Götterdämmerung: The Discussion Thread

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Magnificent Bastard
Original poster
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  1. One post per week
  2. Slow As Molasses
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Fantasy is my #1; I will give almost anything a chance if it has strong fantasy elements. Post apocalyptic, superhero, alternate history, science fantasy, some supernatural, romance, and a few fandoms (especially Game of Thrones) are also likely to catch my eye.
For anyone who hasn't been paying attention, in February of 2017 there was a ridiculous fundraiser that did extremely well. One of the fun prizes for that fundraiser was that I would write a book-sized story with Iwaku people as the character inspiration, with anyone who donated $10 or more getting a guaranteed major role in said story. The first chapter (and previously posted prologue) can now be found in the thread linked in huge text below!

This thread will be for discussion of anything related to the story. You can ask me questions and propose theories and whatnot, but I can't promise I'll answer anything because I don't want to give spoilers. You'll find a list of the characters and which members of Iwaku they are based on in the first post of the story thread under the table of contents, so if you ask who a character is supposed to be I might have to throttle you for being silly. :D

As of April 25th, there's also a Discord server for chatting about Götterdämmerung! Click the link to join, read the rules, and have fun talking about how great I am. 8D
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I've been informed there's some level of interest in a Discord server dedicated to chatter about this story. How many of you folks would want to join such a thing if I made one?
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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How many of you folks would want to join such a thing if I made one?

Pretty please with whatever toping you like on top. :bsmile:
@Jorick Eh. A whole server seems like a bit much... Maybe it would make more sense to just create a channel for it in the existing Iwaku server?

@Greenie How did you quote Jorick directly just now? O_o" I thought quoting was broken for everyone, currently, and it's definitely still broken for me...
@Kagayours, what browser are you using? I have the same problem, but I saw that another Chrome user already reported it in the bugs thread, so I figured it is Chrome.

As for a chat to discuss the story, I would love to lurk and stalk! However, I'm not so eager to join a whole new server. I vote for the idea of creating a channel.
The problem with making a channel is the Iwaku server is already cluttered with channels as it is, haha. To make it work I would have to set it up so it's only visible to people with a certain role, then make that role, so it doesn't further clutter things for other people.

Could be done though , if most people like to idea of a channel more than a server. 8D
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Quoting works on mobile, but not desktop I believe.

As for the subject, I like the idea of an actual server better than a channel, since the iwaku server already has a whole bunch of channels already.
Quoting's still broken on laptop. For Chrome, at least.

On to the actual topic of the thread, making an entire server to serve the purpose of this thread alone, doesn't seem all that necessary. For that matter, just the thread and nothing on Discord at all seems to work fine so far.
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Well.. one of the reasons I know I had brought it up was because there isn't actually much discussion here. People are chattier on discord based on what I see. As for why a new server, as mentioned, it was basically the channels increase. I feel it'd be a whole lot of extra work adding roles.

Anywho, lol, that's what was going on in my wee little head
<-- my excitement for this is very much justified.

As for the debate on Server vs Channel, It's all a matter of how many topics of Gotterdammerung we plan in discussing. If we need only one channel for the topic of fangirling over Jorick's book, then I would say keep it on Iwaku. However, if we plan to go further on this, and have things such as voice channels, different topics, spoilers and conspiracy theories, then it's best to move this onto a server.

So a question might not be if we are doing a server or a channel, it might be "How far do we want to go in expanding Gotterdammerung discussion?" If we can answer this, than I think the answer for channel or server would be more justified and easier to choose.
However, if we plan to go further on this, and have things such as voice channels, different topics, spoilers and conspiracy theories, then it's best to move this onto a server.
Oh yeah, this! Not much VC, but diff topics. Discussion, character talk, images (because I am still hoping for fanart), theories.

*Is a crazy fan girl* I swear I have a life.
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I don't think it's necessarily necessary to have a discord thing at all, but I do think it could be fun, and like nue and greenie said, there's more we could do like share feedback, discuss conspiracy theories, maybe share fan art if people start making some (I honestly might slap some things together for funsies).

I also think it would be fun to give people joke roles based on their characters in the story, like "red eyed raven" "immortal" "north land er" (not sure exact terminology for those) "destructionists" or even just "devious bastardspeople" but that's just what would be fun.
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I went ahead and made a server because screw it, I've wanted to fiddle with server creation for a while and I figured now was as good a time as any. Story-related roles are included, but you can pick whatever you like rather than what your character fits into. 8D

LINK: Discord
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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*le big squee*
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*le leetle squee*
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I was going to say that on a server with enough channes, if you mute any, you can also collapse them. But I guess that's too late now.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Greenie
I don't know how to do anything on Discord, it's my first time. :T
It's actually way easier than it sounds. You can download the app both on mobile or desktop, then click the link to join. That is, if you haven't already.