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Skulls for the Skull Crab
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Usually every day, but I often don't like posting every day.
Writing Levels
  1. Elementary
  2. Intermediate
  3. Adept
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
Fantasy, modern fantasy, high fantasy, romance, slice of life, sci-fi, grimdark, light fandoms (next gen, non canon chars, etc)
The year is 2255. The planet has survived two additional World Wars. The Third was not nearly as horrendous as the Second... but the Fourth was, by far, the worst of them all.

World War IV spawned the existence of many factions and alliances in order to keep countries from re-entering conflict. Peace treaties were declared and signed, and many believed this to be the end of the major conflicts for a long time. Eight factions were created. Rulers were appointed, either by diplomatic vote, or military takeover. These factions soon became their own sovereignties, or "countries", with most of the politics becoming diverted toward those who ruled these unions. It was understood that, while the alliances would obviously not get along, there should be civil agreements amongst leaders before actions ever escalated to war again.

Of course, humans will be humans. Even with the strict control enforced upon these new "countries", conflict began anew. The first large conflict that broke headlines around the world was the Nordic Secession. Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Greenland, and the smaller nations among them broke away from their unions. Choosing to create their own alliance, based upon Viking law and customs, these countries created the Nordic Confederacy. This event caused quite the stir among the European Union and the Pan-American Union, the original parents of the aforementioned countries. Although it took decades before the Nordic Confederacy was officially recognized as a separate entity, they were soon given a seat in international talks as if they were a fully-recognized government. This created nine total alliances.

Smaller conflicts continued to arise between nations, but these were dealt with quickly at meetings between the world's leaders. It seemed as if some semblance of world peace had at last been achieved. However... as it is throughout human history, such an achievement was not to be. Pan-America has joined forces with the South American Syndicate, in the aim to create a central world government, with America at its core. Of course, the other countries are decidedly less than thrilled at this proposition. The creation of such a government would mean the loss of power for all other nations. Attempts to warn the American factions of their mistake have been fruitless. The Union and the Syndicate are determined to make the world theirs. Due to the growing tensions on both sides of the argument, there have already been minor threats and actions of terrorism enacted upon the nations who oppose the idea of a central American government. However, the American parties claim to be innocent of these attacks... and so, tensions mount ever-higher.

Many fear that another world war looms upon the horizon. Nevertheless, the countries of the world have formed a new plan to prevent this. Strangely enough, it involves a practice long-dead in politics, since even the Feudal Age. The alliance leaders have each brought one of their children together. For the peace of the world as a whole, they have decided it best to have their children marry amongst each other, hoping to create strong family and political bonds that will overcome humanity's warmongering. The children will meet in the last remaining neutral nation, The Swiss Republic, in hopes of building a better and brighter future for mankind. Whether or not these ties will be formed remains to be seen.

[Credit to @Eruantien for help with the intro!]

The Nine Alliances-

  • XoyNm7x.jpg
  • Includes most of Europe, except Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Switzerland, and a portion of Russia. Capital is Brussels, Belgium. Purple on the map. The leader is sending a son.
  • A technocracy ruled by China and fronted by puppet governments. Includes most of Asia. Capital is Tokyo, Japan. Cyan on the map. The leader is sending a daughter.
  • A heavily militaristic empire, fronted by Africa and controlled by Israel. Capital is Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Lime Green on the map. The leader is sending a son.
  • The Nordic states which separated from the EU, and made their own government. Each country has a central form of government, but are ruled by one governing body. Capital is Reykjavik, Iceland. Green-yellow on map. Leader is sending a daughter.
  • Includes all of South America, Central America, and Mexico. Highly secretive, working with Pan-America to create a single world government. Capital is Bogota, Colombia. Dark blue on map. Leader is sending a son.
  • The most peaceful of the alliances, also the smallest by population. Tend to be friendly to the others, but the leaders are convinced they have something up their sleeve. Capital is Singapore, Singapore. Yellow-orange on the map. Leader is sending a daughter.
  • This alliance is only Russia and Georgia, so they have the fewest countries. They have less power than before, but are still mistrusted by other alliances. Capital is Moscow, Russia. Magenta on the map. Leader is sending a son.
  • Canada and the United States' attempt at a Union, as well as many US Territories. They are officially all governed under the Pan-American President. Capital is Chicago, Illinois. Red on the map. Leader is sending a daughter.
  • The last remaining bastion of neutrality. Switzerland still has a moderate amount of power, but does not concern itself with the affairs of others. Meetings between nations are often held here because of the neutral ground Switzerland embodies. They have offered their capital city of Bern as the place where the children of the nations can meet and stay completely safe from those wishing harm upon them. Capital is Bern, Switzerland. They are bright orange on the map. The President is sending none of his children.

Flags for each nation are here because I'm a lazy bum-bum.

Spots Open-
The European Union, male- @obstinatedragon
The Asian Coalition, female- @Minerva
The Imperial States of Africa, male- @Joan
The Nordic Confederacy, female- @Tarieles
The South American Syndicate, male- @Eruantien
Indo-Asia, female- @♡Mesy♡
The United Federation of Russia, male- @FrictionFrog
The Pan-American Union, female- @IceQueen

Now, you may have noticed that the information I have provided is sparse to none for each alliance. That is intentional. I want you to build your own nation and their troubles, and to collaborate with the others to build a meshing world. More information will come in the form of an info dump when we get enough people joined. There are limited spots, so please only express interest if you know you'll be able to actually play. We do have a Discord, which would be very helpful for all of us if you had an account to join us!

If you have any questions, please do feel free to ask! I am always willing to answer anything you may want to know about the setting!
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You did it! Pan America has finally come to forum life!
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Tarieles
Time to really buckle down on my Asian Coalition world-building.
  • Love
Reactions: Tarieles
WOW many spots are taken already. Two spots remain!
I'd like to express interest, but if others arrive who wish to fill the remaining spots, that's fine as well. Yay, worldbuilding!
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Joan
Ahhh so much worldbuilding ;.; Oh well, it'll be good practice and experience XD
I'm interested in the Russian Federation spot but I've never done world building before. How will this play out between character and world building exactly?
@FrictionFrog So basically, you build around the information I gave, and work with others in the discord server we have to create what your nation is. Like Asia was made to be a propogandist technocracy, Europe is focusing on green energy and rebuilding the wilderness, Pan-America has mech fighting for sport. I didn't come up with any of these ideas, it was all players who have those factions. You can then use that information to create your character and their knowledge and opinions of the world. Like the Pan-American might think mech fighting is all well and good, but the European might think differently, and so on.
Alrighty, sounds pretty awesome. If the position is still open I'd happy join. A friend of mine was a Russian Fanboy with crazy ideals so I have plenty of material to pull from.
Cool! I will reserve your spot when I get to a computer!

@Eruantien South America is free and the interest is starting to dwindle it seems. Interested? dangles spot in front of
  • Like
Reactions: FrictionFrog
Thanks very much! My computer gave me the black screen of death 3 days ago and I've been very preoccupied with fixing it. I've of course got discord on my phone but I haven't used it yet. :D
I'll get on that post-haste!
Sounds good! Hope your computer comes back to life!
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: 1 person