Götterdämmerung: The Discussion Thread

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Magnificent Bastard
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  1. One post per week
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Fantasy is my #1; I will give almost anything a chance if it has strong fantasy elements. Post apocalyptic, superhero, alternate history, science fantasy, some supernatural, romance, and a few fandoms (especially Game of Thrones) are also likely to catch my eye.
For anyone who hasn't been paying attention, in February of 2017 there was a ridiculous fundraiser that did extremely well. One of the fun prizes for that fundraiser was that I would write a book-sized story with Iwaku people as the character inspiration, with anyone who donated $10 or more getting a guaranteed major role in said story. The first chapter (and previously posted prologue) can now be found in the thread linked in huge text below!

This thread will be for discussion of anything related to the story. You can ask me questions and propose theories and whatnot, but I can't promise I'll answer anything because I don't want to give spoilers. You'll find a list of the characters and which members of Iwaku they are based on in the first post of the story thread under the table of contents, so if you ask who a character is supposed to be I might have to throttle you for being silly. :D

As of April 25th, there's also a Discord server for chatting about Götterdämmerung! Click the link to join, read the rules, and have fun talking about how great I am. 8D
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you should put me in it as a side character for comedy

y'know, slapstick humo-

Now that was an amazing read! ;_; Feels were most definitely felt.

I'm also amazed that there are like... so few immortals left! What a bloody history. Makes me all the more eager for the next chapter!
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Chapter 5 - A Bloody Harvest is up!

It's the new longest chapter, beating out Chapter 3 by a few words, which was totally intentional and included me slipping a few hundred extra words in there to make it so because I'm a nerd. :D

Here's the list of newly introduced characters and who they come from. Almost have all the donators introduced, just a couple more to go and I know exactly where they're going to pop up, so have no worries if you're one of the few left waiting!

Hastur - @Hastur
Raven - @Raven
Wyllow - @Absyinthe
Rook - @Rook
Candy - @Hatsune Candy
Vay - @Vay
Dun think this has to do with the donator stuff, but Rory is also in there. *grins
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Jorick
Dun think this has to do with the donator stuff, but Rory is also in there. *grins
Rory was introduced earlier ^.^
There's a new chapter up, with a regrettable lack of frying pan skull cracking. It's fine though, Allie will have her day in the sun. 8D

It's also the largest chapter yet. Not even sorry, enjoy that wall of text, nerds.

Here's the list of new characters this chapter, as per usual:

Rory - @Bob Ross
Neb - @Nebulon Ranger
Gryal - @Gryal
Gwazi - @Gwazi Magnum
Pahn'kaks - @Pahncakes (ayyy, got her introduced before name changed again)

Now that that's out of the way...

  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Jorick
Dun think this has to do with the donator stuff, but Rory is also in there. *grins
Indeed, but this was not the first time he showed up so he doesn't need to be listed here. He first had a named appearance in chapter 3, and I don't think anyone caught on to his true identity at that point. ;D
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She seemed to have no problem at all with standing there nude and covered in a spray of blood, as if it was the most natural thing in the world.


Nakedness and blood are both very natural things, I would say.
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So..... Long story short I started doing some fan arts and that snowballed into about... 20 fanarts, instead of the 1-4 I was originally planning to do. (NO, NUE, I AM NOT DOING "More pamphlets.") They're big and annoying, though so under spoiler. The last four came from a challenge Nue issued for me to make up my own quotes, so I went with it. In other words, last four are not canon unless Jorie says they are.

Disclaimer: I did all the effects and stuff, but the pictures etc were ripped offa Google.

One person asked if they could download these or the like and the answer to that is absolutely, yes.


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Ayeee!!! Thank you for more reading material. :bsmile:
Did you mean the Age of Mortals?

Either way, enlightening! Good job.
Update on fanart~

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  • Nice Execution!
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Fan song. *gloats

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Chapter 6 - Germination is up!

Fun fact about the chapter titles: going from Planting Seeds to A Bloody Harvest was a total fake out. The bits of plot that I was referring to as seeds are now sprouting in this chapter, and Chapter 7 (which shall be titled Darkness In Full Bloom) will see them coming fully to life. 8D

Also, as a reminder for anyone reading along who hasn't joined, there is a Discord server made for discussion of Götterdämmerung that includes channels for spoiler-filled talk. The link is in the first post of the thread (and it's stickied so it appears at the top of all pages), down in the last paragraph. I suspect this chapter will have some things folks want to talk to other readers about, and the server is rather active around chapter release days.

