Gender Bender Request

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Beta Breaker Z

Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Beginner
  2. Elementary
  3. Intermediate
  4. Adept
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Modern, Slice of Life, Magical Girl, Yuri, School Life, Romance, Gender Bender
Okay while I know this is a rather niche subject. I was wondering if anyone be interested in doing a slice of life gender bender story where my character get transformed from a boy to a girl. I'd like this roleplay to be FxF with your character either playing my character sister or possible his childhood friend. The main focus of the story would be helping him get use to his new life as a girl, teaching about clothes, hair, make-up, girls friendships, getting through a day in high school and more. I like the roleplay to have a mixture of drama and just general fun silliness to it. I'm also fine with our characters having a romantic relationship or a platonic one depending on what my partner prefer.

Suddenly a Sister

In this story my Character would play a geeky shut in who takes all his high school courses online. In fact he rarely ever leaves his room. The only time your character see him is when you wake him before leaving for school or when your Mother ask you to bring his meals up to his room. Your character on the other hand is a smart, pretty and fairly popular girl at the private school you go too. One day will see an ad for a Shampoo that promises it can make anyone beautiful in just one use. Remembering one of the reasons your brother dropped out of school was he was picked on for being short and geeky looking. You decide to buy it, thinking it'll turn your brother into some tall pretty boy that your friends always say they want to date. You give it to your brother and after one use there definitely a different in his appearance, just not the one you were expecting. When you go to wake your brother the next morning instead of finding him you find a cute girl lying in his bed.

Be Careful What You Wish For:

In this story my character and yours have been childhood friends since we've been small children. We've always been in the same class together and have never really been apart for each other for more then a week or too. Though all that's about to change as your parents have told you that you'll be entering an all girls boarding school for your senior year of high school. You are of course upset over all this, but know that you'll have to go no matter what, and hate that your character and mine will be separated.

Though on the night before your going to drive to your new school a strange text message appears from a person claiming they can grant wishes. You of course wish that we could continue going to school together and go to bed. In the morning you wake up to find a text saying your wish has been granted and find a photo album you have never seen before near your bed. Opening it you find pictures of you and a girl you've never seen, but non of you and me together.

You then receive a call from my character telling you that this morning they woke up as a girl and you realize that was the result of your wish. To make matter worst it seems that our past have have changed and now only you and me ever remember that I was once a boy.

So basically from there our characters will go off to the all girls boarding school together. We end up living in the same dorm room and you help me get use to my new life as a girl. As for relationships we could just remain friends or could start a romantic relationship it's all up to you.

If anyone is interested feel free to pm me and thanks for taking the time to read my request.
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