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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

Michale CS

Ignorance of grammar is not an excuse.
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
Online Availability
Evenings, Pacific Time
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Prestige
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Urban Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Modern, Horror, Magical... pretty flexible.

Roleplaying in the Rickstaverse

WARNING: You'll have to use a little math to make a character. As in, be able to count to 13. And yeah, I totally am borrowing part of a game system called Fate Accelerated to ensure that all of the characters made are around the same level of power, but this is NOT a diced RP.
Wubba Lubba Dub Dub.

Ground Rules:
  1. Rick and Morty, and the rest of Morty's family of C-137 are not playable characters, but NPCs that may or may not show up during the run of the RP
  2. Any of the Council of Ricks (The major players, not the many Ricks at the Citadel of Ricks) are off the table as well. For this I'm going to use the list of Ricks on the Council from the game Pocket Mortys as the list of unplayable Ricks as I have GMly things planned for how the Council of Ricks interact with the players.
  3. You do NOT have to play a Rick, but if you do another player has to play your Morty.
  4. You can play a Rickless Morty if you want, however sad that is.
  5. You can play a background character, or an entirely new Original Character that would fit in the Rickstaverse.
  6. You can double, but see rules 3 and 4 above. Then see it again, because the answer is still the same.
  7. I am the GM of the RP. If I make a call, I'll need some good reasoning to reverse it. I have a definite plot in mind and though I am super flexible and encourage assistant GMing and welcome many and strange ideas, going outside of the look and feel of a typical Rick and Morty episode won't be tolerated. If you have crazy ideas PM me and we'll talk. Plenty of crazy stuff happens in R&M but let's get it done a reasonable way.

Character Balance:
For the purpose of not having players with characters of wildly different power levels the character sheets for this game will require you to rate your character with how well they can approach a situation in six different ways. You'll assign numbers to these six Approaches ranging from:

+4 Great
+3 Good
+2 Fair
+1 Average
+0 Mediocre
-1 Poor

Until you've spent 13 points (and yes the -1 gives you an extra point to spend if you want to be lousy at certain Approaches but you'll be expected to roleplay this!) Or... take this array if you don't want to think too hard: +4, +3, +3, +2, +1, +0. And assign them any way you wish in the six Approaches below.

The Six Approaches are:

These should be pretty self explanatory.


"You lost me Rick..."
"Of course I did."
"...aw come on Rick, explain it."
"I did."
"...in a way I can understand it."
"Fine. All right, we want to make sure there's not one all powerful guy in the group that can lord it over the rest of them. By giving the same number of points to everyone, we can be sure that everyone is different but pretty close to equal."
"Is that like when Mom says everyone has something they're good at but not everyone has found out what that something is yet?"
"...eh... close enough."

Then, come up with an overall High Concept of your character. What's your deal? If you're Tony Stark your High Concept might be Billionaire Playboy Philanthropist (Tony's not allowed in this game either, but a lot of people are familiar with that phrase so yeah). Just a few words or a short sentence that sums up your character's core and at least hints at their motivations.

Then write up a few sentences about the cool stuff your character can do. We'll call these Aspects. You get up to three of em and you can add more later, this is just so people can look at your CS and kinda get what your character is about, and let's be honest, so you can brag about the cool stuff you can do.

Finally, everyone has something that gives them Trouble. What is the thing that causes you the most problems? A raging addiction to Alcohol? Interdimensional bounty hunters on your trail? A Plumbus allergy? Whatever it is, you can be sure the GM will use this as plot fuel.

Every character in the game will have access to a Portal Gun, though their Rick if they're a Morty or they may have found and/or built their own if they are a Non-Rick or Morty but some other character, OR they may have just come across, fell through, or otherwise traversed through a Portal in the very recent past. This is so the characters can end up in the spot where all of the initial characters begin.

Where? You guessed it, (if you're smart, maybe) The Citadel of Ricks. You'll need to figure out the how or why your character is there, and you could even be a captive.

The start of the plot (which I'm keeping vague at this point because spoilers) will require all the characters be at the Citadel and I as the GM will figure out how you are all in the starting location for me to give you all the details of the overarching story.

I will place the IC in the Redstar area because of the adult themes in the Rick and Morty show, but the rule of thumb is, if you could conceivably see it on the show, then it's okay here. If it goes too far graphically to show there, then it will here too.

My PC for this is... Schwifty Morty (in this case another Morticia, since there's a Morticia in the Pocket Mortys game I figure genderswapping is a thing that can happen.)


Morticia VonSmythe aka Schwifty Morty
Careful: +1 (Average)
Clever: +3 (Good)
Flashy: +4 (Great)
Forceful: +0 (Mediocre)
Quick: +3 (Good)
Sneaky: +2 (Fair)

High Concept: Clever Rocker Chick Morty

Get Schwifty - Morticia is the lead Vocalist and backup guitarist for her band, "Get Schwifty", and as such is talented with both guitar playing and singing.
Too Smart for My Own Good - She's very clever, and rebuilt a Portal Gun from broken parts when Rick and Morty C-137 visited her timeline and left the pieces behind when they left. Unfortunately, the first time she activated the thing it locked in on a previous location - the Citadel of Ricks.
Look At Me! - Possessing natural showmanship, Morticia is very good at getting attention, be it positive or negative.

