Happily Awkward After: Wonderall Manor

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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"Double dose with a toast to you creepy GHOST!"
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. Multiple posts per week
  4. 1-3 posts per week
  5. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
All fucking day because I have no life
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Romance, Modern, Supernatural,

  • For a while now, Disney heroes and villains have been on good terms. None of them have had any really bad altercations, which is good. Their children on the other hand, tell a somewhat different story. They aren't on the worst of terms, but they certainly all aren't on the best. In order to keep some of the peace, these Disney heroes and villains have decided that their children will be married! They will be sent to Wonderall Manor where they will live together with their fiancees and each other

  • ~SIGN-UPS & OOC~
    • I enforce the rules, and I do have the power to kick you out. That being said, I will do my best to make fair judgments in regards to any situation. I am actually pretty nice!
    • Basic rule, I have a character Skeleton for a reason, please use it. It's not fun when I have to look for information that may or may not be there.
    • Please, for this rp, USE REAL PICTURES.
    • Under no circumstances are you allowed to post without a GM accepting your character. We have to make sure that each character is up to code.
    • Please flesh out the characters, I like seeing that people put effort into their characters, and that they took time to have some formatting and other things.
    • Please be kind to all your other rp friends, we don't want people feeling attacked or threatened by other. It helps create a more cohesive bond between players.
    • There is a 3 character limit!!! I may change this eventually and when this happens you will be informed, but as of now it is three.
    • Please make ALL your character sheets on a different post as I have on the SIGNUPS page. Preferably one after another if you already have a planned number of characters you'd like to make. If you decide later on that you want another character and you only have 4 then go ahead and make another one on another page. I hope that made sense.
    • Have fun~

      ~IC Rules~
    • I do not take credit for this list of rules, but they are everything that I wanted my rules to be.
    • Try not to go to far without me posting, I hate feeling left behind.
    • Please try to post a paragraph each time. I really detest having a lot of 1 liners, so please try to keep them away. (I understand if you get writers block or something, just tell us real fast so we don't think you're not trying.)
    • YOU CAN NOT BE YOUR OWN PARTNER/LOVER! I hate it when people do this, it sucks to be done, and if you plan on having a drama point based on the fact that two of your characters were together, that's fine as long as as it is now over.
    • Feel free to interact with a NPC or more!
    • Likewise, only type in third person. Reason is, first person can confuse people. It makes them get lost in all the I's, since there would be a ton of them. So please, for my sake and the sake of others, use third person. If you have actually read all the rules, please put "Disney is magical" at the bottom of your CS IN ALL CAPS. And make it fancy or colorful or something c:
    • Please refrain from using text talk and please try to use a spell checker if you don't know English very well. There is an exception though, when your Character is actually texting!
    • GRAMMAR! Now one of my pet peeves is having people who spell things shorthanded. It doesn't matter to me if there are a few mistakes here
    • Cursing. Now, I know some characters are not going to be the sweetest, and some are just going to have a few instances, but I am completely fine with your characters cursing. However, one every single sentence is kind of extreme, so try to avoid putting one in everything.
    • As this is an OPEN AGE roleplay, so please if something gets to that "stage of romance" fade to black.
    • This one goes with the first one, no automatic hits. It kind of sucks when someone just hits you in the face over and over and then throws you off the building without you being able to do anything, like a dummy. Don't do it
    • No god moding. Everyone hates it, especially me. We don't have much physical interaction such as fighting in this roleplay, but it can happen, so don't have your character instantly knock someone twice their size out and come out unscathed.

    All characters are linked below! Just click on their name! You can also click on the spouse as well. By the way it goes:
    ||Character||Age||Gender||Good or Evil||Disney Parent||
    ✔ next to character means character has a starter post up​
    ||Onyx de Vil||19||Female||Neutral||Cruella de Vil||✔
    ||Zachary Rose||20||Male||Good||Aurora||✔
    ||Winter Snow||18||Female||Good||Snow White||✔
    ||Jaime Hook||23||Female||Neutral||Captain Hook||✔
    ||Lilyann Bell||17||Female||Neutral Evil||Tinkerbell||✔

    ||Nova Cheshire||20||Female||Evil||Cheshire Cat||✔
    ||Li Chu||22||Male||Good||Mulan and Shang||

