PLOTS Goddess' Idea book!

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♕ 𝓖oddess ♢ ǿ𝑓♢ Đungeoneering ♛
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
Online Availability
(Sometimes during work if we are slow) after work and weekends :)
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
Most any. Love historical, scifi, and fantasy mostly.
A thread for DG to write out posting and plot ideas!
The two men held their arms around her and she struggled against their grip but it was hopeless. "N-no wait - please I -Ash!" She cried desperately trying to turn around but he was well on his way by now. "Oh come on baby we're going to have some fun." One of the men laughed and she could feel her eyes well up with tears as she shook her head no. "No.... Please...." The words uttered were quiet as she lost her voice from her fear. They didn't want anything she could offer to get out of this... Just whatever they wanted to do with her. The struggled and silent begging continued for a moment before the larger of the two hoisted her over his shoulder,"Why don't you just shut up and let us do the talking." They laughed together and carried her through the campsite with separated tents around a fire pit and past the supplies tent to the very back of the camp. There were metal traps scattered around and several cages, some small as if for rabbits and some larger as if for humans... All of them were covered in rust and what looked like blood she observed as she was put down. Not even a moment did she get to look however as the larger of the two twisted her arms behind her back. "Ah! She shrieked in pain and her knees threatened to give way but he held her too tightly for her to fall. The other smirked and twisted the cap off a bottle. "Want something to drink beautiful?" He laughed and grabbed her hair pulling her head back. Finally tears streamed desperately from the pain and the fear. Once again though she was silenced as the bottled was
forced to her mouth and dry dust poured out and flooded her mouth and nose, the dirt falling all over her and making small clouds as she tried to spit it out. Despite efforts at shaking her head the man held her hair tight and she could hear them laughing as if it were some school boy prank.

A reprieve came as her arms and hair were released and the girl was shoved to the ground by the larger man, the smaller of the two finishing the bottle off by pouring it over her back as she coughed through her tears. Chest heaved with ragged breaths that did nothing but to serve to make her coughs worse.
They took her to a small tent but on the inside there was a wall of sorts made out of wire fence and a pole in each corner that was next to a small bedroll. The tent wreaked of sweat and the bedrooms even though they were a dark color she could see they were dirty in the same way the cages outside were....

(Different scene)
A wooden bit of sorts was shoved in her mouth and buckled behind her before the men handcuffed each of her wrists to the wire fence so that she was on her knees with her arms spread out to either side. "We have these car batteries that we can charge with a hand crank. They've really been a miracle for us.... But I don't think you'll agree." Looking up she felt weak and dazed and while she heard him speaking her vision was doubling in and out. His tone was sadistic and cruel but that wasn't a surprise. Moving he took clamps that ran from the batter that he attached to the fence. "My brother is quite the inventor and he came up with this little toy for me." Leaning over he grabbed her face by her cheeks and lifted it to meet his gaze. "You're lucky he wants a turn with you..." He frowned and tossed her head back to where it fell before.

Leaning down he pulled a cord on the battery, a light came on, and the current ran through the fence. "Mmmm!!!!!" Jacqueline have a muffled shriek as her body convulsed with the current. She didn't know if it was seconds or minutes but finally the light went off but she didn't stop shuddering. Her tear stained face couldn't manage anymore tears as she managed to look up at him after the convulsions ended - but it wasn't going to be long before he ripped at the cord again.
Another painful, muffled shriek came and her body shook violently.... How long would this go on? How much fun could he have without killing her? Would she rather die than see what the next brother held in store for her?
Of course these thoughts could only be formed between pulls of the battery.
Another monotonous weekend was upon them. Daniel came home on Friday and kissed his wife hello. They ordered take out and watched TV before making love on the couch.... Sort of. Making love wasn't the right word for Emily. It felt more like obligation. He was her husband after all and she was just a woman with needs but it wasn't exactly satisfying. His sweaty body dragged along her own as he pumped his hips to her own.... "Ah..." She'd been quiet for too long, it was time for a loan. To be fair she halfway meant it. "Yeah, you love it don't you?" Nodding she responded how she had done many times before,"Yes! Daniel I love it when you fuck me."
"I'm all yours babe..." Hot, breathy whispers hit her ear and she felt his breath moist on her face as he groaned in pleasure. "I'm going to fill you up babe... Get ready... I'm cumming!" Warmth flooded Emily and they panted together as he took a rest on top of her. Wanting to push him off she found herself uncomfortable and unsatisfied as the bulk of his frame rested on her and she could feel his skin sticking to her own. Great. Now she would have to take another shower. The only thing was he'd want to join her.

