HaydenLavisky and Devilcake

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"How dare you, not okay" Hannes said after laughing at Jaykens bad explanation, he also splashed again, "all you had to do was play a fair game of shoulder wars, yet you betray my trust"

Hannes didn't however try to fake another serious expression, just letting the smile on his lips star while acting just as offended as Jayken had. He also started to splash him a couple of more times giving him a smirk to challenge him to do it back. If Jayken wasn't up for a shoulder war Hannes would annihilate him in in a splash war.
Jayken laughed and guarded his face from the water, protecting his eyes. "Cease fire!" He yelled while he laughed, waiting until Hannes had stop splashing him before he ran forward and playfully tackled Hannes into the water. He ended up falling as well, and when he resurfaced, he let out a chuckle, looking at Hannes.

"Trust me anymore?" He asked teasingly, playfully bumping the older's shoulder. "I'm guessing this is going to go on for a while now."
"No dude, it gotta be fair" Hannes insisted and picked Jayken up bridal style, which he was fairly sure he wouldn't be able to do if they hadn't been in the water. Before he threw him off to the side he gave him another playful smirk and happily told him that this was what he got for lying.

"see now I can trust you, until you betray me again," Hannes said once Jayken was up over the surface again as if that actually made a lick of sense, which it most certainly didn't

They continued playing around in the water for a while, until Mike noticed that people were starting to go back up towards the cafeteria for lunch at which he shouted at Jayken and Hannes that they probably should get up if they wanted to dry off before eating, while dragging a reductant Emma up with him towards the beach.
Jayken yelled in surprise when he was thrown, surfacing a moment later and playfully glaring at Hannes. "Same goes here, now." He said before he stood up, stretching his arms over his head with a grunt. IT felt great to be in the water, but now he was starting to get a bit chilled, so he headed out of the water and sat in the sun, closing his eyes.

He heard Mike call that they needed to dry off if they wanted to eat, so he opened his eyes and grinned. "Way ahead of you." He said, offering a half salute.
Hannes sighed and went up yo lay down on the ground next to Jayken, stretching his arms out far above his head for a moment and then placing them comfortably under his head. Mike joined the other two boys while Emma went to grab a towel to get some of the water out of her unruly light brown hair.

Lunch would still be going on for quiet a while so there was no hurry and still plenty of cambers left on the beach, which was good seeing as Hannes hadn't even bothered to bring a towel a needed some time to dry before putting his shirt back on.

He glanced over at Jayken who was facing the sun with closed eyes. It seemed nice so Hannes followed suit closing his eyes and quietly enjoying the hot sun, while he still was wet and cool.
Jayken opened his eyes to glance at Hannes once was the older had settled in beside him, a smile gracing his lips for a moment before he closed his eyes again and enjoyed the sun. Being as how he was a heat person, he thoroughly enjoyed being out in the sun where the water kept his skin protected from the rays, but the sun warmed him.

He opened his eyes again to locate his towel, grabbing it one he did and drying his hair out before he tossed it on top of Hannes' face, a grin moving onto his face.
Hannes chuckled at the grin on Jaykens face, sat up and ruffled the towel on his own hair until it wasn't dripping anymore atleast before throwing the towel back with a "thanks man"

"So!" Hannes clapped his hands together, "What do you all say about lunch, cus I'm starving and we'll dry on the way there"

He stood up and walked over to his shirt and put it on, before continuing speaking as he put his sweatbands back on as well.

"Oh, never mind you all need to get back to the cabins to change, right?" he didn't mind a detour in the sun, and then he could get out of his own still wet swim trunks as well.
(AH! Sorry for not replying!! I completely forgot!)

Jayken was about to speak up to Hannes that they needed to head back to their cabins since they didn't have clothes to change into, but the older male beat him to it. He let out a chuckle, nodding. "Yeah, I'd rather not walk in there with just swim trunks on." He said as he wrapped the towel around his shoulders to keep cool.

He waved to Mike and Emma, telling them that he'd meet them there before starting to head back to his cabin, wondering if Hannes would follow or he'd meet him there as well.
(no problemo, been busy w/ school anyways)

"I'm sure no one would mind you walking in there with your swim trunks only" Hannes joked and wiggled his eyebrows playfully as he caught up with Jayken and started heading towards the cabin as well, "but I guess it's not very socially acceptable to eat lunch without clothes"

The sun certainly hadn't stopped shining just because they were out of the water and by the time they were by the cabin Hannes regretted having gotten out of the cooling water of the lake. At least the inside of the cabin was as hot as outdoors Hannes noticed with a happy sigh as they stepped in.

"Hey I'm changing into pants as well" He informed Jayken, already halfway through his own door, "meet ya outside in a minute"
(Yeah, same. And work)

Jayken nodded towards Hannes, offering a wave before heading into his room and closing the door behind him. He quickly tugged his swim trunks off, drying himself off before he stepped into some clothes which included thin, tight jeans and t-shirt with the bandages around his arms again.

Once he was finished getting ready, he combed his wet hair back before exiting his room, looking around the open area of the cabin. He decided to wait for Hannes outside the older's door, having located it after the other male had gone inside.
Hannes quickly changed into a pair of jeans shorts but didn't bother to put his shoes back on, he hadn't after walking back from the beach either so he figured he might as well continue walking around barefoot.

He didn't step out of the room right away though, taking a moment to recollect himself. While he was a genuinely social person and really loved talking to and spending time with his friends and people he had just met it didn't mean it didn't take some level of effort. After a minute or two of simply standing there, eyes closed doing nothing but breathing for a moment he opened the door only to find Jayken waiting outside.

"Ready for lunch?" Hannes smiled as a greeting and they made their way out of the cabin, back out into the heat, at least feeling the grass under his bare feet made him feel ever so slightly cooler. He really didn't know how Jayken did it though, seeing as he had changed from swim to black jeans.