Karma is a Bitch - When things go well for Morticia, there's always a cloud behind the silver lining. Things tend to backfire or have unintended consequences. The better she succeeds, the more the eventual backlash will be.

I'm leaving this blank for right now in case someone wants to make a Rick that she can be the Morty of...

Wubba Lubba Dub Dub!
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I'm repeating my character that I put in the intro post here so people see new activity in the OOC - please submit your characters in this thread - if they need tweaking we will work that out behind the scenes in PM and edits will be made if needed.

My PC for this is... Schwifty Morty (in this case another Morticia, since there's a Morticia in the Pocket Mortys game I figure genderswapping is a thing that can happen.)


Morticia VonSmythe aka Schwifty Morty

Careful: +1 (Average)
Clever: +3 (Good)
Flashy: +4 (Great)
Forceful: +0 (Mediocre)
Quick: +3 (Good)
Sneaky: +2 (Fair)

High Concept: Clever Rocker Chick Morty

Get Schwifty - Morticia is the lead vocalist and backup guitarist for her band, "Get Schwifty", and as such is talented with both guitar playing and singing.
Too Smart for My Own Good - She's very clever, and rebuilt a Portal Gun from broken parts when Rick and Morty C-137 visited her timeline and left the pieces behind when they left. Unfortunately, the first time she activated the thing it locked in on a previous location - the Citadel of Ricks.
Look At Me! - Possessing natural showmanship, Morticia is very good at getting attention, be it positive or negative.

Karma is a Bitch - When things go well for Morticia, there's always a cloud behind the silver lining. Things tend to backfire or have unintended consequences. The better she succeeds, the more the eventual backlash will be.

I'm leaving this blank for right now in case someone wants to make a Rick that she can be the Morty of...
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Woah, I didn't realize you'd added in your bio. Guess that means I've got the No. 2 slot. Feel free to let me know about any required changes!


Ganymede 09

Careful: +0
Clever: +4
Flashy: +2
Forceful: +4
Quick: +4
Sneaky: -1

Built to Last- Made from an incredibly durable alloy, equipped with a highly advanced shield-generator, and powered by an dark matter battery, Ganymede 09 is borderline invincible when compared to most things in the multiverse. Able to withstand nearly anything short of Rick-made weaponry and continue functioning. Sustained heavy weapons fire can break down his energy shield, but there's almost nothing that'll be able to take Ganymede down without a fight.
Programmed to Fight- Loaded to the brim with deadly weaponry crafted by the Rick of his universe. Ganymede is a deadly combatant, intended to form 1/10th of a fighting force capable of standing against an entire Federation Fleet. Fully capable of deep-space flight, and armed with a seemingly endless supply of killing tools such as antimatter cannons, plasma blades, gene-seeking missiles, flamethrowers, a Guided Neutrino Burst Emitter (for those moments when you have to kill just absolutely everything that's in a nice straight line) Ganymede is definitely a contender for "Multiverse's deadliest Roomba." The GNBE is by far his deadliest weapon, but can only be fired twice before completely draining his battery, requiring 7,239 years to reach full charge again, assuming he's plugged in to a standard wall outlet. This can be avoided by simply providing him with a new dark matter battery, circumventing the need to be plugged into the wall.
Technologic- In addition to his impregnable defenses and deadly weapons systems, Ganymede 09 was built with a private connection to the Citadel, providing quick and easy access to the vast wealth of information that is stored there for anyone with the password. Currently, it's "RickRocksQ439" and will stay that way until someone with admin privileges over Ganymede changes it.

Mr. Roboto- Due to the Jerry of his universe tripping over a power cord during a software update, Ganymede's AI is still relatively primitive, lacking the ability to tell someone apart from their alternate-reality counterparts. This means that he registers every possible version of Rick, Morty, Summer, or Beth as the one from his universe, granting them admin privileges. He'll obey their orders without question, (though perhaps with a sarcastic remark) so long as it doesn't conflict with his primary objective. Unsurprisingly, Jerry is excluded from his list of admins, and Ganymede 09 has no compulsion whatsoever to follow his orders more than those of anyone else. There is an override code that would potentially allow him to bypass his primary directive, but it's stored deep within his system files, and Ganymede has no idea it exists.

Backstory: Built by one of the few Ricks that managed to fully salvage his relationship with his family, Ganymede 09 was one of ten robots intended to protect his version of the Smith family from anyone and everyone who might be out for revenge against Rick as he waged his war against the galactic federation of Reality Q-439. Things reached a dramatic crescendo as an army of alien fascists destroyed Earth Q-439. As far as Ganymede 09 is aware, his sibling-robots are destroyed. Though, he's confident that Sanchez family Q-439 is alive and well, because "You're not dead, Master Morty, you're right here!" Ganymede was only able to survive because he was off-world, having been sent to obtain the best ice cream in the multiverse that didn't contain flies. Picked up by a small crew of Council investigators, Ganymede has spent the last six years in a storage closet, with a small 'do not touch' sign hung around his neck. Woken up for [plot relevant reason] by [plot relevant character] he now serves his new family with gusto and guns alike, completely unaware of the brutal, agonizing deaths of Sanchez family Q-439.
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Michale CS
Reserving this spot.

Still thinking of the backstory and everything, but do already know this.


John Rick
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