Oh, and the only new "character" this chapter was @Asmodeus who was mentioned as a historical figure. Fear not, donators still waiting, all three of you will appear next chapter, I promise. XD
Finally got all my thoughts down, teehee. ^_^'
SO this chapter was... very exciting. It took me longer to process than the previous chapter did, even though I finished it faster than any other of them (thanks firey o_o).

I was so excited to see Crystal once more! He's been one of my favourites since the first chapter, to be honest. I enjoy that he's a bandit but he's also not a bad fellow at all. The effort he's putting into have Kimberlyn get back to normal was heartwarming. Which was a good thing because the rest of that part was rather chilling, reading about the two groups fighting with each other unbarred and with no check. It reminded me a little of sports fans going nuts against each other, or more seriously, stories my mom would tell me about her childhood when trolls would incite fights where she lived among people of different religions. I guess that was the point here, though. I was interested in seeing how Crystal and Neb weren't infected, however. *thinking*

Neos kinda creeps me out, lol. I mean, if you put him with Nue (:P) then I like Neos better, but by himself and especially with his thoughts during the whole "Where's Kimberlyn?" scene, he can be a little unsettling. I quite liked the many bows Crystal possesses though, hehe. And I'm hoping Kimberlyn meets him, eventually, and shows him who is boss.

Speaking of... *squees* I absolutely LOVED the next part!!! It was awesome seeing the Dracari come back to consciousness, and finally knowing her actual heritage and why she was created! I really loved the way she took everything in stride. AND yay, Gryal! Chapter three had me wondering what on earth (or Iwaku? :P) had happened to him. He was clearly distraught and I honestly still feel bad for him. Still, it was awesome to see that dragons can indeed shift to humanoid form (yay) and to read the partnership between the two. I can't wait to read more with them. And I'm also curious as to whether there are more like her... perhaps some of Gryal's descendants? Hm...

Moving along. I think the next scene could be described well with an "URGHEWWHYSTOP". Jacob Cane is too slimy and creepy for his own good. T.T I hope some form of retribution comes his way. Maybe either Pahn'kaks or Holm, lol. With the former, I'm worried he'll enjoy though.

T.T I feel terrible about Rhea, and I have a loathing for Titana. I do hope Pahn'kaks get her way with the Hand of Ships. Maybe break her a little too. *grumbles* Speaking of the Siren of the Shadows... it's weird because I don't normally like characters like hers, and even though I don't exactly like her here either, I can't help feel some inkling of something her way. She's not getting what she paid for and she realizes it as well. That puts her a level higher than the others for me. I'm kind of terrified to see what she does next though.

I'll be honest, reading Ozzie and Umi was a bit of a reprieve after the last two scenes. I've mentioned it too many times, Ozzie is probably my top favourite character in the story (along with Grene because of obvious reasons XD). Just the way his thought process is along with how he interacts with others is something I find relatable. Always having to keep a check on himself, despite what he might be feeling living amongst people who hate his guts... well it's just a little feelsy for me. Poor guy.

And then there's Umi who's like the total opposite and pretty much does whatever she wants to a degree that's just amusing to read. The way she forced that drink upon Ozzie, for example, and then how she pushes him out of her hut. I'm curious to know what was in that drink as well. But moving along. What a lot of interesting exposition! And what a relief that Ozzie will be able to learn to control his powers. I hope he's the kind of person who learns easily from reading and trial, lol. He should probably try small... like on beetles and flies, haha.

Holm is a character I'm actually very interested about. I didn't see him as a vengeful person before, so it was rather interesting to read his satisfaction on the on hand with the mortals dying, yet reading his grief as well, to the extent that he actually sheds tears. I feel he's rather conflicted on the inside. Balance shmalance, in the end he is simply getting his revenge against the world for changing. And this is one of the reasons I can't fathom why anyone would want immortality. Death seems better than to have to live in a world where you not only lose everyone you love and care for, but the world itself, what with its changes and progression into modernity.

Which finally brings me to Grene. I really didn't see her coming back to life, but the way it was done was absolutely beautiful. I was pretty darn happy seeing I was right about Diana being the voice, even though I got who she was wrong. Grene once again shows why immortality sucks, but it's not like she wants the world to stay the same; she understands progress and simply wants freedom aka death. It's bittersweet to finally have something you've longed for and happily gave your life for, only to have it snatched away. So that bit was rather feelsy and emotional, but I honestly can't wait to see what will happen next with her... and hopefully a throwdown with Holm Shire again. I'd love to see his reaction.
Yeesh. Can't believe I wrote all that. ANYWAY, I can't wait for the next chapter!!!
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