"I'm not sure if I should question your choice to wear black pants or admire the commitment to your style"
Jayken looked towards Hannes when he opened up his door, finding the male dressed, but still barefoot. He let out a chuckle at that, finding it amusing. He went quiet, though, when Hannes commented on his clothing. He looked down at the ground, hiding the blush that moved onto his cheeks. "I, um...don't feel comfortable wearing shorts or t-shirts without coverage. I was okay with the swim trunks since we were out in the water anyway." He said with a slight shrug.

He let out an uncomfortable cough, pulling the hood that was attached to his shirt over his head. "Let's just head over to the cafeteria before they close down lunch." He said as he glanced back at Hannes.
Hannes bit his lip at Jayken's answer, his own face forming a slight frown. Of course he had a proper reason. Hannes decided to keep quiet the rest of the walk up to the cafeteria to avoid accidentally being an insensitive asshole again.

Hannes temporarily left Jakyen to get his food with a promise to be back soon while he went to go talk to the cafeteria volunteers to get his own, seeing as he couldn't eat the stew served today as it seemed to contain milk, nor the vegetarian option because it seemed to contain both tomatoes and soy.

"aww dang I think we me missed Mike and Emma" Hannes said, back to his normal carefree self when he, with food in hands, got back to Jayken, "Let's sit wherever, then"
Once they were inside the cafeteria, Jayken headed over to get some food, offering a small wave to Hannes and nodding at his promise to meet back up. He got the stew for the day, though was a bit confused since it was pretty hot out. He didn't mind, though, since he was always seeking warmth. He also grabbed an apple and a banana, then went to search for Hannes.

He jumped slightly upon hearing the male's voice next to him, looking up at the older male with a slight blush. "D-Don't sneak up on me. Give me a little warning next time." He said as he let out a soft breath. He nodded when Hannes said they could sit wherever, heading to a table that was half covered in sun, while the other half was in shade.
Hannes chuckled at Jayken being scared and followed him to whatever table he decided to choose. Hannes would have opted for a table with some people sitting by it to be able to get to know some new people, but he didn't mind hanging alone with Jayken for a while either.

They sat down across from each other and Hannes started to eat immediately, he really was hungry after playing around in the water all morning. Jayken's food looked way better than his, though, and Hannes cursed his horrible genes for giving him to many dumb allergies.

"You didn't take anything from the vegetarian side did you?" Hannes asked, because his allergy to soy was way worse than his lactose intolerance "Can I taste yours?"
Jayken sat down at the table and set his tray down, letting out a soft breath as the sun's rays hit his back and warmed the covered skin. He began eating his food, a hum leaving him from the taste, despite the coolness of it from it being set out for a little while. He looked up upon hearing Hannes ask if he could try some, a light blush coming to his cheeks and across his nose.

"I-I don't see why not. Do you...have a spoon or something? Or...did you want to use mine?" He asked, pushing the bowl towards the older male, but grabbing the apple off the tray first.
The camps resolution to Hannes many allergies was to just feed him potatoes and whatever protein that didn't contain soy or any other weird beans he couldn't eat, which resulted in Hannes having to eat the most boring and bland food in existence. It also caused him not actually have a spoon so he reached over and snatched Jayken's out of his hand.

"Thaaank you" he said in a happy and slightly teasing voice since he just stole the other boys eating utensil, he then took a bite and confirmed that it was indeed a lot petter than boiled potatoes and a stale hamburger patty, "Ugh, I'm jealous"

He handed Jayken his spoon back and pushed the bowl back as well, Hannes wasn't about to take any more of the others food because A, it was his food and B, he really shouldn't be eating it.
Jayken nodded towards the older as he took a bite of his apple, making a face when the sourness hit him. He really didn't like green apples. He set it back down on his tray, getting his bowl back so he washed the taste out of his mouth with the stew. Once he had swallowed, he looked up at Hannes. "I'm guessing you're allergic to the ingredients or something?" He asked with a cute, small tilt of his head.

He picked up his banana and started to peel it as he listened to Hannes, then, after it was unpeeled, he raised it to his mouth. His lips wrapped around the fruit before he took a bite, chewing slowly.
"No I just like potatoes so much I demand to have it served to me every meal" Hannes said sarcastically, with a smile though, "I can't have what you're eating because there's milk and in think carrots, but the carrots aren't too bad, I would actually die if I ate the vegetarian option because of the soy, so that's fun, and the tomato would give me rashes which isn't hot at all"

Hannes allergies were annoying, but it was always kind of fun to shock people with how ridiculously many he had. It was the one good thing that came of it.

"I also have like a gazillion other allergies, but most of them are just shit I'm 'technically' allergic to, but it doesn't affect me that much except for nuts, and..." Hannes trailed off for a moment as he got distracted by his friend starting to eat the fruit. What was he twelve? Was he really immature enough to make that connection? Stubbornly and with a slight blush on his face Hannes turned his gaze to his food and took a bite to pretend that was the reason he had stopped mid-sentence. Then he chewed swallowed and continued, "And fur, which sucks, because I can't have pets"
Jayken chuckled, looking up at the older. "Potatoes are good. Just...not with every meal. Or bland." He said and made a face about even thinking about it. He paused in eating his banana when the older trailed off and went quiet, glancing up at him to see that Hannes was watching him before trying to play it off.

He frowned, confused for a moment, then looked at the fruit in his hand. He blushed a deep red, the heat rising to his cheeks, across his nose, and to the tips of his ears. "U-Uh, well, how about a reptile, then? Or something to do with water? I-I have a few reptiles back at home." He said, taking another bite of the fruit once he was done talking, trying to make it less sexual.