Fresh Poison (OOC/Sign Ups- Open)

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I'm hoping to progress into the party in the next few days, so I'd advise anyone currently working on characters to have them finished ASAP but maybe leave posting for them until I have the party going.

So if you're working on a character, get them in soon.
Name: Arin Wolfe
Nickname(s): If applicable.
Age: 18
Gender: Agender (they/them)
Sexuality: Asexual, likes girls romantically

Secret: They have Paranoid Schizophrenia. They suffer from visual and auditory hallucinations and delusions. They think that everyone can hear their thoughts. They know that none of the things they think, hear, and see are real, but that doesn't make them any easier to ignore. They have gotten pretty good at hiding it, because their hallucinations are a big inspiration to their art. They are worried that if people find out and they have to be medicated, they won't be able to make art anymore.

Personality: Over the years, Arin has perfected their image as a cool, mysterious, artsy kid, but just under the surface is a roiling mass of neuroses constantly threatening to tear them apart. They don't say much, often content to sit off to the side and draw. They have issues trusting people, because of their delusions, so they try not to get close to anyone. They are content to remain a distant, untouchable figure.

Other: They have a tattoo on their left wrist.

Name: Arin Wolfe
Nickname(s): If applicable.
Age: 18
Gender: Agender (they/them)
Sexuality: Asexual, likes girls romantically

Secret: They have Paranoid Schizophrenia. They suffer from visual and auditory hallucinations and delusions. They think that everyone can hear their thoughts. They know that none of the things they think, hear, and see are real, but that doesn't make them any easier to ignore. They have gotten pretty good at hiding it, because their hallucinations are a big inspiration to their art. They are worried that if people find out and they have to be medicated, they won't be able to make art anymore.

Personality: Over the years, Arin has perfected their image as a cool, mysterious, artsy kid, but just under the surface is a roiling mass of neuroses constantly threatening to tear them apart. They don't say much, often content to sit off to the side and draw. They have issues trusting people, because of their delusions, so they try not to get close to anyone. They are content to remain a distant, untouchable figure.

Other: They have a tattoo on their left wrist.

Looks good! Accepted :)
I'm hoping to progress into the party in the next few days, so I'd advise anyone currently working on characters to have them finished ASAP but maybe leave posting for them until I have the party going.

So if you're working on a character, get them in soon.
Aw, man sorry I was busy yesterday. I'll have it done in a few hours.

Name: Keanu Mahi'ai
Nickname(s): Fuzzy (to be explained)
Age: 19
Gender: Male (he/him)
Sexuality: Homosexual

Secret: Keanu has HIV. He's known since he was quite young but has never told anyone. Afraid of the rumors and ways people would treat him, he never said anything. He made a point of joking with others with the typical "they're a slut, I bet they have AIDS" in an attempt to sound normal. Now Keanu has to be even more careful with the investigation going on.

Personality: The class clown. The prankster. The goof. He's an oddball and proud of it. He does a lot of weird things without embarrassment even when others are embarrassed for him. He's intelligent and skilled with all things technology related, but hides it, preferring the 'funny and dumb' persona he has taken up. Keanu has a soft spot for kids, animals, and the stray dog type of person. He has a very pack-like mentality and values loyalty and support within his friends and family.

- He prefers to wear his hair in a bun, but is constantly suffering from losing his hair-ties.
- Keanu enjoys all sports, but has never stuck with just one.
- Reading weird books is one of his favorite hobbies.
- He collects coins.
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Name: Keanu Mahi'ai
Nickname(s): Fuzzy (to be explained)
Age: 19
Gender: Male (he/him)
Sexuality: Homosexual

Secret: Keanu has HIV. He's known since he was quite young but has never told anyone. Afraid of the rumors and ways people would treat him, he never said anything. He made a point of joking with others with the typical "they're a slut, I bet they have AIDS" in an attempt to sound normal. Now Keanu has to be even more careful with the investigation going on.

Personality: The class clown. The prankster. The goof. He's an oddball and proud of it. He does a lot of weird things without embarrassment even when others are embarrassed for him. He's intelligent and skilled with all things technology related, but hides it, preferring the 'funny and dumb' persona he has taken up. Keanu has a soft spot for kids, animals, and the stray dog type of person. He has a very pack-like mentality and values loyalty and support within his friends and family.

- He prefers to wear his hair in a bun, but is constantly suffering from losing his hair-ties.
- Keanu enjoys all sports, but has never stuck with just one.
- Reading weird books is one of his favorite hobbies.
- He collects coins.
Looks good, accepted!
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Guys, this party is shaping up to be really interesting. I'm hoping to get it started before the weekend, so I'd like any current IC stuff to be finished up ASAP.

@King If you could post for that thing we talked about, that would be lovely :)
Guys, this party is shaping up to be really interesting. I'm hoping to get it started before the weekend, so I'd like any current IC stuff to be finished up ASAP.

@King If you could post for that thing we talked about, that would be lovely :)
I'm on it!
  • Thank You
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Screen Shot 2015-06-17 at 2.44.00 PM.png

Name: Cynthia Cho
Nickname(s): N/A
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Secret: Cynthia was a extraordinarily plain girl growing up in the city - a dumpy, self-conscious student who went unnoticed among her classmates. At the age of 15, however, before moving to Mountain Brook to start anew, Cynthia decided she'd had enough of being average. With the support of her mother, a callous woman who had paid little attention to Cynthia beyond her academic and social life, she underwent extensive facial plastic surgery and liposuction. Now, she's an up-and-coming fresh face on the modeling scene, but is terrified her secret will eventually be exposed, shattering her blossoming career and reputation.

