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Skulls for the Skull Crab
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Usually every day, but I often don't like posting every day.
Writing Levels
  1. Elementary
  2. Intermediate
  3. Adept
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
Fantasy, modern fantasy, high fantasy, romance, slice of life, sci-fi, grimdark, light fandoms (next gen, non canon chars, etc)
The year is 2255. The planet has survived two additional World Wars. The Third was not nearly as horrendous as the Second... but the Fourth was, by far, the worst of them all.

World War IV spawned the existence of many factions and alliances in order to keep countries from re-entering conflict. Peace treaties were declared and signed, and many believed this to be the end of the major conflicts for a long time. Eight factions were created. Rulers were appointed, either by diplomatic vote, or military takeover. These factions soon became their own sovereignties, or "countries", with most of the politics becoming diverted toward those who ruled these unions. It was understood that, while the alliances would obviously not get along, there should be civil agreements amongst leaders before actions ever escalated to war again.

Of course, humans will be humans. Even with the strict control enforced upon these new "countries", conflict began anew. The first large conflict that broke headlines around the world was the Nordic Secession. Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Greenland, and the smaller nations among them broke away from their unions. Choosing to create their own alliance, based upon Viking law and customs, these countries created the Nordic Confederacy. This event caused quite the stir among the European Union and the Pan-American Union, the original parents of the aforementioned countries. Although it took decades before the Nordic Confederacy was officially recognized as a separate entity, they were soon given a seat in international talks as if they were a fully-recognized government. This created nine total alliances.

Smaller conflicts continued to arise between nations, but these were dealt with quickly at meetings between the world's leaders. It seemed as if some semblance of world peace had at last been achieved. However... as it is throughout human history, such an achievement was not to be. Pan-America has joined forces with the South American Syndicate, in the aim to create a central world government, with America at its core. Of course, the other countries are decidedly less than thrilled at this proposition. The creation of such a government would mean the loss of power for all other nations. Attempts to warn the American factions of their mistake have been fruitless. The Union and the Syndicate are determined to make the world theirs. Due to the growing tensions on both sides of the argument, there have already been minor threats and actions of terrorism enacted upon the nations who oppose the idea of a central American government. However, the American parties claim to be innocent of these attacks... and so, tensions mount ever-higher.

Many fear that another world war looms upon the horizon. Nevertheless, the countries of the world have formed a new plan to prevent this. Strangely enough, it involves a practice long-dead in politics, since even the Feudal Age. The alliance leaders have each brought one of their children together. For the peace of the world as a whole, they have decided it best to have their children marry amongst each other, hoping to create strong family and political bonds that will overcome humanity's warmongering. The children will meet in the last remaining neutral nation, The Swiss Republic, in hopes of building a better and brighter future for mankind. Whether or not these ties will be formed remains to be seen.

[Credit to @Eruantien for help with the intro!]

1. Firstly and foremostly, please have loads of fun in this RP, use your imaginations, always talk to each other, and never be afraid to come to me if there is a problem, disagreement, or new idea for a plot direction.
2. No mary-sues/gary-stus, impossibly perfect characters, whatever. You know the drill by now.
3. Please make your characters culturally correct. I don't want some British dude named Joe ruling Africa unless you have a good reason.
4. Make use of the discord!
5. Posting expectations: Intermediate-Adept
6. Posting length: At least a 5-6 sentence paragraph
7. Posting speed: Once a week please, let me know if you can't manage that and we'll work something out.
8. Smut is allowed, but only between your own age group. All smut must be put within spoilers, marking it for what it is.
9. That's pretty much it, just don't be rude, and have fuuuun!

-picture here, realistic art or real people-
Name: (full name plus titles)
Age: (18+)
Languages: (include fluent, semi-fluent, and ones they can pick apart)
Skills: (3+, mental or physical)
Inabilities: (3+, mental or physical)
Significant Other: (will be assigned)

coming soon

OOC (you are here)
Info Dump (coming soon)
IC (coming soon)
Discord Server
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Name: Her Royal Highness, Princess Sigrún Magnusdottir
Nicknames: Sig
Age: 24
Birthday: June 5th
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Nation: The Nordic Confederacy
Languages: Fluent in English, Icelandic, and Swedish; Semi-fluent in Danish and Norwegian; Knows some Mandarin phrases

