PLOTS Goddess' Idea book!

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"Detective..." Her eyes were deep pools of darkness he could fall into beneath those long lashes. "You are in dangerous waters..." The side of her lip raised in a half smile reminiscent of the first time she'd seen the same smile on her husband's face for the first time. Her mysterious smile did its job though. It pulled him in as he smirked and dared a hand wander to the small of her back, drawing in close to the incredible beauty he'd encountered. "No other place I'd rather be... But that would mean one of two things." Raising a perfectly sculpted eyebrow her visage posed the question and he continued. "You are either in dangerous waters as well..... Or you are the danger." A knowing smirk played over her deep, red lips and she glanced away to hide the playful smile. When she looked back, however, he was so close she could smell his lady cigarette and the glass of whiskey on his breath. His hand traveled further down to supple hips complemented by the matching red silk dress. The expensive material felt good but her curves felt incredible. Per haps it was the whiskey but he couldn't even fathom what it would be like going any further with such a finely bred woman but perhaps that was what he liked. Her unattainability.

She smiled, her hand caressing his cheek. Thumb ran down his jaw line, tracing it as she studied his face as he melted into her touch. 'He's too easy. It's cute...' Hana thought to herself. The young detective was enamored by her just as Tadashi had once been. Caught in a glimmering party with the same beautiful woman. Part of her thought it was endearing but another part of her hated it and wanted to blight out his childish dreams just as her own had been. "I'll bring you to who you came for." She said, taking her hand back. Their eyes met and while the moment was over there was a latent attraction. Removing his hand from her hip she leaned and said,"My husband." But still she didn't release his hand, rather she held it and led him through the casino.

Reaching a set of pearly doors with burly security she released his hand and nodded to the men who opened the doors for them revealing the man of the hour. Walking over she stretched over the arm of his chair. Leaning in she whispering something into his ear before kissing his neck softly - mostly to make their new acquaintance extremely uncomfortable. She'd told him that this was the detective he'd been asking for.
Whatever the weather/Section 5
He seized her in a passionate kiss. One hand wrapped into her hair. The other around her waist, pulling her close. Hands braced on his chest at first she put up a token resistance before melting into his touch. He was forceful and aggressive in the field and in the bedroom but more than that his touch was so sure, solid, and familiar. "Michael-" "Shh" He hushed her before she could put up anymore of a fight and swept her into his arms and then into the bedroom.

The next morning her doorbell run at exactly 700 hours as it had every Tuesday since Alexander met Eriana. However unlike the rest of those Tuesdays she didn't open the door right away. There was no answer at all. He ran the doorbell again after a few seconds then realized perhaps that was too hasty. Perhaps she just needed another moment. But then one turned into two and she still was not there. He rang against and finally he heard her call from inside. "Just a minute! I'm on my way!" Stumbling out of the bedroom Michael had kept her up way too late. Not that she entirely minded.

Opening the door she raised her brows to see Alexander standing there. She was tying the sash around her dark, purple robe but it did little to hide her fantastic curves. "Oh! Uh- Eri - I-" he stumbled over his words as he averted his gaze from her stunning figure. Finally he aimed his sights on her face and spit it out. "I came for our sparring." He said. "I take it... You need more time?" The realization painted her visage as she gasped and nodded,"Oh! Alexander you're right! I'm so sorry I forgot! I-" "Who is it Eri?" Alarm spanned Alexander's face as they both looked behind her. Michael walked out of her bedroom shirtless in his uniform pants. Seeing Alexander standing there he smirked and gave him a nod. "Oh Alexander. What's up?" Turning back to him Eriana shared a look of awkwardness with Alexander before turning back around. "I'm late." She said causing Michael to freeze, looking at her surprised. Before he could make a fool of himself though she went on. "We spar every Tuesday at 7:30." Michael paused and glanced at the clock. "You still have thirty minutes." He enjoyed poking fun in front of Alexander. Posturing to show him his place but Eri frowned. "Alexander give me a few minutes. I'll be right out." The door swiped shut and arguing followed. Final remarks were hissed under their breath before Michael emerged fully dressed. "Have fun." He smirked and made his way down the corridor.
Plot: "When a clumsy, young officer gets involved with a mysterious, beautiful Dabo girl (a pretty face who spins a game wheel) it's his own fate he is gambling when faced with the dark side of the word 'Duty'."
Inquire for more!

While she seems like a pretty face she actually has ties to an infamously famous warship 'The Conquerer' and it's crew. A highly specialized taskforce used in the most dangerous of missions. Fall into this world through the eyes of a wide eyed young officer.
Michael's eyes trailed her as she seam back and forth in the small tank, light reflecting off of her shining metallic features. "Yes we have a backer for the project that wants to start breeding mermaids for aquariums." He smirked and looked back to Vincent. "And we have a male specimen at our lab. Of course.." he shrugged and looked away,"Males are a little harder to come by so we'll be seeing the effects of breeding with humans as well." Unable to hide the smirk he just let his comments sink in for a long moment. "She is a were almost a lucky man." He chuckled to himself as he pat his peer on the shoulder and turned to take his leave.
Chrysias father arranges a marriage with a noble paladin (knights of Templar?) Who turns out being controlled by church. "Awe the little spoiled brat didn't get her way so she ran away." He sneered cruely at her.)
Chrysias father arranges a marriage with a noble paladin (knights of Templar?) Who turns out being controlled by church. "Awe the little spoiled brat didn't get her way so she ran away." He sneered cruely at her.)

