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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


[*screaming into the void intensifies*]
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
It varies a lot depending on my schedule, unfortunately.
Writing Levels
  1. Advanced
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Male
Psychological horror
Body horror
Dark fantasy
Low fantasy
Weird West
Gothic horror
Southern Gothic
Gaslamp fantasy
Space saga
Space Western
Space opera
Modern fantasy
Crime drama
Medieval fantasy

Welcome to Port MIRROR

Visit Port Mirror, Washington


"Where the Olympics Meet the Sea!"

Be sure to check out our local hotspots:

  • Ruby Beach
  • Port Mirror Ferry
  • The Great Northern Hotel
  • Salmon Chase College
  • Landvik Logging
  • St. Brendan's Church
  • Puget Plaza Mall & Movie Theater
  • The Boogie Bar

There's a rumor that the Boogie Bar is haunted. The owner is a real weirdo.

Something's off with the crowd of out-of-towners staying up at the Great Northern. They say they're here for something called a Convergence.

People have been seeing something in the woods around the logging camp. Probably not safe to go out after dark...

St. Brendan's has a new priest. What happened to the old monsignor?

The mayor's pretty cheesed about all the vandalism lately. Those bikers have been hanging around again.

Crazy in the Night (Barking at Airplanes) — Kim Carnes
Running Up That Hill — Kate Bush
Shadows of the Night — Pat Benatar
Heat of the Moment — Asia
Nocturnal Me — Echo & the Bunnymen

Glampires and Self-Awarewolves: Welcome to Port Mirror is where Pacific Northwest Gothic meets '80s cheese. Inspired by classics such as The Lost Boys, The Witches of Eastwick, Twin Peaks, every John Hughes movie, and a dash of Stranger Things, we're basically just here to fuck around and be bitchin'.

This roleplay is currently invite-only. If you're here, you know that I give zero fucks about your post length and I'm not timing you on posting. Let's have fun!


A fictional town in northwest Washington called Port Mirror, circa 1987.


I'mma be real, I'm making this shit up as I go, but I have a few basic starting points in mind.


You can play either a normal human or pretty much anything that's a staple of supernatural and urban fantasy stories. If you're going real wild, run it by me first. Your character is either a resident of Port Mirror or visiting. It's up to you to decide how familiar you are with the town.

You don't have to fill out a character sheet, but here's the sheet if you do.

80s Movie Archetype:
(This is just for fun, don't think too hard.)
Supernatural Flavor: (What are you)
Appearance: (Picture, text, both. IDGAF.)
Personality: (Give a brief impression of who your character is as a person.)
Background: (What's your character's life been like until now? What are their ties to Port Mirror?)
Currently: (What's their current situation? What do they do?)

Name: Virgil Angelucci
80s Movie Archetype: The Weird Recluse
Supernatural Flavor: Human

Appearance: He'd be incredibly attractive if he just combed his hair, took a shower, and put on a clean shirt.

Personality: Short-tempered, blunt, incredibly tone deaf to social cues. Single-minded.

Background: Virgil grew up in Port Mirror and was an altar boy at St. Brendan's but was never a particularly popular kid among peers or his adults, always seen as a bit of an oddball. In middle school he discovered ancient astronaut theory, which led to a waning belief in religion and a waxing interest in the paranormal, particularly UFOs.

Currently: Virgil is the best freelance photographer in town--at least as far as photography is concerned. He regularly takes pictures for the Daily Mirror and for the local National Park Service along with other odd jobs. He lives in his older sister's basement and she's less than thrilled with their arrangement, as Virgil tends to barely make his rent and has shown no inclination of moving out anytime soon.
Name: April Kathleen Hoffman

80s Movie Archetype: Popular Girl Gone Bad

Supernatural Flavor: Human now dipping toes into WITCHCRAFT
Appearance: black hair, dark brown eyes, 5'0"

Personality: A popular girl that peaked in highschool, April always did the good thing, the right thing, the responsible thing, and had big dreams. Except life really sucks now?! Uncool! Time to make the world pay!

Background: Grew up in a trailer trash household with her ho mom and her jerk grandma. Highschool was AWESOME, but after that? Life has been pretty lame!

Currently: April has recently been fired from Sears (unfairly), saw a movie about a witch and has been INSPIRED to take up the craft. She has 7 people that did her wrong and she intends to get revenge on. First she just needs some witchy stuff.
Name: Daisy Schaefer

80s Movie Archetype: Busy No-nonsense big city business woman

Supernatural Flavor: Werewolf

Appearance: Fair skinned, medium built, dark brown hair that's wavy but usually kept in a slicked back bun. Typically seen in big shoulder pads, wearing a pendant with a black circle and very red lipstick and finger nails.