    Princess Poisoned Rose
    ||Mirabella Charming||22||Female||Good/Neutral||Cinderella||✔

    ||Zackariah Smee||27||Male||Good||Mr. Smee||✔
    ||Jasmine Hightopp||19||Female||Good||Mad Hatter||✔

    ||Sadie Ratcliffe||19||Female||Neutral||Governor Ratcliffe||✔
    ||Mollie Pan||18||Female||Evil||Peter Pan||✔

    ||Danielle May||17||Female||Evil||Ursula||✔
    ||Alexander Southernile||18||Male3||Neutral||Prince Hans||✔
    ||Ophelia Atlantic||18||Female||Good||Ariel and Eric||

    ||Aspen Tremaine||18||Male||Neutral||Lady Tremaine||✔

    ||Edan Dunbroch||21||Female||Good||Merida||✔
    ||Malika Atiyeh||24||Female||Evil||Jafar||✔
    ||Maximillian Melbourne||21||Male||Evil||Maleficent||✔

    ||Orlando Hearts||19||Male||Evil||Queen of Hearts||
    ||Phoenix De Vil||19||Male||Evil||Cruella De Vil||✔

    ||Jax Skellington||24||Male||Neutral||Jack Skellington and Sally||
    ||Ferris Alice||18||Male||Good||Alice||✔


    ||Alexia Bjorgman||17||Female||Neutral||Anna and Kristoff||✔

    ||Griffin Smith||25||Male||Neutral||John Smith and Pocahontas||✔

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Zi'Ana Marie Bjorgman


  • 058fe937a4f19509791b08bee8b9f087.jpg

    "Well it's nice to meet you!"
    Zi'Ana Marie Bjorgman


    "Please just call me Zi."

    [BCOLOR=#993366]✮Age and Birthday✮[/BCOLOR]

    "Oh, I'm not a legal adult yet."
    17 ~ November 27th


    "Well that's a silly question."

    [BCOLOR=#993366]✮Evil or Good✮[/BCOLOR]

    "Uh, why do you even ask?"

    [BCOLOR=#993366]✮Disney Parent✮[/BCOLOR]

    "Mom and Dad are awesome, but grandpa is even better."
    Anna & Kristoff

  • DashaSidorchuk_zpsc44a82d1.png~c200

    [BCOLOR=#993366]✮Eye Color✮[/BCOLOR]
    "Mom says they're unique, but they look just like hers."
    Hazel Green

    [BCOLOR=#993366]✮Hair Description✮[/BCOLOR]
    "Again like my mothers."
    Zi'Ana's hair is a mix between wavy and curly. It is a darker red color that sometimes looks brown, depends on lighting. It has a natural softness and smells of the forest.


    "Oh, yeah not tall at all."


    "How rude!"
    112 Lbs


    "Got some, how bout you?"
    Double ear piercing in the lobe.


    "I got a little something."
    Freckles litter her face

    [BCOLOR=#993366]✮Health Ailments✮[/BCOLOR]

    "Check, got those!"
    - Allergy to bees: Not too serious, she just gets itchy.
    - Allergy to walnuts: This is severe, the last time she had one her throat closed and she barely survived.

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    [BCOLOR=#993366]✮Personality/ Bits of History✮[/BCOLOR]
    "If you haven't noticed then wow."

    Adventurous | Brave | Outgoing
    Since she was little, Zi'Ana took after her mother on many things. She loved to explore and hated to be caged so when ever castle duties weren't very overwhelming she would travel out to visit her grandparents, the trolls. She adored them and preferred staying out in the forest than in the streets of Arendelle. By the age of six, Zi'ana had learned how to drive a sled fairly well and received her closest friend, Bella, a four year old reindeer whom was the daughter of Sven. Together the pair took part in Arendelle's newly made Sled races after Zi'ana's battle with the other contestants to let a girl into the race. Later, the sled race proved dangerous as he sled broke down in the woods and the two were attacked by wolves. Thanks to quick thinking, Zi'Ana was able to scare the wolves into leaving by setting a tree on fire.

    Kind | Gentle | Trusting
    Sometimes Zi'ana is too quick to see the good in other people and well it gets her into trouble...a lot! She is too trusting of another that she fails to notice them lying and tricking her. A lot of the time she has to be reminded by her aunt, father, and occasionally her mother that not everyone in the world is meant to stand by her side. Though despite her kindness, she can be overly kind to where she is really insulting someone whom has gotten on her bad side.