Hair: Bright blonde, long, wavy
Eyes: Soft blue, almost grey
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 137 lbs
Piercings: Single lobe
Tattoos: None


Sociability: Introvert
-Knows Krav Maga
-Trained in melee weapons as well as multiple types of guns and ranged weapons
-Surprisingly good at cooking
-Very good at singing

-Highly complex technology
-Playing nice with people
-Trusting people
-Loving anyone besides herself

-Losing her family, who she assumes are the only people who could love her


Biological Family:
King Magnus Dagnyrsson|Father
Queen Eleina Bardisdottir|Mother
Prince Sesil Magnusson|Oldest Brother
Prince Filip Magnusson|Older Brother
Princess Sofia Magnusdottir|Younger Sister
Princess Kristal Magnusdottir|Youngest Sister
Significant Other: Carmelo Cotillo

Favorite Food: Rødgrød
Favorite Color: Ice Blue
Favorite Animal: Wolf
Birth Stone: Moonstone
Western Zodiac: Cancer
Attributed Element: Water
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Cha'rissa Samson



Cha'risa Samson

Chia, Cha Chan, Ruru, Risa


October 25th, 2232




140 Pounds

Fresh rain and Lavender

Short Cropped brown

One in each lobe, two cartilage in the right, industrial bar in the left.


Left Thigh

Right Forearm

Right Side
Personal Details

Withdrawn, Hot Headed, Bossy, Lonely, Loyal, Caring
As much as Ruru would like to believe she's completely hardcore and no one can lay a finger on her she's more of a softy than she looks like. Despite being outwardly irritable and withdrawn from most people Ruru is loyal to all those she considers friends and has a deep set in value to care for those who can not take care of themselves. She considers herself separate from most people and thus does most things alone, even though sometimes it feels terrible she does it so that no one will get to attached to someone doomed to risk their life for others.

James Samson-60-Alive-Father
Amitola Samson-58-Alive-Mother

Ruru was born in Salluit, Canada. She lived there until she was around 10 when her father became a central member of the Pan American government. With her father needing to be closer to Chicago, her family moved themselves into the heart of the city. As much as Ruru has been dotted on by her father now that he was running the country she was expected to be a lady. She was taught manners, and Spanish, but Ruru soon grew tried of pretending to be something she truly wasn't. She started sneaking out of the house as often as possible. It wasn't until she was 14 that she discovered the art of Mech Fighting. When the Pan American Cup was held they asked the president and his family to appear and watch the games as a guest of honor. It was there Ruru fell in love. Despite her father being against it at first after a mysterious star rising in the sport who had yet to be seen Ruru's father grew suspicious. He asked for an audience with the mech pilot only to find out it was his daughter. After a few months of heated discussion Ruru was finally let back into the sport, her identity still a secret. It wasn't until she won the Pan American Cup at the age of 18 that her identity was revealed. Since then Ruru has been the face of Mech games all across America and even in Canada. Ruru lived on her own for a while until her father called her back to be sent off to get married. She somehow managed to get her mech to go with her but she is extremely unhappy about the situation.

English, French, Spanish. More proficient in French and English.

Mech fighting, Combat, Piloting, Singing, Engineering, Protecting

Cooking, Organization, Romantic Involvement, Ability to get along with others



Significant Other
Jelani Talib Onwudiwe

Favorite Food
Italian Style Pizza/Pasta

Favorite Color

Favorite Animal

Birth Stone

Western Zodiac

Attributed Element


Name: Yumi Song-Park

Nicknames: Yumi, Song,

Age: 25

Birthday: October 8 (Libra)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Asexual Heteroromantic

Nation: The Asian Coalition


Fluent in Chinese (Mandarin dialect), and Korean.
Semi-fluent in Japanese, English
Several phrases in Russian, Persian (High Persian), and Latin



Hair: Long, blackish-auburn hair down past her shoulders

Eyes: Brown, with flecks of blue

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 160 (Medium build)

Piercings: Two earrings

Tattoos: None

Birthmarks: One between the corner of her right eye and nose, sort of forming a thin but partial circle around her eye, and one on her chest, just above her belly button



Traits: An extrovert, really. She is a very open and sociable person, very willing to talk to people. She tries to remain friendly to everyone, even if they aren't friendly back. She is very kind, and will help people in need. However, due to manipulation, deep inside, she is broken and stressed, turning her into a mess. Sometimes, this can boil over, but she tries to keep it keep down. She remains very respectful and traditional, and will show respect for those greater than her.