Or she the evil prince from Valias's background. New arch?
Her family tries to ally them with another country (vampires?) (Through marriage?) But Aleesia has to try and stop them
but I do actually have a pretty fun one in mind so I'll pitch it.
Later in the Mermaid roleplay I want Laia to become so human/obedient that she is kind of his assistant and one day she is eating ice cream, out of her containment when the bad guy comes to visit and they walk in to find her containment empty only to turn around and see her walking back in like it's no big deal. Maybe getting him in a little trouble.
Possible scenario - ?
Finding out their situation Carlie asks Josh to run away with her only for him to betray their plans (on purpose or accident) to Sa'Rein.
Carlie is ambushed and Strongman showed up just in time though she put up a good fight

Strong man shows up a hair too late and she is assimilated. But he manages to kidnap her so now they can observe her brainwaves (maybe they had asked for a mission to capture someone anyways)

So - unhappy with the abuse with Brandon she somehow finds out Josh and Sa'Rein are together SO
She invites him to run away with her.
Perhaps he at first agrees or she tells him to think about it. But either way - he betrays her (on purpose or accident by Sa'Rein reading his thoughts?) And so when she shows up she is ambushed - and wait there's more -

Perhaps they had asked Brandon to try and obtain a sample - so when Brandon finds out and goes to get her, he may be a tad too late and ends up bringing a taken over Carlie back so they can try to find a way around the mind control
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Her song usually drives men mad but since Vince is only half human it only makes him basically crave her/the song

The song washes him over with a serene tranquility inequalled
"I didn't mean- I wasn't trying to-" but no words seemed big enough. She had tried to save both of them and all she had had done was doom her own escape. He tried to find the words to apologize, to regain her trust but there was nothing. "How could you?!" As he moved closer she pushed him away, eyes tearing up.
"I blocked her as best I could!" She snapped, pushing past him. "Sometimes you can do everything right and it still go wrong!" She yelled, back turned to him. "Besides where were you?!" Spinning around she looked at him angrily,"I've seen you move faster than that on an average day in class!"
Turns out her mother was actually a demon and she is the princess of darkness. Her knight will be a chosen one sent to stop the darkness. But how?
She feels alone and misunderstood and acts our but really only wants to be accepted.
He wants to meet her parents but she can't introduce them because she is actually an agent/not who she says so she doesn't have parents

Multiple ghosts! Diana's curse brings ghosts forth to haunt the residents and they are getting stronger all over town
Running outside into the court yard she was still clad in her sparring gear. "She escaped!" The voice on the other end of the speaker said breathlessly. Caralina froze as she heard the news. The smallest sound of a foot on the marble caught Caralina's attention, turning around just in time to block a foot coming right to her face. "Ah!" The blow threw her back into the bushes, creative a hole of broken branches. There was finally a moment of breath when Caralina came face to face with her worst nightmare. Her sister.

All the sudden Caralina was overwhelmed by emotion as she got to her feet. This was her sister. The woman who had her imprisoned for the last three years. They had never even met. Caralina didn't even want the crown. She could have lived unassuming her whole life if her sister had just left her life alone. A red filled her cheeks before she made her next move. A kick to Cornina's head was blocked easily and painted on her face was a horrific smile. Grabbing Caralina's ankle, she swung her around before throwing her through another set of bushes.

This recovery was fast but not as fast as last time. Her sister had years of training with Eclipse and while she had taken to it easily there was no way she could possibly beat her. But still Caralina had to try. Getting up she made another run at Corina.
Finally she calmed down after a few seconds. Looking up and wiping her eyes she looked at all the men. "I'm innocent." Caralina said to them,"But I thought no one believed me - w-why did you save me?"

Kimme glanced to the other two again, at a loss for words for once in his life. Heinrich piped in,"All you need to know is you're with friends and safe for now. We can answer all your questions later." It was Heinrich's turn to glance at Kimme before looking back to her,"Let's get you changed into something proper and more comfortable." He placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder before helping her get off the stretcher and to her feet. At first she had trouble standing as she got used to walking without the restraints.

As if on cue a young woman with brown midlenght hair and a rounded stomach walked in. Maya, she was Heinrich's step daughter and had been dismissed from court due to her new pregnancy. She and her husband were living with him and Maya offered to help them when she learned they were rescuing a woman. She had been a lady to the the queen and would know how to prep her for court in ways a man couldn't. Starting with helping her get a proper bath and something to wear. "Wai- Aren't there- uh more important things-?!" Maya took her by the arm and began to lead her out,"Dinner will be on when we get done." Caralina stopped short and looked at her,"You mean food?" She asked as if it were a difficult and rare commodity. Maya nodded with a chipper smile. "Okay... I, uh, guess we can talk later...." It was obvious the malnourished young woman hadn't been properly fed.
That morning found Caralina in a beige sundress decorated with flowers. Her decolletage revealed as the sleeves hung off her shoulders.
Today found her in an empire waisted shirt, sleeves hanging off her shoulders, that was longer in the back. Underneath she wore a pair of black leggings and a pair of comfortable flats that were a dusty pink like her shirt.
Corina attacks the colony that rebelled. She goes to see the attack herself. After the high council asked her to come in for an interview with the high council of the United Planets best time to switch them would be on her e way home?
"Pull our forces out quietly and surrender." She said calmly. "Because at dawn tomorrow I will be using one of our Galaxy Class ships to level the entire colony." The rebellion only happened in once city but Corina had a statement she wanted to make.