not eating that can I have it" Hannes asked and pointed to the apple Jayken had taken a bite of and then put aside. He was the kind of guy that didn't mind sharing food at all, he always asked before but sometimes he forgot not everyone liked that, Jayken had been okay with letting him taste the stew though so Hannes figured he didn't mind now either.
Jay ken blinked, wondering what Hannes was talking about, though he looked at the apple a moment later and made an o with his mouth. "Yeah, go ahead. There's still some stew left if you want that as well." He said.

He pushed the tray towards Hannes, then rest his elbow on the table and his chin in the palm of his hand. He closed his eyes for a just a little bit, letting out a soft sigh.
"thank ya" Hannes smiled, never saying no to more food.

He started eating what was left of the stew, making sure to wipe every piece of vegetable and meat off on the edge of the plate to avoid as much of the sauce as possible. He really had chosen not to eat it to begin with for a reason.

"So having fun?" Hannes asked happily as he ate, hoping and sincerely believing to get a yes.
Jayken glanced up at the older male when asked if he was having fun, a nod moving his head up and down. "Of course. Much better than sitting in my room all summer. Thank you, Hannes." He said, leaning his jaw into his hand. "If it weren't for you, I'd still be locking myself in that room.

It is still difficult, but you've helped me the whole time, no matter how shy or stubborn I've been." He said with a soft sigh, looking around the room at all the other teenagers and children that were there.
"Any time" Hannes smiled and took a bite of the apple, starting off from where Jayken already had taken a bite. It was sour. "Tell me if I'm accidentally forcing you into doing something you really don't want to do"

Hannes shrugged he wanted to help, not overbear his new friend by mistake because he didn't know he could tell him to back off, that'd be a pretty shitty situation in Hannes own humble opinion.

"Just you wait 'till activities start as well, that's when the real fun begins" Hannes continued "tomorrow whoever wants to get's to go by boat to the other side of the lake, I mean it's still just swimming but the boat ride there is fun, and there's a lot more cliffs there, oh and a diving platform, that's the most fun part"
Jayken blinked and looked up at Hannes with surprise. "You haven't, I assure you. You've only helped." He said with a small smile, looking down at his hands in his lap, then back up once Hannes had started talking again.

The younger male let out a chuckle, shaking his head slightly. "I guess there's a funner side of the lake, huh?" He said before he stood. "Do you want to go back? Or we can just chill out in my room."
Hannes stood up with his plate and thought about what he wanted to for a moment while they went to put away the dishes. It was still very hot out, but getting back into swim trunks and going to the lake felt like a real hassle, and being out in the heat without being able to jump into the lake to cool off seemed annoying as well.

"I could hang inside for a while" Hannes responded, agreeing with the idea of going to jayken's room, "At least until the worst of the heat is gone. I guess"

He really hadn't minded the evening with Jayken out by the lake the day before, and he didn't want to spend the rest of the day indoors really, so once the sun was a little further down in the sky he'd probably propose doing something similar.
Jayken glanced over at Hannes, seeing that he was thinking rather hard about it. "Alright, cool. I can show you the pictures of my pets, too, while we're there." He said as he stood from the table and grabbed his plate, emptying the rest of the contents (not that there was much) into the garbage.

He placed his plate in the desired spot the cooks wanted it, then stretched his arms over his head with a light grunt. He didn't know what else would happen once they were in his room, simply because he'd never had someone in his room, so he didn't know what to do.
"Aww dude, let's hurry then, I wanna see Servius and Dragonarius,pase" he said jokingly, not that it wasn't true, it was just that it wasn't like he was that hyped about seeing pictures of Jayken's pets. The fun part was seeing him talk about them and whatever other stuff he was interested. Maybe he could ask to see his drawings, although he seemed ever so secretive about them. Hannes had no idea of that was due to self-consciousness over his abilities or if the motives of the art just regarded sensitive subjects.

As they walked back to the cabins Hannes did walk with a quick pace, he hadn't actually meant to hurry, seeing as it mostly had been a joke, but if he had a set goal of something to do he liked to get there fast. He was sure it could come off as excitement though, and maybe in part, it was. Hannes just hoped Jayken didn't find him weird and overly interested in hanging out. He just thought it was fun to spend time and get to know his new friend, that's all.
Jayken let out a soft laugh, following after Hannes towards their cabin. He was actually rather excited, even if he didn't know what to do after he showed Hannes his pets. "I'm surprised you remembered their names." He said with a soft chuckle. Once they had reached the cabin, he walked into his room, holding the door open for his friend before he closed it.

He headed over to his dresser, opening the top drawer and pulling his phone out from where he had hidden it. He didn't want to be on his phone during camp, so he just hid it away. He pulled up the photos on his phone, then showed his friend. "This one is Drago."
"Noo, shut up he's so cute" Hannes exclaimed and snatched Jaykens phone out of his hands to look closer at the adorable little creature. He then plopped down on Jaykens bed, assuming it was okay since he had basically invited him to lay down in it that morning, and rested his back against the wall while simultaneously holding the phone out to give it back.

"Next one please" He demanded jokingly and patted his other hand next to him as if it wasn't Jaykens bed to begin with.
Jayken blinked in surprise when his phone suddenly wasn't in his hand and the older male was laying on his bed. He looked p at Hannes, not expecting him to get onto the bed, but completely okay with it. He took the phone once it was handed back, flipping to the next picture of his snake. "And this is Servius." He said as he gave Hannes the phone.

When he was invited onto his own bed, he got up and sat down on the edge of it, resting his shoulder against the headboard. "You can go through the pictures if you want. There's nothing inappropriate or anything."
Hannes stared at Jayken in disbelief for a moment, he couldn't actually really believe there was nothing embarrassing on the phone knowing how his own was full of embarrassing pictures dating years back of him and his friends trying to look all cool and edgy.

"I can't decide if I'm disappointed or just surprised" Hannes said when he felt like he had gotten his point of doubting there was nothing Jayken wouldn't want Hannes to see by and then continued to explain the reason why those were the two feelings he felt, "I've had the same phone since I was like thirteen, I'd die before I let anyone even try to look through the pictures on that thing"
Jayken looked towards Hannes with confusion before he realized what he meant and ahh'd. "Yeah, I can't do that, actually. My parents are pretty strict about what's on my phone. I'd probably be grounded for years if they saw anything like that on there." He said with a soft sigh. "I don't mind, though. The pictures I have on there are of my pets, me, or some scenic pictures I've done."

He lay back on his bed, folding his arms behind his head and closing his eyes for a moment. He thought back to his home, hoping that his friend was taking care of his pets like she had promised. He mostly was concerned about Drago, since he had been sick before he had left, but his parents wouldn't let him stay. So, he asked his friend, and she had agreed.
Hannes hummed and continued to go through the photos, confirming that there were, in fact, nothing else than what Jayken had said. When he felt like he had seen enough pictures of the adorable little creatures that were his friend's pets, which was only moment later since Hannes really didn't have the longest attention span he exited the camera roll and navigated to contacts.

"I'm adding my number" Hannes informed Jayken, if he didn't want to have his number he could delete it later, Hannes just thought it could be useful in case the other ended up going back to the cabin mid through the day again, then Hannes could at least text and see if he wanted to meet up and get lunch again.

"Wait you're parents go through your phone?" he stopped himself from typing in his contact details when what Jayken had said really had sunken in and turned his head to his friend with a slightly concerned expression, the more Hannes heard about Jayken's life at home the more worried he got, "That's kind of a huge invasion of privacy"