Personality: She's the quintessential diva, a socialite who totes around Hermes bags and name-drops celebrities on the regular. After her move to Mountain Brook, Cynthia completely reinvented herself to become the girl she always wanted to be. However, for all her glam and sociability, she never truly connects with anyone. Her childhood has distorted her view of relationships, leading her to believe to only way to be accepted by others is to put up a pretense. One wrong step could bring it all crashing down.

In reality, Cynthia is an extremely composed, if selfish, young woman. She may come off as ditzy, but she never makes rash decisions and only acts in her own best interest.

- Her family is fairly wealthy.
- She has a secret love of cinema classics, but refuses to acknowledge it.
- She despises almost all animals, especially canines.

(note: is the pic the right size? i'm having some problems formatting)
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Name: Cynthia Cho
Nickname(s): N/A
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Secret: Cynthia was a extraordinarily plain girl growing up in the city - a dumpy, self-conscious student who went unnoticed among her classmates. At the age of 15, however, before moving to Mountain Brook to start anew, Cynthia decided she'd had enough of being average. With the support of her mother, a callous woman who had paid little attention to Cynthia beyond her academic and social life, she underwent extensive facial plastic surgery and liposuction. Now, she's an up-and-coming fresh face on the modeling scene, but is terrified her secret will eventually be exposed, shattering her blossoming career and reputation.

Personality: She's the quintessential diva, a socialite who totes around Hermes bags and name-drops celebrities on the regular. After her move to Mountain Brook, Cynthia completely reinvented herself to become the girl she always wanted to be. However, for all her glam and sociability, she never truly connects with anyone. Her childhood has distorted her view of relationships, leading her to believe to only way to be accepted by others is to put up a pretense. One wrong step could bring it all crashing down.

In reality, Cynthia is an extremely composed, if selfish, young woman. She may come off as ditzy, but she never makes rash decisions and only acts in her own best interest.

- Her family is fairly wealthy.
- She has a secret love of cinema classics, but refuses to acknowledge it.
- She despises almost all animals, especially canines.

(note: is the pic the right size? i'm having some problems formatting)
I'm on mobile at the minute, but looks okay on this. Accepted!

[ Jameson W. Walsh (James, J) | 18 Years Old | Cis-gendered Male | Bisexual ]

S e c r e t } Jameson used to be a prestigious piano player. His parents glorified him each time he would win a monetary prize, which were usually around five grand to ten grand if he's lucky -- he'll receive more. In his piano days, he met a woman who competed with him. This was during at the age of fifteen and the woman was twenty-six. They grew into a relationship unknown to others. They would meet each other in secret -- usually in places far from their little town to a big city and come back the night of. Eventually, the secret was revealed and the woman denied everything. She admitted that she was married and already in love with another man. Shortly after that Jameson went on a tantrum; he got tattoo's and started to cause chaos wherever he goes. His ability to fall in love was gone.

P e r s o n a n l i t y } The boy with a pretty face but a terrible attitude. Jameson is the type of guy nobody really likes -- he's an ass hole. He keeps far from people who attempt to be close to him. His friends are scarce, but the few who hang around him manages to keep to his friendly side; basically, sarcastic prick, he's such a sweetheart. He's careless and causes ruckus where he goes with no thoughts about the consequences. His recklessness usually gets him in trouble. However, he is able to get out of trouble with his sweet talk. Jameson thinks about what he says before vocalizing it, he's cautious of fucking up more than once. Luckily, he is able to speak eloquently without letting his sailor's tongue slip. Jameson has the inevitable habit of swearing, it's a constant thing.

O t h e r } Jameson is the cousin to Leon.
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Cynthia? Absolutely! Want to discuss over PM, or just keep it a simple cut-and-dry friendship?
Whichever feels good to you. :)

[ Jameson W. Walsh (James, J) | 18 Years Old | Cis-gendered Male | Bisexual ]

S e c r e t } Jameson used to be a prestigious piano player. His parents glorified him each time he would win a monetary prize, which were usually around five grand to ten grand if he's lucky -- he'll receive more. In his piano days, he met a woman who competed with him. This was during at the age of fifteen and the woman was twenty-six. They grew into a relationship unknown to others. They would meet each other in secret -- usually in places far from their little town to a big city and come back the night of. Eventually, the secret was revealed and the woman denied everything. She admitted that she was married and already in love with another man. Shortly after that Jameson went on a tantrum; he got tattoo's and started to cause chaos wherever he goes. His ability to fall in love was gone.

P e r s o n a n l i t y } The boy with a pretty face but a terrible attitude. Jameson is the type of guy nobody really likes -- he's an ass hole. He keeps far from people who attempt to be close to him. His friends are scarce, but the few who hang around him manages to keep to his friendly side; basically, sarcastic prick, he's such a sweetheart. He's careless and causes ruckus where he goes with no thoughts about the consequences. His recklessness usually gets him in trouble. However, he is able to get out of trouble with his sweet talk. Jameson thinks about what he says before vocalizing it, he's cautious of fucking up more than once. Luckily, he is able to speak eloquently without letting his sailor's tongue slip. Jameson has the inevitable habit of swearing, it's a constant thing.

O t h e r } Jameson is the cousin to Leon.
Looks good, accepted!
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