Fruits Basket

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Three minute-walk from the estate, but the school is just across the market, so it would be like...

Restaurant ___ Apartment Building _______ Sohma estate ____ School (k-12)

The market is not far from the Market and let the restaurant be McDonald's~! And poor Mouija, sneezing like that...
Look in the I.C. section for more info.
waiting for more people to post before I post :V
I posted already~!
this is interesting.. it seems like only a few people are keeping up with the pace lol
I haven't had much inspiration to reply with lately ^_^;;
Nuein: I'm a little confused by your post. ^.^; Kimika (which I assume is who you meant when you said Shizuka) is at the Sohma estate not the market. She will definitely stop by the market after she sees her father, though. I'm really sorry if my previous post was confusing!
Nuein: I'm a little confused by your post. ^.^; Kimika (which I assume is who you meant when you said Shizuka) is at the Sohma estate not the market. She will definitely stop by the market after she sees her father, though. I'm really sorry if my previous post was confusing!

No; it's all good.
I was confused since you mentioned the store.
*laughing at wolf's chara* You.. you know..ahahaha.. you probably wouldn't get in that much trouble.. ahahaha.. ahhh.. god.. soooo cute
>w< I know, he's totally overreacting right now :P
I don't want to rush anyone, but there are still people who haven't posted yet.

Mushishi stopped posting but should be back soon I think (bunny), [MENTION=3180]Kyysucara Namosaka[/MENTION] I think s/he's posting/posted but I'm not sure (rat, non-cursed), [MENTION=5291]NightstoneExE[/MENTION] Has not posted on the RP thread or recently posted on this one as far as I know (snake), [MENTION=4702]LuluRS[/MENTION] May not have posted? (lamb), [MENTION=4590]Koene[/MENTION] I think she's posted, she should be fine, not sure (horse, non-cursed),[MENTION=5284]FighterKat[/MENTION] Hasn't posted since acceptance (boar); I think those are all the nonactive members (and some I accidentally labeled nonactive) though I may have missed some.

It might be that they are waiting to post, have forgot about this RP,didn't know it was up, or haven't been on lately, and we should give it some time for them to respond, naturally.

However, if they haven't posted in a significant amount of time I think it would only be fair to put the zodiacs up for grabs again for others who want to RP it
I've been posting but nobodies interacting with them.
I've been neglecting my horsie!

Seeing how we're not all living together, I think Moriko and Kichirou will teleport to the main estate with Ame and the rest.
Akihiro opened his arms to them in their time of need, so Moriko is determined to pay him back - besides acting as a kind of mother for the household, she's preparing to interview with a few local businesses and get back on her feet.
Kichirou likes to torment the children by making them turn, so he's pretty much grounded for eternity. He can be crafty, though...

Sound alright, Aki-sama?
I'm waiting to post because... I honestly have no idea how to bring Tori into the group to interact. He's too old to be going to school with most of them and doesn't live in the estate.
make him have some business at the estate or have him got to Metrokon or something?
That sounds.. uhm.. interesting koene... lol.. uhm... okay? I guess? I mean.. do whatever you want.. their you're characters.. just be prepared to feel the wrath of Aki-sama if he hear's his family is being treated unwell.
Psh, I hate Kichirou xP
Feel free to wrath all over him!
Mouija graduated, so she sometimes plays games by herself.
Totemo is probably the oldest non-cursed character here.

But by the way, Kyo...
Sometimes, your posts are probably two lines or so, which can be easy to miss. I do not intend to supply malice, but short posts can sometimes be missed. However, I congratulate you for making them count. I will also have a couple of workers at the Metro-Kon. That is the market/bar.
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Oh I see now, We should figure out a way to get all the characters to interact with one another equally
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