Nuclear Engineering: she understands the ins-and-puts of the atom. She understands how to use and manipulate radioactivity and the nucleus.


Bleeding heart: Can't (or won't) stand for an injustice being wrongly performed on someone else. She will attempt to intervene unless stopped.


Falling: Due to a bad childhood experience.

Drowning: Due to that same childhood experience. She can't stand the feeling of loss of breath either.

Hypodermic needles: Because really? Who doesn't have this fear.

Disappointing people: She very much wants to make sure she doesn't disappoint anyone around her.



Biological Family:

Her father, Myung-Dae Park. Secretary-General of the Asian Coalition, and a renowned Physicist

Her mother, Xinyu Song. A well known doctor and philanthropist. Known for creating the Song Foundation,

Meixiu Song-Park: A Younger sister who has recently exploded as a K-Pop and acting sensation. Dating Ryoma Ishihara.

Significant Other: Vladimir Kirilovich Romanov



Favorite Food: Sushi, washed down with some Sake (but not too much.)

Favorite Color: Admiral blue, though she'd never admit it. She claims it's a deep red.

Favorite Animal: White tiger or gray wolf

Birth Stone: Tourmaline

Western Zodiac: Libra

Attributed Element: Iron? Platinum?

: Agnostic

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[fieldbox=Jelani Talib Onwudiwe, #873, solid, 10, times new roman]
  • no-lightbox
    Name: Prince Jelani Talib Onwudiwe
    Nickname: His family tends to call him Jeli or refer to him by his middle name.
    Age: 25
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Nation: The Imperial States of Africa
    • Fluent in English, French, Arabic
    • Somewhat fluent in Hebrew, Portuguese
    • Knows a little Turkish, Spanish, Persian
  • no-lightbox
    Jelani towers over most people at 6'4", and his large, muscular build only adds to the impression of bigness that he leaves on most people. Despite his size, he moves with surprising agility and speed. His strength, speed, and agility are all enhanced genetically and with biotech, making his physical abilities unnaturally good. He generally stands at his full height with a perpetual frown on his face and holds his hands in a "ready" position or crosses his arms. He has a tendency toward dark and earthy colors, tending to surround himself or wear blacks, browns, and grey-greens. He tends to wear loose clothing that's easy to move around in, durable, at least slightly protective, and not very flashy. His preferred outfit is a long-sleeve shirt with a thick jacket over it, cargo pants, and any boots built for function and not fashion.
    He has an implant in his spine that allows him to mentally communicate with others who have the same implant (e.g. his guards and other Africans). He can also use it to store information, activate a scanner-type retina display, and enhance his physical and mental abilities even further in case of a combat situation.
  • no-lightbox
    Personality: In environments he's unfamiliar with, Jelani is quiet, reclusive, and tends to hang out in areas where he can keep an eye on everybody. He is distrusting of those he does not know and prefers to learn as much as he can about the people around him before letting them near him. To him, information is key to navigating any situation, and he would much rather observe than participate. However, in environments he is familiar with and around people he knows and trusts, he teases, jokes, and overall has a fun time. He is unceasingly loyal to the people close to him, but good luck getting close if you aren't already. He has some violent tendencies as well, due to being raised to use his strength, but life in a political family has bred some of that out of him.
    Physically fit
    Skilled fighter
    Social skills
    Fitting into spaces physical and social
    Most things technical, though he could learn
  • no-lightbox
    Born in 2229 to the Onwudiwe family, Jelani was always expected to be the best. Not at everything, necessarily, since nobody can achieve that. Rather, he was expected to excel in at least two areas where the average African would only be rather good in one or two, and with his family's money, they had access to the best biotech to make that happen. So, when he showed talent in physical fitness, strength, and strategizing, his parents began breeding him for that. In 2232, his twin siblings were born, and they were equally skilled, though in their own ways. Zaire was skilled with art everything technical, while Amara was a talented politician and writer. Between the three of them, their parents had high hopes for the next ruling generation. Not only that, but early in his life, Jelani made friends with Ariel, the daughter of the Israeli representative. They basically grew up together, and Jelani's parents recently recognized that a marriage between the two of them would be to their advantage. However, arrangements for the marriage had only just started when Pan-America and the South American Syndicate's alliance was discovered. Plans had to change.
    And, so, Jelani found himself on his way to Switzerland with the understanding that he would have to marry one of the women there.
  • no-lightbox
    • Emperor Tuma Onwudiwe, 57
    • Empress Nomusa Onwudiwe, 59
    • Princess Amara Onwudiwe, 23
    • Prince Zaire Onwudiwe, 23
    Friends: To be discovered
    Enemies: To be discovered
    Significant Other: Cha'rissa Samson