Going to the bathroom she cleaned up, a little grossed out at his, uh, juices and wanting to get them off and out of her she mentally prepared for another session in the shower. The water ran hot as she started the faucet and the door opened. Daniel's hands slid around her body and she hurriedly jumped in the shower. One more obligatory session and then it was bed time.

Just another Friday.
Emily was tense as she gripped the coffee mug so tight she was afraid it may break. Swallowing thickly she held back tears of anxiety as she looked at him. "Daniel said he wants us to share an email. He said his friend at work shares an email with his wife and that it's healthy for their relationship....." Blue eyes searched his own, obviously distressed at the situation. "I think he knows...."
Her nerves were getting the better of her
Emily felt his strong arm around nherbwist, pulling her close to him. She could feel him stiffen against her thighs. It felt good, but she was embarrassed! He was her boss, she was married! She was torn for a moment but as his second hand traveled up her skirt and be tween her legs she let out moan. "Ah..." A soft exhale of pleasure. Squirming from his fingers she rubbed closer to his hard on as he tickles her through her panties. Her thighs running him up and down and front and back. Reaching up a grip tightened in his arm around her waist. Emily gripped his shirt sleeve as her knees trembled from the pleasure, trying to stay up and stay quiet - but it was futile. "Ah..." She moaned once again, louder than before.

Turning suddenly in his arms, pushing his hand away from her. She leaned against the desk and cupped his neck with her hands, letting her grey blue eyes meet with his own, her breath hot from the pleasure and her pinks glowing red. "Sir... Do you want me?" It was a direct question. She needed the answer before she could make a decision. After all,aybe he just liked to touch.

Stunned nhe didn't know what to say to her sudden request. But then he grinned and nodded. Leaning forward he let his large hands cup her cheeks and pull her hips up from the desk. Burying his face in her neck he answered in a low, playful voice. "Oh yes I do... I desperately," he placed slow sensuous kissed in her neck between words," absolutely..." he finished by squeezing her ass as he kissed her roughly on the lips. That was all she needed. Emily pulled up her skirt and turned around, leaning over the desk and revealing herself to him. She wore black, lace thing style panties that let her butt cheeks hang out just enough on their side. "I want you, please take me..." She begged for him as she slowly swayed her hips, her panties soaked by now already.
I'm thinking of a mofia princess/heiress being kidnapped by the rival mofia and given to the boss's son.
At first she is just supposed to be his play thing but later he develops feelings for her (forrrr some reason. I need help figuring that out)

(I would be open to him bringing in another female or male at some point for threesomes or passing her to another person)
"What?!" Miki yelped as she jumped out of bed. Holding a piece of paper she ran down stairs to their living room and looked at Reya. "I can't work this party Rey!" Things had been.... Quiet lately. But all the sudden she decided to make this whole racket this morning. Reya rolled her eyes as she poured the kettle over her cup. She had been trying to cut the coffee but tea just didn't work the same... Or as fast. "Miki! Wait - wait a second. Slow down!" The hazelnut haired girl wore a grey beanie and a open shoulder sweatshirt. The beanie obviously meant to hide unkempt bedroom hair.
Reya took a seat and took a sip of the tea she brewed, Miki staring on anxiously - her warm Amber eyes shining even though their worry. A part of her wanted to continue but despite their happiness as of late she was hesitant to disobey her. So she bit her coral lips and waited for her to finish her drink.

Finally, Reya set down the cup. "Okay Miki. What's going on?" Letting out an panicked sigh she held the invitation out to her as she responded,"Did you see the last name of one of the speakers?!" Reya failed to see the importance of the bigshots there until her eyes stopped on a name. Corteza. As in Christian Corteza. And it hit her.
Amber Corteza. Mimi's real name.