Personality: Daisy seems aloof, standoffish, and a bit suspicious of new people. She can be dismissive of people she doesn't want to deal with or a firm but gentle realist to those she chooses to give the time of day. If someone can crack her business shell however they'll find a fast talking individual that's very excitable and even more observant. Good luck cracking the shell though.

Background: Frank Schaefer was a single father for most of Daisy's life. She only has fuzzy memories of her mother colored by family stories and a half finished photo album. Growing up, she learned how to be focused and disciplined and how to see anything she worked on to the end. A straight A student she got a full ride scholarship to Harvard Law School and never looked back at her small town roots. After graduation she was offered a position with a New York law firm, and recently has become a junior partner.

Currently: Daisy has come home to bury her father and to settle his affairs. This is a bittersweet homecoming but a short one. Daisy doesn't plan on being in Port Mirror for more than a few weeks.

Name: Heather Michelle Jacobson

80s Movie Archetype: Goth Chick/Drug Dealer

Supernatural Flavor: Vampire

Appearance: Heather's pretty short, though not quite as short as, ugh, April. Her dark hair is kept teased to standing with the sides shaved short and her dark eyes are emphasized with even darker makeup, you know, like her soul.

Personality: She never peaked, nor does she ever expect to. Life is full of chaos and nothing really matters, you know. You're born, you suffer, you die, then just blackness. I guess though, you could probably say that Heather's pretty freaking dramatic and has always taken every mood to the extreme, this one just seems to have lasted the longest. She has always preferred her own company to that of others, thinking she's just too cool to give a shit.

Background: Of course Heather's lived in this hellhole her entire life, why would anyone think anything differently. She definitely has no qualms bitching about it if given the chance. She grew up in a shit trailer with a piece of shit for a mom and a bigger piece of shit for a brother. She barely graduated from the piece of shit high school in town and life has generally been pretty shitty, at least until she met that one guy who wasn't so shitty until he was. At least now she'll always have her youth, maybe.

Currently: What's a girl to do when she can't really go out and get a real job—probably because she refuses to be at all pleasant but she likes to place the blame on the fact she can't go out during the day. Anyway, she sells shit to people looking for an escape. Whatever you want, she's got it, or at least that's what she tells the people brave enough to venture close and buy from her. Oftentimes customers become meals, but she's only killed people once or twice or something. It's fine.
Name: Shelby Bardulf

80s Movie Archetype: Big Brother, former Jock

shelbs1.jpgSupernatural Flavor: Werewolf, though he doesn't know it yet. All he knows is that two months ago a big dog bit him and he's not really felt normal since then.

Appearance: Friend-shaped. Big brother. Dirty blond hair with a red tint. Freckles. So many freckles. Everywhere.

Personality: The type of guy who always stops to help someone change a tire, jump-start their car, carry groceries, and hold open doors for everyone. He can't turn off his big brotherly nature even when it costs his Mom's mechanic shop money.

Background: When Shelby was ten, his Dad (restaurant manager) passed away, leaving the family heartbroken and broke. They moved from their nice little house to a trailer on an empty lot on the edge of town.

His Mom went to work for her Dad at his mechanic shop and eventually so did he.

Shelby did okay in school and was a football player. He was mid-level in everything including his popularity. He has a younger brother who is a genius mechanic and also at everything else.

Currently: Still living at home and working as a mechanic for his Mom, a couple of months ago a dog bit him and now all the shop cats don't like him. Weird. He keeps waking up in strange places too! Is he sleepwalking? Shelby thinks he's finally flipped.​

Name: Lord Clarity Vernon

80s Movie Archetype: Flamboyant Party Addict

Supernatural Flavor: Vampire

Personality: Just out here to have a good time, which means he is self-centered, a bit of a jerk, and here to party. He's generally outgoing and sociable, but tends not to get attached and dips when he's bored. He gets bored easily and tends to pursue various whims with little regard. He thinks he's hot shit and if you disagree, well, you're just wrong.

Background: He was born in the UK a long time ago and was definitely never a Lord, but he really likes to tell people he was, since they usually can't prove otherwise and even when they can he's usually gone before then. He was a reserved and lonely child, with a boring life, and has spent the rest of his un-life making up for it.

Currently: Chasing that next metaphorical (or literal) high, hitting up various spots throughout North America to see what they have to offer. Partying and driving fast cars.
Whoopsy daisy
  • Haha
Reactions: Dusk