    Optimistic | Understanding | Loyal
    Since the day she could think for herself, Zi'Ana was a "glass half full" kind of girl, always looking for the positive. Believing that if she could find at least one good thing in a bad situation that there was hope, according to her family that is what makes her special and according to her aunt that is what makes her completely like her mother. Despite her optimism, Zi'Ana is always someone to try to understand where the other side is coming from, it makes things easier to think and come to a solution that both parties would be pleased with. Even though she is willing to see another's point of view, say a villain, her loyalty always remains with her family. It is extremely difficult to get her to be loyal to someone, sure she will trust them, but she won't do anything for them.


    * Stuffing some chocolate in her face (eating it)
    * Reading a book
    * Playing with Bella
    *Working on her sled

    *Building things
    * Writing
    * Reading a book quickly (Finished War and Peace within a hour and understood it)
    * Tracking


    * Her ability to help people realize that they aren't on their own
    * Quick thinker
    * Loyal to the end
    * Fast learner
    *Surprisingly good fighter

    * Too trusting
    * Willing to see the good in others, even if there is none
    * Allergies


    "Can we not, and say we did?"
    * Claustrophobia
    * Arendelle being in trouble
    * Being arranged to marry an arrogant ass hole


    "Wouldn't be much of a secret if I told you."
    * Wonders what it would be like not to live in the castle
    * Wants to work with her father
    * Doesn't necessarily goes to her grandparents ever time she leaves the village of Arendelle.


Phoenix Jett DeVil


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    "My name is of legend."
    Phoenix Jett DeVil
    [BCOLOR=#003366] [/BCOLOR]
    "I got a few names others call me."
    Nix, P.J

    [BCOLOR=#003366]✮Age and Birthday✮[/BCOLOR]
    "I'm a man."
    19 ~ November 17th

    "What the hell, man?"

    [BCOLOR=#003366]✮Evil or Good✮[/BCOLOR]
    "What do you think darling?"

    [BCOLOR=#003366]✮Disney Parent✮[/BCOLOR]
    "Fashion is what my family breathes, and you...you are so last season."
    Cruella DeVil

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    [BCOLOR=#003366]✮Eye Color✮[/BCOLOR]
    "You'll find yourself staring at them sooner or later"
    Chestnut Brown

    [BCOLOR=#003366]✮Hair Description✮[/BCOLOR]
    "What's black as night?"
    Phoenix's hair is shorter on the sides than the top; however, it is still shorter than what he use to have it. It is always lathered with the best products, leaving it smooth and soft, and smells of course like the woods.

    "Oh look, I'm all the way up here."

    "God you ask so many questions. You're boring me!"
    202 Lbs

    "Um...are you blind dear? I think my mom's new line has some spotted glasses you might enjoy."
    Piercing in one ear

    "Excuse me, but can we hurry this along. I have an agenda to keep."
    Freckles on face
    Tattoo on right bicep

    [BCOLOR=#003366] [/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#003366]✮Health Ailments✮[/BCOLOR]
    "That is for lesser beings."
    - None

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    [BCOLOR=#003366]✮Personality/ Bits of History✮[/BCOLOR]
    "I see why you have no friends, you ask them too many fucking questions."

    Loyal|Egotistical|Dramatic|Confident | Witty
    What can he say? Phoenix was raised by a drama queen, it was only fitting that he would obtain a big head. Though it can be a bit too big. Phoenix loves himself unconditionally. He sees no flaw in he's code and never will. Even if the man fails he still sees himself as perfect because he tried, though he rarely fails. Since his childhood, Phoenix can be a bit of a attention whore and seeks out the spotlight at all ends.

    Manipulative | Secretive| Selfish | Inconsiderate
    There ain't nothing Phoenix loves more than having things go he's way, and he will stop at nothing to get it to end up in he's favor. DeVil raised he son as the crown prince, right next to his twin sister, what they wanted they got, this taught him from a early age to be selfish and not share with anyone but Onyx. Phoenix never takes into account another persons feelings and it takes a lot for him to even see the other side's view.