Amber Corteza.
Christian Corteza.

She was the daughter of Christian Corteza. "Miki what the fuck?!" Reya snapped at her. Miki, Amber's, eyes Welles up with tears that she tried to hold back. "I'll work any event but not that one please! Put me on the menu at the club - just.... I can't go to that party." As she spoke she walked around the counter and Rey watched thoughtfuly but frustrated. "This is a fucking PROBLEM AMBER!" Rey slammed the invitation down on the table. Amber froze in place and looked down at her out outburst.

Rey crumpled the paper and threw it against the refrigerator as she stood up. "I said THIS IS A FUCKING PROBLEM!" "I'm sorry Rey! This is my fault! How can I fix it?!" Amber rattled off the programmed response as she fell to her hands and knees. "...." Rey glared at her before walking over and grabbing her hair gently and pulling her face towards her own. Her touch had softened greatly since their arrangement first started but it was clear this wasn't going away. "Why didn't you tell me?" Rey hissed. Amber cried and shook her head. "I'm sorry! I didn't think it was important! I work for you now! My past doesn't matter!" Indoctrinated or in love? Or both? Rey's eyes searched the woman's for a solid moment before throwing her down and walking away in frustration.
"I have clients that want you there.... But I can't let Amber Corteza run around whoring at this party...."
Princess Elaina of the Sylvan Kingdom Eleusis
Character NameElaina of EleusisGenderFemaleAgeUndeterminedOccupationPrincess?Strengths
Elaina is the pinnacle of both what is expected of an sylvan woman and a princess.

She is demure, some may say meek, but that works well for her when maneuvering the Sylvan Courte.

As an individual Elaina finds her strengths in diplomacy and patience and also fancies herself decent at games of any sorts. Anything she sets her mind to seems easy for her to pick up. Some of these include playing the psaltery, painting, and sewing.

As an elf she is blessed with agility and is naturally surefooted and graceful. Elves have keen senses with incredible sight and hearing and are considered the best archers in the world.
Elves are extremely resistant to charms and spells and other sorts of influential magic and at the same time are naturally persuasive to other races.
Finally all elves have extremely long life spans and are immune to most forms of illness. They are susceptible to a few Sylvan specific conditions and unfortunately if they fall ill it is a very grave matter.

The product of thousands of years of excellent breeding Highelves possess certain magic that most regular elves do not. They find magical items easy to use and are able to craft magic items with relative ease.

High elves of a certain age find that they pick up certain powers specific to themselves as they have ancient magic that runs through veins. Elaina has not spent any time working on developing any special magic abilities as she is still relatively young and for now is more focused on helping her family and her country politically.

Elves are blessed with a long life span, some wonder if Highelves are immortal even. Elves reach maturity around 50 human years (so about 16 or 17 comparatively.) and are expected to marry before they are 100 at least, (again comparatively before they are 25) but even that is on the older side for marriage. Elaina sits right at around 60 at the moment but is wise beyond her years.

Not incredibly strong
sensitive hearing
Elves are not know for their strength and most of their fighting styles rely more on their agility. Being a lady of noble birth, Elaina's strength is equal to that of a dainty human.

Due to their keen senses elves enjoy excellent hearing but consequentially their hearing is very sensitive. Some elves have trained to resist that sensitivity with mere will power, but Elaina has not and is accustomed to the Sylvan way of life - very calm and even subdued.
At events some may deem "exciting" the crowds of people still only clap very softly. The main exception to that is the younger population that are a little more excitable.

Personally, even though she is wise, Elaina can be relatively sensitive emotionally. While she can keep her composure she takes betrayals extremely personally and is more prone to sadness than anger.
General Appearance
Pale blonde hair falls to the top of Elaina's legs with natural soft waves that caress the sides of her face. The front tresses of her hair are cut slightly shorter and only reach her waist before they taper down longer towards the back. Her hair grows extremely quickly but is easily managed.