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Name: Prince Pierre Alexandre Chevalier

Nickname: Pierre

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Asexual Aromantic

Nation: European Union​


Height: 5' 11"

Weight: 179 lbs

Eyes: Dark grey, slanted, slitted pupils

Modifications: Pointed ears, catlike eyes

Piercings: Two cartilage on both, double lobe on right, single lobe on left

Tattoos: None​


Personality: TBRP'd

Languages: Fluent in French, Dutch, and English. Semi-fluent in Spanish and Russian. Knows a few phrases in Mandarin, Portuguese, and Swedish.

Skills: WIP

Inabilities: WIP​


Family: Queen Hecate Chevalier III (mother), President Trinity Vesper (mother), Princess Rhea Céleste Chevalier (sister)

Friends: Crowe Astra (daughter of a businessman from Britain), Zephyr (small android)


Significant Other:​


Favorite Color: Dark green

Favorite Food: Waffles

Favorite Music: Orchestral

Favorite Animal: Snake

Birth Stone: Ruby

Western Zodiac: Leo​



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Владимир Кириллевич Рома́новы


Name: Grand Duke Vladimir Kirilovich Romanov
Nicknames: Vlad, Vladi
Age: 27
Birthday: August 1st (Leo)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Nation: The United Russian Federation
  • Fluent in Russian and English.
  • Semi-fluent in French and Hebrew.
  • Learning Latin.



Hair: Shoulder Length, Dirty Blonde
Eyes: Deep Blue, like the oceans depths
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 214 lbs and Muscular
Piercings: None
Tattoos: None
Birthmarks: A slightly darker than his skintone birthmark above his left buttocks in the shape of Iceland.
Scars: A bright red jagged star shaped scar on his right calf from an "archery accident."



Traits: Adventurous, Protective, Natural Leader, Family Oriented, Gentle, Empathetic.

Sociability: Very Sociable, loves to be the center of attention and bring people together. He tends to exhibit a powerful presence that will either intimidate or draw you closer. Never at a loss for words or conversation and carrys himself proudly.

  • Violin,
  • Sailing,
  • Fencing,
  • Mountain Climbing,
  • Wing Chung Kung-fu,
  • Strategic planning,
  • Public Speaking and Diplomatic Relations.
  • Cannot Do Anything Artsy, including appreciate or understand art.
  • Cannot make friends, or doesn't know how.
  • Cannot hunt or shoot a gun, no aim.
  • Cannot be passive about anything
  • Volcanos.
  • Drowning.
  • Losing a loved one.
  • That someone will want to discuss art.
  • That he won't be loved



Biological Family:
Only child of Kirill Alexivich Romanov Emperor of the United Russian Federation and his wife, Empress Olga Vladimirovna Romanov. In the year 2020 suspicions of Alexi Romanov's death were confirmed false. The last true heir to the throne and carrier of the Romanov Bloodline, Alexi Romanov had been alive and living out his life in solitude with his wife Natasha and their 4 children. Throughout the world wars the Romanov's rose to power once more and this time, to stay. Happily accepted by the people as the lasting and true rulers of Russia.

Significant Other: Yumi Song-Park


Favorite Food: Steak Stroganoff
Favorite Color: Emerald Green
Favorite Animal: Golden Retriever or Lion
Birth Stone: Peridot
Western Zodiac: Leo
Attributed Element: Fire / Sun
Religion: Russian Orthodox

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  • Love
Reactions: Joan
Carmelo Cotilla
Name: Carmelo Cotilla
Nickname: Carmen
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Nation: South American Syndicate
Significant Other: Sigrún Magnusdottir
  • Spanish
  • English
  • Russian
  • Accounting
  • Diplomacy
  • Piano
  • Strategy
  • Trust

  • Height - 6'1"
  • Weight - 170 lbs.
  • Hair - wavy black, reaching past his neck in length.
  • Eyes - amber/gold.