    * Shopping
    * Designing
    * Acting

    * Designing
    * Performing Arts
    * Dog Training
    * Hunting

    * Inherited his mother's power to control animals
    * Quick thinker
    * Trusts little to none
    * Great aim

    * Too self absorbed
    * Isn't very open about himself or his feelings
    * Always being blunt

    "Well I'm scared of that hidious blouse you chose to wear today."
    * Falling in love
    * Falling for a goodie-goodie
    * Drowning in cake batter

    [BCOLOR=#003366] [/BCOLOR]
    "I once kissed a boy...burried him the next day."
    * Wants to find love in someone that won't judge him for being him
    * Wants to do something good in he's life time
    * Disappointing his own mother

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    [BCOLOR=#003366]✮Feelings on Arranged Marriage✮[/BCOLOR]
    "It's kind of hard to have to spend your life with a fashion-less twat."

    [BCOLOR=#003366]✮Favorite Song✮[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=#003366]✮Anything Else✮[/BCOLOR]
Interested in the son of Alice?

If you ever need someone for villian girl, let me know :3
Should be working on mine today, still having troubles deciding a FC.
Jackson Skelington
Age and Birthday
25 October 31st
Evil or Good
Neutral chaos
Disney Parent
Jack and Sally
images (2).jpg
Eye Color
Hair Description
Blonde and shortish
sleeved and back full of tattoos
Health Ailments
images (4).jpg
Bow and arrows
working out
hand to hand combat
all weapons
dance and sing
survival skills
disappointing his parents
afraid of jellyfish
Hates seafood
can Dance and Sing ( doesn't want people to know)
Feelings on Arranged Marriage
wants to learn to love someone on his own doesn't really like it
Favorite Song✮​
Watch "Mix - What's This - Flyleaf (Lyrics)" on YouTube
Mix - What's This - Flyleaf (Lyrics):
Anything Else
Disney is Magic
Should be working on mine today, still having troubles deciding a FC.
If I may suggest a few. Son of Maleficent right?
Christopher McCrory
Thomas Davenport
Josh Hutcherson
Cody Christian
Ash Stymest
I will be posting pairings tonight
I look forward to it!


Ferris Jake Alice

Jake, Joker, Wonder Boy

✤Age and Birthday✤
" I can take over now? Ehhhh?! Not yet?"
18, July 6th


✤Evil or Good✤
He tends to get in trouble but his intentions are pure.

✤Disney Parent✤
Alice (Alice in Wonderland)
"It's not like she's a princess or queen like some, but she's my beautiful mother."

✤Eye Color✤
Chocolate Brown

✤Hair Description✤
Depending on his mood he may go bedhead hoodie, or relaxed Ferris,
he doesn't enjoy extravagantly or any in that case,
putting hair gel.

"My mother claims I'm a giant. I'm not that tall am I?"


One Emerald Earring in one ear
Nothing else

A Clover tattoo on his Shoulder
Scar on his Stomach

✤Health Ailments✤
Short Periods of Amensia
(Forgets his Identity, other people, work. Etc. For a 'short' amount of time.)

Forgetful - Due to amnesia

Joker - Ever since he was born he enjoyed making people laugh
seeing them smile made a rush through his veins, sometimes
he may hurt someone but he just tries too hard.

Curious - He imagines things and wants to know how he
could get things working, he is also nosy but he prefers the term 'curious'.

Childish - He throws 'mini tantrums', he's sort of controlling and clingy.
He also pouts but has a child's way of charming you, using the 'sad eyes'.
He also mostly.... Has his tongue out.

Confident - He's also quite bold, he would walk in the streets with his underwear
if it were legal, he's sure things would go his way, now or later.

Dense - Sending a message to him is like sending a message to a wall.
So 'hidden' flirts aren't going to work an effect.
People call him 'insensitive' the only issue is he just doesn't notice.

Day dreamy: Ferris is pretty unfocused and doesn't like being bored, so he's
also pretty antsy. He doesn't exactly drool but has a starry look to his
eyes, he likes to be quite imaginative and this makes him a good artist/writer.

Sweet: If he ticks you off he has a 'sweet' way to make up to you,
with his love for flowers and stories, after all alice in wonderland,
he has a 'flirtatious' charm.

Short Amnesia Traits:
Cold - He pushes people away and tends to shut himself in a room.