Her skin is fair and kissed with a radiant warmth. Her cheeks and other highlights blush with a natural soft pink to match her
Name: Caitlyn Reed
Age: 19
Backstory: Her parents were a well-off legal team but once they found out their daughter was sleeping with a drug dealer from her private school they couldn't take the bad publicity so they shipped her off two cities over. Her father continued to pay for her community college online but other than that once she turned 18 her parents cut her off. Continuing her classes onlike left her strapped for cash but she was a perky, attractive young woman so why not use that to her advantage right? Her friend got her a job at a new club where the girls were supposed to be hot and working for tips. She shares a small apartment with her friend Erin who got her job. They tend to work separate shifts a lot so they usually only meet in the apartment every now and then so it worked out well

(First post)
SSSNAP! Lace of a thong snapped on the cream of thigh as Caitlyn straightened out her teddy. It was cute as hell and was great shape wear. Plump breasts pushed up and together and the waist cencher accentuating her curves. Fishnets ran from her waist to toes and into satin, black heels. The rest of her outfit would be her uniform. Hostesses at Iro Lounge wore a short, black pencil skirt and a well fit white blouse. Neat but sexy. Hair, makeup, and jewelry needed to be presentable as well - but that wasn't hard. Caitlyn brushed her silken blonde hair back into a pony tail, bangs cut neatly to border her face and she added some cute silver hoop earrings. They accentuated her slender neck and pointed, feminine face perfectly. Thanks to her nearly flawless skin she didn't have to wear a lot of make up. Just some highlight powder and mascara with whatever lip color she was feeling that day.

Caitlyn examined herself in the mirror before grabbing a coat and heading out. Leaving her apartment she pulled it tighter around her as the wind colored her cheeks pink. It was a short walk to work from her apartment though so she didn't mind. Getting into the darkened busy club she was flooded with warmth. Some people thought being a host was ... Degrading? But honestly she loved her job. She got to look cute, go out and have drinks and flirt with wealthy clients. It was fun and she got great tips. She got requested to work vip parties and intimate business meetings alike - but that's why they hired her. Many of their wealthier clients preferred blondes.

"Hey Shelly, is my first party here?" She walked up to the shift lead.
Ella tries to but a map from the shop owner but he says that the young man purchased it already. She tries to buy his map but when he turns her down she tackles him and shackles him to her saying that now he had to help her find this convict (not knowing it's him)

So he starts to lead her on a wild goose chase
Carolina walked in the house that night like it was any other night. A little grocery shopping for the bar. A little time with her boyfriend. Life was almost back to normal it seemed - the dark cloud that once hung over her fell and now surrounded their feet like a fog. The air was clean, one could finally breathe now as long as he just didn't look down. The house was warm like always as the fire crackled within hearth. The sound of the fire always greeted her when she walked in the door. The crackle of the fire meant she was home. That she was safe. But today there was another sound. Flit. In the middle of removing her hat and coat did Carolina pause and look around to see her brother lighting a cigarette. Lorenzo. They hadn't spoken since she was told the truth. It wasn't necessarily that she was angry - she didn't know what to think.

"Carolina, sit down." He spoke Italian which meant he was speaking business. Which meant this was her first job for the family. The reason why she was really brought home. Lips pressed tightly together she moved and took a seat on the sofa across from him. The once cozy sitting room now an office. "You're right. You are getting too old to be kept in the dark. And we didn't bring you home to get you into trouble - we brought you home to settle down." Eyes cast downward, lungs frose hoping she just didn't understand. "Jo needs to settle down too." Chocolate eyes met his own and breath held in her chest. "Your wedding is next week. Do what you have to and wrap up your business before then." There was a long, pregnant moment where nothing was said. She felt the fog rolling up her body, threatening to suffocate her.

"Enny...." The fond name they used was dry as it escaped just barely. Turning around he looked at her. "And what if I won't?" English. She wasn't sure she was ready to be part of the business. The fire crackling was the only answer given though as he took his own jacket and walked out the front door.
Group of Native American traders meets Anya and conveys that she is a bit of a living legend - the Native American fugitive fleeing for her freedom.
They agree to travel with them as far as the next to help provide some protection as far as they can go.