Carmelo is a very friendly person. This stems from not often being allowed to associate with others while he was a child, so he often overcompensates for this as a young adult.
Carmelo's father is a member of the Syndicate, the ruling body of South America and its possessed lands. Carmelo's mother fled the country while he was still very young, causing him to be put into a boarding school for education and upbringing.
Other: ???
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Name: Princess Anna Windhelms
Nicknames: Ann, Ani, Princess,
Age: 19 Years
Birthday: Oct 28th (Scorpio)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Nation: Indo-Asia
Languages:Fluent in English, German, and French. Knows a little bit of Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish.

Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Chocolate brown
Height: 5'1" tall
Weight: 110 lbs
Body: Anna has nice, skinny but not too skinny body. Despite her small size she does have an 'hourglass' like figure. In the chestal region she would have b cup sized breasts. And in the rear- hips-thighs region she would have a nice and well proportioned heart shape with a small but perk, rounded, and squishy rear end.
heart shaped.jpg
Piercings: Two Opal Ear rings, Opals being her birth stone.
Tattoos: Scorpio neck tattoo
And a weed leaf tattoo on her left hip-butt.
Voice: Anna has one of those soft, smooth, almost ear candy kinds of voices.

Traits: Anna is a generally nice girl who like to have fun. She's not one to go searching for a fight but that doesn't mean she doesn't know how to defend herself, seeing how she's trained in S.A.L.S.MAC. But, Anna does like to have fun. She loves to attend parties, and though she's not one for fighting she does like to spar. Anna is a really sweet girl and is really kind. She tries to be that girl who tries to be nice even when picked on. Though sometimes that's not always the case. Anna doesn't really like being in fights, nor does she like seeing fights. If she saw a fight going on she'd try to resolve it with a more peaceful solution. Anna is also a very protective girl, and though she's not one for looking for fights, she would not mind to fight if it means to stand up for her friends, allies, and loved ones. Anna is also pretty submissive relationship wise which is why she didn't mind it when she was told that she was to marry the European prince. Though, when it comes to making decisions outside of relationships she likes to have her own decisions made. Anna also does smoke weed and vapes, but she doesn't do any other drug or smoking substances. Anna also does drink, Vodka, Whiskey, Rum, and Mojito being her go to beverages, not really a fan of beer. Anna also might not seem like the type of girl to have depression and anxiety, but she does. She just keeps it really hidden and only lets it out whenever she's alone, though sometimes a little depressed glimps might accidentally be let out when around somebody she trusts or knows well.
Sociability: Ambivert
~S.A.L.S.MAC (A hybrid form of martial arts created by Indo-Asia for the S.A.L.S. Special Forces. S.A.L.S.MAC stands for S.A.L.S. Martial Arts Combat. This combat style takes maneuvers from MANY other combat styles and took YEARS to perfect. Indo-Asia created this combat style in the case they were invaded since they are one of the smallest nations, plus being right next to one of the biggest nations, the Asian Coalition. S.A.L.S.MAC would be considered one of the deadliest combat style in this world.

S.A.L.S.MAC consist of maneuvers from,
-Pit Fighting
-SPEAR: An acronym standing for Spontaneous Protection Enabling Accelerated Response
-Muy Thai
-Pugilism: Also known as boxing
-Vale Tudo
-Rough and Tumble: A combat style that focuses on maximum disfigurement
-LINE: An acronym standing for Linear Infighting Neural Override Engagement
-Krav Maga
-Trip Warfare: A combat style that uses the many different ways of tripping a person to leave them exposed and vulnerable on the ground)
~First aid and medical science
~Really smart even if she doesn't act like she is

~Going to war
~Losing her friends
~Abusive relationships

Biological Family:
Name: Alex Windhelms
Age: 42
Name: Jenny Windhelms
Age: 40
Significant Other: Prince Pierre Alexandre Chevalier

Favorite Food: Sea food
Favorite Colors: Red, Black, and Hot Pink
Favorite Animal: Wolves
Favorite Music: A wide veriety, Basically anything that isn't gospel, and also not a huge fan of country but there are a few country artists out there she'll sing along to.
Birth Stone: Opal
Western Zodiac: Scorpio
Attributed Element: Water
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