Insecure - He wears a sweatshirt, and 'nerd' glasses.
He doesn't like to talk to people or even see people.
Ferris feels like the whole world is judging him.

Shy - He won't speak his mind, and he tends to stutter.

Quiet - He's pin-drop silent, and doesn't speak unless total necessary.

- To Be Revealed in Roleplay.

- Singing
- Skateboarding
- Gardening
- Baseball
- Cracking Jokes
- Dancing
- Being a 'detective'
- Painting
- Writing
- Exploring
- Stargazing
(Yes. Being the immature person he is, he wears a baseball cap during this time.
Though people don't realize before it's too late.)

Couldn't Cook for his Life
Isn't Very 'Bright'
Too Curious
Tends to Run into Walls


Hearts (Queen Signature)
The Dark
Being Alone
Being forced into a tight space

He has a diary journal log
Secret Obsession with Orca's
Has an obsession with bracelets
His fears
His mothers condition
His Health Ailments





✤Feelings on Arranged Marriage✤
" It's for mom, tch. Like anyone wants to get married to someone they don't love.
I bet it'll be fun though. Until the ceremony. "

✤Favorite Song✤

✤Anything Else✤

✤Face Claim✤
Ross Lynch
Gahhhhh Alice's child. I FINALLY FINISHED.

Throws Hands Up in the Air in Rejoice
[fieldbox=Mollie, #1aa336, DASHED, 50, Helvetica]

Mollie Keagan Pan
Mol, MK, Pancake
✮Age and Birthday✮
18, December 1st
✮Evil or Good✮
Neutrally Chaotic (though it should probably be Naturally Chaotic) ... She's self-serving, doing whatever is in her best interest and what is most fun.
✮Disney Parent✮
Peter Pan

✮Eye Color✮
hazel eyes that range from looking golden light brown to yellow-green and silver-blue
✮Hair Description✮
Her hair is naturally long honey blonde hair that is somewhere between wavy and straight in texture.
both lobes are pierced twice each, her right industrial is pierced, her left Helix is pierced three times, her left rook and left snug are also pierced once each. Her belly button has one piercing in it.
This on her right shoulder, this on the top of her right foot and this on her left hip.
✮Health Ailments✮
dyslexia, dyscalculia, Neuroblastoma Survivor (diagnosed with Stage 2B at age 4)

Spunky, charming, stubborn, brave, playful, outgoing, spontaneous, instinctive, secretive yet honest, warm-hearted, welcoming, sentimental (I'll expand these later... into paragraphy stuffs)
- Likes; spending time outside, friends, family, taking pictures, being in pictures, goofing around, most green foods, vanilla chip yogurt, mint chocolate chip ice cream
- Dislikes; reading, math, school, hospitals, needles, medicine, being misunderstood
trying new things
taking risks
tolerating change
climbing trees
+ brave
+ charming
+ outgoing
+ welcoming
+ change
+ tolerant
- stubborn
- sicknesses
- reading
- maths
- needles
death of a family member or loved one, disappointing a loved one
- Mollie got her first tattoo at 14, the one on her foot, when she relapsed. Doctors didn't think she would be able to survive, and the tattoo was her way of letting her family know that she wasn't afraid to die... though it probably made them more angry that she got a tattoo more so than not being afraid to leave the living.
- She puts up a lot of fronts, not usually allowing others to see what she really feels.
- Mollie was 'taught' to fly at a very young age. Her older sister, Katya, accidentally pushed her out of the tree they were climbing when she was only two... if it hadn't been for one of the fairies being nearby she surly would have fallen to her death.
- Pancake is the youngest of three children. Casey, her older brother is 35 now, and Katya, her older sister is 25.

Any Takers?
✮Feelings on Arranged Marriage✮
This isn't gonna fly with her (pun intended). Anyone she gets stuck with should prepare themselves.
Tiger Lily (Flower)> Mare > 4yr > 13.3hh dark brown Morgan
Nana > Female > 3m > Bernese Mountain Dog
Tic-Toc > Male > 7yr > grey and white Tabby
Curly > Male > 2yr > Teacup Cavapoo
✮Favorite Song✮
So Much Better - Legally Blonde
- Disney is Magical
- FC; Ashley Benson[/fieldbox]
finished peter's daughter :)
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