Outlaw cowboy, used to work with Anya - he joins them, saying he missed working with Anya and was in between jobs (he's a bounty hunter :P)
Outside the fort, after the traders leave he attacks them and takes Anya hostage. He shoots J and leaves him for dead - Anya believes J died but after they leave the Native American traders come back and save J before retaliating.

The day was smooth sailing until her final class. The teacher gave them a pop quiz and she discovered there had been reading assigned before class. "'Ms. Sinclair - I will expect you to come to my class prepared next time." Not only was her GPA off to a bad start but her teacher already thought she was a flake. The thing was, Rei actually wanted that class....

The sun was setting and the square was emptying for the night as Rei finally started on her way home. After class, she had to go to three campus book stores to find the book that had apparently been summer reading. Opening the door to their room she nodded to him and sank on her bed, dropping the book on the floor with a big sigh. "You wanna order a something for dinner? I'm beat." She sighed again, pulling out her cell phone to look at what was around that delivered - virtually everywhere. Normally she might have asked Rin about his day but she was too bummed out to feel like chatting right now.
He started it? Her thoughts rushed a mile a minute as she tried to wrap her head around what he was saying. It was a relief but she thought maybe he was just trying to make her feel better. She knew he'd do almost anything to see her smile but that was why she loved him. Still embarrassment demanded her eyes stay locked on the controller until he finished. "No!" Looking at him suddenly she reacted without thinking. "Don't be sorry..." Wanton gaze locked on him another moment as her heart raced in her chest. He'd admitted something difficult so now it was her turn. "I didn't mean to but...." The pain in her chest welled up and overflowed showing in her expression,"I wanted to...." Looking away she shrugged pitifully and tried to laugh it off. "I don't know what came over me. So don't apologize i-it was me." Smiling she was obviously struggling to hide her upset before giving her attention once again to the controller.
Gripping her notes she stood there silently gritting her teeth and trying not to cry as he stood up from his chair. Walking around his desk and behind her his hand brushed the back of her hair deftly before taking a lock in his hand. Leaning in to smell her sweet scent he whispers in her ear. "But it you want to get this project done you're going to have to do something for me first." The warmth of his breath on her skin made her stomach turn over and her flesh crawl until she finally started to wriggle away only to feel his brawny arms grab hold of her tightly wrapping her torso with a bear like hug before burying his face in her neck, inhaling the soft scent of her skin.... And fear as she shivered in his arms. "Come on, don't start the night like that. This could actually be some fun." He smirked and added,"But I'm going to have my fun my either way. Understand?" Nodding quickly she struggled to hold back tears but he shook her,"Ah!" "I ASKED if you understood me." "Yes Sir! I understand!" She sobbed and nodded frantically.
"Hey babe... You know my favorite song right?" She asked him as she put her earrings on, looking at him behind her in the mirror as he got out of bed. "Of course - uh Love You Always right?" Smiling she nodded and walked over to him kissing him softly. "And you know I'll love you always right?" He smirked and pulled her in closer. "I know I'll love you always." He kissed her forehead and she just smiled quietly back at him unsure if he was truly as genuine as he thought...
Idea for a roleplay

Quartering Soldiers

An aristocrat is forced to quarter soldiers while her husband is away at war and she falls in love with the leader of the soldiers
Throughot the super power roleplay our OCs get closer and closer and start to fall in love but before they confess he saves some other woman who quickly becomes his girlfriend. Later we find out she is the shapeshifting/elastagirl who is also controlling the smaller villain in the city. She has stolen plans from other inventors before and is stealing more now.

For viking roleplay - they end up deciding to let her marry Eirik and other will challenge him to a holmgang (but what about father)
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Anyone down for star trek roleplay?
Bring me your fandoms!
"Hey guys! Feeling a little under the weather. Treating myself to an at-home spa day. Thanks for respecting my privacy while I work on getting better." A tweet came from Hana's official instagram and twitter paired with a picture of a bathtub filled with bubbles. A few bath products were tagged in the post and displayed rather prominently as if it were more of an advertisement than anything else.